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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.53 MB, 2894x4093, ashton first concert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53847354 No.53847354 [Reply] [Original]

Racing Chinchilla is on the stage edition!

>What is /dress/?
/dress/ is a thread for viewers to share and discuss non-JP VTubers who want to become idols or who have become idols! Mostly based on the Hololive ideal of what an idol is!

>Can I post about my oshi here?
If your oshi is an idol, wants to be an idol or is just really passionate about idols, she is welcome here! Discussing non-idol activities is fine as long as the chuuba is relevant! Posting covers/videos/karaoke streams is encouraged strongly!
Western corporation and indie VTubers are welcome!

>Related Threads
>Don't know what else to put

Previous thread: >>53325380

>> No.53847475
Quoted by: >>53847546

i had no idea the race rat had idol art, neat

>> No.53847495
File: 1.79 MB, 498x393, 1662201765913294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53847546

I will give you some tips as what to include in the op in a bit, it will help the thread survive, give me a sec

>> No.53847546
File: 192 KB, 972x2048, ashton idol skeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53847802

Ah wait, I forgot I wanted to make a list on rentry of idols and aspiring idols before I made this again.
I'll work on that today!
She has a couple, that's from her official recent live, she's got the concept art for it and then also this skeb from before! I tried to find everything I could.
Thank you, this is the first OP I've put together myself

>> No.53847802
Quoted by: >>53848163

good thing you tried again, keep insisting, it will be hard work for a while but I promise to help you at least

>> No.53848163
Quoted by: >>53848873

I'll try! I'm free from waging for a couple of days at least so I can put in a better attempt to keep it alive, I just got demoralized last time but I didn't know how making a new thread went then
For the sake of all the idols and those who want to be idols, I'll do my best this time

>> No.53848787
File: 549 KB, 2039x2894, alien oni idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53848873

Actually I'm second-guessing myself, is making a rentry the better option or would a tierlist with names be preferable? The tierlist can have images and look nicer and be used for making tierlists but it's hard to edit, but rentry is just text, could include links plus I assume I can continue editing it whenever I find a new idol/aspiring idol.

>> No.53848873
File: 196 KB, 323x389, 1671303848757310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok buckle up cause this is going to be a long post.

First a bit about myself: I dont make generals, for in order for a general to survive you need at least two people interested. I just drop by and give advice to every general, which why you lately see so many of them who have similar ops.

Now the first thing you want to do is to have the word global somewhere in your name . Why? Not to leech hololive global, their thread is always the first, they will never visit yours. No that is in there as a signal: that your thread is under an alliance: I bump you and you bump me. This started quite some time ago and has been going in secret, only the OPs knows for it is only brought up during the first thread. You shall never speak about this again.

I will get to this

>> No.53849052
File: 634 KB, 866x846, 1676701429185528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53849132

The first one to adopt this was lig, when changed its name from general to global. Others followed.

Second, you want some type of animal link in your thread.
Choose from here: https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Animals%2C%20Aquariums%2C%20and%20Zoos

This is gives something to talk about when vtubers arent on and it also serves as dogwhitle. When a lig chuuba wants so signal she is aware of your thread, she raided your animals. Liggers often raid the ducks or say the watch it. It's the new banana on twitter.

Ironically the threads I aided who have taken this suggestion have survived, and those who havent have died. I think it is just because it shows the op is willing to do whats necessary to survive but it might have been a coincidence

>> No.53849132
File: 333 KB, 601x720, 1685658669498634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53849251

The secrets... you have my full attention!
I think I know a good animal link for the next thread, I'll just check no one else is using it.

>> No.53849240
Quoted by: >>53849413

hello, who is that in the OP? the design seems appealing.

>> No.53849251
File: 44 KB, 271x260, 1689866909221191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Second your chuubas should not be on pastebin! You want them in your op so people who are looking for them in the archives find your thread!
You should not clutter the thread with them, however.
You can add everyone if you like on a pastebin, but try to have the biggest 5 on there somewhere so they are searchable, even by the chuubas themselves.

Lig mastered this by having a rotating top 10 which made sure everyone was awarer of this thread. Not everyone has pulled this off succesfully in a easy way, vrt struggled a bit with their horseman system until they found themselves. You will need to think about it hard so it isnt more trouble than its worth.

You must however that the op isnt there to shill smaller chuubas, no one reads the op. You do that in the thread.
In the op you must put the must prominent ones, the ones that will draw people in. Same reasoning with your op image.

>> No.53849375
File: 1.45 MB, 1000x1414, 1674772670376435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the friends thread. Same as with chuubas, those arent there for their sake, but so the people in those thread find yours.

Take a look at the catalog and figure out which people would be interested in your thread. >>>/vt/fig/ seems like a good choice since they are actively looking for idols who play fighting games, for example. You dont know the catalog? Well start now! How do you expect someone to visit your thread if you dont visit theirs?
Drop by and promote too. Sometimes they will tell you to fuck off, and thats fine. You just need to do it once anyway.

>> No.53849413
Quoted by: >>53850614

Roller rodent race queen! She did her first live performance Glory at OffKai2 recently which is what this outfit is from

>> No.53849607

Also visit the catalog and check the bait threads. You can promote your general there too.
A wise man once said: always be shilling. You should follow this principle with your own general as well.

Now community management: for the first few weeks, you will have a very very dead thread. You dont need to have it always in page 1 but it is important that as soon as someone comments you reply to them. Reward good behaviors. If someone makes OC, that will be your new op. This will also come in handy with trolls.

Trolls can be put to use to you. They usually avoid small generals because they are helping them by bumping them but every so often a stray sociopath will drop by. You will recognize him, for they usually follow a simple pattern

1- New IP. Check the IP counter to know how many people are in your thread. If someone new drops by, you have to know.
2- No (you)s: they are not going to read the thread, they are here for a quick chemical fix. They will post out of the blue something that doesnt follow the line of the conversation.
3- No images: or non vtuber related images. That is too much work, most wont bother.
Check these and if you meet one of them, do as following....

>> No.53849699
File: 58 KB, 193x142, 1676259972759085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To put the chuubas in the OP... I will do my best to think of a good way to do this. I think I have a lot more research to do as well and find more idol chuubas, especially bigger ones.
Ah, I know some of the catalog! I actually was hesitant to put more in the OP because I didn't want to seem annoying but maybe it's a good idea. After all, /choc/ and /wool/ both have idol chuubas among their commonly discussed too, and /nina/ is well known for her amazing voice too.
I think I have a much better clue of what to do for future OPs! Thank you for the help so far I'm still taking notes.

>> No.53849967
File: 3.77 MB, 2000x2000, 1667188526253762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reward the behaviors you want to see

This is where we get devilish. If you see 1,2,3, do not simply ignore him. Instead drop dead. The whole thread must come to a halt. Let it reach page 11 if it must.
90% of the time he will get bored and leave thinking there is no one there. Everyone must sort of a agree to this. Everyone in the op pact sorts of knows already.
Then the troll will have to make a choice: will he save your thread from the dead? great! he is working for you now!
Reward him with a good solid (you) and call him a faggot.
You want this. Now you have your own little bitch bumping your shit when you are not around.

He does not? then post and save your own thread. He will post again, repeat, until he is doing what you want him to do.
Did he sage? Call him out! You want him saging! He is announcing basically that he is trolling! This is another behavior you must reward.

Also sometimes we will do a barrage of posts, one of which will not be (as) toxic. Give a you to that one. Teach your animal that if he wants attention he must ask nicely. You might be able to reform him, sometimes.

You should do the same with good posters: always reward good behaviors with (you)s! People deserve appreciation for helping you out!

>> No.53850118
Quoted by: >>53850259

Idol love!

>> No.53850259
File: 2.00 MB, 498x498, 1684735648979559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53850542

Devilish isn't my strong point but I'll try!
Anon love!

>> No.53850339
File: 82 KB, 318x244, 1680831766541260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53851730

One last rule is to know the current speed of your board.
A thread under normal conditions dies after 40 minutes. You want to be around every so often to bump it.

But what will you bump it with? Not just simply say "BUMP"
Invite conversation. Make some oc, ask questions. Get to know your regulars. Make this place their new home.
Make them feel loved and welcome, only then they will stay.

As I said, keeping a general alive is a lot of work, but it is very rewarding. One day your thread will no longer need you, and you can move on. Later you will see the things you help to build, and they will call you Ozymandias, and others will see your works, and despair. But it will take time, until then, remember that every thread started small.
And also remember one day your general will be too fast to ignore the trolls. Then you must split it else it will become a schizo den. Schizos never move on. You must learn to let go not to become as them

>> No.53850542
File: 134 KB, 265x246, 1667169109137041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to begin op: why dont you tell everyone something about you and why do you love idols?
This will help start conversation.

As one last point, you want to into divegrass and into Lord of the board events, they are the best to promote your general.
There are other rules I will not share but that you will discover as time goes by. Check other threads and see what they do to keep themselves alive. See how they promote themselves. Only then your child will stand a chance.

>> No.53850614

thank you

>> No.53850847
File: 746 KB, 514x510, 1659030720847235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do what I can! Thank you anyaposter
Personally I've loved idols for a long time! I discovered AKB48 when I was a young teen, although I didn't end up following them too closely and was disillusioned by finding out how the industry acted and treated the girls chasing their dreams!
I started again when I watched love live, because those girls were independent, becoming idols because that's what they wanted to do and they wanted to sing and perform, without a manager, just standing tall on their own. However the love live girls were fictional, and the concerts behind it were managed by the same kinds of company that took part in the parts of the industry i was concerned about
And then I found VTubers, starting with hololive and Sora, and eventually finding indies, indies who were genuinely and honestly trying to become idols, either with tiny companies behind them or completely on their own, and I decided that I wanted to support them with everything I had
I got a little wordy but I'm not sorry, I'm just very passionate and I want everyone to succeed

>> No.53850915

You heart is pure, and I wish you luck. I will be hanging around to help you when I can.
Be sure to visit other generals and promote this one, that is the key, and dont give up if it dies, just make it again and again. Remember it's only over when you give up

>> No.53850951

It's kinda silly but Love Live and IM@S originally got me into (2D) idols. From there on I started exploring actual real life idol groups (AKB48, Morning Susume, Planck Stars)!

As someone who used to do cosplay I was part of this group that would cover idol songs and dances at local anime events, which I really enjoyed at the time.

I'm not incredibly open about my love for idols, but it's something I'm quite passionate about in private and seeing people try to strive for the thing I enjoy makes me happy!

>> No.53851054

>As someone who used to do cosplay I was part of this group that would cover idol songs and dances at local anime events, which I really enjoyed at the time.
>I'm not incredibly open about my love for idols, but it's something I'm quite passionate about in private and seeing people try to strive for the thing I enjoy makes me happy!

thats pretty cool, actually. Myself I fell in love with idolmaster and I want more of that in the real world.
I too find the real idol industry horrifying but vtubers seem to solve most the issues by separating the persona from the streamer. Good opsec solves everything and lets idols keep their privacy without stalkers, so this is a better version, idols 2.0
I wish it wasnt so demonized by people who dont understand what they are talking about

>> No.53851159

There's a lot of bad in the idol industry. There's also a lot of good in the idol industry, and a lot of the bad things can indeed be negated by separating persona from streamer or at least by not posting pictures/real life names online where other people can see them.

I feel like a lot of people either only see the negative in the idol industry. The other side is also true though, a lot of girls out there that say they want to be idols but at the same time behave like they're the opposite.

>> No.53851185
File: 15 KB, 318x159, 1663358109948708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53851311

There's nothing wrong with finding idols through 2D means! Especially abroad I feel like it's easiest to stumble across things like that first.
That's so cool though! I always wanted to be part of a cosplay group that did idol stuff but I was so much younger than all the other girls who liked anime.
I hope that more people come to understand the good of idols too! Yes, there are terrible things and people who act completely out of line, but I think that actually the majority are good! The worst aspects are the loudest though.

>> No.53851311

It was pre-covid and the group consisted of both some older and some younger people! Though, age difference definitely makes it harder to find a group you mesh with, chemistry between members is quite important when putting up a show.

>> No.53851730
Quoted by: >>53851995

Oh, so the anya petra thread was just a secret game to see how long it could survive? Considering it is about the two least popular chuubas back when it was started and all.

>> No.53851985
Quoted by: >>53852160

> 3- No images: or non vtuber related images. That is too much work, most wont bother.
Images, like language, can be used to uniquely identify a poster. Cross reference with board usage patterns and you can spook a shy troll.

>> No.53851995
Quoted by: >>53852160

nta but its a tad more complicated than that.

also in another topic kayfabe recently refered to a two year old post that is possibly the origin of the idol dress meme and it is very schizo let me try to find it

>> No.53852160
Quoted by: >>53852366

That's somewhere above my power level for sure
I didn't think the idol dress meme was so new, that's news to me. I'd be interested in seeing it

>> No.53852366
Quoted by: >>53854869

Why do you think most mori bait threads use the same generic image?
The people doing them don't want to get recognized by savvy users. Most trolls use the board as a regular as well.
They're all takodachis

>> No.53853515
File: 668 KB, 4096x4096, spica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for including names in OP, I was thinking maybe linking recent (or current if possible) karaoke streams and/or covers from the past week? Just like 3 or so each thread to give a bit of variation and something for people to get into.
For example, this VOD of Spica's stream yesterday? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-9oHBxEI40
I think I heard Kuu also did some karaoke earlier but I could be wrong
I need to follow way more people on YT

>> No.53854826
Quoted by: >>53897652

glad to see people discovering Spica
she plays ukulele later today

>> No.53854869


>> No.53855036
File: 488 KB, 490x690, 1689890083920809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53856413

not sure if she's doing idol songs today but this morning musume fan's testing her new mic with karaoke

>> No.53856413
Quoted by: >>53856739

You wouldn't happen to have any of the art of her in idol outfits lying around would you? I know they exist but I'm not sure where to find them

>> No.53856420

Kirispica kicked me and a bunch of people out of her discord when she went corpo and now she is back being
I will not return
you cant just let chuubas walk all over you

>> No.53856620
File: 328 KB, 1440x2113, tora peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't keep up with the whole kawaii thing and gen 3 other than being tangentially aware of gezu but I respect your choices
I hope you've found some other chuubas to watch and support since then!

>> No.53856739
File: 363 KB, 1638x2048, Ft6_4obWwAApmvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53856937

this might be the only one? i don't check her art tag too often.

>> No.53856740

She hates discord

>> No.53856937

I thought there was another too, but this is perfect! Thank you, i'm trying to grow my folder

>> No.53857149
Quoted by: >>53857383

then why make a private club out of it

>> No.53857383
File: 145 KB, 887x766, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53858066

not sure if it's still up but she has said she doesn't really ever use much of discord to care about it and only set it up because people told her to make one
now she only ever use discord to connect with the buddies and chatted with fans in youtube chat instead

>> No.53858066

still my broken heart will not heal so easily

>> No.53859074
Quoted by: >>53860659

nice thread ashton

>> No.53860659
Quoted by: >>53861577

god I hope so
I do love her

>> No.53861577
Quoted by: >>53861758

You should learn how to type like someone else. And post more vtubers other than yourself so it's less obvious

>> No.53861758
File: 497 B, 62x56, 1679351178304702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53862105

Sorry but I look like this actually!

>> No.53862018


>> No.53862105


>> No.53863030
File: 640 KB, 3840x2160, F1SfQAqagAASV1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you faggots post some actual idols

>> No.53863159
File: 312 KB, 1440x2048, idol kyua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53864063

Will you share your idols? I'm looking for more!

>> No.53864056

i will not eat the bug

>> No.53864063
File: 106 KB, 1214x1143, Fz1JAtWaIAA5hv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53864710

I know Hanya has been working hard to improve her singing to become more idol-like

>> No.53864710
File: 364 KB, 1299x1205, purity idol sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53866721

I had no idea! That's really cute, I've never heard her sing before
I'll look out for her in the future! I wish her luck with her singing practice, it seems like that's a thing a lot of my chuubas feel is holding them back

>> No.53864767

you could link her at least

>> No.53865560

Ami Amami

>> No.53865723
File: 64 KB, 128x128, suiseiSticks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some good shit

>> No.53865954
Quoted by: >>53866090

you should add /vsinger/ to the op

>> No.53866090
File: 244 KB, 2048x1151, ami stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53867865

OH Prism Project, i don't know many corpo chuubas but i knew she looked familiar! thank you, I've subbed to her now
She's got some cute art too
I was thinking about it! I went to their thread to ask as well but i might just do it and hope that no one minds because i really do think we have similarities but they focus more on JP talents

>> No.53866721
Quoted by: >>53868320


>> No.53867510
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 1685587956959591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53868320

ashton fren she's on but i don't have any ashton images

>> No.53867865

no one is going to mind if you put them on their op but it is also a good chance to ask for them to yours in theirs
vsinger is not in the friends bandwagon tho

>> No.53868320
File: 378 KB, 2048x1559, ashton idol outfit reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53948096

This is the only remaining image I have left of her I haven't already posted today, but thank you fren
Here's the link for anyone else interested
Her singing voice is so cute too! Thank you, I'll be following her journey from now on

>> No.53869930
File: 585 KB, 2048x2048, yuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53870185

As for putting an animal in the OP, I like these fish. It's very peaceful.

>> No.53870185
File: 226 KB, 389x389, channels4_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this fish

>> No.53870886

Holy shit this fish has got some pipes
That audition video that autoplays on her YT is mindblowing

>> No.53871429

gonna subscribe

>> No.53872944

this fish has a cute design

>> No.53874158

I am really contemplating how to say all of this nicely.
OP, I appreciate your sentiment and all, but you're gonna need to let go of this feeling.
Being an idol is more than putting on a dress. The dress is something you earn, something you work for. All of those idols that made it have a road of blood, sweat, and tears behind them. Further, you cannot support everyone, it is simply not possible and you will only hurt yourself and others if you try. More to that, not everyone deserves to be supported, and not everyone will achieve their goals, no matter how hard they may try or you may push them. That's simply how it is.
You are also going to have to get some standards. It is one thing to find a promising chuuba who is rough around the edges and want to support them and shill them. It is another thing entirely to hold up every chuuba who gets a stupid idol design as an idol. You will only hurt your cause if you do this. It is perhaps unfortunate, but gatekeeping is a critical aspect of quality. Do not be afraid to be critical. You can be critical and kind, but never pull your punches. If you truly care about idols and the success of chuubas, you will not shy away from thoughtful criticism.
Be observant. Learn what separates idols from everyone else, and who may actually have qualities neccesary to stand apart and flourish in a grueling and niche industry. Learn about the nuances of idols, so you will know one when you see one, and so that you can teach others.
Be judicious. Do not give your support too freely. Give it to those who deserve it, because you only have so much to give, and not everyone is worthy.
Lastly, and perhaps somewhat paradoxically, remain hopeful. Vtubing, as with traditional idols, is a dark and cruel industry. It can be cutthroat at times, and horribly depressing, moreso than you may ever know. Just like anything else, it is a BUSINESS first and foremost. That doesn't mean you can't have fun and achieve your dreams, but there will always be more than meets the eye.
It's good to like idols, and nice to have noble intentions, but let this post serve as a word of caution born from experience. I think that's all I really wanna say.
Godspeed, and enjoy your idols.

Love Live sucks lole :^)

>> No.53874775
File: 192 KB, 1536x1024, 1674149969532723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harsh words but I agree: gatekeeping is necessary.
This is why also all modern generals have filters. Lig has the numbers barrier and fig has the idol one.
Protect the things you love, for they are worth protecting, not every poster has good intentions. Most in fact dont

>> No.53874871
File: 20 KB, 370x320, 5419523662x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyaposters are wise and speak the truth.
Heed them or perish.

>> No.53875123
File: 94 KB, 681x784, no star without rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you've seen a lot of things anon... More than me, definitely.
Some of these things I think I'll have to learn the hard way. Learning who to support, how to identify someone that isn't serious about the dream and willing to put in the time and effort. Time is a limited thing after all I know.
But I'll remember your advice! I'll choose to be, for the time being, foolishly optimistic! If there is someone out there that is just one cheer away from putting in the blood, sweat and tears, making them believe it will be worth it, I'll be that voice for now!
I will do my best to figure out then, as soon as possible, what it is that separates the idols and the idols-in-training from the VTubers who don't really care for the dream.
I do appreciate the genuine advice, even if it is harsh! After all, I'm someone with a dream too.

>> No.53876320
File: 146 KB, 849x1085, 20210220_221342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53877477

Here, that image is a pair. If you have one you need the other too.
I still remember when they were drawn...
Seems like it's been so long..
Bye bye for now anon.

>> No.53876689
Quoted by: >>53877477

night is approaching so dont be dissapointed if it dies, just see it as a chance to perfect your op
Try again tomorrow.

>> No.53877477
File: 893 KB, 3393x1909, ultimate nyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect, thank you, I will not separate them.
I will! I have to sleep soon as well so I was preparing myself. With these suggestions, with so much advice, I'm a lot more prepared now! I'm more confident I can get the ball rolling.
Thank you for introducing me to many girls with the idol dream and ones that are living their dream! And thank you for keeping me grounded in reality too.
Tomorrow, if it doesn't survive the night, I've already got a good idea of what I'm adding and what I'm changing in the OP, so it will be better!
Thank you for supporting these stars, I hope they can shine forever!

>> No.53882493

>is a thread for viewers to share and discuss non-JP VTubers who want to become idols
How many of them actually exist?

>> No.53882784
Quoted by: >>53884279

>The ops of the threads are revealing their secrets

>> No.53883133

The biggest tip from this OP can take is that Sloth should not be in this thread.

>> No.53884279
File: 51 KB, 240x240, 1680323022329591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys were not supposed to see that
The thread was meant to die a few post later so she tries again
Dont tell me you people linked this place to one of your discords?

>> No.53884425
File: 273 KB, 425x440, 1684039258198914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53884729


>> No.53884729
File: 184 KB, 300x300, 1681997799728113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, writing style clearly shows op is female
She sincerely loves idols so he wont very likely post herself in her own thread if she is a chuuba, but still wants to support others.
That is admirable in its own regard so I wanted to help her out.
Also if I am off and you are a guy you write like a girl

>> No.53885705

Sorry for keeping the thread alive and revealing the tricks of the trade!
Let's meet again tomorrow okay?
You got me, but I don't know how to type any other way...
I want everyone around me to make it. I've seen first hand how hard some of them are working. It is hard for me to say or do anything as who I am, so instead, let me just be an anonymous OP supporting their dreams!

>> No.53885891
Quoted by: >>53885972

i mean seriously don't usually women type like
and that \(๑•́o•̀๑)/

>> No.53885972
File: 196 KB, 300x300, 1678712968100791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53889190


Also one last tip: never reveal you are the op of any thread.
Some people will criticize your OP decisions and get unreasonable angry at you. You die with this secret.
I will be cycling through the threads through the day and I will be stopping at yours
Gambaro, idol.

yes but there are other subtler clues I will not go into because it would give hints to doxxers

>> No.53886545
Quoted by: >>53886636

You shouldn't include Sloth here

>> No.53886636

If no one watches her there no one will post her schizo you are always the one bringing her up

>> No.53887182
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 1685552413404124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So time for a quick poll to bump it a little through the night

>your holo oshi
> your favorite idol chuuba
>Your favorite song

>> No.53887345
File: 913 KB, 1280x720, 1658444695251905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I love coni from jidf actually
>Last christmas I gave you my heart

>> No.53887565
File: 87 KB, 1300x866, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kodoku no tabiji

>> No.53889190

>yes but there are other subtler clues I will not go into because it would give hints to doxxers
ah, alrighty.

>> No.53890324

wouldn't they be called surveys?

>> No.53891494
File: 147 KB, 315x384, 1684628900984939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53893168

>> No.53893168

good question

>> No.53895498


>> No.53896731

answer the survey

>> No.53896750

>mogu mogu

>> No.53897253
Quoted by: >>53900766

You are Ashton Marten it is extremely evident to anyone who follows you or anyone with eyes to read this thread

>> No.53897652
File: 25 KB, 112x112, shaHZLmBJ56P_9EPp5mUmAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53911405

in a couple minutes, she's still learning ukulele

>> No.53898773

das cute

>> No.53900766
Quoted by: >>53901540


>> No.53901540
Quoted by: >>53903663

If Op is ashton i am fucking watching her

>> No.53903562
File: 477 KB, 1508x2040, FdQzjcTaUAMt9H3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does JP stand for the main language they stream at?

>> No.53903663

it's a meme, ashton has been accused of being menhera chan before but the truth is she probably doesnt even know about this place

>> No.53905858

ah I get it

>> No.53905950
Quoted by: >>53905996

Idol love!

>> No.53905996

post idols

>> No.53906062

Ok fucker explain something to me
How come kayfabe had dress in their op before this general was even made >>/vt/thread/53669233

What the fuck are you guys on

>> No.53906239
Quoted by: >>53906352


>> No.53906352

ah nvm got spooked for a sec

>> No.53906855
Quoted by: >>53909790

GOOD MORNING! Thank you for keeping the thread alive!
Idol love!
I was definitely expecting to post another OP today but I'm really happy that people are here.
I did a trial run of this general last week but I was too busy to keep it alive at the time.

>> No.53907898
Quoted by: >>53918457

Yeah! Nade lives in Japan but streams in English right? I've only seen her a couple so I have/had no idea she has the idol dream but if she does that makes me so happy, she's very cute! And she would definitely be welcome here in my opinion if so

>> No.53908793

tell your chuuba to play fightan before you shill her in another thread
finish the main course before the dessert

>> No.53909790

>I did a trial run of this general last week but I was too busy to keep it alive at the time.

yeah I got it, I thought it was part of an elaborate prank

>> No.53911405

really nice setlist

>> No.53911723
File: 456 KB, 1800x1800, cute fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53912221

Okay, I think I'm finished trying to craft an improved OP post for next time, but please do always feel free to suggest things I can do better each time!
I hope some of us can make a home out of /dress/ like I would like to.

>> No.53912221
Quoted by: >>53912351

put in /kayfabe/, /fig/ and wah

>> No.53912351
Quoted by: >>53912392

why wah?

>> No.53912392
Quoted by: >>53912434

ina is an idol and you want the takos for free art

>> No.53912434
Quoted by: >>53913905

nta but wouldn't they see it as leeching

>> No.53913905
Quoted by: >>53914609

they wont even notice for the most part

>> No.53914609
File: 832 KB, 916x966, drunkIna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53915889

which one

>> No.53916986
Quoted by: >>53917773

i remember her being in the /fig/ op and thinking that she was more of an ASMR chuuba

>> No.53917496

lmao you're fucking retarded if you think she doesn't know about this place and that it isn't literally her posting

>> No.53917653
File: 369 KB, 1240x1480, bodega idol sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53917857

I'm actually not sure how I should feel about someone being so insistent I'm Ashton
I would like to perform at offkai one day like she did but i have a lot of work to do first

>> No.53917773
Quoted by: >>53918457

she plays game on her free time because she hates FGC fans (rrat)

>> No.53917857
File: 196 KB, 300x300, 1684051632715787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's flattering, ashton is very cute, but again, people will try to find culprits among the people who they know when most likely all of us than are still anons are people they never heard of
there are approximately 1000 daily visitors to this board, I dont even have a twitter account

>> No.53918457
File: 289 KB, 1481x2022, rmmr_neko21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53938276

Nooooo it's not true! There are not enough fighting game fans to hate!
Nothing can influence her but herself..
Yes. She's japanese hafu, but prefers to stream in English. She loves bandori/love live. Fubuki and Shion are her favorite holo members. She also has a job related to idoling/entertainment irl, but she keeps it private for obvious reasons she also graduated the top of her class. I think shes neat, but shes not too much into singing.

>> No.53918878

>I can shill both Nyaru and Nade in the same thread

>> No.53920719


>> No.53922275
Quoted by: >>53922511

tell nyaru to play street fighter she is a spic she has the gene

>> No.53922511
Quoted by: >>53924305


>> No.53924305
Quoted by: >>53927316

dont judge me I am desperate

>> No.53927316
Quoted by: >>53927381

just play SF6 with normal people...

>> No.53927381
Quoted by: >>53931317

I need a simulated girlfriend who I can beat on fighting games and look cool
she needs to able to appreciate how good i am

>> No.53927590


>> No.53927719

i'm starting to feel a little bad for the anya who thought this thread was going to die quickly
idols are too powerful

>> No.53927797
Quoted by: >>53928573

...so is it white and gold or blue and black?

>> No.53928573
File: 258 KB, 605x967, 1689780404301225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53929993


>> No.53929993

man shading drives people insane

>> No.53931317

just get a prostitute to play SF6

>> No.53933276

you can hire way cheaper if you just use one of the services to get people to party up to play video games with and just look for women through it

>> No.53933380

the hooker wont be any good at it, not good enough to understand how good I am

>> No.53933501

Shilling this FlaVR chuuba, she is a hag idol fan

>> No.53933828

post some clips of her singing then/ doing idol stuff

>> No.53934004
File: 47 KB, 985x529, 1683429174392729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53934123

I'm sure glad my oshi isn't an idol schizo! I'm glad she didn't get herself rangebanned!

>> No.53934123
Quoted by: >>53935886


>> No.53935886
File: 231 KB, 600x338, super_lapa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvnv7gd.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53936768


>> No.53936768
File: 200 KB, 648x785, 1679019038687437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53938276
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x2000, ontama634r-sq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real, her inclusion in the /fig/ OP was premature. Remember when she was going to be a /his/ chuuba? Meanwhile, the idol dream was there from the start.

>> No.53939139
Quoted by: >>53939221

what is his?

>> No.53939142
Quoted by: >>53940305

i remember when clio was going to be a /his/ chuuba...

>> No.53939221
File: 23 KB, 761x729, 1685216961217351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53940178

anon look at the bottom of the page and just, just stare REALLY hard at it

>> No.53940178

a fuck I thought it was a vt general but you meant history

>> No.53940305

At least Clio plays games that are tangentially related. The theme is still vaguely there.

>> No.53940358 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>53941813

Turns out wanting to talk about ww2 tends to invite the current climate people who prefer to live in an alternate history.

>> No.53941673
File: 273 KB, 1200x1455, IMG_0491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53946999

Sloth birthday tomorrow so she should be OP

>> No.53941813
Quoted by: >>53948946

Kek. The worst part of any hobby is the autists. I wonder how she's going to feel if FGC viewers actually show up to her streams.

>> No.53942967
File: 451 KB, 909x1243, miyuyuChoir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idol-hopeful sloth's doing some sleepy karaoke! if you look at her songlist link she has quite a few AKB48 songs on there

>> No.53943780

cute design

>> No.53945011

Isla Coleman from kawaii is doing an Idol karaoke (LL and Idolm@ster songs mostly)

>> No.53945749

oh, nice.

>> No.53946999

i hadn't seen this art, it looks awesome

>> No.53948096

that's a cute outfit

>> No.53948946

how autistic are the fgc viewers

>> No.53949392

extremely, have you ever seen fighting game players?

>> No.53949475

The Gosler guy who got attached to Shimada Tiger comes to mind, although he was a unique case.

>> No.53949503

Shes too good for that black company

>> No.53949647
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, VRChat_2023-07-21_22-09-30.072_1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more idol chuubas did as much interaction as Nyaru. She must really love her fans like a true idol.

>> No.53949970
Quoted by: >>53950050

It feels like there's a high payment barrier to this kind of stuff, Nyaru has VR and full body tracking as well as connections to that AI friend company probably through shirayuri pro
I think more would want to do it but it's inaccessible

>> No.53950050

I meant in general. VR is nice but the idol chuubas don't take viewer interaction and gratitude as serious as she does.

>> No.53950789
File: 982 KB, 1150x1150, 4563123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53951576

I am really jealous. But there is some hope Nade will test out vr stuff in the future, as small as that chance is. Kind of unfortunate for her fans her irl stuff takes a lot of priority so theres really not much left to treat the fans with.

>> No.53952400
File: 510 KB, 853x480, 34675234564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53953254

Post Nyarus jigglys

>> No.53953712

i never saved any of the webms, sorry...

>> No.53954288
File: 156 KB, 500x500, 1689112656058010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53954451


>> No.53954451

Thank you!
More please

>> No.53954863
File: 250 KB, 313x345, 1684440259486211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53955599
File: 406 KB, 512x724, 1659122475762021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53955651
File: 29 KB, 400x400, nyarusquib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53957137

i had no idea the race rat had idol art, neat
