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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 822 KB, 1536x2048, F22HhFmaIAAYg_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55480656 No.55480656 [Reply] [Original]

Cyber Commander Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and ex-member discussion

Previous Thread: >>55458582

>> No.55480757

friendly reminder that ant hime is a racist drama baiter.

being asian doesn't make you immune to being racist

>> No.55480767
File: 175 KB, 1826x1776, 1690735024555808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was too slow
I think Zen and Mel should be streaming today, Henya is playing Fallout, Mouse might not stream, as always no idea on the others. For the +’s, it’s Aethel turn on the Xbox, Geegus today maybe, and for something more Fleshie, Monke is playing his match of chess but it will be a short stream. If you want something else to watch, there’s Vchiban (incoming no thanks) and Tob is holding a subathon I think

>> No.55480871
Quoted by: >>55488341

>being asian doesn't make you immune to being racist
quite the opposite, there's no one more racist than Asians against other Asians

>> No.55480900

no thanks

>> No.55480924
File: 374 KB, 335x418, 4p1H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55480976
File: 51 KB, 209x172, Hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55481037
File: 344 KB, 442x552, 1682723740281602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55481088
Quoted by: >>55481294

Good night, I shall dream of pounding Mouse's pink donut

>> No.55481103
File: 94 KB, 307x300, 1640979153530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I just miss something?

>> No.55481194
Quoted by: >>55481732

yeah pretty sure no mouse stream today
She was dying yesterday and Connor has chess early today

>> No.55481294
File: 556 KB, 2688x2784, 26rvd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but Nyan

>> No.55481336
File: 126 KB, 623x1280, IMG_5498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55481430
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>> No.55481588
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 1688880813732732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55484569


>> No.55481722
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, 1687061050506338.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my Space Demon wife

>> No.55481732

This means he will stream with Mouse after. If I say it, then it will become true.

>> No.55481973
Quoted by: >>55482332

unprotected handholding with Henya

>> No.55482134
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x1700, big sister is watching you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mousey is watching you

>> No.55482239
File: 572 KB, 1329x734, 1657916710255712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big tits org

>> No.55482317
Quoted by: >>55482362

My headcanon is this is Roxxy posting before mouse begins browsing while she jannies the thread.

>> No.55482332
File: 278 KB, 1920x1080, F2ZmhHTbQAErpvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55482362
Quoted by: >>55482498

I wish we had a janny...

>> No.55482447
File: 56 KB, 618x694, 1673922815470611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes mouse... i already jerked today mouse...

>> No.55482498

Roxxy is here, she just likes us miserable

>> No.55482782
Quoted by: >>55482942

Anyone /here/ deserves the loops we cause and receive

>> No.55482916
File: 589 KB, 849x1200, 1643661911775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my cute delinquent wife

>> No.55482942

only one causing timeloops is an off topic succubus

>> No.55483016
Quoted by: >>55484644

When will this menace get arrested for raping innocent women?

>> No.55483405
Quoted by: >>55483519

Roxy is a latina too

>> No.55483519
Quoted by: >>55483944

Calling all Latinas crazy evil psychopaths is a harmful stereotype and is untrue, please stop.

>> No.55483523

I shall also help you will it into existence

>> No.55483926

I like twitch culture.

>> No.55483944

nah just the good ones are like this.

>> No.55484569
File: 709 KB, 1066x1013, IMG_5907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55484629

Collab when

>> No.55484629

Do you count the Maid Café video?

>> No.55484644
File: 204 KB, 800x800, 26_kson_knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll never take her alive

>> No.55484999

Why is Kson streaming on Niconico?

>> No.55485044

I assume since it's an ad, they paid her.

>> No.55485089
Quoted by: >>55486053

“Niconico Horror Game Festival 2023” will be held for 30 days from July 22nd (Sat) to August 20th (Sun), where 30 groups will play 30 titles continuously every day!

>> No.55485257 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNR-WbOiyv8 this guy has a fucking harem of euro women ahhahhahah

>> No.55485271
File: 31 KB, 409x329, BATMAN CEASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55485297
Quoted by: >>55485417

In yo mama!

>> No.55485380 [SPOILER] 
File: 208 KB, 850x706, sample-7811bb68e01dadd4040038bed9cb867a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55485417
File: 14 KB, 500x325, Batman cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55485586


>> No.55485574 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.95 MB, 1624x1456, IwantHerSoBadBros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55485586

Looks like he's laughing

>> No.55485603
File: 1.32 MB, 3000x4000, up4rkq75f14b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kson really a lesbian?

>> No.55485683
File: 3.21 MB, 600x338, Ratitatta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55486080

Damn, that was a fast one.

>> No.55485764

She is, now post her groping some fat titties

>> No.55485959
Quoted by: >>55486038

>kson clip has the same amount of views as frooba

>> No.55485967 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 734x754, rainin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55496678


>> No.55485982

Kson and Henya are both lesbians would they have sex as easily as two gay friends?

>> No.55486038

The internet is horny, film at 11.

>> No.55486053

Basically this. Official niconico event she was invited to.

>> No.55486080
Quoted by: >>55486335

Smells like a jealous rat was here

>> No.55486335
Quoted by: >>55486450

Nah, it's just a solo clip that is completely off topic.

>> No.55486450
Quoted by: >>55486508

Hopefully any sperging and thread derailing will receive the same treatment!

>> No.55486508

Ha, very funny anon.

>> No.55486768
File: 1.49 MB, 1349x760, cooking collab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giri went to Henya's house or Henya went to Giri's house?

>> No.55486819

They both went to my house

>> No.55486823

Henya went to Giri's House (virtually)

>> No.55486904
Quoted by: >>55487104

>going anywhere

>> No.55487023

Giri went INTO Henya, onibro got to watch

>> No.55487104

Henya went out to eat ramen with her friends a few days ago

>> No.55487169

>leaves her house
>nearly dies
Never again.

>> No.55487186

>actually leave your house to eat with your friends
>get heat stroke because of it
she's never gonna stop being a hikki

>> No.55487250

That's a IRL childhood friend, though. Completely different.

>> No.55488005

no he's ending after match, said he had stuff to record etc. maybe tomorrow if he wins today

>> No.55488250

>stuff to record

>> No.55488255
File: 300 KB, 720x527, Screenshot_20230807_093833_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they make my man look like this wtf.

>> No.55488341

>as an asian myself
can confirm its true

>> No.55488402

>Orange hair
>Blue eyes
They got everything wrong.

>> No.55488424

>Tob is holding a subathon I think
tob isn't a + any way to slice it

>> No.55488468

Zen live

>> No.55488473
File: 3.92 MB, 1593x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55488533

Tob was a forceful + at start before being acknowledged by Nyan anyway. Everyone has forgotten the original tobposters.

>> No.55488611
File: 1.08 MB, 2896x4096, 1687029066876650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my wolf wife

>> No.55488630
File: 538 KB, 731x849, Zen's pretty fucking hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55488766
Quoted by: >>55488907

Take the Keyfag general out of the OP next thread, by the way

>> No.55488803

My day is ruined.

>> No.55488907

No thanks. Keyfags bring their drama here, so they are associated with us.

>> No.55489092
Quoted by: >>55489136

Will Zen show another rare Vei cameo today

>> No.55489136

Will mousefags stop attacking other communities and streamers?

>> No.55489140
File: 735 KB, 1337x760, Mouse Connor Gacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close enough

>> No.55489166 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>55489216

New Froot drama? She sleeping around?

>> No.55489167

Rent free

>> No.55489208
Quoted by: >>55490808

GunRun, I beg of you. Purchase Vyugen. For no reason other than this.

>> No.55489213

Will you stop projecting?

>> No.55489216

yeah, with me

>> No.55489225

Not defending Mousefags but are people here aware we all used to shit on Vei and Silver way before they left

>> No.55489286

Will you stop being such a whiny bitch boy?

>> No.55489294
File: 416 KB, 1006x712, 1617310975135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, this looks like Easy (You)'s, I am gonna do this as well in the future.

>> No.55489370
File: 1.04 MB, 962x720, 1687793181271447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobronies are being cranky today. I wonder why?

>> No.55489606

it's their time of the month

>> No.55489658

so a day ending in y

>> No.55489682

while i know froot does have some flaws. what the hell did this nutbag ant do this time to have you remind us they exist

>> No.55489737
File: 1.47 MB, 2003x942, vshojop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nine members
>kson throwing up two fingers or the roman numeral v
announcement on September 2nd or 5th

>> No.55489751

Okay Zen I see you I rate your openings below Aethel and you go and do that sick opening? Respect. Also seems to be using overhauled Overkill or using older version? THAT'S THAT SHIT I DO LIKE.

>> No.55489763

Connor needs to find a suitable partner before his eggs become rotten
We all know that his saviour complex is stopping him from "ditching" Mouse
Can someone get Mouse in here so she could tell him that it's okay

>> No.55489773
File: 56 KB, 177x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good

>> No.55489782

i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with all my heart.

>> No.55489808

zen caught onigiri

>> No.55489831
File: 3.42 MB, 536x466, dkYD1CFSkI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55489833

I just realized Haruka and Froot are wearing shades

>> No.55489860

Remember the war between frootposters and silverfags?

>> No.55489862

the two stands for the two new members:
literally me and my schizophrenic delusions

>> No.55489963

>nine members
>ksons sign can mean 2 or 5
>kson has 4 letters
VShojo did 9/11

>> No.55489972

Does somebody have a link to an archived version of Zentreya's outfit lore video?

>> No.55489984

when is the zen and haruka CB stream?

>> No.55490010
Quoted by: >>55490150

>2 purple
>2 pink
>2 green
>1 red
>1 yellow
>1 white
Please hire a red, white and a yellow talent so we can have symmetry

>> No.55490028

You missed it, sadly the vod is lost.

>> No.55490150 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.23 MB, 2048x1510, 1667891536144228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more colors first. Black and orange have no representation at all, and seriously what the fuck. Why do we not have a /blue/tuber. That's like the most common color ever and VShojo doesn't have one anymore

>> No.55490245

i like spite, i hope she collabs more with Zen
she also has a nice ass

>> No.55490332

Don't know but I would pay my entire wage for Mouse to do lewd content

>> No.55490357

But thats based?

>> No.55490378
File: 920 KB, 960x960, Screenshot 2023-06-25 at 01-16-03 Sinder Dakimakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange? Blue? Why not both?

>> No.55490389
Quoted by: >>55490429

She has a boyfriend, you should feel disgusted.

>> No.55490429

yeah, me

>> No.55490441 [SPOILER] 
File: 579 KB, 980x532, 1690722859205441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55490525

the blue one reminds me of the blind witch from Violated Heroine

>> No.55490526
Quoted by: >>55491011

Froot is way more crazy

>> No.55490570
File: 1.38 MB, 1110x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, why not both

>> No.55490647
Quoted by: >>55490841

I love Zen, bros

>> No.55490808

All Vyugen are hot from the rtx pictures they have shared here and there

>> No.55490841

I love white hair Zen's tits

>> No.55490956

BG3 collab with Zen, Mouse, Geega and the fourth is Lily

>> No.55491011

Froot didn't say anything wrong

>> No.55491018

Thanks for the warning guess I'll sleep instead

>> No.55491036

Ant got banned in Zen's chat

>> No.55491064

I too remember things I just made up

>> No.55491069

Good group. Did i hear right that it’s tomorrow?

>> No.55491091
File: 191 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zen +1, mouse +1, geega +1, lily +1
>total score +4

>> No.55491138


>> No.55491212
Quoted by: >>55491545

I'll be watching to only support my wife geega

>> No.55491247
File: 3.61 MB, 558x335, IMG_5889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wolf is no longer top dog

>> No.55491295
Quoted by: >>55491347

She never was top dog

>> No.55491317


>> No.55491314


>> No.55491347

this, she was top wolf

>> No.55491379
Quoted by: >>55491420

Not even that

>> No.55491396

Even in that category she's not

>> No.55491420
File: 20 KB, 112x112, Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55491489

she is to me

>> No.55491439
Quoted by: >>55491642

wish I wasn't poor I wanna play it the game sounds great

>> No.55491456

Clearly means that theyre gonna cut out 2 people, it's elimination time.

>> No.55491489
File: 769 KB, 1500x350, IMG_5069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can’t even tan

>> No.55491545

Based Geega enjoyer

>> No.55491580

Get that polish whore out, she has the shittest 1 dollar tan and fake ass sayian wig

>> No.55491594
File: 1.70 MB, 896x1044, 1689461658753.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dog eat dog world out there hot. to be honest

>> No.55491642
Quoted by: >>55491877

all the baldur's gate game kinda suck.

>> No.55491647


>> No.55491656

Man Copper Cat was such a good alt color scheme, like it's not often that vtuber recolors can match and even look better than the original look

>> No.55491669

Zen says the next IRL Japan tour is probably Sunday. I hope they go to the VShojo gallery

>> No.55491714

What is she even doing there? Of course shes gonna get banned. If shes trying to leech for fans or clout thats the wrong way of going about it. Thats like going to china and shouting taiwan number one

>> No.55491785

Eh, i watched robcdee walk around gallery, there nothing special about it.

>> No.55491787
File: 1.72 MB, 2560x1440, 1669879823209144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with Gyaru Cat

>> No.55491807

The question is who will be there on call
Most likely the moose and Geega

>> No.55491830

Copper Cat was honestly preferable over Pink Rock.

>> No.55491864
Quoted by: >>55491958

geega please...
we need your hag powers to tardwrangle Zen

>> No.55491877

Man, it must be a strange feeling to have such poor taste.

>> No.55491879

Supposed to be another Mario Kart collab this week because Vienna wasn't able to join last week. Cute that Zen's redoing a big collab a second time just because one of the people couldn't make it the first time

>> No.55491913

zen please schedule our sex collab

>> No.55491924

Third time, and for the same reason.

>> No.55491958
File: 130 KB, 295x403, 1684084437960967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geega is the voice of reason to balance out the collabs

>> No.55492046

Mouse... Wheel stream...

>> No.55492050
Quoted by: >>55492151

jesus christ zen's scheduling sounds like hell

>> No.55492151
File: 15 KB, 312x136, 1668465593007309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen might be TOO pro-unity. Never saying no to collabs lmao

>> No.55492176
Quoted by: >>55492273

How do you get a personal moose assistant?

>> No.55492273

Trip to the Yukon or what's left of it after the fires. Plenty of refugee work

>> No.55492549
Quoted by: >>55492900

Zens gonna burn herself out again isnt she

>> No.55492552

>Zen has yet ANOTHER Mario Party collab planned

>> No.55492627 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 112x112, Yoink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right zen is being discussed lemme just.

>> No.55492680

addicted to the pain

>> No.55492745
File: 361 KB, 1309x2114, 09a575193b200fcd831cedda16c4b772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55493068

>> No.55492900

She absolutely will, but don't expect her to take a break.

>> No.55493011
Quoted by: >>55493074

>gun hired haruka to be zen's manager

>> No.55493068
Quoted by: >>55493107

Based but tabs

>> No.55493074

Now he hired Geega

>> No.55493107

All Vtubers are on topic, corpo bootlicker.

>> No.55493137

>Zen scheduling stream ft. Geega & Haruka

>> No.55493180
Quoted by: >>55493289

nijizhangji is explicitly offtopic since they have decided to actively be anti vshojo

>> No.55493191

Based retard

>> No.55493205

She's only on topic if she's /in/

>> No.55493258
Quoted by: >>55493354

After watching Zen and Connor playing golf
I wish those 2 would play Mario Party with Mouse and Haruka or Geega as the other 2 layers

>> No.55493289

They are anti-Kson, and we have fans like that inside Vshojo anyway.

>> No.55493305

Only silverwhore is off-topic the rest is welcome in our familya

>> No.55493317
Quoted by: >>55493506

Nah unfortunately Finana may be the most /out/ member behind Enna and that's funny since Vox is closer to leaving as the #1 subbed member and is a long shot for /in/ compared lmao

>> No.55493347
File: 120 KB, 702x720, 20230807_111028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55495170

My wife is perfection

>> No.55493354

I missed that. Did he make the oh so hilarious Siri jokes the whole time?

>> No.55493384

Based but bait.

>> No.55493414
File: 1.35 MB, 924x1200, 1666958691803657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55493580

What this anon said. Present a scenario where Finana's leaving NijiEN to join VShojo and people won't mind. Same reason people post Nina occasionally.

>> No.55493430

The vtubers themselves are faultless in fact some of them even oshi and befriend her like fulgur. They just arent allowed to interact with her on public under ccp nijizhangji contract

>> No.55493487

Holy falseflag, Batman

>> No.55493501

preasu undastando, too autistic to speak to TTS

>> No.55493506
File: 2.45 MB, 4400x4299, 78afbdb1344e6f4a68164fb0b27729c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why though? even the lewd dragon is rumoured to want out.

>> No.55493565

not this time
she got really sweaty playing golf with friends
then Connor kept beating her score every time and she got really salty about it then raged quitted after the third game I think

>> No.55493580

>Present a scenario where Finana's leaving NijiEN to join VShojo
To become the real lewdtuber her corpo overlords don't let her be

>> No.55493685

Mostly the Zion situation painted her as a Niji die hard and she seems to have the longest leash as well. from the rrats she's not quite in the clique but she is very "I built NijiEN with 1st gen" from what has leaked

>> No.55493778

no, but they both got competitive in trying to beat the other ones score

>> No.55493796


>> No.55493880


>> No.55493887
File: 2.21 MB, 1556x877, 1685881109600110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55493948

anycolor the company has decided to be just as harmful to kson as bilibili or NGA was
the fact that other vshojo members still collab with niji members knowing this is just gross to me
don't really care what the nijifans do but they suck too

>> No.55493958

I love Geega, bros

>> No.55493961
Quoted by: >>55494045

Since nobody posted it, here is Zen schedule, for now

>today is BG3
>tomorrow is normal stream + Apex collab later
>wednesday is off + Exoprimal collab
>thursday is BG3 collab
>friday is Donkey Kong Country (?)
>sponsored stream on saturday, and Guild & Geckos
>sunday probably IRL Japan Tour stream
>next monday Halo collab with Jowol (?)
>next tuesday Smite collab with Froot (?)
>next friday probably a vshojo collab
>mario party collab somewhere next week, probably thursday or monday

aaaiiieee jesus fucking schedules, please correct me if i made a mistake, i definitely made some

>> No.55494020
Quoted by: >>55494075

Please understand, Mouse survives by deepthroating corpo dick. The nutrients she receives from this are absolutely necessary.

>> No.55494040
Quoted by: >>55494198

calm down sister, the entire entertainment industry runs on arbitrary bullshit like this.

>> No.55494045
File: 2.37 MB, 1016x720, 1684205096925879.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55494302

i kneel to zens work ethic

>> No.55494075

Anon everyone in VShojo collabs with Nijis please take your retarded mousespergery elsewhere

>> No.55494122

i am a man

>> No.55494136

dick or gtfo

>> No.55494148

I don't believe you

>> No.55494149
Quoted by: >>55494217

haruka moving soon, and so will go her excuse for not restarting subathon yet

>> No.55494151


>> No.55494188

It's just another example of Mouse not standing up with her coworkers.

>> No.55494198

taking the side of a literal death cult who has spammed a woman with gore and porn for the past 3 years for no real reason just because it makes you 5% more money is not "arbitrary bullshit"
it's pure evil

>> No.55494217

As that one anon says
Scamruka Dogshitabu

>> No.55494227
Quoted by: >>55494346

What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets

>> No.55494229
File: 112 KB, 319x260, 1686876521704202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true sis- I mean brother we are so male

>> No.55494302
File: 582 KB, 1525x2159, FxjAUT5WwAUB6UA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more Latina or Japanese girl to join Vshojo

>> No.55494346
File: 483 KB, 956x538, 1691404572082641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55496015

But enough talk

>> No.55494379
File: 2.29 MB, 2000x2000, .Silvervale Birthday Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55494445

In 5 days it'll be Silvervale's birthday! Show your appreciation for this wholesome, cheerful wolf girl by contributing to her birthday card! Standard rules apply: submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400).

Some things that Silver likes for inspiration:
>Harry Potter
>Her mother Mamavale
>Her brother Konzetsu
>Her friends (Including but not limited to: Veibae, Nyanners, Layna, Lumituber, Mira Pink, Filian)
>Her Petal Pals (community members)
Reference images for her model and her pets: silvervale.gg/Refs

>> No.55494428

We need a Latina/Japanese mixed girl

>> No.55494443
File: 459 KB, 1331x1849, meica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about latina AND japanese?

>> No.55494445


>> No.55494488
Quoted by: >>55495283

Thank you for reminding me of my obligation to anon.
Now post yours so we can compare.

>> No.55494712
Quoted by: >>55494939

Froot and Zen collab upcoming

>> No.55494939

I enjoy any CuberFroot collab.

>> No.55494993


>> No.55495054
Quoted by: >>55495264

I do too, I just like to bitch and moan about things

>> No.55495066
File: 927 KB, 1272x1932, 1691145987516238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen has some nice fanart. But she needs APEX correction if she should really decide to join Vshojo

>> No.55495170

my mom

>> No.55495200

mouse will do horribly with bg3

>> No.55495264
File: 530 KB, 643x552, 1687964418032453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you reply to the wrong post anon

>> No.55495283
File: 471 KB, 554x436, horny-frootposters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful, you'll summon them

>> No.55495286
Quoted by: >>55495499

Okay so like I agree but also disagree a lil. Only cuz Selen engages chat and engages with apex more sincerely than just to play it. I'm of the mind she might go indie and alot of the Apex crowd is in Mythic but I'm not sure about other corps taking a shot on signing her. She's also not in any of the "Cliques" of Niji so I'm not sold on Nina vouching as anything other than a coworker. I think she would be a good /in/ but not likely

>> No.55495447

Selen has nothing to gain from vshojo imo. She needs to join an esports focused group like vspo or mythic

>> No.55495499

Mythic has eSports vtubers?
what are you talking about?

>> No.55495616
File: 2.32 MB, 2398x1283, 1680263860812661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55495849

Mythic has a category for FPS talents on their site. But almost all of them are Destiny 2, and none of them list Apex lol.

>> No.55495674

Yeah breh, just check their FPS creators section. They've got that sweet, sweet, super popular Destiny 2 competitive scene on lock.

>> No.55495725

Dude selens apex streams are fun she is not like froot that just plays the game. Vshojo cut their OTK ties, so its good to get OTV connections and maybe connections to 100 thieves since selen has been playing with nicewiggs alot

>> No.55495817

>/vsj+/ talking about other corpo vtubers who are not even planning to graduate

>> No.55495849
Quoted by: >>55495922

Destiny 2 is to FPS as Clash of Clans is to RTS

>> No.55495922

Vshojo Day 1 Raid team when?

>> No.55495980

i just want to suck on haruka's tits

>> No.55495979

Vshojo party??

>> No.55495988
File: 1.40 MB, 1533x813, 1677273561982432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RTX on
New proper Lewdcast soon? https://twitter.com/ProjektMelody/status/1688624976083972096

>> No.55496015

I love this meme. Even mousey recites it.

>> No.55496041
File: 144 KB, 850x1204, 1674230324941603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is Pomu graduating from Niji? That's the only reason I can think of why Selen would graduate, they're literally the dynamic duo.

>> No.55496059

/in/ posting is one of the many cancers that plagues this thread

>> No.55496072

I can't believe haruka and geega are dead

>> No.55496091

No. People just love rrating that more people are graduating.

>> No.55496141

the japan branch is a mystery for me
Kson was streaming jp night time so she wasn't there if it was actually last night

>> No.55496180

Literally the point of rratting, bro.

>> No.55496190
Quoted by: >>55496257

Nah some “insider” guy who predicted nina and mystia was hinting selen and a few others is next

>> No.55496227
Quoted by: >>55496361

Next most-likely candidate is Shu. The AR Live cancellation hit him harder than probably anyone else and he kinda hasn't been the same since from what I hear.
He's also specifically mentioned that he wouldn't be at a big event later this year.
When the leak dropped about an even bigger graduation than Nina, people were expecting him instead of Mysta.

>> No.55496257
Quoted by: >>55496361

I don't believe any of the insider rrats after the first one. The guy who said Nina was graduating mentioned a second person in that same thread (turned out to be Mysta), and everything after has been people pretending to be insiders making all kinds of claims and none of them have turned out true.

>> No.55496260
File: 1.07 MB, 1931x1951, 1689216905086884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55496272

>/vsj+/ - Literally anything besides Vshojo

>> No.55496361
Quoted by: >>55496488

SOrry anon Geega and Haruka left Zen's stream and Baldur's Gate 3 is boring so we're back to effectively no streams.

Also this >>55496227 is what I mean by >>55496257 The event was NijiFES, which never has all of the Niji talents to begin with, only some of them. Shu was just saying he wasn't going to be there this year after going last year.

>> No.55496411
File: 297 KB, 514x290, trio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the company for dropping teasers, /in/ rrats are at their peak.
Personally, I would like my wife and her wife to join. Maybe with their pet moth

>> No.55496421
File: 789 KB, 1136x1770, cd10619d77185a096fe29440823c4e8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55496642

what do you think the + stands for?

>> No.55496488

It's weird that despite all the hype games coming out this year, most of them are boring as shit to actually watch someone stream.

>> No.55496512
Quoted by: >>55496678

Need more euros gunrun pls

>> No.55496537

Everyone needs to get to playing more Platinum games

>> No.55496642

Plus deez nutz in your mouth

>> No.55496678
Quoted by: >>55496727


>> No.55496722
File: 386 KB, 457x467, 169414771351235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true my fellow vshojo enjoyer

>> No.55496727
Quoted by: >>55496839

Rain won't join anyone except my penis

>> No.55496774
File: 255 KB, 1126x1750, F28qdwOWYAAyFJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55497061

>> No.55496839
File: 1.03 MB, 3541x3526, 1678992815336817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back away from my Space Demon wife

>> No.55497008
Quoted by: >>55497044

I need geega

>> No.55497044

Get in line

>> No.55497061
Quoted by: >>55497082

EWWWWW Disgusting whore

>> No.55497082


>> No.55497140

Everyone is welcome /here/ except silverwhore she can go drown in canalpiss

>> No.55497203

Yeah, most games released so far are not great as stream games or they're only good to watch like once with a single vtuber then you move on
Doesn't help that everybody's all playing the same games so you'll get fatigued quick after seeing the 1000th stream of it

>> No.55497282

giri was at this vshojo party as well btw
the party was at mogra (you can see its logo in the back of the tweet I'm replying to) and mogra sells jager shots in test tubes that giri has. Mogra does private events and it doesn't host club nights on Mondays.
My anisong knowledge helping with rrats isn't what I expected.

>> No.55497345

I'm getting my days mixed up, Mogra DOES have an event on sundays but it ends at 9 so this was probably on afterwards

>> No.55497387
Quoted by: >>55497641

Who the fuck was there? I can see Merry being there since he lives in Japan
Kson was streaming and leg shit so she didn't go
Henya never leaves her home
Zanuna kek

>> No.55497429
Quoted by: >>55497641

dont they stream on twitch, i think i've seen them raid Kson and Zen a couple of times

>> No.55497463

Seems like Dark And Darker is making a comeback today.
ITS JOEVER, expect collab spam soon

>> No.55497552
File: 59 KB, 944x1004, 1682976725323202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55497597

She wouldn’t have niji management

>> No.55497641

Giri's image has 4 hands. 1 is her, another is highgai (you can see his tshirt) and the other is I assume guy in the selfie with highgai. So the 4th is anyones guess.
yes, mogra is an anisong club in akihabara. Gunrun has been involved with them since pre-vshojo even iirc, and kson had an event there for her merch drop a while ago, so there's plenty of vshojo ties there.

>> No.55497779
Quoted by: >>55498253

>So the 4th is anyones guess
Merry was there, Yunii was probably also there

>> No.55497791

Sounds like it’s through some random and potentially shady distributor though and not through something like steam. I wouldn’t expect many people to actually play it

>> No.55497815
Quoted by: >>55497843

I enjoy Dark and Darker.

>> No.55497843
Quoted by: >>55497870

BG3 is way better than DaD

>> No.55497852

One of the guys is probably Onibro since they tend to go everywhere together.

>> No.55497870

I agree, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying both.

>> No.55497983

Remove Zen.

>> No.55498253

yeah merry was there alright

>> No.55498294
File: 174 KB, 596x564, 1671063628776177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55498504
File: 13 KB, 582x169, 1674492726785917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55498553


>> No.55498555

>demon comrade
they're dating ?

>> No.55498595

it was nice knowing you anon

>> No.55498822
Quoted by: >>55498982

I think that morijannie got told to chill with bans last time, so we should be fine

>> No.55498982

Nah. Things are less volatile when we're not being occupied by their thread so all their jannies are sharing the thread with us too. I mean I still wouldn't risk it, but it's not as immediate a death sentence as it would be if Mouse was live with her mentor right now.

>> No.55498994

sorry Bf eyes only

>> No.55499017
File: 420 KB, 2346x2498, 1678210514568403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55499459

>> No.55499140

Fuck you Mouse

>> No.55499192

The mogra collab is probably the catalyst behind kson joining

>> No.55499213
Quoted by: >>55499282

Fuck Mouse

>> No.55499282
File: 1.55 MB, 1544x936, bla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55499443

with pleasure

>> No.55499443

Is this Koikatsu through a filter?

>> No.55499459

Parasocial retard

>> No.55499475
Quoted by: >>55499555

zen sex

>> No.55499480

Looks like koikatsu + AI

>> No.55499547
Quoted by: >>55499630

yeah, it's AI. You can tell by the arm absorbing the bra, the hook attached to her hair and the weird nipples.

>> No.55499555

Zen is for cute.

>> No.55499625
File: 955 KB, 2500x3000, FXDf7FuUcAAULe3.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Applestand live with React today and few other things

>> No.55499630
Quoted by: >>55499715

I know it's AI, but it's not only AI. Definitely Koikatsu Mouse sent through an AI filter.

>> No.55499715
File: 303 KB, 963x637, 1669324329176253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55499762

I said yeah to the koikatsu part

>> No.55499727

Hag on Zen's stream

>> No.55499762


>> No.55499818
File: 435 KB, 749x793, 1676526184638419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55499903

everyone STILL playing BG3... Fuck my life.

>> No.55499903
File: 356 KB, 659x670, 1685298743408072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least my homeboy Aethel isn't going to pla...
oh no

>> No.55499913
File: 2.95 MB, 1922x1107, 1677547859145740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Koikatsu still working on Froot. I like that just changing the shape of her eyes alone feels like such a drastic change.

>> No.55500127

You heard the man. "Kill the hag"

>> No.55500244

>everyone in VShojo collabs with Nijis
Pretty sure both Kson and Nazuna are blacklisted. Nazuna isn't confirmed, but apparently none of the NijiEn tubers follow her on Twitter.

>> No.55500361
Quoted by: >>55500443

>dark and darker is back
fagkuno and Gerd fucker are going to make mouse play that shit game again

>> No.55500443

Monke is gonna want to play again, too. Maybe we can get Rainhoe and Mouse this time, since they've been collabing more.

>> No.55500508

This type of party doesn't sound sleazy at all

>> No.55500535

monke already has a full plate. is it still a torrent?

>> No.55500601
Quoted by: >>55500745

That WHORE isn't allowed to collab with him.

>> No.55500692
File: 148 KB, 2048x1152, 1690247374609235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zen playing BG3
>Lily playing BG3
>Aethel playing D&Der
>Tobs sleeping
Hopefully chocolate brown femboy keeps streaming until Batato goes live.

>> No.55500745
File: 83 KB, 768x1024, 1673040829897901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be nice to Mousey, she hasn't been feeling well.

>> No.55500784

whore (compliment)

>> No.55500818
Quoted by: >>55500955

Might be a whore but she's our whore

>> No.55500955

She's my whore, buddy. I ain't sharing.

>> No.55500960

No mouse stream today via discord but will be with monkey after chess. I think his match starts in a little over 2 hours

>> No.55501032
Quoted by: >>55501361

he actually skipping a bit of his recording wow. good BF, worried for his rat

>> No.55501039
Quoted by: >>55501145

I manifested it, you're all welcome >>55481732

>> No.55501145

I was the one that helped :)
Good teamwork

>> No.55501344
Quoted by: >>55501415

2 hours 15 minutes. Hope it's a good one.

>> No.55501361
File: 198 KB, 1896x1080, 1659733728267657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but will be with monkey after chess.
>he actually skipping a bit of his recording wow
how the fuck did she managed

>> No.55501415

Will he throw throw to avoid LA? We shall see but my guess is no. Probably means around 3 hours till mouse

>> No.55501483

I'm praying for a loss today

>> No.55501508

Pink rat is too powerful. Only God is enough to beat her down

>> No.55501555

just 2 bros wanting hanging out together.

>> No.55501592

>mouse streams became connor waiting rooms
>streaming less now
Veifags and nyanfags been through this already only difference is Mouse been in the relationship the longest

>> No.55501654
File: 556 KB, 470x659, 232332433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are cat ears cute?
What's the evolutionary benefit to finding them cute?

>> No.55501684
Quoted by: >>55501732

If you took out the
>streaming less now
it would be good bait

>> No.55501725

They remind you of pets and pets are cute. Dog ears are also cute but the internet has an infatuation with cats and has for decades.

>> No.55501728

It makes Zen look more submissive

>> No.55501732
Quoted by: >>55502347

Would you believe if Mouse hasn't streamed a single Connor collab on her pov since the subathon?

>> No.55501740
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, 167163753396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55501774

I'm sure its fine Mouse said things would go back to normal after the anniversary she's just sick.. I'm sure its fine right?

>> No.55501796
Quoted by: >>55501877


>> No.55501820
File: 47 KB, 225x225, 1688451000538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55501954


>> No.55501877
File: 960 KB, 1488x828, 1690139025390243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55501962


>> No.55501918

It's another 1180 vs 820 match, but it's also early morning again, so who knows.

>> No.55501950
File: 476 KB, 1080x1080, 1685072138295699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

golen Veippa pog

>> No.55501954
File: 706 KB, 1080x1080, 1680176552944762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55501962

Proof that there's no brain

>> No.55502046
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, 1681397645715135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spin to win. also new thread

>> No.55502059

Rrat he knocked her up

>> No.55502080
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, 1646002328356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55502736


>> No.55502243

shared channels not waiting rooms

>> No.55502347
Quoted by: >>55502674

her models are to expressive now gotta hide her happiness

>> No.55502674

You'd have a point if not for the revolution of ping and VNet.

>> No.55502736
Quoted by: >>55503400

Ok, but isolate the vocals and send it through that Vei voice AI.

>> No.55503400

Be the hero anon
