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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54285623 No.54285623 [Reply] [Original]

>they/them holo

>> No.54285711

nobody tell this nigga about plural pronouns

>> No.54285734
Quoted by: >>54285768

they're literally two niggas

>> No.54285751

nobody tell this nigga that was the joke

>> No.54285766
File: 3 KB, 120x120, 1596247938958s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they/them is plural, ESL. Now fuck off

>> No.54285768

Dog niggas

>> No.54285773

They're going to be weird in Holocure.

>> No.54285787

there's too many schizos on this site to tell, nigga

>> No.54285875
File: 3 KB, 125x125, smug ko'one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAWG niggas

>> No.54285883
File: 70 KB, 620x666, two niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54285930

Blame ESLs who regularly seethe over simple grammar

>> No.54285937
Quoted by: >>54299284

oh god, what if they're like jacob & esau from isaac?

>> No.54286167

I hope the devs don't try to fast track Advent into the game just because they have a boner for EN. They need time to build their own in-jokes and references. Like several months or up to a whole year.

>> No.54286175

Mystery Niggas

>> No.54286306

ellas / ellas

>> No.54286887

ele <-- refers to multiple women in mongolian

>> No.54286946
Quoted by: >>54287195

nobody tell this nigga that that was also a joke

>> No.54287126

Probably in the update after the next one at earliest, but definitely not the one after the Indonesian update

>> No.54287195

>jokes on you, i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.54289647

nobody tell this nigga that jokes are supposed to be funny

>> No.54289752

don't reply to that nigga, he's not me

>> No.54293609 [DELETED] 


>> No.54294560

I thought it was a funny joke

>> No.54294856
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Quoted by: >>54304105

>"nigga" culture
This is holo en 3?

>> No.54298835
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Quoted by: >>54318326

my favorite mango

>> No.54298920

>still contains the word pronouns
It’s too late anon they’re already blind with rage

>> No.54299284

I imagine it cpuld be a mix of Haato/Haachama and characters like Amelia, Mumei etc. with their assisting characters bubba and Friend.
So you play as one while the other runs around shooting on her own, but when you push the special button you switch to controlling the other girl while the previous one starts running around on her own.
Would be tricky to get right.

>> No.54299357

umm they're two people anon.....

>> No.54299949

Pretending to be retarded just means you are retarded

>> No.54300785

Sorry anon, most of the retards in this board will think you're serious instead of making a joke.

>> No.54300872

I was just going to post this, we need an edit with the doggos.

>> No.54301070

Kay Yu is too much of a self-hating perfectionist to rush it

>> No.54301728

If you tell me you a they/them you better be two niggas

>> No.54302542
Quoted by: >>54303903

nigga they were both clearly written as jokes
when they're not autistic people can just play off each other

>> No.54303903

>doubling down on pretending to be retarded
can't make this shit up

>> No.54304002

And now /vt/ is defending troons THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE OF THIS BOARD

>> No.54304105
File: 45 KB, 794x794, GuraIRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always has been chumbud

>> No.54304162
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Quoted by: >>54306685

>just ignore it
>ignore her complaint about it

man I wish you guys were grownups and could pull good strats like this. I mean think about it:

>"i'm special"
white's move, no pieces lost

>> No.54305264
Quoted by: >>54317847

if you're 2, you're non-binary, that's just basic math

>> No.54306685


>> No.54308753

Are they dog niggas or fox niggas?

>> No.54308974

of all the shitposting you've gotta admit this one was funny

>> No.54313952


>> No.54314108
File: 111 KB, 263x309, nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racist niggaes

>> No.54314177

>wobbling in holocure

>> No.54316996

It's gonna be two seperate clone characters

>> No.54317847
File: 65 KB, 546x545, 1687314909464880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dummy, if you're two then you're literally binary. It's everyone else that is non-binary.

>> No.54318326

I can't believe this is the NA release name for Beastars, what were they thinking?

>> No.54318642

>because they have a boner for EN
They really don't, they straight up said they barely watched any EN, and only started with them due to their popularity. Kay Yu himself oshi's Peko and Polka. I wouldn't expect the new girls to be rushed into the game, or honestly appear anytime soon

>> No.54319210

I know, hot right

>> No.54321487

Don't care they're cute

>> No.54321634
Quoted by: >>54322042

they'll probably have a similar special to hachaama's where they swap out

>> No.54322042

They should both stay on the field and then you can swap between them.

>> No.54322168
Quoted by: >>54324845

Too many of the little references and memes are mostly pushed by EOPs. Kay Yu or someone else on the team at the very least watches a lot of EN clips or something.

>> No.54322266

At most we could get item references after a few months, like how La+ has her limiter in the game even though she's an eternity away herself.

>> No.54322296
File: 195 KB, 445x250, suspicion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter posts keep being in first person

>> No.54322321
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>> No.54323068

Dogs, they are inspired by Orthus, a mythical two headed dog.

>> No.54324845
Quoted by: >>54325211

I mean, yeah, when you don't watch someone but need ideas for them in your game, you probably just pull up the most popular clips for ideas, so that's expected.

>> No.54325211

Sometimes the girls make suggestions and those have a good track record for being heeded. It was Fubuki that suggested her weapon be hitting stuff with her tail and katana. Similarly, I know Reine had a stream where she talked about things her character could do and it looks like every one of them was included from what we saw in the trailer.
