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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 922 KB, 1060x1912, She-knows-her-time'sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55127161 No.55127161 [Reply] [Original]

her time has come and she knows it, she knows all the owning the haters is coming back to hunt her down now that competent people with ambition has joined the EN branch, she is confirmed to care about numbers and she will be mindbroken once nerissa starts dropping songs. She will unironicaly be the first one to graduate.

>> No.55127212

Buy an ad

>> No.55127395

>She will unironicaly be the first one to graduate.
But that was Sana.

>> No.55127474
Quoted by: >>55128685

Not a Mori fan, but considering she put her day job back on the backburner I think you better not hold your breath.

>> No.55127493
Quoted by: >>55143153

from myth

>> No.55127768 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>55130623

based and true,,
she even released a VA reel to get more jobs on her RM accoount because she knows clock is ticking for her..

>> No.55127862

She is really upset when people only care about her first song RIP and not the rest huh?

>> No.55127921

Why does she have to attack what viewers are watching? Seems like jealousy to me.

>> No.55128035 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1292x764, 1233423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her pride will shatter, she'll be more of a spitefull bitch than she already is.

>> No.55128256
Quoted by: >>55128763

>newfags acting like Myth hasn't already seen a wave of shiny new toys

>> No.55128322
Quoted by: >>55131908

i heard shes winding down her RM activities, how is she done? it sounds like shes finally going all in on holo

>he still uses the fake dislike extension

>> No.55128335
Quoted by: >>55128640

This feels like the most low tier hate I could possibly see in vt... Probably because you took the time to edit and write out the words WILL FAIL it made your post look more generic than it needed to.

>> No.55128474

yeah, its weird that she's pissy about it now, specially that now its not her tree trunk neck doing the moaning.

>> No.55128640
File: 76 KB, 638x639, AA730B76-37AC-47F4-BE05-9AECFBD3338F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the EN girls, Mori probably gets the most low-effort antis. Whether not she deserves them is another question but they just feel pettier than other antis.

>> No.55128645
File: 330 KB, 1500x2000, dabberoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.55128685

Council was a flop that didn't sufficiently challenge her, so she felt secure splitting her attention with RM shit. But she's been more numbers orientated lately. That in conjunction with the hit she is definitely going to take from a new Gen of actual numberfags with ambition who are completely shameless and 100% willing to pander means that she knows that not going 100 on Holo means losing what little she has left. I bet she's seething that management didn't let her get to the girls early. She couldn't tell them to "take it easy" like she did to Council lmao. I just hope the old members are self aware enough to realize that they're only losing what they didn't deserve in the first place. It's very normal for people who only have market share from being first to lose it to more competent players who arrive later. And I also hope the new members take the advice of people who were mostly just lucky with a grain of salt.

>> No.55128763
Quoted by: >>55163314

Yes but this time the new gen actualy cares and has something to offer, no hate to council i like them, but they are average vtubers, none of them can sing properly outside of mumei, and then there are people like kornii there.

>> No.55128866
Quoted by: >>55129004

>She will unironicaly be the first one to graduate.

I suppose the L you forgot is for the fact you forgot Sana.

>> No.55128980

She's gonna collab with Ado and sing One Piece songs and you'll all kneel.

>> No.55129004

she was just a lazy nepotism hire, i dont even count her as a member of hololive since she was always on hiatus right after debut.

>> No.55129031

but then people will watch the stream for Ado, not her.

>> No.55129032
Quoted by: >>55129258

Mori potential graduation all depends on UMG deal
As long she still under it, she won't graduate

>> No.55129094
Quoted by: >>55130006

nobody cares about anime openings, everybody skips straight to the episode, she only got atention becouse it was one piece and hololive, look at irys anime opening type songs.

>> No.55129159

why did she never make another cartoon song instead of all this emo trash?

>> No.55129188

what does any of this have to with ambition, especially seething about low effort clipniggers

you should tell jap that maybe not putting every holoEN stream in the same 3 hour timeslot might be an idea worth exploring

>> No.55129258

the amount of coping and seething if nerissa were to get the same deal, she looks like a song oriented idol too, i hope it happens honestly.

>> No.55129331

>Mori doing better than ever
Just keep telling yourself this OP, might become true someday.

>> No.55129407


>> No.55129421
File: 208 KB, 544x545, 1680617699611812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know that Mori isn't even the first vtuber UMG has signed

>> No.55129493
File: 240 KB, 592x508, 93842579027345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is backtracking on the whole not liking idol culture thing too

>> No.55129504
File: 382 KB, 906x859, 1690552198111778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New toys versus someone that's been around for 3 years
Cmon numbermonkey, this bait is raw, try a bit harder.

>> No.55129530
Quoted by: >>55136027

Ado gets 50k ccv with her random blackscreen autism streams and only collabs with her 2view homies, Mori has nothing to offer her

>> No.55129784

Retard. What are you gonna do, force the talent to stream in a timeslot they don't want?

>> No.55129853

uh, yes? sounds great buddy

>> No.55129897
File: 62 KB, 634x356, DoDeadKeksReally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55130006

keep telling yourself that. people still sing the good/catchy ones 20 years later.

>> No.55130023

Nice fanfic retard, here's what can happen:
Cover noticing one of their most successful members (yes being signed, having a sololive for thousands of people on a true stage, collabing with one piece, etc means she's successful as much as it pains the average nigger) can be pretty soft with her, meaning she can become an ayame or gura since she's one of their flags in music so you'll see less on mori but she gains absolutely nothing with grduating, saying goodbye to all of cover's connections this early on her career is a bad idea.

>> No.55130058

shit thread but that is fucking weird to tweet is she on lean again?

>> No.55130140

Lol, lmao.

>> No.55130166

IRyS....I can save you.

>> No.55130267

Back in the council days you apes swore up and down that MORI WAS DONE cause of Kronii, now its Nerissa.
You don't even change your tactics up, just grab another hologirl and try to use her as a bludgeon against the one you don't like.

>> No.55130368

Always up for a Mori anti thread but literally all of these cunts are overlapping their kohais during debut, it's honestly fucking disgusting. ESPECIALLY Gura.

>> No.55130437

hmmm sounds like something people have been doing for a long time...hmmmm....

>> No.55130623

>Replies to OP all a minute apart
You are such a mindbroken little retard. I would say buy an ad but we all know you can't afford it

>> No.55130859

She back tracked not liking idols before she joined hololive. It was her friend Milky Queen who convinced her, and her stint with hololive only further reinforced that.

>> No.55131039

All the views on Nerissa's cover.
All me.

>> No.55131092
Quoted by: >>55198551


>> No.55131107

>Council was a flop that didn't sufficiently challenge her, so she felt secure splitting her attention with RM shit
You are genuinely retarded if you believe this.
The sole reason she went back to RM is because she was mindbroken by the yabstreak she had in late 2021 and early 2022. She made a venting album that made me sympathise a lot more with her.

>> No.55131119

Nice schizo post.
Also I am not reading that, faggot-sama

>> No.55131247

And this is bad how, exactly?
Shouldn't you be praising her for growing as a person? Or will you try to make everything she does seem like a bad thing no matter how much of a stretch it is?

>> No.55131261

Only way she's graduating is if she believes she is more than just Calliope Mori and we aren't at that point yet.

>> No.55131516

Funny how you use Irys for that comment kek

>> No.55131808
Quoted by: >>55133529

>because she was mindbroken by the yabstreak she had in late 2021 and early 2022.
She doesn't care about her early and mid 2021 yabs? Whatever they even were.

>> No.55131908
Quoted by: >>55132902

>he thinks the dislike extension is fake

>> No.55131919

I couldn't care less about the other parts. But she's 100% right about the endless clickbait from low effort SEA sweatshop clip channels. They're a complete eyesore.

>> No.55131961
Quoted by: >>55133705

She is literally only doing it cuz she think she'll gain from it.
There is 0 honesty coming from her.

>> No.55132503
Quoted by: >>55133181

A bold statement
I question some peoples reverence for sana, given how absent she was

>> No.55132524
Quoted by: >>55135060

Is it real development or just a cynical backpedaling after torpedoing herself and realizing all too late that it wasn't the best of ideas for her financial future?
Does it even matter in the end?
Is there even a way to tell?

>> No.55132685

From a business standpoint Mori is the most successful en vtuber right now (yes more than gura) and she would be retarded to give it all up now. She’s not graduating (she’s mentioned this multiple times) and she’s certainly not going to fade away any time soon, especially given how much space you give her in your head.

>> No.55132902

>he thinks he isn’t retarded

>> No.55132909

I agree with this.

>> No.55133057

Dam nice fanfic be sure to use #ShiorinStories for her to see it!

>> No.55133075

Actually agree with your take. When the status quo is challenged, Myth especially Mori will always try to be relevant as she gets desperate to retain viewership attention.

>> No.55133103
Quoted by: >>55133260

I'm starting to see that this thread has become the equivalent of a celebrity gossip hub.

>> No.55133181

>oh no! my dog died! (1 month hiatus)
>oh no! my back hurts! (2 or 3 months hiatus)

>> No.55133260
Quoted by: >>55133560

>this board

>> No.55133385
Quoted by: >>55133883

What a fucking cunt.

>> No.55133529

It wasn't the events themselves but rather the backlash to them that ended up causing her to write the album .
Overall the constant backlash that she got ended up doing a number on her mental health and the album was a way to vent out the stress that she had been experiencing for the past couple of months .
It's one of the problems of containment breaking which people on /here/ seem to think is just normal anymore

>> No.55133560


>> No.55133628
Quoted by: >>55174077

oh anon, that's gura who keeps overlapping the girls. mori even watches them but gura... she's scared of losing her already dying audience since she's getting old and boring now anyway

>> No.55133687
Quoted by: >>55142862

I don't know if this is Bait or not but I'd actually agree. Despite people shitting on her music 24/7 on Twitter(mainly black people) being sponsored by one of the biggest names and anime currently and manga, just kind of shows you how successful she truly is .
People who talk about nothing but CCV numbers are idiots who don't even read what YAGOO himself said, as he basically did everything in his power to say that CCV is one of the last things that he considers to be a measurement of success.

>> No.55133705
Quoted by: >>55152903

>Mofo thinks any Vtuber is honest

>> No.55133797

Didn't Mori just release a song like a month ago? She needs to space them out. That's a lot of songs to release so quickly for someone who just writes the lyrics. There are still retards who think Mori composing the song and melody, lol

>> No.55133883 [DELETED] 

her cunt is fat and wideopen i agree

>> No.55134009

>Or will you try to make everything she does seem like a bad thing no matter how much of a stretch it is?
They've been doing this for three years, why stop now?

>> No.55134149
Quoted by: >>55134625

while containtment breakers from /here/ played a big part on it, there was tons of backlash from twitter clipwatchers that didnt want trash taste to have any involment with hololive what so ever, most of them where legit criticism.

>> No.55134430
Quoted by: >>55138640

>She made a venting album that made me sympathise a lot more with her.

That have to be a falseflag ranting about simps, streaming and being above it all was what killed her holobox fanbase probably more than lean yab by itself.

>> No.55134455

>Still crying about TT
Guess I shouldn't be to surprised, people still whine about pink cat.

>> No.55134462

Uhhh antichama? Are you not supposed to be on her side for le owning le incels?

>> No.55134625
Quoted by: >>55134682

>there was tons of backlash from twitter clipwatchers that didnt want trash taste to have any involment with hololive
There was? And are we talking about first TT episode?

>> No.55134682

There was a ton of that in anon's head.

>> No.55134883

I wish I was in whatever this imaginary world you've come up with is because it sounds way more funny than reality.

>> No.55134961 [DELETED] 

from /morig/:
>Cuckbeats, just know that Mori's days are truly over. Advent has all the qualities and talent to make Mori obselete. Her singing status is mogged. Her mommy status is gone. Her goth status is gone. Takamori is gone. She is not even the resident EN pink girl anymore. The final blow is Universal reaching for more Hololive talent. It has gotten so bad she has finally devoted her attention to Hololive by abandoning her leeching roommate. She is no longer stable enough to support her lifestyle. It's all-in or fail. Failing has already commenced its final chapter. Deadbeats were always right for leaving her when she doubled down on her roomate shit. Consequences are finally being realized.

Holy shit, how chuuni is OP?

>> No.55135060
Quoted by: >>55135366

Well, considering you're reacting to ancient information as if it's brand new, why should anyone listen to anything you have to say

>> No.55135217

I don't use twitter. But I've heard she got/gets a lot of hate from nogs and troons on there. Is this true?
From where does most of the hate stem? Here? Or mostly shitter?

>> No.55135366

mori only resorted to coombaiting and
relatively recently you disingenuous deadbrap
don't make this out to be "ancient"

>> No.55135370

Based, the best on-stream moans I've ever heard didn't get clipped anyway, gotta play whack-a-channel with that shit

>> No.55135391

Astroturfing retards. Even that one incident in Reddit was /here/fags trying to brigade downvotes.

They even hilariously tried to go to 5ch and got laughed at. There's also the One Piece MV comments wherein they got smothered by neutrals who didn't give a fuck about their crusade.

Protip: Twitter (X) isn't a majority, It never was.

>> No.55135565
Quoted by: >>55135757

From what my mental worms whisper to me its mostly general normie reactions to vtubers and from vtwitters (PNG twitter only accounts) describing the state of the industry. Don't get me wrong, Mori is cringe but so is the state of vtubing in general as a niche fandom of a certain type of mental illness and Mori's biggest struggle is not males nor the connor clique but being taken seriously as an artist that happens to be an anime girl - she's not handling it as well as suisei.

>> No.55135757

UMG's stupid marketing had a hand in that. Instead of making anime shorts about Mori, they had her do 3D MVs on Tiktok.

Notice that there's a drastic dip in quality because Mori is forced to use 3DMVs that don't really make sense. The only successful MVs are the ones that do not have the 3DMV trash that UMJ keeps doing.

>> No.55135867

Mori should be fine, she's okay with streaming at different timeslots and will probably organize something with new girls - Myth is good at organizing shit in general and would benefit from it to some extent.

>> No.55135875
Quoted by: >>55135994

Good. I hope she quits.

>> No.55135921
Quoted by: >>55164978


>> No.55135994

>not the first post from this IP

>> No.55136027

I've no idea how Ado pulls those numbers when her "streams" are like 90% her making autistic noises and screaming DON'T LOOK while playing clips from her live gigs or against an mspaint background.

>> No.55136234
Quoted by: >>55198551

go back

>> No.55136433

>first one to graduate
How could you forget Sana when they won't stop talking about her? Are you going to take away Sana's only 'accomplishment'?

>> No.55136766

>First one to graduate
Mori Anti seethed so much that it thinks it's in a parallel Universe where Sana still streams.

>> No.55137036
Quoted by: >>55137978

Eh so she claimed but Milky is really not a traditional idol either

>> No.55137053

Myth are unironically the least qualified members of EN.

>> No.55137118
Quoted by: >>55137221

Mori is actually talking about numberfagging on stream now

>> No.55137191

Bruh look at this thread. It's literally just mental illness in text form.

>> No.55137212

based, i really liked how Mori destroyed Irys, Kronii and Bae with her Senpai advice LMAO
funny how Fauna and Mumei survived.
Mumei almost died with Bae due to stupidity

>> No.55137221
Quoted by: >>55138131

>Schizo imagining streams right now.

>> No.55137264

I wonder if it's the retard from Denver again?

>> No.55137353
Quoted by: >>55137588

it's been a while since I saw a genuine mori seethe thread, good job 0/10 shitty bait anon

>> No.55137588
Quoted by: >>55137845

What's wrong mori? slow day at the studio¿

>> No.55137626
Quoted by: >>55183674

Mori losing numbers means Mori losing out on future contracts and merch revenue. Mori stopping RM activities probably has more to do with it being a money sink than anything else.

>> No.55137709

Buy meds

>> No.55137765

Mori only sees hololive as a business, nothing else. She doesn’t care about deadbeats, or the haters, or even her genmates. She only cares about the money so she can pretend to be a rockstar in her free time.

>> No.55137845

Slow day in the barrio, anti-chama?

>> No.55137885

What an ancient narrative.

>> No.55137971
Quoted by: >>55138594

It stems from her music being bad. Just cause vtuber fans are simps who praise the efforts of their oshis doesn’t mean they actually have any real musical talent. Vtuber music sucks and everybody knows it, the companies don’t care if her music is good they care that cringelords like you gobble it up like turkey dinner.

>> No.55137978

What do you mean "so she claimed"? This entire rrat is based on some shit she said about "used to not understand idol culture" and in the same conversation she also mentioned Milky changing her mind. How the fuck do you watch the whole thing and only mentally register the first part?
And I have no idea what you mean by traditional idol culture because she followed underground or small time idol stuff too.

>> No.55138131
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1588, 1690496422445196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55138253

Lmao, this is hilariously schizo stuff even by /vt/ standards.

>> No.55138468
Quoted by: >>55198551

Back to twitter/reddit troon.

>> No.55138594

That's not what majority of the comments on the OP MV said, or the people in the ZUTOMAYO collab.

>> No.55138640
File: 377 KB, 768x768, 1690939862168076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55139122
Quoted by: >>55141108

This thread smells like a bunch of faggy clippers getting butthurt that their coomer bait clips are being called out. Maybe don't make retarded coom-brained clips and clip something that is interesting for a change.

>> No.55139367

found myself a new clipper to sub to today

>> No.55139697

>Council was a flop
Seems their a little scared

>> No.55139913

Only Mori schizos could try spin her making a correct and agreeable post about the state of EN clipfaggory and try to spin into a negative lol

>> No.55140416
Quoted by: >>55141028

>Only Mori schizos could try spin her making a correct and agreeable post about the state of EN clipfaggory and try to spin into a negative lol
It would have seemed a lot more sincere if she'd done it when she was the one getting publicity from it

>> No.55140660

Damn, that's cold enough to chill my drink anon

>> No.55141028
File: 366 KB, 970x310, Screenshot 2023-08-03 135603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if she'd done it when she was the one getting publicity from it
She doesn't do enough shit to get clipped
But also since advent debuted clipfaggots have generally just reached an time low when it comes to clipping some OCC and trying bait viewers overly sexual titles/thumbnails
Look at this shit, 80% of EN clips are just like this now, it's cancer

>> No.55141108
Quoted by: >>55142055

>Mori's coombait shit like the feet on desk assets and the shota shit gets millions of clipviews
>A nerissa clip goes viral
>Nerissa likely doesn't care judging from her personality
Weird how she was ok with it when it benefitted her.

>> No.55141219

that album was so good

>> No.55141404

>bijou anti threads nuked
>fauna anti threads nuked
>Mumei anti threads nuked
>nerissa anti threads nuked
>doggos anti threads nuked
>Mori anti threads are allowed to fester in the catalogue

>> No.55141556

mori janny asleep, please undastando

>> No.55141899

meidos suck yagoo cock, and Yagoo has been waiting to fry Mori for some time

>> No.55142046

If you speak English and you watch EN clips you deserve whatever you get. All clipniggers should hang.

>> No.55142055
File: 596 KB, 601x710, Screenshot 2023-08-03 141104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is ok with bad thing happening to herself but not to kouhai she cares about
>"And in my 100 post samefag thread I'll explain to you why this is actually a BAD THING!
She also didn't mention specifically, it being about Nerissa is just your own schizo conjecture
Also much a of horny newfag are you to be be ""coombaited""" by the fucking feet assets or to think that Mori came up with that idea

>> No.55142139
Quoted by: >>55143321

Fuck you Mori, it's because of you and your cuck fans that I get recommended Trash Taste and other ecelebs when literally all I watch is Hololive clips. That never used to happen before you debuted.

>> No.55142173
Quoted by: >>55142996

>Mori is ok with bad thing happening to herself but not to kouhai she cares about
Since when did any of the Advent girls say they cared about any of that?

>> No.55142213
Quoted by: >>55142355

Mori will forever bitch about literally anything because that is the only way she gets her audience

>> No.55142355

You literally sound like you believe that Mori stole your spot on HoloMyth.

>> No.55142862
File: 45 KB, 828x512, 1673488482675681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55201808

>taking twitter seriously
Going to add onto the post you responded to by saying that something with the UMJ deal humbled her ass in 2022 with her early yabs and now she's full throttle on content, has been relatively yab-free and trying her best to satisfy everyone she can. Not everything's a banger and CCV on streams are admittingly low for her, but its enough to keep her bosses happy and her fans wanting more. Her recent collabs with the likes of fucking One Piece and the Soul Eater Unravel guy prove it. People like OP and threads like these are just reminders that pink woman is, and will be, eternal.

>> No.55142996
Quoted by: >>55143057

>Since when did any of the Advent girls say they cared about any of that?
>"Actually, having innocuous comments get sexualized, and being labeled as a coombaiter is a good thing!"
Stop beating around the bush and just admit you're a horny clipnigger assmad Mori called you out instead of trying to use advent as a shield
>1)Mori's dwindling numbers only ever seeing a spike during drama sagas is church.
What the fuck are you talking about? she literally had the most sub growth in the month july out of anyone in EN

>> No.55143057
Quoted by: >>55143217

>Stop beating around the bush and just admit you're a horny clipnigger assmad Mori called you out instead of trying to use advent as a shield
Thanks for admitting you're full of shit

>> No.55143153

But that's Gura

>> No.55143217

Thank you for confirming my suspicion that you're an ass blasted clipfag coomer

>> No.55143270

Yea she's done. She's been trying to get more RM work since Mori has been milked dry.

>> No.55143321

clear your youtube watch history, retard-kun

>> No.55143434

Mori has no fans, only antis that happen to give her money

>> No.55143657

So if she is done, when will you be?
Mori graduating wouldn't fix your life. You'd still be miserable and begging for attention online. She'd continue finding her own path in life, and you'd still be waiting for dad to come home with those cigarettes.

>> No.55143729
Quoted by: >>55143924

Her solo music was always mid at best.
The only time it's ever good are collab songs with Suisei.
I don't feel very strongly about either of them, but they complement each other well in songs.

>> No.55143924
Quoted by: >>55161676

Her collab sings finally broke out of [song with Mori doing a rap verse in the middle] stuff where she is allowed to show her progress in singing is good.
Getting to work with a bunch of different producers also means trying a lot of different things. So only a few songs sound similar, not all are incredible but variety is good.

>> No.55144347

But she can rest on the laurels of the universal contract, sadly.

>> No.55145065

She's my oshi but damn I can't watch her anymore. Anytime she gets ahead, she just throws her actual fans under the bus. I get that she has to do shit like that to harness the crowd or whatever, but I can't help take it personally. She basically did what she wanted to do right? Made a record with a label, and is continuing to make music. Does she need our support anymore to do that anyway? I'll listen to the new songs, but the streams are too much for me.

>> No.55145492
File: 1.78 MB, 440x690, Twisting the Words of Mori Calliope[sound=https2F2Fo6eobd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55146044
Quoted by: >>55149340

You only need a certain amount of skill to be in the music industry, the tougher part is getting a foot in the door. The hololive brand and her fans paved the way there for her, but now it's entirely in the hands of the label. If they decide she's worth pumping big advertising money into, then she really doesn't need her core fans anymore. I don't know much about Calli, I'm just here to bathe in the shitposting, but the bigger question is why you feel obligated to support her if you feel personally slighted by her.

>> No.55146253

>harness the crowd or whatever
I view that as just being judgmental about your audience’s preferences. It’s being snobby, and stuck up.

>> No.55148951

Schizo? Debut buff numbers isn't going to carry over for most of them since it usually last a month or two at most. Then it'll stabilize and depend on collab and games they choose to play how high they'll go. In fact some have felt certain dips depending on what other Advent is streaming and since they are clustered up during this week, Bijou and Nerissa suffer the most when you compare the numbers in the VODs. I certainly remember when you guys were hyping up Council in the early months as well and that time loop might not even change for Advent either. I think the dog twins will be fine though.

>> No.55149340
Quoted by: >>55151282

I don't know why a fan of her music would be upset, unless they wanted only silly songs like RIP (and she still does make a few like that.) I don't think Mori is fake or hasn't put in effort to get what she has. Nor has she moved on from her first fans. She still talks about times where she went on stage in front of a dozen people, how she was happy anyone would see her at all. She's a performer at heart. Allow her to have a platform/stage and she's happy.

>> No.55149912
Quoted by: >>55198551


>> No.55150709

Mori dropping shit music once again

>> No.55151282
Quoted by: >>55151763

hello mori

>> No.55151442
Quoted by: >>55151634

>idiot seething about Mori's music again
It's the same song and dance with you schizo-types.

You've been doing this for three years. All of Myth were just expected to be ID-tier when it came to expectations. They've already surpassed anything that was expected of them by the Company, which is why every single one of Myth has been given eternal praise by the company.

>> No.55151634

>All of Myth were just expected to be ID-tier when it came to expectations
Yes. and then their pre-debut subs and debut CCV blew expectations out of the water. Cover underestimated the market for EN Holos, Myth didnt build anything themselves

>> No.55151763

You know, calling everyone that doesn't agree with you "Mori" does not hide that you are screeching like a banshee and being laughed at on Global, on other splits, and most importantly, by other fellow anons.

Which you will be denying reality again. So much so that you have lost all sense of time. You don't even realize that there has been an EN graduation, so your dream of Mori being the first is already in the gutter.

>> No.55151890
Quoted by: >>55152088

>another person who unironically believes Connor more than Mori

You are a fucking hypocrite.

>> No.55152088

>You are a fucking hypocrite.
How am I hypocrite? Could you link the past statement I made that I contradicted?

>> No.55152903

go commit unalive redditor

>> No.55154113

Nasakenai kari san

>> No.55154259
Quoted by: >>55198551


>> No.55154469

Hi Mori

>> No.55155497

It's superficial manipulation.

>> No.55155729

>Myth didnt build anything themselves
This is the truth and it's very disappointing.

>> No.55157565
Quoted by: >>55159524

>From a business standpoint Mori is the most successful en vtuber right now (yes more than gura)

>Not the highest sub count
>nor good CCV/watchtime
>Doesn't top the SC chart
>While we don't fully know the exact numbers it's incredibly unlikely she sells the most merch
>Doesn't have major sponsorships

You're either a retard or your metric is ONLY album sales, which still wouldn't work because AZKi has her beat there

>> No.55158688
Quoted by: >>55162430

Mori knew how hard she struggled without holo. Unless she had a plan to go rogue, putting up with current situation is all she can do for now

>> No.55158978

>german timezone
Ah, its the egg, innit?

>> No.55159524
Quoted by: >>55159676

>he hasn't been keeping up

>> No.55159676

You don't think someone would lie on 4channel dot org to make a point do you?

>> No.55160921

Yeah I remember in dark tempiss days, almost all of EN no longer claim to be idol in their channel description

>> No.55161234

No, more like a duty to fill that rotate for talents. EN currently have 15 channels right now, each channel only need to stream in that timeslot twice a month

>> No.55161489

>Calli is done
yeah, by me

>> No.55161676

if you listen to rap, you are retarded and low IQ

>> No.55161993

yo mori, what are you doing here? don't you got conner to help you? or trash taste or iron mouse?
did they all forget you? pump and dump o

>> No.55162430

She DID have a plan to go rogue. She is still keeping it active, too.

>> No.55162535

>other fellow anons
Yo, Mori fr?

>> No.55162850
Quoted by: >>55164342

How accurate is it? I'm not going to do the math but the like to view ratio doesn't look great for Mori. A lot of them know it's shit.

>> No.55163314

Even the ESL fags should be able to get a name right

>> No.55163858

Sana still doing fine, so Mori wouldn't be too bad

>> No.55164050
Quoted by: >>55175395

The only people that follow her RM are deadbeats, if she graduates half those people are fucking off too.

>> No.55164342

I have no idea, i don't think its a reliable thing at all, can bots even like videos?

>> No.55164978

yeah I was wondering as well, is this a streamer we're talking about?

>> No.55169245

>Calli is done
its not over yet

>> No.55169990

Nerissa does a lot of things better than others in hololive while not being especially entertaining. Its sort of odd.

Shes a better singer than Mori, has a nicer voice than fauna, is a saner kronii, and more relateable (for ens that is) irys. I think she will cause a lot of seethe. Mostly to Mori though as this thread clearly shows, because Mori has had a monopoly as "best" "singer"

>> No.55171784
Quoted by: >>55174143

Hololive will drag her along no matter how low her numbers get anyways. Just look at Mel or Matsuri. Calli will be the last to graduate in Myth and then become a manager/producer at Cover long after that. Sorry, but the most likely outcome for her is that she'll be in Hololive for a long long time.

>> No.55172990

This. Preventing Mori corruption is half the battle

>> No.55173485

She has too many yabs I can't forgive her easily. Owning the hater my ass

>> No.55173777
Quoted by: >>55201860

Her tik tok is a complete flop. Even shark hate it

>> No.55174077

She hasn't used her love bomb yet. Things will return to normal once debut buff wear off

>> No.55174143

I think she will quit out of pride, if she has any left after being mindbroken.

>> No.55174663
Quoted by: >>55182251

This is the ultimate deadbeat-bait because it's both factual and insulting

>> No.55174891

The haters only spammed a few specific videos like Holy Shitto's tiktoks, they ignored the rest of her songs.

>> No.55174998

If that was true condom money wouldn't happened

>> No.55175380
Quoted by: >>55195664

>not going 100 on Holo means losing what little she has left.

This might be a bit of a dumb question but can you explain how Noel and Mel do nearly the exact type of thing and split their focus but whereas Noel takes no hit and loss to her fans, Mel's fans have dwindled over the last few years? Is it due solely to Noel's fortune in being Gen 3?

>> No.55175395

Lucky how her number of follower drop more than half compare to last year

>> No.55176182
File: 292 KB, 659x342, hahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realy dont like shiori at all and she can't sing for shit, but even her is beating mori, imagine when nerissa starts dropping albums or karaokes.

>> No.55181818

>Shiori actially raided Mori
>Mori just outmatched Gura

Sasuga cringe goth gf

>> No.55182251


>> No.55182817

She was not and never was your oshi

>> No.55183674


>> No.55184287

make another thread, onegai
I'm 2/3 on my daily "BTFO niggers" quest

>> No.55184397
File: 1020 KB, 1132x996, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 23-30-37 1st Unarchived Karaoke Rock Concert Galore with a Goth Vtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calli is done

>> No.55185593

well duh, one has One Piece and the other has Zutomayo

>> No.55186766

Oh no it's over fellow numberfags, the girls were supposed to compete so I could shit on the weakest not work together!

>> No.55187337
Quoted by: >>55187615


>> No.55187615

Mori schizos are in a continuous stage of always aging like milk. They're like a puddle of dried out rotten yogurt at this point.

>> No.55187640

T-two more weeks 2view sis! T-t-this time f-for real fr

>> No.55189950

T. hater

>> No.55190120



>> No.55190324

Mfs pushing this arent in for Nerissa, they are in to own the "bad girls" like Mori, Kronii, etc.

>> No.55192398

How is she done?

>> No.55193094

Huh? Am I missing something? Mori had sub 7k viewers until Shiori came and dumped 25k viewers on her ass.

>> No.55193412

Seethe harder. I know you're upset Mori sung with Reol, but she's doing better than ever

>> No.55193677

If she regrets that homocollab was wrong, I will support her
Right now, I'm worried about when the homocollab will come, so I can't support it.

>> No.55195664

noel doing one weekly stream with the kind of content she can't do in hololive isn't really comparable to someone like mori traveling intercontinentally to record and do live gigs and appearances on cons.

mel has always been one of the least popular JP holos, she's basically irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. she could have graduated years ago or tomorrow and nothing would change.

>> No.55198132

well that takes care of that

>> No.55198551
File: 45 KB, 517x123, calliope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to fucking read

>> No.55200240

>Calli is done

>> No.55200667

> calli

>> No.55201679

Stop making bait threads.

>> No.55201808

I don't take twitter seriously don't get me wrong but the amount of hate she received for her music because she's a white girl making "black music" was ridiculous. I am glad she's calmed down some but I mean what I said. People constantly shitpost about her ccv but outside of streaming she's getting some big names to recognize her

>> No.55201860

TikTok is fucking trash.

>> No.55202427

They're doing it on purpose so people keep watching always the same girl instead of spreading out so they get attached to her and cover gets long time retention of fans

>> No.55203324
Quoted by: >>55203353

>Calli is done
not this again

>> No.55203353

It’s get tiresome.
