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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 659 KB, 850x974, 1690859072702554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54875540 No.54875540 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

>> No.54875569
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>> No.54875572


>> No.54875578

Anon, it's like you WANT the OP to be nuked ...

>> No.54875591

>picture gets deleted
>just does it again

>> No.54875599


>> No.54875605
File: 529 KB, 2408x2805, 1690855779231613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.54875622


>> No.54875633

The gobbels of hololive

>> No.54875634

Gotta appreciate the runback

>> No.54875637

Sounds better after today!


>> No.54875639

Based. Dabbed on. Do it again, bitch.

>> No.54875650
File: 545 KB, 507x901, 1690555920598208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately idol culture is a thing

>> No.54875652

Gura good
Ame good
Kiara good
Mori good
Ina good

Kronii good
IRyS good
Mumei good
Fauna good
Bae good

Shiori good
Nerissa good
Koseki good
Fuwawa good
Mococo good

>> No.54875654
File: 9 KB, 158x136, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious copium and seething by schizos. EN3 is winning!

>> No.54875655


>> No.54875657

Can you post the frame or twitter screenshot?

>> No.54875693
Quoted by: >>54876016

you'll understand if you watch Irys even for a little bit. She is one of the most feminine EN girl you see. That fact alone makes sisters seethe to no end because deep down they understand it is humanely impossible to become her. it's a projection based on envy.

>> No.54875701
File: 378 KB, 573x649, shio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54875715
File: 170 KB, 1818x1164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How we feeling about this retention, L or W?

>> No.54875732


>> No.54875739
File: 1.02 MB, 608x1080, Moomkick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clock up 1k again

>> No.54875747

looks like an all-out war

>> No.54875758
Quoted by: >>54875842

Oh yeah forgot crunchyroll had a vtuber, i wonder how her ccv is doing

>> No.54875760

but isn't EN3 doing a lot worse compared to council during debut?

>> No.54875765

Cover's connection is scary

>> No.54875771

based OP

>> No.54875773
File: 194 KB, 463x453, 1690786265186623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sponsors already lining up for Advent

>> No.54875776
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x1536, 1690512006288196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54875794
Quoted by: >>54875995

I thought she was going to bleed much faster desu.

>> No.54875796


>> No.54875798
Quoted by: >>54875879

Shiori is killing IRyS by raiding her. But then, IRyS' channel is already dead for some time.

>> No.54875809

Mumei has a puffy vag...hole..a nice cloaca.

>> No.54875820

Grimgang here. Let me just said one thing:
This thread feels exactly the same right now as during Tempiss debut, where >we cheered for their numbers which were above expectation. Yes WE, including (You) you dishonest faggots who pretend you never liked them. And look at where Tempiss are not. Let's hope the situation won't repeated itself in Advent.

>> No.54875827
File: 42 KB, 194x164, 1662538997331725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got deleted
What the fuck

>> No.54875836
Quoted by: >>54876011

I fucking knew this was going to happen, even if Bettel had this on his streams a long time ago doing this shit one day after the new girls had their debut is a fucking strategic move

>> No.54875843
File: 594 KB, 666x666, 1684073347354851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You used this OP already, be more creative baker. I'll let you use this next

>> No.54875842

Hime is cute but gains very little by being stuck in Crunchyroll
I mean, I guess she wouldn't exist otherwise, but you know. Limited by the fact of her own existence.

>> No.54875861

my cute goth wife

>> No.54875863

Don't look at the waiting room numbers of miko and Fuwa Minato, sisters

>> No.54875865

No it’s because they would get reported and banned anywhere else. They are only here because they can shitpost but faggots here rather leave

>> No.54875867
File: 42 KB, 529x608, Fs2KxsuXoAACvq_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks to see cunts shitting on new and old talents. i'm just happy people are streaming consistently and generating content again.

>> No.54875879

Shiori's raid to IRyS just showed how GRIM it is for her when it comes to viewership and retention

>> No.54875884
Quoted by: >>54875967

You think they are going to turn Crunchyroll expo into holofes west again?

>> No.54875898

ESL = retarded post. It's so easy.

>> No.54875921
File: 1.02 MB, 2731x4096, 1674928549295699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.54875924

Oh I missed this. Cover is giving them the HoloX treatment I see

>> No.54875931

Pesky butler that stole = tempus

>> No.54875930

The holobox is thiNg anon

>> No.54875939 [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 2496x1596, 1690703554888221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54876048

Alright, people seem to think that the reason some aren't fond of Shiori is because of her statement on collabs at the end of the debut. That was dumb, but no, it's not just that.
She did much worse.

It's about her being an unironic turbo slut. And I don't mean the 4chan definition of "she kissed a dude" or "she had a bf before!".
I mean an actual vile slut that had miles of cocks inside of her.

Did you know that Shiori aka Natsumi Moe used to be on this site?
Did you know that she used to record lewd vocaroos for anons among other things?


No big deal of course, hot even. But did you know that she literally talked about all the condoms she had to keep buying and the dicks she had stuck inside of her?
She was unironically the town bicycle kind of girl.
Forget complaining about other ENs for overblown issues, this girl is an actually disgusting human being. For once words such as turbo slut or absolute whore actually accurately describe a holo.

>> No.54875946

Pretty good desu.

>> No.54875952

Fire, fire, light the fire
Brighter, higher, as you desire

>> No.54875956

Looks better than I expected (I was thinking something in the line of that Selen raid drop pic), but I'd still prefer natural funnel

>> No.54875963

Sorry but Fulgur was right.

>> No.54875964

Some of the bleed is definitely a case of "Ah shit, it's past midnight". It's also not entirely unexpected, but I was hoping the initial loss wouldn't be 'quite' so sharp. Still, alright all things considered.

>> No.54875967

Why not, there's nothing to lose for CR and everything to gain from Hololive

>> No.54875978
File: 81 KB, 456x438, image_2023-08-01_125153674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your job folks, we're almost there

>> No.54875987

Guess the next op is going to be the same thing

>> No.54875992
Quoted by: >>54876266

>someone actually crowdfund 35k USD for this
Feels like a scam ngl

>> No.54875995

its just the homobeggers bleeding off
they dont watch streams anyways

>> No.54875998

Rebellion got to 420k, quite a rebellious number

>> No.54875999
File: 282 KB, 296x570, 1609301048701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54876007

>STILL bleeding

>> No.54876008

she is bleeding way lower now

>> No.54876011
File: 331 KB, 535x517, 1689478124991403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek tempusfags and their delusion

>> No.54876010
File: 370 KB, 529x608, 1671615438563889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks to see cunts complaining about obvious shitposts like a bunch of newfags. Maybe they ought to go back to discord or plebbit instead.

>> No.54876016
Quoted by: >>54881583

>debuts and takes enna's spot
>overperforms during 2.0 reveal and overlaps millie's outfit
>pushes her kimono reveal ahead of schedule to overlap elira 3d and secure a pekora gold
everything she does has a side effect of fucking over a random niji. she's the sisters' worst enemy completely by accident

>> No.54876015

Wouldn't call it a W but it could've been a lot worse

>> No.54876018

cope. Kronii mogged. IRyS destroyed. Mori humiliated. Fauna shitted on. Mumei made irrelevant. etc.

>> No.54876024


>> No.54876027 [DELETED] 

Why is the pic nuked? Only a butthurt threadreading nijinigger would do it.

>> No.54876048

Enna lost

>> No.54876053

Unironically, the fact they don't have a goddamn Sana holding them down means that they're automatically doing better.

>> No.54876055
File: 718 KB, 2400x1440, 1668423128507396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the absolute fucking state of HoloEN and western Vtubing in the past year it's fair to say that Advent did pretty well right?

>> No.54876061

Her clip game is too strong
Also puffy owl

>> No.54876078


>> No.54876094
File: 515 KB, 600x441, 1677987402659629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko anniversary later. Too much winning.

>> No.54876119 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 242x278, indojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to tell when the thread is made by a high melanin person:
>doesn't use proper capitalization
>doesn't use proper punctuation
>non-neutral OP
It's obvious we are getting a lot of high melanin tourists right now that don't see an issue with this but thankfully the janny is correcting it.

>> No.54876123

Nah. There are more grim posts today than during Tempus' debuts.

>> No.54876120

Women just can't read the fucking mood sometimes

>> No.54876129

At this point I suspect the janny doing it is doing it for laughs since ya blokes keep bitching about it.

>> No.54876131

It's a baitpost, that's why

>> No.54876133
Quoted by: >>54876327

>they already had it in mind to collab with Holostars
The fuck is this schizo talking about?

>> No.54876134
File: 342 KB, 900x900, 1663174822696918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a month and a half out of date graph

>> No.54876143

Because the nijimeido is busy patrolling /vt/ after meloco got fucked by luca live

>> No.54876158
File: 41 KB, 648x474, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54876166
Quoted by: >>54876206

Beat FuwaHiba and Koshien recap first, then we'll talk.

>> No.54876178
Quoted by: >>54876287

Picrel is so fucking outdated. Even prior to Advent, HoloEN was already on the rise, and VSPO fell through the floor.

>> No.54876185
Quoted by: >>54877052

L. No more raid outside of Advents. Let newfags enjoy their own gen.

>> No.54876186

I like how they always make up their own headcanon.
>She said she was gonna collab with the bois!
What she actually said
>I love the hololive girls and I want to collab with all of em!

>> No.54876193

because nijimeido is a seething faggot, and os probably one of the people shitting up this thread

>> No.54876201

wtf? she was like 935k last I checked it, what kind of bullshit is this

>> No.54876204

The staunch supporters of homos are now their most dedicated antis here.

>> No.54876205

not too bad, i call it a w

>> No.54876207 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54876391

You'll cry when fuwa mogs her later 53piss

>> No.54876206
Quoted by: >>54876373


>> No.54876210

VTubers are banned in numbers op

>> No.54876223
File: 25 KB, 1039x328, 1B7C8C96-0295-4DB4-808D-0A0A8FF6044D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one talent above 8k

>> No.54876232

>they already had it in mind to collab with Holostars

Goddamn they are actually becoming schizos

>> No.54876247

The power of hololive

>> No.54876260
Quoted by: >>54876333

I checked the archive expecting dox or something but this was just a pretty innocuous meme...

>> No.54876262

So Kronii tick again so she is leading again lol.
Shorts will probably seal the deal for Mumei.

>> No.54876266

Advertising on prime real estate is a scam, yea, but it's a prestige thing.

>> No.54876277

Are they even real twins?

>> No.54876279

They probably saw the edit

>> No.54876280
File: 184 KB, 420x407, 1690851346062642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamie, pull up the Selen Raid charts

>> No.54876281

nani kore

>> No.54876285

Can EN3 help Irys get to 1M subs?

>> No.54876287

what happened to vspo? i actually only started following them after rizztel arc and then rust. i did watch them a little for gta arc too, surprised to hear they are not doing well.

>> No.54876293
Quoted by: >>54878260

Hololive != Homostars. Some of us cheered for them because their debut behavior isn't actually that bad, and they genuinely has a chance to help the brand escape the 3views hell. But they have to fucked it all up by begging and collab with the girls, enabling troons and sisters, "support the cause", "fight me", "yabba dabba doo", all those shit. They are the bastard child that should've been aborted.
Meanwhile Hololive is this board first born child and even though some of the girls might have their rebellious phase in the end we will forgive them as long as they don't do stupid shit that cripple other girls

>> No.54876301
File: 148 KB, 1261x578, 1681855782229607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54876311
File: 303 KB, 1752x1162, hh7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the power of EN3

>> No.54876318

Mumei’s plump thighs…

>> No.54876324
Quoted by: >>54879911

Koyori might get to 1 million before her.

>> No.54876327

It came to her in a dream

>> No.54876329
Quoted by: >>54876423

the twins dropped a pledge of loyalty during debut this is beyond delusion

>> No.54876333
Quoted by: >>54877604

Nijiniggers are thin skinned faggots, what did you expect?

>> No.54876367
Quoted by: >>54876639

I think at this point they were doing their 3D stuff, so it was a massive incline before returning back.

>> No.54876373

That too

>> No.54876375
Quoted by: >>54876428

>Fuwamoco did a whole wall of text of everything they want to do
>not a single homo
>Homobeggars ''yeah they had stars in mind''

>> No.54876381

>Ame 10k

>> No.54876380

IRyS is pissing on stream

>> No.54876389
Quoted by: >>54876463


>> No.54876388
Quoted by: >>54876463

Even Sana's dead channel is ticking...

>> No.54876390

Can any EN corpos fight against a motivated HoloEN?

>> No.54876391
Quoted by: >>54876470

See, I told you the Mikoschizo is a nijinig larping as a nousagi.

>> No.54876394
Quoted by: >>54876463

>Even Sana is getting subs

>> No.54876396


>> No.54876403

VSPO needs a constant flow of eceleb events to do well.

>> No.54876413

Yeah she finally fucking ticked
we're on the other side now man, stay safe out there

>> No.54876416

It’s safe to say Kronii is on her way to irrelevancy and be the new runt of EN

>> No.54876423
File: 214 KB, 463x453, 1678525925020794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54876542

>Pledge of Loyalty
Did they straight up say they'll only collab with girls?

>> No.54876428

Someone made a bait edit like 15 seconds after they posting their ambition wall in this very thread, guess it's doing the rounds

>> No.54876432
Quoted by: >>54876480

new song?

>> No.54876433

a rising tide

>> No.54876456
File: 342 KB, 1364x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this tab actually fucking works

>> No.54876457

v*lorant spam

>> No.54876463

It's called the holobox you dumbasses, you guys boasted about it for over two years, why are you surprised to see it in action?

>> No.54876467
File: 69 KB, 560x416, 168544635958368326.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are shitters going to survive ID4 and JP7 within the next 4 months?

>> No.54876470
Quoted by: >>54876776

Nousagis are known nijinigs

>> No.54876480

Secret (it's probably the new song, IDK)
There's a new song made for this live yes

>> No.54876486
File: 202 KB, 624x932, BA11EDE8-C0EB-4FDB-AC4E-82621ADA09EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54876507

tick tock clock

>> No.54876518

They got boosted by their 3D live, and then their audience (which is somewhat shared with Nijisanji, fleshies, and the 'casual fps crowd') got eaten up during VCR, since only the biggest fish got the views.

>> No.54876532

Hopefully by asphyxiation

>> No.54876542
File: 3.63 MB, 1809x2160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54876598

They put up their goals and their only collab goals were with girls
But he meant this more

>> No.54876561

Their manager was on top of things.

>> No.54876567
Quoted by: >>54876626

This ain't nijisanji bro

>> No.54876573

Kronii fight back

>> No.54876575
File: 128 KB, 332x351, 1656784804112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dogdaughters need to make a guerilla game stream before the debut buff ends

>> No.54876585
File: 68 KB, 220x208, 1671421973256198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, can't wait for Magni and Vesper's termination notice to finally drop

>> No.54876598
Quoted by: >>54876688

im a 32 year old man with grey hair and i was tearing up during this

>> No.54876610


>> No.54876612

new fans are also probably getting recommended old clips
Anecdotally I do use the channels tab. So yeah good call on management's part. If only all other girls also set up the channels tab properly.

>> No.54876626
Quoted by: >>54876695

I meant the anti-Holo anons surviving on the board.

>> No.54876631
Quoted by: >>54876974

I'll be very surprised if Miko gets gold today. I'm fully expecting FuwaHiba 3D or Zushiri 3D to get it.

>> No.54876635

Coward, include the rest like Lia you phasecuck.

>> No.54876639

This guy >>54876367 is actually right, their numbers aren't bad but simply won't be able to match 3D debut buffs. Their numbers are normalizing now. It also doesn't help that they don't have a studio to regularly use 3D with again.

>> No.54876657
Quoted by: >>54877196

I doubt we'll get followups that quickly

>> No.54876666

Towa didn't saviourfag enough.

>> No.54876688

I laughed when I saw it and realized what it was but I wasn't chuckling by the end, definitely potent stuff. The twins aren't fucking around

>> No.54876695

Kronii and Bae will still get anti as usual

>> No.54876707

>Niji winning in every category that /#/ conveniently ignores

>> No.54876709

>shitys doing anything in her pwoer to save her dying career
>music is failing
>she joined the low en holos in the under 6k averages
>not even the best en singer

>> No.54876714
File: 261 KB, 1447x1020, F2IL5tSbQAI2NVV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I have the lore right:
>Global: #MOCOGANG
Is that correct?

>> No.54876723

When does monetization start? I need to throw money at shiori

>> No.54876725

They couldn't even compete against a burnt out EN who didn't have Gura while the remaining members were too busy telling their fans to fuck off and spamming homoshit collabs.

>> No.54876735


>> No.54876764

>Mori was the anon who kept posting images of Homo numbers with POPULAR DEMAND

>> No.54876769

I'd bet it's the ??? on all their schedules this weekend

>> No.54876775

Yeah like rate of graduation lol

>> No.54876776

Still larping huh?

>> No.54876778

Number of yachts owned

>> No.54876790


>> No.54876799


>> No.54876800
File: 830 KB, 2608x1052, 1690864421262361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let this be a lesson for the future, Yagoo and Riku.

>> No.54876798


>> No.54876818
Quoted by: >>54877003

I dont care.
Im gonna have sex with both.

>> No.54876832

Global Golds for example?
Total VODs?
Net sales in Japan?
Viewer Retention?

>> No.54876856

I think all of them already reached the requirements? they changed how you get monetization right?

>> No.54876863
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x1920, pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei pantsu

>> No.54876877


>> No.54876897

I know there's still a good amount of bleeding, but this feels like better post-raid retention than I'd usually expect in a situation like this. I'm not crazy, right?

>> No.54876898
File: 318 KB, 1033x1011, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we go back to talking about big boy numbers now that Midvent failed? How much Miko is going to get in her anniversary?

>> No.54876907

>anon forgot what a bikini bottom looks like

>> No.54876912

Would you mind posting proof so I can properly celebrate Nijisanji incredible dominance?

>> No.54876929

taking the most cut from their talents

>> No.54876935
Quoted by: >>54876968

>Most graduations
>Most human misery among talents, per capita
>Biggest falls from grace (Salome the eternal global queen, luxiem are the EN kings)

>> No.54876940 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 595x211, 1690801525420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54876943
File: 120 KB, 1037x549, 1665581453583156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under heavy overlap too

>> No.54876954
Quoted by: >>54877115

>Total VODs

>> No.54876966


>> No.54876969

FuwaHiba 110K-150K
Koshien recap should also be >100K

>> No.54876968

>ceo with the most yatchs

>> No.54876974
Quoted by: >>54877133

>FuwaHiba 3D
not even 3D from what I heard
>Zushiri 3D
no info on that, except that 1 anon on 4chan spammed about it without source

and none of those will get 140k, not without bots

>> No.54876986

Why are they doing shorts?

>> No.54877000

Did Fuwamoco really get almost 100k subs in one day?

>> No.54877003

Irys please...

>> No.54877004

Do anons dare predict beating Marine's showa?

>> No.54877007

>Mori 12M, Gura 6M, Kiara 4.5M
myth getting some of the best numbers in a while, council is pretty much stable

>> No.54877018
File: 215 KB, 491x480, 1690340242147183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54877019

From January 1st to now irys hasn’t managed to dip into the 6k average. Her current sverage is 5935
Grimrys is real

>> No.54877030

The fact that she kept like, 50% of the raid when the EST gang went to bed, that's not terrible.
Compared to the usual "Selen drops 90% of her raid viewers" charts we're used to, it's good. Still a bleed, though, but the retention ain't terrible.

>> No.54877035

If advent maintains 5viewers for 2weeks, I'll install League

>> No.54877039

Twitter likes
Twitter views
Koshien ccvs
Stock price
Nip mindchair
Body count
And more

>> No.54877052

IRyS is free agent and is now AdventRyS

>> No.54877065

I mean consider how late it is too. She got raided at 12:30am est after an entire days worth of streams. There’s gonna be people who need to go to bed it’s just the way of life
But even with the “heavy bleed” she’s still up over 4k viewers than what she had. That’s still really huge

>> No.54877076

>The Jap system

>> No.54877078

>debut buff
meaningless, come back in 2 months to make a proper comparison.

>> No.54877096

>Global Golds
The tally was a fucking mistake. You retards take an imaginary award too seriously

>> No.54877103

Nijigods win again

>> No.54877104
Quoted by: >>54877184

Already debunked

>> No.54877119
Quoted by: >>54877239

Nerissa getting that peak while overlapping Bijou and Gumei was nice to see

>> No.54877115
File: 149 KB, 352x336, 1690689787687739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He mean total time watch. That retard couldn't even shitpost properly

>> No.54877132


>> No.54877133

FuwaHiba is a 3D stream and very possible for global gold today.
Also Zushiri was a shitpost to intimidate 35Ps. Last night's stream they just chatted on Ririmu's channel, they may do a 3D stream at some point though.

>> No.54877137
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 1690858934383248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha: KAWXX

>> No.54877184
Quoted by: >>54879009


>> No.54877194

They also aren't winning Yearly Golds at all, they only have July

>> No.54877196

You say that, but the time between Council and HoloX was only 3 months. Doesn't mean that they'll repeat that but it's still a posibility

>> No.54877202

Delusional nijifaggot

>> No.54877225
Quoted by: >>54877311

Then why even be here? You lost 21-10 in July. You ready to lose another month, Holofag?

>> No.54877228 [DELETED] 

Some EN wide numbers after Advent doing their first regular stream

>> No.54877229
Quoted by: >>54877326

Is that regular Nijisanji even below NijiEN? Are they just completely dead outside of Koshien and Kuzuha?

>> No.54877230

Just a heads up if there are people who still keep track
Marine's latest MV should be breaking 1m today, since it's at 961k right now.

>> No.54877233

>didnt force them to end stream and do holobox
>didn't restrict ego gura bullying her kouhai

>> No.54877239

Advent starting strong. Them debuting in the middle of summer as opposed to the end might also help them get overall better post debut peaks than Council.

>> No.54877240
File: 336 KB, 2048x2048, 1681593808972365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job girls.

>> No.54877256

Better than nijis that you can come back in the next stream and it's already over

>> No.54877263

IRyS is saying my name...

>> No.54877294


>> No.54877311

Fellow holofan, there is no need to falseflag this hard to grudgepost.

>> No.54877324

CGDGTbros status?

>> No.54877325
Quoted by: >>54877383

did you like it...

>> No.54877326
File: 578 KB, 1018x872, 1687071943716277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon it's a weekday afternoon in Japan right now. Almost no one is streaming.

>> No.54877330


>> No.54877350

Apocalypse chan?

>> No.54877355

No one knows

>> No.54877359

This thread is built around these retard awards. If you got rid of that we might as well drop the pretense of being the /numbers/ thread and just rebrand as /gossip/. Which would be more accurate actually, so you might have a point

>> No.54877367
Quoted by: >>54877741

Magni and Vesper did pretty good at debut given that they're male vtubers. Shame they wasted it all by doing whatever the fuck they did

>> No.54877368


>> No.54877375
Quoted by: >>54877992

Advent didn't do as well as expected huh?

>> No.54877379

Looking back on the last two years.
The biggest mistake Hololive ever made was hiring Sana, wasn't it?
That probably directly led to every other issue in EN

>> No.54877381


>> No.54877383


>> No.54877395

EN3 is kind of a bust. People waited two years for them and the wait wasn't worth it.

>> No.54877397 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54877536

I am not trolling, janny-chama.

>> No.54877399

I just ate some ramen

>> No.54877412

>The biggest mistake Hololive ever made was hiring Sana, wasn't it?

>> No.54877428
File: 176 KB, 1163x1645, 1690369422750881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning and laughing at sister and phasekek and beggar seethe

>> No.54877435

Nijisisters are delusional. It's Migold today

>> No.54877445

So where is everyone going to hang their Stained-Glass-Style Hanging Decoration? I'm going to put one over my monitor so that it helps me accumulate good post energy.

>> No.54877446

I was trying to find the ccv that Ina had playing Soma back in 2021 just to get an idea of how well she did on it, sadly nothing I’ve seen tracks ccv that far back anymore unless someone can find it, but on a side note I can’t believe her Soma was in July of 2021. Council hadn’t even debuted yet! It doesn’t even feel like it’s been that fucking long

>> No.54877454
Quoted by: >>54877546

>bijou dropped to 10k on her first post debut stream
>dogs couldn’t even hit 20k on their gaming tream
>nerissa didn’t even get lose to 20k
>the queen herself shiori carried today by mogging everyone and becoming the gura killer

>> No.54877455

Tempus will forever be the biggest EN mistake

>> No.54877468
Quoted by: >>54877634

Hiring tempiss was the biggest mistakes

>> No.54877470

Have you forgotten the IPO Q&A last week, anon?
>Q. As a company, what is your view the decline in viewing time and viewer numbers in the post-Corona period?
>A. We have not set viewing time as a major KPI. Now that the Corona has passed, viewers' lifestyles have changed. Demand for content such as clips, other secondary works and short videos has increased. In addition, we are also seeing a growing demand for Live Events, Live Performances, and licensing/tie-ups. We believe that our exposure is expanding, and it is not only limited to the content we provide.

>> No.54877472

I think Sana being hired directly led to StarsEN

>> No.54877474

Holy shit. They even revive the dead

>> No.54877475

No, the biggest mistake was giving Omega free reign of an entire branch

>> No.54877480
File: 231 KB, 1097x489, 1660238861502664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The biggest mistake Hololive ever made was hiring Sana, wasn't it?

>> No.54877481
File: 228 KB, 1704x1089, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54877681

Fucked up posting it before, some EN wide numbers after Advent's first regular streams

>> No.54877482

Where's your July 2023 gold?
Where's your August 2023 gold?
Step aside.

>> No.54877491

rent free

>> No.54877495
File: 214 KB, 1116x913, 1690866613060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54877614


>> No.54877504

When Cover isn't squandering it (which they've done a lot lately) the dorito advantage is so big there's nothing any other company can do that even resembles it. Equally good tubers from other companies aren't even 10% as popular, with .1% of fan mindshare. All Hololive has to do to totally dominate the scene is be OK—and they've tried *really fucking hard* to throw that away, but they failed.

>> No.54877506
File: 397 KB, 427x444, shior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54877614


>> No.54877512

hoping for quick fuwamoco turnaround

>> No.54877532
Quoted by: >>54877875

What? Your chain of logic, now.

>> No.54877536

Stop ban evading

>> No.54877546

Brown maggot hands typed this

>> No.54877556

wh-why am I kneeling?

>> No.54877559
Quoted by: >>54877680

Gura is still playing it till this day

>> No.54877563

>The biggest mistake Hololive ever made was hiring Sana, wasn't it?
Not finding a proper counter to Koshien. Sportsfes is just one day and it didn't even get gold last year.

>> No.54877566

I'm talking about Stars overall, even if JP stars are inoffensive, their cost/return is disgustingly high and their very existence lead to Tempiss, homobeggars, etc.

>> No.54877597

JWU has moom taken over for council's queen yet?

>> No.54877604
File: 407 KB, 1066x726, toxic tribal nijisanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The viewers reflect the streamers

>> No.54877606

i hate how in desktop dark mode the button is the same color sub/unsub

>> No.54877614
Quoted by: >>54877763

Damn right

>> No.54877626


>> No.54877634
Quoted by: >>54877773

holoLIVE you beggar faggots

>> No.54877635
File: 664 KB, 1073x1013, 1690138980355667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54877764

Honestly really sad that fucking Nijisanji is the still somehow the second best choice after Hololive
Like come the fuck on

>> No.54877636

Hololive may not even be 2nd in Japan for mindshare. Nijisanji and VCR (Crazy Racoon) are ahead of them.

>> No.54877643
File: 585 KB, 400x300, 1690853523256158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risa my beloved

>> No.54877649
Quoted by: >>54877817

>fuwahiba 86 waiting vs mikochi 641 waiting 7 hours before the live

>> No.54877652
Quoted by: >>54877879

Ok Shiori rambling got me... please just dont be a menhera if you choose to collab

>> No.54877680
File: 1.02 MB, 1593x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.54877681

no, kronii refuses to die >>54877481

>> No.54877687
File: 150 KB, 320x320, 1676348158773316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were based and correct

>> No.54877688
Quoted by: >>54877753


>> No.54877703

Nah probably Omega. Mr Jap and her would have came to an agreement where she stayed.

>> No.54877710
File: 96 KB, 576x1200, 1690829719209009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely shiori reconsidered...right?..

>> No.54877713

Wait for the Gumei clips to come in. Kronii's sub growth still has some life left in her.

>> No.54877728
File: 1017 KB, 1954x660, FCCD50C1-36ED-42CC-B7C5-EB7FCAA2AB9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROMAO what a massive drop in ccv. Its not looking good for them

>> No.54877730

Really enjoyed Rissa's zatsu stream, not going to oshihen but she's definitely a strong contender for when my EN oshi isn't around and I want something live to enjoy. Will probably be a day 1 member, genuinely feels like she loves Hololive and idols.

>> No.54877738

nice reading reps

>> No.54877743
File: 94 KB, 245x253, 1678084237811189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way Mumei passes Kronii is now dependent on the advent full collab, whether they will raid Mumei's birthday duet karaoke or not

>> No.54877741

Tempus legitimately competing with iluna despite having half the debut CCV
I remember even /here/ was cautiously optimistic back then, thinking that "brotubers" could actually work
Then it all went to complete shit

>> No.54877742 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 794x240, bannedglobal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe that this relatively harmless post can earn me a temporary ban for trolling. I may be banned later though. >>54876027

>> No.54877744
Quoted by: >>54877995

what a coincidence, fulgur's fans are the most insufferable sisters on the board by a longshot

>> No.54877753
Quoted by: >>54877803

For some reason whenever I try to go back in time that long on holostats it doesn’t show me any streams anymore. Idk what’s the cause of it

>> No.54877760

Wake up, anon. Stop living in the past
Nijisanji is below VSPO

>> No.54877764
File: 238 KB, 494x478, 1680881191754765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54878627

>Nijisanji is the still the best choice before Hololive

>> No.54877763
File: 1.21 MB, 1400x1850, 1690778949781540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lump me with homo newtoy

>> No.54877773

Point taken, but EN management was in charge of everything, and really, that's where the fingers should be pointed. Specifically, Omega and his cronies. They appear to have been tossed.

>> No.54877793

feels great watching nijiEN burning down these past few months

>> No.54877803

Scrolls all the way to Myth debuts for me

>> No.54877813

Just out of curiosity, how many hours a day do you waste in this thread posting the same bait?

>> No.54877817

Bro, waiting room is not really a good indicator especially for niji, they can go from 5k waiting to 20k waiting in matter of seconds

>> No.54877841

I don't wanna shiori collab with males :(

>> No.54877871
Quoted by: >>54878013

Yeah. She didn't even make it a year. Obviously the girls would've known way earlier that she was about to graduate, and that tanked the mood of the branch. You could probably find out when the decision was made if you autistically went back and mood checked streams.

>> No.54877875

>Sana was part of Council
>dragged down the hype of Council by flaking and disrupting the usual generation synergy, and when paired with Omegafaggot sapping the hype and causing issues, led to a smaller impact than it would've had otherwise
>this gap in the market, combined with Luxiem, was enough for Omegafag to convince his bosses to let him try the TEMPUS project
>even timed it so that it would try and "soften the blow" of a Sana graduation, the same way IRyS was positioned to do the same for Coco's graduation

>> No.54877879

That little thing at the end of the debut pretty much previewed that if she DOES do that she WILL go menhera whe someone complains, and there will be many complaints.
You're better off just hoping she doesn't do any to begin with.

>> No.54877882
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1690863838501246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe Phaseethe

>> No.54877928

vspo has overtaken niji outside their baseball tourist event
stop living in 2020 anon

>> No.54877950

But why is the admin brown ???

>> No.54877959
File: 881 KB, 1109x1200, 110386342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They sold their shioricoins

>> No.54877961
File: 24 KB, 622x167, problematic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking reddit are the Ruffians?

"Coco was so evil, forget all the good things she did for the industry including creating the fucking EN branch and EN vtubing as we know it."

>> No.54877969
Quoted by: >>54878041

Reminder that Koyori became a shitter for a while after the HoloX hype died down.

>> No.54877967

Too late shes collabing with me. (on bed) ((naked)) (((sex)))

>> No.54877992

Flopgur please

>> No.54877995
Quoted by: >>54878118

>Holofans are the most insufferable sisters on the board by a longshot

>> No.54878013

Maybe if you paired it with the Global Consciousness Index Dot or something

>> No.54878032

by now she's done so much GFE baiting she'd be pretty stupid to collab with any of the dudes now
i think she was just trying to get a feel for her audience with that first stream

>> No.54878041

All they need to do is permaleech first army and they'll be eternal first army in waiting like koyoyo

>> No.54878045

Fuck me she's great


>> No.54878046
File: 44 KB, 338x295, 1690745554695190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for collab

>> No.54878051

>See they get better numbers in JP/EU friendly timeslot
>Dominate an untapped market

Tbh I don't think it matters they will Koyori death grind for at least 3 months

>> No.54878056

Playboard is leaving chucks of days not recording live streams ccv for someone I'm looking at (Shiina and Lia from Phase Connect)
Is there a more accurate website that would track them?

>> No.54878061

Still not answer me. Why ???

>> No.54878074

I do because I have no interest in her and it will be funny when one of her paypigs goes crazy

>> No.54878086

Coco is garbage

>> No.54878103
File: 159 KB, 680x740, 1690864085285958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologise right the fuck now

>> No.54878113


>> No.54878118


>> No.54878137
Quoted by: >>54878354

Advent will drop below 10k by next week eith shiori, and bijou being the runts with nerissa an twins having only a 2k ccv lead

>> No.54878140

shes too menhera and will do something really dumb, bad for her but gonna be good for /vt/

jailbird coin is the safe bet

>> No.54878143

yeah with me

>> No.54878150


>> No.54878149

Graduation so early in the gen's existence really kills their overall momentum. Happened to Gen5, happened to Council. Sankisei lucked out it took so long for Rushia to implode that it didn't matter anymore.

>> No.54878151

Stop shitposting right the fuck now.

>> No.54878153

Admin is low T indognesian

>> No.54878171
File: 377 KB, 1440x1233, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878180
File: 3.45 MB, 256x454, ezgif-4-227b620a1e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko in Times Square

>> No.54878182
File: 337 KB, 638x617, 1688566064737811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna got her normal number while overlapping Bijou
>GuMei got their normal number (better than AmeSame) while overlapping 3 girls
>Kronii and IRyS got their normal number

can we agree that Advent SUCCESSFULLY grab new audiences into HoloEN box? unlike tempussies

>> No.54878199

Who made this fucking bootleg of our shitpost

>> No.54878203

I'm pretty sure he's the same guy who kept spamming that 3d isn't being worked on for council way back when

>> No.54878220


>> No.54878228
File: 447 KB, 1528x1050, 616F8800-0C49-494B-9160-D6D1ED4A044D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always sell the shiori coins anons

>> No.54878235

I'm genuinely starting to wonder if Shioriposters are just astroturfers or something. You literally don't get retarded posts like this or "oh my god her stream was the best today!!!!" from literally anyone else.

>> No.54878242

Staff told Mori she has the oldest fanbase in EN by analytics.

>> No.54878243
Quoted by: >>54878424

Her completely checking out and fucking off for her "dog" just a couple months in and then not even making it to a year really did fuck a lot of interest in council. Completely retarded hire in a gen of meh hires.

>> No.54878247
File: 111 KB, 850x1074, 1690766613222599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv me goth.

>> No.54878257

vstats tracks phase, but I'm pretty sure that smaller corpos have a slower tick rate so it might miss peaks.

>> No.54878260
Quoted by: >>54878425

You are just a threadreader.

>> No.54878271
Quoted by: >>54878353

>Oreo Lamy
The council of Lamy is still pending trial for her.

>> No.54878275

Is she going to do a Fauna with comments

>> No.54878276

And any niji for comparison?

>> No.54878285


>> No.54878286
File: 484 KB, 695x693, 1690715016923883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54878435


>> No.54878293

Seems like it so far yeah. They activated the clipfags and are in the process of converting them into diehards. Standard Hololive Generation cycle.

>> No.54878296

It's like he tried to make sure no girls will collab with him. Like, I kinda think even Mori will have doubts with this fucking name.

>> No.54878300

your forced meme failed back to your split

>> No.54878302
Quoted by: >>54878435

Love a menhera NTR GOTH BIG TIDDY GF.

>> No.54878301


>> No.54878310

I'm more disgusted at you, faggot

>> No.54878311

>shitrys needed to be raided while playing a buff game

>> No.54878321

So sell mumei, fauna, and irys coins too?

>> No.54878339


>> No.54878347
Quoted by: >>54878426

shitrys had to rely on a raid lol

>> No.54878349

Why are the niji / phase keks getting uppity? Are they mindbroken over the stream numbers?

>> No.54878352

>following tempiss
Go back beggar

>> No.54878353


>> No.54878354

stop replying to yourself weirdo

>> No.54878367

Not your schizobox seethe about it

>> No.54878375

kill yourself sister

>> No.54878378

What is Niji?

>> No.54878383

Rat, corner, etc

>> No.54878384

This girl has a weirdly formal way of talking sometimes, even when she's rambling in a stream.

>> No.54878400

So what will happen to Council unity now that they have more people to collab with?

>> No.54878409

Of course
This happened when Council debuted too

>> No.54878416
File: 816 KB, 2608x1052, 1690866159574282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878424
File: 1.12 MB, 1900x1615, F0vKFcmaAAAhRCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54878532

It was even worse because Council actually wanted to do almost weekly collabs and then she fucked off and that all but died out until she could come back because they didn't want to leave her behind. Except they were collabing individually with each other the entire time so they all had chemistry...except for her who as still in like debut phase. It was horrendous. They're not collabing as much as they initially wanted to as a group, but they've fortunately have been after she graduated and their 4 man collabs have been great. Imagining what could've been actually hurts.

>> No.54878425
File: 144 KB, 280x286, IMG_20220902_233200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol lmao
>Can't argue
>T-thread reader

>> No.54878426

stop ban evading selenschizo

>> No.54878434

Probably still gonna exist but also Mumei will adopt Bijou and start grooming her

>> No.54878435
File: 735 KB, 1278x717, 1690863520818766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878440

I can respect her in colabs, but falling for this menhera is a one-way ticket, fags lie to themselves that it will be different

>> No.54878452

You're giving a lot of fun reactions to it so people are going to just keep doing it, whether they started out sincere or not.

>> No.54878454
Quoted by: >>54878534

There is no Council in the global tally. They are dead

>> No.54878459
Quoted by: >>54878539


>> No.54878468

success breeds jealousy

>> No.54878489

it will stay as strong as ever, myth's unity tho...

>> No.54878503
File: 196 KB, 575x389, 1690793433697624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melocuckies got cucked and since the shitposters can't make threads about on account of the nijimeidos oattroling the board they post about shiori instead

>> No.54878506
Quoted by: >>54878574


>> No.54878509

fauna will have SEX with all the new advent girls

>> No.54878511

Just draw them dummy

>> No.54878521

Holokeks are proud of this shit??

>> No.54878525
File: 212 KB, 1030x791, 1690861097442393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall opinion on Shiori now?
Phasekeks and Nijikeks need not reply.

>> No.54878529
File: 942 KB, 1110x839, 1671311253468315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to. I was literally shilling her ass yesterday pointing out that she had a high effort schedule, was grateful and polite on Twitter and especially had no issues leaning hard into GFE.

>> No.54878532

Was absolutely wild seeing a Holo exclusively relying on their debut memes crutch like six-seven months in on the rare streams she did.

>> No.54878534
Quoted by: >>54878621


>> No.54878539

small corpos have it rough

>> No.54878555
Quoted by: >>54878643

She's great and held 20k+ the entire time
Good job mr Jap

>> No.54878556

A good chunk of that is tourists who will fuck off in a week or two. But, if they get a spread similar to Council in the end (preferably higher) without damaging the older girl it will be a win.

>> No.54878568

I think Fauna should groom Rissa sexually

>> No.54878574

Our trip to the beach, I fucked them hard right after

>> No.54878573

Gura and Mumei LITERALLY call Fauna in stream just now, SNO is strong as ever

>> No.54878584

She is pretty good at her job.

>> No.54878586

Mate including Gura and Shiori who were just talking about their contents would just discredit it.

>> No.54878588
Quoted by: >>54878732

You know what, this is a retarded fucking shitpost
Who the fuck was watching Meloco? There needs to be FANS OF SOMEONE for those fans to be upset.

>> No.54878587

We all know Mori is /here/ and intentionally does shit to piss us off, Shiori is also /here/, I wouldn't be surprised if the "long talk" she had with her was about going hard on GFE so she can pull the rug from viewers and cause a shitstorm on the catalog

>> No.54878595

>Nerissa's favorite eevelution is Sylveon
So she's a trans ally? Dropped

>> No.54878592

She seem fine, still my least favorite of the gen but i dont hate her, well see if she belongs on the CGDCT tough.

>> No.54878600

a wild card

>> No.54878603

I'm not entirely convinced that it's only her "acquaintances" that are into cannibalism

>> No.54878606

That fucking bird bitch better schedule minecraft next week for Fauna to join or I'm going to anti her

>> No.54878608

>I can't show pictures
She is being too careful.

>> No.54878607

Pomu is going to get jealous

>> No.54878609
Quoted by: >>54878665

kys ESL holokek

>> No.54878610

Literally nothing, none of these girls are Councilfags
Hell they're not even chumbuds

>> No.54878619

no she will be the rushia of holoen
and i will member to her

>> No.54878621

>not Mumei channel
Doesn't count. Also, debuffed Gura not to beat Advent

>> No.54878625

Great at zatsus, but I'm still cautious tho

>> No.54878627
File: 43 KB, 276x331, 1677896520739830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup pomucuckies. Enjoying the cuck life?

>> No.54878643

I think all the advent girls being strong as hell is making her rise to the occasion compared to her old self.

>> No.54878646
File: 93 KB, 720x479, 1690867577776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori and ame apprentice, i'm waiting for tempus collabs

>> No.54878654

Even if that was the case, why you would do it? For shit and giggles?

>> No.54878665


>> No.54878675


>> No.54878679
File: 898 KB, 500x700, fauna-fangirl[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmwwfbk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878678

Ahhhh, of fucking course kek

>> No.54878686

why would she purposefully sabotage herself? She's not mori, that has her music to cushion her fall

>> No.54878688
File: 2.61 MB, 3000x1680, 1668269015969661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do some of the girls actively choose to follow them anyways? They're not mandated by management, and if you don't ever plan on collabing with em, why?

>> No.54878718

NTA but this is a new bait, and compared to other shitposters here, at least he is putting real work into it.

>> No.54878732

If there are no fans of meloco why is the niji janny deleting threads about it?

>> No.54878741

I love her so much.

>> No.54878747
Quoted by: >>54878793

Does meloco still oshies luca after seeing his ugly mug?

>> No.54878767
Quoted by: >>54879143

Why wouldn't they be Anon? Small corpos inclined the hardest after the homo collab arc. NijiEN is in absolute shambles and losing a fucking Cumxiem member. Gura doesn't stream used to be their mantra for the past 6 months and now they can't even spam that shit.
The moment Hololive has the slightest yab you can expect hell to break loose because sisters are absolutely fuming right now.

>> No.54878781
Quoted by: >>54878920

Terri Brosius would make THE best dom mommy chuuba. Jap should hire her for EN4.

>> No.54878783

That's nice acting but Nerissa doesn't even hide the fact that she's a kfp/ichimin

>> No.54878790

They simply don't think about it too much, anon.

>> No.54878793

She got fucked by him off stream last night so you tell me

>> No.54878796
Quoted by: >>54878915

why is luca so horny?

>> No.54878798
Quoted by: >>54878893

you rhink public execution of the two homos, will give a bump in numbers in the nearest holomem streams?

>> No.54878803

Oh wow she's even doing the hearts thing
No EN has been truly GFE so far, but Fauna was the closest, looks like she might actually try to outdo her.

>> No.54878805


>> No.54878812

She also didn't hide the fact that her "council oshi" is Fauna.

>> No.54878816

what is this weeb

>> No.54878819

Fauna is Nerissa's co-oshi with Kiara.

>> No.54878825

The saviorfag mentality is real

>> No.54878836

She's simply horny, anon.
She wants to fuck women. Maybe doesn't fall in love with women, but wants to fuck them for sure.

>> No.54878856
Quoted by: >>54879021

Cope. She's love Fauna

>> No.54878883

Politeness and pity, mostly.

>> No.54878892
File: 163 KB, 506x506, 15197906-3D2B-4C9B-BE27-5F0FD1B41EC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, Mori is making fun of us jpchads…

>> No.54878893

No impact whatsoever either way.
The worst that might happen is a few bait SCs to Mori and Kronii which will probably be completely ignored under the the wise and benevolent tutelage of Jap-san the Wise (PBUH)

>> No.54878894
Quoted by: >>54878952

She unironically uses terms like
>"The West"
to describe her own fucking country, she's beyond weeaboo
She's a straight-up Ken-sama

>> No.54878915

At this point I'm not unconvinced that niji management offered him "sleep with the girls" rights to keep him on board

>> No.54878920 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.76 MB, 2048x1365, 1666690723069227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek everybody's sleeping on the REAL classic mommy chuba candidate. It's Dolly Parton

>> No.54878924

I all in her since debut, so far that seems like the correct decision.

>> No.54878927

>kill your only chance at Holostardom for nothing
Delusional sis. Even Laplus decided to make a Valorant girls group to salvage her career

>> No.54878939

My beloved

>> No.54878949


>> No.54878952
Quoted by: >>54879272

She's been around since 2018 from the vyt days, what do you think?

>> No.54878957

Is this part of the Tokyo Tourism Ambassdor program? Or is it Cover own thing?

>> No.54878975
Quoted by: >>54879085

>Advent total subs almoat surpassed eight of Tempus member
Probably will surpass it next day

>> No.54879009
File: 6 KB, 304x187, mean median irys 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're half right. she hasn't dipped to 6000 average, but from the other direction.

>> No.54879015

It's fans. They did the same for Ina's birthday.

>> No.54879021

Just being polite, she doesn't have any Fauna merch

>She's love Fauna
Learn english

>> No.54879027
Quoted by: >>54879277

>didnt include herself on the bikini relay
>instead post a bikini shorts with bae

what is mumei trying to convey?

>> No.54879028

The more Shiori lean into GFE, the more I think the collab comment could be about vShojo. Remember when chicken collabed with Pink Cat and containment breakers sent troll SCs? And I know Ironmouse was whining lately that nobody likes her.

>> No.54879038

Nah, Kiara and management would've been clear that killing yourself on purpose like that is utter retardation.
Now, if, despite all that, she still commits channel sudoku, then well, she deserves it.

>> No.54879042
File: 117 KB, 1120x579, en3 first streams overlap hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm having trouble locating the exact peak of the HoloEN box tonight, but i think it was this 65k
meaty EN tally either way

>> No.54879075

Now that everyone had their first stream, what are your thoughts and advices for advent?

7/10 due to ESL and multilingual debuff, good JP mindshare though.
They need to get better equipment and get some verbal reps. better stick with 24JST - 4JST timeslot instead of crowding on PST primetime.

6/10, she has decent prep and sense of humor but is lacking on charisma, especially lacking on collab setting so far. most likely will improve as time goes on as she gains confidence.
Needs better content, she should follow Koyori/Kaela choice of games during the debut period instead.

8/10 she knows the game and is doing great so far on capitalizing on it, as long as she does regular Karaoke she would be perfectly fine on numbers.

7/10 by far the most experienced streamer from advent. good retention and great variety so far. loses some point because she's treading on thin ice with 'educational' content, and GFE + Outreach content.
She'll most likely be targeted the most by schizos shitstirrer, hopefully she knows the game well and completely ignore these source of trouble while keeping her viewers happy and satisfied as they'd be also be the target of shitposting.

>> No.54879078
File: 120 KB, 1026x958, 167643221234577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54879082
Quoted by: >>54879278

Fauna's merch game is shit though so why would she?

>> No.54879085

They are already half of Council too and it's just been three days

>> No.54879120

Use this in the future friend
make sure you set it to groups

>> No.54879143
Quoted by: >>54879214

That said, Advent girls really had no real yab unlike Council they can't even get any dirt on them.

>> No.54879157

no one will bitch about a vshojo collab unless it's with froot

>> No.54879159
Quoted by: >>54879264


>> No.54879160

We all knew Iluna's debut numbers were bullshit from the beginning, though.

That's right around when the fujos stopped paying out for the bots for Luxiem too.

>> No.54879175
Quoted by: >>54879278

Why are there people so deadset on ignoring the words that comes out of the talent's mouth

>> No.54879177

there's nothing to like about ironmouse

>> No.54879180

Just stream and don't collab with homos

>> No.54879188

This aggregation hides Z's

>> No.54879198
File: 147 KB, 947x659, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54879374

just use the one from vrabi, yes 65k

>> No.54879203

>Shiori will be fine
>Shiori won't talk with the Stars on Twit-
O-oh. Okay then.

>> No.54879207

Girl is truly passionate about vtubing, she gets any pass

>> No.54879214
Quoted by: >>54879364

Nigger posted Shiori rm yab last thread and got insta delete

>> No.54879217

She is a national treasure

>> No.54879227

Rissa daki when?

>> No.54879236

They unironically feel bad, but not bad enough to actually publicly interact with them

>> No.54879241

Fuck you anon.

>> No.54879242
File: 138 KB, 1149x512, Screenshot 2023-07-31 223617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are FED up with being treated like SHIT!

>> No.54879246

Solid GFE with Solid tweet

>> No.54879249

Prepare to be mogged by the Queen holokeks

>> No.54879251
Quoted by: >>54879458

You realize Fauna has 2 plushies (Sapling and Beegsmol) and neither could have possibly been acquired yet if you ordered them in the US.

>> No.54879264
File: 21 KB, 855x179, 355446744378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54879361

>meanwhile in niji's fanbase
Why there is no Black character in HoloEN's new wave?
We must cancel them.

>> No.54879267

Flaccid guy with a flaccid dick...

>> No.54879272

>Shiori has shitposted on /vt/ as a /jp/fag, maybe even in /#/ before she got hired

>> No.54879277
Quoted by: >>54879346

She already mentioned why she was not in the relay. Watch streams

>> No.54879278


I know what she said, but you're delusional if you think she likes Fauna as much as she likes Kiara and Marine, that's all

>> No.54879315

leave them to enjoy their graduations in peace

>> No.54879340


>> No.54879338

fuck you

>> No.54879345

>calling the catalog garbage
They're right about that

>> No.54879346

no one watch holowhores here though?

>> No.54879361

technically niji can be cancelled for Ibrahim's existence

>> No.54879364

>choco mel tier shit
Lol if that is the worst they can do then there is really nothing on them. Unless it is Fauna level of shit I wouldn't call it a yab.

>> No.54879371
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1683653087394197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54879453

>google up who is she
>looking at the age
I-Is she even still qualified to be called a hag, though? or is there more stage above hag in the layer?

>> No.54879374

thanks! wasn't aware of this
good numbers anyway for a monday PST/tuesaday JST

>> No.54879388

No one is saying that. But she definitely likes and looks upto Fauna the most in council and possibly the most in EN after Kiara

>> No.54879393

Nice. >>1546589

>> No.54879415
Quoted by: >>54880001

IM doing creative things gets 30k at best, people like to see her reacting to tik toks

>> No.54879448

Why can't /NijiEN/ stop talking about en3?

>> No.54879453

>he doesn't know Dolly
Undereducated SWINE

>> No.54879458
Quoted by: >>54879565

How about you actually address >>54879251 you tard. It’s very possibly she HAS ordered a Fauna plushie, but just hasn’t gotten it yet.

>> No.54879462

Who this? Shiori didn't mention her.

>> No.54879473

Yea, figured as much.

>> No.54879482

Vshojo isn't even really controversial anymore now that Veibae and Nyanners have left, who cares? They're practically a non-entity.
Sure, collab with Ironmouse (just like everyone else in the industry) or, uh, "hime", whoever that is, or the green one (?), or whoever else still works there. Only one of them is relevant and she's harmless.

>> No.54879499

I little bit ESL but i think that gives them SOVL, plus the twins dynamic is great.

Im actually considering switching my oshi for her.

Easily the best singer on EN and possibly on the top 5 best singers in hololive.

So far my least favorite but shes not bad at all, im just cautious about her future.

>> No.54879502

i don't think so, i think her second in EN is Mori

>> No.54879508
File: 193 KB, 464x470, cgdctrissakiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54879516
File: 5 KB, 432x47, 1674287979211024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted without comment.

>> No.54879539

The sheer arrogance of this post.

>> No.54879556

honestly nerissa being good at zatsu makes sense when you realize she has 3 good zatsu people as the people she looks up to in the company

>> No.54879565

Nice fanfiction anon, I'm sure /wg/ would appreciate it

>> No.54879571
Quoted by: >>54880372

Kek ok now that's the most random one. I thought this species already went extinct from HoloEN's chats.

>> No.54879575

>I think
Watch streams deadbeat

>> No.54879595

just use vstats for phase or idol

>> No.54879618

This, she REALLY likes Mori.

>> No.54879621

>Said she'd train her own chat AI if she found the link
>Will deliver

>> No.54879630

How did EN become the unicorn's paradise? Out of all Hololive branches, EN right now has the lowest chance of male collab.
>Mori and Kroni no longer collab with Tempus
>none of the EN are Apex, Valorant, or Fps gamer, so they are unlikely to join Fps clique like towa
>EN seems to completely avoid Holostar except on twitter
While JP now has several holos on Fps clique or join event that happens to have male participant and ID is well...ID

>> No.54879660

Watch the stream motherfucker

>> No.54879667

Given that Iron mous was unironically crying on stream because holofags hate them this makes sense to me
Also there was a vshojo chick in her chat today

>> No.54879686
Quoted by: >>54879797

>i cant fuck the ai anymore
Why even bother?

>> No.54879692
File: 130 KB, 2048x922, 20230801_003058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54879698
Quoted by: >>54879829

if you keep posting this, the more chance that there will be a male collab. Shut the fuck up

>> No.54879704

I think I would have preferred to be cumpscared, she's crazy crazy

>> No.54879709

My predictions are spot on so far

>> No.54879712
File: 838 KB, 1040x696, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

>> No.54879747
Quoted by: >>54879803


>> No.54879755
Quoted by: >>54879810

>"council oshi"
So this is how councilkeks cope now?

>> No.54879763

Just going through the /ope/ thread and archive, why does it come across as a /#/ colony?

>> No.54879773

So I suppose the NA streams went well given that the catalog isn't burning down.

>> No.54879776

>over an hour since the raid
>still a 5view
pretty good for a raid of ESTfags

>> No.54879797
Quoted by: >>54879929

>he can't fuck the ai
literally skill issue
git gud

>> No.54879803


>> No.54879810
Quoted by: >>54881533

That's quite literally how she described it
Are you fucking mentally ill? Watch streams. Holy fuck.

>> No.54879809

TTfags smelling blood in the water.

>> No.54879817

haruka is the most forgettable vshojo member.

>> No.54879821
Quoted by: >>54879954

I'd pay to see Niji staff reacting if, by some fucking miracle, Tempus managed to be as much popular or close to Gen3 without doing any collabs with holos. But sadly it's too late to even try that anymore. I wish things could've being different

>> No.54879824

I like her, she's fun. If she can keep this energy up for the next year I'll be very impressed.

>> No.54879826

IRyS has had a decent hold on the raid.

>> No.54879829


>> No.54879831

Soma is boring if you know anything about it, and Irys is playing it like she's into it. Pretty good retention, considering.

>> No.54879836

Yes? It's almost 2:00am EST.

>> No.54879849

Before Tempus and the Kronii schizo era, ENs are ok with male collabs. Nobody cared about Mori male collabs. EOPs loved Towa after all. It's just the Councilfags shitting up the fanbase.

>> No.54879863

That’s good retention you retard and I HATE IRyS. She’s kept half the raid over an hour afterward.

>> No.54879872

because of that one kanata clip comment section was such a shitfest that cover wants to avoid

>> No.54879873


>> No.54879880
File: 1.42 MB, 1242x1799, 06F527A3-37C7-4C1E-97AB-EB458A20FEB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she GFE?

>> No.54879899
Quoted by: >>54880096

History revisionistchama...

>> No.54879909

ideal wife experience

>> No.54879911

at no point has IRyS been projected to get to 1m before Koyori, ever since Koyori's debut. What do you mean "might"?

>> No.54879920

>Myth fan girl
>The highest
Lmao. I can't wait for her karaoke to be Bae tier so you fags stop spreading your delusions. I swear mommyfags just have permanent brain rot.

>> No.54879926
File: 214 KB, 426x1246, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Shiori reservation
Same old bullshit
Fucking hell she needs to make them stop

>> No.54879929
File: 65 KB, 720x949, 1676350691405922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teach me your ways master

>> No.54879930

Always remember theirs always someone worse who could've ended up in EN

>> No.54879934
File: 537 KB, 1900x2000, 1634264141149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Launching a narrative colony of perfect AI clones into space
Would you consider that immortality, /#/? Do you believe in the coin flip?

>> No.54879937

still the fact that she was talking about an audience on another platform doesn't fit with me, ironlung is pitybait prime but knows how there is basically 0 crossover between youtube and twitch, especially with hololive audience, why the fuck she went there?

>> No.54879953

Solid base, got off on the wrong foot with the issues they had for their game stream but the morning stream was enjoyable.


Favorite so far, is good at the zatsu but I feel like she's still got butterflies in her stomach she needs to work through. I think she needs to work a bit on her chat interaction in terms of what she selects to read and answer but she rolled well with the punches and I overall enjoyed her stream. Good fit for HoloEN overall.


>> No.54879954
Quoted by: >>54879994

next "wave" will be all girls kek

>> No.54879967

Pure cuckolding wife

>> No.54879974
Quoted by: >>54880096

There was a lot of goodwill for Tempus when they first started
but then the old man got suspended
then the kronii kerfluffle happened and it just kept tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

>> No.54879981

She's going to be the type to encourage this until it's too late, unfortunately.

>> No.54879983
File: 98 KB, 1169x1169, 1685932408777525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's genuinely interesting how she approach this, though. Shiori is probably the first actual openly GFE chuba in HoloEN, it honestly make 0 sense for her to be a homocollaber, be it from stars or outside. Like there's practically only downside from doing that considering how she carried herself on the stream in front of her audience.

And if so, who the fuck did she mean at the end of her debut stream. This shit is still a mystery.

>> No.54879982
Quoted by: >>54880610

Oh. She's not Menhera, she's just straight up riding the Crazy train to Crazy town while sipping a cocktail of Crazy.
If she can keep even a part of this frenetic madness, then man...

>> No.54879988

Her fanbase is very nijiEN so far

>> No.54879994
Quoted by: >>54880075

The true leaker confirmed it was going to be mixed.

>> No.54879997
File: 227 KB, 1200x705, 1675656576100846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54879999
Quoted by: >>54880143

Trash Taste Podcast nowadays is a propaganda tool to ruin Japan and their culture so i hope Cover won't entertain the idea of collaborating with them again

>> No.54880001

So itll mog not only mumei's birthfsy but advents collab on thursday?

>> No.54880003

Please, anon, can you spare me next time and just link gore instead? I'm trying to eat here

>> No.54880018

I'm so fucking mad that this fucking file is still going strong after three years
Still can't believe there are technically TWO people related to this hobby who are involved with fucking Ethan Ralph

>> No.54880049

With how hardworking she is she's most likely single.

>> No.54880075

wait they're still having another one?
I thought krysis would be their last one before a merge with main branch kek

>> No.54880082

She literally masturbates at the thought of her chat making out, she'll never tardwrangle this unless someone starts raping in chat.

>> No.54880093
Quoted by: >>54880124

So who is the runt of Advent? Still too early to tell?

>> No.54880096
Quoted by: >>54880186

It's true.
See >>54879974
People didn't even hate homos and the HomoJP concert even got discussed here. It's Tempus and Kronii who destroyed everything. Even Mumei collab with homoJPs didn't get as much backlash as the Kronii thing.

>> No.54880100
File: 193 KB, 1488x1000, 1676723435468177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the fucking thing. Ame and Kronii NEVER leaned into GFE. Closest thing was Kronii's dakimakura but even then she always kept an ironic and detached attitude towards it and her fans. Same for Ame.
Shiori genuinely called herself "your goth gf". She has these roleplaying moments where she talks directly to (You) in a soft voice. Her doing male collabs after knowing what happened with Kronii would be a supremely retarded move that would suprass even prime Mori.

>> No.54880111

Prior to the entire mess, I wouldn't have cared all that much.
Now? Better to just go no males for the sake of everyone's sanity (outside of official things like cons and whatnot, those don't really matter too much). We've been consistently shown that there's nothing to be gained except pointless drama and recline.

>> No.54880116

>30 year old balding ojisan
Bau Bau!

>> No.54880120

My tradwife.

>> No.54880122

I can already sense that they're 80% flips

>> No.54880125

always a sister wave with the scraps of the first no?

>> No.54880124


>> No.54880143
Quoted by: >>54880370

You act like it has influence beyond the Weeaboos in Exile that live in Japan, anon

>> No.54880152

Tempus were fine in their first month or so when they were doing creative shit and made all that noise about wanting to grow the brand themselves. It's kind of ironic, but the moment they jumped hardcore into collabs with the girls all that basically stopped, and Vesper's suspension pretty much sealed the deal.

>> No.54880182

I guess we can all agree CGDCT won the civil and culture war

>> No.54880186
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1605180413293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54880984

Fuck off newfag.

>> No.54880195

>Ame and Kronii NEVER leaned into GFE

>> No.54880200
Quoted by: >>54880286

kino Incoming

>> No.54880203

According to the same leaker who posted the Krisis designs Anycolor already has a mixed gen pretty much done.

>> No.54880207
File: 3.20 MB, 3840x1080, 1668589968050659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly am starting to be curious about what cross-gen chemistry we will or won't see out of EN3.

Council clearly had a lot of chemistry with one another but not a ton with Myth. I don't know if Advent has the same kind of inter-group chemistry, but I feel like there are some particular Myth/Council pairings that could make sense whenever the collab ban is lifted, with Nerissa and Kiara or Fauna being an obvious example.

Which ones do you all think have the best chance of being successes?

>> No.54880211

Fuck, just the fact that you stated it like that, I already knew what it was without opening it, but opened it anyways.

>> No.54880212

Is hololive a unicorn company?

>> No.54880218

Everyone below 8k average(january 1st-july 31st) besides gura and the new girls
Will advent save them?

>> No.54880231
File: 423 KB, 1051x1485, IMG_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Sora fanclub tweet, she tried to make heart with fingers when taking a selfie

>> No.54880243

you know what? nice spread of demographics good job EN3.

>> No.54880258


>> No.54880277
Quoted by: >>54880365

Management might have to step in to tardwrangle these fuckwits since Shiori doesn't seem to want them to stop.....

>> No.54880278

I hope there's someone in Advent that will become friends with Gura so she feels more comfortable streaming regularly

>> No.54880286

if she turns out to be a watson that doesn't mind doing fanservice and doesn't openly hate her viewers I'll follow her til the end

>> No.54880287

Just once is all I need

>> No.54880291

It's a cgdct company

>> No.54880301


>> No.54880323


>> No.54880329

CGDCT, which is not necessarily the same thing

>> No.54880346
Quoted by: >>54880723

They're not breaking any sub records.

>> No.54880347

fuck no

>> No.54880352

>open prechat
She should just do what Rissa did and keep it shut

>> No.54880354

Not at all, it's cgdct
You want Kawaii for unicorns, or as I'd more readily recommend, the Kawaii Graduates from Gen 3 (minus the crazy one)

>> No.54880361

She literally has Mumei and Fauna already, look how they call Fauna and she instantly jumped in. I'm not sure why she just doesn't stick with SNOT, they'll never say no to her

>> No.54880365
Quoted by: >>54880648

What could management do though beyond just telling her to stop being a fucking stinky fujo whore

>> No.54880368

I dont think even Gura got good numbers on this shit. Only reason I remember it was because it was when the pre-op tranny asked for audition advice in a SC

>> No.54880369

Can anyone explain Shiori's black magic retention? Both her debut and zatsudan practically flatlines after a certain point.

>> No.54880370

i'm talking about most of their fans which are brown, ugly men who wants to live in japan and get a japanese GF, if they all come and stay in japan to "fix" Japan's "problematic" culture then it's over

>> No.54880372

It's not fully random. She brought up the animeman on her stream in relation to Ai

>> No.54880374
Quoted by: >>54880452

I honestly think the twins won't mesh well with most of EN

>> No.54880375 [DELETED] 

Kind of weird how brats completely dissapeared after the en 3 debute

>> No.54880386

Mumei and the dogs will have the first Holo collab that's in no language.

>> No.54880388

>FuwaMoco - 8/10
Good morning stream, unfortunate tech issues for the afternoon stream. As long as they work out the tech kinks and get a little bit better at clearer english they'll be fine.

>Bijou - 7/10
She seems like she's genuinely slated to be the EN Kaela with many streams and long streams. I personally think it was just nerves but she needs to work on charisma as you said, I think she'll be settled in in a week or so.

> Nerissa - 10/10
My absolute favorite so far, wasn't expecting her to be so polished. She will likely have a very devoted fanbase, I could see her end up in a Fauna situation with a very good floor but weak ceiling. I think she'll have a lot of memberships.

>Shiori - 6/10
She's still my least favorite of the new group but she's improved in both of her non-debut streams. My problem with her though is I think she'll run into a similar problem that Ame did with the 'creatividad' content. Basically ideas will dry up, harder times will come, and she'll fall into a funk. The 'girlfriend' stuff is also a concern, I could see that getting out of hand REALLY fast.

CCV ranking prediction after a month:

>> No.54880394
File: 353 KB, 1275x720, connecttheworldcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54880517

>full EN idol song flopped so hard the new gen's debut song might overtake it in 2 days
Idolbros, I don't feel so good.

>> No.54880395

ERP is the worst kind of prechat "culture" I can possibly imagine, and I already hate most Hololive prechats

>> No.54880413

Weird? Not really. One more EN gen and Bae herself will disappear entirely.

>> No.54880418
Quoted by: >>54880710

that was a great segment

>> No.54880422
File: 1.17 MB, 980x1405, 1690863681689001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54880428
Quoted by: >>54880512

They need to fully go public first and get huge investors

>> No.54880434

Annoying pests
And that clown dude is one of the Stars that stay in his own lane too

>> No.54880435

The "brrats" that were on /#/ are the ones posting Shiori, not that I care, it's just halschizo and the other regular

>> No.54880439

It's getting really late for NA, people are going to bed.

>> No.54880440

As I say before, I still think that if the collabs have being done differently, or not being done at all, there would be not as much friction as it is right now. The way management handle those issues was one if not the worst thing that happened to EN (you could argue that Kronii being a menhera was the main cause but I digress) to the point that they might actually made the talents give a reasonable time with no collabs for the future, especially gen3. I just wish things could be different and my rrat is that's actually the real reason omega was fired

>> No.54880442
Quoted by: >>54880658

You act like it's something that would happen.
That's like me saying
>Listen, if I go out there and have sex with the President of the United States' daughter, then some shit's really gonna start changing around here
Like, if it happened, it would definitely cause some wild stuff. But will it? Come on now.

>> No.54880451

Every time I see a pic like this I'm always checking for the 5th channel...

>> No.54880452

I can see them going well with someone like IRyS. They unironically would've been great with Sana, but lmao

Someone said they could see them with Gura and I think that could make for a fun stream but not anything recurring.

>> No.54880456

mumei and gura are unironically funnier without fauna or kronii though

>> No.54880488

>Council clearly had a lot of chemistry with one another but not a ton with Myth.
Mumei and Ame playing fps, Chadcast, Bae and Ina, Kiara and Kronii, Kiara and Mumei hosting Girl Talk, SNOT etc. and that is all off the ot of my head anon. Myth as a 5 girl unit lacks chemistry but CouncilIRyS has chemistry inside and outside itself.

>> No.54880502

Why? You're a Novegay that's uncomfortable with how things are shaping?

>> No.54880512

never ever

>> No.54880517
Quoted by: >>54880778

Only Mumei managed to make connect the world remotely decent. Just goes to show how good her singing is

>> No.54880527
Quoted by: >>54880588

The fucking state of Sana antis
First a wasted slot which apparently is the worst thing possible
Now she's being the reason Tempus is around
What's next, pushing anti-vtuber legalization in USA?

>> No.54880529

No, even if it has members who angle for that. They're first and foremost a branch of Cover, which is itself an ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY first and foremost, with Hololive dabbling into idol stuff, assorted music and streaming, leaning heavily into "Cute girls doing cute things" (CGDCT) first and foremost.

>> No.54880538
Quoted by: >>54880664

>without Fauna
Garbage taste

>> No.54880546

No newfag Ame was THE gfe in EN back in the day. Just because she backtracked doesn't change the existence of those date streams.

>> No.54880557 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 720x524, 1690869486530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54880573

Worse than early Irys chat, meh it looks like something you see in NijiEN.

>> No.54880583

I think Kiara would work well with FuwaMoco for a pairing you wouldn't expect

Kronii and Shiori despite the memes would probably also be a popular outcome

>> No.54880588

Well, are you just gonna sit around and wait until she does that?

>> No.54880593

>separating twins
just say you're a subhuman

>> No.54880594

literally only the west coast USA is still awake and is starting to go to bed

>> No.54880610

>Had/has dozens of porcelain dolls
>Collects dresses from Hot Topic
>Eats with scissors
>Crazy autist in reality
Could this be the best model/performer matchup in Hololive?

>> No.54880619

>didn't watch the stream that just happened

>> No.54880648

Might make her tell her chat to simmer the fuck down or they'll start getting chat-banned. Again, they probably will only go so far if things either start spreading to other girls' chats or start being disruptive.

>> No.54880658
Quoted by: >>54880735

it will and there's signs of it already. There's an alarming increase of Japan-focused foreign TikTokers who talks about political and social issues in Japan

>> No.54880664

anon... we all know if fauna or kronii had been there the stream wouldn't have been as entertaining as it was
kronii and fauna can do their own thing, I like krofau

>> No.54880669


>> No.54880682

>My problem with her though is I think she'll run into a similar problem that Ame did with the 'creatividad' content. Basically ideas will dry up

I think shiori will be fine there, she has 5+ years of experience doing the same kind of content in her PL

>> No.54880685
File: 66 KB, 938x850, Mum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was at the tail-end of the overlap carnage and debut buff.

>> No.54880686
File: 1.53 MB, 1242x1848, 09F45BC7-F9B2-49F2-BEA6-5617CF02C6D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54880770

Ahhhhh classic Pekora doing random pointless thing
I love it

>> No.54880691
File: 438 KB, 833x908, 1689579766326746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dead air, good chat interactions and kept talking about new topics. It almost feels like she has years of practice

>> No.54880710

I hope that one day Gura will call someone dumb enough to fall for her prank calls. But first we had Ina reversing the prank back on her, and now Fauna reversing the prank on both of them...

>> No.54880719

Unironically that would require a complete political upheaval. Everything in Japan is the way it is because ruling political parties have essentially remained the same for several decades and their just varying degrees of conservative.

>> No.54880723
Quoted by: >>54880749

Of course they're not.
Gura was the right person at the right time in the right place with the right yt algo, it won't be replicated

>> No.54880734

Yeah I know but not everything that flies there will fly here inevitably. I also don't think it'll be anywhere near what Ame went through but I do think it will be a problem she has to face.

>> No.54880735
Quoted by: >>54881153

>he gets his geopolitical insights from fucking TikTok influencers
Yeah okay man, go finish up college before trying to talk about shit like demographic shifts

>> No.54880749

I mean they're not even beating IRyS.

>> No.54880752

When you put it like that, it sounds like she was designed by Tim Burton.

>> No.54880757
Quoted by: >>54881282

Yeah but now she has Cover restrictions. And when your viewers are conditioned to buff content, your 'regular' streams floor can suffer.

>> No.54880770

sorry pegor, i liked gura's tweet first

>> No.54880778

The new song is carried hard by Nerissa, but at least it is a good song in general.

>> No.54880784
Quoted by: >>54880901

This is a Faumei thread

>> No.54880790
File: 166 KB, 1078x1078, 20230801_003136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54880951

>> No.54880799

Kronii intentionally cultivated this shit and I think she never regretted it
I assume it's the same in this case and these fucks will continue to shit up other chats

>> No.54880807

>Could this be the best model/performer matchup in Hololive?
It really does feel like the models this time around were tailor made for the talents, either that or they had significant input on the designs

>> No.54880810
Quoted by: >>54880901

You literally did not fucking watch the most recent stream

>> No.54880848
Quoted by: >>54880891

Kind of hard to beat a fucking solo debut that was fed liquid nitrogen in the form of being released one week after the company's biggest talent left a fucking void in the company

>> No.54880871

So that's it? We just let the unicorns win?

>> No.54880875
File: 378 KB, 1735x2243, 20230801_080203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she's currently GFE.
Getting Fucked by mE.

>> No.54880891
Quoted by: >>54880974

I really wish they had released council before IRyS. I feel like that also cucked council hard

>> No.54880901

faumei and kromei are beyond dead

I did, and them calling fauna was certainly not the highlight of the stream

>> No.54880908

Debut = waiting room for Rock
Todays = drama tourists waiting for Niji , Stars etc mention

>> No.54880928

IRyS was a solo debut, she fot basically 5 talents worth of attention in one go.

>> No.54880943

Brrat's are mostly into Bae for her zoomerness right? Bijou basically has Bae's zoomerness minus the intense Aussie accent and not being a giant homo fangirl.

>> No.54880942
Quoted by: >>54881448

She's the wife experience

>> No.54880951
File: 64 KB, 638x931, 162747562917472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54880973

So which whore will shiori collab with first? Projekt mel, haruka karibu, ironmouse, froot? Or will she go after the holostars?

>> No.54880975

nijisanji got a Times Square advertisement


>> No.54880974

I wish that IRyS had her 2.0 model on debut.
Could you fucking imagine the sheer level of crackhead growth that she would've been fed if she had that good-ass model paired with the Coco Graduation turbofuel?

>> No.54880984
File: 909 KB, 1438x3100, Micuck Kosaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54880987

No, but that doesn't mean homos are welcome

>> No.54881007
File: 2.02 MB, 1024x1536, 1690763764775414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/news/ anchor
Reply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!

News from today:
>nayuta has graduated
>Shiori Crunchyroll interview
>Holostars at Anime Girls Festival 2023
>NANOHOLIC and it's members are ending their activities

Yesterday's news:
>JKT48 enters vtubing market with JKT48V
>Nyanners is doing a 24 hour charity stream for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
EN3 Special section:
>Debuted yesterday
Nerissa Ravencroft:
Fuwawa and Mococo Abyssgard:
>Debuted yesterday's yesterday
Shiori Novella:
Koseki Bijou:
>Merch + voices

>> No.54881026

>IRyS calling out tourists
Bad move. You should tourist pander as hard as you can until 1 million what the fuck are you doing.

>> No.54881036
Quoted by: >>54881561

they really put that shit ass rigging up there

>> No.54881053

worst match
the model has an intense stare but she's a regular dork
when she tried to do sex voice it was her normal voice while making a silly face
we'll get used to it

>> No.54881059
Quoted by: >>54881122

Who the fuck is Sonny?

>> No.54881060

Shiori chat is something else huh?

>> No.54881082

Holobros, our response?

>> No.54881088
Quoted by: >>54881124


>> No.54881098

I hope she gets more ass art and her telling us she has a fat ass was probably to fuel it.

>> No.54881102
Quoted by: >>54881561

good for them.
They needed a W recently, may as well take one where one exists.

>> No.54881110

>Normal chat
>Bau bau
>ERP shit
>Rock meme
I get the feeling that Nerissa's chat will be the most tolerable.

>> No.54881122

It's referencing this clip which became a big meme in the fandom


>> No.54881124


>> No.54881127


>> No.54881128
Quoted by: >>54881561

How to kill Nijisanji faster than it already is. Really ??? Of all shit to put on their they choose Sonny, the most hideous looking ass out of all people ?
>3 hours

>> No.54881135

Didn't holo fans get bored of this shit and focused on actually important things instead?

>> No.54881138

Migo was a simple 3view back then...

>> No.54881152
Quoted by: >>54881268

Feels calm...too calm. Homo termination either tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.54881153
Quoted by: >>54881313

well that's where the demographics get their information nowadays, more than any other avenues, so if you keep feigning ignorance about these things, in a blink of an eye anime will be neutered to the ground and filled with SJW jargons

>> No.54881210

They already lost when they decides to copy what holo already does with Ina

>> No.54881232
Quoted by: >>54881307

TSX.LIVE is a cheap Times Square ad, just around 40usd for 15sec iirc

>> No.54881268

Kek I know it's pretty much to be expected, but it's pretty funny to see Clown completely ignored any Magni question on his collab with his twin brother even though the guy just collabed with him on his rm 12 hours ago

>> No.54881273
File: 238 KB, 900x1200, 1662881556456142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54881340

Next thread will also be a complete wreck!

>> No.54881282

She already mentioned wanting to do vlogs in her debut which is what she did on her old channel and is essentially infinite content. If she can hold out till 3D i'm sure she'll be fine.

>> No.54881285

I honestly believe she is a bit of a retard and didn't know what kind of collabs would be upsetting for holofans and fans who are into gfe

>> No.54881307
Quoted by: >>54881652

Miko's is also TSX.LIVE

>> No.54881311
Quoted by: >>54881417

Imagine being more boring than shiori kek

>> No.54881313

You fucking retard, you think you know shit because you read an interesting post on some literally who rag somewhere that shouts prophecies of doom to trick you into buying their schlock
Go fucking learn before you speak and act like the fucking fall of civilization is inevitable because some faggots are watching anime and making blase takes about a country they will never even learn the language of, much less gain access to naturalization papers

>> No.54881322

Stop copying our ideas and come up with something new.

>> No.54881333
File: 11 KB, 428x200, snog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54881406

gura aligns with shiori the best in advent, also SNOG (goth)

>> No.54881340
File: 141 KB, 865x829, Frog hated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to me.

>> No.54881355

Nerissa, the twins, and the rock loli are old and busted. This is a Shiori thread now!

>> No.54881357

I don't remember how many times holos have done this.

>> No.54881360

I actually think that Nerissa, while indeed having a good floor/weak ceiling for most content, will specifically have a high ceiling for karaoke unless she ends up being subpar at live singing somehow despite her obviously great singing voice in the videos. Basically, Fauna but with IRyS karaoke numbers tacked on.

>> No.54881367
Quoted by: >>54881457

Literally what else could that end of debut speech have meant besides homocollabs
Nothing else makes sense in my mind

>> No.54881384

Post lewds

>> No.54881389

Yeah no shit. NDA is a bitch and I would avoid everything too.

>> No.54881398

>ripping a fucking clip that has Pomu in it
Having Sonny up there is already questionable but can't they at least put a bit more effort in making it completely dedicated to him instead of getting a fucking collab clip that has Pomu in for the majority of the advert?

>> No.54881402

Already dropping below 20k on their first day

>> No.54881406

No, shiori is best with tempus

>> No.54881417

How about you go back to the catalog

>> No.54881430

OK, i need more of this

>> No.54881441
Quoted by: >>54881531

JWU, did gumei or nerissa get more ccv?

>> No.54881448

That's Kiara.

>> No.54881457

Could literally just be
>I'm probably not gonna collab much so please don't be beggars
but filtered through her fucking crazy mind and kayfabe

>> No.54881462
Quoted by: >>54881542

Why sonny, is his birthday near?

>> No.54881464

It's dedicated to the anniversary of the "Pomu my woman" moment

>> No.54881468 [DELETED] 

so now that first streams are done what are (you)r predictions for first 500k subs

>> No.54881484
Quoted by: >>54881632

Sonny is a boring ass streamer. He doesn't have any memorable moment except that clip with pomu &
>Your mom is a whore

>> No.54881491
Quoted by: >>54881520

Why is this gen full of cakes and hags? Advent won't be able to keep up with their idol reps cause of their brittle bones

>> No.54881492
File: 164 KB, 450x450, 1665847183863262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nerissa's cover is now at #29 on Trending

Are the other covers trending too?

>> No.54881504


>> No.54881510

FuwaMoco, duh

>> No.54881516

How about you stop chocking on brownies dick?

>> No.54881520
Quoted by: >>54881603

Explain GAMERS

>> No.54881528
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, DEC4E020-E999-4F66-8C6B-768897BF89F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the twin
Because the other team have 2 slots empty

>> No.54881531
Quoted by: >>54882053

Gumei, but Nerissa held a respectable 14k throughout the entire overlap.

>> No.54881533

As the previous anon said, she was just being polite.

>> No.54881539

It's over for bae

>> No.54881542

His fans wanted to celebrate the anniversary of the "pomu my woman" moment. Sonny's fans are weird girls


>> No.54881548


>> No.54881549
Quoted by: >>54881580

easiest fuwamoco prediction of my life

>> No.54881556

based or cringe?

>> No.54881561
File: 822 KB, 1758x568, Screenshot 2023-07-31 231343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a Niji W, ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE can spend $40 to get their video on that Times Square screen for 15 seconds

Look at the dumb shit people can put on the screen

>> No.54881567

No brainer. Fuwamoco. They got the Japs wrapped around their fingers bau bau

>> No.54881573

HoloID is the perfect reflection of non-Hololive EN vtubers. They rely on HoloEN's trickle, following EN closely, to gain a portion of their success. When HoloEN was starting to get into homo collab with Tempus, others follow suit, going full deep into male acceptance, letting male intrudes the space, throwing away cgdct for cocks. They were overconfident thinking this will be the direction going forward and in an attempt to outdone and arrive first before HoloEN, they went too far with no way to go back.
What they never expected was that HoloEN managed to brake just in time and turn away from this direction. Those who thought they gained an upperhand against HoloEN are now left far away from HoloEN to catch up. They reap what they sow.
Now EN is returning to glory while ID are left rotten like other corpos

>> No.54881578

They expanded the box.

>> No.54881580

I wager my soul

>> No.54881583

the funniest part is she doesn't even know their existence kek.

>> No.54881603

already one foot in the coffin.

>> No.54881617

giga-cringe of the fag to even try, retard move

>> No.54881629

What's the fucking difference? This place is the anus of /vt/.

>> No.54881632

Why are all NijiEN memes are just them either directly insulting their audience or each other?

>> No.54881644
Quoted by: >>54881728

the rock loli surprised me. I gave her the benefit of the doubt early on but it was just one millenial thing after another. i guess the zoomer Stonehenge emoji and her voice threw me off

>> No.54881646
Quoted by: >>54881822

The next Niji wave is going to feel so much pressure now...

>> No.54881648
File: 284 KB, 1500x2061, 162637283828372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54881652
Quoted by: >>54881784

okay and? since it become affordable maybe times square ad will be a common thing moving forward

>> No.54881659

that's the most pointless shit ever

>> No.54881698

Grim, innit?

>> No.54881701

>misspells debut twice

>> No.54881725
File: 1.01 MB, 2379x2899, 1690500217018988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it it's 2 AM and I need to go to bed soon so let's round this out with a real numbers question:
Which Advent girl would last the least amount of time in bed before cumming? My two cents: Mococo seems like she'd be weakest

>> No.54881728

I think you mean Easter Island dum dum

>> No.54881732

Holy based.

>> No.54881751

And the catalog is full of shit

>> No.54881763

WHAT? Fujosisters are insane. We don't even celebrate Mikoboat.

>> No.54881772
Quoted by: >>54881799

Better to be the Toilet than the Septic Tank

>> No.54881780
File: 311 KB, 518x536, 1690864324845809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54881870


>> No.54881784
Quoted by: >>54882083

Don't listen to the retard, Miko's project are multiple time slots (Which has different rates btw) and tomorrow they're gonna occupy 2 Screens, not just TSX.LIVE

>> No.54881799
Quoted by: >>54881829

this is unironically the fatberg of /vt/

>> No.54881822

Their gonna be guaranteed 3views after 1 week

>> No.54881829
Quoted by: >>54881900

Not even fucking close

>> No.54881848

NA is going to sleep going to sleep going to sleep

>> No.54881870

I missed her stream. Can you give me a qrd? I see a lot of bait threads on the catalog.

>> No.54881890

What happened now and why would Iron mouse cry?
Isn't she the #1 vtuber in the world according to her twitch clique

>> No.54881900
Quoted by: >>54882012

>constant presence that consists of the calcified remnants of every shitter on the board
Live in denial if you want.

>> No.54881931

She tricked some lonely people by calling herself "Your goth girlfriend" and those same people are gonna be the ones crying on here in a month when she collabs with Axel.

>> No.54881944

>fucking nerd about Vtuber history
>almost certainly was shitposting on /vyt/ back in the day
>intense weeaboo that literally does shit like refer to non-Japanese places as "the West"
>weirdo-ass weirdo woman behavior

>> No.54881979
Quoted by: >>54882071

So after seeing what a spectacular success EN3 is it makes me wonder how NijiEN fumbled so hard. They had legit momentum after Luxiem blew up. As much as we hated it I think the slow burn of EN3 was the right move. NijiEN shot gunning new debuts clearly killed any hype the fans had for new vtubers and you can see that in action as every group after Luxiem has only gotten worse and worse numbers.

>> No.54881990

Who do I believe

>> No.54882001

thank you

>> No.54882005


>> No.54882012
Quoted by: >>54882110

As if I'm the one living in denial when you're the one pretending like this isn't the font of most shit out there
They crib from US and obsess over every little thing said here to make their shitposts. Don't fuck up the causality.

>> No.54882053

You fags literally told me she would have 35k yesterday

>> No.54882071

Acceleration non stop, that's it

>> No.54882083

yeah Miko's ads will be also displayed on midtown financial billboard

>> No.54882097

I'm thinking homo execution end of their first week

>> No.54882106
File: 398 KB, 1076x616, salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make fun of Salome for her numbers dropping but I doubt any of Advent will do better than her. Her ceiling is still fine, she just has a shitty floor. Ina and Fauna got 9.5k and 13k playing Only Up for comparison.

>> No.54882108


>> No.54882110
Quoted by: >>54882183

Anon the only thing cribbed from this shitstain of a thread is people being obsessed with /mans/, reddit and twitter.

>> No.54882116

We also didn't think they'd ALL be streaming at the same time, we thought they'd be doing 1 hour slots like Tempus did but it turned into an actual overlap hell.

>> No.54882113
Quoted by: >>54882214

This is all you need to know

>"Let me ask Mane-san if I can talk about cannibalism"
>"Oh, they actually said yes"
>Proceeds to talk about cannibalism and what humans might taste like

>> No.54882112

No one fucking expected the Overlap Hell

>> No.54882118

Kek. Well we know Magni is still active in some way but what the hell happened with the menhera boomer?

>> No.54882126
Quoted by: >>54882204

i dread this shit so much bro. I can already see her being a guest in National Tempus Radio. I can only feel safe with mumei, fauna and gura

>> No.54882139

After suffering two years of grimposters, they're finally gone

>> No.54882183

Keep living in denial if you wanna, but you're the one that chooses to stay here in spite of that.

>> No.54882196

They turn into brown

>> No.54882204

I think you can feel safe with the Twins, probably Nerissa too, Bijou I'm less 100% about but she passed a test today when she ignored some EXTREME begging in chat partially thanks ot Mori.

>> No.54882214

fucking based
I'm back all in on Shiori

>> No.54882229

Grimposter here. Council had 40k streams after debut while Advent has only 1 30k stream

>> No.54882233

If last post then IRyS pisses herself on stream

>> No.54882234

Inverse, possibly spicy prediction - Rock is last to 500k. FuwaMoco's a novel gimmick to 99.99% of the audience and pulls JOPs, Nerissa's "a hag, FINALLY" + Music, Shiori's got Goth GFE and is targeting people outside of the box. But Bijou's problem is she's a kusogaki millennial meme panderer which, uh, is kinda just Rock Gura. In the branch with actual Gura, and Brown Gura, and ID Gura's in the vicinity too. That's kinda turbo contested, and she doesn't have an extra gimmick to cover the difference (like Mumei's psychopathic art/comments).

Give it a year and Rock Luna might end up inclining past that, but I'm betting on her not finding that groove before the other 3 channels hit 500k.
