Amelia Watson appreciation threadThis thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!Last thread: >>55283748
---At the end of August, Ame will be part of the Summer Splash Party concert, as part of this year's Holo Summer event.Play Chiku Taku: Chiku Taku: links and info:
>>55334735I'll repeat myself from last time. Just make /vtg/. The rest of the shit honestly isn't needed. Even for news, word spreads fast through generals.
I will go back in time and fill the hole in ames belly button to cure her tummy.
>>55335725>>55335717Next one should be a nightmare nightmare nightmare animation.
>>55335717ILOVE AME
>>55335873too scary
>>55335717You can't hide it Ame, I see your glowy eyes!
>>55335717But this said she’s not?
>>55336531Ame when Bijou
>>55335384Fuck off with that, splitting /v/ into 30 boards was the dumbest shit ever. What would /vt/ be without splits? Global is a general too, so that couldn't be on /vt/ if /vtg/ exists. /vt/ would be nothing but pinned events and bait threads. Fucking retarded. ILOVE AME
ILOVE AME's thighs
fr fr
hit me, amehit me, amehit me, amehit me, amehit me, ame
If you could have Ame sing any song on her next karaoke, what would you pick? For me, I like when she sings in a lower register, so I'd pick "I am the highway" and "operator". Any Johnny Cash song would be great, too.
>>55337903Been waiting ages for Heaven by Bryan Adams, myself.
>>55337903Be a Man from Mulan. But that will never happen
>>55337903my heart belongs to daddy of marilyn monroesorry i'm horny
>>55337903This is me>
>>55338353No, that's Ame.
>>55336705>/vt/ would be nothing but pinned events and bait threads. Fucking retardedGood. That's literally the entire point of why I want it splitting into two different boards. Keep the shit on one board. End of story.
Ame never said she can't use Bubb4bot anymore. She just said it's too much work and that maybe she'd hire someone to run Bubb4bot for her.
Accurate nopan cosplay! Missing the neatly trimmed little bush though
>>55337903Ame should sing a Towa song
>>55338916> there's not a cute tiny dickdisappointing...
>>55338488>Shitposters who already plague the splits would never go to /vtg/ the board dedicated to splits because... just because, okay!!!Alright Anon I'll take your word for it.
>>55339061Ame really posts some banger tweets occassionallySEX
>>55337903Romantic Ageru Yo because it's a cute song and fits her perfectly. If only Ame cared about DB...
>>55337903Do You Remember Love - Lin MinmaySlow, Easy, Romantic
>>55339061Medium tier Ame my beloved
>>55339061I could rip those little shorts and rape her in the spot, this fucking brat
>>55339061Ame's kyut enormously bulbous head
I know somebody was talking about how Ame can take the shorts off the summer model but she can also use that tied up t-shirt mode.
>>55339840Didn't Ame want to do more emotes? It'd be really cute if she hired Nagi to do them and then we get to see Nagi lose her shit with a flurry of xeets over it. It's always nice seeing femmates act all flustered when Ame notices them.
>>55340036If she tried to tighten it up it would just tear from the pressure of her tits
>>55339840Nigga how is 1 emote a set?
>>5533790399 BALLONS!!!!! PLEASE!!!! PLEASE!!!!
i feel like shit o(〒﹏〒)o
Well that was weird. Anyway, I want Ame's big fat sweaty ass on my face.
>>55342704Sorry for touching Ame's clit and crashing 4chan with her gushing pussy...
are we back?
I missed you guys
Welcome back, Kiara mentioned that Ame's outfit is real but it might be the last one, check her stream for the full mention
>>55344310>check her stream for the full mentionThis feels like a Kiara ad instead of Ame news
>>55344310Last one?
>>55344429I would post a timestamp but I'm not able to check her stream right now>>55344554I mean after Gura's
We’re so fucking back bros
>>55345090Remember when Ame was going to play GTA IV but someone told her the pc port was bad so she didn’t? How is it treating Kiara, out of curiosity?
>>55341841>Tried to tell Ame to go to the ER>4chan dies
ame swimsuit
>>55344554A while back Kiara said in terms of 2022 outfits (yes 2022), she would be last in line to get one because she was getting a different artist. But as of now Gura and Ame still don't have theirs yet.
>>55345223Some weird freezing during a police chase earlier today but not bad.
>>55346220I just interpreted what he said as the last one forever...
hello guys
>>55346550hey bro
I actually didn't miss any of you
[Gura News] Gura talked about giving Ame her ebi sushi. Ame sent Gura a remix of her singing the Chotto Matte song, she needs to check if she can use it as BGM. Ame and Gura are on the same ID Sports Fes team, there should be a practice stream coming up. Gura was fighting teamates in HoloCure and said "the gators are angry!", chat said they miss Ame, Gura said she hadn't heard from her today and she should message her and send a dumb sticker. Gura and Ame talked about playing Payday sometime, Gura is considering a Payday collab.
>>55347509>ame gura and friends payday collab
Thank you for choosing Ame
>>55347509Now this is how you tell the thread Ame newsI'm looking at you >>55344310
>>55347509>gurame and 2 friends payday collabnice, wonder if they'll play 2 or the new one coming out>ID sports feswhat day is that again?
>>55347509Oh nice, thanks man, I hope they can play Payday. That's two collabs planned already, I hope they can do one.
>>55347509Is that payday one real? I want timestamp of that.
>>55348056>>55348056>>55348261>>55348326To clarify, they talked about playing Payday sometime in the past but it never developed into a collab. Gura was like "who would be a good group" and the chat spammed SNOT as they tend to do, but I'd hope Gura asks Ame first. I realize in hindsight that what I wrote wasn't super clear.
>>55348326it was during her current stream
>>55348468well i still hope for a payday collab with Ame in it then
Man I wish this stupid sight stayed down.
Ame should play Baldur's Gate 3 fully nude!
>>55350059Playing fully nude when she’s currently having tummy issues is a bad idea.
>>55350059Why did they put so much gay shit in that game, like after a certain point it’s kinda weird.
>>55350701You don't have to choose those options, anon. That's like complaining about there being gay porn on Pornhub when you don't have to look at it at all.
>>55350876It’s not about the choices or choosing it, it’s like why did you put gay bear sex in game? How did you end up here at this position.
>>55350701i think the bear sex is weirder
I think bubba is lost
>>55351627What do you mean hes right here?
Ame will play Fear and Hunger uncensored.
>>55350981>>55350985Meh. It's far from the weirdest shit I've seen in a game.Again, as long as the player isn't forced to engage in weird shit like that. Let the player be weird on their own terms and don't force me to be a gay furry.
Ame will play the call of duty zombies map, origins and build and upgrade all the elemental staffs.
>>55351721idk how much you guys know about her but peo's an extremely cute japanese girl who streams in EN. Huge fan of hololive & certified ame simp. she's working on her holo chibi drawings right now
>>55351721Bubba starting to realize he may not be on ames head.
>>55351721>>55352017Cute femmate taking care of bubba while ame is fighting for her life in the ER.
>>55352017She was already shilled here
>>55347509I like that this implies just how regularly they talk to each other.
>>55353047Yeah, sounds like them not talking for a day is unusual. Ame's probably keeping to herself a bit right now as she rests.
>>55359043So that’s how she ended up in the ER
Imiss bowson
>>55362267I'm watching Bijou play right now, and while very cute, it is reminding how much I appreciated Ame's playthrough just because how different it was
How long has Smol Ame been in control of Ame's x account?
>>55363299I dunno probably over a year?
New Vegas continuation when?
>>55366160probably next week's Gura talking about messaging Ame and implicitly revealing that they normally talk every day.
>>55369344This is information that is relevant to my interests
>>55369691Here, you'll probably like these too.
Does Ame know about the "Andrew WK is Dave Grohl" conspiracy theory?
>>55370391I thought the Andrew WK conspiracy was that he doesn't exist?
>>55374483Oh yeah, right I forgot how it wentBut Dave Grohl allegedly has some part in it according to the theory
how the fuck is the catalog faster AND worse than it usually is wtf
>>55375858Every single mod and janitor is asleep.As for Ame, unless she had to go to the ER I imagine we'll get an update today since she was still planning on doing Watson Weekly.
>>55375858it usually gets really bad around this time but its been worse today after the site went down schizos are trying to shit on the advent girls and tossing all types of shit at them
Good afternoon. Time to catch up on the deetz and then watch One Piece.
>>55376713Here's your one piece
>>55376713what is deetz ?
>>55376979Deezer from Fallout 4.He can make lemonade.
>>55377340Oh I see, I was thinking of something else
>>55377598I was talking about the Gurame deetz, you were deceived anon.
>>55377926Yeah I was thinking of another deetz
>>55378401You can still have deetz nutz if you want.
>>55378455Thank you, it's a bit delayed but better late than never.
I'm glad 4chan shit the bed while Ame wasn't streaming. But it did give me an incentive to stay up and watch the Fuwamocos sing Japanese boomer songs. I hope Ame is well enough for Watson Weekly.
Is Ame ogey? Is she safe?I'm worried
>>55381605She's finally getting the health scare she needs
>>55383667Amase my beloved
ame ame ame ame amei miss ame
I hope Ame is feeling better already.Why doesn't smol Ame cover for her? Lazy little brat hasn't streamed in over a month.
Why can't Ame be like this?
Remember 2021? When Ame could eat kit-kats and stream 10+ times a week? Remember Weekly Schedules?
>>55389223Man that was probably one of Ame's most kino weeks ever. I wish she would go and finish HLA. My one real complaint about Ame is her tendency to drop games, usually for dumb reasons.
>>55390058Breakfast is a meme meal. Not to mention Ame rarely wakes up in the morning to eat breakfast in the first place (just like me)
>>55390497what the fuck meme meal means
>>55390497don't you still call your first meal breakfast whenever you wake up?or if you wake up at 9pm do you just eat dinner and then notthing until you go to sleep again?
>>55390667Nta but I feel like I would only refer breakfast to as like the meal genre? Like there’s breakfast food that I would really ever eat during breakfast.
Cute femmate ame art in the making.
>>55392173Forgot the image
>>55392206what the bubba doin'
>>55392173>>55392206>12 hours Jesus christ
>>55390667Your body gains power from food based off the planetary alignments and the sun. So breakfast should only me consumed in the morning.
>>55392206I'm glad she's doing well
>>55393021Poe vtuber whos a major ame fan. No seriously she is obsessed
>>55393151>she is obsessedJust like me…..
>>55393151please learn to use punctuation marks
>>55393151>Poe vtuberwhat country is that
I, Love, Ame, so, much,
>>55392206>>55392946>>55393151Its really cute seeing ame become a huge inspiration for other vtubers and creators it really goes to show how far shes come.
>>55393376>forgets the period at the end of his sentence
>>55392206Hope she applies and makes it into JP7. Ame seems to love cunnytubers and it'd be really cute for an Ame fan to get in and then get showered in attention from Ame.
>>55394334I'm with you on that. It would be very difficult though. JP auditions are insanely competitive.
>>55394334looking at how the kfp raven in advent turned out tho I'm not so sure if that'd be a good'd feel really weird with Ame
>>55394715I don't see how it would be much different than Kiara, Gura, Mel, Roboco, etc. being absolutely obsessed with Ame at various points.
>>55337903coma of souls by kreator, please one holothrash song
>>55394936Peo-Ch on youtube. She'll may be finishing the Ame drawing next time, or it could be just a doodle.
>>55395486she would look way cuter without those stupid ears
>>55396001Maybe if you're gay
>>55396001do not van gogh my oshi
>>55395486>>55396001ok, fixed
>>55397178Much better. I'm sick of seeing those ears
>>55397178How will she hear us now?
If she doesn’t do WW this week, she might as well drop it. She’s missed more weeks than she’s done it.
>>55397178AME I WANT TO FUCK YOU IN THE ASS>>55399373She can't, heh
>>55400087>>55400120>>55400156Some Ame art I didn't see in her art tags
>>55401092Huh, I must have missed it
JWU, any signs of Ame?
>>55401611She graduatin' fr fr
>>55402928Don’t even joke about that
>>55403882Sorry, can you forgive me? :(
>>55403882Why is she allowed to but we aren't?>:( I still remember her getting mad at chat during that one stream.
>>55404576Wasn’t that around when coco was graduating?
>>55405368not even close
>>55405368a little after that, she was probably just in a pissy mood that day
>>55404576but it was among us dude, amongus can't be wrong
>>55407231You fucking maclunkey, I got excited for a second.
>>55407275Don't call me monkey you fucking failed crocodile
>>55407895he called you Macaulay Culkin you dyslexic fuck
>>55408085fukc you too!!
I can't believe Ame invented the atom bomb
>>55408454she invented hentai too then
>>55408454>Ame makes the atom bomb >Smol Ame uses it to put an end to ww2 >Ame is then shocked that the bomb was used No really what did she think was going to happen???
>>55408589A small price to pay for boys with screwdrivers
>>55408454>For every Ame that invents the electric lightbulb, theres the one that invents the atom bomb
>>55408677She thought she could solve mysteries and cook her broccoli with it. Not to mention her brother was a known commie.
>>55408677>>55409028>There are timelines where she invented it to help Japan>The USA gets nuked instead>history changes and they invent their own fucked up American version of anime that's a cross between superheroes and moe
>forgot the mole
Speaking of atom bombs and the japs. Did you guys see the images made by Japanese people in response to the barbie and Oppenheimer memes?
Watching FuwaMoco's DKC stream. Man can you remember Ame's stream was over 2 years ago?
>>55409753i member
>>55409858so cute...
>>55409753I hope she plays DKC2 sometimemaybe as her next retro platformer?
>>55409608not yet
>>55410309Basically they got offended and made stuff like pic related not realizing that Americans love 9/11 jokes.
>>55410443Especially this guy >>55396001
>>55410697Also this lmao
>>55410697>>55410859gonna need Ame edits
>>55410697>>55410859Japanese fragility will never cease to amaze me. If they ever get a chance to see the film, they'll realize that it doesn't even show the bombings and it even holds a giant anti-nuke message. t. not even american
>>55411131It’s not the movie that offended them it was people making memes about it.
>>55411131It really only started because the official warner bros. twitter acknowledged this meme with the bomb aftermath in the background.
It's so fucking over bros...
>>55412390Im sure shes fine if something happened kiara would have spilled the beans in her gta stream.
>>55412390I'm sorry anon... She... She's not going to make it... I'll allow you to say your final words to her before we pull the plug.
>>55412732sword in korean
>>55412535While I appreciate Kiara sometimes giving us details, I think she should also learn when to mind her business on some things and keep her mouth shut. She wears her heart on her sleeve a little too much and sometimes spoils surprises meant for others.
>>55412930How about we just be glad that she didn’t say anything concerning.
>>55413158I can do both things.
I feel bad for Kiara. You know her show wouldn’t have skipped any weeks, if she even planned to do it weekly. She probably would have done it three times a week like later episodes of Asacoco. Even with her trips recently she probably would have prerecorded episodes.
Love my pebbleson
>>55413443I don't care about Kiaras shows, anon, or how long they last. This is Ames thread not hers. No offense to Kiara but it would never have been half as good as what Ame is doing now.
Does anyone here secretly hope Ame has to eventually go to the ER so that she gets a big enough scare to truly turn her health problems around and fix the living habits that are effecting her
>>55413937Considering there's no Watson Weekly frame up, she probably did.
Is Ame the only Myth so far to not use her splash tshirt outfit?
yo yo yo what up *HIC*
>>55412535Assuming she told her that is. Gura didn't get a message yesterday from her.
>>55413937Anon people that don't like doctors generally don't follow their advice even when they get bad news. At least my mon didn't. I miss her.
Ame's tit in my mouth
>>55414385Has Kiara used hers yet? I know she did that karaoke with the summer model but idk if she had it tied up.
I miss Ame...
>>55409753Didn't she play DKC from the hotel while she was looking for the first office? Makes sense that it was so long ago.
Liarelia Excuseson
Bzzzzzz bzzzzzzz bzzzzzz
>>55416825I wanna suck the honey out of bee ames teet
>>55416825Hot take: And smol variations are indeed cute but very ugly in a sexual way, like fat dwarfs
>>55417056>like fat dwarfsReminds you too much of your mother?
>>55418711Femmates are sickuh
What if she's not okay?
Ame I miss you I miss you Ame miss you I do Ame I I Ame I miss Ame
Would you rather have one smol sized Smol Ame, or three bettle sized Smol Ames?
>>55420579I don't think I could put my dick inside a beatle
>>55421172Not even Paul?
Apparently the collab ban for EN atleast ends on Saturday so potential collab with one of the new girls could be soon
is catbox down?starting to think ame being sick is just a coverup, can't be a coincidence that just as she got sick 4chan went down and now catbox
>>55421431Anon Ame can't collab with anyone if she's dead. The accident was 5 years ago you have to move on...
>>55421472she saw this kind of posts >>55418711I would've done the same
>>55421614You think something as minor as death would stop Ame
>>55421754I want to fuck Ghost Ame metaphysical body..., please stream if you're well
>>55422040If she was well she'd be doing Watson Weekly right now.
>>55420579Do you have anything smaller? I need to inject her into my veins
>>55422244Not smaller but you still may be able to inject her
> doing my best to feel better asapᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤnot doing enough
So the Gura collab is still on the table I presume?
>>55422512Probably the week after next.
>>55422512The two collabs are the id sports fes and that Pokémon unite tournaments
>>55422683ID sport fes is next week.
Ame didn't stream this weekend because she knew I wanted to watch evo
>>55422758Oh is it? My bad then. Maybe it’s that alien drawing collab??
Chances of late night Ame tonight?
I'm glad to see she's okay. Gonna fall asleep to Evo finals now. gnighttttt~~~
>>55422758Kiara's schedule is out and she has it for Saturday AMT+6
So we got the pokemon tourney and the id festival this week, i hope she can recover soon