Our favorite cosmic dragon Vienna is having her birthday in 14 days! So let's make sure it's a special one by giving her a birthday card.
Image dimensions must be a multiple of 200 (200x200, 400x400, 200x400, etc.). Besides that just make sure to play nice. The point is to make her day better and wish her a happy birthday.
>Sending the card
The card will be submitted to Vienna's twitter art hashtag on the day of her birthday via an Anonymous Twitter account. Deadline will be 11PM EST August 10th.
>Things Vienna might like
League of Legends (Shen, Aurelion Sol,Xayah) and other related media
Canada references
Her cats
Old Zelda games
Pokemon (Lugia is her favorite)
Rain World
Mass Effect (Garrus)
Her friends (Bao, Yuzu, Tricky)
Ladybugs and spaghetti
Thank you for your submissions.