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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 106 KB, 1080x1542, @rizu_pann_F2ZpRlGaIAAorRh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55342885 No.55342885 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>55342969

For the 36th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>Upcoming Stream(s)
>Past Streams

>First cover - Love Me, Love Me, Love Me (English cover of Kikuo - 愛して愛して愛して ).
>Rebellion (Hololive English -Advent- Debut Song)
>Debut stream
>Debut Merch

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
Art Tag: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds : #depravencrafts on Twitter), RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Previous thread: >>55305218

A word of advice: be smart and don't engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, just do the necessary you see fit: ignore, hide and report is the course to go.

>> No.55342969
File: 1.09 MB, 4096x2663, F2YYsQVXwBEaEkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread Tools
Current OP Template
Joint /ope/rations Center (/ope/'s library that is still relatively bare-bones - also needs an official name)

>> No.55343063

Good lord this game is fucking boring

>> No.55343201

we're back

i want to marry nerissa

>> No.55343960
File: 332 KB, 600x788, Nerissa Forehead smoochies[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh6mcrg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55357578

bout to flood this place with soundposts

>> No.55344003

Hololive Error was not a good game. there's barely anything to even react to, her manager fucked her over telling her to play that,

>> No.55344031

She read my post here, not telling you which one

>> No.55344156
File: 808 KB, 600x788, Nerissa Dorky Laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh4wsss.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55344541

>> No.55344167

oh shit we live
also tldr she turned into a "get every ending sweaty gamer" kind

>> No.55344295
File: 485 KB, 600x788, Nerissa Marry Her Instead[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F15zvy9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55344362
Quoted by: >>55344828

Rissa kissed me...

>> No.55344361
File: 77 KB, 500x500, F2z2qqQbUAAUG1O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to buy her Starting voice!

>> No.55344382

>have to use vpn to hear the soundpost
owari da

>> No.55344463

Definitely dragged towards the end but still happy to spend time with her. Looking forward to her karaoke tomorrow.

>> No.55344511

Oh, she played Error because she doesn't have any perms for other horror game yet

>> No.55344518

i want to buy it but i doubt it will accept amazon gift card even thought there's amazon pay option

>> No.55344541
File: 180 KB, 500x532, 1532931771908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love her and her stupid laugh

>> No.55344640
File: 889 KB, 4096x3799, 1690993398583042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a NEET loser though.

>> No.55344687

i love nerissa

>> No.55344816
File: 164 KB, 600x688, Nerissa Uno Momento[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe5uiz0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55344828

This kiss was for me

>> No.55345124
File: 1.49 MB, 600x788, Nerissa I CAN SAVE HER[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9f8h0q.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55345390

Her game choices have not been clicking with me yet, but hopefullu next week will be better

>> No.55345489
File: 1.43 MB, 600x788, Nerissa Sister In Law[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6ckb7i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55346641
File: 168 KB, 544x264, ebO7zedLTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to Shiori's schedule next week looks like Rissa will be playing Phasmo (w/ Shirori) on Monday and EDF 5 on Thursday (all Advent collab)

>> No.55346833

She was very parasocial this stream!

>> No.55346879

>next karaoke is in two weeks
why does she edge us like this...

>> No.55346896

>same hour
they still can't go random?

>> No.55347111
File: 349 KB, 400x436, Nerissa Goodbye[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkryrkr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55347112

>EDF5 collab

>> No.55347179

for reference, sankisei decided their timeslot for each member and mostly stuck to it for years

>> No.55347341

overlap hell...

>> No.55348532


>> No.55348903

They don't seem to give a single shit about overlapping and dead hours so I can't imagine any of them will change their timeslot. At best they'll do an earlier stream here and there

>> No.55348972
File: 15 KB, 1252x58, 1675825381093183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55349288


>> No.55349129
File: 86 KB, 800x1000, 20230806_083824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55349288
Quoted by: >>55349756

She's doing that for me personally btw

>> No.55349333
Quoted by: >>55349430

How long till Jailbirds get out of the pet zone?

>> No.55349430

We are already Darlings wdym

>> No.55349467
File: 690 KB, 514x836, 45bret_treKtSVUT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to soundpost so here's "Mmm Senpai blood"


>> No.55349524

Watching her was my first time ever seeing Hololive Error. Aside from the general lack of quality of the game, it really takes me out it seeing cute anime characters in a horror game and the game trying to treat it seriously. Double for non-human characters like Korone. Watching Nerissa play it was cute but none of these characters are fit to be inserted in a horror game without serious alterations

>> No.55349699
Quoted by: >>55350013

i think it was a neat idea but horrible execution. half the scares are silhouette people or some faceless dude. its just a disappointing game overall.

>> No.55349733

i like how she pretend to be scared and then stop pretending to be scared

>> No.55349756
Quoted by: >>55362512

Sadly she's almost 100% doing that because Kiara complained about lack of eurotrash timeslots in her stream today

>> No.55349953

Nerissa would marry me just to stop me from trying to marry the rest of her family.

>> No.55350010

hope she sing rebellion

>> No.55350013

I think in the end she is just playing this game because she is a Hololive fan, and wants to play it on stream for other Hololive fans to watch.
If you look at it that way, it is quite fun. I think she is also excited to play fan-games like HoloCure too, it just takes time to go through them.

>> No.55350198

Is that why her viewer count seemed so few today

>> No.55350231

Nerissa in love me btw

>> No.55350275

it was really cool, and i agree as a hololive fan it is a special experience. it was cool going through it with her. i was just talking about how the game itself is pretty shite if you think about it

>> No.55350295
Quoted by: >>55350503

At the beginning of the stream she also mentioned that it was a recommendation from her manager when she was deciding what to play that week. It's not a great game to stream but it satisfied her completionist autism at least lol

>> No.55350454
File: 152 KB, 595x648, 1691295217886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.55350503

It was because they couldn't get perms for the game she originally scheduled today.

>> No.55350921

Rissa, you can edit your tweet...

>> No.55351382
File: 3.36 MB, 1491x2239, RDT_20230806_0944378431197730553299249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55351708

>Nerissa will never laugh at your funny chat
it's over...

>> No.55351706
Quoted by: >>55351837


>> No.55351837

go away mother in law

>> No.55351840
Quoted by: >>55352035

she is actually good with horror games huh
i get scared too easily

>> No.55352035


>> No.55352773
Quoted by: >>55353199

she has
>2 sisters, married
>one brother, single
>1 dog
>2 cats
>2 thick thighs
is this accurate?

>> No.55353199

She has one husband

>> No.55353468
File: 165 KB, 1163x1645, F2uokEvaQAAxfjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55354768

>> No.55354707
File: 157 KB, 754x639, 1676335213999781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamarissa owns an emerald mine...

>> No.55354740
File: 177 KB, 960x782, F20L7FkbUAAjVdk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55354768

playing bongos on rissa's fat ass before prone boning her with prejudice

>> No.55354841
File: 1.18 MB, 2894x3694, F2zDlaVXMAAJTE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55354963
File: 2.36 MB, 1950x2850, F2yW49UWIAA7v0Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55355081
File: 438 KB, 2048x1626, F20KwszaIAAb4tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55355163
File: 524 KB, 1224x1280, F2yi015bAAE0F9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55355272
File: 301 KB, 2000x2000, F2v7UQ2WoAAJ-SZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55355362
File: 787 KB, 1448x2048, F2zQI4oXAAE7NQN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55355447
File: 387 KB, 2048x2048, F20rE7kbUAE41pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55356212


>> No.55355546
File: 454 KB, 1614x2048, 1690941954879775[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftg8xbe.wav].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love her

>> No.55355684

name it properly

>> No.55355838

how'd you get this recording of our honeymoon vacation?

>> No.55356212

next year fest I belib

>> No.55356349

Every time she swears on stream now I keep thinking "no Nerissa, your mother is watching!"
What am I, 10?

>> No.55356370
File: 278 KB, 1567x626, neri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55356501

is she gonna love me... im just a jailbird she allows to watch

oh in that case i'll be fine

>> No.55356633
Quoted by: >>55357367

She's not gay? WTF, unfollow

>> No.55356695
Quoted by: >>55356965

bet they've broken up by now

>> No.55356936

So when she was in High School?

>> No.55356955

I literally do not care. The best Holos have bfs.

>> No.55356965
Quoted by: >>55357140

it's fine. a girl that nice sure to say yes to a nice guy every now and then. it's cute, but long distance relationships never work

>> No.55357059


>> No.55357140
Quoted by: >>55357992

Wow this is why everything is over nowadays, not because of them women being whores but because of the weak sauce men.

>> No.55357158
Quoted by: >>55357367

>Doxxposting her literal teenage years now
Unironically kys

>> No.55357328
File: 238 KB, 625x626, theimageopeneeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55357367


Kys yurifag

Kys gachi/unicorn

>> No.55357537
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 0nkyf2figp671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when the girl who looks as a lesbian say "my boyfriend"

>> No.55357578

>forehead kisses
those are so fucking good... damn you Nerissa.

>> No.55357579

>admitting humiliation and cuck fetish
damn bro, watching anime girls online was bad enough.

>> No.55357585

Stop posting literal personal life shit you absolute threadshitting mongoloid.

>> No.55357992

but they just dont. t. been in a few

>> No.55358012

Grim as fuck bois, was too good to be true.

>> No.55358016

fags BTFO

>> No.55358023
Quoted by: >>55358258

is holo error worth watching? is the game good and how is nerissa reacting

>> No.55358141
Quoted by: >>55358386

>confirmation that lesbianism is a total meme

>> No.55358171

Her roommate has autist ice queen face she looks like Rooney Mara

>> No.55358189
File: 3.96 MB, 1448x2048, 1674624155388225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still up

>> No.55358217

She is single now but not for much longer I am going to be her husband

>> No.55358258

i dont like horror games but Nerissa made it barely bearable. it's not that good, and she doesn't get too scared.

>> No.55358289

mods will never delete post from split thread huh

>> No.55358386

She said that she will vet any potential partners for her brother and that she wants him to find a good WIFE. She's based.

>> No.55358506
Quoted by: >>55358609

Het won
/u/ lost

>> No.55358540
File: 152 KB, 274x317, 0678ef7276b00b60dbc1d668c46a9361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doxxing cunts suddenly conducting falseflag attack on someone's personal life from when they were a teenager
>Jannies don't delete it
>It's during these hours again

>> No.55358609

We know, we lost bro, but the samefagging is a bit unnecessary

>> No.55358633

Doxxfags deserve the rope

>> No.55358644

>they were a teenager

>> No.55358709
File: 210 KB, 1000x1414, 1685277386660590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55358804

Let's not rub it in too much fellow straightbros. It is doxxshit, after all. We can just be casually smug about it.

>> No.55358781

Anon half the posts are from almost a decade ago. Just take the doxxshit from years ago somewhere else.

>> No.55358804
Quoted by: >>55359545

So i this the start of
>he lacks critical information

>> No.55358857

dont look at his twitch clips

>> No.55358863

Picked up

>> No.55358883

Thanks, that woke me up a bit

>> No.55358898

man, when you deny what is clearly there, you sound like a crazy person, you can cope, but don't tell me to not see what I'm seeing with my own eyes.

>> No.55358984
Quoted by: >>55359898

>long distance relationship
Meaning, not in a real relationship

>> No.55359008

I am glad she is not a dyke

>> No.55359125

Motherfucker I'm not ignoring the fact that part of it is recent I'm drawing attention you fished roommate related posts from almost a decade ago like fag you fucking lemon.

>> No.55359137

Slit your wrists doxxfag

>> No.55359202

They hated him because he told the truth

>> No.55359207
Quoted by: >>55359504

>Been 30 minutes
>it's still up

>> No.55359253

You know Shiori and Mumei has bf’s too right?

>> No.55359345


>> No.55359349

oh i didnt know that. now that i do know, im gonna think nothing of it

>> No.55359362

Penis goes into the vagina
it is the way of the world

>> No.55359369
File: 168 KB, 727x464, yurifag cope (me).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To 2020, they broke up 100%

>> No.55359381
File: 7 KB, 320x180, FGXXrTHXsAAUDUc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfuckers doxxfagging deserve the rope

>> No.55359411
Quoted by: >>55359651

You look at the post with the earliest date and dismiss the recent ones, you clearly are selecting what you want to see, disregarding the facts, if you at least said 2021 to now is enough time for a break up, I can cope, when you say "decades ago" you are straight up trolling and gaslighting.

>> No.55359459
Quoted by: >>55359659

Just post the Mori doxx to get this thread killed

>> No.55359472

I don't condone doxxshit but this is a pretty retarded train of thought lol

>> No.55359478

Yeah, that's why I'm not into them, I sub for the cgdgt but they would never be my oshi.

>> No.55359504

mods gave up with the outage

>> No.55359545
Quoted by: >>55359795

What criticial information is this even meant to impart? She already shown attraction to men and woman, so her being bi isn't critical information.
Her having had a "long distance relationship" years ago? LDRs are a total meme and if it was still on-going I would feel bad for the guy. This is the one scenario in which the IRL BF is the actually cucked one.

>> No.55359570
Quoted by: >>55359802

you people are looking too much into this lol
besides, a streamer is a terrible romantic partner to have, theyll always be busy and mostly unavailable, but they gotta do what they gotta do to get the baeg
cant you just let them be an inspiration for you to improov yourself and if it happens that you actually meet them one day and theyre single well then plap plap

>> No.55359580
Quoted by: >>55359795

He still retweeted her stuff in 2021. probably broke up by now.

>> No.55359598

>yurifags move on to the bi cope
Every single time lol

>> No.55359612

Her RM is really cute

>> No.55359629
Quoted by: >>55359659


>> No.55359651

Dumbass the recent posts doesn't change you fished for almost decade old roommate shit. Also none of what you said changes your doxxfag and deserve the rope.

>> No.55359659
Quoted by: >>55363478

Thanks >>55359459

>> No.55359668
File: 700 KB, 1667x2310, 1673572949050853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexuality isn't real, there's straight and the rest is fetishism.

>> No.55359693

>yurifags move on to the bi cope
Yurifags would rather them being straight than "bi-sluts", you need to lurk more.

>> No.55359699
Quoted by: >>55359754

People have been saying she's bi for days
Wake up

>> No.55359754
Quoted by: >>55359803

Yeah, preemptive cope to feel like less of a loser later on!

>> No.55359787
Quoted by: >>55359956

Ah fuck this, that flipnigger is going to make video about this like he did FuwaMoco huh

>> No.55359788

>move on
Doxxfags apparently don't even read threads.

>> No.55359795
Quoted by: >>55360209

No, it's 100% a break. They didn't talk affectionately together anymore, or anything like that. He just kept retweeting her stuff because affection or something, they were in good terms. And he's still active and there's fucking about her.

>> No.55359802

>cant you just let them be
Not if I'm spending my money on her.
If she uses what I spend on her to hang out with a guy, it's humiliating for me.

>> No.55359803

I want to believe you're shitposting because I refuse to believe anyone is this stupid.

>> No.55359806


Good say hi to her boyfriend

>> No.55359842

>sensuality debate
Don't give a shit doxxfags kys

>> No.55359898

if you're not fucking your gf at least 3 times a week then you're a cuck cuz someone else will fuck her for you

>> No.55359921

>replying to doxx
I hope you faggots kill yourselves. Not even global or /#/ is this bad

>> No.55359928
Quoted by: >>55360051

when i had a gf i could actually never bring myself to be around their social media. am i just weird for preferring to keep my love discreet and private or am i taking myself too seriously? what's your stance on orbiting your gf's social media even though you already possibly talk nonstop in pms anyway

>> No.55359956

Yeah he hates unicorns so anyway he can stick it to them is a W for him

>> No.55359988

>Not even global or /#/ is this bad
Uh. Yeah they are.

>> No.55359990

>Not even global or /#/ is this bad
Take a wild guess who's raiding this thread?

>> No.55360051
Quoted by: >>55360191

>what's your stance on orbiting your gf's social media even though you already possibly talk nonstop in pms anyway
I'm convinced that orbiting your partners social media is a good sign your relationshiop is dead. You wouldn't feel the need if you had real contact. This is completly unrelated to the current discussion, just generally true.

>> No.55360106
File: 3.54 MB, 1999x3508, 1679127211923288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I hate roommate posting too but after the yurifag smugness we had to endure past week, you have to be trippin if you don't think I'm calling her my straight tradwife from now on

>> No.55360113

I wish she was my girlfriend

>> No.55360129
File: 123 KB, 306x298, KYS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F17br5w.wav].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55360267

why isn't there board specific rule reports, I know other boards have it

>> No.55360162


>> No.55360191

i know it isnt too related but thats the point. we can have actual discussions about some of the things without having to talk about doxxshit which seems to really get people's panties tied up in a bunch.

but yea ldrs dont work, big whoop

>> No.55360209
File: 1.20 MB, 498x298, 1645422278729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55360569

Ok anon, I'm back in, I'll trust you.
If she betrays me I'll be a hero this time.

>> No.55360252

>straight tradwife
Your straight tradwaife sure lusts for women a suspicious amount anon...
You're delusional if you think people are gonna stop yurishipping her, its the only kind of shipping you can get in hololive and she is begging for it.

>> No.55360262

Gosling status????

>> No.55360267

use the "off-topic" rule, that usually works for me

>> No.55360328
File: 389 KB, 989x794, 1681121535542712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55360352
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, 163463634697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over...

>> No.55360356
File: 32 KB, 861x580, 1691184416815352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going strong with my cute twin doggos

>> No.55360360


>> No.55360365

>had a LDR and then moved on to women and fictional guys
Anon, I...

>> No.55360401

ok fellas, democracy

>> No.55360419

what would it even change? she still doesnt know i exist, and if i pay ill just be a cow being milked. im playing the long game here regardless

>> No.55360437

>you sound like a crazy person
Yes you do.
Reminder to /ope/ that Shiori is about to go on a long break and Rissa will probably benefit the most from this. Don't lose sight of the path forward.

>> No.55360442

Shiori has a worse track record
Nerissa will be fine.

>> No.55360443

>discussion open

>> No.55360449

>she was "confused"
Confusion is when you tell yourself you like girls as a woman

>> No.55360486
Quoted by: >>55360517

not clicking that ip-grabber

>> No.55360517

when I see Nerissa I pee, then I grab her

>> No.55360550

Real poal

>> No.55360569

numbersagi spy here, I knew her before hololive, don't get invested. Enjoy her singing and music and yuri kayfabe, but it's dangerous to get attached. Don't say I didn't warn you!

>> No.55360727
Quoted by: >>55361053

I should have listened to them about Shiori but I wanted to at least have Nerissa...

>> No.55360731

This warning is too vague, sorry anon.
I'll still blame you if anything happens.

>> No.55360737
File: 476 KB, 608x335, e6cef7a200986c7e73dfafa27133d9c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's been a full hour
>doxxposts are still up
I unfathomably hate this board beyond belief, it's unreal

>> No.55360769
File: 529 KB, 1800x708, 1691300327170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerissafags getting a bit cocky lately...

>> No.55360777

I trust in Holotori to give her all the rape correction she needs.

>> No.55360863

So... what now? I am still waiting for her next cover or original song
Maybe will member her for the 1st month to observe her membership content

>> No.55360880

It's even really fucking old doxx stuff

>> No.55360910

i have gone out of my way to live in relative emotional comfort for a few years now, surely i could be ready for some danger

>> No.55360950

They're still using 4 year old moom doxx what do you expect

>> No.55360960
File: 21 KB, 100x94, 496126937564053567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking meidos

>> No.55360970

Its not even really doxx, its posts by another person. Report it as off-topic.

>> No.55360981

Can you prove she is that woman?

>> No.55361013
Quoted by: >>55361753

The only thing I think here
>Imagine turning someone gay or at least making them bi and lean more towards girls

>> No.55361027


>> No.55361032

Dude even met his "LDR" girlfriend irl... its over...

>> No.55361053

my friend, if you ever feel broken from the betrayed trust, know that there are 2 cute dogs that have pledged that they will defend your smile to the death if you only say 2 little words. Bau Bau.

>> No.55361091
Quoted by: >>55361355

NTA but they seem like freak weirdos

>> No.55361094
File: 849 KB, 2149x1193, 1690699854922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really going to cope and pretend they've definitely broken up when there's zero evidence that that is the case? This isn't another Mumei situation, this is a long-term, serious thing and they've been confirmed to be together for at least 6 years already.

>> No.55361121

Now this is some real good shitpposting, I find this kind cleaver some

>> No.55361179
Quoted by: >>55361515

They are incestuous lesbians

>> No.55361185

Now as you can see the guy will never use picture and or say her genmates are better to then try to make people anger at the genmates as well. Got a real shitter in here.

>> No.55361190
Quoted by: >>55361212

>long distance relationship
>pictures of man crush
>called her her girlfriend
We use this word a lot, but this is what actually getting cucked looks like.

>> No.55361192

I don't like it when leafs pretend to be japanese.

>> No.55361193

why isn't your rock moving on her stream

>> No.55361212


>> No.55361217

im going to cope by saying a girl as nice as she is is definitely gonna say yes to someone, but she lives with her parents apparently so nothing is set in stone

>> No.55361275

>this is a long-term, serious thing
Long distance relationships can not be a serious thing. Its also kinda susupicious to me how there is only posts from him talking about her alleged roommate as his girlfriend, but not the other way around.

>> No.55361282
File: 651 KB, 2850x4080, 1674777560706037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55361354

>> No.55361322

Listen bros, she might have privated her past twitter but her opsec before hololive was purposefully utter dogshit. Expect more baggage to surface sooner or later. Ignore the bait if you can help it because there will probably be more of it.

Comes with the territory of /ope/.

>> No.55361355
File: 11 KB, 235x279, 791b4f25cb4d6aa19806fe50bcbac2d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, aren't they great?

>> No.55361354
File: 799 KB, 4096x2099, 1688225355817865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55361366

>Actually coping
Holy kek

>> No.55361371

It's only your fault to believe in women being single in this time of age, gadgets made for easier contact, and the overtime increase of degeneracy promotion. never ever invest time holding feelings for a woman that you don't even know personally.

For me, I already got filtered back before Myth dropped. I only watch potentially fun events now, collabs, never an Oshi.

>> No.55361406

go to his youtube channel

>> No.55361413
Quoted by: >>55361515

I hate weirdness and I hate freaks. They're evil.

>> No.55361476

Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat Please get parasocial with chat

>> No.55361495

I'm not gonna go "look it up" for your bait to work doxxtard.

>> No.55361514

It reeks of Nijii in here with some of these posts

>> No.55361515
Quoted by: >>55361554


my friend, that is some real self hate you have there. Well when you are tired of self-destructing, they will be there.

>> No.55361554

>they will be there
To feast on my corpse, I'm sure.

>> No.55361582

>facecam special
its over...

>> No.55361603
Quoted by: >>55361710

As long as she never collabs with males it is fine

>> No.55361678

>engaging at all
man you guys are retarded lmao

>> No.55361697
File: 107 KB, 463x453, 1664095474814816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The takeaway from this is that if that gay fat chink can get a girlfriend this cool, there must be a literal goddess waiting somewhere for me

>> No.55361698

Now notice how there is only 3 twitter replies of this and the guy acts like a creepy werido in them claiming he is her girlfriend, but not replies? I took look into and couldn't find anything, but this guy being weird and creepy. People told me to go look and I did and I actually could not find anything like people were lying and just hoping no one would actually look? Like did this guy just think he was her boyfriend or something, he got no replies not anything back. Nothing.

>> No.55361710
Quoted by: >>55361743

Clearly not gonna happen. Apparently she doesn't even "collab" with her IRL boyfriend.

>> No.55361709
File: 77 KB, 720x605, 1691303344119986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55361735
File: 544 KB, 2686x3857, 1688595265452940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to start posting Moom lewds since you fags are useless

>> No.55361743

>he doesn't know

>> No.55361753

I have a friend that turned gay from how unbelievably shit his relationship was.
It was a "if women are this shit, I will literally kiss my homies instead" situation

>> No.55361790
File: 1.06 MB, 3000x4029, 1673151963923090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55361795

I will now kill myself for actually doing this much

>> No.55361802
File: 971 KB, 1600x900, 16234634643643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362409


>> No.55361804
File: 50 KB, 331x307, 20211124_155147_IMG_2954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55361808
File: 1.21 MB, 1454x2257, 1690851809388404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all the holobirds to sexual?

>> No.55361832
File: 3.89 MB, 1300x2310, 1664663987830426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55361866
File: 420 KB, 1600x2349, 1691250234805448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lewd bird supremacy

>> No.55361868
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>> No.55361908
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>> No.55361954
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>> No.55361967
File: 3.44 MB, 3000x4000, @AmeKaichou_F2vUgM-aoAAF7_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362012

Wake the fuck up meido

>> No.55362008
File: 344 KB, 1453x2048, 1683093965923813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362009
File: 16 KB, 400x400, mn6hrm3yk5sa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362103

>Home site still down
Oh is that why Meidos aren't here rn? Nice website Hishimoot

>> No.55362012


>> No.55362035
File: 860 KB, 3840x2160, Love me, love me, love me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362059

>Like did this guy just think he was her boyfriend or something
I suspect this "relationship" began and ended long-distance. Its "probably" not a deranged schizo thing, considering he did have a few followers and it would have come up if it was.

>> No.55362065
File: 223 KB, 1447x1709, 4585555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362067
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>> No.55362085
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>> No.55362090

could you post cute bare feet

>> No.55362102
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, 1669233601773929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362103

Does that mean we can Nessa porn?

>> No.55362113
File: 805 KB, 2894x4093, @parus_p_F2sCpElaAAAkMC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55362135


>> No.55362151
File: 29 KB, 720x233, 1691303894069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoooo wanna see married life with nerissa?

>> No.55362158
File: 582 KB, 955x1748, 1673127181937226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362181
File: 751 KB, 1438x810, he-laughed-roger-just-laughed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my lordy he tweeted oshi no ko

>> No.55362185

kek, he should stick to Lottie and Rana
Gabe knows.

>> No.55362194
File: 50 KB, 680x543, 1689666574669488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.55362195
File: 793 KB, 2560x2560, @watarigarasu98_F2izK-2WcAA40sY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55362199
File: 124 KB, 515x999, 1670163904949606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362219
File: 296 KB, 1500x1087, b8c6deda712151b5b4f8aad1bf5c7f25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the crunchy one has awakened again, maybe we can get an update for this.

>> No.55362236
File: 55 KB, 284x186, 16233634643666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362249
File: 835 KB, 2508x3541, 1660635352495127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362271

Are people just making shit up at this point?

>> No.55362312
File: 95 KB, 848x1200, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_myth1carts__a1cd262563250999eb98a69195e8975c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55362328
File: 2.64 MB, 1765x2500, 1664738237009920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362340

Maybe we should put her back to sleep.

>> No.55362369
Quoted by: >>55362531

most half truths but from 6~3 years ago.
nothing recent.

>> No.55362381
File: 85 KB, 305x298, 1691145622428401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55364148

How do you say it's over in your language?

>> No.55362383
File: 719 KB, 3222x4096, 1676138074289770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362403
File: 44 KB, 481x680, @an_Owlette_F2Zo6jMXEAAwdd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55362409


Oh no

Alright, I'ma skedaddle before I bite into this this anymore.

>> No.55362420
File: 84 KB, 850x914, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ameiarts__sample-32c11eb5df6e70dfa1b86f7eb2944031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi meidos do your fucking job

>> No.55362432
File: 624 KB, 3063x4050, 1687099649754308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362462

>at this point?
Where do you think you are? People have been making shit up from the beginning.

>> No.55362482
File: 2.42 MB, 1603x1133, 1664463392309489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362500


>> No.55362512

or maybe because she is getting murdered by overlap like crazy while FuwaMoco mornings are doing well

>> No.55362531

Some of these are people just straight up making shit up, so they add it into the truths hoping no one looks.

>> No.55362534
File: 1.96 MB, 848x1200, 1667917436715215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362555
File: 770 KB, 970x545, 20210826_215251_IMG_1793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362853


>> No.55362556
Quoted by: >>55362681

i dont think so, but does it matter, it doesnt really change much, im still gonna go respect her collab choices

>> No.55362557
File: 116 KB, 850x1202, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_redi_rasec_asdjh__sample-849ab19e3ee984ca9ee652319a4d2e90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362682

>> No.55362571
File: 992 KB, 2111x3780, 1668264732523428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362613
File: 1.66 MB, 1014x1422, 1687332656902835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362634
Quoted by: >>55362748

how recent is this

>> No.55362661
File: 1.87 MB, 1801x3200, 1666573956210929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362668
Quoted by: >>55362740

hey i asked nicely for pictures of cute bare feet
im not asking nicely anymore

>> No.55362680
File: 1.16 MB, 2369x3753, 110497460_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55362681
Quoted by: >>55362954

It's doxxshit so it's irrelevant to her current content
>see Mumei for example
I'm fucking pissed at the doxxfaggotry though so I'm posting porn until Meidos respond.

>> No.55362682

pov: mine

>> No.55362703
File: 1.36 MB, 850x1202, 1680393190823114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362713
Quoted by: >>55363105

i'm convince we should make /ope/ when she stream only, for a year since we will get a dox post, local schizo even

>> No.55362740
File: 497 KB, 850x728, 1671203965268734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362748

7 years ago

>> No.55362762
File: 673 KB, 2345x4096, @AzeNeChan_F2tvnYTaQAg--ly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55362777
File: 64 KB, 850x601, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_truubluu__sample-5211443fd9f20265ec53cc5525f9f32a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362889

>> No.55362789
File: 1.56 MB, 850x1202, 1689826963435826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362812

>Look at the doxx
>Realize that you actually have a chance if those are her standards

>> No.55362814
Quoted by: >>55363178

These are some quality moom lewds, you have a deep folder hoobird chama. I kneel.

>> No.55362834


>> No.55362835
File: 816 KB, 850x1133, 1687000618521448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362876


>> No.55362842
File: 737 KB, 2637x4096, c86bb63dacf14fc0f00a957a5373d117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55362853

oof gg raven goslingbros

>> No.55362867

I thought they are already broke up? Any confirmation about that?

>> No.55362876
File: 702 KB, 850x680, 1663046016790829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362928


>> No.55362889

someone soundposted with this picture and "plap plap get me pregnant" moaning, who was that? surely cant have been her

>> No.55362899 [SPOILER] 
File: 882 KB, 1160x1503, 1665564400816613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This development has one more upside: It invites a particular kind of edit. See attached image for example.

>> No.55362911

It's doxxshitters and falseflaggers raiding /ope/.
You take a guess anon.

>> No.55362928
File: 998 KB, 850x632, 1666416389220292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55362977


>> No.55362938

>Any confirmation about that?
We don't even have confirmation Nerissa is that girl.

>> No.55362939

Nope, just people randomly hoping

>> No.55362945

this isnt mumei you know

>> No.55362954

this desu, fauna and mumei still going strong
hell even azki is inclining so hard this year

>> No.55362951


>> No.55362977
File: 1.23 MB, 850x1275, 1675134935182040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362982

So is Mumei single or not?

>> No.55362996

it's NOT over
we are so back, gamers

>> No.55363020
File: 194 KB, 850x1202, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_redi_rasec_asdjh__sample-20f6b6b4c26c31f40a8b68514377f845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fair amount of stuff their posting is years to almost a decade old and even than its doxxshit so who fucking cares

>> No.55363033


>> No.55363055

She was but we started dating last month, sorry anon.

>> No.55363064
Quoted by: >>55363201

Broke up but who knows for now. May be she found some nice nip salaryman.

>> No.55363080

>all the porn pov is from a fat man
do they know?

>> No.55363084
File: 1.51 MB, 2610x3262, 1688886948989741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're really broken over this, you can be happy that you found out within 1 week, and not 1 year into goslinging for her.

>> No.55363105

it should always be like that. off hours is just coomer shit.

>> No.55363116
File: 134 KB, 750x643, 20190904_124546_IMG_4884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the doxx
>realize it's over for white men
Someone drop the nukes

>> No.55363119
File: 302 KB, 1939x2742, a29b72029cc1438324507280bfab69e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she has a boyfriend.

>> No.55363123

Anyone want hug?

>> No.55363131
Quoted by: >>55363211

I'm reminded people spamming this random girl saying it was Biboo and then people actually found her old streams and realized they had no idea who the fuck that was.

>> No.55363158
File: 377 KB, 989x284, 1636533076111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one anon

>> No.55363178 [SPOILER] 
File: 193 KB, 1563x975, 1687552848359434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55363234

>hoobird chama
I'm a sapling

>> No.55363191
File: 180 KB, 393x318, 1629657414193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop making new thread unless she's streaming

>> No.55363201

There's no confirmation for that, you just say that because she sings sad songs or something

>> No.55363211

I still remember hlgg spamming dozens of random korean girls dead convinced they are Ina.

>> No.55363234
Quoted by: >>55363265

Even more based. Faumei lives.

>> No.55363240

I'm still in, looks like this was something in the past.

>> No.55363250
Quoted by: >>55363398

sorry /ope/ bros, pekoschizo seems to have broken containment, don't mind him, enjoy your oshi, she's fine.

>> No.55363254

well now we know that the video is ancient because it's back from when Overwatch was relevant to make videos about

>> No.55363265
File: 994 KB, 1450x1770, 1674446420457853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55363264
File: 109 KB, 850x1275, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_blaiard__sample-6f301660ae28ea76da93d9b9e67a495d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55365969

Anon people gosling Mumei and Saplings are Saplings. It's roommate/doxxshit so it doesn't matter in the long run

>> No.55363268
Quoted by: >>55363387

Fuck that means they must be married by now...

>> No.55363332

Holyshit that's old

>> No.55363334

now, will this affect her monetization later? I believe people will still support her for her music alone

>> No.55363335
File: 879 KB, 1200x1200, Curvy bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55363354
Quoted by: >>55363466

weird because it got instantly nuked in global
i guess meidos don't really moderate splits

>> No.55363371
File: 361 KB, 720x715, 1688267560803250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo le irl woman has le male friend i'm hecking killing myself bros!!!
you people are pathetic

>> No.55363375

oh not that bad then

>> No.55363379

>Overwatch streamer
No wonder they broke up

>> No.55363387
File: 96 KB, 850x711, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_liv_dherr__sample-89a2d81ddc6d68a841796d8ead25b29a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still living with her mom

>> No.55363398
Quoted by: >>55363498

It's okay. Us Ichmi are used to the Marineschizo breaking containment continuously

>> No.55363404

Meanwhile Fauna had clips of streams with her BF less than a yeat before she was a Holo and I'm supposed to believe some guy six yeats ago without even a twitter mention in years is a big deal

>> No.55363419

the only people who actually care are a handful of people in this thread

>> No.55363429

I need it man... I really fucking need it...

>> No.55363466

not like they check on their own, if no one clicks the arrow thingy to the right and report they will never know

>> No.55363478
Quoted by: >>55363614

good job dumb nigger, now you'll have two bits of doxx that gonna archive because the baiting moron forgot to self-delete in a minute

>> No.55363497
File: 2.19 MB, 1966x1136, 20211004_101510_IMG_2452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a bullet to the skull thank you

>> No.55363498
File: 256 KB, 1412x2048, 1668404208309075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55363607

I feel really bad for people who have to deal with that one

>> No.55363519

I only hope it stops the annoying yurifags from pretending like she's the most lesbian lezbo to ever exist

>> No.55363540
Quoted by: >>55363685

I can't believe Overwatch was so shit it destroyed her relationship and turned her gay.
Actually I can believe it.

>> No.55363553

this doesnt change much, she is already on the cgdct side, at worst some people will take a step back but I doubt anyone actually drops her, unless she does more RM stuff or male collabs.

>> No.55363573
File: 60 KB, 850x523, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nyantcha__sample-0d7bc2cccc8b8d5faefd847d16315d50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because it's years old rm/doxx stuff. You have to be a autistic doxxfag to find out this shit and even than it's unrelated to her vtubing content

>> No.55363607
File: 257 KB, 847x807, marinecringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55363745

We get used to it...

>> No.55363613

I can't beehive she was turned gay...

>> No.55363614
Quoted by: >>55363771

Not my problem

>> No.55363618
Quoted by: >>55363755

> doxxshit
kek, weak as fuck if this is what filters you

>> No.55363658
File: 1.91 MB, 1447x2046, 075f1e465e9a9f14faea0bf6d47fd98e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RUMAO. It won't, don't worry. No one cares what they like IRL.

>> No.55363685

didnt she say she wasnt good at fps games
does this mean she tried Overwatch and then didnt like it (and rightfully so because its garbage)

>> No.55363712

Anon, we've been saying she's bi for nearly a week.

>> No.55363724
File: 532 KB, 832x844, 16734634644671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because I actually planned to Akasupa her.....

>> No.55363728
File: 37 KB, 720x329, 1691305126950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55363785

Let's vote

>> No.55363731
File: 27 KB, 512x512, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55363950

So, it's over?

>> No.55363745
File: 309 KB, 1376x2048, 1665479815996448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55364068

That guy seems like the most schizo person on the whole board and that's saying something. No idea how to get sue to that.

>> No.55363753 [DELETED] 
File: 727 KB, 516x675, 1658121350569202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Gura's still #1.

>> No.55363755

I personally wasn't gosling but I'm sympathetic to anons who are as retarded as they are.

>> No.55363769
Quoted by: >>55363914

A fucking overwatch streamer, her standard doesn't seem to be high, that's mean i have a chance bros.

>> No.55363771

it's literally your problem, you gonna end up with a garbage split this way
report and hide

>> No.55363774
File: 20 KB, 471x322, FYPiBPCaAAAODd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will get used to it just like i get used to scatschizo on /bag/

>> No.55363785
Quoted by: >>55364051

Well yes, because how weak do you have to be to have a girl spot for you nigger

>> No.55363793
File: 112 KB, 1281x993, 1665370672815544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55364103


>> No.55363806

Is this how EN generals are?

>> No.55363827

Fuck, this reminds me of the "doxx" of Guras alleged boyfriend. Doxxfags really never change their playbook.

>> No.55363828

this, doxx fags always think they are doing some amazing thing when literally no one cares
Nerissa will get tons of hot art with Bijou and the rest of her gen and most likely some great stuff with Kiara as well

>> No.55363908

can be worse, the IRyS split has the most annoying resident schizo known to man

>> No.55363914

>some fat chink who streams minecraft and overwatch with a picture of a cutsey bird gets a girlfriend this cool
I mean this has given me nothing but a confidence boost lol

>> No.55363926
Quoted by: >>55364310

>Explicitly says on stream that she wants children of her own
>Grew up in the midwest and has a mom who is almost certainly on the more conservative said
>People genuinely thought she was a homosexual

>> No.55363929

>get deleted faster than dox post
god i hate mods

>> No.55363950
Quoted by: >>55364063

if this entire thing was loosely translated into something from normal life
you met a girl and hung out with her for 1 to 2 hours a day for 5 days and you think she loves you already? even she said "we're not there yet"

love bombing is a red flag

>> No.55363964
File: 129 KB, 200x200, 1689843817126878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55364125

what the fuck are you doing here sensei?

>> No.55363963
Quoted by: >>55364037

>its the homocord
should have expected it

>> No.55364005

the board has a shizo infestation so splits and generals tend to go down in quality when the herd of mindless mouthbreathers migrates into one of them

>> No.55364037
File: 575 KB, 1114x720, holotori [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F96ym8r.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.55364051

im pretty weak. not a lot of points in str. itll get better. no, i dont even lift

>> No.55364063
Quoted by: >>55364219

She said it today, she loved us in advance, she did the voice packs thinking about me, her future fan.

>> No.55364068
Quoted by: >>55364209

Because he literally just makes shit up and has next to no evidence on anything he says.
He'll literally make shit up like all her genmates hate her or that she hates her fans or whatever the fuck. It's literally just mentally ill ramblings.

That's why we're used to it. It's your crazy uncle in law that visits to tell you about the mind control waves from 5G are going to turn us into devil worshipers

>> No.55364103
File: 809 KB, 2572x2572, c71f01d70d15e3fc05b33d7260759eb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei is for everyone

>> No.55364125
File: 144 KB, 500x500, 1665820877623829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advent make me want to watch vtuber again

>> No.55364126

Sorry I thought this was the numbers thread since it was full of doxx.

>> No.55364148


>> No.55364171
File: 132 KB, 850x1485, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_frokiya__sample-db3369203407b6b5b280709202bac15d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking meidos

>> No.55364175

mods didnt delete that, the poster himself did

>> No.55364209

Okay but 5G actually does turn you against God.

>> No.55364219

it's the bare minimum to love and appreciate your fans
of course sometimes we (I) want something more than that, and that doesnt come after 5 days

>> No.55364224
File: 950 KB, 600x600, Danteh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, /bag/got. Surprised to see you here.

>> No.55364231
Quoted by: >>55364315

I'll never understand the Council ship wars when KroFauMei is clearly the way to go

>> No.55364310
Quoted by: >>55364397

>>Grew up in the midwest and has a mom who is almost certainly on the more conservative said
Conservative parents have a pretty terrible track record of keeping their kids from turning gay

>> No.55364315
File: 3.91 MB, 1280x720, Fauna is everything all at once[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwd4hz4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldnt even be bothered to show up to Moom's birthday.

>> No.55364352
File: 842 KB, 703x644, dorothy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone from /nikg/ here?

>> No.55364363

post timestamps or doxxshit where she lusts for women or i'm going to kill myself
>t. yuritard

>> No.55364391
File: 119 KB, 253x341, 1662267471523772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally creating a Rissa porn folder

>> No.55364397

so true sister vote beto o rouke 2020

>> No.55364414

I get go to /alter/ sometimes. This board has got nothing on those fuckers. We even had some guy arrested by the feds.

>> No.55364439
File: 1.47 MB, 2090x1431, meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55364564


>> No.55364462
Quoted by: >>55364658

Thats a terrible falseflag anon,but the actual doxx pic itself talks about her lusting for women.

>> No.55364486

Based warrior of Christ

>> No.55364498
Quoted by: >>55364578

my neighbour got the door kicked in a few days ago, is that close enough?

>> No.55364501

Literally the very doxx shit in thread the guy complains that she has like 7 girlfriends. This isn't even a good shitpost. .

>> No.55364517

I haven't watched her as much as Bijou and the Dogs but did she even go for GFE angle?
Her streams were more cool female voice lady playing games so far
Probably won't make a single difference

>> No.55364529

Seen too much streamer couples breaking up than working in the long run. The newest one being abe and natsumi divorcing shortly after marriage.

>> No.55364548
Quoted by: >>55364722

What the fuck did they do to get themselves arrested??

>> No.55364549
Quoted by: >>55364657

Generals are always breeding grounds for mental illness, so its not surprising how a whole board for generals turned out.

>> No.55364564

tic tacs yummy

>> No.55364578

Our Lizfag was taken by the feds and sent to jail for years, so not really.

>> No.55364580
Quoted by: >>55365433

she's doing a slow burn strat. watch her hololive error stream.

>> No.55364605


>> No.55364611


>> No.55364624

>but did she even go for GFE angle?
More teasing onee-san with her "darlings". And thats what I love about her.

>> No.55364639
Quoted by: >>55365433

>did she even go for GFE angle?
Yes, she goes in.
People asked her if they were friendzoned and she said, we can be more than friends eventually.

>> No.55364657

and yet /vg/ is much more sane than /v/

>> No.55364658

not enough

>> No.55364718

is there no more porn?

>> No.55364722

Sent a bomb to a governor or something with a picture of Liz saying "Liz love" or something like that I think it was..

>> No.55364723

Well that's two of advent.
I'm unsubbing and going back to gura and fuwamoco

>> No.55364804
File: 765 KB, 797x1111, Looking down and to the side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55364857

Slowly, gently. That is how a heart is taken.

>> No.55364830

>Sent a bomb to a governor or something with a picture of Liz saying "Liz love" or something like that I think it was..
Holy fucking based. LIZ LOVE

>> No.55364838

These are the must low effort shitposts

>> No.55364857

what else do you have in there anon

>> No.55364860
Quoted by: >>55365067


>> No.55364865

The sanest Liz fan

>> No.55364959

bishou did it

>> No.55364981
File: 512 KB, 1348x2409, 1672718230048345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Thread Announcement] [Important]
Due to recent developments we are hosting an emergency gooning session. Details are on our BEBO.com group. Let's think on clear, masturbated heads everyone. The session will start in 19 minutes.

>> No.55365056

It's over jailbirds. Sorry for your loss

>> No.55365067

Gura has better OPSEC, my illusion with nerissa is now shattered.

>> No.55365108

these are my favourite. how do you guys even do that?

>> No.55365113

I was a week 1 player but quit it for hsr

>> No.55365185


>> No.55365205

Do nijifags really

>> No.55365228
File: 1.06 MB, 2287x4096, @MoYoMo8_F2071Tea8AEBf6T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55365275

She's still awake and reading this thread...

>> No.55365278

I wished that was her. I love it when classy girls talk like whores.

>> No.55365307
Quoted by: >>55365423


>> No.55365365


>> No.55365393
File: 689 KB, 1700x2200, 132cc976c9c668c343a24492b81b2942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Nerissa. Sorry to hear about your breakup!

>> No.55365417

Nerissa if you're reading this I want to remodel your shithole

>> No.55365423

I wish it was towababy

>> No.55365430

Neerissa you're a fucking race traitor!!!!!

>> No.55365433
Quoted by: >>55365558

That's a shame then not really for me
I will still give her a chance regardless once the overlap hell ends.

>> No.55365460
Quoted by: >>55365762

I am not as fat as him, do I still have a chance rissa?

>> No.55365519
File: 687 KB, 720x674, 163463464364644664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread...

>> No.55365558
Quoted by: >>55365902

>That's a shame
Don't give her a chance gay man, back away, Nerissa is for straight dudes.

>> No.55365672

i scrolled down a bit... he's male..

>> No.55365762

if Nerissa only likes 6' fatties then it's over for me

>> No.55365902


>> No.55365906
File: 917 KB, 835x854, 1677177353508495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55365958

You're all faggots

>> No.55365958

I'm a faggot for Nerissa's futa cock

>> No.55365969

It matters to some people, its good to get it out of the way early if it exists though.

>> No.55366011
Quoted by: >>55366442

It's only been a week doxxfags if you want to hurt troll us atleast wait for us to get invested in her . We are still in that building phase. But anyway I'm glad that I was more careful this time around. Developing feelings for internet personality is a disaster in the making and I learned it the hard way but I will still support Rissa because I like her singing and her enthusiasm about towards Hololive.
Just don't go near Tempus because it will cause drama and I don't want none of that. I hate beggars for their crusade against idol culture within Hololive.

>> No.55366021
File: 35 KB, 142x186, 1691306687104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55366051
Quoted by: >>55366213

This is the proper takeaway from all this. It's far better that this happens now and not 1 year in.

>> No.55366213
Quoted by: >>55366240

Like Kronii right? Because that shit was a mess.

>> No.55366219

>I got cucked so hard now I'm immune to being cucked

>> No.55366236
Quoted by: >>55366452

This thread went down the tubes fast. Most of this shit is made up anyway. I found the real doxx last week and it ain't momoki or CM whatever

>> No.55366240
Quoted by: >>55366417

Different situation but something like that, yeah

>> No.55366248
Quoted by: >>55366486

it won't dent her monetization, I doubt she cultivated a unicorn fanbase, like *coughs* kronii . refer to
because funny

>> No.55366335

Still liking stuffs

>> No.55366336

is this dox even based on... anything?

>> No.55366350

literally no one cares no matter how many sad goslings you use to samefag

>> No.55366417

Yeah I just hope that Nerissa is more level headed and doesn't do anything stupid

>> No.55366442
File: 321 KB, 1880x871, GFE lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder of why GFE will always fail, I am glad that this shit came up before her monetisation stream.

>> No.55366452

Doxxfags will run with whatever and claim it's right and then be wrong 90% of the time until later they get something. They were claiming Bijou was this random Asian streamer people knew until like 2 days ago when someone actually found her as a random like 2 view streamer and she now makes doxxfags seethe really hard.
No, it's based on them thinking they got the right person and they never fucking do here

>> No.55366464 [DELETED] 
File: 926 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230806_003002_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55366466

I am just a shooter, shorty, I hang out with shooters, shorty, Put you in that torture rack, Call me Lex Luger, shorty, You can call me Jason, Or you call me Freddie Kruger, Shorty, Forty's just a feature, charge you fifty for the after-party, Gucci Mane's the shooter boss, No, not a producer, shorty, Eighty goons on your ass, like some barracudas, shorty
Young ass nigga with a mouth full of gold, Bitches know I'm rich as fuck, Dumbass nigga with a mouth full of hate, Grab my AK and chop 'em up

>> No.55366471

Fuck off

>> No.55366486
Quoted by: >>55366912

> I doubt she cultivated a unicorn fanbase
Hololive is an unicorn fanbase, but yeah this isn't enough to scare away people because it's not recent.

>> No.55366583
File: 229 KB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20230806_003002_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55366601

Its based on my desire to bait retards

>> No.55366609
File: 1.16 MB, 1680x2078, 1690752096480678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want her to keep grooming bibou, I really like their fan arts

>> No.55366659

>they never fucking do
come on now lol

>> No.55366664

Nerissa is my first ever waifuoshi and I'm not going to let some doxxfag/nijinigger to ruin it for me.

Also I fall in love with her design and voice, not her RM.

KYS doxxfag/nijinigger

>> No.55366751
Quoted by: >>55366851

Nice way to cope anon

>> No.55366758
Quoted by: >>55366835

Sad and pathetic. It's not like it even matters anyway. I mean, Mori does nothing but win and continues to grow despite her RM being out in the open and people on this board seething day after day ffs. What, like 10 people actually care? Even Kroni is still kicking around despite her fuckups

>> No.55366790

I have seen now I count 5 different people that people have claimed are Nerissa today. Someone in the normal general was spamming a different picture a different person saying it was her.

>> No.55366812

>based on anything
First day? Dramafags have grown bored with Shiori, so now they love to Nerissa. They think if they spam it enough, it will become accpted as truth. Just ask for proof she even is that girl and you'll see how they flee into "h-he d-doesn't know".

>> No.55366821

I am Nerissa.

>> No.55366835
File: 74 KB, 634x353, 1644286858899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55366955

>Mori does nothing but win

>> No.55366851

Fuck off Doxxnegroid

>> No.55366870

t.gabe 2.0

>> No.55366906

Yep, I called it.

>> No.55366910
Quoted by: >>55367002

All these falseflags would have been squashed sooner of the jannies were actually doing their job.
Seriously, what the fuck are they doing? It's been 2 hours.

>> No.55366911

I've seen like 7 all being different pictures of different woman

>> No.55366912
Quoted by: >>55367062

Anon Hololive fans are more stable than you think. When Council debuted these doxxfags did the same thing with Fauna and Mumei but no one gave a shit. They don't care about RM shit, it's usually just shitposters larping as fans.
Just don't do anything stupid to break the uniformity of the group because that will genuinely make some Hololive fans.
Mori and Kronii

>> No.55366955

She just did a song with Reol. An awful song but a win nonetheless especially considering how much most of her music sucks

>> No.55366958

Well anonchama, based on the following:
>Rissa's past identity as momoki/CM
>Tweets from a guy talking about his girlfriend AKA momoki
>momoki's appearance on chocothechocobo's youtube VODs
>The 2 cuddling together on VOD
But you can still cope that they are not actual GF/BF I guess

>> No.55366972


>> No.55367002

It's like they're going out of their way to make sure I would never trust them again.

>> No.55367017

>Rissa's past identity as momoki/CM
Wasn't that like straight debunked in the doxxcord yesterday?

>> No.55367025

Thread doko

>> No.55367058

/ope/ is cancelled until further notice

>> No.55367062

this desu, just don't pulll a Kronii or Ame, you'll be fine

>> No.55367070
Quoted by: >>55367149

I honestly thought big generals like these would have more jannies monitoring it but I guess not?

>> No.55367078
Quoted by: >>55367164


>> No.55367106

It's been debunked over and over again multiple places but they like stirring shit so it continues

>> No.55367108

maybe when the mods start doing their fucking job

>> No.55367132
Quoted by: >>55367270

>Similar voice
>Both simps for Char
>Both plays (not) bass
>Both talked about knowing 1000+ Kanji
>Both are idol fags (Even same oshi ffs)
>Both KFP, ichimin
Feel free to say muh occam's razor I guess

>> No.55367149

This one is newish

>> No.55367159

>Already broke up

I see that this thread is in denial stage

>> No.55367164

I wanna see the debunk

>> No.55367207
File: 229 KB, 1404x1716, 1671835204866334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah so all this bullshit is pulled out of doxretards' asses? ok, well good to know

>> No.55367206

It does feel shitty that she went out of the way to prop up her whole
>I'm a le ebin lesbian frfr
And then all of this shit to come out, now it feels like she was just using her senpai/genmates to create a shield if things got out.

>> No.55367211

I am good as long as there no sex tape anon

>> No.55367270
Quoted by: >>55367381

You fucker aren't even in the doxxcord, are you fucking serious? What are you even doing?

>> No.55367276

Mods are sleeping

>> No.55367282
Quoted by: >>55367377

Nigga how was it debunked? You can even find her chat messages on Kiara's streams before she got into Holo lmao.

>> No.55367290

Fuck off falseflagger

>> No.55367319

She straight up said that she wants to fuck Sephiroth and Sauron
You'd know that if you actually watched streams, threadreader

>> No.55367334

What time is the karaoke tomorrow? I'm going to enjoy it to spite these fags

>> No.55367350
Quoted by: >>55367416

>thinks having kids would be fun
so she's gonna wife someone up and adopt like in Unpacking?

>> No.55367356
Quoted by: >>55367415

You'll have to deal with some permanent shitposting, but don't worry because generally no one gives a shit and you just laugh at the shitposters failing at life. It's if a Tempus or worse collab happens is when it actually falls apart.

>> No.55367358

She is not winning if her music still sucks. If you notice her career is slowly draining down a ditch. What she has now is a consequence of decisions she made during 2021 and 2021. Her most recent songs has failed to generate same fanfare like they used to do in 2021.
There was a time when Mori and Suisei were somewhat equals now Suisei surpasses Mori.

>> No.55367363
Quoted by: >>55367471

even here... I can never escape from the dorotards

>> No.55367367
Quoted by: >>55367828


>> No.55367373
File: 414 KB, 2850x1264, Demon of Song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55367377

A lot of time frames for things that she needed to be around for didn't add up, so after looking into people called it on not being the right one.

>> No.55367381

he's a 12 year old really proud of his new toy
report and don't engage, even when jannies are busy putting out fires elsewhere

>> No.55367415

Considering this is the literal sams position Fauna and Mumei were in when they debuted its not even gonna be permanent.

>> No.55367416

That's so fucking gross
homos should not be allowed to adopt

>> No.55367469
Quoted by: >>55367559

I am not even the original poster, this is just a wake up call for anyone who's considering to GFE/whaling for ANYONE, save your money to improve yourself, unironically.

>> No.55367471
File: 889 KB, 498x498, 1691302529462208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

escape was never an option

>> No.55367538

make a new thread only when she stream

>> No.55367542

Fauna and Mumei were way worse than this.
Nerissa's situation is actually fine.

>> No.55367559
Quoted by: >>55367924

Glad I got into this shithole, so I can actually keep track of what is a doxx and what isn't. It helps report shit and let's me keep ahead of them.
>Literally get it wrong
>No man see I was doing it cause this
Come the fuck on stay ahead with the times for shitposting.

>> No.55367582
File: 45 KB, 720x245, 1691308125821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55368068


>> No.55367583

>sams position
me with my dick in nerissa's vaginer
my name isnt sam

>> No.55367603
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, 1667231712151078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55367671

>it was debunked
>how? it just was trust me bro
Come on now.

>> No.55367613


>> No.55367671

Bro you even trying anymore, literally timeframes for her joining and her account stuff didn't add up after being looked into, so they dropped it and have been looking into someone else I won't fucking say you 12 year old faggot.

>> No.55367678
Quoted by: >>55367751

Baker, please create the thread regardless. I need my Rissa thread

>> No.55367723

Novella general lurker here
Stay strong jailbirds.
Have to go through this bullshit on the daily, especially now with her recent schedule.

>> No.55367751

when her karaoke stream start, jailbirdbros

>> No.55367758

Baker here: here's how we'll run it.

I'll make the next thread but I'm not going to spend all day burning myself down doing threads after threads all day long, so anything that goes beyond that next thread is not of my deed. So it's likely we'll do the /uuu/ thing and make a thread one hour before the stream - so if the next thread will be shit (most likely chance it will be), just kill it by spamming whatever you got in your folder and don't forget to report - even if the meidos are currently useless.

>> No.55367767

>opsec so strong she filters doxxfags
my waifu nerissa is a proffessional

>> No.55367766

It's a rite of passage at this point

>> No.55367807

in 17

>> No.55367811

>long distance relationship
Kek. RIP that guy.

>> No.55367815
Quoted by: >>55367884


>> No.55367821

keep coping

>> No.55367823
File: 35 KB, 194x169, 1640439678706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55368165

just stop making a new thread unless she's stream for a month or two, mods is too lazy to clean up on split thread

>> No.55367826
Quoted by: >>55367968

I'm actually from /baubau/, the worst we have are people trying to pit the dogs against each other or shitting on other genmates.
And the Kemono Friends thing but even JPs agreed it doesn't exist

>> No.55367828
Quoted by: >>55368165

I'd wait for the mods to resume their existence

>> No.55367830
Quoted by: >>55368042

So is just a coincidence that Momoki went private after Nerissa debuted?

>> No.55367831

i think Shiori is super cool and smart. but if there's one thing i am, it's loyal

>> No.55367832
Quoted by: >>55368165

just keep threads to when she streams only for a while. we don't need constant threads whether there is doxx stuff or not.

>> No.55367884
Quoted by: >>55368578

That's not her lolxd

>> No.55367924

I want to have sex with this bitchy woman until she calms down:

>> No.55367952
File: 37 KB, 707x218, 1691308478129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55368024

>farting on nerissa

>> No.55367968
Quoted by: >>55368166

>pitting them against each other
holy fuck why lmao

>> No.55367978
Quoted by: >>55368116

>takes a look at the sheer number of Shiori threads in the catalog still
You know we probably still don't have it as bad as you guys.

>> No.55368004

Does this mean that everyone that sticks around after this isn't a unicorn easily provoked faggot?

>> No.55368019
Quoted by: >>55368116

so is novella her family name or given name

>> No.55368024

What the fuck is wrong with white women?

>> No.55368035

Damn they were together a long time. I wonder why they broke up? I doubt a guy like that could do someone better, I would've wifed her up.

>> No.55368042
Quoted by: >>55368192

A lot of stuff didn't add up for that actually since, she needed to be before debut doing a good amount of stuff since people kinda figured out some other stuff about them doing a training camp and such thanks to some other doxx shit.

>> No.55368068

>she actually left him for idolpussy
Not like this chocobros

>> No.55368116
Quoted by: >>55368178

If we're going by nip customs it'd be her given name.
Yeah..it's rough, we're not even the ones doing the shilling but someone had to be the lightning rod.
At least most novelites know not to bite any bait that shows up in her general now

>> No.55368166

Because they don't actually watch them and it's a falseflag catalog shitter so we all just filter them out.

>> No.55368165

Right, so the thread I'll make will be exactly an hour before the stream - no immediate next thread. I agree about doing the /uuu/. The downside is that it sucks because I really wanted to talk about the work that could be done with out library and the upcoming curation list for the streams.

>> No.55368178
File: 33 KB, 281x294, 1667457087595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jailbird is too retarded, they will always take the bait for no reason

>> No.55368192
Quoted by: >>55368271

You do realize "training camp" doesn't mean they went into a one year long no internet bootcamp right? That was just like one zoom meeting every week.

>> No.55368205

No, Unicorns are still here, also being an ynicorn isn't an insult, its a compliment

>> No.55368270

i dont lurk /vt/ often but what exactly is a unicorn

>> No.55368271

Yea it's not talking about like ever long bullshit or anything, just the times did not match up for the visits and such. People on the shitty doxxcord are much more autistic with details.

>> No.55368288
File: 11 KB, 194x194, 1664997342280948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55368321

I don't give a shit about doxfaggotry and will still love Rissa, but I wonder how Gabe feels KEK

>> No.55368316

If you don't mae them other people will make them, the "threads only on stream" faggots are insufferable and think there are only 1 baker in the whole website, never works.

>> No.55368321
Quoted by: >>55368544

Did we get rid of Gabe, then?

>> No.55368323

a horse with a horn

>> No.55368329
Quoted by: >>55368424

I assume jailbirds are half KFP. No matter how bad the bait is KFP will always bite.

>> No.55368335

>long distance relationship for 3 years
Nah she is gay.

>> No.55368339
File: 1.59 MB, 2713x1296, 1676337184671149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55368392

We're CGDCTchads here

>> No.55368351
File: 116 KB, 1080x652, Screenshot_20230806_010045_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss this Tweet doxxfaggot

>> No.55368371

Just make the thread later once we get some turnover here. It doesn't have to be an hour before, just some breathing room so the tards go elsewhere for a while

>> No.55368382
File: 2.53 MB, 640x310, ryan-gosling-blade-runner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55368974


>> No.55368392
Quoted by: >>55368447

Get my Hot Wife Shiori out of that image this instant

>> No.55368396

link the tweet so we can go full circle

>> No.55368424

I've been noticing that jannies are always incredibly slow when it comes to anything Advent related especially Shiori.
It's honestly tiring.

>> No.55368447

Cope and no

>> No.55368454

Someone who doesn't tolerate donating money to girls who hang out with other dudes, in this case the interactions were in the past.

>> No.55368457
Quoted by: >>55368579

/gem/ is funny sometimes since you get some retards trying to say how much she shouldn't interact with her ganmates and how much they hate them. Plus the "We can destroy Gura bros"

>> No.55368506
File: 1.56 MB, 498x498, 1638925431882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55369264

as long as she isn't ACTIVELY betraying you its fine bros. dont worry. just look at kiara's redemption arc with all her RM's shit politics
also t. watamate

>> No.55368531

They don't want any interactions with guys on stream or off stream as they know them as vtubers

>> No.55368544

I forgot what Gabe's Twitter was nor do I fucking want to look it up, but you know he's gone when he schizos on cooldown in their comments or in his feed.

>> No.55368547
Quoted by: >>55368576

Gonna jack off to Nerissa and go to sleep. See ya, fags.

>> No.55368553

Like the others mentioned, threads will be made anyway. Besides, this place is usually slow so it's only the shitposters talking to each other anyway. Just need a janny to give a damn.

>> No.55368562
Quoted by: >>55368637

>especially now with her recent schedule.
the fuck is Shiori thinking taking a 10 day break in her second week
forget yabs about NTR or RM shit this is attempt at suicide this early, why the fuck is she doing it?

>> No.55368576

I'm not into cuckoldry but you do you I guess

>> No.55368579

>pro gura
huh, i thought you guys would dislike her for overlapping with nerissa like 3 times now

>> No.55368578

That's literally the same person who is in >>55362236.

>> No.55368597

its OVER

>> No.55368610
File: 98 KB, 750x675, 1627058148912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a internet relationship with a guy during a teenage year
>cucks him with a bunch of girls
>then leaves him before they can even stop being long distance (playing house)
I feel sorry for the guy but he saw the signs

>> No.55368637
Quoted by: >>55368908

Does it look like we know? It's probably surgery or some shit or moving if it's something cover greenlighted.

>> No.55368645
Quoted by: >>55368688

>internet relationship

>> No.55368650
Quoted by: >>55368768

>disliking other holo's for shitty reasons
Sounds like something that nijisisters would do

>> No.55368665

unicorns only go for virgins, you retard. And she clearly isn't a virgin.

>> No.55368688

it's what long distance relationships are, they weren't using letters anymore

>> No.55368690

Read a again on the "We can destroy Gura". Anti Gura, I got no problems with her since I'm not a fucking crazy person.

>> No.55368702
Quoted by: >>55368733

Good to see the redditors have arrived

>> No.55368705
Quoted by: >>55369068

They were together for like 6 years dude, that's not just a teenage fling.

>> No.55368711


>> No.55368733

No? Redditors would call them incels

>> No.55368768
Quoted by: >>55369123

you smell like a unity cuck. you apologizing for homobegging led you refugeeing here, retard. be grateful for this golden gen and try to be discerning and gatekeep shitty elements from it, this time, clockbeat

>> No.55368771
File: 382 KB, 740x520, 1677407365253210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unicorn posting
>Doxx posting
>Numberfag shit

>> No.55368785
Quoted by: >>55368843

She also appears to deleted a bunch of tweets that he responded to.

>> No.55368790

to them unicorn and incel are the same thing.

>> No.55368817 [SPOILER] 
File: 605 KB, 1365x448, 1673677948941435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55368827
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 1691110046633197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Out of the freezer and into the frying pan...
Once a traitor always a traitor.

>> No.55368843

lol, what a coincidence that this unrelated girl seems to be going nuclear on her past tweets and interactions, that's so weird.

>> No.55368875

Isn't M0moki from Texas? Nerissa is very clearly Midwestern, more likely Michigan or somewhere around there from her accent and slang.

>> No.55368898

is this general going to end up like ggg/hirys

>> No.55368908

>It's probably surgery
Can't be, for it to be surgery it would have to be really life threating for a person in her position to not just wait a bit more. And if it is life threating what the fuck was cover thinking letting them debut with someone like this.
Hopefully she actually explains over the next streams

>> No.55368919

the end

>> No.55368936

she's moving

>> No.55368951

No shit, as you can see an actual doxxfag from the doxxing discord called him out for posting the wrong thing.

>> No.55368974

not enough for propper grammar apparently

>> No.55369008
File: 556 KB, 1024x1024, assets__resources__dabao__avgtexture__2022summer_deadend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more doxx this time just sitting with a literal who
Your kind disgusts me

>> No.55369011

>white bitch on a quest to fuck every subhuman known to man
what the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.55369023

Just to let you guys know, she knows this thread is here and deleting tweets, you fucking idiots

>> No.55369039
Quoted by: >>55369116

>oh no we are losing, quick! say random shit!

>> No.55369057
File: 380 KB, 623x900, 1691307140501639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nonono cuckbirds I thought Shiori was the BBCtuber???
Get fucked faggots, never shit talk my wife ever again

>> No.55369068
Quoted by: >>55369199

How many of which were "long distance"?

>> No.55369074

Actual proof based
So I guess it's actually over

>> No.55369092

No I mean there is a distinct difference in the way someone talks if they grew up in Texas than if they grew up in Michigan.

>> No.55369091
Quoted by: >>55369227

>fat asian into scrawny nig
god her taste in men are awful

>> No.55369094

Nerissa is Midwestern and currently "somewhere?"

She's off collabed with Biboo and the Twins apparently somewhere cold also.

>> No.55369111

This same exact situation happened with Mumei.
Everyone in her thread spent months denying it was HER when everyone already knew who she was. They even said it couldn't be Mumei because her line width that she used in art was different. The cope was unreal. And it's happening again.
It was just sad.

>> No.55369116
Quoted by: >>55369180

>The guy got proven wrong by some other doxxfag
>Double down with other random shit
Love to see it.

>> No.55369119

let this be remembered as the day doxxers btfo'd themselves

>> No.55369123
File: 995 KB, 1600x1768, 1680080530068382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Goobs good, FauFau good, Mooms good

>> No.55369130
Quoted by: >>55369203

she literally read my post here, if she doesn't look happy on monetization stream then it's doxfag fault

>> No.55369144

>and deleting tweets
Good? You're probably LARPing but it'd have been pretty dumb of her to not nuke everything well ahead of time.

>> No.55369151
File: 319 KB, 2048x1423, 1652294143968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will all work out as long as you guys don't turn into fandeads denying history about it, i promise. just take it on the chin and you will recover and still like her, i promise.

>> No.55369165

Anon a Midwestern and a Texan talk in a completely fucking different way

>> No.55369180

Please point to the proof that it's not her, cope senpai.

>> No.55369199

So are you saying that if they had one year where they could only see each other once a week that a 6 year relationship is not real or what?

>> No.55369202

Thread theme

>> No.55369203

Tell her to tell management to stop the overlap already I want to watch her but she's always sandwiched between Bijou and FuwaMoco (god I bet she likes that the fucking lesbo)

>> No.55369217
Quoted by: >>55369376

the history is they broke up?
what is there to deny

>> No.55369227

Maybe she actually is a closet lesbian?
Would explain why she doesn't know what an attractive guy even looks like

>> No.55369232

So let me get this straight.

She was with the guy, they broke up and she became lesbian?

That just makes me love her more

>> No.55369235

We went from doxxers saying she's dating and married to a doxxer showing they broke up in 2020 to a new doxxer just posting a random picture of con staffmember (look at the ID tag)

>> No.55369250

I want her mine and only mine.

>> No.55369262
Quoted by: >>55369483

well, she can, if she wants to. what's so bad about deleting tweets?

>> No.55369264

>Same posting style of no grammar or capitalization
Can you guys at least fucking try? Like look at this shit.

>> No.55369268

Nerissa we know you're here. We love you. But you need to be BRED by a STRONG man, women can't do it for you!

>> No.55369269
Quoted by: >>55369346

she was looking at girls before they broke up

>> No.55369274
File: 60 KB, 393x363, 1680237026857593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55369304

Rissa if you're reading this please learn how to play MC so I can listen to you play with Fauna.

>> No.55369290
Quoted by: >>55369576

Sigh...you guys are sooo fucking stupid

but I still forgive and love ya

>> No.55369298

yeah a con staff member
>in her hotel room
>alone with her
>on a bed together

>> No.55369304


>> No.55369308
Quoted by: >>55369565

Rissa if you're here, please please please fucking play some better games, and please get Fuwamoco to not stream at the same time as you.

>> No.55369309

and none of it ever even fucking mattered. lets resolve to not reply to bait ffs.

>> No.55369313
File: 148 KB, 850x850, 1669738009182711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you like?

>> No.55369329

I'm relatively new here
Are the jannies on this board the worst on this entire site?
People are just straight up posting irl gay porn now on a bait thread and these doxx posts have been been around for 3 hours

What the fuck is this

>> No.55369346

So she NTR'D him for a woman?

That's even fucking hotter

>> No.55369356

Nerissa I want you to be happy! go get yo baeg

>> No.55369369

This is why yuribaiting is dumb. She may have already broke up with the dude but now everyone knows she used to be straight and probably still is.

>> No.55369370

welcome newfriend! grab a number.

>> No.55369377

That looks like a corridor and a pile of mattresses to me

>> No.55369376
Quoted by: >>55369426

thats good btw.
i mean the one where they outright deny it ever happened.
going full nothing is wrong like >>55369232 is a bad idea, give it time, let the pain come.
I believe in the KFP veteran

>> No.55369396

[serious] Who cares about any of this? Are you guys not separating the character from the actor? What is going on?

>> No.55369402

so true sister

>> No.55369411

I wonder if he was already worried before, good part of the tweets about her are always "haha" joking on how she was always with her other girlfriends instead

>> No.55369415

Anything advent related gets noticed incredibly slowly, look at all the shiori astroturfing that isn't even coming from her novelites, or look at all the bijou baits, or dog vs dog bait.
Anything niji or phase related though? Oh nonono, delete that shit immediately

>> No.55369417

>sitting next to person
Absolute sister mentality

>> No.55369424

>All her deleted tweets



>> No.55369426

Again btw the way same guy.

>> No.55369429
Quoted by: >>55369701

>knows she used to be straight
Or bi? As we've known her to be since her second stream?

>> No.55369431

it's 4AM. they are probably sleeping.

>> No.55369438
Quoted by: >>55369529

So you mean that Momoki is deleting tweets?
Then that proves that it's her.


>> No.55369444

i dont mind. people are allowed to live their lives.

>> No.55369445

Mods don't give a shit unless it's the fat alcoholic wigger.

>> No.55369449

nobody. the people who reply to this as if they do are will be falseflaggers. actual unicorns are hurt and gone

>> No.55369456
Quoted by: >>55369677

It worked for Ame, Gura, Mumei, Fauna, Ina, Mori and Irys. Honestly, why would anyone think mildly attractive western girl wouldn't have ever been in a relationship? I've seen ugly meth heads with boyfriends. In fact almost every girl I've known just randomly has been in a relationship, the only single girls I've ever met have been on dating apps and they're looking for a relationship lmao.

>> No.55369457

mods clean it up

>> No.55369472
Quoted by: >>55369500

Yeah she's likely here...she's deleting tweets
Good job,you fucking retards

>> No.55369483
Quoted by: >>55369647

>proves either she or someone close to her is /here/
>proves that its her
>she shouldve had better opsec to begin with if this was going to be an issue for her

>> No.55369490


>> No.55369500
Quoted by: >>55369656

She could just private the account, is she dumb?

>> No.55369514

Depends, the illusion breaks if the actor does it in the open, like mori

>> No.55369520
Quoted by: >>55369602

Nerissa if you see this
It will die down in a day or two.

>> No.55369525

Rissa if you're reading this I just want to let you know I'd still suck a fart out of your ass at any time.

>> No.55369529

Last I checked I think her tweets were already deleted. She purged a fair amount of things prior.

>> No.55369565

Ruffian here and yes this.
I want to watch Nerissa too.

>> No.55369569

are the deleted tweets in the room with us too? you said that 15 min ago and haven't posted any proof of it

>> No.55369576

it is standard procedure for vtubers who aren't shut in neets, the doxxers will go away sooner or later

>> No.55369586
Quoted by: >>55369666

is it just me or was her twitter always private? is there some other twitter she is deleting tweets on? im confused.

>> No.55369605
Quoted by: >>55369663

It's entirely likely an EN manager is actually /here/ and not actually her and they told her "hey people found your shit, delete it now"

>> No.55369602
Quoted by: >>55369673

Actually Nerissa should talk to other holoENs about it, she'll get assurance and feel better

>> No.55369641

>People said all of her tweets were deleted before
>Now people are calming she is deleting the tweets they claimed weren't there before
>You can never prove this didn't happen
>People are falling for this

>> No.55369647

i think she didnt think it was gonna be an issue, but because people are sperging out about it, she might have come around to the idea.

nevertheless it doesnt make me like her less. she's a human being like u and me <3

>> No.55369656

She did private her account, but it was public even a bit after her debut so a lot of people were following her already. Anyway, I heard the other girls apparently gave them advice I'm fucking baffled nobody told them to do this shit before debut? I mean it wouldn't even matter too much because the tweets by the guy would still be up but its better than seeing her live delete everything lmao.

>> No.55369657

Rissy my oshi says you're a bottom, post feet.

>> No.55369659
Quoted by: >>55369733

But it's totally not her right? huh? This woman just by pure coincidence started deleting tweets?
Are you gonna apologize to us?

>> No.55369663

>only manager
bullshit, then how she know my post here and say it on stream, she said it when no one on chat say something about it

>> No.55369666
Quoted by: >>55369719

The Momoki account has been private for months while the other account already had tweet purge prior.

>> No.55369672
File: 174 KB, 417x408, 1691015198037722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rissa Streams
>Rissa: "My, my...I've learned so much about you jailbirds, exceptionally how nosey and disturbed you are."

>> No.55369673

That's the worst advice ever, half the EN girls did the worst possible thing on these situations

>> No.55369677

yeah both my posts, what are you trying to imply?
yeah but two of those are whores because it was happening while they debut'd. so those two fanbases are cucks.

>> No.55369682
Quoted by: >>55369707

For posterity, there are currently 333 tweets.

>> No.55369698

>she's deleting tweets
100% confirmed it's her

>> No.55369701
Quoted by: >>55369828

(55369369: me)
Honestly don’t know why people care then. She’s bi. Who cares.

>> No.55369707

>no pic for proof
lol lmao

>> No.55369712

nice thread

>> No.55369719

but all the interactions with the guy were on momoki no? i dont fucking care anymore. this is all so pointless.

>> No.55369729

hello en manager please take good care of them

oh y-yeah? well wh-what are you gonna do about it????

>> No.55369731

>Rissa just stares at the chat with hatred and evil in her eyes

RISSA, WE'RE SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.55369733

>started deleting tweets?
sure anon sure

>> No.55369740
Quoted by: >>55369837

>letting a roastie blacked and riced non-virgin talk down to you
It's over. Illusion shattered.

>> No.55369756


>> No.55369760

0 proof, just discord losers spamming a new tactic even though it makes no sense

>> No.55369779

there were some on the VA account too.

>> No.55369780

It's a mix? Basically Momoki is private and had deleted tweets prior same for the other account except its just deleted tweets.

>> No.55369786
File: 94 KB, 750x658, media-EJPBT-_XYAAb6bT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Came out 2015
he fucks men, not women.
or maybe he was in it for the le quirky points like women do with lesbianism? idk

>> No.55369789
Quoted by: >>55369840

So here the new thread. I didn't linked the previous thread for all purposes. Now hoping the meidos at least show their worth and like I said, I won't be making threads for the next 10 hours so yeah, either kill it or do the necessary if the meidos exist.

>> No.55369787

Women are so fucking bad at arguing logically

>> No.55369798

>0 proof

>> No.55369816
File: 195 KB, 2048x2041, 1691011527040932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55369953

>Rissa will hate us after this

>> No.55369820

watermelon between thighs type shit
it's coming. Jailbirds will be crushed one by one

>> No.55369828

>Honestly don’t know why people care then.
Thats the fun part, no one cares. People just shitpost about it hoping someone else cares.

>> No.55369832

I like how the guy is claiming posts are being deleted, but at the same time never posting the tweet count and it going down. This way he can just keep saying stuff has been deleted.
This is a very fucking clever shitpost. Even when they claimed all of her tweets were deleted before so there would be no proof of her replying to said "boyfriend"
Is because he got called out on being wrong with the doxx and had to change gears?

>> No.55369837

Stfu doxxfagging sister

>> No.55369838

I genuinely hope she opens her next stream doing this, just staring at chat for a good 30 secs before saying anything.
Shit would be hilarious.

>> No.55369840
Quoted by: >>55369923

>post it here
retard, later don't link new thread here

>> No.55369842
Quoted by: >>55369929

they inmediately dropped all their "proof", but as soon as it ran out they started making new claims, but this time no images for it despite being easy to screenshot

>> No.55369844

so uhh this has been a rollercoaster ride but good job to the ones who persisted and didn't let doxxnigs sway them

>> No.55369880

how do you look at that guy and think he's straight

>> No.55369897

0 proof. we win. nice end to the thread.

>> No.55369901

Fucking good lord do the doxxfags not know we can look this shit up ourselves

>> No.55369913

>Rissa just stares at the chat with hatred and evil in her eyes
Anon pls. I can only get so erect.

>> No.55369917

>discord losers
not even, it's an underage monkey playing with the scraps others threw away

>> No.55369923

>implying the one that made it isn't the one making the shitpost, but needs a new thread to bump for attentiont

>> No.55369929

He started to freak out when some actually doxxfag showed up and called him out on using old wrong info a think and he had to make up something quick.

>> No.55369953


I doubt she'll care about this and mostly finds it funny. Don't worry, anon.

How do I know this? Oh a little birdy told me

>> No.55369979

And actual discordfag called out in the thread for being wrong, fucking sad.

>> No.55370013

Nerissa stop reddit spacing you dumb bitch

>> No.55370032


>> No.55370041
File: 23 KB, 1000x1000, 1691057185748990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rissa lurks this split
hehe, ILU

>> No.55370056

>gay guys don't ever fuck women
Really, anon? Really...?

>> No.55370102

Rissa love!!!!

>> No.55370124

he still fucked her and came inside her multiple times.
You will always remember this every time you see her.

>> No.55370125


>> No.55370139

> pretending FBK doesn't have gachis
retarded post

>> No.55370148

You lost, you blew your staff too early and now dotn have anything more to work with

>> No.55370159

I threw you guys what I actually knew from the doxxcord that made him look like a tard, DO what you will from now on with this retard.

>> No.55370178

Rissa if you are I just want to say your voice is very amazing and singing is amazing too. Don't let doxxfags ruin your mood. You already made it.
I love you and this is the only instance you will notice me

>> No.55370187
Quoted by: >>55370273

Y does she have no kids than and lives with her mother?

>> No.55370203
Quoted by: >>55370234

remember that all things will pass. this is nothing.

>> No.55370221
File: 177 KB, 400x388, 16346436436074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would Rissa care? The doxxs are fake anyway

>> No.55370225
File: 32 KB, 720x245, 1691310788783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempus collab soon

>> No.55370232

You should talk about what chocobo cum tastes like on stream.
Did he yell "Kweh!" as you took his loads in your mouth?

>> No.55370234

I know, anon, that's why I don't care

>> No.55370235

Nerissa honey please go to bed already...

>> No.55370273

oof that's a low blow for her anon wtf

>> No.55370279

No I'm just going to remember my dick in your ass because your doxxfag that likes a good pegging
