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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 341 KB, 2048x1418, @SHSL_Debbie_F2aTsaOaMAAaQLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54863139 No.54863139 [Reply] [Original]

ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>First cover - Love Me, Love Me, Love Me (English cover of Kikuo - 愛して愛して愛して ).
>Rebellion (Hololive English -Advent- Debut Song)
>Debut stream

>Pre-Escape Voice
>Starting Voice - Nerissa Ravencroft

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
Art Tag: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds : #depravencrafts on Twitter), RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Previous thread: >>54851770

>> No.54863309
File: 1.09 MB, 4096x2663, F2YYsQVXwBEaEkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ongoing & Past Streams
First full-gen collab

>Tools and Informations
Current OP Template
Joint /ope/ration Center (/ope/'s library that is still relatively bare-bones - also needs an official name)

>> No.54863583

Breeding this needy hag

>> No.54863661

>another Shrek girl
oh no

>> No.54863672

>Shrek fan
oh no
mori is coming

>> No.54863774
Quoted by: >>54863917


>> No.54863834


>> No.54863871

i bet she has read takamori smut...

>> No.54863903

this is a pretty long stream. i think the game is neat but i dont really feel like playing it.

>> No.54863917

owari da

>> No.54863943
Quoted by: >>54864389

Where is the soundpost "go away deadbeats"?

>> No.54864053

im THIS close to oshihen

>> No.54864131

She's already talked a lot pre-debut with Mori morons, Mori already mentioned it

>> No.54864273
File: 236 KB, 732x792, 1690834426513634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People keep thinking the "eh" verbal tic is Canadian
>It's actually Midwestern verbal tics having weird fucked up sex with Cringe Weebcore verbal tics picked up from chronic anime watching.
This demon is a dope.

>> No.54864387
File: 345 KB, 800x800, 1690859539850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when she calls us gamers

>> No.54864389

Gomen gomen, I love Nerissa too much.

>> No.54864679

>I need to come in the baby room

>> No.54864695

She needs to be less perfect wife material, it's reminding me that I'll be alone forever.

>> No.54864757


>> No.54864801

I’m afraid if I don’t nakadashi this hag I will implode

>> No.54864839
File: 245 KB, 1280x720, Nerissa Ravencroft LOVE ME LOVE ME[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8d3b0i.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54864985

>ending scene is 2 moms
what the fuck?

>> No.54865087
Quoted by: >>54865290

Rissa's gaslighting you. She's in a long-term relationship with me. We have two children and live in a ranch-style house in suburban Charleston, SC. We are happy together.

>> No.54865103

it's literally confirmed she gets groomed after the bad breakup

>> No.54865126
File: 36 KB, 400x300, carl-aquateenhungerforce-adultswim-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a gay game

>> No.54865170

she's such a tease

>> No.54865182
Quoted by: >>54865378

>bigger bigger
>zooms into breasts

i came

>> No.54865290

That's neat, Can you tell her to start doing bass guitar learning streams?

>> No.54865310

>she keeps flaunting her giant fucking tits for chat

>> No.54865312

im not gonna lie, this is actually the first time i've stuck around from start to finish of an EN stream
yea think i can safely say i've found my EN oshi

>> No.54865378

We needed somebody to take over the sizefag audience from Sana.

>> No.54865434

bro if this is your first time watching a full stream you have no right to call anyone your oshi

>> No.54865458

Same, I've been a Merakyat for so long but sitting here watching is just familiar environment that I love it

>> No.54865472

same but there are some really good streams i would actually watch from start to end, saved them for watch later, but i havent yet.

>> No.54865479
File: 9 KB, 250x230, 17m63c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same bro

>> No.54865482

i can't fucking believe shiori got the "GE ME PREGNANT" meme when it fits nerissa so much better

>> No.54865644

One Hand Clapping? I will be one hand fapping.

>> No.54865679
File: 231 KB, 337x363, no back of the head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her model looks great for the most part but holy shit did they fuck up this angle

>> No.54865722

ive been one hand clapping all stream

>> No.54865730

>thank you for COMING I had a BLAST
this hag!

>> No.54865742

>only watches one girl to full and not anyone else
Fuck off that's the definition of an Oshi I bet you whore yourself out to other girls

>> No.54865804

looks like korean porn manga

>> No.54865832

Absolutely fucked up ear too.

>> No.54865861
Quoted by: >>54866050

>dont know how to say goodbye
this is like one of those long voice calls with someone you just met and you hit it off really nicely and cant end the call. feels quite nostalgic.

>> No.54865864
Quoted by: >>54866713

That's literally the plot of the game.
>girl move out of home
>meet a guy
>move out with him
>bad break up
>turns lesbian
>move back to parents place
>meet girl
>move out with her
>adopt a baby
Basically a dyke game. Was still a nice background game for a zatsudan stream.

>> No.54865897
Quoted by: >>54866167


>> No.54865923

i cant believe im gonna buy a vtuber membership someone murder me before i can do so

>> No.54865967
Quoted by: >>54866167

I will spend weeks to months watching a girl's streams from start to finish before giving her the oshi title
You devalue yourself if you give it out thoughtlessly like that

>> No.54866033

This is the first time in months that I had any interest in hololive. I will not leave my oshi for her, but holy shit she is amazing.

>> No.54866050

She's genuinely great

>> No.54866076
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>> No.54866117

Same. I never clicked with any of the EN chuubas, everytime I'd give them a try I'd go back to my JP wife after watching a few minutes of the stream. I think I found my EN oshi.

>> No.54866158

Why does she shill Kiara so much though...?

>> No.54866167

don't care she's my oshi

>> No.54866176
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>> No.54866183

I may have to change oshi's immediately.

>> No.54866208
File: 105 KB, 180x271, 1471042509069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stream redirects to Shiori and she's talking about pissing
Jarring change of mood here.

>> No.54866212

memberships arent that expensive.. i just dont feel obligated to watch streams at all so ive never bothered. ive just for the longest time been a clipwatcher, but this woman hits different

>> No.54866220
Quoted by: >>54866340

dont worry, keyword is EN
i've watched full JP streams, i've been around for some of the fun EN collab streams, anniversaries, events like april fools - those kinda fun stuff but never really watched them solo do things, i guess the interest just wasnt there
lamy is my JP oshi

>> No.54866258

Can't wait for the utawakus

>> No.54866293
Quoted by: >>54866574


>> No.54866300

Really great first stream. Wish Rissa lasted longer, but she actually finished her game. Really put in the work.

>> No.54866341

personally I'm IRySpilled

>> No.54866340

ok you're good in my book

>> No.54866394
File: 47 KB, 680x680, 1655429031957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all anons who lost their oshi virginity report the fuck in

>> No.54866421

Jewish too kek

>> No.54866425

>not much of a fan of big streamers
>watch this stream just because I have nothing better to do
>now all I want is for her to be happy
I'm scared...

>> No.54866446

3 and a half hours is a decent time for a first stream.

>> No.54866565

Can't complain when she beat the game and managed to stay chatty the whole way through

>> No.54866574

wrong site faggot

>> No.54866572

i liked Fauna a lot before but not this much.

>> No.54866579

That will be my second membership. I've been a hoshiyomi for 26 months now and that's the only membership I ever bought. But I'll probably buy Nerissa's membership too.

>> No.54866713

It's the life that she wants

>> No.54866726

I don't want to call her my oshi yet. It feels too soon. But if she keeps on going on like this...

>> No.54866739
File: 71 KB, 278x176, ifw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident warthunderfag from the debut threads reporting in, I finally found someome who is worth painting on my Lancaster.

>> No.54866869

So we're going with #depravencrafts right? I'll actually try to get off my ass to finally draw something.

>> No.54866912

she had a really nice first stream, also fangirling over my oshi when she was in chat was a big +1 for her

>> No.54867060

i wonder how she feels about umm uhh foot fetish

>> No.54867074

Kiara already fucked her

>> No.54867146
File: 115 KB, 529x900, @zara_3969_F2aAfktbcAAmEvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking loved the vibes of the entire stream. Can't wait for the memberships to drop.

>> No.54867248
File: 117 KB, 1080x601, Screenshot_20230731_203445_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking dying laughing at this post

>> No.54867311

Not sure where so many are getting the GFE energy from maybe because I'm a femanon. But I like her voice and she feels authentic in a way that somehow doesn't come off as "random Western girl using a Vtuber avatar" so I'll be sticking around for a few streams for sure.

>> No.54867347

I'll probably draw a pantiless skirt lift of her tomorrow. For now I'll hit the bed so I can rest before my oshi's stream.

>> No.54867385 [DELETED] 

>three days grace
i'm old

>> No.54867428

Nerissa used to be my favorite until she said she's a Yoshithanefag, so now I'm gonna anti and schizopost about her forever
Sorry in advance

>> No.54867540

People think Idol = GFE when this is not always the case

>> No.54867718

Man I skipped work for 2 days just to watch her debut and first stream. And now I want to fuck this hag hard

>> No.54867719

oh yeah, the fact she can go on about idol culture for hours makes her feel really good for holo, and her voice being easy on the ears is making her my favourite of EN3 so far

>> No.54867817

>Not sure where so many are getting the GFE energy from
From calling us her darlings and being flirty with us

>> No.54867880
Quoted by: >>54868288

I wouldn't say outright GFE (yet to be seen) but there were times she could've easily deflected chat but instead tried to steer it back to herself as someone that should be desired beyond just being a friend. That's a very specific move, and the fact she didn't trip over it meant she's thought about this very carefully before.

>> No.54867890
Quoted by: >>54868288

>openly says you can see her and address her however you like
>when she saw people call her a friend, she suggested to strive further
while she wasnt outright pandering, she made it very clear she is happy to lean into it and that makes me happy

>> No.54867940

i'm a man and i want a cute gf and she is a nice friendly person who i wanna be closer to and she doesn't seem overtly against the idea. natural, unforced, go with the flow, see where it goes GFE.

>> No.54867976
Quoted by: >>54869009

she is still new and to scared to say no to anything. She also talked positive about the Ring of Power until she saw the flood of comments

>> No.54867977

Just a fun bit of trivia, the fact that Nerissa said RIP is her favorite mori song caused mori psychic trauma

>> No.54868211
Quoted by: >>54868406

I still find RIP one of Mori's best songs, i guess 6FU and Red put things into a better track

>> No.54868288
File: 210 KB, 1000x1414, F2AGNNSaYAA-dfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54868572

This. It's telling how Council has practically tripped over such topics before but she handled it so perfectly.

>Stop saying friendzone!
>We should get to know each other more~
What a woman.

>> No.54868332

Femanon too

I wouldn't be surprised if Nerissa ends up with having a large female fan base. Something about her really speaks to me

>> No.54868342

>that wasn't GFE
Fags wouldn't know GFE if it hit you in the face. That was the perfect type of GFE. Not in your face, not over the top

>> No.54868350

It's not so much that she is giving off GFE energy, but rather that she is literally perfection wife material so people are drawn to her. She just gives the energy of an actual adult woman with very nice taste and a great personality that you'd love to have as a girlfriend.
People tend to call GFE what is actually just a normal female streamer they would actually wife in real life because she ticks all the cases, even if she is not actively doing GFE. You will see what I mean if you compare her to other chuubas who, although fun and entertaining, wouldn't make a good wife material irl.
Although, she did make a few GFE like comment, like how she said "we're friends for now" etc to be fair.

>> No.54868385

I don't care if she's interested in me. Nerissa Ravencroft is the target. The ideal. That's the kind of woman that every self-respecting man should be going for.
>Encourages you to strive for more in life
>Establishes boundaries well
>Still lets you keep things interesting

>> No.54868406

many deadbeats would disagree with you about RIP

>> No.54868428

No wonder, RIP is to Mori as Piano Man is to Billy Joel. She's sick of venues asking her to play it kek. Imo she has a strong bias against it, though I think she has better songs.

>> No.54868550

Irys seems to be the better choice at the moment. Not to mention Rissa is literally a blessed mix of Irys + Kiara

>> No.54868572
Quoted by: >>54875285

i forgot those quotes but i knew i was missing a few.
she literally said she wants to get more comfortable and encouraged us.

>> No.54868575

Nerissa's not GFE. She's actually the premier idol otaku wife experience. The woman has watched, listened to, and played all the anime, music, and visual novels I've been interested in since middle school, and I'm closing in my oji-wizard years.
I'm wary because she's such in line with a /here/ chuuba. It's like she came here asking what we were interested in, decided to deep dive into our hobbies, and actually fucking enjoyed it.
She's also very clear in her intentions with her activities in hololive, and she's very careful to mind how she says and phrases things. This woman is incredibly dangerous.

>> No.54868638
Quoted by: >>54868777

deadbeats have shit tastes

>> No.54868647
File: 306 KB, 1080x1663, 1690769735645779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe because I'm a femanon
Why are you watching female vtubers if you're not a lesbian?
Go to watch tempus, sister

>> No.54868691

so like does she really not wear underwear or what? imagine the scent on her gamer chair

>> No.54868731
Quoted by: >>54868859

I'm so glad we got a new lesbian in Hololive

>> No.54868757

>like im@s
yes, she's for me

>> No.54868777

But I'm a deadbeat and I love Nerissa.

>> No.54868859

women do not care about male streamers except direct BFE-bait.
shut up cunt

>> No.54868857

We can convince her to finish and like ZZ

>> No.54868885
Quoted by: >>54868982

Why is it always deadbeats and kronies that need to announce who they are. Fuck off

>> No.54868903

Most of us Debbies love RIP

>> No.54868982
Quoted by: >>54869039

>1 minute
try harder dude

>> No.54869009
Quoted by: >>54869391

The way she talked about it was kind of weird like she didn't want to disappoint people by liking it for the most part. I feel like she will quickly drop that and be okay with just being herself given how she told people to get used to her swearing with that kind of called her out on it.

>> No.54869015

I mean, i bet you think Cursed Night is boring and end of a life is better

>> No.54869039

Fix your samefag detector retard

>> No.54869101
File: 107 KB, 776x1008, 1690778999968832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ spy here

I'm here to harvest any and all soundposts of Nerissa, I really like her

>> No.54869340
File: 448 KB, 1536x2048, 1679932576608605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54869548

I don't think it's boring, I do wish Cursed Night got a lo-fi remix though, it would be perfect for it. But EOAL is hard to beat.
Also Nerissa was very cute today. I'm extra excited about karaokes now, her approach makes it sound like they'll happen regularly.

>> No.54869391

im never gonna touch we wuz rangs but im not gonna hate her for taking what value she can from it. sometimes we just turn off our brain and have things we enjoy

>> No.54869426
Quoted by: >>54869548

EoaL is better, yes

>> No.54869465

holy fuck I want her to do that the smiths karaoke

>> No.54869548
Quoted by: >>54869833

See? Shit fucking tastes, neither of you appreciate the rawness of Mori in Cursed Night And i'm a KFP

>> No.54869606

>if you're not a lesbian
I am but I'm not looking for GFE even from female streamers. I just prefer any media/entertainment I consume to be predominantly female.

>> No.54869607

It's only a matter of time. I can't wait.

>> No.54869752

they're my top two mori songs, but i think I do like Cursed Night more because EoaL is too 'personal'

>> No.54869761

Fucking same, or even mostly brit pop from the 90's. I want to see if she likes other things, she seems to be more experimental with music

>> No.54869833
File: 2.13 MB, 1732x2411, 1675108343918144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty based, appreciating rawness is a top tier reason to enjoy a Mori song.

>> No.54869841

If she sing A rush and a push and the land is ours, I would die now, thank her forever

>> No.54869904 [DELETED] 

Talk about Nerissa, not the pink whore

>> No.54870039
File: 897 KB, 2714x2714, 1668468602051453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, predictions for songs at her karaoke?
You first, instead of being angry.

>> No.54870076
Quoted by: >>54873724


>> No.54870150

Don't talk about Morrissey like that

>> No.54870283

btw if you see random Mori/deadbeat seethe followed by forced homobegging, it is the guy that also plagues /∞/

>> No.54870379
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Quoted by: >>54870444

>> No.54870444

Don't stand on the car Rissa, it's dangerous.

>> No.54870548 [DELETED] 

>btw if you see random Mori/deadbeat seethe
yeah it has totally nothing to do with deadbeats talking about their whore oshi in someone else's thread all day

>> No.54870586

>Why are you watching female vtubers if you're not a lesbian?
Good to know this retardation goes both way at least.

>> No.54870699
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>> No.54870737


>> No.54870745

You don't seem to understand how unwanted Mori discussion is outside of the global hugbox. Just go somewhere else if you want to discuss Mori. Also. Fuck tempiss.

>> No.54870813

I wouldn't be surprised if she slipped in some Love Live songs like Soldier Game or Cutie Panther (since she said she likes BiBi).

>> No.54870851
File: 195 KB, 2048x2041, F2VOCCWXYAEr8-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54870863

Consider... no IMAGINE that ass on your face

>> No.54870998

So Rissa membership on day one?

>> No.54871018
Quoted by: >>54871358

Anon, we just had some Rissa. No squeebing.

>> No.54871090

Me too man but what I'm most excited for is her karaoke

>> No.54871101
File: 186 KB, 1157x1445, F2Vub1ta0AAE2DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been a member before. Nerissa will steal my virginity.

>> No.54871164

im a neet and pinching pennies at the moment, but..

>> No.54871218

I kinda regret not being day 1 member for my kamioshi when I could have, so I def will be for Rissa.

>> No.54871243


>> No.54871287

I just got a new job, so she'll join Fauna, Moom and IRyS in my membership collection

>> No.54871315
File: 338 KB, 333x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54871599

Nerissa is brutally overqualified for this job. Not only because of her VA and singing skills but due to the fact that you can tell she has had a proper upbringing, is sociable and is very feminine. He knows how to avoid landmines (when chat went ballistic with "friendzone" and "cringe") and is a WIFE MATERIAL, something that no other EN girls even KNOW how to emulate. If this soup demon ever goes down the GFE lord have mercy on our wallets...

>> No.54871353
File: 269 KB, 2047x908, F2C0ToHaIAARAMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already said she'd do an MCR song, I'm hoping for Helena since I think she does best at strong vocals so far.
Probably an imas song (I don't know any) and hopefully a BiBi song.
That one Perfect Blue song.
Some 80s jpop.

>> No.54871358

Nessie is a more natural sounding nickname but she didn't include it on her slide during her debut - are we really going with Rissa?

>> No.54871439
Quoted by: >>54871703

I'm going with Rissa because that's what Bijou used

>> No.54871469

Nessie just makes me think of the Loch Ness monster kek.

>> No.54871599
Quoted by: >>54872234

she's not overqualified. she's the gold standard by which a lot of the others fall short of in some ways. but if Hololive was this picky they would have never hired a majority of who they have

>> No.54871680
Quoted by: >>54872049

Oh I just went with Rissa since I saw most people nickname her with that while I was stalking her twitter. I think she would be happy with any nickname and would like personalised ones the most. She seems to be a "draw me however and call me whatever you like" type of person.

>> No.54871703

There's precedent of talents using nicknames that didn't catch on like basically all of the ones Sana used for her genmates. Though in this case Rissa has also been endorsed by Nerissa herself.

>> No.54871866

sana was dumb though for trying to force the banana meme they came up with pre-debut

>> No.54871939
Quoted by: >>54872124

Rissa is the laid back version of Risser

>> No.54872003

i hope she sings Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)

>> No.54872049

it's such a nice feeling to just be told "oh call me what you like (just be nice)", it's like meeting a nice girl you would hang out with and it's just super chill and nothing is forced and you're open and kind to each other.

>> No.54872090
Quoted by: >>54872257

Lets take suggestions and make a poll, I think Nessie is better. We have delved in the shadows for too long, this demon is our precious oshi gold standard we cannot let braindead npcs dictate her actions it is time for us to intervene

>> No.54872121
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1542, 1661744580914565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54872124

Risser is our word but you can say Rissa

>> No.54872127
Quoted by: >>54872264

Singing at least one Evanescence song of her choosing will be mandatory

>> No.54872234

honestly, like other anons said
she is literally - a good, normal, nerd person that isnt weird about things
it's so simple yet somehow is not as common with people
she's not forcing some kind of voice change or personality, she's just being normal and herself, talking about what she's interested in and matches vibes with the chat/comments, not trying to be weird about things, she's clear in communicating

>gold standard
unironically, this is what standard behaviour looks like yet somehow its become uncommon

>> No.54872249
Quoted by: >>54872481

I think she can absolutely kill Nightwish if she tried

>> No.54872257
File: 167 KB, 850x1202, 1687858452442422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a poll
I'm going to post it on global and /#/ if you try to force a consensus

>> No.54872264
Quoted by: >>54872384

there is only one choice anon

>> No.54872384
Quoted by: >>54872540

and it's Bring Me To Life

>> No.54872481
Quoted by: >>54872700

Tarja or Floor?

>> No.54872523

Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Ne-ri-ssa: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Ne. Ri. Ssa.

>> No.54872540
Quoted by: >>54872622

was there ever any doubt

>> No.54872622

oh I thought you were going for My Immortal

>> No.54872648

I would love to hear her sing some of The Smith's but I don't know how well that would work

>> No.54872700


>> No.54872832

She said she needs to check rights first iirc

>> No.54872875

>gold standard

YES, now THAT should be her title.
"Narissa: the Oshi gold standard" striking fear in the hearts of unityfags and ethots.

>> No.54872952

[Shiori news] Rissa is a bottom

>> No.54873110

Have anons listened to the entire Fallen album?

>> No.54873151

a confident skilled competent woman, but a feminine woman that appreciates how to receive affection.

>> No.54873156

yeah mine

>> No.54873194
Quoted by: >>54873281

what smiths songs would she even sing?

>> No.54873196

what if... power bottom

>> No.54873264

think of the amount of power she can generate from the bottom with an ass like that

>> No.54873281

Probably and there is a light

>> No.54873282

Rissa is baby at heart!

>> No.54873373

>"I can't do rissa"
>"...not an imitation, anyway"

>> No.54873614

damn girl calm down

>> No.54873724
Quoted by: >>54874174

take your shit and get the fuck out, this is /ope/ not /vocal fry/

>> No.54874010
Quoted by: >>54874351

>rewatching VOD
>mentions liking Liebestraum No.3
I LEARNED TO PLAY THAT WHEN I WAS YOUNGER...guess it's time to practice again. Mom forcing me to learn piano has meaning now!

>> No.54874174

trying too hard sister

>> No.54874231
File: 898 KB, 500x700, fauna-fangirl-[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmwwfbk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This timestamp from 48:54 seemed popular in global. Nerissa is really cute and I hope she does really well.

>> No.54874332

thats some real, "mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry." energy

>> No.54874351

Rissa encouraging us to be better!

>> No.54874536
File: 334 KB, 983x480, 1680393608098912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of my favourite EN are going to have a blast together

>> No.54874706

I want to see Shiori plowing Nerissa

>> No.54874754


>> No.54874803
Quoted by: >>54874913

I want to plow Nerissa.

>> No.54874829
Quoted by: >>54876839

Nope. Bijou is the designated monster cock wielder of the Gen.

>> No.54874913
Quoted by: >>54874963

I want Nerissa.

>> No.54874963
Quoted by: >>54875003

want Nerissa

>> No.54875003
Quoted by: >>54875083


>> No.54875083


>> No.54875094

I just want the ASMR streams to come soon so can I kill my insomnia.

>> No.54875167

Thoughts on people who misspell her name as Narissa?

>> No.54875198

Watched parts of her stream today and she gave off huge "Stacy" vibes and I don't know how I feel about that. I want to like her but......

>> No.54875285

See how embracing the kayfabe can be a positive tool? Imagine if she got everyone on the self-improvement grindset. Men and woman eating right, and exercising so they can be hot for their oshi, and if not her, then someone just like her.

>> No.54875545
File: 19 KB, 399x399, 1634642664114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely hate women and see them as parasites (they are).
But she's the first en holo I think I've ever seen as an actual Idol, by-the-book who burns through all that sentiment. Her voice and demeanour are very pleasant and I've never been in a member discord, so it's something to experience, I guess.
Also making fan content while being in that discord server would make it easier to establish a creative content channel or whatever(something I wanna do so I can quit my fucking night job) because shilling in discord is probably more effecting than riding soc media algo bullshit, assuming the rules allow that stuff if at least 'on the low'.

>> No.54875828
Quoted by: >>54875980

>I genuinely hate women and see them as parasites (they are).
mental illness desu
Did Rissa mention something about a member discord? I had to leave for the latter half of the stream. That sounds like an awful idea.

>> No.54875980

i thought/assumed that was a standard for holo memberships, literally everyone pedalling their shit online has one these days. I'll still member anyways
>mental illness desu
you have to be utterly retarded to not hate the majority of women these days

>> No.54876060
Quoted by: >>54876192

You've heard wrong, there are no member discords.

>> No.54876083

Shes so based she likes The Smiths, Macross, Sailor Moon she really an old soul or maybe old afterall. Im not even mad, I love her even more. Iam stuffed with all the loli stuff already

>> No.54876189

>i thought/assumed that was a standard for holo memberships
No, that's something only indies and small corps hoping to make money out of being groomed by their viewers do.
>you have to be utterly retarded to not hate the majority of women these days
Kek how are you in this hobby.

>> No.54876192

i must be conflating them with fan-servers then

>> No.54876255
Quoted by: >>54876669

Holy tourist chud

>> No.54876393
Quoted by: >>54876669

It's ok anonchama you can say you're gay

>> No.54876669

>Kek how are you in this hobby.
am also dramanigger (lurker), half of the traffic to this board is probably lurkers wanting to read people argue and fling shit/falseflag
>gay for not yielding to people who collectively shit on you due to their heavy brainwashing and poor life choices
underage faggot

>> No.54876750
Quoted by: >>54876820

Ah so you're part of the reason the catalog is a wasteland not looking at

>> No.54876762
File: 652 KB, 476x530, 1681225637913557.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54876820

Go back

>> No.54876820

do you not read?
i dont watch that whore garbage fuck twitch

>> No.54876839
Quoted by: >>54877086

>Bijou is the designated monster cock taker of the Gen.

>> No.54877086

Why not both?

>> No.54877124
Quoted by: >>54877300

i will make all of it myself. i dont need member discord crap to share in my feats of what i want to do for Nerissa.

>> No.54877199

Man I still can't get over the stream. Absolute peak comfy.

>> No.54877242
Quoted by: >>54877363

because futa shit is gay, anon
irrevocably so
you are masturbating to a penis

>> No.54877250

Aesthetic reasons.

>> No.54877267

ok just started watching the Unpacking stream, hope its good
btw is the sound gonna be this low during the whole stream?

>> No.54877292


>> No.54877295


>> No.54877300
Quoted by: >>54877423

No one does, but most people are broke as shit and i'm certainly no exception so i have to soullessly milk anything i can motivate myself to do at all costs.
she fucks with the audio early on to fix it

>> No.54877363
File: 40 KB, 452x697, 1531617654228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futa is gay, who wants to watch a woman have sex with other women, I'd rather watch porn with at least one man in it, maybe more

>> No.54877417
Quoted by: >>54877897

by adding a penis to a woman you are making a penis an object of attraction to you
thereby making you a faggot
i'm sorry to have to break it to you like this

>> No.54877423

>she fucks with the audio early on to fix it
ok, I can barely listen to her bcuz im using my laptops speakers

>> No.54877485
Quoted by: >>54877897


>> No.54877487

that day chuddy's heart grew three sizes

>> No.54877571

i guess her role models are marine and kiara, holy shit maybe she is the one

>> No.54877625
Quoted by: >>54877697

i feel both love and lust for her

>> No.54877631
Quoted by: >>54877665

is ope what psy says in gangnam style

>> No.54877665

fucking kill yourself

>> No.54877678
Quoted by: >>54877759

Would love to see Nessa be a guest on CHADCast eventually. she's already talked a lot to Mori and Bae before debut, Bae said they already have their own inside joke even

>> No.54877697

>love and lust
Truly the best kind of feeling.

>> No.54877759

She's going to be on Girls Talk first. She's a KFP, loves skin care and obviously wants to get close with Fauna too

>> No.54877794
Quoted by: >>54877834

>One stream was enough to make me member day 1
Bros it's gonna be my fourth identity... is it multiple personality disorder?

>> No.54877834
Quoted by: >>54878133

how long does it take for new holo gens to get memberships open. Like a month?

>> No.54877859

She did say she wants to collab with all hololive, so those shows are probably good opportunities. Is Mio still doing that morning talk show?

>> No.54877862

hopefully because if shes gonna be on chadcast it means I aint gonna watch that stream

>> No.54877897

Your comprehension is remarkably poor if you read the previous post and still didn't understand the flaw in your logic. Let me spell it out for you.
You watch porn featuring a man fucking a woman because the man is there for you to empathise with. You are not attracted to the man (hopefully), but by having the man there you have his dick for you to associate with your own and derive pleasure from seeing the woman pleasure it. Futa takes this simple notion and replaces the man with a woman while keeping the dick, so you can have another woman that you find attractive in the scene, while retaining the male organ to derive pleasure from via empathy. It is no different to two women with a strap-on in form, simply with added functionality (which enhances the sense of empathy).
Trying to place all the focus on the dick at the expense of the woman itself and conveniently ignoring the man you would see in your normal heterosexual porn is at best ignorant and at worst projection.

If you try to simplify it that much then you must also argue that jerking off to Buck Angel is straight because she has a vagina despite looking like a dude.

>> No.54878133
Quoted by: >>54878765

Usually yeah superchats might come sooner.

>> No.54878239 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 595x211, 1690801525420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can save her

>> No.54878765
Quoted by: >>54879140

I am pretty sure they get them at the same time as SC but because they have to prepare extra stuff like emotes and other things that go into memberships that usually take longer. They also like to have them turn it all on at the same time so that pushes it back. This gen seems to have been given more "stuff" then the rest so maybe they went in with some member stuff ready and can have it out the door quicker then past gens. Or you know Cover does Cover shit and it still takes forever

>> No.54878795
Quoted by: >>54878948

I miss nerissa

>> No.54878890
Quoted by: >>54878944

I listened to both songs ( her own and the advent one ) and gotta say that I enjoyed them, cant wait for karaoke

>> No.54878944
Quoted by: >>54879066

Obviously I'm biased, but she really stood out in the advent song. In a good way.

>> No.54878948

>he isnt rewatching her stream

>> No.54879066

Not that anon but I agree, she really stood out above the rest. It's clear they gave her some of the best parts since she can actually reach those high notes, and I'm all for it.

>> No.54879140

I think Rissa mentioned in her debut that her emotes are already done and along with merch it seems like Jap is really pushing for them to make/get some money as quickly as possible.

>> No.54880508
File: 949 KB, 1918x1918, 1670196563993283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, /ope/ is comfy again.

>> No.54880727

She's so cute AAAA

>> No.54881047

I hardly follow EN but Nerissa has really caught my attention. I can see myself regularly tuning in to her streams

>> No.54881048

im sad. she doesnt know i exist.

>> No.54881219
Quoted by: >>54881545

she'll know i exist when i self-improooov beyond human limits and become HER oshi

>> No.54881502
Quoted by: >>54881677

I've got her doxx right here, I'm planning to install a silent air siphon in her computer chair that will suck in her nopan pussy and ass fumes down through the chairs base, under the floorboards into a gas mask inside a wall cavity I'm digging in her basement.

>> No.54881545

i have bouts of those thoughts sometimes but i mellow down pretty quickly. its so difficult

>> No.54881677

i wouldn't wanna do that, that's too much trouble. i would just buy one of those really small spy cameras aimed behind her chair on the floor focused on her bare feet and soles, not sure how i would get the (literal) footage though

>> No.54882080
File: 1.93 MB, 502x808, Nerissa baby clothes[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjyr7tz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54882246
File: 1.04 MB, 502x808, Nerissa fun[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1sh8o1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54882312
Quoted by: >>54882906

>no longer /caw/

>> No.54882583
File: 434 KB, 768x768, 20230801_005847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54882612

damn dyke
penis correction necessary

>> No.54882657

>he knows not

>> No.54882682

can you pull a char/sephiroth look?

>> No.54882701

help, I feel like Nerissa's design is really familiar but I don't seem to recognize her illustrator, did he work on any other notable stuff or another vtuber before this?

>> No.54882715

probably not and the point is to fuck her as someone she wouldn't enjoy being with

>> No.54882731

flatulent aroma direct contact point blank inhalation

>> No.54882791
File: 243 KB, 2048x1755, @a_mochu_F2azW8lbgAEXB58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54882906


>> No.54882978
File: 110 KB, 493x702, 1468648456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54883072
Quoted by: >>54883111

How dusty is her womb?

>> No.54883111
Quoted by: >>54883362

>you spread her legs apart
>creaking door sound

>> No.54883286

After today's stream I have very little urge to masturbate or watch porn...is this what love feels like? Like freedom? Or is simply imprisonment in a kinder cell?

>> No.54883362


>> No.54883389

masturbate to nessa

>> No.54883407

unironically yes. your body is telling itself to store cum to one day pump inside her womb

>> No.54883453

What do you expect from Bijou collab ?

>> No.54884480
Quoted by: >>54884568

It's up

>> No.54884568

I'd rather see one hand fapping you know? Because when I see Mommy Nerissa I TAKE OUT MY GOONSTICK AND RAPE IT WITH HANDSEX ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!

>> No.54884694

she´s her kamioshi , get used to it , everyones got a daisenpai that they see as a model

>> No.54884719

I wonder if she realizes that she's practically flirting with her chat and basically stringing them along. It's a dangerous game that vtubers like to play, I just hope that she's careful about it.

>> No.54884744

Could be worse. Far far worse... and pink...

>> No.54884844
File: 213 KB, 1080x309, 1660039983805770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54884864
Quoted by: >>54884955

agreed, kiara is a brat but is a FAR lesser detriment to hololive than mori.

>> No.54884955
Quoted by: >>54885030

You guys sure do love bringing up Mori for no reason. Please stay on-topic.

>> No.54884984

fuck off with the forced seethe

>> No.54885030

you never say that when people shill mori, only when anons tell shills to fuck off. so shut your fucking mouth you twat

>> No.54885125

Meh I really don't like this. Attaching yourself to a senpai literally one day after debut is uh, kinda eww.

>> No.54885157
File: 3.40 MB, 2480x3508, 1673279232860735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54885317

What do you think the Bijou collab is gonna be like? Will we learn why they shared a bed (unless we already know and I missed it)?

>> No.54885195

she's a longtime viewer, she had more than enough time to settle on an oshi.

>> No.54885226
Quoted by: >>54885318

>wahwahwah let me shit up with thread with anti shit
No, your kind is not welcome.

>> No.54885273

Womans not debuted for 36 hours yet and we already have deadbeats policing, fantastic

>> No.54885290

well i hope jailbirds and Kfp are at least invited to that wedding , seeing how Nerissa came from there im gonna catch myself a nice waitress at that party and nobody can stop me

>> No.54885315
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, 20230731_161322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just doing my part

>> No.54885317
Quoted by: >>54885384

Probably doting and dying of cuteness on Nerissa's part after what she said during the stream but I'm actually more interested in seeing how she handles back-and-forth banter since Bijou looks like a jokester

>> No.54885318

you will live to witness opinions opposing your faggot worldview for the rest of your life.
keep bitching while i stroke my cock

>> No.54885368

dude she´s watching her for years , from her pov this isnt day 1 , stop worrying about that and just enjoy the soup

>> No.54885384

probably effortlessly since she's perfect

>> No.54885513
File: 525 KB, 2654x2703, 20230731_124827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys think of Nerissa being a turbo dweeb for idols, and a huge Kiara stan?

>> No.54885550
File: 59 KB, 809x838, 1672888207141038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54885566

it's good she has someone she admire

>> No.54885578
Quoted by: >>54886287

i love it we cant have enough idol fags in Hololive , also i personally dont really watch Kiara outside of Collabs but if she is the reason that brought us Nerissa i´ll say Thank you Chicken

>> No.54885590
File: 114 KB, 812x608, 1671281026155769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54885646


>> No.54885646
File: 576 KB, 1200x750, 1688295718815902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54885660
Quoted by: >>54885715

It's honestly annoying seeing unnecessary anti-shit partnered with opposing views mucking up the thread so can we please just stop? For the benefit of all of us.
It's cute. Nerissa is cute. She obviously loves Hololive and idols in general so I'm happy for her.

>> No.54885715
Quoted by: >>54886040

then don't post about mori or colabbeg for moris shit then faggot and the feeling will be mutual

>> No.54885853
Quoted by: >>54885941

Is she horny for men

>> No.54885882

Man, I hope that project of hers about doing a One-Winged Angel cover with a bunch of Holos will see the day. I'm incredibly hyped for this stuff.

>> No.54885910

That would be cool. I also want to see art of her as Sephiroth.

>> No.54885941

yes, but she has the sense not to shit where she eats, so to speak.
i hope the rest of en doesn't take her spirit for granted

>> No.54886010

just ignore the schizo and report, fostering that kind of behavior creates threads that become unusable when the inevitable collab happens and they go the entire thread pissing and crying.

>> No.54886040

That wasn't me. And I have no intention to. I'm just saying.

>> No.54886085
Quoted by: >>54886129

I need to know if she obliterated her pubes or she has bush as a hag should these thoughts keep consuming me hell i´d even take feather pubes harpy style

>> No.54886113

so true sister

>> No.54886129

she keeps the pubes to compensate for the lack of fabric so the draft doesn't make her feel cold down there

>> No.54886231

Can she get any more perfect and gay

>> No.54886247
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 1662881582411345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the way to do it.
We'll know the depths of her dweebness at the karaoke stream. There are some obscure ass songs in their karaoke permissions. She said she liked 80s stuff, so I'm hoping there's some of that.

>> No.54886287
Quoted by: >>54887124

I don’t find Kiara super entertaining personally, but she’s probably the EN member I have the most respect for. She’s super committed and genuinely loves what she does. I can totally get why Nerissa would stan her and am happy for Kiara as well.

>> No.54886302
Quoted by: >>54886445

fresh nerissa tweet

>> No.54886445

i´m honestly so happy for her achieving one of her dreams , i just want to see this girl succeed and be happy , it all comes down to If Nerissa´s happy I am too

>> No.54886540

What the fuck, I only just now realized that RavenCrafts is a spin to her last name Ravencroft

>> No.54886570 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 768x768, 1680501294046566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54886611

How many IRyStocrats are here?

>> No.54886633

I've noticed multiple people say that nerissa is just normal and boring.
Seriously have to ask where you people live. I've never met anyone like any of the EN girls. That alienation is part of what drove me to watch

>> No.54886699

Lara Croft

>> No.54886881
Quoted by: >>54887168

>normal and boring.
where do these people come from ? like this isnt some capeshit where everyone is like this Nerissa is anything but normal or boring Yagoo found a real gem with her

>> No.54886911
Quoted by: >>54887168

What do you mean?

>> No.54887014

Nerissa being a good hire seems to be a universal sentiment /here/. If you check the archives of the two main hololive generals it's pretty unanimous that she was a great hire

>> No.54887015

she is so fucking gay wtf. it maybe more gay than iroha with suisei

>> No.54887067
File: 46 KB, 1283x962, 1688594830322025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a rock I'm sorry

>> No.54887122
File: 100 KB, 1100x844, @kumaane_F2bf1SHaMAA_08w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54887124
File: 729 KB, 1100x844, 1679267184983737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully, the enthusiasm rubs off on Nerissa as well. Imagine Nerissa with hours upon hours of stream time.

>> No.54887168

Just catalog shit full of shitposters and ironic weebs who close the stream when their newest png sex object displays weeb interest or any hint of personality different from "she wants to suck my dick"

>> No.54887186

I think her tastes and likes are a little bland, but her personality is endearing

>> No.54887195

She wants people to draw lewd fanart of her with kiara so bad

>> No.54887277

Great for me, Kiara pretty much being the only RPG streamer in EN has let her become one of my favorites It's nice to two of the girls I like have stuff in common means better chances for them to stream together.

>> No.54887295

Maybe they just had very different expectations. Nerissa seems tame but with a good personality and humor. Just ignore them anyways and hang out here it's not worth it to try and change other people's minds.

>> No.54887438
Quoted by: >>54887586

Of course, the first thing they geek about is Lord of the Rings

>> No.54887586

Honestly the LOTR movies are great but rings of power is trash

>> No.54887600
File: 107 KB, 948x932, @DasDokter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54887692

cuuute ! i need more !

>> No.54887755

>i can't eat now its too late[at night]
Based Midwestern from a proper family
So many weird online people I talk to have zero concept of this

>> No.54887818

She will 100% schlick to lesbian sex of her and Kiara

>> No.54887862
Quoted by: >>54888222

I'm not one of her regular watchers but Kiara somehow being the main heroine in an otome game by just existing never gets old.

>> No.54887940
File: 389 KB, 742x766, 1659632337410657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to catch on the vod

>> No.54888202 [DELETED] 

This is now the 3rd fanbase that will be seething that she'll never come close to Moris success. I hope that leech never interacts with Mori.

>> No.54888222

oh desu i can see nerissa getting her own harem route too desu

>> No.54888272
File: 1.34 MB, 2045x3238, 1662575557413298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54888329

What's One Hand Clapping like?

>> No.54888313
Quoted by: >>54888353

how was the unpacking stream?

>> No.54888329

it´s okay , a little gimmicky but i´m sure she´ll manage to make it fun

>> No.54888340

Making the next thread. Seeing how slow /vt/ is currently, I'll release it once we hit my favorite target (8th on pg.10) - if the next thread is still a bit too quick and die in the next 5 hours, someone needs to intern.

>> No.54888353

Very comfy and soft, she talked a lot about what she knows about Holo and music.

>> No.54888443

>'sing to win' on the thumbnail
Wouldn't it be funny if this turns out to be a karaoke in disguise?

>> No.54888521
File: 1.14 MB, 1425x1727, nerissa KFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute

>> No.54888631

I didn't expect this, but I welcome it. Kiara is great at organising collabs, hopefully she'll be able to string Rissa along with her

>> No.54888791
Quoted by: >>54888832

is it wrong to jerk off to her last stream

>> No.54888804
Quoted by: >>54888905

Why is her debut cover not doing so well?

>> No.54888832

anon she doesnt wear underwear , as long as you dont go full retard and sc her about this it´s fine

>> No.54888905
Quoted by: >>54888943

Half a mill in a day is fantastic nowadays, the algorithm nerfs vtuber music massively.

>> No.54888925

New thread.

>> No.54888943
Quoted by: >>54888971

Yeah that's cope

>> No.54888971
Quoted by: >>54889100

numberfags deserve the rope

>> No.54889100

Dont make outrages claims then, when it backfires like it did for irystocrats I'll be there.

>> No.54889170

>do you know any songs from the Austrian musical Elisabeth das Musical?
haha, this is good stuff
