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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1315, F2sWkqPaYAEF_ov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55465795 No.55465795 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)


https://twitter.com/NinaKosaka (Graduated)


https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (Graduated)


https://twitter.com/ZaionLanZa (Graduated)


Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Nijisanji chat log:

Aggie archive:

Our Zomboid server:
https://pastebin.com/MyuZcJWq (embed) (embed)

Our Minecraft Server:

Our watchalong site:

/NijiEN/ fangame VN:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>55458166

>> No.55465817
File: 534 KB, 1360x2048, 1691397564408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonny LOVE

>> No.55465823
File: 383 KB, 1800x1250, F2sxW-fXYAAvDt_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.55465824
File: 863 KB, 1159x503, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melocco is doing better now, but last month was fucking insane

>> No.55465828
File: 196 KB, 981x1200, FyY8IdhWcAA7Gkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.55465831
File: 170 KB, 364x395, 1685916484102211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explode into a hundred pieces

>> No.55465856
Quoted by: >>55466296

I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike I need Ike

>> No.55465858
File: 75 KB, 241x238, image_2023-08-07_014035958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466141

this is the most aster I've listened to

>> No.55465897

>join to flirt with male oshis
>basically just use the branch to flirt with their oshis
>don't care what the audience wants or even try to build a character

>> No.55465907

Well she was a part of a mahjong tourney

>> No.55465922
File: 314 KB, 2048x1536, 1691397684946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your day went well, husband.

>> No.55465921

Her contents is just leeching some people

>> No.55465944

I sucked at PE so I am always getting picked last in sport team. I have no friend in class so whenever there's group project I have to awkwardly tell the teacher that I don't have a team and have them called out "ANON DOESN'T HAVE A TEAM, CAN SOMEONE TEAMUP WITH HIM"
Also my asian parents expect me to get straight As so I was taking all the advanced classes despite my interest is in art. I didn't get to do anything outside of school because I spent all the time on studying.

>> No.55465967

How do we save

>> No.55465971

Does /nijiEN/ genuinely hate Meloco or is it just shitposts to troll the meloves and jpfags?
As annoying as she gets sometimes, I just can't seem to hate her because she comes across as genuine good girl idk desu

>> No.55466002
File: 2.07 MB, 600x598, pa pa pa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Elira.

>> No.55466009
Quoted by: >>55466127

If you don't like someone, can't you just stop watching their stream?
That's why I don't watch Meloco's stream
That's why I don't say anything bad about Meloco

>> No.55466030

meloco antis are just like shoto antis who think collab with friends = leech

>> No.55466032
File: 596 KB, 4096x2371, 1662042642570365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight pomie

>> No.55466038
Quoted by: >>55466104

cock love!
i love ike

>> No.55466039

File > Save

>> No.55466044

I love Mysta Rias

>> No.55466051

never put those two in the same sentence again

>> No.55466064
File: 352 KB, 486x680, 1669291765312360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no femanons added me but I befriended a nice dragoon so i'm no longer lonely.

>> No.55466090

anyone know why kotoka privated all her fatal frame streams?

>> No.55466092

Hi, I wanna people save

>> No.55466095
Quoted by: >>55466131

why do briskadets keep leaving anons hanging....

>> No.55466102

Meloco = shoto.....

>> No.55466104
Quoted by: >>55466180

Ike doesn't have a cock

>> No.55466113


>> No.55466123

unironically i'd prefer shoto
i'd rather have a streamer who consistently speaks english hanging around than wasted slots in nijien

>> No.55466127

You're too sane for this thread

>> No.55466131

briskadets are psychopaths

>> No.55466141
Quoted by: >>55466174

do you like him?

>> No.55466174
Quoted by: >>55466219


>> No.55466175
File: 18 KB, 112x112, 1648990803071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in nijien please stream zomboid l. I need more Zomboid stream

>> No.55466180

he does (sometimes, he's sometimes a cuntboy)
it's 3 inches and cute

>> No.55466187
File: 305 KB, 628x599, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deron's koshien recaps are so fun

>> No.55466199


>> No.55466219

can zomboid save Aster...

>> No.55466225

I had a dream where my oshi (one of the Asian girls) was played by Elly Tran Ha and they did a cosplay reveal showing their body exactly like a vtuber someone ITT posted pretty recently.

>> No.55466229









>> No.55466243
File: 108 KB, 900x900, smuglira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, anon and all of you guys!

>> No.55466249

uuue uueueue uuuUUUUEEEEEE

>> No.55466261

the length of their penis

>> No.55466263

Years left to live

>> No.55466275
File: 362 KB, 890x890, 1689905584454268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.55466278

Do not use my japanese princess for your shitposting

>> No.55466284


>> No.55466296
File: 1.37 MB, 220x214, Me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55466308
File: 315 KB, 1280x1707, enna_and_millie_by_deltalilac_devgi8u-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what whacky hijinx these two will get themselves in to on their camping trip

>> No.55466333
Quoted by: >>55466372

I deleted X so I can’t see posts anymore

>> No.55466335
File: 828 KB, 762x1300, 1657424576763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penisless Shu love

>> No.55466360
Quoted by: >>55466377

do you guys prefer ike's small cock or ike's big cock?

>> No.55466372


>> No.55466376

Wait they are going actual camping like what Millie did last year?

>> No.55466378

Yes, this exactly

>> No.55466377


>> No.55466380
File: 563 KB, 1080x1920, bleh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466412


>> No.55466393

sex with yeah, me

>> No.55466406
Quoted by: >>55466449


>> No.55466409

I watch NijiEN for EN streams. I already have JP. Mel refuses to provide for EN. So I hate her for taking away someone's dream and spot in the company to fuel her selfish goals when VTA (prior to current events) was an option as a Japanese native. I also hate management for allowing this to happen.

>> No.55466412
Quoted by: >>55466488

Petra and Rika have the prettiest eyes

>> No.55466415

Imagine canadian bear raping ike in the forest

>> No.55466445
File: 189 KB, 2000x2000, F21rpOBb0AE3Ztt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikey! <3

>> No.55466447
File: 46 KB, 211x180, image_2023-08-07_015455006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye aster

>> No.55466449

all men do is lie...

>> No.55466453
Quoted by: >>55466498

So many months later and countless anons flock to reply to this pasta like flies to shit

>> No.55466484
File: 223 KB, 396x407, F1UhSNGaMAMHncA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466933

I enjoyed that. thank you

>> No.55466488
Quoted by: >>55466525

Nta but Nijisanji is really good making jeweled eyes

>> No.55466498

i love pasta

>> No.55466520
Quoted by: >>55466540

EN for ENGLISH streams. Myanon can fuck off too, they want to post that JP avatar all the time; go to /2434/

>> No.55466525
Quoted by: >>55466602

Millie's are beautiful too, it's the only really good part of her rig

>> No.55466527
Quoted by: >>55466596

Okay, I understand

>> No.55466540

back in my day he used to get banned every day

>> No.55466568

I agree anon but you're replying to a shitpost

>> No.55466575

fuck thread police

>> No.55466593
Quoted by: >>55466634

PL account talk is not a doxxing right?

>> No.55466596
Quoted by: >>55466703

but management is retarded and keeps makingn assfuckingly stupid decisions one after another

>> No.55466602

Yeahhh like she have bouncing beads in her eyes but at the same time the animation is not obnoxious.
Mysta,Elira, kotoka, shu
I love their eyes.

>> No.55466613
File: 481 KB, 1303x1564, biker sonny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want your entire leg. entire! this was such a pain to do, i never drawn shit like this before but a fun challenge nonetheless. i was suffering though kek

>> No.55466614

Which male has the prettiest eyes? For me I guess it’s Aster

>> No.55466634

Not nijiEN

>> No.55466636
Quoted by: >>55467193

hi scat kyomie hope you're doing well

>> No.55466651

the mods gave up because anons would complain about their /soc/postings getting deleted

>> No.55466659

Well our Pentomo jannie gave up after 2 weeks

>> No.55466667

Hoeru bros

>> No.55466670

sexy sonny

>> No.55466692

Shu. I like the sharpeness of his eyes and the shade of purple

>> No.55466698

Was tachibana the leaker?

>> No.55466700
File: 976 KB, 1748x4096, 1640934870189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intercourse with this sexy, wonderful, hardworking penguin girl. The second I though of Petra I got an erection...

>> No.55466703
Quoted by: >>55466815

But management is JP now...

>> No.55466752


>> No.55466757
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 1691398999546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not biker but woah nice

>> No.55466767

All he could leak was projects the NijiEN talents had commissioned him for. Unless one of the NijiEN talents told him something that they weren't supposed to tell him, which would make them the leaker.

>> No.55466774

i hate dead hours

>> No.55466782

i miss a bit of peto's stream here and there it's ok

>> No.55466811
Quoted by: >>55466833

Watch Scarle

>> No.55466815
Quoted by: >>55466872

Management has always been in Japan, retard.

>> No.55466819
File: 1.61 MB, 1281x1521, 1663383332565151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a CGDCT wave is that so much to ask.

Before you tell me to watch blue dorito no way, I don't like being talked down to like a toddler so their vtubers are unwatchable.

>> No.55466833

i wanted zomboid :(
i was promised zomboid.....

>> No.55466842
Quoted by: >>55466887

>Hire two French fags
>They don't stream during the dead hours

>> No.55466846
Quoted by: >>55466876

Never going to happen, so stop asking

>> No.55466850

should be cock hours but all the cock lovers are gone

>> No.55466872
Quoted by: >>55466932

2years ago
>Nijisanji EN management
>Nijisanji overseas management 2

Did you get it?

>> No.55466873

Just calm down and waiting buds. And be loyal you whore

>> No.55466876
Quoted by: >>55466929

that's what you said about the japanese wave and we managed to will it into happening with zaion/meloco/kotoka
and then it self-destructed but whatever.

>> No.55466877

what even is a cgdct wave? just another small all girl wave? they'll just collab with guys eventually.

>> No.55466887
Quoted by: >>55467068

one of them is in canada you dumbfuck
>dead hours
zali streams at around 1pm

>> No.55466922
Quoted by: >>55467008

I think anon is imagining something like Idios

>> No.55466926
Quoted by: >>55466977

Not everyone is unicorn anon

>> No.55466929
Quoted by: >>55467135

GAMER wave didn't pan out like it was intended either and don't get me started on ILUNA. Scouting for NijiEN has been dire

>> No.55466932

No matter what they were named, they have always been in Japan.

>> No.55466933
File: 626 KB, 3200x2000, __ike_eveland_and_quildren_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_song_v3wm9a701fvqjxf__0c9086bc1f34ead5ee0be60ab0ec2637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467176

Honestly I think I need to work on my screamo voice. I just can't match with Ike

>> No.55466962
File: 200 KB, 1262x1515, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my Briskadet GF I groomed

>> No.55466971

Nta but the fact you need explaining this obvious shit is really funny.

>> No.55466977

i'm genuinely asking if they just want another all girls wave or if they want an all girls wave that only collabs with girls.

>> No.55466992

It's not that same, No more Nijisanji EN management

>> No.55466995

Are any girls even still applying at this point?

>> No.55466996
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x1400, F22lCVzaEAE9X6P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss koshien training

>> No.55466998
File: 138 KB, 898x504, 1666214561099932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55467008
Quoted by: >>55467169

yeah, pretty much. I don't care if they collab with guys I just want a wave of girls who are close with eachother and aren't just e-girls using an avatar. ethyria really made me jaded towards female vtubers and i desperately want a wave of girls who can bring back my enthusiasm for cute wholesome girls.

>> No.55467009

not any good ones

>> No.55467026

After the GAMER wave, we had two more audition pools. So we're ensured at least four more girls into 2024

>> No.55467031
Quoted by: >>55467285

Something like lazudia

>> No.55467033

Me when I finish college

>> No.55467035
Quoted by: >>55467124

Only Luxnocwhores who want to get close to their oshi

>> No.55467055
Quoted by: >>55467262

I know what biker is fapping to tonight

>> No.55467068
Quoted by: >>55467119

>one of them is in canada you dumbfuck

>> No.55467101
Quoted by: >>55467300

please draw sonny humping the bike

>> No.55467119

doesn't apply because we're using it in reference to timezone

>> No.55467123

I like his dead eyed stare. I want him to arrest me.

>> No.55467124

My fucking god
I hate Luxnoc so much

>> No.55467135
File: 152 KB, 806x1489, 1679762492882115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion the gamer wave had good scouting besides Aruvn. The 3 guys are great additions to the branch.
The bigger issue is NijiEN's reputation overall is just dogshit so people are unwilling to give them a chance. You can't fix this with new debuts no matter how good they are. If you took Maria and put her in Hololive she'd be getting 20k+ viewers per stream just because she's cute and wholesome and slightly menhera and streams long hours. Nijisanji is itself a debuff at this point and they need to do a lot of work to fix that. Bringing back AR Live would be a start at least.

>> No.55467139
File: 67 KB, 533x777, Fon9lN7WcAEEj1M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be the first male to play a female liver and I'll be a cute loli girl and seduce Pomu while all the other Pomies watch and think it's a joke because I'm just a cute little loli girl.

>> No.55467169

Actually if management not fuck up.
Imagine koto and maririn debut as duet wave iluna. And exsoleil is ver, Ren and doppio.

>> No.55467176
File: 1.50 MB, 724x720, ikerose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467434

I don't know if you saw it but Ike recommended Hungry Lights multiple times for those who wanna learn screaming
that made me happy kek don't stop doing what you're doing

>> No.55467186

I hope sisters are hate this


>> No.55467193
File: 226 KB, 1200x1200, FaCu-EsVQAAepXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sat down too long, my old bones ache

>> No.55467198

they're dating

>> No.55467208
Quoted by: >>55467306

Nope. And stop using my dying oshi as bait you catalog fuck

>> No.55467241
Quoted by: >>55467400

I disagree. More ESL's just shows to the world that it's not an EN market anymore

>> No.55467261

where is biker x his bike porn?

>> No.55467262
File: 129 KB, 773x773, 1686374073055466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if you wouldnt, do you see the way sonny looks on that?
do you see that gorgeous bike??

>> No.55467285
Quoted by: >>55467371

I think we'll get a girls wave. Management has been trying to keep en 50/50 on hires. Unless hero wave doesn't count since it's a jp tie-in.
But it feels like everyone here already has their favorites unless they just want to fill dead hours.

>> No.55467292

Stop self-inserting as sonny, it's pretty gross.

>> No.55467296

Why would the company do anything for the EN branch, when they can just throw KotoMelo into a JP program and call it a day?

>> No.55467300
File: 453 KB, 1226x1204, 1691382456335738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467377


>> No.55467306

All the people Mika was leeching are graduating, so what's she going to leech now?

>> No.55467322
Quoted by: >>55467368

sonny really looks like link

>> No.55467323

Why are some namefag anons here welcomed and others aren't?

>> No.55467328

Yeah yeah alright man just don't forget to record that vocaroo while you're at it

>> No.55467366

You are better off debuting in Idol, Phase or Kawaii as a woman than NijiEN.

>> No.55467368
File: 5 KB, 271x87, 1685774547777694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55467372

He self inserts as the bike.

>> No.55467371

>Unless hero wave doesn't count since it's a jp tie-in
It only became when the leaker confirmed that GAMERS was meant to be a six man unit, with two fired before the final man walked. They got merged into the JP wave to save face.

>> No.55467377
File: 98 KB, 728x818, 1665350887750325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55467379
Quoted by: >>55467414

rip yume mystakes

>> No.55467381

I agree that they should start doing thing for EN for once. If ARlive is too big, they should at least organize some event or group cover

>> No.55467400
Quoted by: >>55467455

2/3 of Krisis aren't ESL though.
Besides ESL's are fine if they bring something new and fresh to the branch. Kotoka is a good ESL, she's fluent and barely has an accent and has a lot of that JP creativity. Unfortunately she's near the bottom of the branch in ccv because there's just no fans for Niji girls left. It's a really dire situation.

>> No.55467402

>the 3 guys are great

>> No.55467405

>so what's she going to leech now?
Enna. She's been slowly getting close to and doing the occasional collab with her.

>> No.55467407

Don't grab my belly fat pwease

>> No.55467414
File: 629 KB, 876x731, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467503

mystake look like this?

>> No.55467434 [SPOILER] 
File: 489 KB, 695x521, 1676190370562229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it made you happy would you be okay with doing something that would make me happy?
It's not anything too big don't worry.
I was just wondering if you could date me?
I think you're pretty cute and we both like Ike so we actually might end up hitting it off pretty well.

>> No.55467448
File: 457 KB, 1737x2048, 1676446513802682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467665

this is the only time i will self-insert as sonny because that is my dream bike

>> No.55467451

Niji EN needs more male viewers, but the management only wants K-pop sisters viewers and fucking money so it's fucking messed up

>> No.55467455

>2/3 of Krisis aren't ESL though
They are French as fuck, of course they are ESL. French-Canadians pride themselves not being such. Bandages is ESL. Koto has no following because she doesn't want to nor engages with EN. She is a JP wearing an EN nametag and you know this. That is why she has no viewers.

>> No.55467461

They should give them EN song equivalent of vtl.

>> No.55467480

>prettiest eyes
>prettiest mouth
>prettiest nose
>prettiest chin
>prettiest face

>> No.55467503

looks like aia

>> No.55467506
Quoted by: >>55467542

20k ccv just because cute and wholesome.
Imagine rosemi debut in Holo but talking like kindergarten teacher with super high pitched voice.
And rosebud just watching his niji oshi saying 'Imagine this person in Holo'.

>> No.55467522
File: 63 KB, 480x480, A2YtYaefONHr8wSWx4eYBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I like Briskadets
No you don't understand I REALLY REALLY like Briskadets!

>> No.55467523

Fuck off, sister

>> No.55467532
File: 151 KB, 1533x1504, F1846n_aMAEG503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55468348

I thought it was the rare quillbro... have a good day pomie

>> No.55467537
Quoted by: >>55467558

Your dick.

>> No.55467542

I have trouble understanding what you're trying to say ESL mystake.

>> No.55467555
File: 1.60 MB, 1274x814, 1675624728389780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467666

>prettiest eyes
>prettiest mouth
>prettiest nose
>prettiest chin
>prettiest face

>> No.55467558


>> No.55467568

haha rejected

>> No.55467579
Quoted by: >>55467617

Tell me about your autism

>> No.55467616
File: 37 KB, 1920x1080, 1688090053452534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I don't care about any new waves anymore. Pomu is my kami oshi and I happy to have her. I wish the branch had more appeal to male watchers so we can keep a more balanced viewership gender balance but outside of that idc.

>> No.55467617
File: 347 KB, 220x231, pomu-pomu-rainpuff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467725

Sure! I like eating things in 4s and sometimes when I buy pack of something that isn't a multiple of 4 I'll just throw away the rest of the food.

>> No.55467631
File: 340 KB, 566x519, 1690510719995671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you draw his expression...

>> No.55467650
File: 143 KB, 1209x1079, 1676753181980172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pomu image turned into a blue thing...

>> No.55467665
File: 195 KB, 1200x1200, FY2RIM_aUAAWzGC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect it, the motorcycle looks sick. the wings thing it has on the back was the coolest. i wanted to draw more poses and more of the motorcycle itself but i'm not good enough, maybe in the future if you ask again and i get better

>> No.55467666

>prettiest cock

>> No.55467673


>> No.55467682

What is the audience gender balance of Niji EN?
Male3 : Female7?

>> No.55467697

i ship biker with scat kyomie

>> No.55467698
Quoted by: >>55467726

Your dick and your dick

>> No.55467722
File: 163 KB, 1322x1377, FzUOG1baMAApqno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of dudes in Ike's chat especially lately but quillbros are still pretty rare itt

>> No.55467725

Ahh.. continue

>> No.55467726

No, I mean seriously

>> No.55467736

If I were in Nijisanji I would say "Ver Vermillion" but I would intentionally pronounce the Ver like Vermillion and the Vermillion like Ver because no one pronounces the word Vermillion that way so it would be a power move to show that I do know the correct pronunciation but intentionally choose not to use it and I think Ver, or Ver as I like to call him, would just sit there and take it, because that's the kind of guy he is.

>> No.55467790
Quoted by: >>55467811

Depends on the liver

>> No.55467806

If I were in Nijisanji I would say "Pomu Rainpuff" but I would intentionally pronounce the Pomu like My and the Rainpuff like Wife because no one pronounces the word Rainpuff that way so it would be a power move to show that I do know the correct pronunciation but intentionally choose not to use it and I think Pomu, or My as I like to call her, would just sit there and take it, because that's the kind of girl she is.

>> No.55467811

No, I mean EN branch

>> No.55467845

Maybe, lazudia
have solid male fanbase
Ethyria is mix
Iluna exsoleil idk not really care about them
Krisis is mix because vanta is actually good at gaming.

>> No.55467866

Definitely heavily female, because Luxiem pretty much has 1mil female subs for each of them.

>> No.55467888
File: 314 KB, 405x537, 1665000181123717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really for sure but NijiEN has more female viewers for sure, even the girls have a pretty a very healthy number of female fans.

>> No.55467892
File: 328 KB, 2556x1438, 1689991335734301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest you're gonna get to gender data.

>> No.55467951

I expected ID to have more male fans since Mika and Hana are big

>> No.55467952
File: 115 KB, 1203x1068, 20230806_081438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55467983

>> No.55467961

Initially when Lazulight debuted it was probably like 90/10 male/female. When Luxiem debuted it was probably closer to 50/50 or 60/40. Nowadays it's more like 30/70. The girls are really bleeding fans. Even Selen is a 3view these days.

>> No.55467965
Quoted by: >>55468068

>age over 45
What the fuck

>> No.55467983
File: 355 KB, 800x600, stroob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55468166


>> No.55468007
Quoted by: >>55468015

That's not that ID...
It's anycolor ID

>> No.55468015


>> No.55468017

Anycolor ID isn't Nijisanji ID, it's people who have an account on the Nijisanji Store.

>> No.55468036

Btw, it's not a EN data
It's all Nijisanji data

>> No.55468068

I thought it would be more

>> No.55468103

We can have a discussion, but the moment you bring up viewership I'll tune out because it tells me exactly what you are.

>> No.55468118
File: 166 KB, 2048x1412, FcH3MxcaQAIacfN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55468175

pape art needs a tag...

>> No.55468144
File: 3.24 MB, 374x374, 1690188470089835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go wild

>> No.55468166
File: 927 KB, 2160x2160, seffyquild (20230403105232).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55468173
Quoted by: >>55468196

look anon I hate /#/ as much as any sane individual should but Nijisanji is a business and when they debut new waves they want those waves to have good numbers and grow the branch's audience. the fact that hasn't happened since 2021 is really bad for the company.

>> No.55468175

Me on the left

>> No.55468189

Is a ratio a number?

>> No.55468193

Zomboid anons the map is not loading TT

>> No.55468196

>Mel and Koto are JP pretending to be EN
>Awful viewership
>Rewarded with NijiFest feature
Sure anon

>> No.55468198

why are you afraid of numbers

>> No.55468226
File: 115 KB, 1273x496, 20230807_151420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55468225
Quoted by: >>55468299

Meloco doesn’t do too bad

>> No.55468244

they aren't being "rewarded" with a NijiFest feature. it's just that they're already in japan so the company doesn't have to spend money flying anyone to Japan to participate. compared to last year when they "tried" to bring lazulight and then dropped the ball with securing visas it makes sense they'd rather play it safe getting people already in japan.

>> No.55468250
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, 1661159663820234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55468255
Quoted by: >>55468391

I want to date a male quilldren and you're fucking gay!!!

>> No.55468275

>Does nothing for a week

>> No.55468295
File: 356 KB, 799x635, 1666222669432540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet potato addiction aaaa ive eaten 3 today

>> No.55468299

Yeah, her numbers are good
But she is bad

>> No.55468302


>> No.55468314
File: 88 KB, 1064x1224, F2Sew_LawAAEuY0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh myanon died.. rip

>> No.55468331


>> No.55468343

Some of them really hungry for that Koshien CCV

>> No.55468348
Quoted by: >>55468498

why are femanons like this, for real? why are you never willing to meet us halfway? the pomie was clear about liking ike, how is that not enough?

>> No.55468350

Fucking lazy leech bitch

>> No.55468351
Quoted by: >>55468384

Explain Petra then

>> No.55468359


>> No.55468367

>rewarded with NijiFest feature
I like them too but let's not delude ourselves, they're in Japan already it's not a "reward"

>> No.55468368

End of an era. I won’t miss him. I’ll never forgive that fag for his crimes

>> No.55468384
Quoted by: >>55468438

she's in graduate school anon her schedule is busy.

>> No.55468391

whats wrong with being gay............... AND I DIDNT DIE

>> No.55468397

Huh, so where is the Petra?

>> No.55468426
File: 469 KB, 1289x2048, 1673240454139632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with me

>> No.55468429

she went to the last one

>> No.55468438
Quoted by: >>55468473

Are you fucking retarded? Graduating from grad school in a fucking 1year?

>> No.55468445

>whats wrong with being gay
gee I don't know, maybe I'm not a fucking dude

>> No.55468448

so luca is really just gonna leech koshien every year now huh

>> No.55468451

so early for shitpost haiya

>> No.55468463

easy 60k viewership

>> No.55468465

Does it matter if it's not on their channels?

>> No.55468473

tensai nano da...

>> No.55468478
File: 194 KB, 1280x1280, 1682228357324139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a hetereosexual male who likes ike, will you date me?

>> No.55468484

its over... im sure there are straight quillbros here, maybe some pomies......

>> No.55468486
Quoted by: >>55471258

>so luca is really just gonna leech koshien every year now huh
Sadly so. Easy viewership, can eat the whole time and not understand a single thing

>> No.55468496

Members can opt out of Nijifes despite living in Japan. Some NijiJP members have announced that they won't be participating. Why is there an expectation for all the ENs to participate?

>> No.55468498
File: 111 KB, 2048x2048, FzpCnZsaYAAp_Ym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55468537

sorry pomie.. I'm sure you'll find someone

>> No.55468513

Petra watchalong to see Azarashi get destroyed and see her sister cry

>> No.55468516
Quoted by: >>55468527

femanons are extra cunty tonight

>> No.55468527
Quoted by: >>55468583

when will maleanons be cocky

>> No.55468529
Quoted by: >>55468559

your posts got deleted I thought it was joever for you kek welcome back

>> No.55468537
Quoted by: >>55468630

i wasnt even the pomie you rejected i just found your reply baffling.

>> No.55468542
Quoted by: >>55468557

>Why is there an expectation for all the ENs to participate?
Because EN has NO EVENTS this year and this is the one chance to do SOMETHING

>> No.55468543

KEK Rika would raped by all team

>> No.55468557

Maybe for you. Feels good to be a west coast chad

>> No.55468559
Quoted by: >>55468630

its ok i deserved it the slap.....

>> No.55468583

when they grow a pair and finally put femanons in their place

>> No.55468602
File: 16 KB, 96x96, 1683502444220422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55468684

I offered to watch Barbie with you and you never replied with a time, fucking whore

>> No.55468604
Quoted by: >>55468637

who would you rather do it? elira and half the branch is going to be having an orgy in canada later this week so they cant

>> No.55468619

Then why not?

>> No.55468630
Quoted by: >>55468670

how is it baffling? I'm not about to look for a relationship in an anonymous board, pomie or not...
what did you do

>> No.55468632
Quoted by: >>55468713

finana's ff16 thumbnail almost spoiled the game for me

>> No.55468637
Quoted by: >>55468723

luca doesn't even know how to play baseball. last year he kept yelling over people when nothing was happening on stream and had to have elira tell him what was going on. AT LEAST HAVE SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS JAPANESE HOST THE STREAM SO THEY CAN TRANSLATE THE MAIN STREAM

>> No.55468650


>> No.55468670

rule 13!!!!

>> No.55468684
File: 190 KB, 400x374, 1678989543471321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you ever did but I'd love to watch Barbie with you scythekick. How would we do that though isn't the movie only in theaters?

>> No.55468703

How would we know? You should ask the member about their reasons. Just saying the fact that even some NijiJP members have opted out of participating.

>> No.55468713
Quoted by: >>55468732

Play the game then

>> No.55468723
Quoted by: >>55468757

I don't think the host should need to know jp, but they should have someone co-host who does

>> No.55468732
Quoted by: >>55468774

It's not on PC, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.55468753

Shut the fuck up pomie

>> No.55468757


>> No.55468764
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1684282062170964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to do 110 hours of extra curricular activies to finish my uni course. What language should I learn? Not sure if I should learn japanese for entertainment or german since it might be actually useful in the future...

>> No.55468772
Quoted by: >>55468885

>isn't the movie only in theaters?
That's the point, just leave an empty seat and pretend I'm there next to you. Also what's wrong with her nose....

>> No.55468774
Quoted by: >>55468813

Your problem not finana problem

>> No.55468806

This is why elira isn't hosting koshien anymore

>> No.55468809
Quoted by: >>55468890

Where do you live that German is useful?

>> No.55468813
Quoted by: >>55468900

Maybe she shouldn't put spoilers on her thumbnails?

>> No.55468829
Quoted by: >>55468853

there are other jp speaking livers I prefer

>> No.55468835
Quoted by: >>55468890

what kind of fucked course are you doing

>> No.55468840

When will femanons post their feet

>> No.55468853

No,you need face of niji en

>> No.55468860

I'm sure they can explain in english extremely well

>> No.55468874
Quoted by: >>55468916

whichever one motivates you the most since you'll need it to graduate

>> No.55468885
Quoted by: >>55468909

o-oh okay should we bring our phones and text eachother in discord during the movie or something?
i'm not the pomie you invited btw but i'm up for it!

>> No.55468890
File: 540 KB, 1887x2250, 1683319532557731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55469079

Brazil... but Germany seems to be a place I might move over unlike Japan

Computer Science, you need to do extra curricular activies. I have other options like research but this seems much more easier than writting a paper.

>> No.55468896
File: 187 KB, 1080x441, kanae nijifes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some members decline to give their reason like Kanae. Others like Shu say it's because they already participated last year so that others have a chance to participate. The specific reason depends on the individual so you should ask Petra about it.

>> No.55468900


>> No.55468909
Quoted by: >>55468925

who texts in the middle of a movie you're the worst kind of movie goer

>> No.55468913
Quoted by: >>55468966

Imagine Kotoka and Meloco get 3d before Obsydia

>> No.55468916

seconding this >>55468874

>> No.55468925
Quoted by: >>55468996

i dont know i've never texted anyone before since i dont have friends and my parents just call me. sorry.

>> No.55468931

Kanae ...

>> No.55468944

Imagine Kotoka and Meloco giving me double paizuri before Obsydia

>> No.55468960
Quoted by: >>55469001

He’s still a part of Nijifes. Just a smaller event and not a live which is why some of his fans are upset

>> No.55468966
Quoted by: >>55468992

they would have unironically gotten theirs first if they went through vta...
I want that timeline....

>> No.55468983
Quoted by: >>55469000

petra is hosting the first watchalong, luca is hosting the second with multiple jp speakers present , and kotoka will most likely host the 3rd. translating the main stream for EOPs is a non-issue

>> No.55468992

>I want that timeline....
I do too. So they wouldn't be in EN wasting two spots

>> No.55468996
File: 16 KB, 96x96, oW7YY7j4Ks298wS2taCYCg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55469015

o-oh I'm sorry

>> No.55469000

and it's not like they were translating a lot last year

>> No.55469001

Yeah but he himself declined the offer to participate. Who knows how many of them personally declined, and how many were actially just not invited. Both are possible

>> No.55469015

its okay thank you for correcting me i appreciate it!

>> No.55469051
File: 17 KB, 96x96, k7PVY7DbD_qI_9EPktKzmAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55469133

>how many were actially just not invited
that can happen??
I'd never get invited..

>> No.55469054

Petra would never answer these questions.
She has autism that tries to avoid answering things like this

>> No.55469058

Aster wasn't contacted, they forgot he is even a thing

>> No.55469071
File: 3.20 MB, 720x1004, 1674351689362253.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half of the branch is taking time off
>The other half is reacting to koshien
This seems like a good week to take a break

>> No.55469079

If you really plan on going and moving to Germany learn German. If you’re unsure, just choose whatever interests you more

>> No.55469085


>> No.55469097

Tell me why you like Ike. Talking about Ike is the most attractive thing a person can do other than be Ike

>> No.55469103
Quoted by: >>55469121

No one watches Aster besides that one zomboid stream so we’ll never know

>> No.55469109
Quoted by: >>55469128

what are you taking a break from exactly...?

>> No.55469118
File: 104 KB, 1024x1000, 1679894037672586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we save quilldren

>> No.55469121
Quoted by: >>55469150

Anon, was you not there for the day that /nijiEN/ came together to watch him?

>> No.55469128
File: 619 KB, 486x680, 1660566910981857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys

>> No.55469133
Quoted by: >>55469202

Ryushen was frustrated for not being picked for nijifes performance last year. Just because you want to perform also doesn't mean you are automatically invited

>> No.55469142

My oshi is graduating and make 20 days schedule pomie

>> No.55469144

hmph its not like i will miss you hmph hmph

>> No.55469150
Quoted by: >>55469222


>> No.55469157

is he okay?!?

>> No.55469162
File: 149 KB, 950x1103, FtD8QvsaMAI00ON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strap Ike to his chair in his streaming booth

>> No.55469186
Quoted by: >>55469309

Fuck you pomie

>> No.55469190
File: 203 KB, 2048x1536, 1688170058008586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55470068

He reminds me of myself because he hyperfixates on things and randomly brings up really obscure memes and references most people wouldn't understand, but that just makes him more excited to explain the joke like the autist he is.
Also he's a oldfag 4channer and cunnychad and I respect that. The guy is a true /a/utist and /jp/sie from the golden days when 4chan was good. I bet he participates in JAV threads on /jp/ still.

>> No.55469202

Everyone got invited except for luca and ike last year

>> No.55469210

oh perfect, I'll have more time to spend with other anons!

>> No.55469220
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1686886582682999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55469309

Wait Rosemi-sama is taking... a break?

>> No.55469222


>> No.55469229


>> No.55469256

https://twitter.com/messedupfoods/status/1688301421404336128 Nijien for this feel?

>> No.55469274


>> No.55469291


>> No.55469309
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1665434525851629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55469362

It feels nice to not read anons trolling, this thread getting raiding by numberfag and random rrats. It's like a detox for the mind.


>> No.55469322

Uki sexually and Ver, because he's a fat boy

>> No.55469337

And is it the same this year? Did everyone get invited? When we know that not every NijiJP member gets invited

>> No.55469343
File: 712 KB, 1052x1079, 1691329198712460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55469350

>> No.55469350

Not EN

>> No.55469358
Quoted by: >>55469410

is this ship art?

>> No.55469362

You are right pomie, I'm just joking.

>> No.55469390

need... more... zomboid...

>> No.55469393
File: 793 KB, 1018x1079, 1691329271352553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55469428

>> No.55469412
Quoted by: >>55469623

I’m pretty sure every JP gets invited. Even if it’s small like meet and greets. It’s just that a loft of them don’t get to be part of big events like the concert parts

>> No.55469410


>> No.55469423
File: 289 KB, 2000x2228, 1676175142634416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTP but I appreciate his work ethic.
His love for vocaloid and Miku in particular is also quite endearing.
There are a few other reasons but I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed.
Night cute Quilledren.

>> No.55469428

her hair and hat look so good

>> No.55469437
File: 247 KB, 1170x642, DBBE07BA-0D38-4474-9793-84C030FC368D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Mysta delivery today... it'll be lonely.

>> No.55469441

>work ethic
nigga doesn't even stream!

>> No.55469477
File: 25 KB, 832x655, FthokeAWYAQUQAz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntq but sleep well

>> No.55469513

>Doing 20 days

>> No.55469527

Why are you fighting me when I'm actually agreeing with you. Not everyone gets automatically invited, not for en at least

>> No.55469550
Quoted by: >>55469632

I know who you are

>> No.55469572

There's still unannounced stages, who knows if EN will participate in those?

>> No.55469574
Quoted by: >>55469632

Anon...are you Japanese or something

>> No.55469587
Quoted by: >>55469697

he's going out with mika

>> No.55469623

Not really. Some JPs have also expressed frustration on not being invited. It's not a stretch to think it's the same for other branches

>> No.55469632
File: 255 KB, 1097x1661, 14DF3A1E-2D66-4409-BFD1-A1E68DDA3A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say this all the time though.

>> No.55469675
Quoted by: >>55469721

Which ones? Because Ryushen was there last year. She just didn’t have a big stage

>> No.55469678

Proof next thread right? Or are you going to tell me to do archive reps?

>> No.55469679

Why are you /here/?

>> No.55469697
Quoted by: >>55469715

Nta but how?

>> No.55469715
Quoted by: >>55469945

Well he went outside anon, something you haven't done in weeks

>> No.55469721
Quoted by: >>55469745


>> No.55469725

You're being fucked with, people say frame and delivery all the time here

>> No.55469745

People are gonna complain no matter what pronouns I use for Ryushen

>> No.55469810
Quoted by: >>55469926

I'm bored why is no one streaming

>> No.55469843
File: 349 KB, 2048x1003, F1ZgaMsagAEd7_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There would usually be a koshien stream right now...

>> No.55469861


miwwie pawfait puzzletime

>> No.55469862

Conflicted on who to cheer for

>> No.55469893

Actually ALL NijiJP members showed up last year. Believe me

>> No.55469902

WELL IDGAF!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.55469926

>I'm bored why is no one streaming
30+ hires and yet management loves the PST and EST timezone

>> No.55469928

thanks for the proof that you're a tourist

>> No.55469936
File: 136 KB, 717x345, 1686793115317041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55470125

>> No.55469941
Quoted by: >>55469972


>> No.55469945

You know Mika and mysta Is not in the same country right?

>> No.55469961

The only time I ever saw a Japanese NijiEN fan post /here/ was during the height of the off-collab drama and they were concerntrolling about Mysta and saying he should play NSO since he's menhera and shit.

>> No.55469962
Quoted by: >>55470102

So not all ENs are invited, not all JPs are invited. Isn't this obvious already? People are just complaining for the sake of complaining. Audience is mostly JP fans who live in Japan but they want all EN to be invited.

>> No.55469972

Well he wasn’t a liver anymore was he

>> No.55469991

watch streams

>> No.55470058

really difficult not to hate this girl

>> No.55470068

My favorite thing about Ike is the coexistence of those two things and how much he contradicts himself through the power of autism, he is a very mature person but somehow childish and almost naive in ways at the same time. His taste in any given thing is equally cringe and based. He is equally /ourguy/ and a vessel of leddit cringe. He likes guro shit and lolishota twincest but acts like the opposite is true. He has probably called me a niggerfaggot on /mu/ a multitude of times but he refuses to swear on stream most of the time. He is really really cool but also a pathetic loser. He is anything and everything, there is no more perfect person.
His passion for vocaloid and music is so charming. All the random things he's into really. He's become a lot more unapologetic sperging out about random things over the last year compared to the way he was at the start. Also fun fact his favorite vocaloids are actually the Kagamine twins, most people actually don't know that.

>> No.55470102

So why weren't EN fans complaining that there are no JP member meetups for Anime Impulse? Because they don't care about meeting JP members. It's an event for EN fans who want to meet EN members. Nijifes is an event held in Japan for Japanese fans who are mostly fans of the JP members

>> No.55470125


>> No.55470128
Quoted by: >>55470168

4 more months of nijifes loop

>> No.55470168


>> No.55470183

Who should I watch more of after Mysta graduates?

>> No.55470191
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>> No.55470203

I've given up on this.

>> No.55470224

I don’t watch them but maybe one of the new guys

>> No.55470227
Quoted by: >>55470308

What specifically will you miss about Mysta that you need to fill the void?

>> No.55470253
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>> No.55470261


>> No.55470280

long toes

>> No.55470282
Quoted by: >>55470330

is this ai

>> No.55470296

can you grip something with your feet?

>> No.55470308
Quoted by: >>55470523

I like his zatsus and his banter with chat.

>> No.55470330

No, that is a real foot of a real woman who really posts in at least one /vt/ general

>> No.55470334
Quoted by: >>55470358

>backreading thread and see tachibana drama
>he deleted his fucking twitter account
Why do I always miss the good stuff

>> No.55470354

Anime impulse is third party con anon,
NijiEN is just guest. Not related to livers at all.
Nijifes is Nijisanji events.
Why I need explain this things in the first place.

>> No.55470358

>miss the good stuff
You’re here the foot pic though

>> No.55470384
Quoted by: >>55470457

It's fucking all Nijisanji fans you dumbfuck

>> No.55470390

I just watch lazudia to noctyx, and maririn
Depending on the game.

>> No.55470394
File: 2.83 MB, 3000x3500, 1673432775030624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching clips
>People doxxing Pomu in the comments
I would kill these people if I could

>> No.55470422
Quoted by: >>55470434

Do it pomie, or at least report them.

>> No.55470434

I did, hopefully Youtube does something about it

>> No.55470454

You're not slick, Pippa

>> No.55470457

Japanese people speak english? They speak korean? Indonesian? Isn't their main language japanese?
It's just logical to assume they are mostly JP fans

>> No.55470458
Quoted by: >>55470638

If there’s a way to contact the owner of the clip channel maybe they can delete them

>> No.55470475
Quoted by: >>55470638

If clippers good enough they must take care of that shit.

>> No.55470523

I guess for zatsu stuff you really do just have to experiment, the people I can stand to listen to talk for a long time regardless of what they're talking about are Elira, Rosemi, Ike, and Enna (haven't watched her in a while though). Mysta has a really unique relationship with his chat compared to a lot of people though, he was always good at chat interaction

>> No.55470565
Quoted by: >>55470623

not really the same level as your problem but I was watching a zomboid collab clip of en earlier and I saw a containment breaker mentions the le clique in the comments for no reason while everyone was just laughing at the clip, I fucking hate this board

>> No.55470623

The influxes of containment breaker is fucking annoying.

>> No.55470638

The comment has been there since the clip released. He has his email listed on his channel so maybe I should use that to contact him?

>> No.55470669
Quoted by: >>55470701

According to Scarle's clock, she's in the same time zone as me. Does she live in my state? Does she live in my city? Wait a minute, what's going on in the house next door. I'll be right back.

>> No.55470682
File: 343 KB, 405x357, 1660099970585818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55470728

I'm eating crackers and nutella

>> No.55470683

You can try. If he’s not an ass he would probably do it

>> No.55470698

No sonny Tweet tonight aside from gn why live

>> No.55470701
Quoted by: >>55470766

Fuck some sense into her anon

>> No.55470724
Quoted by: >>55470823

Maybe, but I can help you report the comment as well pomie.

>> No.55470728
Quoted by: >>55470843

stfu underage bud

>> No.55470766
Quoted by: >>55470815

Sorry, I only do anal.

>> No.55470797

kek I though she was gonna sing a Taylor swift song

>> No.55470815

Don't be anal about it

>> No.55470823

Yeah, I reported it. Just wanted to see if things I can do beyond that.

>> No.55470832

Can I get a link to the clip?

>> No.55470835
File: 264 KB, 1500x1500, 1691406667408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny didn't have a schedule last week but I feel so fed and full, he was everywhere! I love him so much.

>> No.55470843
File: 263 KB, 324x363, 1675724602459902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tasty

>> No.55470846
File: 88 KB, 993x913, 1690654907159179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss sonny

>> No.55470863
Quoted by: >>55470916

Should he really post the clip with doxx in the comments here

>> No.55470903

sausage toes...

>> No.55470916
Quoted by: >>55470988

Why not? We already know it so it's better to have more people here reporting it to YouTube.

>> No.55470943
Quoted by: >>55471011

He must be feeling bad every day thinking how dogshit and parasocial his fanbase is when he just wants to chill and stream games

>> No.55470951
Quoted by: >>55471138

Is it doxx or pl?

>> No.55470988

I thought about posting here so anons would report the comment but I would be indirectly doxxing Pomu, so no, sorry.

Lots of anons know about it but there are people asking to be spoonfeed all the time

>> No.55471004
Quoted by: >>55471063

this looks like an owner petting their pet

>> No.55471011
Quoted by: >>55471078

Oh anon, you really should update your shitpost baits.

>> No.55471063
File: 412 KB, 1500x1500, 1691407042014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55471505

I am his pet, yes, you are correct

>> No.55471078
Quoted by: >>55471182

Why should he when you reply anyway?

>> No.55471138
Quoted by: >>55471235


>> No.55471140


Maririn loves doing karaoke, meanwhile *insert liver here*....

>> No.55471182
Quoted by: >>55471253

I just want him to get more (You)s in the future instead of just one. He should talk more about how Sonny prefers pomies than briskadets

>> No.55471183
Quoted by: >>55471491


>> No.55471187

Maria is a hard worker

>> No.55471204
Quoted by: >>55471325

we all know that petra is a numberfag

>> No.55471233
File: 514 KB, 1500x1500, 1691407330386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really happy when he said he was feeling happy and in a good mood nowadays although it was already pretty obvious since he's so talkative, smiley, and playful with us. I'm really happy zomboid took off in EN. I hope it continues and hopefully spreads throughout the entire company. My heart feels full everyday, though I still miss him...

>> No.55471235

Oh, then yeah. Don't post it here

>> No.55471246

Maria is a hard worker meanwhile some people can't even be bothered to actually do any karaokes

>> No.55471253

Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.55471258
Quoted by: >>55471407

I love the fact that elira and shu need to explained everthing in the last watchalong

>> No.55471325

Nah, it means that it counts as a stream from Petra. Ironically the most video-game like content from her in months.

>> No.55471328
Quoted by: >>55471364

maybe will get karaoke streams like this in the future too

>> No.55471364
Quoted by: >>55471540

Anon stop. Unless you want me to start shitposting about you oshi

>> No.55471363
Quoted by: >>55471463

i miss nina

>> No.55471386

noctyx forgotten......

>> No.55471407
Quoted by: >>55471432

Who is gonna explain shit this year

>> No.55471432
Quoted by: >>55471469

Mel in-between mouth fulls of dick

>> No.55471463

She's out travelling and touching grass
She's happier than she's been in a while

>> No.55471469

Petora’s dick

>> No.55471491

Reimu's fans should grovel for her to do a karaoke stream because she is a queen

>> No.55471505

Aw, I love seeing fanart of sonny with you guys it's very cute! brings a smile to my face

>> No.55471540

I didn't say the word in purpose cause it triggers shitposters kek, but I hope we're enjoying the same stream

>> No.55471562
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