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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1662687789693925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53639098 No.53639098 [Reply] [Original]

Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams,
as well as the discussion of the 7 Sins of the Retrocalypse.

The sin of streaming way too much.

▶Amiya Aranha◀
The sin of being way too attached to chat

▶Woozie Wannai◀
The sin of going to boomer shooters whenever her other games don't work out

The Sin of being sleepy all the time

The sin of having her streams die all the time

▶Mozumi Pichi◀
The sin of eating all kinds of weird shit

The sin of playing too much Zelda

Other more talked about Chuubas:

▶Professor Bloom◀


▶Super Meche◀

▶TheGoodJared aka Hank Hill◀

▶Tenma Maemi◀

More Retro Chuubas:

/vrt/ Divegrass Team:

Lumi ARG:

Previous Thread:

Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
Nina Main Thread >>>/vt//nina/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//same/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
AkioAIR and other small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/

>> No.53639155
File: 1.80 MB, 1536x1656, 1672228805760326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woozie LOVE
Riona LOVE
Mozzu LOVE
Clauvio LOVE

>> No.53639167


>> No.53639169
File: 58 KB, 1500x786, 1665739936375608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53639201

/vrt/ Love!

>> No.53639185
File: 927 KB, 3312x3865, FUGKFhgVEAAu0PH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53639198

real new thread where champs aren't trying to push out the other girls as usual

>> No.53639201

I really want to see Woozie and Riona in this style, please come back anon

>> No.53639213

Disgusting Love!

>> No.53639233
File: 396 KB, 1460x2048, 1689591111974992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloom LOVE
Karin LOVE
Meche LOVE
Tenma LOVE

>> No.53639245


>> No.53639244

i prefer this one over /wvt2/

>> No.53639256



>> No.53639299

This is your punishment for not puting your bread in the oven quick enough anon, now live with it!

>> No.53639336

why are you trying so hard to push them
and who the fuck is jets

>> No.53639345
Quoted by: >>53639436

So, I should have just bake on page 8 without announcing so there would be no double bake? I didn't even bake the thread...

>> No.53639353

Swirldrop LOVE


>> No.53639363

why are you such a faggot
your oshi is 2view nobody so why the false sense of superiority botschizo?

>> No.53639436

It doesn't really matter. Just bake when we get to the bump limit: either with posts or with images. Old thread will sink anyway afterwards.

>> No.53639454
Quoted by: >>53639521

Retarded schizos pushing their dogshit 2view twitch whores deserve the rope.

>> No.53639459
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, 1688595278090059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53639490

Everyone needs a classic doomguy pose piece of art

>> No.53639461

Why is Kiki in the OP? No one here likes her?

>> No.53639488

/wvt/fags aren't even being subtle anymore
also who?? I checked the last 5 thread and she wasnt posted. you're literally just trying to push /wvt/ and /lig/ chuubas

>> No.53639490

But why is he grabbing his dick?

>> No.53639498

I've been watching her recently, she's alright

>> No.53639521

retarded bots pushing their 2view ESL slut deserve the rope

>> No.53639525
Quoted by: >>53639553

I watch her all the time, what are you talking about

>> No.53639543

fake unity fag

>> No.53639546
File: 164 KB, 297x321, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is /vrt/ of all places getting some infighting?

>> No.53639553
Quoted by: >>53663653

well obviously i mean no one likes her except the champs that come here to only post her

>> No.53639556
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 1623165706112011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch her chill streams still as they are on point with her old streaming style, but new kiki isn't my jam anymore

>> No.53639559

/wvt/ invasion

>> No.53639566


>> No.53639572
File: 230 KB, 390x515, 378383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I better go...

>> No.53639575


>> No.53639607

Don't go Lumi, It's okay

>> No.53639610 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53639691

Kiki and her pyoniggers suck, but i'd take them over the freaks trying to make /vrt/ all about karin and joru any day.

>> No.53639614
Quoted by: >>53639722

Fear of their oshi getting overshadowed

>> No.53639650

Just let me put my face under that ass and then you can go right in my mouth.

>> No.53639659

do you think there is some kind of hierarchy in here where no real enforcement can apply?
i would imagine its goes something like
>streaming retro

>> No.53639671

A schizo needs there to be a clash between the "old guard" (Ami, Lumi) and everything else. So he's sock puppeting in hopes of causing a real conflict

>> No.53639691
Quoted by: >>53639892

As someone who likes watching both karin and joru, I'd rather they not get posted if people start shizoing so hard about them.

They're nice girls with, to my knowledge, little to do with /vrt/ or /wvt/ themselves, they'd be sad to see this.

>> No.53639722
Quoted by: >>53639782

The same thing happened when someone posted Clauvio and Maroony, then we had people shitting on that mute twitch streamer, then Iomi when she was playing Splinter Cell, now Karin. Bots should learn to shut the fuck up instead of lashing out when someone compliments a chuba that isn't Lumi. They are the primary reason threads are shit in the first place. I am surprised they haven't complained about Yumanea yet since like 2 anons responded positively to her being posted here.

>> No.53639782

It's the schizo initiation. The dorkmouse passed through easily, we're made of sterner stuff here.

>> No.53639790

twitch vs youtube watchers

>> No.53639826
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, RTS Lumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to bring back unity...

>> No.53639841
Quoted by: >>53639875

Why is this tramp in the op

>> No.53639875
Quoted by: >>53639931

hesitant baker who talk about baking for 10 posts

>> No.53639882
File: 74 KB, 640x640, lumipuzzle5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you can't solve it.

>> No.53639892

I'm fine with them and their content, but i hope they die if they're gonna keep having their schizo fans shitting up this thread any time anyone tries discussing any of the sins.

>> No.53639924
File: 271 KB, 2048x1365, 1678595336218586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53639931
Quoted by: >>53640028

what a retard
he should know champs are desperate to pull this kind of shit

>> No.53639940
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1684069044108449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizos scared away anyone making oc, I hope this drawfag is okay

>> No.53639953
Quoted by: >>53639976

imagine being the papag eater who tried to make fun of bots, been seeing that a lot lately

>> No.53639955
Quoted by: >>53640001

immigrate to the good thread and let this one die

>> No.53639976
Quoted by: >>53640002

holy mother of projection, 99% of bots have dark skin to say it politely

>> No.53640001

ah so that's why you're shitposting so hard, makes sense now

>> No.53640002

oh really? i had no idea
i am not a bot

>> No.53640019
File: 3.84 MB, 1781x4668, 1689573525605469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53640085

Carrying the schedule post over from last thread

>> No.53640025

even their oshi is a seafag

>> No.53640028
Quoted by: >>53640510

This happened last time too. baker2 and baker3 raced to post who they wanted in the OP. This isn't a champ thing.

>> No.53640034

she streams in the sea primetime and never took off in the na timezone, she has like half of her ccv when she streams in EDT or PDT timezone

>> No.53640083

It only takes one glance at her chat to know

>> No.53640085

this started with the schedule posts, I wouldn't be surprised if the same anon is doing it considering he still puts in the retarded tranny in it for the sake of "unity"
half of these chuubas aren't relevant to this thread

>> No.53640101

Tomba! Just about to start, probably

>> No.53640109
File: 2.89 MB, 395x371, 1669170289537959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains why bots are so aggressive, some deep rooted issues coming through kek

>> No.53640121
Quoted by: >>53640202

They play retro.
Therefore they are relevant

>> No.53640123
Quoted by: >>53640180

Say what you will about bots, but at least they only shit up their oshi's chat instead of here, unlike twitch fags.

>> No.53640144
Quoted by: >>53640347

I like Maple

>> No.53640180
Quoted by: >>53640272

>they only shit up the actual stream itself instead of a thread on an anonymous image board
imagine saying this like it's a good thing holy shit

>> No.53640197
Quoted by: >>53640288

As someone who occassionally discusses them both, I just wanna apologize for what I think is a troll trying to stir up shit between sins and other chuubas. They don't represent all of us.
I watch Lumi and Woozie and have nothing against the other sins either, wish we could have a normal discussion about both sins and non-sins without the thread becoming a shitshow everytime.

Especially since this is the only place to discuss them and they're nice girls. I know I'm kinda screaming into the void on a tibetan basketweaving hobby forum here, but please don't hold the actions of a single schizo against the less popular girls or the people who like them. A lot of us love the sins too.

(Chances are that it is just one or two people trying to stoke the fires on both sides either way to make the whole thread a trainwreck.)

>> No.53640202
Quoted by: >>53640217

this mindset ruined the thread
you might as well include every single vtuber who plays a retro game in the schedule and the ritualposts then

>> No.53640217

Alright, they mostly play retro

>> No.53640272

Never said it was a good thing, I said them doing it where I don't have to see it is better than the karin schizos who do it here where I have to witness it.

>> No.53640288

Majority don't think that way sin and non-sin talk is fine most of the time

>> No.53640344

I'm gonna miss Woozie

>> No.53640347

you're the problem

>> No.53640392
Quoted by: >>53640416

why not just remove the sins and make everyone equal?

>> No.53640416
Quoted by: >>53640619

why not stop being a faggot and lurk moar instead of trying to change a year old general

>> No.53640423

I like Riona, she reminds me of a girl who used to obsessively purchase spare tires in case her wheels got a punture

>> No.53640424

Scheduleanon here, please don't involve this thread in-fighting. I just collect the schedules.
I've explained this before, but I just go through all the sins and related chuubas, then the rentry for those who are sometimes posted here, and then check the last thread for other schedules people might want included.

If I started excluding vtubers arbritarily it would just become a shitshow of people who anti one chuuba or another asking for them to be excluded.

All I check is that at least one retro game is on the schedule that week and they're in. If not, they're out.

>> No.53640444

I'm gonna mistress Woozie

>> No.53640459
Quoted by: >>53640495

I find her zoomer energy offputting at times, but her taste in games is top tier. My condolences to her woozlings, hopefully it doesn't take too long for somebody very similar to her to show up.

>> No.53640495

Her zoomer energy is a major selling point for me, it gives me new life but yeah she will be missed

>> No.53640510
Quoted by: >>53640563

no it didn't. one baker said they were baking, another baker said they wanted to do lumi instead but then agreed to the first bakers wishes
don't act like champs don't do panic bakes to protect kiki
they were already ramping up for the victim game when that ami poster was boosting the thread to bump limit

>> No.53640512
Quoted by: >>53640581

>the rentry
ah okay that explains it then, I think that was made by the poll anon and he's been trying to push /wvt/ chuubas since the first threads

>> No.53640536

Keep up the good work dude. Don't let the schizoposters deter you.

>> No.53640563

Stop shitting up the thread and let it go.
It probably wasn't even a champ

>> No.53640568
File: 158 KB, 793x695, clauvio378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53640670

Clauvio. Wife.

>> No.53640581

No he hasn't, grow some stones

>> No.53640619
Quoted by: >>53640658

More than a year old but a year ago it was a hell of a lot better than it was right now, the OP lineup looked like this:
Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams
as well as the discussion of 4 Horseman of the Retrocalypse

Our Robot Overlord with a need for RAM

▶Amiya Aranha◀
Retro Spider Mama

/vt/'s own /here/ Rabbit

▶TheGoodJared as Hank Hill◀

Other more talked about Chuubas:

▶Professor Bloom◀
Endless grind with good pipes

▶Pop'n Start featuring Dot_lvl and Maroony◀


▶Mint Castella◀

▶Orla Gan Ceann◀

More Retro Chuubas:

>> No.53640650

I checked out a couple of kiki's streams recently after bouncing off her like a year ago because of how schizo champys are and her having a meltdown every single stream and it seems like she's in a much better place now and tard wrangles them a little more. Now if she could just stick to a schedule...

>> No.53640658

it's the same shit, we just have more chuubas now
that's completely different than removing it entirely to make it more like /wvt/

>> No.53640670

A lot of time has passed now and I still prefer her old design, new one is great too

>> No.53640686 [DELETED] 

>stick to schedule
We know it's you

>> No.53640726
Quoted by: >>53640794

My thoughts exactly, judging from her Zoo Tycoon streams. I don't really care about the schedule thing

>> No.53640741

She's been doing great. Her concert stream today was kino

>> No.53640748

she does, this week was an exception because she made a 9 hours gorilla and it ruined her sleep schedule

>> No.53640794
Quoted by: >>53640909

It's annoying showing up to a stream only to get a "whoops sorry guys, im not feeling well. stream cancelled" like every 3rd stream, but otherwise she seems to have improved a little over the past 18 months or whatever. credit where credit is due.

>> No.53640909

Yeah, I'm sure. In my case, I just watch whoever gets linked when I'm around

>> No.53640910
Quoted by: >>53640981

when will Kiki learn that she is not wanted outside of her little bubble where no one can or will criticize her
sort your fucking life out and apologize for everything you've done instead of pretending nothing is wrong

>> No.53640981

chair what happened with the terms and conditions storyline you were feeding us a week ago? We never got a conclusion

>> No.53640995
Quoted by: >>53641159

I think i'd be better if it took more than just a single retro game in a week to be included, but otherwise it's always nice to get a good overview of what all the retro vtubers and not just the sins have scheduled.

>> No.53641006
File: 62 KB, 310x310, 1684723499909227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get it now huhuhuhuhu

>> No.53641139
File: 2.04 MB, 1507x838, AiYumeka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53688980

So are you guys gonna come watch some tomba or not?

>> No.53641140
Quoted by: >>53641275

Stop baiting the schizo dumb fucking nigger. How many times does Kiki have to tell you to just ignore it

>> No.53641151

Someone should make a /vrt/ Doom wad

>> No.53641159

I'm not personally opposed to that, but asking for more than a single retro stream a week would semi-frequently disqualify some of the sins and some thread favorites, so I think that might be an unpopular change.

(Unless the sins were excluded from that rule, I suppose.)

>> No.53641186
Quoted by: >>53641303

It's better if you keep up what you're already doing

>> No.53641249
Quoted by: >>53641303

I like what you're doing already. A single game can be enough to get someone to check out a chuuba and the amount included isn't large enough to need thinning.

>> No.53641275
File: 143 KB, 908x627, va.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53641303

Thanks, I'll just keep going with what I'm doing then.

>> No.53641368

who? I don't care about your threads drama keep it in pyon.
I'm just sick of seeing her get shilled here by the same couple of champs when nobody even likes or watches her.
even she knows she's a bad person and that no one on this board likes her she's admitted that herself on stream but she doesn't care and takes pride in it and will never apologize and will forever act as a victim

>> No.53641570

>more posts per minute than /pcg/

>> No.53641623

so... anyone here likes Zelda?

>> No.53641653

Sleepy riona we're in for a treat

>> No.53641814
File: 172 KB, 341x395, 1673685853095066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Catgirl playing Doom 2

>> No.53641937
Quoted by: >>53642002

Nice what wad?

>> No.53641967

finally its not over for once!

>> No.53642002
Quoted by: >>53642057

i am too shy to use the command to check

>> No.53642048

no keep doing your thing, I think it'd be better if you put the sins to the top or just followed the OP order but that'd be too much work if you're making it as they post
we should update the rentry list though. we agreed to remove the wvt/lig chuubas like mint from the OP and the list to replace them with chuubas we actually talk about, then the poll anon suddenly made the poll and it distracted everyone
like why the fuck is Sara even in that list, she played like 3 retro games in 2 years. There's a literally who male in the list too, the dude only has 50 followers. We also agreed to remove the trannies from the list and he said he'd do that but only removed one of them

>> No.53642057

there i did it for you

>> No.53642139
File: 156 KB, 474x488, 1676162482854003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well on the bright side we'll be done with this embarrassing OP pic sooner than later
it'll ruin our rep if too many people see

>> No.53642215
Quoted by: >>53644334

my board rep!

>> No.53642253
File: 11 KB, 601x87, 1675991701643226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53642266
Quoted by: >>53642424

recap in 15 minutes
kill yourself

>> No.53642307
Quoted by: >>53643347

cheer up jinx
i'd stick my cock in your ass just the way you are

>> No.53642325

we like you the way you are jinx

>> No.53642355

recap in 10 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Lc23MKg-c

>> No.53642424

why are you telling me to kill myself? try being nicer to your fellow /vrt/ brethren

>> No.53642613
Quoted by: >>53642632

recap in 5 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Lc23MKg-c

>> No.53642632

we got the message bot

>> No.53642687

And then an Unreal recap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBrpcdl3yhE

>> No.53642727

i miss the one stream for all games recaps

>> No.53642764

one recap for all games i mean
idk why i typed it like that

>> No.53642863

yeah, weekly recap was comfy

>> No.53642889

nah this is better, most of those recaps too short. She was trying to recap 7-8 streams in 10 minutes, now every stream gets 5 minutes

>> No.53642899

Her recaps are adorable. I love hearing her narrate over what she did and the stories narrative, this one always gets me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5kbHJnhHFE

>> No.53643347

What a gentleman.

>> No.53643349
File: 11 KB, 350x95, 1666569829016706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi is actually cooking tonight

>> No.53643442
Quoted by: >>53643759

I hope doesn't burn her pots if you catch my drift

>> No.53643759

Did you forget to put someone's name in your post?

>> No.53643762

>Malaysian robot
>living in Japan
>cooking Korean dish

>> No.53643798


>> No.53643815

decide on something already, her nationality changes every week

>> No.53643941
Quoted by: >>53666981

Malaysia is home of microelectronics.

>> No.53643971
File: 25 KB, 703x139, NOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53644060

Ami herself said so

>> No.53644060
Quoted by: >>53644382

Has anyone attempted to make a Lumi ai? I don't think any model could capture her dorkiness

>> No.53644221
Quoted by: >>53644563


>> No.53644334

vrt has enough of a bad rep for constantly shitting on most chuubas that get posted

>> No.53644382

I did but didn't have the patience to customise her https://c.ai/c/ZZuQ3ZLDAehUrUMNc4EPIeRc80d8yjCrHVKPpaGCR4Y

>> No.53644563
Quoted by: >>53644914

reminder that some faggot spoiled Lumi the DLC

>> No.53644648
File: 361 KB, 569x453, 1671332227466379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck

>> No.53644914

Wow what a shock

>> No.53644932
File: 63 KB, 1155x324, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup schedulanon, old baker and the onen that made the list, in terms of the rentry, the ones included were all semi regular posted and i also checked past schedules to see if they play retro at least once when i included them so your own judgement should be pretty much be in line with that.

guess its summer and schizos just got nothing better to do than try and stirr up shit, with the high amount of activity maybe they got some "friends" involved.

we had something similar in the past when schizo raided the thread and tried to deterr people form posting. they have nothing to do with the actual people of the thread. as always i urge anyone to simply ignore the shitflinging and not try to engage them and correct them, that is exactly what they are trying to bait you into to get their kicks. remember that samefagging is a real thing and the only thing you should do is report anything thats just trolling and off topic

anyway i go back to watching riona, have a good one everyone

>> No.53645029

you're forever solid

>> No.53645143
Quoted by: >>53645269

stop posting this shit every time someone disagrees with you
you're an egoistic autist who can't accept even the slightest amount of criticism, I still remember how you had a schizo meltdown because someone made a "lol he's trying to flirt with lumi" joke when you tried to dm her

>> No.53645226
File: 652 KB, 915x713, 1645109178967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53645269
File: 133 KB, 442x639, pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53645305


>> No.53645305
Quoted by: >>53646797

even kiki called him out for spamming "haha free schizo bumps please post more schizo shit" btw

>> No.53645344
File: 652 KB, 659x717, aurora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not rando Majora's Mask

>> No.53645674
File: 485 KB, 685x426, 1650815946719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53646153

what do you mean one can play Ocarina of Time or Majoras Mask without it being a rando?

>> No.53645942
Quoted by: >>53647730

Bloom x Kiki

>> No.53646016
Quoted by: >>53646207

does anyone know who the m*le who commissioned himself with Karin is? He has more followers than Karin too so it's not just a schizo getting himself an avatar to commission his OC fucking his oshi

>> No.53646153
File: 216 KB, 415x593, looksatyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could this have happened

>> No.53646207
Quoted by: >>53649206

I checked his twitter and all of his tweets are about sex, and Karin's been ignoring him even though he's been doing it for a year
classic male vtuber, but it's weird that he's only doing it to Karin instead of trying to groom every vtuber he sees

>> No.53646252
File: 49 KB, 693x356, 1670856769603174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53646723


>> No.53646797
Quoted by: >>53647037


>> No.53647037

like a year ago when she was having a menhera moment because of the antiposts in the early threads

>> No.53647675

I don't think it's my imagination anymore, these threads are getting faster

>> No.53647730

I can't tell who this is more offensive to but it's schizo behavior either way so please reconsider your actions

>> No.53648240
File: 425 KB, 154x140, super meche.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53648388


>> No.53648388

shakle your daughters she's here!

>> No.53648408
Quoted by: >>53648880

what's the succubus mc mod thing?

>> No.53648880

La Tailor Girl

>> No.53648925
File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, 1667215295445882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karin's schedule

>> No.53648953
Quoted by: >>53650066

I’m starting to think Woozie might be easily embarrassed.
In the context of the rest of Woozie’s character, I suppose it makes sense for her actress to pretend to be like that.

>> No.53648998

great schedule, mario paint bros, now is our time

>> No.53649126
File: 75 KB, 785x528, karin butter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always a great stream

>> No.53649206

You should go through his tweets and search her name. :)




>> No.53649256

disgusting, those beefs are fucking raw

>> No.53649400

too bad the mario paint redeem costs so many points

>> No.53649605

Are they dating or is he just mentally ill

>> No.53649755

could be both honestly

>> No.53649777
Quoted by: >>53652528


well, they're definitely friends who have hung out IRL at the very least

>> No.53650066
Quoted by: >>53650107


>> No.53650107

ignore him anon he's clearly never watched woozie sperg out on stream

>> No.53650408

They are dating

>> No.53651247

nebi paper mario https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkTkm71U1Ww

>> No.53651370

>still talks about herself in third person
I will now watch your keyfabe loving chuba

>> No.53652528


>> No.53652666
Quoted by: >>53652890

bots are trying really hard today

>> No.53652699
Quoted by: >>53653132

this art style will never age, so fun to look at

>> No.53652890

They're just insulting everyone today because people are finally getting sick of Lumi's boring streams

>> No.53653132
Quoted by: >>53654647

every mario rpg has their unique charming style, mario is the weirdest franchise to me because unlike superman or anything else, it's so strange to me that an italian plumber just caught on like that, but tey put care into those games

>> No.53654647
Quoted by: >>53655943

Mario is a timeless character, and because he's so simple, he can fit into lots of settings

>> No.53655040
Quoted by: >>53655236

Lumi eating Ami's ketcha

>> No.53655236
Quoted by: >>53655363

what did he mean by this

>> No.53655363

How new

>> No.53655943
Quoted by: >>53656378

I guess it helps that mario itself is not the whole selling point, unlike in the case of superheroes. rather it's the world itself that is iconic and charming

>> No.53656285

it's 4chan; anons will more often than not find the flimsiest excuse to fling shit at each other

>> No.53656378
Quoted by: >>53656649

It's simplicity, superhero worlds are iconic and have their own charm to them as well

>> No.53656649

it's different though, my point is superheroes have superpowers, that's something every kid fantasizes about, so of course it's an attractive concept, mario on the other hand, no one fantasizes about being a plumber, maybe the saving a princess part, but not as an italian manlet, that's why it's so strange to me, but when you look at mario games they all have the koopas, the transporting tubes structures, and the iconic question mark blocks, it's like the world itself is the selling point

>> No.53656694
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, 1684777065329687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chuba called purity valentine will stream morrowind and read 1984 this week, can't get more retro than that

>> No.53657174

>see a cute girl playing interesting games in my recommends
>follow her
>few days later see her in /vrt/
so it was you guys who pushed her there

>> No.53657509

summer vrt is kinda funny

>> No.53658181

nothing more cozy than reading some 1984. I'll check her out

>> No.53658233
Quoted by: >>53658688

She's got good content, hard not to include her here

>> No.53658249
Quoted by: >>53658688

she's been posted here since march or so

>> No.53658688

"there" as in my recommended sidebar

>> No.53658748
Quoted by: >>53688980


>> No.53659489


>> No.53659596


>> No.53660982
File: 2.50 MB, 1619x1199, 1684548326302114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53661461
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>easy mode

>> No.53661645
Quoted by: >>53661880

jinx is on

>> No.53661880

no I'm on her dick

>> No.53662112
File: 309 KB, 344x626, 1662516939156517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smt 1 you know where

>> No.53662141
File: 178 KB, 484x330, 1682110314054480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ami sounds refreshed after weekend and is very cute

>> No.53663406
Quoted by: >>53663619

is she playing the psx version?

>> No.53663578
Quoted by: >>53663629

I'm going to watch both jinx and ami at the same time then

>> No.53663619


>> No.53663629

that's what i'm doing

>> No.53663653

>no one likes her except the people who like her
John Madden, is that you?

>> No.53663885
Quoted by: >>53664760

i personally prefer her older stuff, but still watch her from time to time. i just can't handle her champs throwing a fucking tantrum on what seems to be a weekly basis or having a meltdown over something retarded. not to mention her former champs who did have said tantrums/meltdown then come here and proceed to fuck up these threads with their bullshit. every fucking time without fail. i feel bad for her and it's nice to see she's improving, but most of her champys are baggage that will always hamper her progress as an individual.

>> No.53664760

Most former champs move on, there's only one in particular that's been causing up a stink the size of Kiki's bum and to be fair that one was bound to explode in such a way with or without Kiki in the equation.

>> No.53665377
Quoted by: >>53666088

so you're saying he could have just as easily attached himself to anyone of our girls and we would be seeing the same fallout (eventually)?

>> No.53666088

yeah, he was a attached to someone before kiki and became a known schizo in that circle too

>> No.53666374
Quoted by: >>53666884

i'm not referring to that particular creature because i don't even class it as a former champy or anything. a mere parasite that constantly latches onto the next thing it can. that creatures bullshit goes far beyond kiki. there have been other former champys who have come through with their bullshit on the way out.

>> No.53666884

nah, you're saying this is a weekly basis but I don't see anyone doing that here other than the parasite

>> No.53666981

My original Xbox controller was made in Malaysia
the redesigned slim one was made in China...

>> No.53668543
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>> No.53668695

She could make a frame just for the chat, plenty of vtubers do that.

>> No.53668769

Mozzu did a no-mic stream today and just used the chat while playing minecraft, you can do something like that
or maybe just listen to music and draw stuff

>> No.53668787

Imagine hearing your neighbour randomly scream this out.

>> No.53668804

Silent doom stream and just chat in the youtube chat between deaths?

>> No.53668816
Quoted by: >>53669521

racoon vtuber majoras mask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVs3XGS-CFE

>> No.53669521

she sounds like an irish ami in a way

>> No.53669782
File: 309 KB, 640x416, 798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53670113

Lumi's schedule with Beholder and Warcraft

>> No.53670113

cool, more warecraft streams to enjoy

>> No.53670130
File: 196 KB, 394x454, 1673849688366201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, the people from formerly wvtbg are making a general mostly to focus on kayfabe chuubas and arg solving and we would probably like to take a shot at lumi's arg

feel free to drop by and give us a bump


Also sorry for not doing more stats, the amiya lumi index was too much work once

I am also pretty sure the answer is "&", I will try to do the latest one too

>> No.53672025
File: 74 KB, 1024x1148, 1689634069527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends! Today my awoomfies and I will be playing more of my favorite (it's the only one I've played) romhack of LTTP, Parallel Worlds! We'll be getting started in about 10 minutes if you'd like to join!

>> No.53672490
Quoted by: >>53693167

I really need to look into the zelda romhacking scene, I've seen some good stuff from what little exposure I've had to it

>> No.53673912
Quoted by: >>53674077

glad to see you alive retrofactorannon, honestly didn't expect to ever see you again

but what the fuck is /wvtbg/ meant to be?

>> No.53674077
Quoted by: >>53674946

i missed you!
think he misspelled vt world building general

>> No.53674763
File: 103 KB, 349x338, runo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53674923

Devil May Cry HD

>> No.53674923
File: 61 KB, 172x175, 1687719631298723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that model?

>> No.53674946

I now realize I also missfired the op, and yes it was a misspelling

>> No.53675060
Quoted by: >>53688980

Beyond Oasis on the Genesis

>> No.53675367
Quoted by: >>53676721

This is nothing. Hopefully you never have to see the one views who think that the anime style is played out, call anime vtubers creatively bankrupt and seethe that they can't find an audience but generic anime chuuba 19 can. She seems incredibly normal compared to that shit.

>> No.53676667

Eepy told recently that the Tarkov urge returned. It's over

>> No.53676721
File: 485 KB, 450x581, runoxi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53676871

is there something i am missing here? it seems pretty normal to me

>> No.53676871

Ignore that anon, he's a dum dum and didn't notice that the clown face is a redeem

>> No.53676959
Quoted by: >>53677021

well it was enough to make me instantly click off so she should probably consider removing it
the bald one too

>> No.53677021
Quoted by: >>53677082

>i'm retarded so she is wrong

>> No.53677082
Quoted by: >>53677189

what? it makes her model ugly
no one wants to look at ugly things

>> No.53677189

it is terribly unlucky for it to be your first experience and you are assuming everyone is as adhd as you to immediately click off

>> No.53677464
Quoted by: >>53677557

Can we just ban /wvt/ and /asp/ies already

>> No.53677557

technically speaking every english speaking chuuba is wvt

>> No.53677589

practically they're not, it's a clique

>> No.53677906
File: 5 KB, 300x168, wht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only people in the west speak english

>> No.53679246
File: 151 KB, 277x457, bone cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

side quests never end in Oblivion

>> No.53681611
File: 358 KB, 467x505, 1645103043353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53681986

>> No.53681986

massive head

>> No.53682269
File: 172 KB, 1163x1102, 20230718_091503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckos are a cult

>> No.53682445
Quoted by: >>53682525

every group is cult like when viewing from the outside

>> No.53682525

whenever someone calls a thread a cult i hear "thread culture" which is a good thing.

>> No.53685360
File: 98 KB, 212x257, 1659395754424150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53690119

what makes you say that?

>> No.53688980
Quoted by: >>53690115

youtube onry

>> No.53690115

we're a bit low on western retro youtubers at the moment. feel free to drop your favorites when they're live.

>> No.53690119

Conditioning wore off. I AM FREEEEEE

>> No.53692544
Quoted by: >>53693516

i love you!!

>> No.53693167
Quoted by: >>53698769

Some Zelda 1 romhacks would be a lot of fun! I'm a big fan of Zelda games but I think they expect me to know the game in and out, hehe. I recommend Parallel Worlds but it's very very mean so far.

>> No.53693516
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x913, 1667591688389541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too Anonymous

>> No.53694553

>i will either cry the whole stream or be a huge bitch
hot. i hope she does.

>> No.53695017

I hate twitch so much it's unreal

>> No.53696184
Quoted by: >>53696351

so no wooz stream tonight ? :(

>> No.53696351

No, she's on her period

>> No.53696740
File: 57 KB, 357x369, 20230623_114149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai /vrt/! Are schizos gone?

>> No.53696812

good morning kiki. just ignore them

>> No.53696912

yeah but they'll probably shitpost again when we make a new thread

>> No.53697871
Quoted by: >>53698973

Sorry kiki but all the worst schizos are too busy watching karin to even bother bitching about you anymore.You're old news.

>> No.53698769
Quoted by: >>53705860

Not quite the vein of romhacks, but the world of Zelda Classic has some great quests. Only problem is because of terrible coding and being old programs, getting them to work right can be annoying if you don't know what you're doing.
Some of my personal recommendations:
Isolation! (More of a 1-2 hour metroidvania than anything)
Isle of Rebirth (an insanely detailed gbc looking quest. Maybe 15 hrs to beat)
Link to the Heavens (a long and very detailed but more classic Zelda experience than IoR. Probably over 12 hours to clear)
Zelda's Butt (stupid name but is actually a very serious and cool quest. About 10 hours to fully clear but with lots of cool and creative optional dungeons)
Probably others in the thread could make suggestions but I haven't looked at the community output in about 15 years lol

I still keep up with doom and can recommend a million things, similarly.

>> No.53698973

Karin is a confirmed whore with maletuber as a bf to boot. You, uppity karinfags, lost before news even started.

>> No.53699063
Quoted by: >>53699178

I don't think you know what "whore" means

>> No.53699178
Quoted by: >>53699322

Stfu, twitchchuubas continue the tradition of being just e-thots with paper-thin disguise.

>> No.53699322
File: 249 KB, 508x501, 1673089729587216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53699408

stop falseflagging, you're trying too hard

>> No.53699408
File: 57 KB, 800x600, CLICKYCLACKY[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmzofss.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its crazy isn't it

>> No.53701411

I'll stop hating karin when her schizo fans stop constantly attacking other retro gaming vtubers. There's more than enough retro games for everyone, not just this one twitch whore.

>> No.53701520
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, 1(you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53701639
Quoted by: >>53701672

you are mentally ill and your "stoping to hate" someone only means you moved on to someone else, you fucking schizo

>> No.53701672

it's the most obvious falseflag I've ever seen, he doesn't actually hate her

>> No.53701790

woozie is going to reincarnate, right bros?

>> No.53702234

I wouldn't get my hopes up anon

>> No.53702328

If Woozie is really a late teen zoomer, then she will go all in on college life and studies and won't come back to streaming.

>> No.53702813

The only thing that would bring peace to /vrt/ would be if kiki killed herself live on stream

>> No.53703291

Next thread let's do a fun experiment where we all just post and talk about the retro chuubas we like without shitflinging about the ones we don't.

>> No.53703336

where's the fun in that?

>> No.53703377

I like this idea

>> No.53703454

Into a single mom, yes

>> No.53703492

Even better.
How about a thread where mods actually do something about the shitflinging

>> No.53703509


>> No.53703629

they're too deleting loli pics and posting in the vshojo thread

>> No.53704384

I think we had a mod visit this thread ONCE and he deleted all of the schizo posts by that single guy. It was like.. 7 months ago

>> No.53704559

yeah that's how this site works
you can't have posts deleted just because you don't like the contents
this truly is the zoomie board

>> No.53704712
Quoted by: >>53704812

mods wont do shit unless you report posts

>> No.53704812
Quoted by: >>53704868

They still don't do shit most of the time.
I often wonder if the schizo is in cahoots with the mods, if not a mod himself.

>> No.53704868
Quoted by: >>53704899

most of the time mods dont bother because changing your IP takes like a 10 seconds

>> No.53704899
Quoted by: >>53705554

rangebans are a thing

>> No.53705554

yes ragavans are indeed a thing i hate that stupid monkey he's why i quit playing modern

>> No.53705860

I'll copy these down for later, thank you so much! What's up with getting Zelda Classic to work? Also I've never actually played through Doom, I'll probably do that on stream sometime before jumping into any fun wads or anything. There were a few interesting sounding ones popping up recently so I should get around to it sooner rather than later.

>> No.53705983
Quoted by: >>53706122

some aussie chick playing morrowind

>> No.53706122

wife acquired

>> No.53706255

That would be nice, but unfortunately karin fags will freak out if you mention any retro vtuber other than her.

>> No.53706273

this faggot is getting desperate

>> No.53706944
Quoted by: >>53706992


>> No.53706992
Quoted by: >>53707025

2 mins eating breakfast

>> No.53707025

ok, just say before you bake because I'll bake if you're late

>> No.53707104



>> No.53707167

god OLs are so hot
