Also known as /who/ - Nanashi Mumei GeneralBirthday prehype 2 editionPrevious thread: >>55131497--->Duet cover of Ghost Rule with Kiara>Duet cover of Queen (Kanaria) with Bae>The Forgotten Song (Whoo / Hatsune Miku)>First original song - A New Start>List of Songs / Karaokes>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos>Holo 4th Fes>Youtube Channel:>Twitter:>Merch (New starting voice pack and Holosummer merch) >>1Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
>>OPStreams / M.E.S.>【MUMEI'S BIRTHDAY】Karaoke with GUESTS !! + Announcements and MORE !! #itsMeiBday>【VOICE CHALLENGE】in the same room?>【preYdator SUMMER】 queens>【preYdator SUMMER】 lil rat n owl mentions>>55131984>Connect the World links>Schedule>Fanart hunting links>Tools : QOL & recorders>Library of /who/LEXandria>Most recommended streams if you're new.>List of members streams + brief descriptions>Database Backup template: / additions:- Japan rentry updated.- Anchor template updated. Tools : QOL & recorders > Tools : QOL & YouTube recordersThe Next one is a special edition.
Take care, /who/.
owl difference
Nakadashi Birthday Girl
Wanashi Mumei
Mumei is the greatest of all time!
>>55200587Rowlet will cry during the karaoke later
Mumei will sing today...
I had a fucked up dream that Mumei was playing Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri.What faction do you think she would pick?
>>55201081AZU-PAPAAAAAAthose mediumsthose buttfangsthat skindentationthank you azu-papa
>>55201081>no visible bumpGuess the merch art would be done by a different artist? Seeing he posted this before the bday merch is announced.
>>55197979>Also is that a new room?would seem so, she also got a new room for her bday last year
>>55201081That beach ball? Tis I, naturally!
>>55201265It's looks like a karaoke room so I expect her to use it semi-regularly
>>55201081Holy fucking shit my dick, god bless you Azure-papa.
Happy birthday Mumei.I wish everything great and success in all stuff for your oshi, hoomans. She good.t. Nightowlets
>>55201374I wish your owlshi a happy birthday as well!
>>55201081I moomed
>>55201081Nahone. Part of Fubuki's mama's Comiket art book.
>>55201081Cute and sexy.
>>55202039*ping*No! Ave!
>>55203470Long long moom
>>55201081I kneel Azu-papabased as always
>>55201081>highleg Wowza, azure delivers yet again. He totally picked that design without checking with the Moomer
>>55204043>>55202065It's not official art.
>>55204108Don't care. Moom.
It's a Birthday stream, of course it would be archived.
>>55204108How is it not 'official' if Azure drew it
>>55201081haha look at that dumb hootsie he got turned into a beach ball lmaoo!
>>55209050no stinky moom..
>>55201081Did she get fatter
>>55209050She's going to be sick during her birthday...
>>55209050mooom.... can't catch a break, silly owl
>>55209050Too bad she can't go and sweat it out in a sauna or something.
>>55207913He said as much that it was drawn for a friend's art book. The anon I was replying to was implying that Azure would need to ask for Mumei's opinion on fashion when drawing art when in fact it should only be for new L2D outfits. The artist papa/mamas of corporate chuubas can still sell art books of their daughters freely. Although it's drawn by the "official" artist it's not official art as in commissioned by Cover and published by Cover. Gura's birthday merch art this year is official too despite not being done by her mama.
>>55209377>would need tostating he did not ask her does in no way imply he would need to
Moom mention
>>55209503Slowchama... >>55166554
Don't die... it's almost mumei's birthday...
>Mumei is dying>Bread is dyingN-no...
be quiet or you will wake up the hooties.
bread always gets slow around these times, everyone is probably sleeping,going to study or to their wagie jobs like me...
>>55212269I'm busy preparing the catering
>>55212269Mimei won't let me leave...
>>55212502why would you want to leave?
>>55213525What's in the cake
>>55213610my heart
>>55213788>ToTWhat did she mean by that?!
>>55214010lolimei confirmed. we're doomed...
>>55201374Thanks, neighbour!Wish your owlshi a great birthday too, I like her guitar/singing stream, she's cool.
>she's still sick>She's gonna have an off collabMan I'm kinda worried now
moom tummy
Just imagine the amount of power she could have if she would capitalize her sexappeal intentionally
>>55215520source link?
>>55217015it's got it from his patreon
what kind of cake do you think she got?
>>55217128A big strawberry shortcake
>>55201081Her hands are so tiny. And her butt must to be huge.
>>55209099Her lower half has always been thick as fuck.
>>55217764I was looking at her tummy actually... it feels like she's getting wider.
>>55218033The thigh strap looks tighter too, so she might've been made curvier by Azure. I'll wait for their party dresses and see if she stays this way.
>>55218095>>55218160>>55218178She's one step away from dying...
It's night time in Japan. I wonder if she's nervous and she can't sleep.
>>55218095>>55218160>>55218178Let's go...
>>55218095>>55218160>>55218178Moomei....Why is my little owl cursed with suck today
>>55218298probably nervous
>>55218298Only 11:13pm for them, so not that bad
>>55209099he used realistic proportions
>>55217764>>55218209Look at the rest of his art, Azure has always leaning more towards bottom heavy with modest chest than the other way.
>>55201081Why is everyone drawing Mumei's hip wider and wider...
Good morning hoomans and hooties! Luv Moom!
>>55218808Selamat pagi!
>>55218951Selamat pagi kawan! Tidur! Kita harus siap untuk set terbatas!
>>55219252I dont speak this language but i hope you are having a very moom day fellow hoomans
>>55219574Just assume it's random letters instead of trying to read anything into it. Makes it easier on the eyes and mind.
>>55218178that's my mooma highly delirious, sugary, and happy birthday
>>55219574I don't either, I just use Google translate. It's truly a moomin' day, we must celebrate extra hard!
I can't wait for moom sniffles and puke!
>>55220383Me on the left learning how to fly and not be a fat fuck
>>55220748I'm afraid to tell you but being a Hootie is a terminal condition...
>>55215520and there goes my nofap. btw I'm biased because it's my favorite colour (just like the other 85% of millenials/zoomers I guess) but black always goes so well with Moomers...
>>55220733>carry mumei on your shoulders>you hear her sniffle>she then sneezes on your headtragic
praying for the moom
>Special announcement at the end of the advent L4D stream.Mumei no...
those hips are too much, i'm gonna moom all over my floor
>>55223694It's monetization
>>55223804Probably something Advent related, yea..
>>55223694what are you implying, ellipsis poster
>>55224235Another thing overlapping with Mumei's birthday stream.
>>55224281If they are even going for the full 2 hours, Birthdays are not getting the same special treatment as debuts, do they?
>>55224429Didn't even notice that was on pomf
>>55223694>>55224281You still have the option of 1) watching both, or 2) watching one live and the other as a VoD. Not a big deal.
>>55215520That's a very clean and odorless belly button, yes sir.
>>55215520good god
>>55223694Announcing that they'll be streaming group sex with Mumei.
I really hope Advent is allowed to call into her birthday.
What do we do with bratty Hoomans around here?
>>55225304fat chance
>>55225878We love hoomans here
Bratty femhoomans need correction
>>55224281They're going to funnel into mumei.
>>55225304They'll wish her a happy birthday when they end their collab. That's the best I can wish for.
>>55227258they are going to mumei's funeral
>>55225304first there is the collab ban.And second it seems that councilrys is only doing group calls during their birthdays and most likely an offcollab in mumei's case.Both Bae and Mumei admitted that doing call ins can be very stressful.
>>55227325one final coughbijou will be stuck into the ground as a tombstone
>>55227677today is a wonderful day
>>55227677>>55227754We know she got other stuff than just merch to announce
Considering that mooms is kinda sick right now, do you yhink the offcollab is still gonna happen or es she gonna do call ins instead?
>>55227677>>55227754i'm excited
hello sirs, one of your people is lost please come collect them>>55227904
Don't call the printer out like that
>>55228347Well I don't want to do it.
lol lmao
>>55227956Call ins is way too short on notice. Besides Mumei has just a normal cold with a runny nose, she was fine in the Gumei collab. So as long they don't kiss her it will be fine.
>>55228833>So as long they don't kiss her it will be fine.Thats the thing anon, cause i bet you that its gonna turn into a council orgy after the stream ends. Guess council will be out of commission next week
>>55229054 (me)With council orgy with mumei in the middle btw kinda want one.
>>55228833>not kissing MumeiYou assume a lot of self-control there..
>>55229151They look a bit fancy
>>55229557mayo eating contest with coyote (i feed my cum to the coyote)
>>55222877Something I've noticed is that mumei herself isn't very lewdable normally, but she has by far the best lewd art of anyone in council, based generally on her own self-descriptions of how she dresses at the beach. It's uncanny, but good.
>>55229557>>55229694based mumei senpai
>>55229694where's the senpai you disrespectful intern
>>55229994>>55230039but moom is a manager?
>>55230039I had hopes for Mumei-Senpai but so far... Do any of the Advent girls call her Senpai?
>>55230348FuwaMoco do
>>55230427>>55230479Oh great, the two new girls I'm most interested in even.
>>55230865Don't drink that..
>>55231188BAU BAU
>>55230865>the Aqua drink
I want to touch moomei’s boobeis
>>55232190Mumei should sit on my lap.For hugs and headpats.
Moom tonight! of her dorkiest moments IMO, pushing herself to be entertaining
>>55228833>So as long they don't kiss her it will be finehow do you think she got the cold in the first place?
yts 'new' link format is a plight
>>55232850People just need to right click the video and use "Copy video URL at current time" instead of the share button.
embedfags seething
>>55232938can we blame that on zoomer? we should blame it on zoomer...
>>55233054Zoomer or a mobile poster.
>>55233083Did youtube remove the copy at current time option for phones on a long press on the video?
Fully expecting more cute Moomtweets later.She does that when nervous~
>>55234120Thanks for the heads-up Moom, and don't worry. You're gonna be as cute as ever.
>>55215520>High waist cut>Thigh tendon>Whatever the folds between thigh and crotch are called>Tummy>Skin indentationSEEEEX
>>55234120She's sleeping, I beleeb
I want to take a sip from Moom's navel
>>55234919gluteal fold?
>>55235278eww, name it something cute like ass fangs or even thigh tendon sounds sexy
>>55235974gwuteaw fowd?
>>55236645>debut mumeikyuuut. but im also really happy with what we got now.
>>55237952Now that's some classic Mumei
>>55237952she's a silly, owlright...
>>55237952>4 AM in Japango to sleep you nervous bird
Finally I don't have to cry myself to sleep tonight..
>>55238108You already know the answer to that, don't you?She's just like that... and that's why we love her
some stuff on the tag is more sovl than talent though
Today I think I will hoo for no reason at all
>>55241927now; her ass is not THAT big...
>>55242116>>55201081Look again; Mumei's ass IS huge. She's a thick gal.
>>55242634She always had large thighs but it took harpymei and the 3D for the bulk of anons and artists to focus on that.Azure is just based.
>>OPWhy the runes. is this a lockdown procedure for whne the board goes to shit?
>>55243042He clearly gave her a big butt along with her thighs in this's drawing. Her thighstrap looks extra tight too.
>>55243184there are two reasons to use runes, one is for the reason you mentioned, at which point /who/ wouldnt be included in the subject matter, and the other is for celebration.
>>55243184it's birthday
>>55243184My closest volcano is erupting so I like the coincidental runes.
>>55243184>>55243232Runes for celebration has been a thing even before complete board has gone to shit runes.
>>55243274 it this one that keeps showing up on my youtube homepage?
>>55243042Azure is a professional, after all.
>>55243528>Eyjafjallajökull back in 2010>Fagradalsfjall nowwhat the fuck is wrong with your volcanoes. I can't even look at those names without getting my tongue in a twist.
>>55243737i love biboo now
>>55243737cute rock
>>55243737well done, rock princess kouhai!
>>55243528Yeah. Currently visiting and the volcano is very close to Reykjavik.
>>55243737Dwayne is great
>>55243801They're pretty easy to pronounce for anyone who speaks a germanic language.
>>55243801The first one is pretty easy for me since its a arknights character.
>>55243801I love that funny little language. I’ve been told it’s becoming slowly phased out for English. If there’s substance to that claim do your best to change that
>>55244411The scandinavian countries themselves just use a lot of english in general, sounds likely it'd eventually replace the local langs if things keep up as they are
>>55243528Iceland looks like a place that takes putting shopping carts where they belong very seriously.
>>55244729How did you get that from a volcano?
>>55244694>scandinavian languagesThose are fine for the most part, easy to pick up from any other germanic language.Icelandic though? That language spend too much time isolated on a fucking island to be fun to learn
>>55244411What >>55244694 said, minus the replacement. Loaning words from English, because we grew up with the internet, makes making up words for new things in our mother tongues difficult and less commong. We still speak the languages, and they're not being swapped out, but our dictionaries are increasingly becoming anglified.Minus Danish, that mess might as well become French.
>>55244816Doesn’t that isolation make it the closest living language to Viking Norse?
>>55244797>How did you get that from a volcano?I didn't.
>>55200844Something especially dehumanizing.
>>55245030Yeah, but Old Norse varied from region to region. The ones in eastern Sweden who went on to found a bunch of slavic places had another dialect than the ones in Norway/Denmark/western Sweden who raided England/Spain/North Africa.
I'm excited and nervous and it's not even my birthday... I just hope everything does go well today
>>55247781I ate bread today
>>55246651I'm used to seeing that many mentions from rratsis.. does the bot just hit on any^M[m(u+|o{2,}]+e*[i*|r*]* ?
>>55247991>^M[m(u+|o{2,}]+e*[i*|r*]* what madness is that
>>55248088Black magic, don't worry about it. Trust the process.regex
see mumeiter
>>55247991I just search for Mumei, Moom and ムメイ
>>55248408The regex would catch that, in addition to moom, moomer and moomi but would need an addition for ムメイ. Simple search is probably enough though, regex is overkill for most applications anyway
[Mumei mention] Fauna is doing a members' stream and plans to draw Mumei since it's her birthday.
Fauna is going to draw mooms for her birthday on her current members stream
[Fauna News] She'll be drawing Mumei
>>55248849Adding on, "Looking up images of Nanashi Mumei, my favorite thing to do!" is a direct quote.
>>55248902She wants a piece of the moomcake
>>55246651Jesas goomba
>>55249006Goombus and Mumei are autistically linked so it's no surprise she'd talk about her a lot.
>>55248902Love Faufau for loving moom
>>55249277can't forget the party hat!
>>55249938so much sovl
>>55249938Fauna has definitely seen peachball
>>55249816Mucho sexo
>>55249816I hate this pissbag
>>55249938Damnit hoojisans, you've fed her too much ice cream.
>>55249938wtf. Fauna was architect poster all along?
>>55250818>spoiled her too muchno such thing
pudgy wudgy owl
>>55246651>gura and mumei collab>gura can't stop mentioning mumei every stream for a whole weekevery time
>>55249816Real reason friend never shows up anymore
Sometimes I wonder just how long council will go without being verified on twitter since Advent already got their checkmarks.
>>55252774Mumei will never give money to elon
>>55245080>especially dehumanizingbruh, its SMAC probably Human Hive
>>55252656Seems like they start talking on discord with each other a lot more too, unless they're always like that and they only talk about it after collabs.
>>55243801>Eyjafjallaso that's what the goat from arknights is named after
hey hoomansI have come to wish Mumei a happy birthday
Last minute predictions of what the merch will be.
>>55257534thanks chumbie, glad Gooba is back strong.
>>55257534we love gumei here
>>55257534Love Goomei
>>55257233Those hooties? Me
>>55257233i like the coloring
>>55249938>*blocks your path*
i keep hearing kronii
>>55260902>punts you like fuckin warwick davis
So it should be Right?
>>55262130I don't know, isn't there a chance that she doesn't have limited merch because the signing process was awful for her?
>>55262557just saying, Kronii didn't have limited merchI hope Mumei does though
>>55257553Backpack and something with acrylic (phone stand for example)
>>55262130 if you want to buy from the hololive shop
>>55263480whats the difference?
>>55264053You can only use the official shop in some countries. geekjack usually has cheaper ship but they're incompetent
>>55264053I stopped using GJ because they take too long to ship merch and I even had to email them once asking when they were going to ship it before they finally did
>>55264053Shop only ships to a handfull places, not just anywhere
>>55264356>>55264496>>55264516Noted. Thanks. Guess I'll go with official since they ship to my country.
>>55264935It's to late for this option but you could also set a proxy since if Mumei's bday merch is any big shipping prices goes up like crazy, Choco's I think had some curtains and it made the shipping be around 114$. Geekjack would have this problem
>>55265938Is there a particular service you'd recommend I look into for the future? Seems like the kind of industry where scams may be commonplace.
>>55266746Geekjack wouldn't have this problem*
Making the new intern thread.Update / additions:- Placeholder for Birthday Karaoke- Merch page updated with birthday merch linkReached bump limit faster than I anticipated but again better have 1 more special edition than have 1 short.
>>55264053holoshop: DHL/EMS FAGGOTS will get more money than your oshi (see BEEGSmol Moom and Sana plushies shipping prices being higher than the rest of them because their volumetric weight is a bit higher)geekjack: delayed merch
>>55267094Oh gotcha. I should have assumed as much.>>55267646I guess I'll check both. but since the merch takes a while to get here anyway a bit of delay is alright. On the flipside, though, I also don't mind paying a little more for good shipping.
I woke up just in time! Let's go!
>>55267646The shipping rates are fraudulent as fuck and Cover doesn't give a shit.
It's a crime that council hasn't played L4D
>>55268735Bae wanted to play L4D with council, i guess after the new japan arc.
I want to play l4d with council :( (minus kronii)
>>55269067ok kronie
>>55269120I'll never recover from this
Less than an hour now.. shes got to be super nervous
>>55269662Don't worry, she's currently oversleeping, and is incapable of being nervous
The moom is caffeinating as we speak
sniff sniff
I'm currently relieving Mumei of her stress. Don't worry.
animol is facetiming moom rn
>>55270825this dog is stuffed
>>55270825...should have been me. I will reincarnate as Animol, just wait
Which members sent their mixtape for Moom to duet with?
>>55271584Aki, Roboco, Noel, Towa
>>55271937Jump in anytime