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I do wonder if SE connection is worth Pekora tanking her numbers
/#/ is declining
>>OPRecent clip numbers>>53895748>>53895779>>53895811>>53895836>>53895870>>53895980
>>53950468hey man
* YESTERDAY’S FINAL TALLY *>44,079: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>42,049: Shiina (Nijisanji)>35,936: Gura (Hololive)>35,554: Lize (Nijisanji)>35,518: Lauren (Nijisanji)>35,350: Tsukasa Tenkai (Indie)>30,300: Ollie (Hololive)>26,595: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>26,142: Suisei (Hololive)>19,138: Botan (Hololive)>14,657: Miko (Hololive)>13,866: Toru (Nijisanji)>13,642: Kiara (Hololive)>13,095: Mimi (VSPO)>12,813: Kanae (Nijisanji)>12,335: Kanae (Nijisanji)>12,195: Okayu (Hololive)>12,143: Koyori (Hololive)>11,314: HAL (Neo-Porte)>11,224: Towa (Hololive)>11,217: Lui (Hololive)>11,174: Subaru (Hololive)>11,118: Watame (Hololive)>11,087: AZKi (Hololive)>10,987: Hayato (Nijisanji)>10,834: Chloe (Hololive)>10,764: Hal (Neo-Porte)>10,458: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)>10,359: Met (VSPO)>10,303: Ars (Nijisanji)>10,261: Hinano (VSPO)
I hate bae so much
>>53950510that i want to fuck her
>>53950502>JULY 2023 GOLDS1) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 209,736 - Koshien Draft2) Subaru (Hololive) - 75,828 - Birthday Totsumachi3) Leos (Nijisanji) - 69,970 - Koshien Practice4) Maimoto (Nijisanji) - 49,699 - Koshien Recap5) Shiina (Nijisanji) - 116,661 - Koshien Practice6) Lize (Nijisanji) - 111,373 - Koshien Practice7) Ibrahim (Nijisanji) - 82,832 - Koshien Practice8) Shiina (Nijisanji) - 82,413 - Koshien Practice9) Kaede (Nijisanji) - 82,483 - Koshien Practice10) Yashiro (Nijisanji) - 83,096 - Koshien Practice11) Leos (Nijisanji) - 56,271 - Koshien Practice12) Shiina (Nijisanji) - 70,042 - Koshien Practice13) Yashiro (Nijisanji) - 55,388 - Koshien Practice14) Nui (Nijisanji) - 48,877 - Koshien Practice15) Toya (Nijisanji) - 99,190 - Koshien Practice16) Pekora (Hololive) - 149,758 - 24 Hour Marathon17) Pekora (Hololive) - 138,482 - 24 Hour Marathon18) Yashiro (Nijisanji) - 79,645 - Koshien Practice19) Towa (Hololive) - 63,951 - Outfit Reveal20) Pekora (Hololive) - 56,262 - Spending Challenge21) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 44,079 - GTA>PER COMPANY16x: Nijisanji5x: Hololive>PER STREAMER3x: Pekora, Shiina, Yashiro2x: Leos1x: Ibrahim, Kaede, Kuzuha, Lize, Maimoto, Nijisanji, Nui, Subaru, Towa, Toya>2023 GOLDS>PER COMPANY144x: Hololive42x: Nijisanji7x: Indie5x: VSPO4x: Neo Porte>PER STREAMER50x: Pekora18x: Miko15x: Marine8x: Subaru7x: Toya5x: Suisei4x: Aqua, Kuzuha, Hal, Towa, Yashiro3x: Chiroru, Hololive, Iroha, Mio, Nijisanji, Okayu, Koyori, Shiina2x: Aki, Fubuki, Hinano, Korone, Lamy, Leos, Lui, Nerumero, Salome, Watame1x: Air, Ayame, Beni, Chloe, Choco, Flare, Fuwa, Gaku, Gura, Gundou, Hibari, Himawari, Ibrahim, Ina, Kaede, Kanata, Kanato, Kiara, Laplus, Lize, Maimoto, Mel, Mito, Mori, Nose, Nozomi, Nui, Polka, Ponto, Qpi, Roco, Ryushen, Shion, Tsukasa, Ui
>>53950510Yeah, Mumei should watch ancient aliens with me instead.
>>53950518fuck off roberu
>>53948913they're still under 1M, both of them. Calm down.
* YESTERDAY’S FINAL EN TALLY *>7/21 DAILY TALLY35,936: Gura (Hololive)13,642: Kiara (Hololive)6,612: Ina (Hololive)6,126: Luca (Nijisanji)5,626: Kronii (Hololive)>EN GOLDS FOR JULY 20231) Vesper (Holostars) - 21,225 - Redesign Reveal2) Vezalius (Nijisanji) - 9,207 - Karaoke3) Hololive English (Hololive) - 32,795 - Connect the World4) Mumei (Hololive) - 10,693 - Zatsudan5) Gura (Hololive) - 20,073 - Zatsudan (w/ Amelia)6) Kiara (Hololive) - 9,751 - Birthday Stream7) Nina (Nijisanji) - 33,766 - Graduation Stream8) Nina (Nijisanji) - 50,496 - Graduation Part 29) Gura (Hololive) - 14,408 - Peppa Pig10) Mori (Hololive) - 17,666 - Myth Collab11) IRyS (Hololive) - 14,877 - Anniversary Karaoke12) Kronii (Hololive) - 7,532 - Donkey Kong Country13) Pomu (Nijisanji) - 13,161 - Birthday Stream14) Mumei (Hololive) - 23.377 - CouncilRyS Collab15) Ren (Nijisanji) - 8,451 - Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast16) Kronii (Hololive) - 12,036 - Unarchived Karaoke17) Baelz (Hololive) - 7,575 - Unarchived Karaoke18) Gura (Hololive) - 15,922 - Pizza Tower19) Gura (Hololive) - 15,568 - Papa's Freezaria20) Ina (Hololive) - 5,235 - Final Fantasy XVI21) Gura (Hololive) - 35,936 - Unarchived Karaoke>PER COMPANY15x: Hololive5x: Nijisanji1x: Holostars>PER STREAMER5x: Gura2x: Kronii, Mumei, Nina1x: Baelz, Hololive English, Ina, IRyS, Kiara, Mori, Pomu, Ren, Vesper, Vezalius>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)25p: Gura15p: Baelz13p: Ina, IRyS, Kronii, Mumei11p: Fauna, Mori, Nina9p: Kiara8p: Pomu7p: Luca5p: Hololive English, Ren, Vesper, Vezalius4p: Amelia, Shu3p: Fulgur, Sonny1p: Millie, Mysta
>>53950561>2023 EN GOLDS>PER COMPANY148x: Hololive50x: Nijisanji3x: Holostars1x: Idol>PER STREAMER21x: Fauna20x: Mori17x: Gura15x: IRyS, Mumei13x: Baelz, Ina, Kronii10x: Amelia9x: Kiara, Vox5x: Mysta4x: Pomu, Selen, Shu3x: Nina, Ren2x: Alban, Finana, Hololive English, Ike, Luca, Yu1x: Enna, Elira, Flayon, Fulgur, Luxiem, Millie, Regis, Roca, Rosemi, Sonny, Vesper, Vezalius>2023 POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)211p: Fauna152p: Ina150p: Mori137p: IRyS127p: Mumei121p: Baelz101p: Kronii85p: Gura83p: Amelia82p: Kiara74p: Vox57p: Mysta54p: Luca37p: Shu31p: Selen25p: Pomu24p: Nina19p: Ike16p: Ren15p: Enna14p: Fulgur, Sonny, Uki13p: Finana11p: Axel10p: Alban, Elira, Hololive English, Millie, Yu9p: Vesper7p: Regis6p: Rosemi, Vezalius5p: Flayon, Luxiem, Roca4p: Magni, Vantacrow3p: Bettel, Hakka, Kotoka, Poko1p: Maria, Meloco, Shinri, Pippa
I want to cook breakfast for this cute retard every morning.
>>53950464having an in with SE just for the off chance at any DQ related will make it worth it in her eyes.
>>53950464She will be a party character in Dragon 12.
I wanna have sex with this hag. Then after, I can pull out my Steel Battalion and let her play a real mecha game.
Btw someone said more corporate shilling last thread Tonight she will do a gacha challenge for a Mika mama gacha, players will get reward if they predict correctly how many 4 stars she will get in 200 pulls
>>53950692She didn't say that
>>53950655>correctlygood thing nips are gachafags
>>53950608my protein shake every day would be enough
>>53950464I think KH is tanking cause disney itself is tanking, FF made numbers when holos played it
>>53950692The one on the right collabs with dudes on stream tho….
I like Tora. I can relate to him
>>53950775holy sex
>>53950773She is a dude.
>>53950771>FF made numbers
Today's gold candidate will be Marine unveiling her 3.0 look, any other challengers? started doing shorts too.
>>53950844Anon…there are 7 Koshien stream today…
>>53950820So she is what the normal fags think vtubers are, dudes behind cute girl avatars
>>53950841Yeah, 16 of them
>>53950865I actually completely forgot koshien is a thing
>>53950860I can only see this as a coordinated push by management. Maybe they are trying to shore up subcount after all.
I was all a dream
>>53950860chuymine bros... they are after our tactics
>>53950655Late chama, this was known since yesterday.
>>53950915i'm gonna push you off a cliff faggot
>>53950891Even so I would wager only 4 of those can pass Marine. Also King playing GTA is always a possibility
Dear lord
>>53950773>on streamthat's a weird thing to point out. Freudian slip?
>>53950775Sex with the Coyote hag
>>53950956she's aiming for the child audience, let her cook
>>53950915No shit management job is to push the girl to do what they are good at No doubt Marine cover was pushed on Tiktok and YT short at the same time was a management decision too cause she is strong at it
Reminder that the gap in days between Council and EN3 will also be the number of days it takes Council to 1M subs.
>>53950948The Portuguese have been pent up now for to long, we'll see a 80k stream again.
>>53950960It’s not only a dude BUT the dude also comes on to her stream to talk and break immersion completely.
>>53950956If I could remove one person from history it would be the one that pitched kingdom hearts the first time.
>>53950974Kingdom Hearts is far too obtuse and boring for actual children.
>>53950645Koyori playing real games is a different beast
>>53950771>Disney ran Star Wars, a 40+ year old franchise, into the ground in record time>MCU is tanking because everyone was fine with Endgame being the end and no one is going to give a shit about Echo, Agatha and Ironheart>The parks are more expensive than ever which is cutting into profits >Even Pixar movies, which used to be a regular tentpole, are fucking bombing left and rightIt's impressive how badly it's been run in the last decade or so.
>>53950967>>53951027>>53951058>>53951095When will council get a Nikke collab
>>53950749Why doesn't niji sell dildos themed on their men?
>>53951093video game adaptations is the future. No one cares about capeshit anymore
>>53951093nta, I've only watched select hollywood movies in the past decade, only foreign films or series have really grabbed my attention
>>53951156Hex is a visionary ahead of his time
>>53951151they would if they can, trust me
>>53951151I think this is just the same artist that did HoloX SS gear for the Minecraft collab.
>>53951093>Echo, Agatha and Ironheartcan't even tell if this is fanfic
>>53951093>>Disney ran Star Wars, a 40+ year old franchise, into the ground in record timeLucas won.
>>53951041>ESL and low IQboy it's no wonder Fauna is so condescending towards her audience
>The drone delivered Sora back downOk Now I see why this game is kino
>>53951222It's a fanfic written by retards that thought if they debase the old heroes, people would pick up their trash instead. It'd be like if HoloEN hired a bunch of /pol shitters, then proceeded to publicly humiliate gura and throw her out, and expect chumbuds to somehow gain an interest in their whores for some reason.
>>53951093Don't forget how Disney+ is tanking subscribers and killing their box office receipts at the same time
and you niggers doubted.
>>53951222>Echo, Agatha and IronheartIt's real lmao
ironlung won
>>53951093Wouldn't surprise me if they decide to reboot Star Wars and just say Mandalorian and the pre-Endor stuff is canon but the three main movies aren't.
>>53951375won what?
>>53951375what did she win? obviously not a walking or dancing contest.
>>53951093let disney burn. They deserve it for making copyright total cancer with their lobbying
What is pokemon sleep, and how is Laplus going to not lose to Chloe at sleeping?
Deron...Koshien buff doko?
>>53951437You get more points if you sleep the 8.5 hours.
>>53951093But they still have black rock
Petra got 9k with her singing collab thing? Well fair enough, it was a pretty grim day all around for EN anyway.
Tempiss status?
>>53951499billionaires really do be spending hundreds of millions of dollars to promote homosex
>>53951471How long will koshien go for? I wonder if the numbers for it will continue to drop off even as they approach the actual finals
>>53951596quarter, semifinals, and finals will be 3 golds locked in for niji next month.But is that enough? is half the month enough for niji to win next month? place your bets>here's how hololive can still winin my expert opinion as a numberfag, August will be a tight race but holol win
>>53951471already won month gold, why spend more?
>>53951590nice moom, whos the other?
>>53951685You forget the hype match. And then all stars at the end of the month. But they will probably need something else if they are two continue their streak(!).
>>53951711Riku cant actually be monitoring the monthly gold tally... right?
>>53951711>implying they care about this thread
>>53951387I don't under why are they making fan-fiction tier stuff when they have gazillion of things to pick from. Find new, young Harrison Ford like guy and make Kyle Katarn movie with him. Unless you completely fuck it don't tell me it won't be success.
Did Kyo and Enna stop cuck posting? I wanted something to be mad about (laugh at) so I went there to look and couldn't find anything.
>>53951763>I wanted something to be mad aboutjust look at a mirror anon
>>53951735Kyle Katarn is no longer canon. I don't think they want to anything the ex expanded universe did
>>53951375the better vsinger stays on top
>>53951685The second half of august will have holocure as buff content. Aside from ID, the devs also added animal crossing into it so i think JPs are going to farm it
What happened to Fauna?
>>53951735How am I supposed to express my creative vision of someone else already did it better than me. They need to be erased.
>>53951771It's never upset me that I was born a man. I just am.
>>53951785I don't see AZKi in that image. Only Vsinger there is IRyS.
>>53951819>It's never upset me that I was born a man. I just am.that wasn't really what i was pointing at, it's more of your ugly mug
>>53951732anon pls, 5ch literally steals everything posted here AND they have their own tally with other rules too
>>53951839I see a Vsleeper
[Sora News] Sora is struggling to pass the bright part of the map
>>53951841Why are the faces drawn so bad?
>>53951841One of them can't sing shit.'S FUCKING HAPPENINGEN3
>>53951880yeah sora's shit at live singing
Ina delayed her 23rd stream by 1 hr. Probably nothing or maybe.... Something fun will happen on that day.
>>53951860Why would they need to steal from /here/ when CCV rankings were their idea? Laziness?
>>53951880Judging by their songs' views, it's either AZKi or IRyS
>>53951891Why are takodachis so cancerous?
>>53951891>not a towa babyAnon I'm disappointed in you.
>>53951788Holocure is only a big boost for those that get references added to the game. And for those that are early out before a majority of the talents have played it. Sadly ID in itself is not a buff generation so it will diminish the overall buff of the release.
>>53951784Well, the canon they envisioned sucks and bleeds them money. Time to revisit the ideas.
>>53951899Yes, we already know what's happening that day
What went wrong
>>53951891's not
>>53951860Do they steal graph anons graphs? Kind of sad if such high quality work was being used for shit posting by people who didn't understand it.... That would never happen here.
>>53951732>>53951731nips have their own number thread and the whole gold race was started by nijiniggers at 5chit's natural for koshien to lose half of the viewers overnight (after securing the month)
[Good News] Sora lucked into a bed and skipped the hard part
>someone mentioned liking hololive, let the begging commence!
>>53951940Oh, Kiara. Well I guess that's fun enough for me. I'm betting on a rip of of Mumei's Holoween personally.
>>53951966>That Smile....>Must Protecc!
>>53951975they cant help thenselves
>>53951975>I watch clipYes yes! we know homobeggars are just Clip Watchers
[Sad News] Sora got jebaited by the falling road and fell
>>53951959Overlap with Nui
THE bois
>>53951975These comments feel like they're being written by AI
Are we celebrating when vesper and magni get terminated?
>>53952034This thread is not one person and that person is not the voices in your head.
>>53952034i am
>>53952034It's been like 18 years since I had alcohol, but I'll drink to it
>>53952034Yes>weare celebrating
>>53952042Will you be Celebrating?
where do the 25k people go?sleep at 4PM?
>>53952034you bet, i will order pizza just for the occassion
>>53952002>>53951982Why didn't you protect her smile?
>>53952034Nijipost always ages like milk, yours is no exception
>>53952083because girls crying is the best.
>>53952070And anons criticise chumbuds of not watching other Holos.
Should i care about this stream?
>>53952034I don't celebrate other misfortune, even if they're someone i hate. But the fags and their fan probably want it anyway, the only one who would cry are beggars who only watch clips and girls collab
>>53952034I won't. I'll just continue not caring about them. The cruelest thing you can do to these fags is pretend you don't see them.
>>53952070Most of the ones that didn't watched only Subaru went to Pekora, pushing her back up ahead of 15k, some went to Koyori, Sora (which was finishing) and Iroha.
>>53952131>The cruelest thing you can do to these fags is pretend you don't see them.No it's not. Anti'ing them and their fanbase is crueler.
>>53952146wow subaru has a lot of ahijos who watch her exclusively
>>53952121You're a grown man, I presume. Make your own choices in life.
>>53952131Reminding their fans of their failure is actually crueler. You ether domesticate them or turn them feral
>>53952131im pretty sure it's downvoting their posts on reddit they seem to get really pissed at that
>>53951943>What went wrongyour mother not swallowing you
>>53952162Well I don't have time to waste on that shit when I can be watching Gura's Duo Lingo for the 2 millionth time.
>>53951975>Absolute anarchy>the boys the boy the boys>muh mindbreakokay but why do they genuinely sound like shills reading from a script and why is their pear something that happened half a year ago
>>53952172Her weekend JRPG? Absolutely, she created a slot for herself with her weekend JRPGs and most of the audience is likely JRPG only (because they don't seem to show up even for Subaru herself in other slots for other type of content)
>>53952219They only information they have on the bois is from clips and comments made by clipwatchers. Imagine someone that only knows that Pekora is a war criminal and that's it
>>53952219if i hear someone say>unHiNGeDone more time...
>>53952205>Well I don't have time to waste on that shitSkill issues. Just wake up 30 minutes earlier every day
>>53952263You alright man? You seem kind of... unhinged.
>>53951375casually mogging irys in ccv, singing and subs x2
>>53952293That's why I like to threadread, to see >>53952293 mindbreak >>53952263>I don't really read the threads, only the summaries posted by anons in other sites
>Homos are dead>ENgirls have the grimmest numbersFauna is already protesting by not streaming. If the homos leave, your oshi may follow them.
>>53952263no wonder management thought flayon was a starchild
>>53952172more like persona exclusively, her other series and weekday streams all sucked ass
Even if it's from the behest of the investors, i wonder why didn't they at least manage risks with debuting Tempus. 60% effort and resources on Tempus while the remaining 40% to EN3. Going 100% on Tempus, putting all of their eggs in one bag was so stupid.
>>53951899Yeah, Kiara’s outfit
>>53951784The one thing i saw people excited about when Disney announced their brand new EU was escaping from the rut the original EU fell into of resurrecting Palpatine. Then somehow Palpatine returned.
>>53952328me neither. Why couldnt they debut EN3 first and then tempus in a short time frame? EN3 would bring tourists and would maximise the buff for the upcoming male EN branch.(monkeys paw tho because the EN3 girls might've been encouraged by management to be pro male collabs)
>>53952328They saw the money made by luxiem and thought they could earn that much if they went with it. Bad decision on their part. But even then, they didn't do much research on the fans of luxiem and their current state and just went with it.
As a Holofag, I actually feel sorry for them. They get bullied and hated so much by /vt/ already. All simply because they collabed with Holos. I don't think they deserve this much hates desu.I'm actually fine as long as they stay in their line and occasionally collab with a few holos who has collabed with them before. For them to graduate or terminate their contract is exceseed.As someone who enjoys Hololive in general, seeing the sister branch of Hololive doing badly pains my heart.
holoTempus mindbroke #
>>53952034we love the bois here
>>53952431They're too unhinged!
>>53952328Because Tempus was meant to replace EN3 debut. YAGOO was bamboozled by Omega thinking that male vtubers will be successful in the west with the success of Luxiem.
>>53952431>>53952454>samefagging at its finest
>>53952429>All simply because they collabed with HolosNot really, people wouldn't mind or give a shit about them like tempus VG. It's the fact that EN3 gets delayed so hard because of management kept thinking about tempus success.
>>53952429>exceseedIs this some exotic variation for "sneed" or something?
Ok why the fuck is this >>53890316 deleted from the archive few hours ago? It was archived yesterday. It just means that a janny is really going out of his way to search that particular word in the archive just to delete them all. Fucking insane holy shit.
>>53952429I don’t they’re spoiled fucking brats.
>>53952427It's just weird as fuck. From the latest interview Tempus was meant to be male vtubers for males
What went wrong for Neo Porte?
>>53952462>not even 1 minute apartbruh
>>53952103Trying too hard, beggar.
So what are Imbreds numbers anyways?
>>53952479no one with a functional brain becomes a janny on this piss site, that stuff is par for the course
>>53952517>1 min apartok NEWFAG!
>>53952429They deserve graduation. They are to be blamed for no EN3. Management's resources were spent to cater to 8 failures
cover release nothing but boizwhy wont people stop talking about themwhat did they mean by this?
>0 discussion of Pekora's streamnone of you actually watch her do you. you just tune in for big events to doryaaa>n-no we just respect the sanctity of /#/ and don't live post!you do during big streams with big numbers tho :*)
>>53952429Tempus are just bad additions to the hololive brand in general. Aside from the blatant favouritism shown to them, the drama they cause by not respecting boundaries and precedents set by their JP senpais, they also touch on political trash which is just a massive NO for me.
>>53952527Just curious, do jannies and mods unironically "work for free"?
>>53952549I'm watching Pekora's stream while shitposting here
>>53952549She is revisiting the worlds. I miss James Woods
>>53952429>I'm actually fine as long as they stay in their line>stay in their laneYou can actually post this in front of US?
>>53952549>watching Kingdom Heartnot even the most loyal nousagi are watching it
>"as a [insert fanbase here]...">in /#/
>>53952595Then there are no nousagi here, just numberniggers. Loyal fans watch all content their oshi puts out.
>>53952549What KH facts you want the nousagis to post?
>>53952549anon, what's there to discuss? the game is dog shit wrapped in cat shit. And no, that's not it's assessment in terms of numbers. We're what, like 6-7 worlds left of this shit and then she'll sadly play kh3.
>>53952605Donald Duck is the most powerful mage in Final Fantasy
>>53952429I think it's funny, why? because they deserve it
Is there a reason this one blew up so much? Famous artist?
Here anons, you're bored, do a little reps
Yeah this isn’t hitting 1 million in a week. Could be from the reuploads off her birthday stream or it being a shit song
>>53952599As an aloupeep I think the hate towards Enna is unfounded. That "cuck stream" is basically just that - a stream. They never had another handcam stream after that. Compared to this THE SQUAD had multiple streams together and probably more if Magni and Vesper are back. Enna Alouette is basically misunderstood. She is just a depressed girl who brought smiles to the world with her life stories. Sort of like Joker but instead of being an orphan she has a broken home but still keeps close relationship with her parents.
>>53952666Anon to iimasu
>>53952429>They get bullied and hated so much by /vt/ already.I would like to ask what this means.How are they bullied? What do people actually do to them other than seclude themselves in (certain) threads on an image board and say they hate them?Whenever someone shows any hate for them outside of /here/ they get 100x the support from unity tards. The only hardship they've experiences is...people not watching them or treating them as part of hololive. Not even most people rejecting them, just not embracing them.
fulaa 157 views from 100k yo
>>53952549>Shitposter is this mad the thread isn’t actually a nousagi den like he was toldLol. Do you miss nousagi that much?
>>53952685>As an aloupeeplol
>>53952694>-16.12% over the past monthvs>-3.98% over the past monthSame-chan tasukete!!
>>53952604Anon, the only "loyal" poster in her general when she plays kh is a fucking vg tourist that rages that's she's bad at video games, ending every weekend with "see you next week".
>>53952677It was out for weeks, not fresh, and its less of a song decided to slam repeat on and more of a stream intro.
I want Pekora to play Fate/Samurai Remnant when it come out
>>53952694Other than the initial higher jump for Cover, both stocks are more or less moving in lockstep
>>53952728Damn shame there are no nousagis on /vt/. No wonder you fags spend 50% of your time raging about ENsharts, they're actually around to discuss their oshis with each other while you have to navigate some japanese site with deepl.
>>53952760they're discussing pekora somewhere else. they don't have a general in this board.
>>53952760And shitposter would still fucking blame nousagi for everything and newfag will always believe itYou can fuck off
>>53952756>same pattern of graphBotted stocks. Riku and Yagoo are in cahoots and planned to bail at the end of 2023.
>>53952775? I saw a catalog thread titled 兎田ぺこら
Haachama doko?
>>53952753>you can pet a cat in gameI approve this choice of game.
>>53952760I was a nousagi but now I turned into aloupeep.
>>53952753She will be a VA in it
>>53952820trying not to flunk college
>>53952307Didn't know beds can dance
As a chumbud, I actually agree with the critics regarding the lack of delivery from Gura, her absense left me confused as to how should I fill my time during her absense. Looping her old content feels miserable while exploring new options left me with this uncomfortable feeling of "cheating". The moment she comes back, I somehow lose my feeling for her because I have been spoiled by non-Gura content during her absence. I actually started to feel like she was treating me like shit.
>>53952856She should go to some run down college in Philippine instead of going back to Japan to study if she wants a diploma.
/alter/ was talking about who to nominate for NA FGO ambassador, some peeps chose Ina
Spotted another Holo cosplay in an Anime Expo highlight reel (skimmed through some 3 hours of these to find the Holo ones)First time I spot that GIANT ASS HOLO BILLBOARD too
Okay who's the guy posting all these>as a [fan name]baits
>>539528723/10, lacks the class of the preceding attempts. Better luck next time
As a chumbud I absolutely love Luxiem and I think you guys should watch them please
>Guufioh my god
As a kuzuhasuki i think kuzuha should donate all his viewers to underdogs like korone
Are you a Neet #Anon?
As a Kronie I totally support her collab with Uncle Nowa. From the memshi and Space she seems like she really needed that extra support due to her depression and us Kronies really can't give anything but money to her. I will continue to silently supporting her like a truly Kronie unlike the fake ones who gave $5 a day and spam in /inf/, then fuck off like she is a used good.
Ina wish she was her
>>53952945As a sapling, I really can't bring myself into accepting Faumei ship. I can see it very clearly that my Oshi treats Mumei simply as a Gura replacement. I can see how Hoomans hating on Fauna is competely warranted. Mumei is a nice girl, she deserve better.
Is mysta really graduating?
>>53952887Last time i looked at Alter they were posting Mori dox.
>>53953034I wish that was Ina's casual outfit too
all the chuubas we don't like are graduating and I couldn't be happier. Truly the most influential thread.
never trust a homobegger
>>53952961I unfortunately am not
>>53953148total homobegar death
>>53951975I am more curious about the reaction rather than the homoshilling.
>>53953101A guy was posting about wanting Pekora to stream FGO again and he gonna SC her for the first time
>>53953156Then I pray your wish to be a Neet fulfilled one day.
>>53952034I don't really care. Plus, sisters can just follow their other pursuits. But I may post stupid pics itt.What I worry is that sisters may get schizo against Cover and Hololive especially if at least one of the two enables or encourages them directly or indirectly.
>>53953215Kinda old already for that and there's really no support structure around me to make that work as I live alone in a different country from my family, and maybe my own family in the coming future, thank you for your best wishes though anon, I appreciate it, I hope you have a fulfilling life
>>53952549I watched it for a bit. There's Mulan, the guy in Mulan, Goofy, and Donald Duck.
>Koyo is crying over a game and Im horny over her bouncing boobsAm I an asshole???
As Hooman I want Mumei to completely stop her karaoke stream and stream infrequently to help her to finally graduate from college after 7 years of assignment hell.
Only missing noel for Gen 3 relay
>>53953384Something's off with that relay
>>53953384Silhouette looks alot like ru-tan>She can never let it go does she?
>>53953407yes, marine is not a shilling stream
>>53953347You now understand Pekora's fetish for crying girls
>>53953347>crying over xenobladeis she 12?
As a sapling I am proud to support a used good. Her saying we can never be friends never faze me. I just want to watch her fucked by a man through my screen and that would be the best fap ever. Her content never matters as long as she stream because I can donate to her, knowing full well where the money will go to. I like a non-reciprocal relationship like this, where I am the one being stepped on. plus she needs all the support she can get. If possible I want to suck on her sloppy pussy after other males ravaged her.
>>53953456With how tight her pussy is, she might as well beYes, I've had my dick squeezed by her so I know
>>53953384>>53953427What if she bought Rushia's rights from coverHow much do you guys think if it did happen?
>>53953487If her neck ain't long it ain't Rushii
As a hooman, my feet weakened when I read about her twitter liking milord's ugly face. But when I checked twitter and found out it is false, I concluded that the numberfaggots are liars.
Do unicorns care about RM stuff or are they only concerned about the chuuba persona? A while back i was under the impression that unicorns dont care if the RM is married as long as it doesnt lean into the chuuba persona but schizos like to post doxx so does it actually ruffle unicorns or nah?
>>53953521>it is falseHooman...
>>53953521You actually believed a very low tier bait
>>53953501She's waiting for you anon
>>53953531Do you mean unicorns or "unicorns"?Because that word lost it's meaning long time ago
>>53953569She liked it, but then unlike it few hours later.
>>53952705>i opened the door for her and she didn't even suck my dick!
>>53953590Sure sister, whatever you say
>>53952661Pedos and lolicon lovers fanbase
>>53953587I mean unironic unicorns, not bvtmfags who try to falseflag by saying stupid things for screenshots
Who is the most ‘holo’ vspo?
>>53953148fuck that placethey ignore Watame post
>>53952549Explain to me the KH lore and I might give her stream a try
>>53953765mickey and friends defeat sephiroth
>>53950956Even worse is that happening during primetime JP and barely reaching 15k.
>>53953665That's not what I was implying.The original meaning of unicorn did care about rm stuff, but the word was thrown so much against anyone that doesn't like male collabs, that it lost it's original meaning.
>>53953783>23 JST>primetime
>>53953786Oh i see
>>53951073Fighting the orphan of Kos does that to one's mind.
>>53951151I wish I hadn't shilled Hololive for that garbage game, I hate it even more now that DC is dead.
>>53953721the sheep doesn't support the causefuck that whore
>>53953873You're gonna piss off her army of war veterans
>>53953873>fuck that whoreDon't mind if I do
>>53953715What do you mean by the most 'holo'?
>>53953913Welsh or NZ anon?
>>53952121She'll summon units in game. Better than nothing I guess.
>>53953901oh yeah? well I am a ******MY SCHIZOPHRENIA I STROGNER THAN YOURS
TestSENPAITACHIMel and Okayu
/#/ is dead
>>53954036I see that the filter is still there for FÃMS.
>>53952429Don't falseflag too much sister.
This is sad. I don't see how there won't be bad blood even if Vesper and Magni come back.
>bomb threat Korean genshin status? This is going to happen to holos one day.
>>53952549I posted this >>53946124 when we saw the trio on stream, also we posted about this garbage game in our true general. Kill yourself! can't holo do something like this?
>>53954157nigger translate and provide context if you're gonna post ching chongs
>>53952666Anontachi 3 9 7!
skysonar 100k doryaaaaaaa