>zeta is an alien
iAki cute
this one
BASED AKI HELPING OUT HER KOUHAIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM_JOkYh1OMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM_JOkYh1OMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM_JOkYh1OM
Rocksmith Love
I love Aki's actual boomer song choices
Aki love
Kronii is a sexy dork!
Lapsama my friend
imagine missing Aki sex voluntarily
>>54530615Nerissa can't write
>>54530613Made for headpats
>>54530625LOVE & LUST
I don't watch Aki often. How long has her karaoke chat setup been like this?
as im being sprayed with water i wanted to say that this chat on screen feature they added is really cool im glad they finally added it
So what the fuck happened that Kronfau just keeps winning?
Fauna and Kronii didn’t deserve to be forced to show off their bodies in front of thousands of horny male viewers.
>his oshi would lose all sense of direction while on a periliously silly adventure on an island filled will trickery and mishapen riff raff
>>54530678She might not have a stylus. That looks like index finger scratching to me.
She's cumming on me!
Aki splashed all over me
Our sexy sweet aunt is serenading us anons please support her as she sprays up with an unknown substance
Based Dino got a nod from Nerissahttps://twitter.com/nerissa_en/status/1685309814304337920
>>54530615Nerissa, your handwriting...
Aki is glazing me in her juice
Seriously though, how THE FUCK does she do it?Every single goddamn Holo that interacts with Kronii ends up with some kind of sexual tension
aki is really cute, lads
Aki cute
>>54530298>Is Aki the most forgettable Hologirl?
>>54530727Dunno, reminds me of those Chinese/JP streams where everything in chat scrolls across the actual stream itself and makes it unwatchable..
>>54530716I don't think she's had a karaoke in a while. I miss her bar karaoke...
>>54530659Cuuuuuuuuute bitch
>She called it Aki juice
Zeta is
Karaoke relay part 1 till 7pmKiara starts shortly after and can run till 1am when her part startsAfter that its off to relay part 2 and debuts till 1pm the next dayFellow KFP euros, wat do?
>>54530625kiara SOON
>>54530822Ela's cute girlfriend
>>54530822in need of correction
>>54530729no they definitely should show their bodies off. it makes them seem less prudish
https://twitter.com/nmtk000/status/1685245818817921025WOW GAY
>>54530835NO SLEEP
Why is Aki's discord unmuted
>>54530817she knows what she's doing
>>54530800Lap thishttps://files.catbox.moe/kilug5.jpeg
>jwu>I apparently missed pure sexbros...
ITT: We make our own gemwife, and post results! Okay, so this the way! you should have all of the chemicals needed around Youll need around 5-over 9000 pennies (or copper coin from your country), and a straw, put these aside. Get a clear jar, scoop 2 tablespoons of salt into it, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Now the first important ingredient should be in the bathroom cleaning supplies: Ammonia (any brand). Pour it in until the jar is 2/3 of the way full (as tall as you want the crystals to grow) The last ingredient is laundry bleach (careful not to spill on your clothes!), fill the rest of the jar. Now drop the pennies into the bottom, and quickly take the straw and blow bubbles onto the pennies to get the crystals going. You should begin to see stringy crystals form after about 30 seconds of blowing. That's it! The attached pic took around 10 minutes of steady blowing The pink and purple some from the production of copper-calciphate using the CO2 in your own breath! (blowing until youre dizzy actually increases the CO2 in your breath, giving better colors) Good luck!
please refrain from wasting image slots with useless and repetitive wawa images
An advertisement... for the Commander?!
>>54530776I fucking love his art toogot really tempted the other day to throw all his stuffs into Stable Diffusion but I resisted so far
>>54530835Watch Kiara then go to bed. There's basically no chance you'll be able to watch the new ENs live anyway so why wreck your sleep schedules for their debuts, just watch the VOD
>>54530835Just go to sleep after this relay part ends until Kiara's portion starts?Six hours is plenty
>>54530865i don't know why he chose the screenshot where the lunaito is covering up her top which looks exactly like Subaru's
Akiaki is amazing as always
>>54530822Still dumb.
>>54530926alright, post something better then
Gura cute Gura cute!
what happens if i stick my hand between Aki's hover tails?
>>54530926We'll die before we use them up anyway.
>>54530881She fucked up some audio capture thing with her mic I'm guessing she's now capturing too much now
>>54530845the sound...
>>54530918Yeah they're twins
bau bau!
>>54530894delete this post immediately or else
>>54530926>useless wawa imagesdoes such a thing exist?
>>54530835every time zone gets fucked at one event or another. NA had to eat shit during 4th fes, now its your turn
>>54530787>cute>dork>self-conscious (endearing)>deeper voice
>>54530971you lose the hand
>>54530835lots and lots of caffeine
>>54530822Zeta is the whitest non-white person I've ever seen
>>54530908>AMore than one, anon-chama. Fauna also said "come here Kronii" and pulled her in closer later in the stream
reminder that aki is a whorehttps://files.catbox.moe/zi887y.webm
>Pick deez nutsZeta???
Enter Xpotato
>>54530908Who cares.
>>54530865https://twitter.com/amanekanatach/status/1685251362119110656WOW GAY X2
>>54530835i'm gonna stay up for debuts, then sleepthe relay isn't so important
wowaki cute
>kronii rape session happening>no kiaraKiara gets cucked once again
>>54531024she's just like towa...
Why does Towa get to be surrounded by big boobs?
https://twitter.com/amsrntk3/status/1685309328209915905>Gura's mama made Shion's new outro
>>54531048i'm still catching up on the VOD gomen
im really excited to listen to matsruri sing
Aki's setup and song choice are pure kinoi can feel the summer
>Kronii hate Hololive, She hates her Model, she hates being Kronii, She'll retire in a year, Kronii will never do fanservice shes too SJW BLAH BLAH BLAH>Participates in a cheese cake live show and was clearly having funUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM RRAT SISTERS? I THINK WE JUST LOST
Heh,Cute A-chanhttps://twitter.com/achan_UGA/status/1685305317545201664https://twitter.com/achan_UGA/status/1685305317545201664https://twitter.com/achan_UGA/status/1685305317545201664
Do not open
>>54531088SEXO Akis lives are all great
Today is a good day
>>54531105I knew her eyes looked familiar
>>54530845nice sound
So basically KFP are just angry that these two joining means Kiara is no longer in the top 5 cute and pretty EN members?New official ranking beingFuwamoco > Bae > Gura > Mumei > Kiara > ... > Mori (forma de grasa)Moreover it seems like they'll oust Kiara in other ways as well>better Japanese speakers, will be picked over her in the future when it comes to being the EN×JP bridge as well as the prime pick for any JP tourism ads and collabs>better singers>know even more about idols than her>will also do ASMR>more likable in general, genuinely good people
>>54531049and christian!
This is a nice performance by aki
>>54530822hungry for Kaela's cock
>>54531128They're gonna collab at the same time as FuwaMoco debut?!?!
>>54531124I gotta make an edit. Time to learn basic video editing
>>54531125Fauna corrected her
>>54531049>not even her blowjob focused drama CDweak
>>54530918cute cute cute cute
Aki is just trying to hide her swimsuit boobs with those chat messages cause she is still scared of Youtube
>>54531127This was weird. Shoulda just been a cosplayer
>>54531105Gura introducing Shion to her parents, things are moving fast.
>>54531074>>54530865who will Luna fuck first
>>54531144using the new girls to bait already?you don't lose time huh
>>54531127I can't believe you've done this
>>54531144>Bae>MumeiPost hands
>twins already doxed
Someone please save her
>>54531105They are now stepsisters
>>54531125Did we watch the same stream? Kronii's contempt for Holo was all over the place. Specially the part where she was like "It's clocking time!", destroyed the set, and ripped Okayu's swimsuit apart
>>54531259Everyone is just making assumptions, though it does seem very likely
>>54531144>Moreover it seems like they'll oust Kiara in other ways as well>>better Japanese speakers, will be picked over her in the future when it comes to being the EN×JP bridge as well as the prime pick for any JP tourism ads and collabs>>better singers>>know even more about idols than her>>will also do ASMR>>more likable in general, genuinely good peopleFanfiction before release? Oh boy!
sex time
>>54531234>names angle melts through his fingers>resorts to sekrit knowledge pastas
>>54530787All descriptions of Kronii make her sound really pretty. When Council met up IRL for the first time everyone was gushing about how fashionable she looked and how great her makeup was and Kronii was just like, "oh, I wasn't even dressed up all that nice..." so she must just be beautiful. That on top of her sweet personality and sexy voice is a dangerous combo.
>>54531125She literally complained about it on her last members stream
>>54531266That was part of the SEX show, anon...
I like this Aki orisong
aki kakkoi
>>54531266I still can't believe they got Jared Leto to invite her to koin the Morbius 2: Morbin Harder
>>54531266>and ripped Okayu's swimsuit apartdoesn't that prove she loves hololive
>>54531181Girls don't have penises unfortunately.
Aki's songs are so good
>>54531345my wife
>>54531345fix your links sir
>>54531345Hey, that's not soon at all.
>>54531266Kronii exposing Oyaku's naked body for us is supposed to be evidence of her hating sex?
>>54531345Those teeth make her look really dumbI love her
>>54531345tits too small
>>54531345>using the share link
Aki is so fucking cute
>>54531330proof next thread?
G-Good lord Aki
AkiSMR mid song...
i love listening to aki sing so much
JWU, excited for EN3Did I miss anything in the past 6 hours?
someone post that cute Aki soundpost
>>54531345>soon>10 hourskys
>>54531417watch streams
>>54531345My wifeRyS
>what rhymes with bucket?
>>5453140290% are retarded phoneposters what do you expect
>>54531442https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLp3GDZcBCcSwimsuit sex
Aki should leave the stage to young newcomer idols such as Hakui Koyori. We need less dusty hags and more pichi pichi fresh faces!
>>54531442yeah a lot
>>54531474Cuck it
>>54531345she looks a bit retarded
>>54531442Fauna is sexy
>>54531442You missed pure unfiltered SEX and some weird shit
>>54531366big rrat
>>54531455>No proofs
>>54531474fuck it
>>54531442KFP are trying to get people to hate FuwaMoco again.
>>54531442Hololive has 3D women nowAnd Dead or Alive models
I would like to purchase ONE Towa, please
>>54531442sexo com cadelas
>>54531345>4AMyeah, sure
>>54531540it's kind of part of the relay, or rather the karaoke relay is part of the whole thing
>>54531538I think she wants to attract women with this
thank god i didnt miss Rose of the lamp
Belly Dancer Aki...
I love it that every time Krofau gets something good or have a collab Kromei artists double down on the art
>>54531381>>54531402>>54531479Fix your 4chanX script, Sir
>>54531266personally I think when she burst the main water line and got everyone soaked was the final straw
>>54531442you missed Luna's new outfityou missed sexyou missed the weird but funny new holosummer MVyou missed Mori's liveyou missed Marine's new outfit you missed ID mexican telenovela KINOyou missed the start of the karaoke relay
What do you do in hololive RESORT?
GIMME GIMME LOVEThese cheers really give the feeling of a concert
>>54531442You missed Fauna and Kronii acting like, pardon my language, actual whorish sluts on stream. Fauna especially seemed to really enjoy it even and went all out doing erotic and lewd poses for the camera...
>>54531592>thinkShe knew exactly what she was doing by popping a cherry full of women in the limo with her.
>>54531579>Sex with vegandigusting
>>54531474Chuck it
great song
>>54531474Zeta may have seen a bucket, but she's never seen me fuck it
>>54531579This evokes a primal need. I am eternally grateful they gave this reveal to Fauna.
>>54531538stop posting the shitty small version. Towa deserves better
>>54531636Is it pronounced resort or resort?
>>54531522Why are the Japanese constantly so fucking gayJesus christ there was even a pearl clutching WHAT WILL PARENTS THINK in there
>>54531636You hunt resortsters
>>54531630search and replaceregExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:youtu.be\/|[\w.]*youtube[\w.]*\/.*(?:v=|\bembed\/|\bv\/))([\w\-]{11})(.*)/withregExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:youtu.be\/|[\w.]*youtube[\w.]*\/.*(?:v=|\bembed\/|\bv\/|live\/))([\w\-]{11})(.*)/
>>54531656the cherry was full of women??
cute rose spam
>>54531345i never noticed the dorky missing incisorscute
>>54531442Subaru, Mori and Suzy had some of their best live performances ever recorded
>>54531630how about you just learn how to post the correct URL and stop being a phoneposter
>>54531690Jork, bruh...
Which EN3 will get a fanfic first?
>>54531636You resort to violence. Unfortunately, the girls have entered into Battle Royale.Is your Oshi strong enough to survive? I'm getting goosebumps thinking about it!
>>54531686my pantsu are already drenched
>Your ass tastes like apple juiceZeta reading sus stuff from chat
>>54531654>>54531648>>54531634>>54531579>>54531544>>54531538>>54531522>>54531724>>54531512>>54531495Wow, I guess I wasn't supposed to sleep... Are you guys just doing all-nighters?
>>54531696don't do this. it made my fan detach from my motherboard.
Zeta's apple juice flavored ass...
>still have vods to catch up on from my oshi>but there's all these kino streams happening today and tomorrow>and I need to sleep at some point as well>and I won't be able to watch those vods next week cause there'll also be all the new EN3 streams to catch up onIt's over
>>54531510>arm clips right thru 'emF
>>54531690I assume most of it is ironic like /vt/
>>54531686Sorry this just looks so silly to me, I can't take Towa seriously
>>54531721Kronii's cute hip wiggles...
>>54531654She's so perfect...
>>54531751yeah that's the plan.
>>54531751after flare i'm sleeping till ina's part and staying awake for the rest of the day
>>54531769Towa is only hot when she doesn't want it
>>54530615Shiori's handwriting is so neat, I'm beginning to think she's not the crazy that is expected.
>>54531743>Battle RoyaleWhere we dropping boys?
>>54531725awwww, little bebbi crying, boo hoo
>>54531751Hell yeah niggy
>>54531654Hololive has fallen...
>Aki streaming more ARKIt's truly like witnessing a dinosaur
>>54531751No I'm yuropoor. Which is nice for catching a lot of holoJP stuff on the weekends (or the tail end of it on weekdays), but it means I'll have to watch VODs for all of EN3 while you get to enjoy them live
festival time
Aki's part was the must fun so farshe has good taste and her setup was kino
Rose of the Lamp was so good in 4th Fes
>>54531751kinda, I slept for 1-2 hours in spurtswas worth it tho, Mori's song with the Jibun WO guy is insane
>>54531733>>54531764The Japanese do not use Irony in their comedy and find it to be rude.
>>54531751I chose to miss Marine's outit and the ID live because I was up all night watching IRyS and I needed a nap I'l watch the vods during the break times
>>54531808Personally, HOLOCITY.
>festival already started
Just masturbated to Fauna, I feel ashamed
>>54531808Anywhere but Fragment I swear to god if you drop Fragment I'm d/cing
wtf Matsuri is cute????
>>54531751going to bed after kiara desu
>>54531124My sides
>>54531658>not yearning to give her the only substantial source of protein she's had in yearsit's like you don't even want her to be healthy
Natsuio Matsuri singing Natsu Matsuri
matsuri is so adorable
>>54531839Maybe but 5ch use ironic humor pretty damn often
>>54531827Aki always has great taste in music. I love her comfy "sing&zatsu bar" type of streams she does sometimes as well. She sings some enka and a lot of older JP stuff, which I really enjoy. Koyori does those too sometimes.
>>54531751I'm Yuro, I had some lunch and watched all the streams after
>>54531579>>54531610Big Same
Matsuri's singing is pretty mid, I'm beginning to think that most of the talents actually aren't that great at singing.
ew Matsuri
>>54531507You know, I think the grooming jokes are over - Luna's genuinely in love with Subaru
For me it's Festival.Plenty of sex to go around, but she's next level.
>>54531879that just looks bad
>>54531808You ain't dropping anywhere, it's a resort death game.Anya did a great watchalong of this
>>54531751I haven't slept since I woke up at 8am yesterday and I am probably going to take a nap when this part of the relay is over. It was worth it though, Fauna was very cute. But holy moly I feel like death.
that's not a mic you dumb woman
>>54531879What is Reine even doing taking off her necklace?
>>54530628Your friend was kidnapped! They put her in a bur-lap sack.
>>54531751>fully loaded banger of a weekend>plans to sleepimagine losing to retards getting closer to your oshi instead of (You)
>>54531839No, they have irony, just not sarcasm.
My cute and pure idol is singing!!
god, i love matsuri's laugh
>>54531780She was trying so hard, despite being out of her comfort zone, love this clock.
Please post anya feets
>>54531929oh hey I saw this in her twitter likes
>>54531823wish ARK and Splatoon didn't filter me so hard, Aki's concerts are the best, her utawakus are amazing and her ASMR used to be amazing when she did it often, but it's hard for me to justify becoming more invested than just a casual watcher who catches the concerts only.I still keep a membership because it's cheap, but I feel guilty not giving any actual support during streams.
>>54531935you're not supposed to be looking at her
Who in EN3 will play Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon? That's the only thing I'm concerned with right now.
>>54531941Jokes on you, my oshi doesn't exist yet (technically)
>>54531822Just wake up at 5 am dude, it's not hard
>>54531929JESAS>>54531961Based if true
>>54531751Sleep is for the weak
>>54531982bird one is a /m/chad
>>54531933JESASI did not pay that much attention to the MV until the undressing, I guess I need to watch it again.
>>54531982Ina>i said en3...INA
>>54531864it's okay. She literally asked you to.https://twitter.com/ceresfauna/status/1685134263149363200
>>54531982none of the EN3s is an autist gamer
>>54531982nerissa said she likes gundam, so other /m/core things might be on the menu too.
>>54531822just nap for a few hours and wake up at 5AM
>>54531902I mean.. it's just me having a job. PST tz streams start at like 3am for me and go til 9am or noon for me. That's impossible.
>>54531929>matsuri liked this on twitterJESAS
Do you think she's enjoying watching Fanfest?
I also JWU and I genuinely have no idea where to start.What the fuck do I watch first?
secret base...
i hate matsuri for this
No....not this song ;_;
>>54531934Amelia is suffering from thoughts
>>54532003It would be extremely unfortunate if the one named Raven isn't the one who play Armored Core.
Matsuri transubstantiated a lollipop into a mic, truly a goddess.
Holomems are idols and not idols at the same time
Why did they take the most prudish ENs and put them in a group with the most whorish JPs?
>>54531956It's funny that she's out of her comfort zone while acting sexy on purpose when small talk with her is enough to make her genmates shamelessly thirsty.
>>54531903She just get closer so she can dump her later, just like she did with Matsuri.
>>54531982Nerissa is your only option
Festival....I was in a good mood...
Dont go matsuri...
no not that one...
>>54531761learn to let go of your FoMOyou can only watch so much
>>54532059>lamy>not a prude
>>54532018Gundam is not indicative of /m/ appreciation in the least
>>54532022I will, but I'll only do that for their debuts. Their normal streams in the future will probably be uncatchable for me.
>>54532059>Fauna>PrudeWhy do you faggots pretend you watch her
>>54531877...I don't think human sperm actually has a lot of protien, pretty sure that's a porn meme.
Did anyone make a webm of Reine's Indonesian dance?
>>54532059>towa>not a prude
>>54532041turn on karaoke and you can listen to that while watching the holosummer stream, then after karaoke, you can watch ID2 minilive because it also has music
>>54532041tune in here and use the upcoming break for the sex streamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRGTsJFIUiM
>>54532041Karaoke relay right now, HoloSummer after first part of relay
it's kinda hard for me to reconcile Matuli being so cute right now with some of the things she did recently
>>54532087ghost holo when???
>>54532059But Ina wasn't there?
natsuiro matsuri = cute
Matsuri CUTE
>>54531839Japanese literally has a style of speaking where you saying "Yes your wife was very beautiful at the office party last night" really means "I was railing your wife for 3 hours last night and you will have a new child to take care of soon."
>>54532096The twins are on Nip Time, so maybe some afternoon streams from them
How hard is Kiara seething that she didn't get to join the SEX group?
>>54532125she's a riddle wrapped inside an enigma
I miss Sana. I miss that giant space sheila.
>>54532062>Luna being at fault there>When matsuri OPENLY ADMITS to being into pump and dumping since she gets bored when "the chase" is overYou kinda smell like /jp/
>>54532141>>54532142these mem are correct
>>54531817is goob ogey
>one of my favorite JP songsThe rendition by _ _ _ _ definitely broke me back then. Watame also had a very nice, emotional performance of this before.
>>54532030pretty tame nowadays. I miss the unironic hardcore porn doujins she likes
>>54532053Don't know anything about AC lore, but aren't the newest mechs/fighters called hounds, not Ravens?
>>54532128Or Suisei. The Prude prime
Fauna was the real unironic whore all along
Tomorrow is the anniversary of Sana's graduation stream...
>>54532003true? please let it be true, holy fuck I need the Raven to be a Raven.At least I know I'm covered by Patora and Koyori, but it would be nice to have an EN into it too. That game looks amazing.
>>54531912when she will do a part 2 watchalong?
>>54532072Reine should release a full yuri doujin of herself and Moona as merch
what is this song about
>>54532128>Sekuharae Ina'nis>prudish
>>54532148I'm sorry you have to find out, but they are PST
>>54532041like playing game franchises. just watch in release order. hassle free and no thinking needed.dont think
>>54532148yeahhhh, about that.....
>>54532209hololive...only grows stronger >:3
Matsuri is cute
>>54532226End of summer vibes
>>54531933if I stop taking my meds do I start seeing this everywhere
>>54532146Which is rude? And not used in their comedy? Fucking porn brained retard.
>>54532204The last 72 hours have proven to be so. Well, more so than ever.
>>54532241prudish when she's the one being lewded
>>54532183Raven just means merchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzKajyzz38s
>>54532238>no refutation
>>54532183The player character steals a deceased AC pilot's callsign, which happens to be "Raven."
>>54532059>"Uuuuuu Kronii come here">Yanks her by the arm closer to herhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffK5DJXVgY0&t=3075sPrudish, my ass
>>54532225With Anya as the rival?
>>54532226probably killing myself or something
>>54532183You know damn well they will cram in Gen 1 and Gen 2 references in there.
>>54530845Catbox link?
>>54532226fucking your ghost loli gf
>>54532183The pilots were called Ravens until Last Raven, but VI calls the protagonist specifically Raven as a throwback, because the community is still really attached to the name, and nobody who is into Armored Core refers to themselves as "a Lynx", Raven is the common fanname to this day.
>>54531933I thought hololive was an idol group why are they pushing so much sex around?
>>54532209What a coincidence that Secret Base is being sung now...
>>54532016Bijou maybe
matsuri is REALLY cute today
Catching up and wow, this is some of the nicest happiest, and FRIENDLIEST I've seen EU hours in ages.Is this the power of big ass titties?
nice whiplash kek
>>54532264Stop posting, Gura.
>>54532311I don't actually. Why would they reference Myth and Council?
Hololive is sexually healing...
Cover should buy one of these ads
>>54532356The power of streams
I think I have a thing for broken and borderline menhera women....
>>54532059god bless Wadahonestlyfucking based horny hag
>>54532298That little shake in her voice GOD GUIDE MY BONER
did chloe manage to stream?
Chicki chiki
Why aren't more ENs filling the empty part of this summer relayAme doko, Gura doko
>>54532264Continue posting Jap-san
>>54532291You'll get one when you give refutation to your mother being a dirty whore.
>>54532356Big events are usually like this. The regular monkeys screech louder but you dont notice them over the sound of Hololive winning
>>54532356Most of the shitposters are basically toddlers, you dangle some streams in front of them, and they forget all about shitposting.
>>54531507...isn't that just a FGO character...?
Matsuri should stop pretending to be cute
>>54532405Just stop thinking then.
>>54532380If were really Gura she'd probably make it sound like >"Howowive... onwy gwows stwongew >:3"
>>54532428Moved to after Flare, if it works
>>54532392I thought they did for Sora?
>>54532432uhhhhhhhhh hololive?
>>54532442anon Cover made a conscious effort to avoid EU hours
I want matsuri to bounce on my dick
I think Bae has to start doing ASMR now that EN3 is debutting.Atleast 2 of them are gonna overlap her and i legit don't think her channel is going to get any growth anymore without ASMR content
Matsuri is so cute...
>>54532415>The only one who likes Kronii for her va stuff and not some prison gay shit.>Kronii ignores her.Really makes you think.
I know it might be considered off topic, but...WAWA PLUSHIE
>>54532471Sounds like Kronii
Zeta is being racist against asians...
Matsuri isn't even menhera anymore, she's been a soft and gentle streamer for over a year now... She has really nice Zatsu streams.
>>54532450My dick thanks you
it's the rushia song again
Nice setlist lol
Matsuri's voice is underrated
>>54532298So cuuute
>>54532483and East coast NA. Those two regions don't spend money.
>>54532514Jesas, that's a little too deformed and fluffy
>>54532521akityan cute
>>54532298Looks to me Fauna was extremely nervous and wanted Kronii to be there for her, you can tell by the shaking of her voice.
>>54532536it was better back then
Imagine having hot,sweaty, and steamy sex with Matsuri.
Matsuri cute
>>54532514>the jewish girl likes rhe austrian girlwtf
ok stop singing this song please
>>54532471Dis ith sewius!!
>>54532567are you are you supposed to distinguish SC dollars sent from east coast and west coast dumbass
We don’t hate kronii now right? It’s safe to post kronii now without being told to go back to infinity?
this is technically sfw
>>54532514shes talented
>>54532450so lewd...
>>54532489They're removing EN3's asses?
>>54532536the stream that awakend the loni
>>54532183https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRSv67Imjpk&t=3378sRavens are what AC pilots are traditionally called in AC1-3. But in 4 they were replaced by LYNX and in 5 they were just called pilots. The games still referred to the legacy of Ravens though as the protagonist of AC4 was a former Raven, and in ACV the protagonist ends up making his own legacy as the "kuroi tori" or "Blackbird" aka "Dark Raven." In Verdict Day, the sequel to V, the new protagonist and his operator/waifu end up battling to the death to determine who will end up inheriting the legacy of the Dark Raven.
>>54532514I want to fluff that Wawa
>>54532432wow that looks nice
>>54532567>>54532483>Makes Cover pander to them on a GLOBAL level>makes this website seethe endlessly on basically all boardsKNEEL
>>54532589Matsuri is the last holo i'd stick my dick in
>>54532544>lost the menhera>toned down her pervyness a lot>but did a lot more collabs with guys and played even more apexnot the kind of trade I'd ask for..
>>54532621go back to infinity
>>54532450is this a peafowl's mating dance?
>>54532513>ignoresI'll feed you the (You) you wantI do wish they'd collab more though, last stream I remember they did 1 on 1 outside of sponsored streams was portal 2 co op and that was fun as fuck
kaela is crafting TNT
>>54532536>MamaloniThe flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long
>>54532626its true my boss just saw this and told me to visit his office and close the doorI think Im getting a promotion!
KIRANYA HOMIES!https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1685318135610851328?t=SBKpDOHWnLSSZiMUf1evfA&s=19
>>54532621Mever hated Kronii tho (aside of her streaming times)
>>54532567I highly doubt est viewers are stingy with their dollars
>>54532688Bae not existing unless she dm's her is ignoring her.
>>54532204>Kiara’s haters are ridiculous>Kiara herself is ridiculousTHEY ARE
>>54532660>Fluffy Kiara>Fluffy Kiwawa>Fluffy Wawa>Fuwa-fuwa Wawa>Fuwawa
>>54532649Is that AI art?Wtf happened with her nether regions?
Was Festival always this cute?
>>54532653Too bad mamaloni got hit with the gacha addiction now
I don't care about EN3. I will only watch their debuts and their first post debut streams then I will continue not caring about them because I don't need anyone other than my oshi since I'm not a whore.
>>54532450Is this her scissoring technique?
>>54532483>Cover is avoiding EU hours>Cover actually just wanted to ensure no overlap for the primetime UK forgiveness european unity streamUrsula von der Leyen will be in Kiara's chat.Sadiq Khan will be in Kiara's chat.Rishi Sunak and Tony Blair and Nigel Farage will be in Kiara's chat.Kiara will use a phoenix down to revive Queen Elizabeth one last time, before Mori sweeps in and kills her again.screenshot this.
>>54532560I love her country road, it sounds amazing.
>>54532696>Kaela and Pekora are deathly afraid of each otherThey should just make out already
>>54532514>Haachama Jew sister is a fucking schizo>Moona jew sister is an high fuctional autistic into wood carving, sewing and can do soldering jobs tookind of funny
>>54532740It just looks odd
>>54532749>glasses Ina >shitty post
>>54532755Kiara is going to make fun of the UK and drive the EU and UK even further apart
>>54532560She was once regarded as the best singer in Hololive
>>54532775KIARANYABROS WW@??
>>54532706I believe. One day.
>>54532621if you came from infinity you can go backif you're here naturally then yeah stick around/infinity/ kronies are a different monster
polpol time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRKThk18jxghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRKThk18jxghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRKThk18jxgPORU PORU
Anyasan's 3D stream was amazing, wow. Catching up on the VOD.
Matsuri is a Po-enjoyer?
>>54532825Why does infinity have such a bad rep?
>>54532749>glasses ina>excellent post wtf?
>>54532694Too bad it's on my laptop
>>54532432man, I'm not sure if it's inspiring or upsetting humans can create something so beautiful to promote one of the most sleazy, predatory and souless kind of products in history
>>54532797What are they going to do, widen the English Channel?
>>54532613>>54532719They were obviously joking about the people who respond to any demand for euro hours streams with speculative numberfagging essays about why it would be unprofitable anons
>PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PObased she knows the lyrics to Polka's song
>>54532706So who's gonna get Anya's phone back from Reine?
>matsuri is still using the outro lyger made for her
sex with clown...
I hope someone sings HOT LIMIT
>>54532706I like this stuffs.
>>54532560I love her Fansa cover.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpUQ-5dSJTk
>>54532544Polka too ever since she joined shiraken. she became more stable and unironically takes care more of the other holos now
>>54532749I don't have a real oshi yet, so I'll give EN3 a shot for debut, then if I bounce I'll try again when they've got into their groove. All else fails, I'll go back to circling Kaela and gura.
>>54532864They actively like her male collabs
Move here!https://youtu.be/wRKThk18jxghttps://youtu.be/wRKThk18jxg
Did someone say Bobobo? https://youtu.be/5kBFh2of8yI
>>54532744Gacha really does claim the souls of so many. I just smashed some Japanese whales with Kiara and Ame in my gacha game today!
>>54532749this except I won't even watch their post debut stream
>>54532869Weirdest boner I ever got.
>>54532749cringe, but also kinda based
Who is singing in front of your oshi in the relay?Can she be trusted to remember to raid?Mine is Towa...idk if she will do it or not.
its time
>>54532536artist name?
>>54532749>glasses Ina>relatable postWell shit.Gonna be looking forward to them collabing with my oshi though, new friends are always good
>This homosummer MVWhat in the actual fuck am I watching?
>>54532544>>54532680>>54532680>lost the menhera>toned down her pervyness a lotuhhh... on Holo side maybe
>>54532936Nice bitrate fagotron
It's once again time for some Saturday Sven Co-op, with /hlgg/!If you're not watching livestreams, doing vod reps, otherwise supporting your oshi- or you can multitask, you're more than welcome to join as we once again play through some older cooperative fps games.To join, first make sure you have both the game AND all the server assets for the /hlgg/ server. Links to which are in this post.>>54529522Once in game, open up console with `or ~ key and enter>connect sven.hololive.global.gripeThe password is:ILOVEAMELets listen to some karaoke relay as we shoot ayys and solve puzzles!
>>54532900Is he still around or did he leave at some point? He did almost irreparable damage to her channel already as is, but still...
>>54532864they earned themselves a reputation early on with namefagging and shipping said namefags with each otherfanfics and shitdunno if infinity has mellowed out recently but I'm not gonna check it out, I only jump in there to open catbox links to Twitter Spaces I've missed
Polka sex
>>54532942Nobodyt. watamate
>>54532694>upload failedcount your lucky stars
not the sex hotel...
>Should I play CS:GO?Yes Zeta! Invite Ame too!
>>54532947the soggy many
look at this cute fennec
Does anyone have Matsuri's full setlist?
>>54532864/infinity/ just became more about /infinity/ than about Kronii as time passedbasically it's a discord
>>54532998basedshe did great
>>54532864They were basically a discord circlejerk
>>54532923Her schizo translator that has a tool that notifies him wherever she shows up and also complains when people that aren't him LiveTL on her chat
Did someone make a report card for Advent debut yet?
>Polka is at the holo resort swimming pool from the MV
>>54532947ninomae ina'nis
>>54532749Cringe only because your oshi is shit and you should be looking for a new one
>>54532570My name is Anonymous
do they ever turn down the lights at Hololive RESORT? I have a big meeting tomorrow and I'm trying to get some sleep.
Kaela doesn't even own a bikini...I need to breed this cute dork
>>54533041sounds based, I wish I had a tool that did that for my oshi
>>54533041And by "complain" I mean "bans them" because he's a mod on her channel
Why do I want to fuck the funny fennec so much
>>54533040>Started late>ran out of shit to say almost instantly>took generic voice requests from chat>forgot to shout out the next debut in line>ended earlyYou reminded me how disastrous Kronii's debut was, then it didn't matter because the voice requests made her go viral
>>54532976He's still a mod in her chat, making sure to chase off anyone who would dare to live TL for her.
>>54533068but fauna is not shit...
>>54532800Luna shouldn't use condoms anyway.
>>54533039>3rd gen>is 4????
>>54532592Hololive is healing
>>54533064I'm entitled to a pudgy Polka cosplayer
>>54533054... Have you been watching any other of the relay streams? Everyone is.
>this old matsuri clip is showing up in my frontpage againt-thanks neal
>>54533087Nice, thanks anon.
>>54533132Oh, I thought your oshi was *na, carry on then
>your oshi>how was her debut stream?
>>54533041>>54533120He also doesn't liveTL any more, he just bans anyone else who doesIt's incredibly bizarre that this has been allowed to continue
>>54533153>they brought back spats after thisCOVER HATE
>>54533107>>54533064all women should be a bit fat
>>54533189good times
>>54533128those are bordering on comedically puffy, jesus
>>54532947I don't remember... it's been so long
>>54532976>>54533129he also does official work for Holoat some point you need to realize truly dedicated schizos are also assets to be used by the girls
>>54533128>Have fat tits model and say you're my little pogchamp and you're good to go no matter how much of a fuckup you are.
I can't stop partying, this morning has been chaotic. Help.
>>54533207MoriAbsolute kino, I knew I would be watching her with great interest
What the fuck is that zooming on Polka kek
>>54533128>Not the futa versionCoward
why does she look like that?
I never noticed this but Polka's singing voice is VERY similar to Bae's
Ayyy, the whole goddamned circus is in town!
>>54533214A big emphasis on "a bit"
Why is Cover making girls sing at 12 and 1 am? Black company
Why's polka so blurry?
>>54533207KaelaI'm scared to find out. I heard it was pretty rough.
why is polka-chan blurry
>>54532956If they debuted this at the end of the marathon I would have thought I dreamed it
is this blue crapper 2?
[Good News] Chloe is back and the relay is extended after Flarehttps://twitter.com/sakamatachloe/status/1685319702434963456https://twitter.com/sakamatachloe/status/1685319702434963456https://twitter.com/sakamatachloe/status/1685319702434963456
my vision feels a bit blurry bros...
>>54533281ChammaNo idea...
Is there a relay playlist?I've been listening in the background while doing stuff and the streams keep stopping
>>54533188I only looked at their tits not the background so I didn't realize
Polka is a really fun karaoke host huh
Vent is Polka house
>>54533312fuck yeah
>>54533312FUCK YES
they scuffed my poruka stream noooo
>>54533267Earlier I swear Aki sounded like Reine sometimes.
>>54533322she looks fine on a phone
>>54532977>dunno if infinity has mellowed out recentlyMost of the namefags are now in their private twitter group/discord together, there's still a few ones posting in the threads regularly though.Nowadays it's just a shitposting wasteland with the entire board constantly raiding them and making fun of them 24/7.
Zeta's slowly losing her mind...
>>54533207ChocoI never really did watch her debut, I should do it at some point
>>54533239Maybe, but he literally banned so many people trying to TL for her, it actively hurt her growth and reach.
>>54533312Oh good I thought she wasn't going to get a chance.
>hyper jumping songPolka not hyper jumping???
Polka is slowly becoming less blurry
>La+ starting off the relay in the afternoon for burgers(7JST)Is she known as an early riser or atleast someone who wakes up to an alarm?
>>54533087Now we wait
>>54533064>shaking after the first squatRape
>>54533281In the thread it took a bit for everyone to get over her heavy accent. Then everyone freaked out when she said she was a LoL player
ENs ranked by how much they love Hololive:Kiara > Bae > Fauna > Mumei > Mori > IRyS > Ame > Kronii > Ina > Gura
>>54533421She usually wakes up shortly before Fauna's usual start time.
>>54533362We used to post about how Polka is one of the most based singers in HL cause she'd do karaoke streams that go on for like 50+ songs at times. With real belting power.Also she had some amazing 3D lives, like the one where she was the hype man DJ.
>>54533417Reverse of Haachama's 'Faded'
>>54533207KiaraSovl and emotionally scarring. Sara Gutenberg's debut was kino though.
>>54533425Found the KFP, you think Kiara looks good in her new costume dont you
Someone please help her, this cant be healthy...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIVXSbwIsLw
>>54533421She is known for going to bed on time., has done a few morning streams
Pretty sure Choco has seen the new HoloSummer MV, that's why she decided to stretch her entire asshole right into the camera.She knew nobody was gonna remember shit from the stream after being confuddled by the MV.https://youtu.be/ffK5DJXVgY0?t=1667
>>54533207>Cool Pochi! Oh she's not going to speak English after this?
>>54533492Japan needs to let me in so I can marry her already
this but my dick in her hand
Almost 7 minutes
I had a dream about Kronii, Fauna and Mumei being in the background during this
Holy shit shut up Polka
>>54533488I've never watched Kiara, never will.
>>54533207Kind of strange chitchat, but then that voice. Absolutely blown away.
>>54533275My bad
>>54533039so excited for this. will have to miss the debuts live to not miss this
>>54533498You really think choco needs an excuse?
>>54533346>Looked at their tits>Shion
my blurry fennec
>>54533477Damn you for reminding me, I love Chama Faded so much it makes me really miss her again... that was unironically my favorite song she did in Unarchiveds.
>>54533207>Ame>I loved it
Polka's singing is so good
>>54533533Mumei posted this btw
>>54533207FaunaPlayed it by the book, strong start at the expense of not as memorable as the others but
>>54532514Seems like it's going to look better than any official Wawa Onaplushie from Cover
daburu Nene????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>>54533281It was okay. Kinda cringe but not terrible
>>54533576Name one thing I’m wrong about
>>54533207InaI don't remember anything special about it
Crapping my hands now.
>>54530835I'm skipping the relay, i don't really care about it
>crap your hands
Do not clap your hands.
>>54533207Mikovery sweethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMPhHXJbPEQ&t=0s
>>54533498this autist is too powerful
i will NOT crap my hands
Crap your hands????
>>54533498Do you think her asshole was actually winking at that moment?
>>54533682So Kiara doesn’t love Hololive?
>>54533691I'll crap them for you I just had tacos
bok bok, I traded 5 camels and 40 kgs of ring bologna for Kiwawa marriage and she's cute.
>>54533207AmePure cringe kino
It doesn't even sound like they're saying crap, they actually sound out the L too well.
>>54533668take this anon to the rape dungeon
>>54533281>heavy spaghetti>barelly any english>MOBILE MOBAeveryone just assumed she's DOA, she really did a miracle to make up for that first impression
>>54533498Bro wtf was happening in this stream I was asleep for this shit.
Whatever her hands are doing, it sure isn't crapping
Polka throwing gang signs instead of clapping...
>>54533207IRySThe second decent was mindblowing but the third? Revolutionary
I think her arms are possessed by some deadites.
>>54533498>tfw i will never stretch Choco's assholePain peko
>>54533701Winking? It was glaring right at me!
>>54533207>korone>.......we've come a long way, baby >>54533281It was completely fine, it's just none of her zaniness or cuteness came out at all so she seemed like a fairly normal, boring LoL player >>54533604Based, I honestly really liked it too. Might have helped that was I was very drunk by that point
>All these streams>ID's 3D>Karaokes>EN3 tonight>Kanye unbanned on twitterToday CANNOT get any better
How do you throw so... feminine?
God, I hope EN3 releases a song that they can autistically sing at every karaoke just like NePoLaBo, and we can sing it with them.
i will
>>54533812what the fuck is twitter, kanye should make an account on X
>Polka will never sing Po Po Po againIt's over, it's actually over
>>54533818God damn Fauna might be the most feminine Holo.
>>54533834not cool bro
>>54532706>Anya and Ollie will score with Kiara before ReineNo....
>>54533818strongest vegan arms
Unpopular opinion: I don’t give a shit about EN x JP collabs.
>>54533560Thank you, it was a bit small before. Now it's much clearer.
>>54533818Just be a woman?
>gura dont even acknowledge en3 because she dont care about hololive>kiara, ame and irys seething at en3 because she knows they are steal her audience>mori and bae is already leeching from them because their numbers is shitWhy is en acting so unprofessional and petty towards they're kouhai?
>>54533812>Everyone said he would GraduateKneel.
>>54533812>Spoiler Oh shit, Mori collab when?
>>54533207>I'm timeless!
I love this funny fennec
>>54533818It's called having no athletic prowess
the hand tracking is so shit...
>>54533917everybody who replies after me is nepali
I love the DOOOWWOWOWWOWOWOWOWOWO part of blue clapper
I hope Flare sings Smile and Go
>>54533917everyone who replies is lithuanian
>>54533917Timestamps to Kiara, Ame, and IRyS seething?
Who's ready to oshihen?
>>54533887Well at least you realize it's an unpopular opinion, given that most think ENxJP collabs are some of the best things Hololive offers and that they are very fun.
>>54533948The technology will get better overtime
>>54533957>blue crapperftfy
>>54533882not today
>>54533957Based and sameIs that supposed to be a knee or a vagoo crease?
>>54532926Wait what the fuck that's literally Kiara and Amedid some Chinese game steal EN assets?
>>54533917Maybe EN3 shouldn't be so shit, ever think of that?
>>54533917KaunasMemelVilniussorry that's all I know about Lithuania
i love funny feneck
>>54533992IRyS was crying about people saying they’re switching oshis.
>>54533997Met.m8 btw
>>54533917As an anon of Lithuanian-Nepalese descent, you're a retard.
>>54534015ye, my mistake
tinkle tinkle little star
>>54533818High estrogen levels from 10 years of diet of soibean products.
Is kronii good now? Haven’t watch a single one of her stream since forever
I want to twinkle all over Polka
I'm gonna help Polka clean up after her stream, with my tongue
>Haachama has a yukata acrylic stand>But not the new swimsuit oneMan...
>>54534076That was an official collab anon
this fox is spinning
>crap your hand>tinkle for you
>>54534093That isn't seething. That's a reasonable complaint and those people were being dicks. Try again.
>>54534093kill yourself
Why did no one tell me Polka was cute
>>54534026I'm glad that Casino has recently started drawing actual holo porn too. He already did that for everything non holo but for some reason never went full lewd with holos.
>>54533945Ina wants to molest and lick the Rock Candy girl. It's nice to see Ina thirsty for once.
How was twinkle 4 you? Sadly missed it
>>54533917Valanciunas Himalaya, you retard
>your oshi>who had the best/worst throw at the summer stream?
>>54533917i dont know nepali or lithuanian stereotypes so I COOKA DA SPEGHETTI
love how Polka has so many voices she can sing well in
seems like anons bored
>>54534175weird lightining but good
>>54533917Even a Lithuania born Nepali like myself is not as big of an ESL as you are, holy shit.
>>54533818Who's weaker between Ina and Fauna?
>>54533498I will never forgive Lamy
LA LA LA LALALALALALAwait, this is just blue clapper again!
>>54534175pretty hype
>>54533917Only a Latvian or, god forbid, a pollack would post such šūdas
>blue clapper leitmotifTOBY FOX I KNEEL
flare is so cute
>>54533966>>54533956these posts only make people reply more you retards
>>54534175I thought it was pretty good, the rendering was a little weird though. Worth it if you like any of gen 5 obviously
>>54534028bro your anatomy reps, plsthat's the inner leg
>Flare real voice YAB
Time for the best karaoke singer.
>>54533992Nta but only irys was seething about people switching
Why does the relay not automatically push me from stream to stream? Figured some kind of raid feature would be good here
>>54534213they have internet in Nepal?
>>54534146>>54534151She isn’t entitled to her fans. If they want to switch oshis that’s their choice. IRyS should have done better if she didn’t want people to leave her.
Firrst time raid worked
Now time for the resident arsonist of Hololive
>>54534223everything's blue crapper, anon. even watame was playing it
>>54533917ठीक छ, मुसा
>>54534283Works on my machine
>>54534282no she wasnt you stupid faggot, kill yourself
Why can't you fags merge wawa ritualposts into one?
>>54533887they are a lot more fun if you know a few thousand Japanese words. Also seeing the EN girls get to stream with girls they have looked up to for years is really sweet
>everyone in the Holo resort>Meanwhile flare got her own shackThis bitch
>>54534296>If they want to switch oshis that’s their choiceYes. That's not what she was against. She said you dont have to announce it to her
>>54534283Enabled autoplay?
>>54534327like this?
>>54534253I thought that was the point?
>>54534213>>54534234Oh God, not only the SEAposters, but also Baltposters are flocking in.
God I want to suck on her tits
>>54534283works on my Linux
>>54534283Enable autoplay maybe?
Go Flare!
>new JP gen debuts>JP fans start switching oshis and sending supas telling their oshis that they found a shiny new toy>new EN gen debuts>nothingAre Jap fans just whores?
>>54534377Can this defeat the Lamy trinity?
>>54534292You can honestly expecting pretty much anything from a country with a flag like this.
>>54534354why is she brown?
who the FUCK are these guys?
>>54534283it's working on my phone
>>54534295That's too clear! You need to reduce the resolution.
>>54534371Raid is supposed to work without it. At least, it has every other time someone I watch has raided into another channel, and I never have autoplay on.
>>54532926I dropped this like a month ago, I should get back in.
I'm glad they didn't try to make black holos again
i accidentally did the dark orange heart in Flare's chatgomen
>>54534360Maybe he thought letting her know would make her go "wait, I'll up my offer and throw some bonus in".Like telling your phone provider you want to switch to make them give you an extra 5gb or something.
>>54534445Vesper and Magni
>>54534097anon where your parents trying to reverse-engineer a Proto-Indo-European child?
>>54534443He didn't invent it sure, but you gotta admit he popularized it
Why do they have bandaids on their hair
>>54534358Well, Shion did, too. I wonder what Chloe would have got.
>>54534444She's tanned from being in the sun too long
That's it! I'm dropping Kiara for Sara Gutenberg
>>54534360>>54534408She should just ignore the jokes or banter back instead of lashing out like a bitch. It shows how insecure she is. No other EN lashed out so it's clearly an IRyS problem
>>54534371raids don't require autoplay to be enabled.
>>54534213>a Lithuania born NepaliBased
>>54534505they got a haircut
>>54534534you really unironically need to kill yourself
>>54534504I've been using the word leitmotif way before undertale became a thing
>>54534282IRyS blew a good portion of her fanbase right around her model switch, mostly due to her attitude and stuff she said. She really can't afford to lose anymore.
>>54534445>On 12 December 2021, Flare introduced a mascot to represent Elfriends, small mostly white birds with black eyes and peak and light orange wings with a black section that cross their back. They use a blue bow. The Elfriend representing Japanese fans also use a blue beret while ones representing English fans wear a pocket watch below their bow
>>54534460They're about to do some event with a mountain of free shit in a week, not a bad time to jump in
>>54534534>No other EN lashed outno other EN gets those SCs
>>54534505tracking chip
>>54534419>Are Japs just whores?ftfy
>>54534534I think you forgot to mention pigs in your post
>>54534556You sound like how irys sounds towards jokes that she can't handle... sad
>already a repeat songis the karaoke list really that small?
>repeating Watame's song
>>54534581what did she say
>>54534581This is true, IRyS blew me
>>54534581>mostly due to her attitude and stuff she saidSuch as?
>>54534360To be fair, she was clearly getting baited. Nobody truly switches oshi without even hearing their voices, seeing what their streams are like and etc. That person was baiting a reaction and got even more than they wanted. Her sentiment is justified, but it was still a mistake to react at all.
>>54534504You are a retard. It's been a popular thing since Wagner fucking invented it. Only zoomer retards like you think Toby ""popularized"" it.
Shion already sang this kek
>>54534581>IRyS blew a good portion of her fanbaseholy shit I missed out
Polka should rape me until my balls are empty
>shoujo rei againgood thing i like the song
>>54534581Shit, why didn't Irystocrats tell people she sucked them off?
>>54534504Wait, people actually think that Undertale has leitmotifs?
>>54534587Chat reflects the streamer, why is she the only one to get them?
It’s funny that as soon as the Kiara vs Fuwawa stoped the Irys shitposting picked up
Flare is still a virgin
>>54534601>not the animated version
>>54534637Wagner didn’t invent it, Ame did.
>>54534616Her voice for the most part.I appreciate everything she's done for HoloEN though.
>>54534504????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????are you 12?
They should all just sing Chu! Kawaikute Gomen on repeat
>>54534655What do you think happened after the car-ioke streams?
>>54534327wawas hunt in packs
>>54534685This isn't even the animated version of that modchama
>>54534673>t. the guy making both sets of posts
>>54534665because irystocrats are mainly SEA
>your oshi>what Rissa-chan panties should be?
>>54534587that sounds like an IRyS problem
>>54534678>virgin cheese farmerwould bed and wed
>>54533312I told you all to believe!
>>54534678She's a gold star lesbian.
>>54534673We may not know who Fuwawa is yet but she'd have to be really weak to lose to Kiara in a fight, I mean come on.
>>54534730MoriBlack lace
Why are the shitniggers shitnigging this time?
>>54534587Because no other EN is a numberfag like IRyS is.
flare your throat...
>>54534746>we may not know
saplings please help meI just had an insane nosebleed. I literally bled out enough from my nose to fill half a Large Mcdonalds drink cup. It stopped now and I'm lying down but I feel it building up in my throat. Am I going to die?Please, I am asking as a fellow sapling who trusts you guys please help me.
>>54534690No you don't
>>54534767post proof she's a numberfag? any type of proof?
>>54534767Kiara is EN's biggest numberfag
>>54534637Pretty sure Wagner didn't exist when Undertale came out, retard.
>>54534634This. She isn't technically wrong but she brought more attention to it than necessary by overreacting
>>54534730MioNo panties
>>54534743realistic futanari stuff is kinda wack imo
>>54534743good shit
Reminder that this song is about a girl that bullied her friend until she killed herself by jumping on the tracks
>>54534784If the twins end up being some randos nobody has ever heard of I am going to laugh so fucking hard.
>>54534767LolDid you miss the last week of Mori?
>>54534685>that smileJesus Christ, Ougaman forgive me
>>54534760Do you even know how to talk?
>>54534650Yeah, this would have been a lot more annoying if it wasn't such a good song. Also, I thought there would be more Hololive songs after Watame's stream, but...
>Kiara doing unarchived karaokewhy is she like this?
>>54534790start by tweeting your last words to Fauna, fellow sapling...
>>54534790you should probably see a doctor or call an ambulance
>>54534818Richard Wagner lived and died in the 19th century, you numbnut
>>54534504excellent bait, well done
>>54534790uuuh, call an ambulance bro
>>54534856Mori and Fauna are also doing unarchived karaokes.
Ganbare Furea!
>>54534843At this point I'd be willing to bet 10k usd on it, that's how locked in they are
>>54534807>Sees any EN play a new game>puts up a frame right in front of them to stream it firstShe’s done this like 3-4 times btw while no other EN has ever done this.
>>54534790you got blood problems or something? get the fuck to a doctor dumbass
>>54534790What veganism does to a mf
>>54534856shes based
I'm gonna send Kiara an akasupa telling her I'm switching to Shiori. Seethe kfp
>>54534912It's fine because they're not Kiara.
>>54534790That doesn't sound normal, go to urgent care
>>54534790Either call an ambulance or get a plastic bag and a shitton of paper towel and take an uber to the nearest hospital (the latter is cheaper)
>>54534824that's not 'realistic' anon
>>54534504fuck it let's do this timeloop again
>>54534957May wanna wait until post-debut...
>>54534790(you)Why the fuck do you measure shit with a mcdonalds cup drink, fatass?Get someone to take you to the hospital, if for no other reason than that's a lot of blood to lose. Someone else, no one with that much blood loss is a safe driver.
>>54534977HOLY BASED
>>54534818>Dates of operation: 2014–present
>>54534801Alright, if you say so.You've now made me a Kiara anti.I'll now support Bijou even harder, change her rating to a 10/10, just to make you KFP's seethe.
Flare has my cock in her throat that's why she keeps clearing it
>>54534937you are such a faggot ESL its not even funny, i dont know why im even wasting my time replying to your retarded ass
>>54534807The constant stream sniping she does knowing their internal schedules so she plays a new hyped game first or how she carefully tip toes around any gura stream but goes hard in that time when gura is on break
>>54534851Will unironically watch the debuts with his reaction just so I can listen to him this time. I will not make the same mistake again.Women are evil.
>>54534730IRySThe ones she bought in tenth grade. She knows which.
>>54534818Ja, he is definitely not alive right now. I don't know what he's talking about.
>>54534937that's just a coincidence that has nothing to do with numberfagging