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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54101074 No.54101074 [Reply] [Original]

The sex symbol of /vt/.

>> No.54101112
Quoted by: >>54103327

that's my cute shark wife

>> No.54101408

She's so goddamn hot.

>> No.54101567

Shake that ass sharkie!

>> No.54101606

That’s my idol wife tho

>> No.54103127
Quoted by: >>54103327

Shabu Shabu

>> No.54103231

Sex queen!

>> No.54103327

I know we're being ironic but there are people that unironically lewd the least lewd vchuba of all time. Gura is more of a mascot, it would be like sexualizing the Jollibee bee.

>> No.54103612
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Quoted by: >>54107979

>being ironic

>> No.54104022
Quoted by: >>54107979

I want to yank her up by her tail and waist and go to town…

>> No.54104175
File: 294 KB, 261x250, 1667213749776125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guaranteed replies

>> No.54104309


>> No.54104539
Quoted by: >>54107979

A homosexual spotted.

>> No.54104616

Stop breaking my immersion anon.

>> No.54106129


>> No.54106262

Where is the gurass guy at?

>> No.54106566
Quoted by: >>54107979

>schizo response
You're bringing shame to our country flipnigger

>> No.54107979
Quoted by: >>54108406

Yeah if your a pedophile like:

>> No.54108406
Quoted by: >>54108840

Kill yourself

>> No.54108509

She's too young

>> No.54108562

female child

>> No.54108800
File: 122 KB, 1080x1200, FS1GQjMWAAIgvpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54108840

I love my wife

>> No.54108840

>pedo seething
You’re closer to suicide than I ever will be.
You’re a pedophile

>> No.54108963
File: 188 KB, 2000x2100, FxDZXpdaMAA_WmQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54109322
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x720, FNEUGs9XEAERiLY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54109364
Quoted by: >>54109453

>being ironic
I want to plap plap this shark you pagpag eater

>> No.54109453
Quoted by: >>54109610

You sound like a kissless neet

>> No.54109610
Quoted by: >>54109677

Negro, i’d rather be a neet rather than kissing your worm-ridden girls

>> No.54109677
Quoted by: >>54109742

Nigga you post like you have severe depression, do you think I believe your limp wristed attempts to paint your forced virginity as a postitive?

>> No.54109742
Quoted by: >>54109787

Pagpag, please stop projecting yourself into mine
Its typhoon season, you better fix your roof

>> No.54109787
Quoted by: >>54109902

Oh so now you’re going to play even more retarded and assume I’m someone you know in your little discord grooming circles? Nah fag, nah.

>> No.54109798

No that's Panko

>> No.54109902
Quoted by: >>54110095

Jesus christ, now you are hallucinating
stop posting and larping as a “chad womanizer” in the 4chin, you wont gain anything
Now fix the roof before someone in your family died again

>> No.54110095 [DELETED] 

You’re a pedophile who uses cartoon cp to cope and then take that energy into your vtubing taste.

>> No.54110175
Quoted by: >>54110303

Not only a subhuman, you also a fucking tranny
Lord have mercy on you

>> No.54110302


>> No.54110303
Quoted by: >>54110417

Wait so do you get accused of being a pedophile by trannys often? That sounds like a personal problem. What are you doing hanging out with trannys?

>> No.54110318
Quoted by: >>54110478

go back to twitter

>> No.54110348

It feels like having a pet monkey

>> No.54110417
Quoted by: >>54110478

>acknowledging himself as a tranny

>> No.54110478
Quoted by: >>54115512

I’m sorry you forgot to upvote my post mr redditer
>the closest troon starts melting down because of her mixed up emotions
Lol, it’s ok ma’am we respect your pronouns here.

>> No.54110540
File: 722 KB, 1660x2048, EF699A1D-D30D-4013-938A-0CF515FA8BF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54110576

This upset you?

>> No.54110576 [DELETED] 

Nigga did you really save this cringe anime shit to your pc? Ahahahaha

>> No.54110601

Kek, its always them

>> No.54110640

Elaborate, vague posting bitch

>> No.54110782
Quoted by: >>54111018


>> No.54111018

Lol, pedos never win

>> No.54111541

Ah ah ah
Oh nyo~

>> No.54111927
File: 85 KB, 715x951, 1643556451960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54112062

But that's a little girl

>> No.54112062

>posting gross lolicon on a blue board
You’re gunna get banned

>> No.54112229

What are you scared of a little four letter word

>> No.54114235

>The sex symbol of /vt/.
the best wife

>> No.54114487

Pure sex ToT

>> No.54115061

That's a child.

>> No.54115159
File: 2.99 MB, 3905x5016, 1688225912498066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54115512

groomers like you deserve to be killed or kys

>> No.54115599

child child child child child child child

>> No.54116619

Gura should only have sex with me.
