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5535841 No.5535841 [Reply] [Original]

Choco rarely has threads, so here is one

>> No.5535861
Quoted by: >>5535948 >>5539704


>> No.5535948
Quoted by: >>5535997

Because Choco is cute

>> No.5535997


>> No.5536062
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Quoted by: >>5536274

When is her next stream?

>> No.5536116
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>Choco thread
No, I don't think I will

>> No.5536274
Quoted by: >>5538216

She just did a surprise collab with Subaru on her channel.
She'll probably play Apex once she wakes up.

>> No.5536623
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>>Choco thread
>No, I don't think I will

>> No.5536643
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Quoted by: >>5538853 >>5561675

Her new year outfit is amazing, shame there isn't much art of it

>> No.5537216
Quoted by: >>5538189 >>5560760

I miss it when Choco did her physical examinations during collabs

>> No.5538189
Quoted by: >>5538250

I want to see her do a physical examination during a 3D off-collab.

>> No.5538216


>> No.5538235
Quoted by: >>5539157 >>5600714

you fucking failure

>> No.5538250

I want her to aggressively examine Ina's incredibly flat fucking chest and awaken her not so well hidden lesbian side.

>> No.5538507
File: 497 KB, 1448x2048, d4cceab1c2ddfee5e0358af3ace6c2fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some Choco-sensei

>> No.5538853
File: 781 KB, 746x1200, 78801985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5540715 >>5667422


>> No.5538894

Will she finally graduate like reddit dragon and Haato and go back to doing porn ASMR like she wants or JAV?

>> No.5538926

I love Choco!

>> No.5538950

I want to suck her tits and punch her cunt

>> No.5539157
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>> No.5539704

Because few people here watch JP

>> No.5540715
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Quoted by: >>5544452


>> No.5540876

How do we cure this qt's Rapex addiction?

>> No.5541133
Quoted by: >>5541602

Marriage and children, then she won't have the time to play Apex for 11 hours.

>> No.5541602

What this anon wrote>>5541133 It is the only way.

>> No.5541748
Quoted by: >>5557669

What are Chocos farts like?

>> No.5542249

I liked Choco's Yumeno Lilith collab.
It's a shame Cover stops her from being as lewd as her.

>> No.5542443

Lilith looks like the daughter of Choco and Mel

>> No.5542703
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>> No.5543564
Quoted by: >>5589311

I feel bad for choco, shes a sweetheart but her chat is full of incels

>> No.5543691
Quoted by: >>5573532

It wasn't Cover, it was YouTube constantly banning and demonitasing her

>> No.5544452
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Quoted by: >>5545348


>> No.5544675
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, __yuzuki_choco_hololive_drawn_by_fenrir_fenlil0316__6a7fe2d7a9d7946b711b4f024d7aaa5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5544710
File: 503 KB, 620x877, __yuzuki_choco_hololive_drawn_by_hoshara__68a55be3d6286bad0c0c839366c1488c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5545083
File: 1.48 MB, 2047x1447, 1614573706775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5545143
File: 133 KB, 850x850, littlechoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5545348
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Quoted by: >>5567170


>> No.5546129

God, i love lilith and warabe

>> No.5548864
File: 1.25 MB, 981x870, 1624183927372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5554095
Quoted by: >>5560760 >>5560851

For me it's Choco's voice and I'm not even talking about the ASMR pandering. Choco is what a sexy woman sounds like.

>> No.5557669

Rose-scented and full of pheromones with a powerful aphrodisiac effect.

>> No.5560543

any bets on the length of today's apex grind?
I'm guessing 7 hours

>> No.5560721

i only know her from fubuki x choco sexy asmr fubuki broke kayfabe and started to mew.

>> No.5560760


>> No.5560851

he coarse voice is actually so sexy its illegal
its just grinds my penis heart like a sandpaper
and then the sound of thick mouth-liquid as she opens and closes her mouth
just imagine how wet her mouth is

>> No.5560988

Keep inclining Choco-sen! The world needs to know more of your goodness.

>> No.5561061

She caught my eye because of the sexy design, and I started watching her because of all the clips of her being lewd and her voice.

But I didn't keep watching her because lewd, I kept watching her because she's sweet and adorable and she melts my heart. Her streams are cozy af. (But also cause yeah, her voice IS sex)

Love Chocosen!

>> No.5561263

That's honestly one of the best parts of HoloLive. Mel Choco and Noel have very obvious lewd aspects you'd expect them to milk but when you actually watch the streams they're all just so fucking adorable and cute

>> No.5561675

Choco has a weird lack of art in general.

>> No.5562316

>Apex collab with Roboco

Unexpected but welcome

>> No.5564324
Quoted by: >>5573448

Yeah Choco-sensei is pure sex, but I love her more for her long streams and how cute and sweet she is.

>> No.5566218

How long will she stream today?

>> No.5567170
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Quoted by: >>5597260


>> No.5567211
Quoted by: >>5567244 >>5570854

Is her tail sensitive?
asking for sexual reasons

>> No.5567244

She is a succubus, what do you thing? Be gentle

>> No.5568668

She got champion!

>> No.5569433

No one linked it yet, so here's the stream

>> No.5570553

chocobo apex gogogo

>> No.5570854

If you squeeze the end of her tail, she experiences the most powerful orgasm known to all of human or demonkind. She won't even be able to open her eyes for 10 minutes afterwards, and she'll be speaking exclusively in moans for the next 20.

>> No.5571848

finally,the devil nurse (succubus) deserves some love

>> No.5572528

Horee shet the triple yabe of the first 3 gens

>> No.5573409
File: 601 KB, 655x1200, 1625129045339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5573448

What is Choco's charm point?

>> No.5573448

These>>5561061 >>5561263 >>5564324

>> No.5573532
Quoted by: >>5600488

People forget where the name Banpire comes from.

>> No.5573577
Quoted by: >>5576308 >>5577752

Bring back ARK

>> No.5576308
File: 195 KB, 1948x2247, E4k5PdJVkAMWVKV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARK sucks too.

>> No.5577752
Quoted by: >>5580553

Ark is worse.
At least Apex is playable sometimes.

>> No.5580553

Yeah with Apex there is at least a chance bigger than zero that a collab happens.

>> No.5583631

I keep her on during her long day streams while I work

>> No.5589049
File: 171 KB, 1948x2247, E4k5RQzUUAIfCwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5589311

That's what happens when you pander to coomers.

>> No.5591776
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>> No.5592605
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Quoted by: >>5592784 >>5611658

How do I marry Choco?

>> No.5592784
Quoted by: >>5592941

Be a man and functional member of society. Also get in contact with her.

>> No.5592941
Quoted by: >>5593208 >>5600919

By functional member of society, you mean rich?

>> No.5593122
File: 67 KB, 561x567, 159263550244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not been able to catch her streams as much but i hope all is well

>> No.5593208
Quoted by: >>5600919

No just be a normal man.

>> No.5595845
File: 205 KB, 850x1267, 0a13200dfe8b4ff9d696f4b81a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5597260
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Quoted by: >>5635771


>> No.5597955

I enjoyed her latest stream with Lilith, shit was fun as fuck and I downloaded the entire stream before it gets taken down or privated for shit reasons.

>> No.5599994

>Those beeps and sound effects hiding nothing
Kek, this is great

>> No.5600488

They also forget that Youtube is the reason we don't get the girls in bikinis anymore. Can you imagine this? We could've gotten all the girls in bikinis with me looking forward to Noel. Coco, Towa, Watame and the Gen 5 girls.

>> No.5600714

how new

>> No.5600754


>> No.5600919
Quoted by: >>5603658 >>5614530

She and Sui are in to rich guys

>> No.5603463
File: 108 KB, 850x1202, 1b88c8abdfcc36434d4a4ee8022d0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5603658

Disappointing but understandable. Suisei needs a guy who can pay off her multi-million yen gacha debt, and Choco seems like the type to be a housewife if the husband can provide for her.

>> No.5607705

How's her membership content like ?

>> No.5611658
Quoted by: >>5613320 >>5617940

Her fan merch was wedding rings and fake marriage certificates for 5 thousand yen like Towa's bibi hats and Coco's Kiyru clan badges

>> No.5613320


>> No.5613410

>Mel Choco and Noel have very obvious lewd aspects you'd expect them to milk but when you actually watch the streams they're all just so fucking adorable and cute
this guy gets it

>> No.5614530

Heyy my job pays well, so there would be a chance, that being said I wonder if the rich guy requirement still holds up for Choco.

>> No.5614582
Quoted by: >>5614617

>Yuzuki "Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma'am" Choco

>> No.5614617

Nice Eigo!

>> No.5617634

Nice tits.

>> No.5617940
Quoted by: >>5618054 >>5624958

It was her second anniversary merch. She also did a red carpet to bait out superchats.
It was a little painful to sit through her begging at the time, but cute enough now.

>> No.5618054

I feel bad for man. Not from a monetary standpoint, but being Choco is suffering...

>> No.5618382
Quoted by: >>5618401

Everything about Choco makes me COOM

>> No.5618401

Especially her singing voice!

>> No.5622357

Ayo this bitch choco been streaming since I went to sleep

>> No.5624958
Quoted by: >>5625276

I watched part of the VOD recently and when I got to that part it was really rough. Choco did her best to make it seem legit but wow I can't believe she did the red carpet thing.

I wonder if it was a management idea or not... that sort of begging can backfire pretty bad. It almost did...

>> No.5625276
Quoted by: >>5626494

>she did the red carpet thing
What does that mean?

>> No.5625971


>> No.5626494
Quoted by: >>5648861

For her 3D live, there was a segment that was like "roll out the red carpet" where the red carpet is akasupas. Each akasupa "rolled out" the carpet a bit. I can't remember what the number of akasupas were needed but basically as they came in, Choco would walk closer and closer to the camera... down the red carpet so to speak.

You can imagine how this might backfire if no one wants to give akasupas. For some of the Holomems this wouldn't be an issue at all but for someone like Choco who hasn't been doing great in the numbers and lack a strong gachikoi fanbase, it felt a bit like taking blood from a stone.

It worked out in the end but... yea I hope it never happens again. Bad optics.

>> No.5628393


>> No.5628472
Quoted by: >>5630047

Sensei, calm the fuck down with the APEX streams

>> No.5630022

Choco Apex... she might not be a great player but pay respects to her dedication.

Fun fact: After her first 12 hr Apex stream, she had to restart the stream so it can be archived.
1st Stream: 3.8k viewers.
2nd Stream: 4.8k viewers

Go Choco go!

>> No.5630047

She is calm, she just wants to bless us at these trying times.

>> No.5630094
Quoted by: >>5630859

How much more APEX must she stream..

>> No.5630263

Better to have Choco Apex streams than no streams...

And better Apex addiction than whatever shitty gacha game she was addicted to a while ago.

>> No.5630283
File: 61 KB, 850x478, littlechoco1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be kind to yourself, Choco...

>> No.5630341

I'm seething so much, what the fuck does it say?

>> No.5630631
Quoted by: >>5630657

Choco, don't you get tired from streaming 10-12 hours a day?

>> No.5630657

She's a nurse, I'm sure she has all kinds of stimulants to stay up marathoning APEX.

>> No.5630859

Susan said she’d to stop banning Choco if she can rank up. Choco cant stop now

>> No.5632238

jeez these people in chat are annoying

>> No.5632605
File: 148 KB, 848x1200, 1622825491108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tiny little maid just sits there and plays videogames all day long and later she will happily go to sleep. Cute

>> No.5635771
File: 661 KB, 1000x1200, 78907685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5660423


>> No.5640205
File: 780 KB, 746x1200, 1613487821070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5640280

Choco is being really tskr by streaming all the time rn
Also hello robocco

>> No.5640280

this new years Choco outfit is literally the best thing Hololive has produced and no one can change my mind

>> No.5640332
Quoted by: >>5641039

ive only started watching her recently, but i thought she was supposed to be a semen demon oneesan, but she sounds super cute and innocent. was she always like this?

>> No.5641039

Yes, same with Noel and Mel.

>> No.5641055

Choco voice is pure sex so underrated

>> No.5641133

Hag love!

>> No.5644075
Quoted by: >>5644631

>8 Hours of Apex
Choco-san t-tsuyoi...

>> No.5644249
Quoted by: >>5647063

the only actual autist in hololive,

anyone who says aqua is even 1% autistic is a moron or has never seen an actual autistic person in their life

>> No.5644631

haha...yeah...8 hours only...

>> No.5644775

choco cant brute force to plat shes too shit unfortunately

>> No.5646856


>> No.5647063

Prove it.

>> No.5648291
Quoted by: >>5648488

You thought Choco was done for today?

>> No.5648488
Quoted by: >>5667780

My god...

I wonder what goes through Choco's mind desu...

Does she think about ways she can improve at Apex or does she just really really really enjoy playing it and is just gonna grind it out.

>> No.5648700


>> No.5648861

honestly any company prepared thing like that really sours me. It's one thing it happening with fans and them meme'ing it but having it be part of the program is just ew.

>> No.5649007

So this is what 0 dick does to a mf

>> No.5649018

Why sleep when you could stream

>> No.5651196
Quoted by: >>5653202


Choco Mel Coco collab in 5 hours. Time to support this because she won't be streaming for a week once she goes into hibernation

>> No.5653202
Quoted by: >>5666965

This be maybe over 31 hours of no sleep till then. I don't even know could be more since you only know when she started streaming.

>> No.5658658


>> No.5660423
File: 158 KB, 1036x1224, EuJ0YEiVIAI9FEu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5664082


>> No.5661551
Quoted by: >>5661779

last collab (?) with coco right now

>> No.5661779

So it would seem.

>> No.5664082
File: 467 KB, 1406x2000, Es_rgChUYAQjKbB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5675766


>> No.5664976

Choco is the sex symbol of hololive

>> No.5665012

Choco is the most prominent sex symbol of hololive

>> No.5666697
File: 3.27 MB, 1963x1963, 1616420980872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5666965

She streamed Apex for like 29 hours straight. Ended the stream and went to play Dead by Deadlight with Roboco for like 3 more hours. Slept like 3-4 hours and then did a stream with Coco and Mel.

>> No.5667183

Choco's covers feels like she's hugging you

>> No.5667234

>I liked Choco's Yumeno Lilith collab.
most probably, Lilith is banned to collab with hololive now

>> No.5667317
File: 90 KB, 400x400, Choco pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco is cute.

>> No.5667422
Quoted by: >>5667584

What does a devil pray to

>> No.5667584


>> No.5667780
Quoted by: >>5668664

Choco legit is probably mildly autsimal. She grinds in games as if she was a chinese sweatshop serf. Literally hours upon hours of the same inputs and gameplay loops in Minecraft and ARK. She doesn't know how to make macros or scripts so when she was stuck in the ender she farmed Endermen manually (clicking to hit each time) for almost half a day

>> No.5668434
Quoted by: >>5668951

Todays collab was really good, especially when Choco was begging for more. I love Choco.

>> No.5668664
File: 2.82 MB, 3600x4840, 50DC9216-4328-4149-B784-993BF1A0B017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5675824

>she farmed Endermen manually (clicking to hit each time) for almost half a day
You surely mean the army of eunuchs she keeps in her lair, doing manual work for her when they’re not pleasuring her unquenshable thirsty
>you could be one of them anon
Just pledge your allegiance to satan, sign the contract and put your member in the chopping board

>> No.5668951

Hot. I think I'm starting to love choco too.

>> No.5670169

Poor Choco. She got mercilessly fucked by YouTube, they took away her main appeal, and while her zatsudans and cooking streams were fun they're not for everyone, plus her inner holo circle isn't made up of larger members so she can't incline off them unlike some of the others. Also a general lack of consistency like Mel.

>> No.5675766
File: 1.50 MB, 1166x1800, EsI4h1cVkAAkbcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5678619


>> No.5675824

I'd be OK with this as long as I don't have to get the snip.

>> No.5678619
File: 86 KB, 695x834, ErcdW_3UcAIQmMX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

