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54496806 No.54496806 [Reply] [Original]

I put my 1view oshi’s streams on multiple devices so it looks like more people are watching her

>> No.54497197

matsuri isn't a 1view retard

>> No.54497279

Pic unrelated grrrrr

>> No.54497440

it's working

>> No.54497606

based chuuba supporter

>> No.54497759

Same, posting from my smart microwave

>> No.54498513

>bored one day, I decide to look around twitch and youtube for 1view chuubas
>find cute elephant girl who likes to do handcam jigsaw puzzles and she was really happy to have someone talking to her
>20 minutes pass by and I need to leave
>she asks me if I'll be around tomorrow
>feel this unbelievable amount of social pressure to come back
I am never doing this shit again. That feeling I got was so incredibly comfortable, and I could see myself falling into something worse than my neet days of mental illness.

>> No.54499154
Quoted by: >>54499932

>elephant girl who does puzzles
Sounds like a keeper and sounds easy to groom

>> No.54499654
Quoted by: >>54499932

so are you going back? elephant girl will be sad if you don't. you are the only one for her.

>> No.54499932
File: 124 KB, 226x220, 402233922329223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cease this behavior. It's not normal.

>> No.54499989

this is why you don't enter 1view streams guys, now you have to save her anon, save her from 1view hell

>> No.54501352

Only a bad person would ghost her.

>> No.54501514

its over 4 u

>> No.54503334

You have to return right now.

>> No.54503363


>> No.54503478
Quoted by: >>54512501

It's too late to run now, take responsibility.
If you can't commit to saving literal one views don't go in their streams alone; bring a friend or shill the stream somewhere that isn't here so the pressure isn't solely on you.

>> No.54503500


>> No.54503692

I did this but then another dude showed up and her attention for me became divided so I guess anyone would've been fine and so I just left.

>> No.54503920

It's only pixels on your screen, retard. Just close the stream and fuck off with your day.

>> No.54506103

She probably drank that day you know. Thinking about her life choices and shit. Tears soaking her pillow. You could've saved her.

>> No.54507722

matsuri isn't a 1view retard

>> No.54507723
Quoted by: >>54508890


>> No.54508890
Quoted by: >>54510241

no I won't share

>> No.54510241

nigga the only elephant chuuba i know is a lesbian scot and she doesn't even stream anymore

>> No.54511443

>Can't catch up stream next time

>> No.54512170
Quoted by: >>54512265

>I put my 1view oshi’s streams on multiple devices so it looks like more people are watching her
Does she wonder why most of them don't say anything?

>> No.54512265

>not talking to yourself in your 2 views stream to make it look like she has viewers

>> No.54512501

>shill the stream somewhere that isn't here
What's the best way to shill a 2 view? I want to save my 2 view and stop being noticed so much
