>> | No.54989462 File: 144 KB, 1073x1015, 177179702fa643f0ba8d8c401f5f2a48[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>OP >>54987866 >Schizos try to bury her on her literal debut stream over a nothing burger >Has a arguably the best looking model of her gen >Smelly Fujo energy >Kinda autistic; will flip flop between tangent topics she passionate about >Has the """GFE""" vibe going one, doesn't mind showing affection or flirting with them >Kinda of a degen, doesn't mind making an innuendo or loudly proclaiming how badly she wants to fuck a anime character >Somehow fulfills the leader roll of her gen despite being a massive autist Now that think about it she basically has 1 quality from each the most beloved HoloEN mems, hilrious to think "people" thought she would fail The only bad thing you can really say about her is entirely a hypothetical scenario, that LARPcorns and shitposters really care about