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5316164 No.5316164 [Reply] [Original]

What is the absolute worst song released by any hololive member? Best?

>> No.5316221

ai-mai chocolate
anything by calliope mori except live again and cloudy sheep

>> No.5316224
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worst: heart challenger
best: watame's lullaby

>> No.5316241
Quoted by: >>5325128 >>5379964

Best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7Ql4D1UnQ

>> No.5316306
Quoted by: >>5316522 >>5361555

worst: that country roads collab
best: that roboco song where she is pure sex in voice form

>> No.5316314
Quoted by: >>5331184

Worst: smile & Go
Best: say fanfare

>> No.5316322
Quoted by: >>5318761

worst: hinotori
best: cursed night

>> No.5316376
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Quoted by: >>5318761

Worst: Gura's ride on time
Best: Heart Challenger

>> No.5316406
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Quoted by: >>5378857


>> No.5316451
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I don't know what the worst is but I know for sure what the best is.

>> No.5316522

>that roboco song
You need to be more specific, anon. You just described all of her songs but I'm pretty sure you mean Azamina

>> No.5316531
Quoted by: >>5317176 >>5348748

>every hololive song.

why don't you listen to actual good vsingers like kaf instead of your holowhores

>> No.5316644

Best: Suspect
Worst: Everything Cali makes holy shit it’s so cringy

>> No.5316990

best: ghost

>> No.5317032

best: Watame-lon head rap
worst: hinotori

>> No.5317119

Covers: Kanata The Narrow Way
Original: Even with the shit line

>> No.5317176

Fuck you Chang

>> No.5317192
Quoted by: >>5320625


>> No.5317218

Best: Stardust Song
Worst: Hinotori

>> No.5317244
Quoted by: >>5324828

I can't the worst between the country roads collab cover out of fucking nowhere and Hinotori...

>> No.5317254
Quoted by: >>5317327 >>5319656

Best: bun bun cha
Worst: any king cover

>> No.5317271

Best: Pekora's Discommunication Alien because I'm biased
Worst: Mori's "cover" of Roki because English covers of Japanese songs are inherently cringe and rap even more so.

>> No.5317272
Quoted by: >>5317291

forgot the name but that collab song between mori and kiara

>> No.5317291
Quoted by: >>5318812 >>5324864

Wahwah land or something like that?

>> No.5317319

the best is halloween night and you're delusional if you disagree

>> No.5317327
Quoted by: >>5319140

Why are Nousagi like this?

>> No.5318549
Quoted by: >>5319433 >>5324197

Best: every HoloJP songs
Worst: every HoloEN songs

>> No.5318549,1 [INTERNAL] 

best is either palette or ghost
worst is harder cause so many sound identical

>> No.5318761


shut up kiara

>> No.5318812

i'm not the guy, but i agree with him.
Even tho i'm a huge deadbeat i think that one is pretty shit

>> No.5318857
Quoted by: >>5358138

Best: Violet
Worst: all Gura's original songs

>> No.5319050

Hardmode: No Mori songs for 'worst'

>> No.5319140

Because they're based

>> No.5319161

Best: Live Again
Worst: Watame's recent 怪物 cover

>> No.5319242
Quoted by: >>5319593 >>5319739

Because it's perfect.
Because Haachama's cover was deleted but this was allowed.

>> No.5319343

Worst: Well all of Kiara songs are tied for worst.
Best: Red Heart

>> No.5319433


>> No.5319526

Best : Sora's [I love you so much, i think im going to cry] first take ver., and Suisei's Kakusei cover
Worst : ollie's kyoran hey kids cover (god!! she cant sing for shit!) and every calli song (cringe)

>> No.5319533
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anything by kiara = best
worst = everybody that's not kiara

>> No.5319574


>> No.5319593
Quoted by: >>5319739 >>5321891

>Because Haachama's cover was deleted but this was allowed.
the fuck? why was it deleted/privated?

>> No.5319656

this lol

>> No.5319661

best: ghost
worst: calli's musical output in general

>> No.5319739
Quoted by: >>5321891

was that really forced private? please dont spread a rrat like that unless it’s true, it could have dire consequences!
perhaps she just pirate it because she didn’t like it?

>> No.5320625
Quoted by: >>5325933

Shiny Smily? Is acid ok in Japan

>> No.5320774

wtf kiara go home

>> No.5321063
Quoted by: >>5322084 >>5322134

> Worst : ollie's kyoran hey kids cover
since i didnt last a few seconds the first time i heard it i didnt realise she put an original rap part in it
https://youtu.be/oLOSu6ocgUU covering this song will almost always end badly

>> No.5321229

Ai-Mai Chocolate
HoloID Ochame Kinou

>> No.5321443

Best: Watame drum #2
Worst: Probably hinotori

>> No.5321891
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Quoted by: >>5354938

She had a whole mv which she had to pay for (since holos are required to do that) so I highly doubt she deleted it of her own volition.
It was also not only relatively new (uploaded Feb 23rd this year) but very relevant to her as she had previously sang it multiple times and it was symbolic of her finally returning to Japan after living in Australia for so long.
Here's a copy of her video https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=mB2hfFe3geg

>> No.5322084

wait for real? i didnt even bother to listen more after when she started the chorus. God that even worst and cringer cringest

>> No.5322134

>covering this song will almost always end badly
not, when you actually can sing. Saki from riot just drop a cover yesterday and it's a bop

>> No.5322149

Best song: Shijoshugi Adtruck
Worst: whatever Haachama's second single was

>> No.5322153

Mori's Roki

>> No.5322363
Quoted by: >>5333700 >>5359608

Best: Blue Clapper
Worse: IDK probably country roads, it felt really lazy

>> No.5322486

best: Next Color Planet
worst: Hinotori


pull your head out of your ass

>> No.5322653

Worst: Everything from EN
Best: Ai Mai Chocolate

>> No.5322673
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Quoted by: >>5324710

All of them

>> No.5322843
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Quoted by: >>5353694 >>5358138

Going through the thread, is Hinotori really that bad. I saw it when it premiered and it didn't really stand out as good/great but it wasn't bad. Liked it a lot more compared to heart challenger.

>> No.5323209

Worst - Heart Challenger

>> No.5323945

Dunno bout best but been liking Palette a lot lately
Worst is easily that one track by pekora I forgot the name of, hate her voice and the track is super annoying

>> No.5324197

you will never be Japanese

>> No.5324710

Okay, niggerchama.

>> No.5324817
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Okayu's Otome Kaibou cover

>> No.5324828
Quoted by: >>5324998

Country Roads was so bad that not even the people who sung it have anything nice to say about it. They tried to memoryhole that thing by sticking it on the dead Hololive English channel for a damn good reason.

>> No.5324864

That song is inherently shit, even a cover by god tier singers wouldn't be able to save it.

>> No.5324942

Best - Next Colour Planet
Worst - Whatever recylced beat Mori is "rapping" over this week

>> No.5324998

>Oh fuck we're contractually obligated to release this

>> No.5325098

any Calli song is the worst

>> No.5325128
Quoted by: >>5325480

that's a cover. He didn't ask that. Go fuck yourself

>> No.5325331
Quoted by: >>5326065

Best: Ahoy. Few Holo songs actually feel like they were written for the person, and after listening to just about every Holo cover Ahoy, I'm convinced that nobody owns a song like Marine owns Ahoy (except maybe Coco with Weather Hackers).
Worst: Palette. I have nothing against the song per se, it's just that I get the feeling Cover saw the reaction to Error and went "We need an original version of that ASAP"

>> No.5325480

Covers are still a songs you collosal faggot

>> No.5325775

I don't usually dislike the songs, but that constant Fwhish Fwhish during EN Country Roads is atrocious.

For best, Watame drum #2

>> No.5325933
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Japan is the home of psychedelic. How do u think mfs there making these anime and shit? They do acid for breakfast

>> No.5326065

But that was towa's personal project tho. She always been a fans of niki's song and has the oppurtunitty to have her writting that song. But true, it's kinda mid

>> No.5326601
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Quoted by: >>5327908

Best : Okayu Flos
Worst : I don't care but it's EN for sure

>> No.5326814
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Quoted by: >>5377814


>> No.5327603
Quoted by: >>5327723

Anything that sounds like the op/ed of an anime is pure shit.

>> No.5327723
Quoted by: >>5328812

Every song ever can be an op or ed, does this mean all music is shit?

>> No.5327908

absolutely based

>> No.5328116

Worst: Hinotori
Best: Next Color Planet

>> No.5328812
Quoted by: >>5329604 >>5332366

Except you know that's not the case. Cope.

>> No.5329330
Quoted by: >>5380013

This is the best one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wNSFmqhQsU

>> No.5329604
Quoted by: >>5329685

Nothing is stopping an anime studio from putting a brutal technical death metal song or whatever as the OP/ED

>> No.5329685
Quoted by: >>5332366

That would be pretty baller over some violent seinen.

>> No.5330142
Quoted by: >>5358138

Best: https://youtu.be/2l_6oIGTrbg or https://youtu.be/0Dr_qvnXJPE

I don't know what could be worse between Hinotori and the HoloEN Country Roads cover...

>> No.5330348
Quoted by: >>5346771 >>5350020

Mori's Red is very good, what the fuck, man?

>> No.5330462
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>> No.5330605

Yeah, ollie's cover came out of no where and was pretty bad.

>> No.5330940

Best: Watamelon head

Has a dope old school late 90s beat and Watame's flow isn't bad for someone who isn't a rapper

>> No.5331184

The whiplash in this post. They're both bubblegum j-pop, I can't make sense of this opinion unless you're just playing favorites with Fubuki vs. Flare.

>> No.5332366
Quoted by: >>5350805

Watch more anime.

>> No.5332456
Quoted by: >>5342287

All of them are the worst

>> No.5333700


>> No.5333805

worst: sorairo days by the shark
best: inochi by azki

>> No.5334165

Worst: Gura’s original since it must be so bad that she still hasn’t released it yet

>> No.5337988

Best: Ahoy!
Worst: Anything Calli makes.

>> No.5339680

Best: the one that got shilled the least
Worst: the one that got shilled the most

>> No.5341945
Quoted by: >>5380076

Worst og: For the win! - Reaper Rapper
Best og: Can you say Holo? (Watame ver.) - Sakura Miko 2nd Orig song

Worst Covers: Roki (Calli) - Getcha! (Suisei - Calli)
Best Covers: Envy Baby (Polka) - Sparkle (Mio)

>> No.5342244
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Quoted by: >>5359833

Anything Watame was in the same room as

Pekora's Random Brain
Terrible song, sounds terrible, doesn't fit Pekora's voice, doesn't fit her at all, terrible animation, even pekora pretends it doesn't exist. As a nousagi i feel hurt at how dirty Pekora was done by Cover...

>> No.5342287



>> No.5342391 [DELETED] 

The worst is Red heart BY FAR

>> No.5346771

Also Bully.

>> No.5347997
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Expected answers for this thread:
> Worst: something from Holo EN
> Best: (You)r Oshi

>> No.5348748
Quoted by: >>5349110 >>5361318

Most of the Holo songs are just really generic sub-AKB48 or anime OP tier shit. Even good singers like Watame are dragged down by dull and uninspired songwriting, composition and production. I at least give Mori some credit for trying something else. She might be bad at it but it's still something different.

>> No.5348980

This thread only makes me think about how little original songs the EN girls have. Not entirely fair to expect too many from them since it's 5 girls vs. about 30~, but still makes me eager for Ina's and Gura's original songs.

>> No.5349110

>Even good singers like Watame are dragged down by dull and uninspired songwriting, composition and production.
Yeah, Watames best songs are her shitpost songs

>> No.5349321

the country roads cover single

>> No.5349384

Does it have to be an original?
Because Suisei and sankisei's zombieland saga song cover was fucking cash

>> No.5349556
Quoted by: >>5350277

I mean, doesn't Cali alone have as many original songs than the whole rest of Hololive outside of Azki, Sora and Watame?

>> No.5349773

a random recommendation but, have y'all heard Mio's cover of Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku?
It's still in private hell but this was her peak, before she got sick and her lung capacity dropped.

>> No.5350020
Quoted by: >>5354529

remember, dont respond to bait

>> No.5350277

Sure does, but (I didn't properly verbalize this) every time someone has something to say about EN music it's 95% Mori, 4% Kiara, and 1% the other girls doing random karaoke covers, and it'd be nice to start seeing the other girls in the conversation too.

>> No.5350391

worst: that one song by the chicken (unironically)
best: stardust song

>> No.5350564

Worst: Anything by Kiara, especially Hinotori
Best: Stardust Song

>> No.5350624
Quoted by: >>5350927 >>5372573

Ina can't sing and Gura is too lazy to do anything

>> No.5350805

Already have 50+ under my belt

>> No.5350927

Half the girls in Hololive can't sing and yet they still have original songs.

>> No.5350933


>> No.5351410

I mean.. i had 750 when i stopped watching 3 years ago, but at that point i was just seeing recycled ideas, guess it's better to stick to fewer that are really good. Filter your anime well youngling.

>> No.5352314

Ollie's cover is pretty painful. Definitely trying too hard.

>> No.5353333
Quoted by: >>5361228

And you've never seen metal being used for the OP/ED? Watch more anime.

>> No.5353694

it's meh just generic and forgettable. it's just kiara is so obnoxious that it gets that reflected.

>> No.5353837
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>> No.5354483
Quoted by: >>5377835

Comet, Red, RED HEART, Live Again, Cursed Night

Country Roads

>> No.5354529
Quoted by: >>5372682

it's not bait you fucking nigger it's my actual thoughts why the fuck are you braps so thin skinned

>> No.5354574


Mori fucking sucks ass

>> No.5354610
Quoted by: >>5358138

Worst: Any KING or Usseewa cover.

Best: flos

>> No.5354747

Yeah I couldn't really listen to Ollies cover longer than a minute or so

>> No.5354885

Best: Halloween Night maybe
Worst: Mori's Roki cover is some funimation dub level trash

>> No.5354938
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beautiful, thanks for this.
>since holos are required to do that
what does cover exactly fucking do in this setup if it's on the talent to take care of everything

>> No.5355631

Aqua's birthday song

>> No.5356719
Quoted by: >>5360404


Suisei and Calliope latest cover, Suisei's was excellent as usual but the ENwhore ruined the song.

>> No.5356863

Worst: https://youtu.be/uw9SUSvWBN0
Best: https://youtu.be/h-LOlueKCtk

>> No.5358138
Quoted by: >>5358834 >>5359332

Best: Tenkyuu
Worst: Rap but I like Live Again

>It's not even out yet
Do Takeks really
Why are Takos like this
>Ina can't sing and Gura is too lazy to do anything
HINOTORI is absolutely amazing up until you hear Kiara. Then it becomes worse than garbage.
Do Oniggirya really. I tried it once and didn't like it.

>> No.5358834

why are you so mad

>> No.5358961
Quoted by: >>5373622

my favorite song of course
whatever song you like

>> No.5359068

based onlyliveagain chad

>> No.5359302
Quoted by: >>5359979

cant choose
that korone original holy shit

>> No.5359332

yeah, I dunno. Her voice didn't ruin it for me but again, it just felt like standard idol stuff.

I do wish Kiara would use her more natural deeper voice that has the slight but still cute accent.

>> No.5359608

Botan's trials streams brainwashed me and if I was medium on Blue Clapper before I love it now.

>> No.5359833

I actually like Pekorandamuburain and listen to it regularly

>> No.5359979

Holy shit taste, that Korone original was doog kino.

>> No.5360083
Quoted by: >>5360253 >>5376510

The title of “best KING cover” is definitely tied between Risu and Roboco. Both fucking killed it.

>> No.5360193
Quoted by: >>5360948

Worst: King
I don't care if it isn't originally hololive. I don't want to listen to king. Fuck off
Best: Watame's Lullaby, Live Again and You're an Ace Kid

>> No.5360253
Quoted by: >>5378626

Actually I have to say after listening tot hem both again Roboco definitely has the superior cover. I would go as far as to say that Roboco is probably one of the best singers in Hololive, better than Suisei even.

>> No.5360404

t. deadbeat

>> No.5360948


>> No.5361228
Quoted by: >>5361605 >>5377494

Not that anon, but what was mentioned was brutal tech death and not just metal, and as far as I know there isn't an anime with a song that's even close to that kind of heaviness. The heaviest song used as an OP/ED that I know is probably that Maximum the Hormone one used in Death Note, and that's metalcore/hardcore punk. There's also Asobi Asobase ED which has some growls, and stuff like Needless and Murder Princess with metalish/rock soundtracks, but none of that is really heavy.
Just try finding an anime with something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ygerhl9OJI
hint:you won't

>> No.5361318
Quoted by: >>5371720


yeah, hololive just keeps pumping out over played covers over and over again, most of their original songs suck,
there are so many good vsingers out there and the only thing people know is hololive lmao.

>> No.5361438
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Quoted by: >>5373695

Best song:
Worst song:
Everyone else

>> No.5361555

Azamina? Yeah that's up there for me, definitely in my top 3

>> No.5361605

No one in Holo could ever do something like this

>> No.5361657
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>> No.5361660

Best: Ahoy
Worst: Redheart

>> No.5361721

worst: Probably Ollie's cover. Idk just didn't enjoy it whatsoever for some reason. Couldn't finish it but I'll probably give it another chance someday
best: I really enjoyed Suspect from that batch of songs that came out

>> No.5362180

Worst: Roboco's newest song where she's super high pitched. I love her, but it just isn't for me.
Best: Tied between Mogu Mogu and Red

>> No.5362320

worst:mori ,all of it

>> No.5362627


>> No.5362693
Quoted by: >>5362836

Blue Clapper

>> No.5362723

I wasn't a big fan of Reine's debut song

>> No.5362836

them's fightin' words, matey

>> No.5362879


>> No.5362927

Best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm41hDf1sx4

>> No.5363021
Quoted by: >>5363866

I listened to Watame's songs right now and holy shit she's good as hell,Konban Dodododo and Watamelon head alone shit on Calli's entire career and those are literal shitposts

>> No.5363269

Shijoushugi ad truck

>> No.5363866
File: 318 KB, 800x883, 1604813406918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue why people overlook Watame, she's probably the best singer out of the non-industry people (everyone but Suisei and Azki more or less). Her vocal range is pretty crazy to boot.

>> No.5364230
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, 1593371220969.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best: Watamelon Head Rap
Worst: Anything by T*koyami T*wa

>> No.5368965

It's not that Kiara can't sing... it's just her fake chicken voice... Anything would sound better in her roommate's voice.

>> No.5369532
Quoted by: >>5373043

There's around 146 holo original songs. More than Nijisanji

>> No.5369614

Best: Azki's Intersection
Worst: Calli's Reaper Ka Rapper

Reaper ka Rapper is the only holo song I straight up cannot listen to the whole song.

>> No.5369708

Best : moona's original song
Worst : dunno

>> No.5369867

Best: https://youtu.be/ESM-OniA96w
Okayu and Mio's voice in this one is pure sex.

Worst: Heart Challenger, Off with your Heads, and Ollie's cover of Kyouran Hey Kids

>> No.5371720

They need to start looking more into stuff outside of standard J-Pop. Someone like Ogla Orzzy (DAI DAI DAI's producer) making a Holo song would be nuts.

>> No.5372471

Best: Ina's Violet

Worst: Calli's Roki

>> No.5372573

Bro, I watch lives from idol groups where "bad singing" would be considered an upgrade. Ame can't sing for shirt but her karaokes are generally fun because they're usually a lot more sincere with her song choices mostly being stuff she actually likes instead of just "popular anime OP" or "meme song".

>> No.5372682

damn, almost responded to the bait.

>> No.5372835

I swear, a Holo could be the best singer ever but as soon as I hear them start to do anime OPs, meme songs or vocaloid songs I immediately check out. That stuff is so trite and overdone that it's boring no matter how good the singing is.

>> No.5372873

Everything involving Calli, and Hinotori

1.Ahoy!(in a league of its own)
2. Nene's Originals
3. Azamina

>> No.5372891

Also it's a shame the AI Jew has killed even using instrumentals of songs. Acapella karaoke is shit and anti-hype.

>> No.5373043
Quoted by: >>5373353

> There's around 146 holo original songs
Wait, really? I'm actually surprised at all with this fact

>> No.5373353
Quoted by: >>5373505

73 of them are from Azki and Sora, so if you don't look at them then it cuts the number straight in half.

>> No.5373417

Apparently one of Calli's songs got that rhythm game featuring some hololive songs rated m17 so now theres a genuinely reason people will hate her music

>> No.5373453

Best: Blue Clapper

Worst: anything involving Kiara

>> No.5373505

>73 of them are from Azki and Sora
Well, that actually makes sense

>> No.5373622

But my favorite song is exactly the same as you which make it worse :(

>> No.5373695

Your ear must be blind even worst than deaf

>> No.5373712
Quoted by: >>5373867 >>5373935

So, Are we hating on Calli now?

>> No.5373867

We've been hating on Calli for a couple weeks now, get with the times oyaji

>> No.5373935

I mean, is there actually anyone who non-ironically enjoys Calli’s edgy tumblr wigger rap and its decade out of date aesthetics? It’s objectively shit

>> No.5374014
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>is there actually anyone who non-ironically enjoys Calli’s edgy tumblr wigger rap and its decade out of date aesthetics
Your oshi, that's who

>> No.5374278
File: 1.46 MB, 906x1400, 1617953095761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hologram circus
kiara's entire discography, I can stomach some of calli's songs but I've yet to find any enjoyment from orange chickenshit

>> No.5374402

Polkas vampire is easily the best one I've heard.
I'm not a fan of rap but Red is a banger. Next color planet is prob the best hololive song
I hate that new noel and flare song because I hate anyone song that has long hair hai hai hai segments.

>> No.5374422

Criminally underrated https://youtu.be/Ii7rtNaGlls

>> No.5374462

Shallys is firmly in my top 3, the solo at 2:55 makes me cum VIOLENTLY

>> No.5375177

it's a hidden banger

>> No.5375202

>what is red
>what is guh

>> No.5375731 [DELETED] 

Mori's 2nd EP is the best musical product ever put out by Hololive. You cannot dispute this.
AZKi's Re:Creating World doesn't count because that's INNK Music.

>> No.5376088


this is probably my favorite song, period.

>> No.5376225
Quoted by: >>5377596

Have deadbeats just never listened to actual music

>> No.5376510

Have you faggots ever even listened to Shion's King cover

>> No.5376542


>> No.5377494
Quoted by: >>5377794

>The heaviest song used as an OP/ED that I know is probably that Maximum the Hormone one used in Death Note
>he's never seen Detroit Metal City
watch more anime

>> No.5377596
Quoted by: >>5377659

Listen to this
*rapes you*

>> No.5377659


>> No.5377706

Best: Watame's Lullaby
Worst: Mori's Priconne shill song that literally has like 1/10th the views of any of her other songs lol.

>> No.5377794

I've watched Detroid Metal Metal city and the soundtrack isn't very heavy at all, I'd classify that particular song you linked as groove metal/heavy metal, the death note one is undeniably heavier, especially the "mental" part at the end(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN2UmX3Kmrs).). Now compare both of these to the first song I linked, not even close.

>> No.5377813

Dice songs are the best.

>> No.5377814


>> No.5377835

dangerously based Cometchad

>> No.5378012

Best: Tied between NCP and GHOST
Worst: idk

>> No.5378035 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 322x315, 1624182069210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5378176

Watamelon head https://youtu.be/6aaHNvAca1k
Watame's cover of Sweet Devil
I don't of it was her or the management but they destroyed her voice

>> No.5378176

>worst: watame's sweet devil
i agree with this. you can still recognize her voice somewhat, but her charm was EQ'd to oblivion

>> No.5378265

For best, I'd say most songs with AZKi, they're really good
I don't know for worst, but I dislike good songs made average by bad mixing. I listened to Spiral Tones a few times after it was sung live, and the MV doesn't even compare. I wish the mixing was done by Bernis instead, he did a good job with Rikka's other originals

>> No.5378326
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, Sakura-Miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5378803

I just want this dumb and fun song to get more recognition

>> No.5378626

The problem with Roboco is that she seems to be hard to sing without a guiding track to make the best if her voice. That's why sometimes she sing like she is tonedeaf and and by next song she sings like a weeping deity heartbroken by the state the humanity is in.

>> No.5378803
File: 493 KB, 562x468, 1592499991625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure soul

>> No.5378844

Best cover : That one time RBC did an unarchived gorilla singing stream at like 3am JST and sing Furaregai Girl with so much emotion she ended up crying
Best OG : Okayu's Mogu cause pinocchiop wrote it and his style just fit okayu perfectly

Worst Cover : every God Knows and Sorairo Days
Worst OG : hinotori

>> No.5378857

Spotted the nigger

>> No.5379444

Me :(

>> No.5379645

best AHOY!! and worst is probably one of the EN songs idk I haven't listened to them

>> No.5379929
Quoted by: >>5380048

Gura and Matsuri's Sorairo Days duet
Indoor Keinara Track Maker

>> No.5379964

why does every fucking holo have a cover of this song
i dont get it

>> No.5380013
Quoted by: >>5380044


>> No.5380044
Quoted by: >>5380055

> best
> not anything by suisei
yeah youre retarded

>> No.5380048

Worst and best respectively

>> No.5380055
Quoted by: >>5380100

>stanning for suisei
yeah youRE retarded

>> No.5380061

I feel bad for even saying this but haato's second single was really bad.

>> No.5380062

Yeah, millions of people. The only thing objectively shit here is you and your retarded brain. Cope

>> No.5380076
Quoted by: >>5380137

>Worst Covers: Roki (Calli) - Getcha! (Suisei - Calli)
What about Nene's Usseewa cover?

>> No.5380100
File: 154 KB, 850x1202, sample_30efc304f4148c2c4c795d530428d371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5380116

>yeah youRE retarded

>> No.5380116

Go back to the 3rd world Pedro

>> No.5380137
File: 575 KB, 850x900, dfff752d92c1d6b60uf46969c5a5cc0a4bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stanning for suisei

>> No.5380197

Susei: Ghost
Nenenenene(seriously, what an absolute energy song)

Ibasho(if it counts as an Original song, if not then "Sick Outta Fashion")
Heart Challenger
Blue Crapper

>> No.5381968

bun bun cha, bun bun cha
bun bun cha, bun bun cha
minna omachikane pekorappu
junbi dekiteiru? hurry uppu!
3d mo tsuini toujou
jikoshoukai wo douzo
namae wa usada pekora peko!
sabishigariya to etocetora
baniigaaru no geinin
aidoru to shite no seishin!
