Previous: >>53957909
*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>> sites>>>> Nijisanji sites>>>> Twitch>>> list at
>>OP/news/ anchorReply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!News from today:>Hololive x Bandai art ftame collection x hololive collab>Ollie 3D showcase happened>Pekora x WDS sponsorship>Lamy and Flare to promote upcoming ARPG game>HoloEN starter voices are out, Magnia and Vesper not included>Patra on cover of VTuber Style>Sora got new hairstyle>Luna new outfit on 29th>Free public use Luna>Kiara and Reine at Anime Toronto's news:>Moona is on indefinite hiatus due to family issues>Suisei on Aso Rock Festival>Article on history of AyaFubuMi>Mel in V Jump talking about One Piece>Hololive at Kyo Mafu>Delutaya starting activities on bilibili>Marine participated in tribute album for old song>New Kiara outfit on 23rd
Bots are not real
Marine please make your fc2 debut
People last thread didn’t watch gen 1 3.0
>>OPRecent clip numbers>>53954861>>53954880>>53954947>>53954979>>53955012>>53955046
>>53963251>we plan to debut bew vtubers in Japan and overseasSo what else will it be other than "an overseas branch"? Enlighten me please.
>>53963184Deron lost on autumn for the 2nd yearShiina has the best team bar none, still lost her 1st year tourney though which Watarai won.Ib is grim, but he has lauren which is arguably second/third best pitcher in the whole tourney
>>53963429>licks you
* YESTERDAY’S FINAL TALLY *>44,079: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>42,049: Shiina (Nijisanji)>35,936: Gura (Hololive)>35,554: Lize (Nijisanji)>35,518: Lauren (Nijisanji)>35,350: Tsukasa Tenkai (Indie)>30,300: Ollie (Hololive)>26,595: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>26,142: Suisei (Hololive)>19,138: Botan (Hololive)>14,657: Miko (Hololive)>13,866: Toru (Nijisanji)>13,642: Kiara (Hololive)>13,095: Mimi (VSPO)>12,813: Kanae (Nijisanji)>12,335: Kanae (Nijisanji)>12,195: Okayu (Hololive)>12,143: Koyori (Hololive)>11,314: HAL (Neo-Porte)>11,224: Towa (Hololive)>11,217: Lui (Hololive)>11,174: Subaru (Hololive)>11,118: Watame (Hololive)>11,087: AZKi (Hololive)>10,987: Hayato (Nijisanji)>10,834: Chloe (Hololive)>10,764: Hal (Neo-Porte)>10,458: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)>10,359: Met (VSPO)>10,303: Ars (Nijisanji)>10,261: Hinano (VSPO)
>>53963462Imagine watching streams
>>53963462No one watches Gen 1.
>>53963476Overseas includes both ID and EN. We know that ID4 will debut in a few months and there's no reason for them to put "overseas" if they aren't interested in debuting a new EN gen. But go on, nijinigger.
>>53963524>JULY 2023 GOLDS1) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 209,736 - Koshien Draft2) Subaru (Hololive) - 75,828 - Birthday Totsumachi3) Leos (Nijisanji) - 69,970 - Koshien Practice4) Maimoto (Nijisanji) - 49,699 - Koshien Recap5) Shiina (Nijisanji) - 116,661 - Koshien Practice6) Lize (Nijisanji) - 111,373 - Koshien Practice7) Ibrahim (Nijisanji) - 82,832 - Koshien Practice8) Shiina (Nijisanji) - 82,413 - Koshien Practice9) Kaede (Nijisanji) - 82,483 - Koshien Practice10) Yashiro (Nijisanji) - 83,096 - Koshien Practice11) Leos (Nijisanji) - 56,271 - Koshien Practice12) Shiina (Nijisanji) - 70,042 - Koshien Practice13) Yashiro (Nijisanji) - 55,388 - Koshien Practice14) Nui (Nijisanji) - 48,877 - Koshien Practice15) Toya (Nijisanji) - 99,190 - Koshien Practice16) Pekora (Hololive) - 149,758 - 24 Hour Marathon17) Pekora (Hololive) - 138,482 - 24 Hour Marathon18) Yashiro (Nijisanji) - 79,645 - Koshien Practice19) Towa (Hololive) - 63,951 - Outfit Reveal20) Pekora (Hololive) - 56,262 - Spending Challenge21) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 44,079 - GTA>PER COMPANY16x: Nijisanji5x: Hololive>PER STREAMER3x: Pekora, Shiina, Yashiro2x: Leos1x: Ibrahim, Kaede, Kuzuha, Lize, Maimoto, Nijisanji, Nui, Subaru, Towa, Toya>2023 GOLDS>PER COMPANY144x: Hololive42x: Nijisanji7x: Indie5x: VSPO4x: Neo Porte>PER STREAMER50x: Pekora18x: Miko15x: Marine8x: Subaru7x: Toya5x: Suisei4x: Aqua, Kuzuha, Hal, Towa, Yashiro3x: Chiroru, Hololive, Iroha, Mio, Nijisanji, Okayu, Koyori, Shiina2x: Aki, Fubuki, Hinano, Korone, Lamy, Leos, Lui, Nerumero, Salome, Watame1x: Air, Ayame, Beni, Chloe, Choco, Flare, Fuwa, Gaku, Gura, Gundou, Hibari, Himawari, Ibrahim, Ina, Kaede, Kanata, Kanato, Kiara, Laplus, Lize, Maimoto, Mel, Mito, Mori, Nose, Nozomi, Nui, Polka, Ponto, Qpi, Roco, Ryushen, Shion, Tsukasa, Ui
>>53963546Will ID4 get a reddit dragon tire chubba?
Is this Petra's first ever gold?
>>53963567>Holo Milliemage is a retarded midget.
>>53963567>Holo boysRoru. Rumao even.
* YESTERDAY’S FINAL EN TALLY *>7/21 DAILY TALLY35,936: Gura (Hololive)13,642: Kiara (Hololive)6,612: Ina (Hololive)6,126: Luca (Nijisanji)5,626: Kronii (Hololive)>EN GOLDS FOR JULY 20231) Vesper (Holostars) - 21,225 - Redesign Reveal2) Vezalius (Nijisanji) - 9,207 - Karaoke3) Hololive English (Hololive) - 32,795 - Connect the World4) Mumei (Hololive) - 10,693 - Zatsudan5) Gura (Hololive) - 20,073 - Zatsudan (w/ Amelia)6) Kiara (Hololive) - 9,751 - Birthday Stream7) Nina (Nijisanji) - 33,766 - Graduation Stream8) Nina (Nijisanji) - 50,496 - Graduation Part 29) Gura (Hololive) - 14,408 - Peppa Pig10) Mori (Hololive) - 17,666 - Myth Collab11) IRyS (Hololive) - 14,877 - Anniversary Karaoke12) Kronii (Hololive) - 7,532 - Donkey Kong Country13) Pomu (Nijisanji) - 13,161 - Birthday Stream14) Mumei (Hololive) - 23.377 - CouncilRyS Collab15) Ren (Nijisanji) - 8,451 - Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast16) Kronii (Hololive) - 12,036 - Unarchived Karaoke17) Baelz (Hololive) - 7,575 - Unarchived Karaoke18) Gura (Hololive) - 15,922 - Pizza Tower19) Gura (Hololive) - 15,568 - Papa's Freezaria20) Ina (Hololive) - 5,235 - Final Fantasy XVI21) Gura (Hololive) - 35,936 - Unarchived Karaoke>PER COMPANY15x: Hololive5x: Nijisanji1x: Holostars>PER STREAMER5x: Gura2x: Kronii, Mumei, Nina1x: Baelz, Hololive English, Ina, IRyS, Kiara, Mori, Pomu, Ren, Vesper, Vezalius>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)25p: Gura15p: Baelz13p: Ina, IRyS, Kronii, Mumei11p: Fauna, Mori, Nina9p: Kiara8p: Pomu7p: Luca5p: Hololive English, Ren, Vesper, Vezalius4p: Amelia, Shu3p: Fulgur, Sonny1p: Millie, Mysta
>>53963576KEK Based!
Salome fell off
>>53963611>2023 EN GOLDS>PER COMPANY148x: Hololive50x: Nijisanji3x: Holostars1x: Idol>PER STREAMER21x: Fauna20x: Mori17x: Gura15x: IRyS, Mumei13x: Baelz, Ina, Kronii10x: Amelia9x: Kiara, Vox5x: Mysta4x: Pomu, Selen, Shu3x: Nina, Ren2x: Alban, Finana, Hololive English, Ike, Luca, Yu1x: Enna, Elira, Flayon, Fulgur, Luxiem, Millie, Regis, Roca, Rosemi, Sonny, Vesper, Vezalius>2023 POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)211p: Fauna152p: Ina150p: Mori137p: IRyS127p: Mumei121p: Baelz101p: Kronii85p: Gura83p: Amelia82p: Kiara74p: Vox57p: Mysta54p: Luca37p: Shu31p: Selen25p: Pomu24p: Nina19p: Ike16p: Ren15p: Enna14p: Fulgur, Sonny, Uki13p: Finana11p: Axel10p: Alban, Elira, Hololive English, Millie, Yu9p: Vesper7p: Regis6p: Rosemi, Vezalius5p: Flayon, Luxiem, Roca4p: Magni, Vantacrow3p: Bettel, Hakka, Kotoka, Poko1p: Maria, Meloco, Shinri, Pippa
>>53963180>>53963187Do you think I'm talking about public or this year tarot reading?>>53963215Stop it Miko. Suisei's manager won't allow it. You can do it privately tho.
>>53963576cover has seriously never told an artist nah do it right
>>53963576All wearing the perfect outfits to piss on me
>>53963546>Overseas includes both ID and EN.Yes? So why did the phrase "oversea branch" triggered you so much?
Kuzuha 45k new peak and inclining
>>53963601all it took was karaoke + 1/3 of the branch and a dead day
>>53963665>And by the way it is an "oversea branch" so ENkeks should brace themselves for anything that will happenTrying to hard there, nijinigger.
>>53963567Pls make your own meme
Beginning to think Fauna isn't in Japan yet
Realistically, would Cover management even be aware Mikeneko has a new outfit?They wouldn't have a reason to watch her streams or even know she exists and they probably don't have time to watch any streams at all from anyone.
>>53963722>expecting originality from zhangs
I thought today was Matsuri's birthday, why is she only getting 5k?
>>53963665???, are you replying to te right post?
>>53963705>Gura's solo karaoke got 3+ times more viewersLook at what the nijis need to mimic a fraction of shark's power.
>>53963794Lol, lmao
>>53963709Ok I know you have ADHD by the way you keep using the nijinig buzzword, but please say it in your own words because that I don't really see what is wrong with that sentence.
>>53963748Why would they even give a single fuck?
>>53963726She is with me
>>53963794>PPT Perfectly Placed Tenshi
>>53963791My Mooms is doing her best
>>53963705This is pretty sad
>>53963791I wonder if the talents are aware that they are treated like special eds children
>>53963837Try harder, nijinigger.
>>53963576cute and based
>>53963791Why is she so adorable?
I find it funny despite being labeled as “numberrabbit”, Pekora is currently being mogged left and right by people who actually know how to numberfag like Miko and Marine
>>53963771her face looks like the eyes are peepholes and there's someone staring at you from behind them
Tinboy Tokyo Ghoul got gold?
>>53963576>miko collabed with homo>irys collabed with homoRemove those 2 at once
NijiJP holds like 200k combined viewers on the weekend casually, why can't hololive do this?
>>53963546I have high hopes for ID4, I think ID recruitment team learned something from Kobo's success
>Chinman only 31KIt's over
Koshien numbers reclining?
>>53963958shy but unpredictable and autism but determination is an adorable combination
>>53964037Miko collabed with a Niji not a homo.
>>53964114pls understand
>>53964037>irys collabed with homowhen
>>53964075>kobo>successback to sleep dog
>>53963985>50x: Pekora>42x: NijisanjiImagine dominating a whole month filled with baseball autism Portugal bots and still failing to catch up, and getting Absolutely mogged by some cute bunny rabbit. How embarrassing...
>>53964114Tourists moved on to GTA VCRthere's 0 koshien with 50k+ peak since shaka get 80k+ on twitch larping as a police
Marine mentioning Ame
>>53964233Whats even more funny is that Portuguese are football fans
Here are the numbers for GTA today so far>boys to the top>girls to the bottom>Axel to the bottomest
>>53964212You will watch it and you will like every second of it. And no it hit 3m a while ago
>>53964222>>>mumei>inb4 doesn't count cope
(AHEM)Here are the numbers for GTA today so far>boys to the top>girls to the bottom>Axel to the bottomestMissing pic. The VSPO girls would unironically be better off (numerically) playing in their MC server
>>53963890I accept your concession.
>>53964331>>53964369Point and laugh
>>53964369Why is Axel unpopular? Any mansister here?
>>53963667>>53963576funny how the only way stars can have any semblance of relevance or got to cons etc is to attach themselves to hololive
By the amount of low quality bait in the past few threads I assume the /MANS/ troons are absolutely fucking seething.
>>53964440Luca but even more boring . Just like Kiara, he is the "I can speak Japanese!" Member
>>53964440Australia debuff. Cover needs to blacklist that entire countries talent pool.
>>53964547They look good together!
>>53964440>Why is Axel unpopular?I don't watch him but your question is a complete inversion of what it should be.The true question should be>what could Axel do to be popular?For the NIji boys that's obvious>tag along their KINGfor Kuzuha>tag along the popular Crazy Racoon and fleshstreamersFor Hal and Reid likewise but for Axel?>he is not bringing anything to the fray>he tags along with the SCRUBBIEST of the scrubs, Neo Porte midgets and (kek) RPR>he was born with the original sin of being a boy under a girl vtuber companyUnless he's a super content genius, a super charismatic and attractive vtuber he's doomed and getting the exact numbers he should be getting
The queen is back lads. Get ready for Pekora to announce she's excited for a collab with someone outside Hololive soon.
Observe my wife
>>53964561>LucaI don't even know what Luca's contents are.
I didnt even notice this guy
>faggots abandoned this because nijifags and vshojofags lost theirs lmao
>>53964655My wife actually
>>53964618Tamagotchi fever. Its spreading
>>53963563>16-5Bros...bros...we...we lost...we really lost...bros...
>>53964561Yes, a kiara comparison is kinda right.But he is missing her ability to speak nonstop.
>>53964643The Bocchi
Is miko going to do gta server rp in the future? Gta is her niche.
ah rip, too bad Marine
>>53964667HAHAHAHAHAVKEKS STATUS!?!?!?!??!
>>53964561How is it possible to be more boring than Luca?
>>53964655Go to sleep, Eddy.
>>53964724No males
Why did she have to word it like that?
>>53964740>instantly drops afterkonami didn't like what happened
>>53964667>using old picRetard. The entire thing is gone.
>>53962447What if female chuubas with low voices at least 4views collab together?What would happen to the stream?Holo representative would be TowaNiji representative would be Ange I don't know if Niji have other members with voice lower than Ange's
>>53964752I mean holo girls server only gta.
nijigold again!
>koshien killed by gta
>>53964800It's still there at the bottom anon
>>53964752>>53964724Migo already done GTA RP multiple times>With 35Fags ofcourse!
>>53964753with me
>>53964643The whole Blue Journey schizo investor fiasco has made me realize that Cover is actively listening and will course correct if necessary. But what about Rushia investor schizo's demands?
>>53964872You don't give in to terrorist demands.
>>53964188Gay cat boy from dokomi
>>53964773It's funny when it's Mori but imagine the irystocrap seethe if they did that with Irys
>>53964872they haven't course corrected EN from tempus yet
>>53964872Blue Journey schizo? It appears ive missed this. What were his demands even
>>53964655She's amazingly cute
>>53963642>Salome fell offUnderstatement of the year. She's not just fell off, she's practically thrown to the cliff
>>5396468617-5 today lmao
>>53964939>What were his demands evenTo fire a very specific employee he unironically and literally made up in his mind and described in great detail through a 10 minutes diatribe
>>53964773I think it's supposed to be a surprise that she is in there
>>53964686Lost to Portugal?
>>53964773It's a third wheel joke, autismchama.>CHAD>BaeRyS>"And IRyS!"Already a better setup lore than fanfic prime dumb loreshit
>>53964773Getting sidelined KEK!
>>53964935Give it time. All the pieces will soon come into one once all is revealed.
>>53964686>>53964988I look forward to seeing you retards doing the same thing with Niji when they go back to losing to indies and smaller companies in the monthly tally.
>>53965007>Cover fires Omega
>first army>3.0>announcement>Marine utawaku>still gets raped from baseballHOLOKEK S T A T U S???????
What's this
>>53963889>like special eds children >like
who the fuck in discord asked for hololive to move with them? Bottom left is cancer spreading, bottom right is also cancer.
>>53964935At first i thought they named it tempus because they were copying nijien's habit of giving their male waves latin-sounding names, since tempus means time in latin. But now i realise its because the whole thing was a waste of time and resources
>>53964809Who repping VSPOIdk if Ren sounds low or just looks like a man
>>53964872Oh yeah they revised all the marketing, booked a venue, made an album, and made 3D models for all participating girls in a week.Dumb fuck.
>>53965088all of the baseball captains will keep their numbers after the big event, right?
>>53965045This was supposed to be 10k+
>>53965045I hate this FAG but he has his own unique stream>RoleplayingI give him credit for that
>>53965137kek, one of the funniest things of this quarter so far
>>53964809the comments get spammed BBA or dobubo that's all
>>53965119Of course, especially Rika.
>>53964935Just get a new hobby(You) will forever be disappointed if that's your standard.
>>53964667lmao there's 2 hololive logos fighting to stay
>>53965119no most of them are tourists, they can enjoy higher ceiling for their larger events however just like last year
>>53965045I thought he didn't do BFE any more?
Menhera 's gonna menhera.
>>53965119Yeah, just look at their mon-Koshien numbers right now.
>>53965209wait... already?
Things are not looking good sisters
>>53965209Taiwan anon
>>53964817Too busyThere won’t be any box game like that until JP is done with HoloSummer and Blue Journey
>>53964773Unironically would be the least viewed hologra if Mori wasn't in it. Council proved to be inferior to Myth once again.
>>53965252Taiwan-bros are good!
>>53965101better question is, who cares?
>>53965088I enjoy living rent free in your head
>>53965249Fuck off shill
Koshien GODL
>>53965090Sankisei but band
>>53965279if only those people would show up for mori's streams
>>53965199>get a new hobbyIs this how you go nowdays? Just force everyone who are fans of Hololive for years to like tempus when they don't, or leave if you don't like the way its going? You faggots left Luxiem in less than a year
Ah fuck I was banking on Marine gold
>>53965203>most of them are tourists>the tourists by Konami
>>53965378post them anyway
>>53965203Only koshien, in fact their other tourneys are not doing too good like the mahjong one which had a 40% recline.
How come Holos are so fucking humiliated this month?Pekora reclined to a 20k streamer, miko rarely streams, marine can no longer win golds, and aqua/suisei/subaru can't hold a candle to 50k baseball streams.FIRST AMRY GRIM
>>53965328Like how people show up to shitrys's songs?
Fauna is currently meeting and training the EN3 girls. Not only she's one of the Holos who asked the most for a new gen but she's also the one who grew the most in the past year so management asked her to do it.No I don't care I'm not taking my meds.
Saw someone comments that Magni and Vesper is part of Hololive, when it isn't. Tried to clarify, but they insist that stars is part of Hololive. Kinda amazed how cover destroyed or made their brand even more confusing moving forward.
>>53965376First off, I'm not a sister.Second, fuck you.I'm from GRIMgang. Just reminding everyone once again to prepare to be disappointed. Because that's all EN management is capable of>Ironwhore crying about holofans again
Schizos and en spam
>>53965249the cope in the comments >The voice packs may have been taken down because it used their old models so they need to update them.
>>53965465>trainingSo they hired more grifters? Why would they need training otherwise?
>>53965118Anon... The music and theming is the focal point of Blue Journey. The reason why the entire project is on a separate channel is because they want the music the stand on its own without relying on the brand itself. That's the creative decision they went with and the investor schizo hated it because that's not how hololive works.
>>53965431 meanwhile mid tiers are consistently holding 10k on average, the box is healthy
>>53965529nijifag keeps getting BTFO'd from people not biting baits
>>53965546EN HoloX LETSGOOOOOOOo
>>53965505Eat your veggies, incel
>>53963462Lil bro really thinks people here watch streams
>>53965505I saw some anon suggest a few days ago that cover should make holostars production and put holopro and starspro under the umbrella of cover instead of this monstrosity theyve created
>>53965465I would kneel so hard if true
>>53965101I don't even think the subreddit even cares about this It's all discord this time around
>>53965465So the sapjanny woke up early today and spamming already, huh.
>>53965530>Voice pack>modelJesas they couldn't even hide their own confusion in their cope now
>>53965550>The reason why the entire project is on a separate channel is because they want the music the stand on its own without relying on the brand itselfThe reason why the entire project is on a separate channel is because it's a collaboration project between Cover and UMG so they made a new channel so UMG can handle that account directly instead of giving them Hololive's main account.
>>53964643>a tattoo of a dog pawShe really thinks she can get back her normie audience by feigning ignorance.
>>53965465You’re a retard
>>53965627He already deleted something
>>53965524>We know they enjoy our friends>We have friends in other places and they enjoy those but not uskek bitch I'm not gonna stan Vshojo cause Mori likes you. did you honestly think that's how it works? is that the logic of the pathetic unity community?
>>53965637Amazing. Everything you said is wrong.
>>53965431Nothing exciting happened for months already. Pekora tried to create some sort of arc with Only Up but it can only goes so far. Marine and Miko,…actually all JP are busy with projects, HoloSummer and Blue Journey and god know what else Cover have in store
>>53965465wrong thread faggot/wg/ is just 2 blocks down anon
>>53965524>holofanspeople hate vshojo because is a house full of whores that fight against twitter at every chance they get, hololive has nothing to do with it
>>53965431Pekora is doing well. She has many streams with over 30k viewers. She has the most gold, silver, and bronze this month.
>>53965020Considering IRyS and Bae both tweeted it as CHAD HoloGra and the members post listed it as CHAD the Twitter account is just retarded.
>>53965702Not everything is a 5D chess anon.
>>53965722Reminder:>it's always hololive's fault somehow
>>53965328Busy doing song reps
>>53964872You are fucking retarded.
>>53965209Did her subs even tick after the outfit?
>>53965681>somethingDon't hide it. It was your post
I need to shove my face on those perky Wamy diddies
>>53965101Nijisanji and Vshojo are using hololive;s name to protect themselves because the holosubreddit is at least popular enough to be known by a lot of other reddit dwellers. Who the fucks knows about rainbow pacman or the giant pink V.
>>53965209Kek, of course.
>>53965787Yeah did you know that hololive is so oppressive that they dont allow their talents to have family members on stream?
>>53965681>no blockDoubt it is him. He usually active at 0400JST to 1500JST. variety lifeWill we see the Kanata magic strike again?
>>53965829He's going to spend the next 5 threads crying about a non-existent janny
>>53965829Yes you got me I care what the pussies here think
>>53965845Ina stop playing FF16
>>53965045The final cope for male vtubers...gone like tears in the rain
>>53965722nta but vshojo content is on the same level of hololive these days. The yabe members left and the other girls are pretty much harmless. If you can handle botan and senchou talking anout their fetishes you can watch vshojo.
>>53965880Sololive announcement>Will we see the Kanata magic strike again?What magic?
>>53965524Does she get progressively worse models or something? What is this ugly shit?
>>53965801What about greedy?
>>53965900there's a difference between a japanese girl talking about her fictional fetishes and a w*stoid talking about actually doing that shit.
>>53965744Wasn't there an interview with BJs creative director that detailed the decisions behind the BJ project?
>>53965904Kanata 3D variety stream hit 100k despite everyone predict around 60k because 3D variety live is a debuffIt mindbroke Luxiem sisters
>>53965900Sure thing Ironmouse
Why is it okay for Tempus to be debuted a week after Sana announced graduation but it's not okay for EN 3 to be announced near Magni/Vesper's graduations? It's 3 weeks after the teaser now.
>>53965801Copebeats coping now Copebeats coping now
>>53965900Good one. Ironmouse aka Connor's side channel. Froot the absolute SHIT person. An actual unironic chaturbate whore. A dude with a tts program.
Holofags once again seething at something they know nothing about ROMAO
>>53965948No there was a 100k prediction
>>53965948Well Pekora and Subaru will be there so it might get a buff and at this point people already guess that the announcement is a sololive so yeah it probably will get a high number but 100k is too hard.
>>53965883Imagine samefagging, spamming doxx and calling some anime girl a whore for fucking months or even years and still have the guts to complain about biased mods targeting you.Absolute insanity.
>>53966010Do you see a comfortable spot for EN3?
>>53965883>it is only 1 personYeah yeah yeah if it is non existent why do you need to reply to post about it for the next 5 threads?
>>53965900dont gget how people enjoy litstening to ironmouse, her voice is annoying and fake af. The only good sounding ENs are Gura, Irys, Ina and Fauna.
>>53965980Shes lucky shes a birdwithout it she wouldnt get this opportunity>Good for her though, hope she the opportunity well
Can someone tell me if this is true.That a lot of NijiJP seniors were jealous about Salome's fast rise to fame that she was shunned for a lot of collabs?
>>53966013They just keeping it real>Like oshi like fansHolols wouldn't understand
>>53965524kek this retard literally just went>Why won't you like us too if you actually like Hololive? Personally I just don't care about Vshojo but gahdang, these unityfags really lives in different planet
>>53965938Nobody likes I’m Greedy. Mori doesn’t even like I’m Greedy she just agreed to it in exchange for more freedom with every other song.
>>53965900never gonna watch your shitty black company ironmouse, croak on your fake illness already
>>53966032Vague posting gets you nowhere mate.
>>53966079She cant act like an ojou when they know shes debi
>>53966013Anon says as he copes and also shits his diaper.
>>53966055Literally fucking next week, like i said, who gives a shit about tempus? Why would they be favoured that hard? If someone wants to watch tempus anniversary, let them. If EN3 debuts on the same day, let the ones who want to watch EN3 watch them but of course, starsfags or stars wouldn't like that shit to happen eventhough there's not much difference anway since people arent gonna watch them
>>53966058>no MumeiUnforgiveable
>>53966139That's the best you can do?
>>53965900Convince Ironlung to dance on stream again, she can probably convince everyone to like Vshojo that way
>>53966079Sounds like a rrat. I know a lot of the seniors like Ibrahim were actually concerned about her and said something like he's hoping the management was checking in on her to make sure everything is going well and she's not getting overwhelmed. If any of them spoke about any shunning it would have gotten spread around.
>>53965699Delete this
Mori 24h stream in 2 days btw
>>53966079>Niji keeps it real>Crabs in a bucketJust like real life. No lies. Only facts.
>>53966079She was shunned because they all she knew that Salami's popularity was manufactured.
>>53966141It's honestly the eyes. Chloe effectively replaced Rushia in 2022.
>>53965900As long as a horrible human like froot is in vshojo, I will never watch them.
Fandead won. They fucking went and won today.
>>53966065She’s got plenty of money to throw around, even for someone in Hololive.
>>53965801>shit CCV>decent song performanceoh cool so Mori is Kiara tier now?
>>53965699KEK! I love this retarded soda!
>>53966057Did it hurt?
>>53966141The new pink notRushia model is better in my opinion
>>53966184Nigga Kuzuha response to Salome was essentially “Woah she got a lot of viewers, would be cool if those viewers watch me too”
>>53966173Well silver implying she’s a colossal bitch would do that. But at least a holomember* oshis her
>>53966217No we just need to submit a memorandum to Yagoo for him to consider the prospect of accepting Rushia back into hololive.
>>53966248I kind of feel bad for her at times.
>>53966099its enna trying this new falseshitting strat she heard about
>>53966155>Why would they be favoured that hard?ReallyI mean really
>>53966248>would be cool if those viewers watch me tooImagine if King saying this was actually a dogwhistle about the salome viewers back then
>>53966223I know about her RMI just wants her to use this opportunity to improve her careerAnd for fucks sake! Dont ever go homo route like ollie did!
>>53966155>Why would they be favoured that hard? because the CEO love these fags
>>53966281I mean wasn’t she a VTA graduate? Can’t imagine her to get used to Niji senpais that well, especially considering they isolated her on debut
>>53966099Can you fuck off already
>>53966248YOU SEE!? Even Tokyo Ghoul knew she was botted.
>>53966331>I mean wasn’t she a VTA graduate?Didn't she actually the only non-VTA new member since Niji went VTA-only?
>>53966331Wait i thought shes debi??
>>53966322ofcourse he knows....
>>53966246Oh, I thought I was alone with that opinion
>>53966224Mori is part of UMG and collabed with the mighty One Piece this is a shit performance.
Holokeks your whores has been losing to both GTA VCR and Baseball for the past 3 weeks now, do you have anything to explain yourselves?This is your first complete lost in 2 fucking years, don't even think you can get out of this unscathed.
>>53966326I think it's more about guilt for them never adding up to the actual product that everyone actually wants
>>53966383she is
>>53966325>Doesn’t actually watch reine
>>53966396Why are nijifans always so ESL?
>>53966396You just got mogged by vspo last month.
Easily mogs 99% of holoen
>>53966454yes I dont cause of timeslot, and stream choice>Its better for someone like me to cheer her than to anti her right?
>>53965524I don't think about them at all. I don't like Twitch content or humor and as vtubers their company directly competes with where my oshi is. There isn't any reason for me to watch them.
>>53966420How do you breathe?
>>53966396I don't want to explain anything to ESLs.
>>53966489Yeah in how many hours a day she streams with Cdawg
Why would I ever watch Rushia when I have an objectively better version of her in Hololive?
>>53966510By inhaling and exhaling regularly
>>53966489I actually have to hide this. Why is it so ugly?
>Can't even get in the tally with ASMR anymore
>>53965505Just tell them that Hololive Production and Hololive are differentExplain it like you're explaining to a 5years old kid
>>53966396>This is your first complete lost in 2 fucking yearsHow embarrassing. As someone who's been in these threads since the beginning. Niji only winning now is something really HILARIOUS.
>>539664899/10 is 90% retard>>53966500Just like homobeggars
>>53966546So popular she mogs holoen in her sleep as well
>>53966383>I thoughtLiterally not a proof. “Salome is Debi” literally is 100% headcanon not based on any fact
>niji wonOh shit is it time to grudgepost? >>53960400
>>53965524Why is it always vshojo wining about Holofans only watching Holo? I remember Silvervale and Veibae making passive aggressive comments about that too. FYI many of us do enjoy other vtubers, we just don't care to watch vshitshow whores.
>>53965900>If you can handle botan and senchou talking anout their fetishesI didn't watch that either. Also I'm not going to be bothered by one-offs compared to a common occurrence.
>>53966566did nijiEN get hit by another cull?
>>53965948The grudgepost was extremely satisfying >>47867666
Skimming this thread and this board lets me pretend to care about the vtuber industry at large. Anyone else
>>53966141It gets even crazier
>>53966568If cover actually believed that then it’d be true. They somehow went from sectioned off to sharing time in the studio
>>53966571>1 draw in 2022>at least 1 win in 2023>at least 2 win in 2024>....>12 win in 2032This trend confirms Nijisanji will ultimately prevail with complete domination in a few years
>>53966538Based zookeeper.
>>53966509>Twitch content or humorThere are good vtuber on twitch. Isegye as obvious example. But like you said, why would you look out for new ones, hololive is big
>>53966217Wait until we get 3D, then you will see some real winning
>>53966660Not really those look like sisters mikeneko is just rushia
>>53966155It would end up with fags saying that the 100k people watching EN3 debuts could've watched Tempus anniversary too. Those debuts robbed Tempus of something special etc.
>>53966681meanwhile, all of the new debuts are 1-2k shitters at most
>>53965524Maybe shouldn't have let Silver or Vei do a ongoing hitpiece on hololive then
>>53966593That's a cunnur stream
>>53966681>few years>almost a decade for your retarded prediction to come trueRoru. Rumao even.
>>53966668Sora is the only ray of hope left in this world
>>53966141>>53966660It keeps happening
>>53966509Shondo is good.
>NijiEN will get another gold today because the only HoloEN stream is Ina's snoozefest drawing
>>53966786at least niji still has debuts lmao
>>53966653I only care about number because Pekora want to be number one streamer. Also because if Cover isn’t doing well then she will be goneThat is about the extend of how much care I have toward numbers
>>53966681Nijichads our time in the sun is just on the horizon. 2032 will be the year of the Great Niji resurgence. I beleb.
Idios outfit numbers are pretty grim so far. Will the hero waves have sub-10k for their first outfit reveals?
Wait till fags find out she has dms with holoen, holojp and holoid talents.
Where is Fauna's japan stream?
>>53966167I put as much effort as your parents did raising you.
>>53966489I mean she should be with that 900+ airtime, it will be embarrassing otherwise
>>53966899Where is the wheelchair?
>>53966840Its genetics
>>53966854gura's been active on twitter. she could put a frame up at any time.
>>53966274NO WAY FAG
>>53966681Year-long Koshien? Has Celebrationsanji taught (You) nothing?
>>53966489>>53966396I don't get nijifags and vshojofags. On r/place, when your shit gets destroyed, you cry for Hololive to help. Same with vtubing, you hide behind Hololive's shadows for years and would insult them whenever they show any kind of weakness like Taiwan, Rushia etc. But, when it gets good for Hololive, you ran back to them crying. What kind of fags are you?
>>53966908Much better but keep coping. wants to talk to me
iluna's anniversary streams happening today so
>>53966931Ever heard of paid dancer?
>>53966899Dont forget polka shouted out and has interest in her company romao
>>53966640their dignities are culled
>>53966899>Kiara, Bae, Mori, Haachama, OllieNot impressed
>>53966904Fauna is busy because she is not alone in Japan. *wink wink nudge nudge *Noticed even Mumei can have offcollab with Kiara so we all know where their priorities are. Hands down I respect Mumei even more now.
>>53966994Will they do better than Obsydia's 2nd anniversary?
>>53966681According to my calculations by 2040 Niji will win 17 months a year
>>53966916The fact StreamsCharts specifically note IM numbers as “airtime” was funny. Even they know there’s a difference
>>53966956Handcamsanji and tierlistsanji has also been milked dry in the en branch
>>53966962Anon, those people has always been bitter of Hololive for years
>>53966899Still won't make people like vshojo more, is funny how this is her strategy ''your oshi likes us why you don't love us like her?''
>>53966988>she wants to talk to mefuck off. she wants to speak to me
>>53966899that's nice for her, but I'm still not watching her lmaoshe can keep complaining about it on her stream
>>53967015>polka, risu, anya, sora, lofi,
>>53966899I wouldn't even care if my oshi sid that her best friends were all vshojo members
>>53966899Hey, I like your tally. Why don't you do it anymore?
>>53966904Fucking nice, i guess I can goto sleep in five hours and wake up for it
>>53966943Anon please. She already did her 3 monthly streams
>>53967065Why care when your more popular then 90% of their en oshi?
>>53967148>nene, moona, reine, mel, kobo
>here comes the holo vs holo schizo
>>53967217>lamy, kaela, zeta, matsuri, choco
>>53966577hey dont lump me to homobeggars!I dont force anyone to collab with homos not with other chubbas>her career is not doing good, you have to admit that!>and Im not blaming other girls for it
pretty cool how i can not come here for weeks return and the one dude is still going on about ironmouse when he probably doesnt even watch her either.
>>53967017Fauna is currently with Mumei, but they want to keep their relationship a secret
>>53967148>>53967217>>53967284Not impressed
>>53967294He watches hee graphs, so he's in the right place. Doubt more than a handful of us watched Marine's stream earlier.
So I have to like another vtuber just because the ones I like are friends with her?
Enna alternating between standing and sitting position while streaming. She usually sits down fully when playing a game but stands up for karaoke streams.She is also average height.
>>53966962>Hating hololiveFunny enough. During the dramapocolypse of 2020, most of Cover's biggest and most loudest critics were hololive's fanbase Because the fans wanted Cover to improve. Niji orbiters on the other hand would join in in Criticizing Cover but in bad faith. This is the reason why Veibae, when she was still indie, was so vocal about her distaste for corpo Vtubers. She drew most of her opinions from these orbiters.
>>53967294>probablyhe doesn't.
>>53967291Why did meloko and kotoka even debut in nijien? They clearly belong in jp
>>53967336Not really but IM is this delusional
>>53967333>heeYou know what I meant
>>53966904>>53966988>>53967017Even though both of them started out the same, since Mumei cares more about her fans, I am willing to give her a try now.
>>53967292She has a lot of collabs with homos so saying not to be like ollie doesn’t make sense
>Why don't you watch our agencies? Hololive is full of overrated whores btw.
>>53967139Holo have enough schizo and antis to generate unlimited salt and keep /vt/ alive for 20 years. Another win for holo.
So still waiting for a holoen member to be featured on this list or a newspaper or have a article.Maybe even win a vyuber award?
>>53966331>I mean wasn’t she a VTA graduate?nope
>>53967336Yes obviously don’t you see Kiara’s 30k karaokes
>>53967188Here are your /lig/ Numbers for 7/21:1: (6,229)2: (5,363)3: (4,516)4: (4,478)5: (4,440) *Virtual Tie5: (4,433) *Virtual Tie7: (4,197)8: (1,984) *Virtual Tie8: (1,976) *Virtual Tie10: (1,803)Non-English:1: (7,651) *Korean2: (6,180) *Japanese3: (3,287) *Korean
>>53967459Wait a minute, why is YT gaming and non-gaming separate categories?
We need a new Gold Rush like FNAF, Amnesia and Among Us
>>53967459sleeping counts as gaming
Enna wanted a play station, so she asked her mom for it. her mom said "if you get 95% in all subjects, I might think about it"In the end Enna got 100 for her art class, ~70 for geography, ~ 80 for mathematics, ~ 60 for some other science subject around middle/highschool.
>>53967489Destroyed by Petra.
>>53967336It's a vshojofag unity cope, except they don't actually believe it.
>>53967459I wanna win a vyuja award
>>53967561yeah, gaming the system
>>53966489What happened I thought she was the undisputed queen of the west? Why only 99% now?Anyways:>Irys tier numbers when she doesn't get cosmetic raids or has conner in her channel
>>53967570Nigger nobody cares about your whore, shut up
>>53967570wrong thread negra
>>53967508Because when you aren’t playing a game you aren’t gaming. Instead of equalizing that on Twitch as well they just decided to count everything. You could probably imagine the gap if they removed non gaming streams on twitch
>>53967291wait I thought Nijifags love this shit
>>53967336Have you noticed the faumei poster and the one spamming edit with Fauna with Aqua? Yeah that is what he wants you to do.
>>53967489>twitch tally>/lig/ numbersNo, you're not him. I'm pretty sure that guy doesn't even know what /lig/ is
>>53966899>I must like and watch people that my oshi talks to Doesn't work that way, the incels here wouldn't hate Trash Taste so much if it did
>>53967489Oh the lig tally they do averages instead of peaks due to raid culture.
>>53967642Become a schizo?
>>53967459>Maybe even win a vyuber award?I hope AnyCover ignores these wstern award shows like the literal plague. Showing up to these things is only giving them legitimacy. As it stands vtuber award shows are just glorified twitch circlejerking. And that's how they should keep it.
Once Enna had a ball between her legs.
>>53967607Watching film, is that all they do?
>>53967607Lol what thats leagues better then shitrys will ever get romao
>>53967607A lot of the good Ironmouse average comes from the fact that she spends the whole day streaming until the gets a raid
>>53967684He wants you to watch green whore just because xe make fanarts of green whore with your oshi.
>>53967686You’ll have to hope nijien wants to ignore it. But Selen and Vox needs to be center stage
>>53967570can't she just buy one? she works for the biggest vtuber agency in the world, she makes a lot of money, does she not?
>>53967698yeah mine
>>53966079Ojousama...Come join Yagoo's Home for Broken GirlsSome of them are weirdos that prefer to not get the spotlight too much and purposely sabotage themselvesReally? It's more beneficial for them to collab with her for the exposure they can get
>>53967789what happened to your other ball?
>>53967784>around middle/highschool.
>>53967642All holos are good though.
You should just go back to using your oshi Enna instead of hiding behind other girls, it's beyond old at this point.
>>53967459even with the sleeping stream she barely has more hours than Pegors
>>53967826It's the vtubing version of office politic, i guess. It's not about getting to the same height, it's about being in the down low together.
>>53967784>the biggest vtuber agency*2nd biggest. Only number #1 in the amount of chuubas they can churn out.
Enna's hobby was singing.Enna also thought she needed a webcam to record the screen of the computer to make an AMV for her youtube account. She was 9 years old.
>>53967915They have the most talents and make the most money what else is left to be considered the biggest?
>>53967508YT Gaming is the name of YouTube's streaming platform. I still don't know why they only count gaming stream for YouTube streamers though.
>>53967765>among a sea of women contestants, the mediocre ‘man’ wins the award
>>53968011it's called massaging the data. it usually happens when someone has an agenda.
Enna used Hypercam(TM) and Windows Movie Maker to make Naruto/Sasuke AMV. Holy damn she is old.
yall raging pretty hard but i took my meds and watched the clip and its about henya and her drama and the lung is prolly talking about all the other stupid fucking vsh drama because goddamn its nothing but and the anon saying she meant holofans is fucking silvervalethe funny part tho was mel bringing up how ppl didn't like her being a porn whatever the fuck she is and lickitung just talks over her as if sappy vomit would actually answer fundamental career problems
>>53967980>5k bday karaoke
>>53967508Thats because Twitch doesnt/unable to categories their streams properly
>>53968042Why doesn't this map have the Europe region?
How long until Salome has a 3view stream?
>>53968042>all sea related
>>53968102Kobo is the only SEAtuber there though.
Despite me tribal fagging on vt i actually watch nijisanji hololive and some indies i just like shitposting in this thread it's so much i the anyone one?
Then Enna started recording her singing. Cover some songs, got into NND. Damn so these people actually started small. I remember Pekora started her NND career really young too. If you are trying to be a vtuber in your twenties and thirties like those in /lig/, you basically are ngmi.
>King GTA cucks baseball out of gold againAlso this stream confirms that GTA VCR is a larger buff than HoloRust last year
>>53968139Watson still at 1.72Mwhen was the last time she ticked?
>>53968147>am i the anyone one?Hmm... tough question
>>53967826Didn't she choose Niji because she didn't have time to do Holo's usual stuff?
Toya is unintentionally speedrunning his Koshien run by losing both the first Summer and Fall Prefecture matches. His number gonna tank now since his team is unironically trash.
>>53967834that one is safely at home
>>53968147I didn't watch anyone other than hololive but since I came to this thread, those tribalfags made me interested in nijiEN, especially the most hated female one, now I watch her regularly.
>>53968189She's at 1.74, but the last time she ticked was in March.
>>53968189Subs have always been a dumb metric. If she wanted to, she could be top subbed in no time uploading 3 shorts a day.
>>53968186She's just like Sora!
>>53968201im phone posting auto correct fucked it up
>>53968089Is it even worth it? Seeing faggots want to ruin japan expo in paris and having them protest because "anime are for pedo", doesn't paint as a good market demand.
>>53968195They had a lot of experience before they join. There is a reason they are already hags when they are in hololive.
How the fuck is Kuzuha getting 40k+ avg for like 15 hours everyday?>shaka and daruma even gets way more over on twitchJesus Christ
>>53968147Tribalfagging is good. The less you tribalfag the more relevancy your awarding to the other side. The less you tribalfag the more likely the thing you like will wither away and lose relevancy.
>>53968147I try them. And then I'm met with an insane amount of dead air. And then I go back to Fauna and Gura.
>>53968089Cover hated Europe from the startThe only reason they hired Kiara was due to not realizing she's European and thinking that Austria is some American city
>>53968139Since this timeGura has gained 90kMarine has gained 230kKobo has gained 210k or 220kNot streaming really has sapped her growth
>>53968317It’s the fleshstreamer box
>>53968182>larger buff than HoloRust last yearFor Kuzuha and the fleshies. HoloRust brought ANYA (!) to the 8k range, Zeta to the 10k range, Matsuri to the 20k range. Meanwhile the VSPO girls are dying out there with numbers worse than their own MC server
>>53967336For me, it depends on their level of friendship and how they act
>>53968353Now compare Koba's CCV to Gura's.
>>53968347Schizo doesn’t know what dead air is
>>53968317This is nijisanji anon. I think you know.
>>53968142Hmmm... This Soda is a lot cuter then before, strange...
Enna said the singing community initially was just a chill group, as times went by they produced higher quality stuff and there were standards appearing. She was straining her voice just to reach higher notes. This makes me think about the current vtuber scene. Indies are getting higher quality models, corpos are pushing out events after events. I wonder whether the talents feel more and more pressure.
>>53968353It’s not about streaming but rather no activity The other 2 pump shorts and songs, that’s how they gain subs, if Gura does the same she will mog both of them since she already have innate algo power
>>53968266Right all the small corpos have more subs than marine
>>53968394kobo is in men, gura isn't streamingkobo win again, assuming one person is watching
>>53964194How is she not count as a success?
>>53968458How long has Marine had her channel? Given the same timeframe, for some of them, probably.
>>53968425>Indies are getting higher quality modelsPeople say that but every indie I ever saw posted in this thread have Niji 1.0 tier models. Post some indies with good model to back your point up
>>53968398I don't think neither shaka or daruma is affiliated with them anon
>>53968232>Finals B day>First match>Gets fucking mogged>"Well, at least now I can go and jerk off to Gura's swimsuit"Based chinman, can't hate him
>>53968353She's already gained sub momentum just from the bit of activity she's had lately. She ticked faster than she has in months yesterday.
>>53968186I’m 90% sure she does this get more lewd fanart to flick to
>>53968516If a Holostar do this /#/ will dogpile him, are we seriously sucking Kuzuha and Toya dick because they are NijiJP males?
TODAY'S POWERLEVEL1. NIJI GTA VCR2. NIJI KOSHIEN-------- POWER GAP ---------3. holo first army
Enna said she only cover the songs she likes instead of the popular ones (*cough* like Idol *cough*) back in the days, her channel did not grow because of that. She was jealous of those people who are worse but cover popular song and got numbers back in the days. Throughout the years she stopped caring about numbers and continue singing the songs she likes only.She is picky about the songs she sings in karaoke, even go out of the way to commission people to make custom instrumental for the songs. This is probably the reason she doesn't have many karaoke streams. She think singing is more of a hobby for her than a job.
>>53968147No, I watch indies and nijis too. But tribalfagging has so much potential
>>53968588Summarize in 20 words or less
>>53968583>If a Holostar do this /#/ will dogpile himdyrbi
>>53968583Well yes Cover didn’t give them Gura’s contact info
>>53968147i shitpost all sides so I always come out on top
>>53968583>If things were different they'd be differentGenius level commentary.
>>53968587EASY WIN
>>53968632its just a bloom effect dude!you seriously taught its an expensive model feature?
>>53968625Enna was jealous of other people's numbers, but still just sings only the songs she likes.
Hakos Baelz? more like Hakos Fails.
>>53968147No I don’t watch anyone but Pekora, just following her streams already take most of my time of the day because she stream every dayBut at the very least I do follow the news of Holos related to her, which is fortunately not a lot
>>53968516Qrd on the chinman gura's stuff?
Why can't holo attract summer tourists like koshien or GTA VCR?
>>53968686Same kek
>>53968741I am not saying more expensive. I am saying higher quality. The models back in the days are too low poly.
>>53968632Good model, checked this stream excellent or disruptive tho, but way above the typical indie.
>>53968738>NijiEN image
Why holo bad and niji good?
>>53968822petra mogged holoEN
>>53968785Lolis in general, I just said Gura because Gura cute
>>53968787With what events? Literally every Holo is in their own corner right now doing their own things. All of the big events/concerts are paid
>>53968508honestly we see holos getting 3.0 models and they barely use any of it, a png will have the same effect.
>>53968138Not SEA. Sea, the water. Guess I should’ve said ocean considering how much SEA gets thrown around as an insult.
Enna's (past) friends gave her a hard time for being good at singing.
>>53968840I don't care about HoloEN
>>53968814Looks fine, I guess?
>>53968840Where is petra?>>53968587
Millie is the first friend that Enna have that is really supportive of her.
>>53968855>holos get high tier Legs and thighs>never shows it againWhats the point? Atleast Koyo's Boobs made me stick to her stream even more
>>53966899still waiting for her to die from her uncurable death disease, looking pretty unsick from that dancing though
IRyS said she hates Ironwhore and Enna
>>53965524when was this? before gura's streams in a row?
>>53968855I keep telling you nigga “better model” is a meme created by indiefag to try to have an upperhand. It’s the same as techbro adding the most unnecessary feature in their app and call it “revolutionary”
>entering EU hours>Enna's stream is still incliningShe is an EU streamer now?
>>53968583>hating chinman for being a cunnysseur草
>>53968914Milliemage is a great friend
>>53968961See? You fag are biased toward Nijimales
What's with ENs and them always eating while streaming?
>>53968855Something people miss for the last 30 years all the way back of the "bits" wars and the "polygon" wars in vidya>WOW, the 3DO has a THIRTY TWO BITS PROCESSOR!>HOW CAN THE SEGA SATURN EVEN COMPETE?!
>>53967459>sleeps more than three times as much as pekora>only barely manages to eek out a winfucking embarrassing
>>53967508because no "streamer" will ever come close to be in rankings if you count non gaming streams, there are channels who have 100k average doing religious shit.
>>53968974They were already good friends before they joined nijiEN apparently.
>>53968996Toya shilled hololive during a collab once
>>53968996Maybe because of big /#/
>>53968458Don't be so facetious. Rin Penrose has nearly ten times the subs as one of her genmates and twice the number of the next closest one. A no name corpo that didn't exist a year ago is going to have someone close to Council's subs very soon, and it's obviously due to her shorts.
>>53966988>ThumbnailWhat did she mean by this?
Enna is not Whitney Houston, she just admitted this.
Why are we still calling Pekora a numberfag when she can’t even get number anymore? All of her strats are old and unusable in the new meta
Holokeks status?
>>53968930I mean it's obvious she hates IM atleast since she wanted nothing to do with her despite Bae and Mori trying so hard to get them to talk. She probably doesn't even know Enna exists on the other hand.
>>53969099Next youre telling me Kyo isnt eminem
>>53969025Those aren’t streamers that’s like calling politicians that live stream their speeches streamers
>>53969138yes i am saying those are the people streaming on "youtube"
>>53969072You’re right if only all of idol was posting shorts they’d all have her subs
>>53969037Yeah three of them actually elira , enna and millie are all good friends before they joined nijisanji
>>53969072Pretty much this. Also even Marine's subs are increasing significantly from what they were before and it's obviously the shorts.
When COVID hit, Enna lost her job. Because she was stuck at home, she started mixing and singing again. Luckily she had savings before she got the job in nijiEN or else she would probably starve to death.
>>53969138Bispo Bruno Leonardo my oshi
>>53969131>get them to talkactually happened or scizo rambling?
>>53969208enna clique israel?
>>53968741thats a dude?
>>53969198NTA, but they'd likely be doing better than they are now sub-wise. Not sure what you think you're trying to prove by arguing against this.
>>53969082Maybe she really is Gura’s alter
>>53969123Bilibili gods.... i kneel...
>>53969072>Rin PenroseThat's a shit example, considering Akemi exists became only the fourth ID vtuber over 1M (currently on 1.25M) on the power of shorts>was sub 100k on December 2022
>>53969208Wait what? I never see Elira collabing with the other two before nijiEN.
>Marine sub 50k announcement>Aqua 24k fans room review>Chinman 31k koshienIs the end for rarity buff meta?
>>53969259it was elira's clique at first but enna asserted her dominance now she's the new leader of their clique
>>53969299>Akemioh no
Reminder asoul is the real number corpo group in the world and has broken vtuber record of 13m peak ccv. Hololive and nijisanji are not relevant. Thank you.
>>53968832why you mental illness?
>>53969123>we have aqua at home
>>53969323People want arcs.
>>53969237It was when IRyS was on her terraria obsession Mori offered to make a world with them and IM which never happened. I believe she stopped playing on stream as well after that
>>53969323>Chinman 31k koshienOverlapped with 3 other Koshien streams
>>53969123What now nijikeks?
Enna started making covers again after she lost her job during COVID (probably the channel that we all know). It was much higher quality than when she was a teenager. She finally realized that this is what she wanted to do in her life - music.
>>53969323the tourists moved to twitch to watch the vcr gta
>>53969299There's 5 now
>>53969237Mori literally tried to trick IRyS into collabing with IM in Terraria
>>53969358Go to bed chinkbro, it is getting late and tomorrow you need to go to church.
>>53969316they talked about it a long time ago when millie and enna first joined nijiEN they used to hang out and goof around anime cons and apparently shit up elira's house
WTF Rui-nee is getting stronger
>>53969323No shit they all been streaming more often
Just saw michael cat's new model, she's really gone off the deep end huh
>>53969235And she got into vtubing because of Hololive, particularly Myth.Say thanks to hololive
>>53969123this is desperate
>>53969499Just you wait, Sankisei will ended up being in each other anni this year again and she will watch it because reasons
>>53969490The big pay off is at the end of that game, so it's no surprise.
>>53967284Wait, Kaela when?
>>53969521It is like thanking China for inventing paper.
>>53967336Holos are barely "friends" with each other. Internet has perverted this term. If you don't see yourself hanging out with a "friend" 10 years from now that's not what he is to you.
>>53969358Who are you? Why do you keep drawing flaks to mainland vtuber fans? We are separated for the most part so why purposely cause animousity?
>>53969499She has been there for a long time.
>>53969408holy cope
>>53969358how many chubbas does it have bug?
Enna just wants people to know that everybody has a story, life is difficult for everyone.
>>53967341As a late comer, what even IS 2020 anyway? I thought it was the vtuber boom year? Or was boom year 2019?
>>53969499i love her bro's..
>>53969658Yea we know you love her bro's cock.
>>53969388uhh basedryswonder why though is this called being a pureblood?
>>53969658after seeing this how could i not love this cute menhera it's literally impossible!
>>53969270Just that you’re a retard all small corpos post shorts consistently. Vreverie, Eien, and Kawaii even have it in their clause that you must produce them likely the same for idol. None of their shorts led to massive growth or views until Gura was mentioned
>>53969499She is not the only one>Lulu>Delta>CocoaThey all got their papa back and design something that resembles their former self, one way or another.
Somehow Hololive summer is underwhelming this year
>>53969499she wont let go she can only ever exist in parallel of holo now like a shadow.
>>53969594I am a 乐子人from nga.
>>53969549I love it. Fact checking this and reading paper was invented in china more than 2000 years ago and then exported to egypt. Bu a few paragraphs later: egypt used paper more than 5000 years ago. Okay thanks for nothing
>>53969750they are at there all time peak now though
>>53969750Funny because they actually ramped up the advertising for it: Shorts, spamming Holo units, special Hologra and stream to advertise unitsBut we won’t see the numbers anyway because it’s a paid concert
>>53969706Irys is legitimately like Gura in that all she cares about his holos. Outside of that she’s a filthy homo clip watcher while Gura likes to find cute indies she can get bored of immediately (just like me and ayame)
>>53969750> Pekora's anniv less number than last year> Marine's birthday less number than last yeargrim future for hololive
>>53969700>cockWhy do sisters always think about cocks?
>>53969750Somehow there are always shitposts of this nature no matter the event.
>>53968284For real? I always wonder why manga/anime is not really big in Europe, but if that is true I can easily understand why.
>>53969656>I thought it was the vtuber boom year?2020 is the boom year.But both the drama of Mano Aloe, and Coco & Haachama with China happened in 2020.Myth came inbetween all of that.Meanwhile, a lot of people were in lockdown watching all of this unfold
>>53969859Marine birthday literally haven’t happened yet
>>53969750>no fanclub streams with lewd poses in swimsuitsbiggest loss this year
Watch indies bro
>>53969822paper and papyrus are two different things though (even if they share the same function)
>>53969849>Irys is legitimately like GuraThey really should collab more. The one time they did in Rust resulted in Kino, they have a fun dynamic together.
>>53969859Actual retard.
>>53969908why cant EN clippers be as good as YUUSHA04
>>53969822>Papyrus was tough and constituted (aside from wet clay) the world's first mass-produced writing surface. Unlike true paper, however, papyrus was made from plant fibers that have not been broken down. It has rough edges and surface, and the underlying strips can begin to separate when used repeatedlyPapyrus "paper" is just woven papyrus, it is a writing surface just like bamboo sheet. It is not a real paper in the sense that the fibre are broken down and reconstructed.
>>53969749Holos are because it was literally the highest point of their streamer lives. Lulu mainly because her mama is the only one that can nail the cute and creepy factor she was known for.
>>53969807Ah yes but you will get much better results trying to bait b2 chuubas into accidentally uttering sensitive words kek.
>>53969578You don’t think Iron Mouse, Mori and Kson are best friends forever? They all say what big fans they are of each other.
>>53969908i only like her vtuber model i coom everytime i see it. ill never watch her streams tho
>>53969862They are old and unloved
>>53969868there is a mangaka turned politician attending there and he has been getting slandered (people are distributing pamphlets saying he is a pedo) because he supports anti censorship in fictional work.
>>53968208What is Holo's usual stuff? My penguin play games all day, I just want to see her to idol stuff once in a while pls.
>>53969896Wanna bet your balls against a time traveller?
>>53969750Enough about baseball that you don't even watch.
>>53969358First vtuber group to have a member confirmed to having an STI. Truly in a league or their own.
>>53969930That's my guess too, but man, it was written so unnecessary weird
>>53969908I don't want ethots.
>>53969862We learnt from # unironically
Enna just want a stable income and handsome husband.
>>53970010>because he supports anti censorship in fictional work.Because he opposes censorship in fictional work is surely what you mean
>>53970010he's the author of negima iirc
>>53969959Too little in common. Gura doesn't talk to people unless they can relate to something
>>53968291I though Lui was an OL?
>>53969822Should instead thank the chinese for Gunpowder.Now that's a fun one to think about.
>>53969750Bikinis and sex fan streams last year. This year almost a month in and they’re covered up like muslims
>>53969908she has a nice voice and a good model, sadly she is austrian/german so she is boring as fuck to watch
>>53970084yes so by extension lolicon
>>53970089>Negima>Not Love HinaOh gods, I'm FEELING OLD AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>53969749>>53969985Kinda like this. Unou keeps most of the characteristics of Lulu's model.
>>53970074Nah, it's more of the goto insult coming from the promiscuous women and homosexual camp, they can't think of anything better as an insult than one of these>1) you are not as promiscuous as we areor>2) you are AS PROMISCUOUS AS WE AREdepending on the context.
Oh shit bro the 2hu circle I follow about to drop a 2hu x OnK cover