>Lumi cauth baby fevor after the friend's wedding. She already started preparing for graduation with increased number of streams.
>Lia has a freaking 100 bpm resting heart rate. 120 when she gets excited during her screams at chat every stream.
>Panko turned to full lewtuber route
>Tenma's body continue to break down from overwork (eyes, appendix, ovaries)
>Uruka's voice is FUBAR. 6 months of rest and no signs of improvement.
>Pippa's content... yeah, She didn't intent to live more than 2 years as a youtuber. Health improvements are too slow. Her early 20s health buff is dissapearing before our eyes. FFS, she didn't take any routine health inspections for years.
>Nasa, Iori, Michiru might as well not exist at this point. They are the main reason before low inner collab engagement in gen1.
But that's okay, weak links will perish, but the company (and other talents) will continue to live. We got 1 year max of comfy "PC family" vibes before it goes away with company's growth and graduations. Just cherish this time.