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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54987725 No.54987725 [Reply] [Original]

bitch really just talked about biology for 2 and a half hours and got the highest CCV even before getting raided lmao

>> No.54987795
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She's perfect bro.

>> No.54987817
Quoted by: >>55012517

She does not deserve all these viewers boring stream

>> No.54987837

Once you go black…

>> No.54987866

Too bad most of them were viewers who bought the hype from the model aesthetic and then sat in stream, waiting desperately for her to do anything entertaining at all. Don't worry, next stream for sure.

>> No.54987879

Discord trannies and using Shiori as bait
/vt/ normalfags will fall again

>> No.54987904
Quoted by: >>54988972

She's like Vesper before he showed his true colors, hopefully she can keep the kayfabe for longer

>> No.54987965

I have never read a post on this site that is guzzling copium as hard as this one.

>> No.54987998
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>Next stream for sure
Copium kek

>> No.54987999
Quoted by: >>54988089

This bitch better be clean. We're all benefiting from the renewed vigour around en3 and I'll be dammed if some menhera kills the boom

>> No.54988089

She managed to stay alive in this industry for 5 years, I don't think you need to worry

>> No.54988196
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>> No.54988280

>get a man to prepare all your content for you

>> No.54988290

She didn't get the highest CCV before being raided. Her peak was 17.3k before the raid. Fuwamoco was 18.7k

>> No.54988324


>> No.54988332

Every single woman's success story.

>> No.54988494
Quoted by: >>55011614

>after black you can't go back

>> No.54988505

havent watched but honestly im a total nerd about this stuff, so seeing her passionately spill about animal biology and morphology to an overwhelmingly autistic degree is pretty cool. will check the vod

>> No.54988508

>does something against the grain of what vtubers typically do
>flip flops on being GFE and a genuinely interesting person
>gathered a bunch of yes men on debut

>> No.54988591

It super kino. Watch her streams anon, she's so good live. S

>> No.54988757

goes to show how important it is to have a good model. a lot of people are having a hard time getting used to her voice but still they persist. she should remain as one of the strongest holoEN's in terms of ccv and I'd wager she'll be top dog in superchat revenues too until she starts doing male collabs

>> No.54988758

Why are Shioritards this desperate?

>> No.54988824


Says Shiori, rendering fans deaf with her eardrum-cutting lisps

>> No.54988844
Quoted by: >>54988885

I got used to her voice already, sure a deeper one would've been better but at least she's playing the goth character really well so I can already associate the voice with the model

>> No.54988885
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Quoted by: >>54990702

Her voice is extremely sex when you get used to it, it's just not what people imagined.

>> No.54988972

Vesper's true colors came out ike five minutes into debut when he talked about IT work building and installing PC then keeping his tape ball in his car. Neither things existing in their fantasy world.

>> No.54988982

>I'd wager she'll be top dog in superchat revenues too until she starts doing male collabs
I think you overestimate the average western viewers stance on this stuff. This isnt Onlyfans - vtuber watchers WILL pay for the condoms and thank her for it

>> No.54989047
Quoted by: >>54989221

No idea. They've been spamming the board for fucking hours.

>> No.54989180
Quoted by: >>54992407

Will unicorns learn western fans don't care if talents collab with guys? or do they think everyone who likes idols are the same japanese fanatics that will try and murder the girls if they do?

>> No.54989221

Twitter now pays big accounts for views.
You can figure out the rest.

>> No.54989255
Quoted by: >>54990023

her voice is cute

>> No.54989278 [DELETED] 

Her general is filled with the most cringy incels, they're going nuts over her blowing kisses despite knowing she is a BLACKEDfag and that she is intimately related with Pending.
Cucks make Unicorns look so good in comparison.

>> No.54989307

She joined EN3 to collab with her faggot 1view friend and help him leech off hololive

>> No.54989325
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>> No.54989462
File: 144 KB, 1073x1015, 177179702fa643f0ba8d8c401f5f2a48[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schizos try to bury her on her literal debut stream over a nothing burger
>Has a arguably the best looking model of her gen
>Smelly Fujo energy
>Kinda autistic; will flip flop between tangent topics she passionate about
>Has the """GFE""" vibe going one, doesn't mind showing affection or flirting with them
>Kinda of a degen, doesn't mind making an innuendo or loudly proclaiming how badly she wants to fuck a anime character
>Somehow fulfills the leader roll of her gen despite being a massive autist
Now that think about it she basically has 1 quality from each the most beloved HoloEN mems, hilrious to think "people" thought she would fail
The only bad thing you can really say about her is entirely a hypothetical scenario, that LARPcorns and shitposters really care about

>> No.54989569
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Quoted by: >>54998565

Based and logical anon, Shiorin has a lot of charm points. Plus, she's super cute

>> No.54989760
Quoted by: >>54989798

If they made her a snake girl I might have been able to tolerate her annoying voice.

>> No.54989794

>buy buy

shiori fags keep coping

>> No.54989798

Lol perhaps

>> No.54989903 [DELETED] 
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Quoted by: >>54990185

Can't wait for all of the BLACKED porn that is gonna be drawn of her now.
I knew I made the right choice right from the beginning.

>> No.54990023

the ones willing to dig deep into their pockets won't, though. a single obsessed retard willing to spend his lifesavings on his imaginary gf is worth hundreds of well adjusted fans

it sounds grating as hell to me but to each their own, anon

>> No.54990185


>> No.54990189
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You should check zeta tier list series if you like this kind of content.

>> No.54990212

Tell me how you were planning to fuck this random internet girl if only those pesky m*les didn't get in the way.

>> No.54990291

I was 17k before I took the raid

>> No.54990357 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 500x509, 1688630104411213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these. More cum filled pie maymay.

>> No.54990405

Daily reminder that Shiori can only be redeemed by refusing to collab with males and these shill threads just turn people against both her and Novelites

>> No.54990477

I looked in there earlier and it's just a den of mental illness. Like, fandead level mental illness.

>> No.54990500
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>> No.54990556

ty anon, will do

>> No.54990601
Quoted by: >>54990704

Did she even livestream in her PL? I was under the impression that she mainly did video uploaded content. How the fuck is she so good at zatsu?

>> No.54990626

The anti brigade here really picked the wrong target, she's the best one

>> No.54990702

What is that accent. I have to know.

>> No.54990704


>> No.54991031 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54991795

>Tells her fans to enjoy getting cucked during her debut
>Blacked "jokes"
What's next?

>> No.54991358

There's an indie vtuber whose day job is a history professor who makes full on lectures and has taught some latin too
If you're into that sort of content

>> No.54991448

It’s the fanbase she wants apparently. Rushia made more money than any other vtuber really ever had. As long as she doesn’t collab with males before she gets monetization she’ll be set for life.

>> No.54991766

black bros we won

>> No.54991795

you having the attention span to watch a 10 minute video hopefully!

>> No.54991813

newfags don't know about honeymoon and novelty buff, huh?

>> No.54991841

Yeah just 2 more streams sister.

>> No.54991862

But she's hot anon...

>> No.54992305
Quoted by: >>54992951

It's the tone deaf autist voice. The guy that made helltaker has similar intonations iirc. I sound like that too, I think it's a remnant of stilted speech.

>> No.54992355

Look at the top holo en streamers and the bottom en streamers anon and see if you notice a pattern. Unicorns pay the bills.

>> No.54992407

Anon in holo en the male collabers are now on the bottom of the revenue totem poll. You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.54992487
File: 87 KB, 1068x794, Screenshot_20230801-223250~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U vocabulary show your true colour
, Ow wait it's BlackSanji

>> No.54992511

She will outlive both the twin dogs and the gremlin rock how do you feel?

>> No.54992567

what a queen

>> No.54992951
Quoted by: >>54993098

Do all you autists sound this hot or am i just fucked in the head. Her "accent" makes me want to choke her or affectionately ruffle her hair

>> No.54993098

eh isn't that just an Ame feelling

>> No.54993933


>> No.54995491

marry her

>> No.54995558

The pull of a sex model is strong.

>> No.54995611
Quoted by: >>54998557

Midwits without any real intellectual stimulation (because the internet is so locked down by the tough police now and 4channers are retards) will take literlaly anything. See
>Fauna is such a genuis nerd.
Read a book instead of expecting anime girls to do it for you.

>> No.54996014
Quoted by: >>54998557

Too bad she likes them big and black

>> No.54996504
Quoted by: >>54998956

I need the vtuber name, anon.

>> No.54998557


>> No.54998565


>> No.54998882

Boring cunt would still be an eternal 2view rn without blue triangle
The only faggots coping here are you
>shes in hololive she HAS to be interesting! Only 3 more weeks until she does something noteworthy!!

>> No.54998956

Maybe this one? Not sure though

>> No.54999014

seething 2view post

>> No.54999097
Quoted by: >>55007826

Dont say it like that anon shiori is going to feel hurt
After 8 long years that has to be ingrained in her soul

>> No.54999538

Is it a lisp? I thought it was called having a sibilant voice

>> No.54999969

Honeymoon phase, you niggers aren't old enough to remember what happened during Council debut

>> No.55000002
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Quoted by: >>55000906


>> No.55000906
Quoted by: >>55007366

Success?? Walking up to somebody and giving him 100k doesnt turn him into a successful business man.
Hololive is a professional astroturfing business.

>> No.55000916

i'm capturing this whole thread so that when she does massive damage to EN I can post it!

>> No.55001218

I don't dislike her per se, but she still feels really artificial with her weirdness and it's not doing it for me. She wasn't like this before, constantly talking up her supposed menhera qualities, and even if she was, the act has slipped way too easily and way too often in her first few streams. Maybe in a month or two I'll come back

>> No.55001600

She's genuinely weird and autistic as fuck, not sure how you can get forced vibes when she literally peaks her mic something out

>> No.55001777

nah even in her VR streams in her past life she was this weird

>> No.55001797


>> No.55001961

/pol/'s going to get cucked so hard when she starts collabing with homos.

>> No.55002241

disgusting SEA accent

>> No.55004525

If you paid attention to how superchats and CCVs for certain girls dried up you'd realize this is wrong.
This isn't even exclusive to EN, even Nyanners saw her numbers take a significant hit when she started streaming with her boyfriend.

>> No.55005096

Does she likes being in hololive and respect her senpais?

>> No.55007035

imagine her in Holosummer

>> No.55007366
Quoted by: >>55007826


>> No.55007826


>> No.55007846

When is the sex ed stream.

>> No.55010389


>> No.55011614

>because no one wants you anymore
huh, the double entendre really does fit here

>> No.55012120
Quoted by: >>55013931

I have absolutely zero evidence I can give for this, but I think she's Filipino, but has lived in America most of her life. She's some type of Asian that doesn't want to reveal what type of Asian she is, and she likes cheese ice cream. Nothing's ever been proven, but that spells Pinoy ESL. Which is all right with me, I think ESLs and Pinoys are cute.

>> No.55012517

get filtered

>> No.55013931

i like your headcanon anon
