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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 301 KB, 1447x2047, F1CwoEFaUAIk5p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55475830 No.55475830 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope, Crystal Chronicles

>> No.55475882

cool pic

>> No.55475884
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55475916

The dogs are playing River City Girls. Insane how compatible Advent is with mowi

>> No.55475976
File: 112 KB, 810x1080, Fjn44EHaMAU3v_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>55447568

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpuNdXMiq_0
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)_

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (COMING SOON! - August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_JIGOKU_ec
//// Stream Kyozou no Carousel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JddQTOY9MZI

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) JIGOKU 6 EP pre-order [Standard/Limited]

OUT FOR THE SEASON—coming soon to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.55476109
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>> No.55476137

I wonder if she ever played Crystal Chronicles.

>> No.55476239
Quoted by: >>55476497

why do they always draw her boobs with so much emphasis

>> No.55476311

>the lipmarks on the skull

>> No.55476414
File: 405 KB, 1275x718, Screenshot_20230805_050517_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55476509

Guys, the Carousel brain rot is real.
>doing morning workout, listening to playlist
>Red comes on
>"I should listen Carousel after this."
>Fish my phone out and play Carousel
>Continue work out
>Edge comes on
>Put down dumbells and play Carousel
>Repeat for 2 hours
Everytime I hear Mori or REOL's music my first thought is "I should really listen to Carousel again." I haven't felt this way about a song in a long time.

>> No.55476467

If it was highschool, Advent would sit at the same table Mori is at lunch.

>> No.55476497
File: 1.80 MB, 2894x4093, FnX9PdSakAA2px4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Mori Calliope is a woman with big, large, heaving, pendulous, soft, humongous breasts

>> No.55476509

the MIRROR MIRROR hits insanely well
I found myself just humming it a lot when not listening to it

>> No.55476657
File: 115 KB, 1200x871, 1691399416552729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55476698

remember to love your Mori

>> No.55476698

funny how her scuffed heart from the MV talk stream kept living in her head

>> No.55476743

damn, this is some impressive shit

>> No.55477063

can't read moon runes what does it say?

>> No.55477302

Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole.

>> No.55477353

>tiny boy butt
>belt that looks like a pp
getting mixed signals

>> No.55477464

>>belt that looks like a pp
cannot unsee...

>> No.55477541

HACHI getting a publication in Lawson stores nation wide, probably just a small pamphlet but still nice

>> No.55477605

that's pretty big congrats to her

>> No.55477649

Just pissing off a cliff into the ocean I guess

>> No.55477682

I've never seen a Lawson in the US

>> No.55477814

There's two in Hawaii apparently. Ironically it started in Ohio

>> No.55477825
Quoted by: >>55478427

They failed in the US so the owner went all in on Japan market in the 80s. It paid off really well

>> No.55478316
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>> No.55478427


>> No.55478555
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>> No.55478669
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>> No.55478747
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Quoted by: >>55486367


>> No.55478749

Someone said mori missed most of the scary moments in Night Security, but I'll be honest, I must've missed them too. What were some of them?

>> No.55478963

>watch entirety of Night Security live last night
>no VoD to catch up on in the morning
What a strange sort of feel.

>> No.55479122

marrying my mori...

>> No.55479895

Pretty sure in the room with blood floor you were supposed to see something but she was pulling the old "look at your feet so you don't have to see" tactic. She's surprisingly a scaredy cat

>> No.55480544

Got to be honest, I don't know either.
I've only seen Shinri's run of the game before and he was doing a no scares shitpost run.

>> No.55481401

marrying my Morp

>> No.55482292
File: 452 KB, 513x593, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time catching the doggies since the debut, and they're pretty fun. The audio seems to be fixed now too so the accent isn't much of a hurdle.

>> No.55482316
File: 3.70 MB, 1920x1080, RedInaFWMC[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvknybn.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55482525
Quoted by: >>55482650

When's the bae watchalong? Baes times wrong

>> No.55482585
Quoted by: >>55485572

I don't think Mori knows who Clive Barker is

>> No.55482650

9th, evening jst, she didn't name the exact hour

>> No.55482952

kek nice

>> No.55483161

i will become better for morpo

>> No.55484156

Next stream is announced. More FF

>> No.55484838
File: 382 KB, 880x495, 0058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55484888

>> No.55484878

Mori couldn't even wait to celebrate 500k.

>> No.55484888

this video is all over the place, I don't believe it at all

>> No.55485019

4 is a goated number

>> No.55485085

What do you guys think Reol, and Mori’s text convos are like?

>> No.55485142

4 is the best number

>> No.55485312

If Bijou first played Undertale this year, what could the connection be? It can't just be "both of us like undertale" there's tons of that in Hololive.

>> No.55485371
Quoted by: >>55487572

Mori has never played undertale as a holo . My guess is that she remixed something or an oc involving Mori.

>> No.55485379

bijou is sans

>> No.55485398

She’s just covering for Mori being a lolicon it’s really that simple.

>> No.55485456

I imagine they'll play a lot of two player games.

>> No.55485500
Quoted by: >>55500914

not anymore, that game is cursed for holomems it seems

>> No.55485572

She doesn't, she was just combining Clive with Bob Barker in her head, hence the title lol

>> No.55485919

bijou is toby with a voice changer

>> No.55485969
File: 1.59 MB, 1367x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55486538

Oh yeah
They still didn't unfuck the transparency on the sleeve/veil

>> No.55486367
File: 114 KB, 549x827, 1624776262646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen to all four songs again
>got used to them now so none of them sound confusing
>in fact, they all sound fucking great
>stream tomorrow at the usual time
Fuck, I'm content. Truly at PEACE. Feels good, bros.

>> No.55486538
Quoted by: >>55491129

Cover had an extra year to work on the Myth models and they're still somehow the worst-rigged ones in the entire company...

>> No.55487313

Mori bum

>> No.55487327

Mori tum

>> No.55487429


>> No.55487462

Mori pun

>> No.55487487

>"Its hard to find a heart rate monitor that works, especially in Japan"
>IRyS playing SOMA with a heart rate monitor no problem
Mori...the ones you bought aren't broken...

>> No.55487567

I really think it's the kazoo problem again

>> No.55487572
Quoted by: >>55488090

But she has talked about having played it multiple times.

>> No.55487676
File: 629 KB, 2256x3454, 1679590471461511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's moris

>> No.55487766

god i wish she was real

>> No.55487823

Oh god I’m gonna meep…

>> No.55487849

she liked the anchor pic

>> No.55488090

Yeah but it's something different then and not her watching a playthrough.

>> No.55488241
Quoted by: >>55488324

I think it's her boobs

>> No.55488324
Quoted by: >>55488452

Were her boobs also responsible for the kazoo problem?

>> No.55488380
Quoted by: >>55488664

It's clearly the "I have too much boob fat" problem

>> No.55488452

Nations waged war over Mori's breasts

>> No.55488587
File: 722 KB, 2731x4096, Ft1tWzoacAALt8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55489738

remember to get crushed by your mori

>> No.55488664

It goes around her arm

>> No.55488736

No it doesn't

>> No.55489716

Left For Dead Lullaby is so good, better than Carousel I think

>> No.55489738


>> No.55490006
Quoted by: >>55490155

Hey future beat, what's Mori's big song to surpass RIP?

>> No.55490155
Quoted by: >>55526334

RIP is now at 214M views after going viral on Tiktok, nothing has a chance of surpassing it

>> No.55490161

quit bragging and fuck off, trunks
i hope you're the one that gets ganked by cell

>> No.55490195

The ones they use are these ones that strap to their chests. If it was that simple they would use them more often, but most of them hate dealing with them and having to take it off when they go to the bathroom during streams to avoid weirdos.

>> No.55490249
Quoted by: >>55490342

>having to take it off when they go to the bathroom during streams to avoid weirdos.
why not just hide the heart rate element

>> No.55490342

Because most the girls in hololive are not very smart.

>> No.55490498

they really should get an optical one for their arm like this, it'll also be more reliable for how they use it because the chest strap ones need the sensor pads to be moist. Works fine when you're running and sweating but less so when you're sitting at your PC

>> No.55491080

A-are you from the future or did UMG somehow have YET ANOTHER oopsie?

>> No.55491129

That implies that they spent that extra year working on them, when the reality is they got them done within the first year and shelved them until debut/FES

>> No.55491283

how do i get a mori gf?
i have zero redeeming qualities and no desire to improve

>> No.55491401
File: 4 KB, 129x144, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55491556

If you can pull off pic related you might have a chance.

>> No.55491550

Has anyone done fan art of Mori walking the demon dog twins yet?

>> No.55491556

Donquixote family I'm in after I fuck up this country

>> No.55491606

>how do I acquire a top en PC
>I have no money and no desire to work for it
Nothing on this world is free deadbeat actual.

>> No.55491956
Quoted by: >>55492019

Goob’s playing the same horror game as Mori.

>> No.55491961
File: 112 KB, 328x313, 1632162188340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55492101

>remember to love your Mori is now canon

>> No.55492019

good to see Goober playing it

>> No.55492101
Quoted by: >>55492232

>she might have been one of ritual posters

>> No.55492232
File: 60 KB, 236x182, 1679379433675913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55492604

>I'm secretly Mori

>> No.55492286

Why hasn't she done the new PC yet? She should know her mid tower isn't going to fit that shit.

>> No.55492426

>She should know her mid tower isn't going to fit that shit
Anon...this is Mori we're talking about. She was too scared to install RAM, bought an overpriced gimmick laptop, and didn't know how to use a wireless mouse

>> No.55492439
Quoted by: >>55492669

She's waiting for her Mori Calliope Y40 + Desk Pad + Gift Box Bundle package to arrive.

>> No.55492598

like majority of autistic people she's scared of change
like majority of ADHD people she's an extreme procrastinator
like majority of Hololive girls, she's retarded

>> No.55492604

Go to bed, you have a whole day of sperging about how Clive and Jill aren't fucking ahead of you

>> No.55492630
Quoted by: >>55492717

Mori's marvelous milky mammaries make me manhandle my meaty member

>> No.55492669

He means that her case is mid-sized and the description she's been giving of the new PC is that it will likely be a full-sized beefy tower. Mori isn't very good with computers so it's very likely she hasn't thought ahead on something like that

>> No.55492706
Quoted by: >>55493080

>she's an extreme procrastinator
Not when it involves her passion

>> No.55492717

me like almost every night now

>> No.55493067

no, she wasn't too scared to install RAM, she was too scared to install an SSD (or HDD) - remember miku PC has 500GB of "memory" according to her

That being said Mori's moved multiple times now so the only "setup" she would need for the new PC that she hasn't done multiple times with Miku PC is install the software she needs. But maybe she's just afraid to touch a working setup in general.

>> No.55493080

I mean, yeah, the other side of ADHD is hyperfocus

>> No.55493108

Then get a company to do assembly for her. If there’s anything she SC and merch/royalty funds are well spend on it’s equipment upgrades.

>> No.55493875

why doesn't Mori just download more ram?

>> No.55495087

Amalee is teasing something.

>> No.55495193

please don't don't be a pop figure please don't don't be a pop figure please don't don't be a pop figure please don't don't be a pop figure please don't don't be a pop figure please don't don't be a pop figure

>> No.55495214
Quoted by: >>55497015

Youtooz basically funko pops. Both garbage products. They are like discount nendroids

>> No.55495303

Travel back in time to circa 2010-14 deviantArt or Tumblr and pray you find the good one

>> No.55495885

You can an Ope mistress who will whip you (figuratively and physically) into your best self

>> No.55496279

Start a vtuber company and hire broken girls

>> No.55497015

Yootooz are actually worse since literally anyone can have one made, just gotta pay for it.

>> No.55498939
Quoted by: >>55500014

I ran out of Mori vods and watched Advent's L4D and it was pretty damn funny between Bijou flipping between leading the rest and fucking with them and twins doing their best Korone impression with melee-only run.

>> No.55499940
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1080, Mori Bikini Bounce 2[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F80beti.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55499984
Quoted by: >>55500348

Ah yes, my view every night.

>> No.55500014
Quoted by: >>55501616

Fun fact
Biboo asked if she could troll beforehand and then did exactly that

>> No.55500348

Not now Dudu

>> No.55500744

Where has Dudu been?

>> No.55500757
Quoted by: >>55501254

I'm still confused as to why that angle makes her eyes bloodshot

>> No.55500914
Quoted by: >>55500987

Oh no! What happened?

>> No.55500987
Quoted by: >>55501203


>> No.55501203
Quoted by: >>55501522

Funny enough, Bijou had to change Katamari too

>> No.55501254
Quoted by: >>55501377

Because making anime styled 3D models requires a lot of perspective cheating, so the sclera of her eyes is actually a cavity with different shading towards the top

>> No.55501377

I feel like that could be done better now today's modeling standard. All the recent 3D show it.

>> No.55501522

>Katamari to Cooking Simulator
Oh, that actually kinda sucks. Could've made for a very cute stream

>> No.55501616

That moment when they all saw she did 0 damage to the first witch despite having a clear shot the entire fight was amusing. Also the way twins thank anyone who helps them together is so adorable it's crazy.

>> No.55501987
File: 503 KB, 1558x2224, .-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a letter from Mori
"Deadbeats" as one word in the salutation? You're slipping, Mori

>> No.55502712
Quoted by: >>55505837

Dead D. Beat

>> No.55503494
File: 187 KB, 1097x2048, F27r39baMAAdJGV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hot.

>> No.55503578
Quoted by: >>55504887

What's this from?

>> No.55503948

I wonder if she'll go crazy long again or just six hours. (just!)
I hope it's not too long I have work tomorrow.

>> No.55504887

Valentines merch, includede a letter

>> No.55504951
Quoted by: >>55505887

I see she now has two cowgirl outfits

>> No.55505837

Do deadbeats carry the Will of D

>> No.55505887

Inside every Mori is two cowgirls

>> No.55505960

Yeah, Dee's Nuts

>> No.55507469
Quoted by: >>55509291

The Will of DD.

>> No.55509027
Quoted by: >>55510830

I don't Kiara is going to be ogey...
I wonder how Mori's practice is going?

>> No.55509291

You can find it in Uno Piece.

>> No.55510669
File: 410 KB, 1448x2048, F2M_6XnbUAA9hY4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55510830
Quoted by: >>55511534

Well hopefully she's at least got some of the core systems down more than kiara. I have a strong suspicion she'll go gengar, who is apparently pretty bad now, and also a glass cannon character. been forever since I played but I know he was kinda nuts on launch. hopefully if she is playing gengar she at least learns how to get in and out decent enough, hell, maybe even reads her abilities, that seems to be the hurdle to be better than kiara thus far.

>> No.55511063
Quoted by: >>55512502

She's going to buy these for her cats, isn't she?

>> No.55511534
Quoted by: >>55513039

We know Mori atleast knows how MOBAs work on the base level since she played LoL with friends long ago and her long term memory is generally ok.

>> No.55511920

>already decided shes practicing Unite off stream
>Ame's recovering from tommy hort
we were this close to a rainforest collabo...

>> No.55512502

>Cat now constantly tells you to go to sleep

>> No.55512595
File: 3.94 MB, 443x400, 1674774831959798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame practicing
It'll be Fauna and her merry band of shitters like Councilrys Ender Dragon

>> No.55512847

Where did Mori say she's practicing off stream? Was that mentioned in the Fauna/Kiara stream?

>> No.55512945

Last stream

>> No.55513039

Yeah I'll believe her on that one at least. just hoping the stuff like items and stuff doesn't elude her too much.
She said she might do a practice stream as well but mentioned she'd been practicing it last night. in the little chatting portion after credits but before supers.

>> No.55513124

She said so last stream after the gaming section. She’s excited to show us all her progress

>> No.55513451

Bae is being cute about Mori

>> No.55513492


>> No.55513552
Quoted by: >>55513696

ah, cant wacth rn, what is she saying?

>> No.55513577
Quoted by: >>55513696

Gimme the deets, I'm paying closer attention to chicken salad and biboo atm

>> No.55513696
File: 307 KB, 2048x1536, F2iP3BRagAAcDQ9 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori gifted her the P5 makeup kit, said "Kyalli is the best sister"

>> No.55513823

She really didn't like the way it looked on her kek

>> No.55514288

Very cute

>> No.55515268


>> No.55517872
File: 473 KB, 2048x1448, F2rld1oakAA8kPY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55517935

>> No.55517917
File: 252 KB, 356x565, 1691243727462808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55517935

me on the right

>> No.55519272

Remember that Rock that won't stay on the button? That was Bijou.

>> No.55519704
File: 457 KB, 1280x1892, UyUy_Mori_Calliope_12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Callioshiri Moririn

>> No.55520395

I'm glad Bijou ended up being my favorite. gives me atleast 3 hours of watching her 90% of the time before Mori starts.

>> No.55520492
File: 71 KB, 1024x775, 4C8C4026-75C3-4B36-AFF0-D8C98B611326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want Mori to suffocate me to death

>> No.55520535

Yeah quite sad she's on at the same time as shiori though she's my 2nd favourite. Couldn't care less about the other 3.

>> No.55520567
File: 50 KB, 226x298, 1690343332537115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know nothing of pain.

>> No.55520668
Quoted by: >>55520733

yeah she is my second favorite, she is burning through her zatsu topics FAST though. I dunno how long she will be able to keep that up.

>> No.55520733
Quoted by: >>55520967

She could start repeating topics from earlier in the same stream and it would still be like hearing them for the first time

>> No.55520967

kek, I see thats a common sentiment, but I don't have that issue.

>> No.55520979

Yeah Nerissa has already hard filterd me and the dogs are alright.

>> No.55521213

not my Mori

>> No.55521347
Quoted by: >>55521733

Yeah, she is in the "nothing else on" tier for me. I'll be listening to her music though, she is a great singer. A song with Mori would probally be good, similar to how Mori sounds great with IRyS.

>> No.55521583

>(Shiori is learning about the Deadbeats)

>> No.55521733
Quoted by: >>55521911

Ain't no way that's ever happening until at least a year. Unless Nerissa forces herself in.

>> No.55521737

I'm having a good time watching the dogs. I also like Biboo and Shiorin.

>> No.55521767

It’s weird but Nerissa filtered me with too much horny and yuribaiting. Normally I don’t mind those things too much, but I guess I must just prefer if it comes from a veteran holo, or maybe she just over does it. Shame because I enjoy her design and voice

>> No.55521889

I love Shiori

>> No.55521911
Quoted by: >>55522117

Depends on how hard she goes on music. She will have a MUCH more open schedule than others due to being new and if she handles all the production and Mori just needs to provide vocals I can see it happening.

>> No.55522117

Mori is far too busy and would probably want to do a collab song with her actual friends like bae before some random new comer

>> No.55522259

Am I the only one who sees a weird parallel between Nerissa and Amalee?

>> No.55522311

No I don't amalee is an actual hag and doesn't yuribait.

>> No.55522404
Quoted by: >>55522618

They are literally in the same line of work so yea lol

>> No.55522440

Give it time I doubt any of the girls are going to be the same from debut a couple of months from now.

>> No.55522618

Other than being a va/singer I genuinely don't see it. Their personalities are way different.

>> No.55522643

Yeah I can see the similarities

>> No.55522822
Quoted by: >>55523003

They are kind of similar. Amalee is at least 100 levels above Nerissa though, except that she likes apex…

>> No.55522945

I'm holding out a little bit, ironically Kiara's a good comparison I guess and that certainly chilled over the years and I think Kiara's much better for it. the main thing bothering me with her is just her schedules, it all feels very... safe and standard to me and nothing really gets me excited. week 2 rfa was definitely something of a red flag for me and personally I skip that game on principle because it's not really very entertaining and exertion sounds alone devoid of context does nothing for me sexually speaking.

>> No.55523003

Well yeah obviously she didn't need holo to propell her career. Her being a vtuber is basically a hobby, she gets big main character va jobs but I understand they pay absolutely awfully.

>> No.55523105

That's why I've been really enjoying shiori. She's very experienced and knows how to make entertaining stuff. Her 2nd steam was fantastic.

>> No.55523191

Finally, people are admitting that there's something off about Nerissa and not some 4000IQ falseflag.

>> No.55523296

fuck off retard

>> No.55523329

I told you she's bringing nothing new to the table. She's got a great voice but it's really not translating to streaming stuff. She's ease into but for now I'm not having fun.

>> No.55523410
Quoted by: >>55523545

Nerissa is the only new streamer of the group so compared to the others she going to be far behind. She reminds me a lot of early mori still trying to figure out the way to take her content.

>> No.55523437
Quoted by: >>55523635

put me in the crossthread post

>> No.55523527

rotated fubuki dot jay peg

>> No.55523545
Quoted by: >>55524931

Mori was an absolute autist dork with story after story to tell and had an very very strong personality maybe too strong at some points. Nerissa feels way way too normal for me anyway.

>> No.55523635
Quoted by: >>55523703

Nobody was even shitting on her relax.

>> No.55523703

That one schizo is in here though and seems to think the honest comments are the same as his autistic screeching.

>> No.55523864

There’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just not for me

>> No.55523956

Why do you guys don't understand what nuance is? There are people who don't like her aura, but not to the extent to wish for graduation or bad things to her.

>> No.55524097

>what are bad actors

>> No.55524360
File: 490 KB, 618x683, 1615708380896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh wow, I wonder if there's a bad actor who lurks here 24/7 and that would opportunistically use people engaging good faith airing of grievances for the purpose of bad faith shitposting

>> No.55524409
File: 233 KB, 985x787, 1641720393815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always taught if you don't like something then just ignore it. I have my own feelings on Advent but it's only worth posting the positive ones. Same for every other Holo, vtuber, or friend/relative of Mori. Don't be a debbie downer.

>> No.55524454

Morp soon

>> No.55524723

So what the ranking of who do you want mori to collab with in advent for me it's

>> No.55524772
Quoted by: >>55524958

fucking PLEASE having to see the most milquetoast "i dont watch Mori" posts get dogpiled but hurt feelys deadbeats in global and now I have to see a deadbeat has the gall to bring up "nuance" over another girl - one that I actually like by the way - while he says shit in this thread
fuck off

>> No.55524793

Nerissa (I unironically want to hear them have an hour long gush session over Kiara)

>> No.55524817

Replace 2 and 3 and it's perfect

>> No.55524877

Oh look the bad faith actor shows himself kek.

>> No.55524931

>way too normal

Ironically that's what puts me off Bijou, the whole "I'm not just a gamer! I play Souls games too!" thing. Her game taste is just so...standard.

>> No.55524958
Quoted by: >>55525132

Deadbeats just don't seems to like Nerissa anon, not a soul is shitting on her.

>> No.55525132
File: 626 KB, 2700x3000, Fs1GiAEWcAAj65x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55525279

You don't speak for me or anyone else, bitch

>> No.55525141

I can't really rank them since they will all deliver something diffrent. Bijou shares game tastes with Mori, Nerissa will be music talk and kiara probally kek, Shiori will be an autism stream and the dogs are my only reason question since they go SO hard on the kayfabe when no one in EN does that hard.

>> No.55525186
File: 722 KB, 1165x687, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55525383

Would you kick it til the last clown with Mori??

>> No.55525279

Yeah I know I don't but the multiple other people have expressed their opinion and hasn't said a word about her wanting to graduate or anything. She's just not for me and a few others. Feel free to say you enjoy her nobody is stopping you.

>> No.55525357


Not to say I don't want Mori to collab with the twins. I just want to see how Mori interacts with the other three more

>> No.55525383

Who's the last clown?

>> No.55525596
File: 314 KB, 468x645, Screenshot 2023-06-10 160319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou talking about the Undertale collab with a huge amount gravity and describing it as "one of the reasons she's here"
What that FUCK is gonna happen in that collab?

>> No.55525638


>> No.55525748

Obviously, a Mori and Deadbeat themed Undertale mod she made before getting approved, and they got permission to play on stream.

>> No.55525783

Enter Bijou?

>> No.55525850

fucking kek ;ori, I love you so much

>> No.55525945
File: 312 KB, 345x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55526116

How does she do it?

>> No.55526116

>Mori was watching Bijou right until the stream started
>Bijou raids into Mori
It's like pottery

>> No.55526249

The last thread someone jokingly said the himebeat is gonna experience the "The Matsuri/Luna" arc again, but that lowkey might not be a joke anymore lmao

>> No.55526334

kek, I can beleeb dat

>> No.55526353
Quoted by: >>55526596

I'm really looking forward to that collab. I hope Bijou can move her mouse in a CIRCULAR MOTION otherwise a certain Deadbeat is going to cause yet another Hololive member a lot of pain.

>> No.55526406
File: 58 KB, 211x273, 1670084657506266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that's never going to happen because that's extremely retarded

>> No.55526415

Don't even joke about that

>> No.55526596
Quoted by: >>55528404

Everybody was impressed Flare and Marine beat Sans in less than 30 tries, but Kanata was the one in the lab and was the only one discovering new tech.

>> No.55526627
Quoted by: >>55527011

Mori is so excited that Biboo is in chat

>> No.55527011

is she going to be best friends with her?
is Biboo in Japan?

>> No.55527372

Idk, I’m waiting to see what their connection is first. Seems like they could be great friends though. Biboo is nice and outgoing, and Mori likes that type

>> No.55527587

I never said I hated her or thought she was a leech or whatever rrat you're pushing. I'm at worst apprehensive about her and I still think she's my tentative number 2 of advent. on paper I think I'd really like shiori but actually watching her it doesn't seem to add up to anything for me, certain parts feel off. I mean she's obviously a bit unhinged but beyond that, maybe it's the weird goth gf persona she occasionally slips into that feels at odds with the rest of it I don't know. and the dogs, I won't say a bad word about them but they're not for me. bijou I really like thus far mostly on her personality, I'm not thrilled about watching more elden ring but I like her enough and there's not a lot of competition at that time for me at least.

Not in Japan, pretty sure she lives in PST she gave as much away. https://twitter.com/kosekibijou/status/1688658052525051909 posted at approximately 2pm PST, also said it was midnight when she wrapped up elden ring. claims to be on a JST sleep schedule though. wakes up in the afternoon stays up til dawn.

>> No.55528000

Biboo WILL get her into FFXIV and you will like it

>> No.55528075
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, 1685686392143712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no

>> No.55528337

I will legit anti her if she does that. That is the one thing I will never forgive anybody for.

>> No.55528404

Kanata vs Sans was one of the craziest things I've watched a vtuber do. Watching for awhile, going out for a while, getting a full sleep, and coming back to see her still at it. That is determination.

>> No.55528474

I was willing to let Biboo brush Mori’s hair but this is too far. I will have to arrange a meeting at the family mart

>> No.55528524
File: 274 KB, 1150x1260, 8276358235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55528958

I just finished FFXVI last weekend, and I find it remarkable how numerous and backloaded the side quests are such that it utterly destroys pacing if you strive to do all even. At it's most extreme, right before the final main quest, a literal dozen side quests become available, taking about four hours to do them all. Some side quests are just pure filler content, but others are where supporting characters get their development that's otherwise absent from the main quest, and which you're going to get is not always disernable.

With that said, I worry about how Mori and Ina will continue to stream this game. On one hand, I'd like for them to see the stories of the supporting characters to the fullest. But on the other hand, I can see the sheer amount of side quests being fatiguing to the streamers and viewers alike, possibly killing interest in completing the game at all.

>> No.55528548

happy Morpo makes me happy

>> No.55528658


>> No.55528812

Tutu you little bitch start shitting right!

>> No.55528925
File: 283 KB, 1284x2072, FvVquAzaAAEuE9_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55528958

Yeah doing every sidequest as they unlock you get flooded with a lot of shit, some of it has good character writing, there were a few that genuinely touched me, but the gameplay is not really meaningfully different from the main quest and I was starting to lose interest in the combat at that point since I had nothing more to unlock and I basically got all the abilities I wanted and worked out a rotation for them.

>> No.55529005
Quoted by: >>55529157

Tutu probably grows a lot of ass hair and it catches her shit
Would explain the smell as well

>> No.55529016
File: 269 KB, 1042x1857, F2ATv_TaIAAK2gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55529101

Morbi really should get some thick gloves. Those are useful for avoiding cat scratches

>> No.55529157

One of my stupid cats does that. Also gets knots in fur and needs to be brushed and have them cut out every other day.

>> No.55529398

I’m not caught up on ff streams at all and don’t know what’s going on. I’m just listening to Mori ramble

>> No.55529491


>> No.55529772

and now she knows I love her so much

>> No.55529786


>> No.55530563

500 bucks for that wut?

>> No.55530722
File: 121 KB, 1200x750, E6A-FqtVUAUAN4N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55532005

Will Mori play Diablo II some day?

>> No.55531351

>"The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch!"
Fuckin' kek

>> No.55532005
Quoted by: >>55532082

no, she will be playing flicker strike when 3.22 drops however

>> No.55532082
Quoted by: >>55533801

Mori should play 3rd Strike

>> No.55532208
Quoted by: >>55532343

did Mori mention Johnny yet?

>> No.55532343

yes also

>> No.55532627

I decided to load up elden ring, jesus christ I forget this is the only game that uses Y as confirm during gameplay, then switches it up during menus.

>> No.55532897
Quoted by: >>55533885

Might be a long shot, but does anyone have this Mori cursor set? The download link is expired.

>> No.55533785

anyone saved the Mori/Bijou/anon "1 free JO session" pic from couponbeat?
I was at work

>> No.55533801

Wonder who her 3s char would be. No one immediately jumps out as an obvious choice to me, but I think it might be Dudley.

>> No.55533885

Not this one, no.

>> No.55534148
File: 3.02 MB, 1000x562, Gavblocked[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkuiw8q.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55534579

Mori is horny for wolves (again)

>> No.55534595

thread is slow

>> No.55534712

So is mori "Clive barker" Calliope

>> No.55535512

busy watching my Morbi putting people in a blender

>> No.55535713

Threads always get slower during streams. Probably a side affect from getting raided by schizos for so long during streams and made it easier to just go to global.

>> No.55535821

I'm talking to Mori

>> No.55535855

I’m watching Morp, also posting a bit in global

>> No.55536271
File: 65 KB, 350x383, 1682519824356505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55538350

My slippers are super comfy

>> No.55536520
File: 261 KB, 391x336, 1663946638502240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed out on the slippers but at least I nabbed the limited birthday set

>> No.55536743
Quoted by: >>55539378

Mori likes to watch…

>> No.55538051


>> No.55538350

They're comfy but they feel like they won't last long

>> No.55539378

yeah us having sex

>> No.55539569
File: 237 KB, 480x480, 1666138770173308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the sand niggers also have a british accent?

>> No.55539759

same reason they do in all the mummy movies

>> No.55539885

Pretty much everyone in this game does

>> No.55539957

I love a good Falstaff homage. Byron is a pretty cool guy. Hope he lives.

>> No.55540084
Quoted by: >>55540225

How many streams is this game going to take? I'd almost take apex over this..

>> No.55540222
Quoted by: >>55540354

>twinks always win
yeah me

>> No.55540225

She's somewhere around the halfway point, maybe a little past it, depends how long she streams and how much side content she does, and it seems like she's already growing weary of it. anyway best boss fight coming up.

>> No.55540354

>twinks always win
Wonder if shes gonna take shit for this.

>> No.55540376

Long history of British occupation

>> No.55540538

Why is everyone talking about gear 5? He's had it for a long time, hasn't he?

>> No.55540544
Quoted by: >>55540907

is that all you think about?

>> No.55540593
Quoted by: >>55540907

She has mentioned twinks tons of times.

>> No.55540627

The anime has just gotten to it.

>> No.55540659

It just appeared in the anime for the first time. as you might imagine it's... certainly something to witness in motion.

>> No.55540724
File: 24 KB, 182x230, Ultra Rare dead beat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55540779

no Mori please

>> No.55540726
Quoted by: >>55540769

Episode 1071 of the anime is where Gear 5 just debuted came out a day or two ago. I thought it was great from the perspective that Toei stopped making Luffy vs Kaido DBZ and actually made Gear 5 goofy like it was in the manga.

>> No.55540769
Quoted by: >>55541570

the sfx timing couldve certainly used some work but it hit it out the park visually

>> No.55540779
File: 1 KB, 180x200, 1682637922773347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55540785

not everyone can be a mangachad

>> No.55540907
Quoted by: >>55541130

Not like I'd know, I don't watch her.

>> No.55541130
Quoted by: >>55545265

So you're just looking out for weird angles that have an infinitesimal chance to cause drama?

>> No.55541570
Quoted by: >>55541689

I'm honestly looking forward to how the anime will handle Gear 5 Luffy vs Awakened Lucci at Egghead I'm ready for Goofy Piece to take center stage going into end game Edgefags will probably be tided over by what Shanks does after Wano for the next ten years.

>> No.55541632

I fell asleep the second I got home, I've missed the whole stream.

>> No.55541682

Mori is genki

>> No.55541689
Quoted by: >>55544768

I think Mori is an edgefag

>> No.55541748

Well you're in luck, We're at the best part.I'd be stunned if Mori didn't get hype here.

>> No.55541765

The Clive Barker thing was an accident. Mori thought Clive Barker was the host of the Price is Right. Also, Mori is a big Hellraiser fan.

>> No.55541987

Apparently Shiori mentioned Mori?

>> No.55542067

Jump king

>> No.55542106

the animator went ham apparently, according to a couple random tweets in my feed

>> No.55542157

The bitrate drop is literally murdering the stream kek

>> No.55542184
Quoted by: >>55542276

She watched Mori playing vanilla Jump King marathon.

>> No.55542276

she was there for the birth of the chadcast?

>> No.55542286

Oh yeah apparently JP got Metal Gear perms again
Wonder if Mori can push for EN perms for Rising

>> No.55542345
Quoted by: >>55542447

Did konami stop taking stupid pills?

>> No.55542410

Oh shit MGR time booooooooooooooooooys

>> No.55542447

Not him but the only thing I saw was a screenshot of a luna member's post. no idea if any other evidence turned up.

>> No.55542459
Quoted by: >>55542543

I think way before that, she was impressed at how she memorized all the jumps.

>> No.55542484

oh fuuuck

>> No.55542543
Quoted by: >>55542656

Is she interested in playing it?

>> No.55542656
Quoted by: >>55542805

Not really. She was more focused on Fire Emblem and being heterosexual.

>> No.55542805

Jump King is gay? Neat

>> No.55542877
File: 2.58 MB, 498x498, moom keyboard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the good ol' days after 9/11!

>> No.55543130
Quoted by: >>55543263


>> No.55543263

Wonder if Mori will show up

>> No.55543704

That "WHAT" when she say Titan Lost was really from the gut lmao. Also this music track is something else.

>> No.55544101
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, 1691265437895669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mori Calliope SUCKS

>> No.55544201


>> No.55544224

kek Mori, such a dumbass

>> No.55544225


>> No.55544343

God I couldn't believe that this fight had another phase after that madness.

>> No.55544726

This game cool as FUCK when it isn't making you do fetch quest

>> No.55544768

as a huge edgefag myself luffy gets a pass, as he is luffy

>> No.55545237

So Dion's gay. Cool

>> No.55545265
Quoted by: >>55545368

Yes. She's far more entertaining as a drama magnet than anything else.

>> No.55545275
File: 672 KB, 1280x721, 1672525101258575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55545289

fujo moment

>> No.55545368

The last couple years must have been really boring then

>> No.55545416
Quoted by: >>55545454

Dion unironically the character with the most personality in this game

>> No.55545437

Why is our mom doing this? Isn't dion a dominant? Why can't he be in charge?

>> No.55545454

We have had a massive increase in tourists who haven't watched vtubers since council debuted because the new girls.

>> No.55545546

Now the imperial bloodline has Phoenix AND Bahamut

>> No.55545594
Quoted by: >>55546003

Unironically a clout chaser

>> No.55545707
File: 125 KB, 227x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55545954
File: 155 KB, 827x1721, 1672441011590034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the death sensei slippers would be a bit darker instead of the light grey that they are

>> No.55546003


>> No.55546101

man i can't stop listening to carousel

through and through banger

>> No.55546131

nice nene shirt, beebeat

>> No.55546162
File: 18 KB, 108x124, 1675737528860687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They turn pink over time

>> No.55546793

fuwawa has bigger boobs than mori

>> No.55546831


>> No.55546834

Your mom has bigger boobs than Mori lol

>> No.55546907

Weird number of genital puns in these side quest names

>> No.55546948
File: 612 KB, 1231x2000, IMG_0139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55547140

Sick art

>> No.55547051

honestly, if I had to make names for 50+ sidequest about doing the same shit, I'd start making dick jokes too

>> No.55547096

Ok dude, I see you got tired of spamming your "Fauna confirmed bigger than Mori" gibberish and moved onto more of it

>> No.55547098

The man has been doing this since FFXI.

>> No.55547104
File: 7 KB, 319x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55547140

High quality Ollie + Mori art is rare now, nice.

>> No.55547174
Quoted by: >>55547270

She snapped at N-Man for the all caps "advice" lol

>> No.55547270

Why all caps? She explicitly hates that

>> No.55547452
File: 321 KB, 1500x2000, F0egEnHWwAANMP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55547645


>> No.55547645
Quoted by: >>55548181

Imagine huffing Mori's weird vinyl bikini after a long day at the beach...

>> No.55547685
Quoted by: >>55547765

What level does mori need to be at to have a chance against that guy who killed her.

>> No.55547765

Probably a similar level. He was 38? I think so 36-38

>> No.55548139

I suppose side quests are different in the context of an open world game like Elden Ring or Skyrim

>> No.55548181
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 1644959181941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55548248

She's in a weird mood again, was having a blast during Eikon fight but now really doesn't sound like she's having fun at all anymore

>> No.55548286

She explicitly doesn't care for this part of the game.

>> No.55548338

It's almost like these fetch quests are extremely dull

>> No.55548381

Se has said multiple times she dislikes the side quests. Do you people not actually listen to streams?

>> No.55548435

my Mori can say centripetal force

>> No.55548457

>Epic choreographed boss fight was more engaging than "Go there, get this" side-quest questline

>> No.55548474

She hates going from having two overpowered beings fight in an amazingly epic sequence with great BGM to being asked to fetch 3 pieces of iron, 2 apples and a pile of shit to make a cake. Even fucking Bethesda has decency to not put this shit into main quest and allow you to choose when you do it. This is some of the most blatant and stupid padding I've seen.

>> No.55548473

Mori swings with the force of a centipede

>> No.55548500

Lol she’s completely checked out

>> No.55548520
Quoted by: >>55548551

I haven't been watching the stream because I want to play the game when it comes out on PC, how is Mori doing tonight? Should I just say fuck it and let myself get spoiled? It doesn't feel right doing other stuff while I know she's live...

>> No.55548551

She loves the main quest,,but doesn't care for going back to inane fetch quests

>> No.55548629

She's kind of acting annoying during these parts, isn't even attempting to try to listen to the story and then acting like it's their fault

>> No.55548637
Quoted by: >>55548716

The main scenario is the only thing I care about getting spoiled, seems like she's doing side quests right now so it's probably safe to watch

>> No.55548645

Get over it goalie

>> No.55548716
Quoted by: >>55548793

Unfortunately, these "inane fetch quests" are part of the main questline so you are getting spoiled.

>> No.55548793

Damn, the FF XIV influence really shining through there

>> No.55548812

I mean this is the main quest it's just kind of filler/padding, fetch quests, talk around talk to npc style shit. game decided to try and combine DMC style action with even more budget but wanted it to stay long enough to not get shit on for being a 10 hour final fantasy game so you get all of this. there's some good writing in here but a lot of time spent not in combat and when you do do combat it's reused enemies and no new techniques.

>> No.55548821

>in a brothel with Mori

>> No.55548826

Maybe the writes should've same came up with a more engaging reason why Clive need to run half way across the country to give an NPC 3 dingle berries

>> No.55548867

This section is one of the worst of the game, it's supposed to be mainline but it's just a bunch of sidequests you can't skip

>> No.55548939

Has she done the Cupcake grand finale yet?

>> No.55548975

the titan fight? yeah

>> No.55549072

Yeah, started the fight about 2 hours ago. ~3 hours in on the vod probably.

>> No.55549244

For me it's even funnier because similar thing was in Star Rail and people got riled enough that the devs remodeled the questline and made a bunch of padding quests into actual sidequests not that the main quest in that game is worth shit but that's a different point. I guess standards for chink gacha are higher than for FF.

>> No.55549271

I dig the Hellenic names like Telamon

>> No.55549292

>my errands, boy
Hearty kek

>> No.55549417

The kicker is that Mid can't get the Enterprise to fly after making you do more fetch quests later.

>> No.55549470
File: 245 KB, 762x629, 1683340338481038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn she really is Mid

>> No.55549477

You're kidding
