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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 178 KB, 850x1206, __ninomae_ina_nis_takodachi_bloop_bubba_ao_chan_and_1_more_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_null_suke__sample-175388b410c966a05a237521fdf780d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53172924 No.53172924 [Reply] [Original]

Have you been looking for a general where you can sperg out about science or sociology? Share or write some lore? Build worlds? Homebrew an RPG? All in the context of the Vtubing hobby?
Welcome to the right spot. This is the thread to do all these things and more. Feel free to browse settings, lore entries, and discuss any of your work here.

Phoenix 2.0 Edition

Previous: >>52961827

>Where do I start?
1. Skim the setting introductions
2. Be inspired
3. Create something

If nothing struck a chord with you, you can always put together your own vtubing-related setting. Others might even join you in fleshing it out if they enjoy it!


Reply to OP so your work is added to the archive or the lore catch-up.
Remember to use rentry.ORG as any other rentry sites are seen as spam.


>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HM_UK-qNKXQgFH-ixcWsCC3oAgBnFrxCKRPXdKiPMwQ
>Intro Docs: https://rentry.org/vtwbg-intro, https://rentry.org/ziuog

Era After:
>Archive: https://rentry.org/EraAfterIndex
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/78s3q

Cyber Vitubia 40,000:
>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ukyK3_sidebA_kLuH8i1I6TuVyFkWeJSYvyhqT6FMRU
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/cvt40k-start-how


Featured works from recent threads, in case you missed them!


>> No.53172988
Quoted by: >>53173053

As per the voice of anons
/lore/ 3
/dlg/ 0
/dlgg/ 1
/lorg/ 0
/log/ 6
/lgg/ 2
/deepL/ 3
/lg/ 0
/whore/ 4

>> No.53173053
Quoted by: >>53173285

Makes me think of shit, great. Although I admit it is kinda funny

>> No.53173285
Quoted by: >>53173537

>travel log
I'll guess you're a /ringo/ regular.

>> No.53173537

Nope, but I don’t mind a fresh chubba turd now and then. Steaming hot, snapped right off from the source.

>> No.53176280


>> No.53177219
Quoted by: >>53177651

Again, OP is still very vauge as to what the thread is actually supposed to be about.

>> No.53177651
Quoted by: >>53178751

>Have you been looking for a general where you can sperg out about science or sociology? Share or write some lore? Build worlds? Homebrew an RPG? All in the context of the Vtubing hobby?
>Welcome to the right spot. This is the thread to do all these things and more.
>sperg out about science or sociology
>Share or write some lore
>Build worlds
>Homebrew an RPG
>Somehow vague

>> No.53178751

Unironically yes, that's not telling what the general is actually about it's telling what the general does and wants to do. It makes the whole thing look off topic.
"This is the thread to do all these things" is incredibly vauge as a statement of purpose.

>> No.53178891

Make a better one instead of whining, then.

>> No.53178962
Quoted by: >>53179649

Anon, it's about:
>sperging out about science or sociology
>Sharing or writing some lore
>Building worlds
>Homebrewing an RPG
I get that sea education isn't really all that good, but come on...

>> No.53179649

How can it be about homebrewing an rpg if nobodies done it? Again, your list has nothing to do with vtubing or even /vt/, even /vtwbg/ managed to stay on topic by being clear why things like scientific law and narrative writing was discussed. This is just a clobbered together list of things the thread likes, there is no central unifying thing that makes it on topic and unifies it under a singular purpose.
If I threw a dictionary and took someone's tooth out with it, that doesn't mean the dictionary suddenly became a tool for dentistry.

>> No.53179819

>nobodies done it?
Actually, somebody did do it, it was World of Darkness homebrew session, it was archived.

>> No.53180343
Quoted by: >>53180686

>All in the context of the Vtubing hobby
Reading comprehension, seachama
>unifies it under a singular purpose
The singular purpose is to have fun by worldbuilding in the context of the vtuber hobby.
Also, please refer to >>53178891 if you want it to be better. You want shit done, you have to do it yourself. But of course you won't, because I have a feeling you're the same anon that's been crying himself to sleep about the OP for the last 3 threads without actually doing anything of substance.

>> No.53180686

If the OP was worth anything than the thread might actually reach bump limit and have lore posted as opposed to these embarrassing floundering attempts to stay relevant. It's 90% bumps and no lore and the thread still manages to go under, not even an attempt at discussion. The reason why there's no lore is because the OP doesn't know what it's supposed to be and is grasping at straws looking at what actual contributors did in the past to try and cobble a purpose from that.
>The singular purpose is to have fun by worldbuilding in the context of the vtuber hobby.
Then literally just go back to calling it vtwbg dumbass.

>> No.53181084

It's kinda amazing we managed to bleed off all those anons but the schizo stuck around.

>> No.53181524
Quoted by: >>53182843

Still waiting for >>53178891 seachama.

>> No.53182465

Anon, I'm not sure I can imagine an OP that would give people the drive to worldbuild, it's a pretty niche hobby. I also don't really see how it could be written to attract newcomers more effectively while being genuine about the thread's purpose. If you have any tractable ideas on how to improve on those two fronts, they would be welcome.

>> No.53182843

>General for the discussion, writing, and parody of vtuber lore and the state of the Virtual Youtuber board.
>General for the creation of roleplaying systems based off of vtubers, their lore, and the effects they have on /vt/
Wow look how hard that is.

>> No.53183150

So this? >>No.52922622

>> No.53183164
Quoted by: >>53183777

That just seems to say the same thing to me anon. But hell, we can try using that instead tomorrow, maybe it'll open the lore floodgates. Can't hurt at least.

>> No.53183777
Quoted by: >>53184029

It doesn't blanket the purpose of the thread in this obscure cloud of seperating itself from vtwbg while doing the same thing. We don't need a super catchy or eye drawing OP, look at the last thread and see how well that helped it. It went like 20 hours without a single lore post before dying despite people popping in to say how they thought /whore/ was funny.
If we're changing the thread name then we should be equally blunt about what's actually supposed to change about thread. Right now the only thing different is that I'm pretty sure some people that used to bump the thread aren't doing so anymore because they can't find it. We either stay vtwbg or we become something new, trying to change the name but stay the same is only going to speed run vtwbg's death until something new takes is place.

>> No.53183993

Tourist here.
I still don't understand the point of this general and what meaningfully separates it from just being /wg/ 2. I get from the OP that you effectively have 3 autism projects with loose canons but other than that is this expanding scope to discussing chuuba lore/kayfabe? Or is this still focused on those doing community setting projects?
I know you guys had to do the rename since the old general kind of had a shit reputation but is this an expanding of scope or just a rename?

>> No.53184029
Quoted by: >>53185670

But anon, discussion, writing, and parody of vtuber lore and the state of the Virtual Youtuber board is already exactly what vtwbg was doing.

>> No.53184386
Quoted by: >>53185625

It's kind of both. The scope of vtwbg kind of naturally expanded as people came in who wanted to do stuff besides working on the main project, and the new OP represents that expansion in scope. I'd say the main difference with /wg/ is a focus on chuuba lore, chuuba-related events, and /vt/ culture as opposed to stories starring the chuuba as main characters. Maybe the OP could get that across better?

>> No.53185625

So you guys are trying to dodge the curse on your generals name and trying to expand scope to try and stay alive.
I'm not sure it's gonna work since I'm going to be honest here, the fucking setting documents are basically impenetrable to casual reading, and the lore angle is unlikely to get anyone in that won't get scared off by the introductory post and just ask it in their oshi's thread while she's off stream.
Best of luck to this general but you fuckers might want to shop around to see if you can merge with another general cause I went diving through the last few threads and it was mostly bumps and discussion about how to keep this place alive with barely any actual setting discussion or comments about lore posts made.

>> No.53185670
Quoted by: >>53185780

This is what I mean.
One of the big issues with /vtwbg/ was that it was part /wg/ and part homebrew and struggled to find an identity that didn't rely on individual writers. The biggest issue with making a parody of vt is that you're inevitably just going to turn into wg unless you go all in on the cancerous aspects of the board, a lot of vtwbg writing was totally disconnected from vt as well and was more based on that individual aspect rather than anything regarding the board. I assumed that when discussion about changing vtwbg to lore or log or whore was going on that the name change was more than surface level, an actual attempt at remaking vtwbg but with a very firm identity of its own and part of that was a defined purpose and structure that vtwbg lacked which led to so many of its different issues. These past threads haven't shown any recognition of this goal at all, it feels more like they've been made out of an obligation to have a thread up rather than to do anything to help the thread.

>> No.53185780

>do anything to help the thread
Alright, and what would you do?

>> No.53186541
Quoted by: >>53187746

Finish the discussion about what the thread should be focused on and how it should be organized. In fact, we should finish the discussion as to whether or not we should change the name in the first place.
If we do decide to change the name, we need to have an OP that reflects that change and to lay the cards on the table openly. Vitubia is no longer "the base setting" everyone has admitted that its a bloated mess with way too much and way too little harmony. Lay the maps on the table, hell I think it would be a fun and engaging thing to chart the development of Vitubia and have it be laid out to explain to newcomers how this shit came to be. After? Then we can start making new settings and helping each other out, like that one haaton that stumbled in here for advice on their own setting.

>> No.53186578

NTA but if you guys still want to survive while still keeping the "heritage" alive. Then your best bet is embracing being the deranged cousin of /wg/ and see if you can live as a writing community that writes and reads each other's works while comment with critique. Though given the nature of the setting you're all working with and the fact that the thread wants to decentralize having a canon to unite everything... Good luck to the writers that still stick here and provide OC.

>> No.53187746
Quoted by: >>53188460

So bloat the next few threads with discussions that do not matter at all and will inevitably do nothing, got it.
Here's my idea though, how about you Just write, nigger?

>> No.53187987

>reading each other's works
Wait, do people do that in /wg/? Damn, they're chads.

>> No.53188460
Quoted by: >>53190828

>bloat the next few threads with discussions that do not matter at all and will inevitably do nothing
Literally either do that or stop makin new threads while not writing lore. There's like three people that still write lore, you can make an argument for maybe two or three more but that's it. The thread has never been sustained by lore alone it's the discussion of lore that's kept it up and the discussion of how to go about lore that's kept it up. This dialogue, if you want to call it that, is blunt evidence that discussion regardless of its nature is more relevant to the thread staying up than lore posts.

>> No.53190812
File: 303 KB, 781x724, 1668996899453628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53202357

I've been hanging out in /wg/ for a few threads and it's honestly blowing my mind how there's multiple people actually reading and critically reacting to stuff being posted there. I feel like even when we went through two threads a day that didn't happen in /vtwbg/, OC just got buried in some back and forth.
Speaking of lore, I posted some last thread, dozo.

>> No.53190828
Quoted by: >>53191298

>discussion of lore
And this is that?

>> No.53191298

Not at all but its discussion related to writing lore at the very least. We've never been good at actually critically discussing lore because alot of the time it ends up being a discussion about the overall writing habits of the thread and lore and such. Most discussion we have here can be summed up as "oh thats cool, that makes me think of this related concept" and usually ends within 4 posts or so.

>> No.53191991
Quoted by: >>53192355

So do that then. Who gives a fuck if the entire thread is just short bursts of lore discussion and bumps, at least you fuckers would be on topic. Spending 5 hours to argue about how the OP of all things doesn't fit into some faggots headcanon is actually pathetic. Like ffs, who cares if OP is x or y if the first thing a tourist will see is a completely off topic argument? How hard is it to just stay in your lane and write lore? And no, don't reply to this, this convo is over, go write lore niggers.

>> No.53192355

Be the change you want to see anon

>> No.53192388

I'm starting to think most of our discussions in our heyday consisted of more experienced worldbuilders helping the neophytes, or people telling other people something is wrong with their OC, or just general timelooping and schizoposting. Now that the thread is only experienced worldbuilders, and that we've removed canon restrictions so that it doesn't make sense to badger people about canon, and that we don't timeloop and schizopost... Well, all that's left is the two people worldbuilding chatting about their current work for a bit with the rest of the day filled with bumps. It seems like that's just the only way things can be, unless other people start making OC to chat about. Or the board becomes as slow as /tg/. Or the 10 other IPs find something else to discuss.

>> No.53194344


>> No.53194760
File: 52 KB, 500x500, RUFLOxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53194818

You people make OCs? Like, Hololive OCs?

>> No.53194818
Quoted by: >>53195005

OC is original content, anon... Like, any content that is created, like original. What the hell do you think OC is?

>> No.53194846
File: 2.25 MB, 600x1066, 1686748883993239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Flat world high fantasy antiquity setting, anybody? And yes it has to be flat world because that's kino.

>> No.53194918
Quoted by: >>53194955

What flavor of flat? Disc floating in space? Infinite plane in every direction?

>> No.53194955
Quoted by: >>53195057

Infinite place is cooler.

>> No.53195003

Basically this, the whole name change/revamp was intended to change that but its already been discussed above all the ways that hasn't happened.
Sure, how high is the fantasy? We casting spells with Akasupa blood magic to make Mori shit herself?

>> No.53195005
Quoted by: >>53195142

Oh God for a sec I thought you actually meant Hololive OCs. Yeah okay I'm just more used to seeing OC used for original characters than content. I mean, since this is like a writing place and all

>> No.53195057
Quoted by: >>53195399

Agreed desu. Maybe you pull a minecraft and shit gets wackier the farthest you get? Here lie dragons (and other graduated chuubas) and such.

>> No.53195142
Quoted by: >>53196235

Is there something bad about original characters? I mean, isn't any story that has characters filled with original characters kek? I think the term might have a cringe connotation I'm not familiar with.

>> No.53195399
Quoted by: >>53195630

That goes as a matter of course.

>> No.53195630
File: 79 KB, 540x334, 1673463166232045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53196411

Maybe get an ice wall going somewhere, right before reality jumps the shark, that's another classic.

>> No.53196235
Quoted by: >>53196300

Yes, it requires some getting into but there is a deeply cringe aspect to them but it mostly depends on where and how they're being used.

>> No.53196300
Quoted by: >>53196486

Do get into it, if you don't mind. Now I'm curious and googling OC pulls up Okanagan College.

>> No.53196411
Quoted by: >>53196461

Ice walls are boring, just have the border be a habitable continent like any other.

>> No.53196461

what if the ice wall is a habitable continent

>> No.53196486

Anon bout to discover the beautiful world of furry OCs...

>> No.53196558

A country of snow eaters huh?

>> No.53196697
Quoted by: >>53197342

Yeah, why not. Or maybe they use photosynthesis. Or they sustain themselves with sheer magic. Or it's only icy near the border and then it becomes more temperate again?

>> No.53197342

Canonize Argatha

>> No.53197801
File: 11 KB, 1009x58, 1686317621874265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo occult lore
Ah, returning to our roots.

>> No.53197854

Ehhh, no, that's boring.

>> No.53198822

Isn't this just /vtwbg/ but with less steps

>> No.53198930

> Homebrew an RPG?
So is amateur game creation discussed here as well?

>> No.53199245
File: 385 KB, 1000x1000, you go anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it's vtuber related, absolutely!
In fact, we had an anon that was developing a browser based settlement game, even if the site is down rn.

>> No.53199329

Why not, /vt gdg/ didn't stick around, so I guess we can have that around too. We had a game for a while, though it isn't up anymore. (are you here devanon? I never got to buy the adventurer's guild, that was just too many commodities...)

>> No.53200846
File: 441 KB, 2480x3508, 1687907028307697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53200927
Quoted by: >>53202209

What did you have in mind btw?

>> No.53202209

>>53199245 >>53199329 >>53200927
I attempted to post in a game creation thread over there at /g/ but I found the thread to be full of haters. Just to clarify this, I'm not saying people should be kissing my ass because I made some shitty minigame, but when I mostly received replies in the style of "cringe", "lmao cuck" and "that's a man with a voice changer" I figured this is not the place to share my hobby.

As for ideas, I'm currently hovering the idea of a EverybodyEdits sort of game (except no multiplayer) for my oshi.

>> No.53202357
File: 175 KB, 1500x1346, 1649729892392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upon Reading Song and Dance + Awakening
I am some ways into this and I am hit with the sense that this is written with quality befitting of a novelized work or at minimum, the draft of one.
Anyways, before I finish reading this I ought to give two critiques, one being that there are too many links to different sources and sub documents, it's not actually all that bad since clicking a link and learning something new is pretty cool but it comes at the cost of pacing if I'm not already familiar with the subject of the wiki and certain links are almost redundant and are already inferred by the topic (link about the spinal columns and phantom pains come to mind as examples). Some sections you do real good at letting imagination take hold so that meaning can be inferred and others it seems like you might be hesitant to trust that the reader will comprehend or understand the specifics of what you're saying.
I said I ought to give two, truth is I don't actually have another. Shill your work more brazenly since this is absolute kino, in fact, I honestly think you should try reposting this in /wg/ to see what kind of response it gets and if my words are backed up by other peers.
>Upon reading Insertion + Infusion
My biggest critique here is that the dialogue is somewhat hard to follow due to the heavy accent, there aren't alot of ways in order to do accents in written works and having a part where Tuval explicitly describes what Ailbhe's accent is like would probably have taken away from your intended depiction of it so I can understand why it was done the way it was, I'm curious as to if you had a kind of translation of what Ailbhe was saying or if you'd written it directly as the accented form. I'd also add that Ailbhe is kind of a hard to understand in terms of pronunciation.
Anyways, holy shit this is fantastic. This would have much less effect if I was not aware of previously discussed sapling lore or of the kind of blanket info that exists through lots of open discussions but you're intertwining of the Cradle concept in order to act as a means of progressing the plot while also characterizing Tuval and Ailbhe is some real gourmet shit. I feel like the depiction of chuubanite as a magic crystal/rock is horrendously overdone and making Faunanite appear in the form of tea leaves is a great idea, not just for switching common perception up but also for attaining a level of imagery without the specific need for description, I can imagine the smell of these leaves without it needing to be described to me and in my mind as I'm reading, I'm also mentally understanding the idea of how enticing Ailbhe is towards this kind of deal. Alec's situation also doesn't need to be spelled out for me to understand it although that might just be my own background knowledge on Sapling development and the nature of Morinium radiation. This is phenomenal in terms of incorporating lore in a narrative sense
Based pink supremacy nanora.
This chapter introduces many interesting concepts and I think it balances just enough on the line of letting the reader make their own assumptions as to what a definition might mean while allowing enough direct links to heighten the enjoyment and intrigue of the set piece. Despite remembering alot of these discussions and I believe being a part of some of them myself, I'm surprised and delighted by the creativity of the concepts you use here. The Daemon's IQ being a factor in how much strain is put on a pilot is based as fuck. So much of this is based as fuck that I can only really say again, if you're not already working on writing to publish, absolutely consider it.
I have no real critique's this chapter outside of having a bit of an issue visualizing everything on the battlefield in specifics however that might just be my coffee and not the fault of the work itself.
To conclude: This shit is amazing and is gonna be my example of what to strive for should I make a serious attempt at writing a sci-fi narrative for /ctv40k/ and my biggest criticism is that you're not violently shilling this in the thread. It might actually be my favorite story for the thread in recent memory although it relies somewhat on a bit of background info beforehand to fully appreciate all the small details peppered in. Kudos nanora.

>> No.53202570
Quoted by: >>53203723

/g/ doesn't tend to be receptive to creative ventures, from what I've seen. You might have better luck with /vg/'s /agdg/, if you want to be immersed amongst a bunch of hobby gamedevs. But there's at least two of us here as well. What's your stack/engine? Got some kind of design doc (technical term for .txt where you dump your ideas)?

>> No.53202867
Quoted by: >>53205302

/g/ is filled with faggots who make the biggest schizos of this thread look like saints in comparison, they deserve the least. my settlement fell apart due to neglect and I kept forgetting new passwords but I enjoyed the game, I kneel dev lord.
We kind of need something to get the ball rolling for talks about Roleplaying Games and their implementation with the lore that we have here. Dunno if sticking with the World of Darkness would be better than trying for a system like GURPS or not, I've only played VTM and have middling experience with GURPS though seeing how much variety has been pulled from both systems makes me curious as to the possible modifications we could do. I guess first things first is how much of the proposed system would be based around combat and how much would be based around social interaction and complication.

>> No.53203723

I'm mostly focusing on browser games right now because let's be honest, is your oshi going to download and run an .exe file some random person on twitter sent her? Probably not. So right off the bat I discarded any language other than javascript. The thing is, though, if I ever come to a point where I think I need more cpu juice I can switch from javascript to java (keep reading) with very little effort and make something faster.

As for the engine I'm using, it's not really an engine but it's called p5js. As I said it's not really an engine but it's kind of a framework for "creative coding", if you go to their website and see their demos you'll know what I mean. p5js is a javascript port of Processing, which is the same thing but in Java. So if I ever need more processing power I can port the p5js code to Processing code (I think) and it should run much faster using Java.

I made this rhythm mini-game inspired by a tweet this girl made in which she was making her character twerk to the beat of a song and it gave me the idea. Here she is reacting to it and playing it. Sorry it's in Spanish and I haven't gotten around to sub it but you can kind of guess what she's saying. https://files.catbox.moe/42kzoz.mp4

And then I had the idea to make a game inspired by one of those old flash games called Trial Bike. Remember those? This was a pain in the ass to make and I was never satisfied by it but whatever, I tweeted it to her and she said she wants to play it on stream. Also this game was kind of special because I got some help from anons in the general where we discuss these girls, since one helped me with the AI generated illustration and another one helped with the 8-bit music adaptation. That was pretty cool and it almost felt like a community project.

As for future ideas, one my gaming passions has always been platformer games and I'm hovering the idea of a game like EverybodyEdits (except no multiplayer).

>> No.53204092
Quoted by: >>53209605

dev KING if I wanted to begin learning how to make stuff like this, even on the most basic level, where should I start?

>> No.53204728

>game dev for grooming purposes
I respect it, based. The best stack is the one where you can actually complete projects, so I'd say you're doing pretty well. It's almost criminal that the rhythm game stops right before the kino breakdown though kek. The moto game's physics could use a bunch of scripting of the physics, I assume that's part of why you weren't fully satisfied with it. The good news is that a platformer doesn't have anything as fiddly as free body physics involved. Those tend to fairly simple compared the rest of the mechanics and all the tiles you're gonna code in.

>> No.53204860

>>53204728 (me)
meant for >>53203723, still writing up response to that kek

>> No.53205302

I mean this is complete amateur gamedev here but those two systems seem like they're almost too crunchy to start as a base unless you're explicitly working to make an adaptation of the rules to work for the setting you have here for a game. Maybe a better direction would be to go for genre emulation by way of taking notes from PbtA/Fate or saying fuck it and just making a D&D hack with some changes based off of the setting and flavor reworked off of that.

>> No.53206421
File: 268 KB, 800x800, vtwbgg_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53206679

I'm in between jobs rn so I had to pause the server instance for a while, but I still own it though, so I'll be bringing it back up hopefully soon, and I obviously still have all the source, so she's not completely dead I promise!
Probably for the best tbdesu since vtwbg has been having a bit of a rough time lately, and now we have this new "rebranding" thing...

Yoooo, fellow dev! And another spanish speaker as well! Welcome!
I dabbled in Processing WAAAAAY back in the day when it was still around version 2.X (looking it up now, holy shit I cant believe theyre all the way on 4.2).

>mostly focusing on browser games right now because let's be honest, is your oshi going to download and run an .exe
yeah, that was the same line of thought I had when I made the site for /vtwbg/, even though I don't really like webdev

>> No.53206679
File: 124 KB, 602x1000, 1676607376629347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53208917

The linking of other stuff is definitely a bit of a slippery slope. It's tempting to throw in a bunch of references to weird shit and just link something that explains it to save myself the trouble, but as you say it kind of breaks up the flow of the reading. Maybe it's a bit of a crutch at times.
Oh yeah, the accent conundrum. That's always a dilemma. Immersionkino, or readability? I'm never sure I'm happy with my decision after kek. My first draft was actually a bit heavier on the scottish drawl, so I'm glad I toned it down. Chatting with sapling was definitely a huge help for this chapter, that's my favorite part of this project I think. Drawing ideas from other people just injects perspectives and elements that I'd never think of on my own. I'm also a big fan of moving chuubanite outside of the rock, into bones, acorns or tea. Although the Mt Mori diamond is one of the more egregious examples of "chuubanite as a gem" kek. I'm pretty excited about where Ailbhe's arc ends up going, I set up some hooks in there.
Pink power nanora. Writing battle scenes is usually a bit intense. There's so much happening and I'm always drawn towards describing the action to an unreadable minutiae of details even though the text is stronger being a bit more to the point. It's probably obvious given my recent contributions, but I've had a lot of fun brainstorming Daemon mechanics and workings, I kinda have to hold myself back from just exposition dumping info on them in the text kek. Works better to pepper it in.
The "More capable machine = more pilot strain" is definitely a common trope (it's not intentional, but I'm pretty sure my subconscious came up with that based on Permet Scores from the latest Gundam), but I'm happy with my implementation.
I kinda want to make a cute drawing of the battlefield kek, maybe that would help with visualization. What style might a Lunaito corvette have?
Thanks for the general praise, I appreciate it. I think there are plenty of writers better than me in the thread. Among the recently active ones, I'd suggest you read the ongoing /vnug/ story if you haven't, it's been a great source of inspiration and motivation.
Devanon love!

>> No.53208462


>> No.53208917
File: 237 KB, 731x406, KPR_Halberd_Mode_model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53213051

>What style might a Lunaito corvette have?
pic related is a very good approximation, the mast would be similar to a knight's helmet however like the Metaknight Halberd. I imagine lunaito corvettes to be formatted around principles of absolute aggression with an expectation of high impact ramming maneuvers and extremely close quarters combat to go into their design
I've been keeping my eye on the /vnug/ space stories but lately I've been slowing down a fair bit and considering alot of my own lore and haven't gotten around to giving it the fair look over that it deserves. I do remember giving some feedback on them but they were very light and not at all as detailed as it deserves.

>> No.53209605
Quoted by: >>53210013

I was really inspired years ago by the work of this guy on youtube. He makes videos on different topics with either Processing or its javascript counterpart p5js. You can see a playlist here but you can browse his channel and find topics that interest you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HerCR8bw_GE&list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6Zy51Q-x9tMWIv9cueOFTFA

Processing and p5js are really good to get you started because you can jump right in with ideas like
> ok I can draw a rectangle how do I make it move?
> I guess I can store its position in two variables and just increment them each frame
> so how can I make it bounce? Maybe reverse the increment when X reaches 400
And things like that. Play around with it, see if it starts to click.

Yeah the physics engine has a bunch of different parameters you can tweek like restitution, friction, mass, etc and they all come together to make the objects move. I really struggled to find good parameters for the different parts of the simulation. If I increased the mass of the rear wheel then I couldn't get it to pick up enough speed to make good jumps, and with less mass the rear wheel is way too bouncy. Idk, I wasn't entirely satisfied with the end result because the bike is a little difficult to control since the rear wheel ended up being too bouncy. I'd say about half of the dev time was spent between tweeking parameters back and forth and most of the remaining time was spent on the level editor.

Hopefully a platformer isn't such a pain to make.

>> No.53210013

Might have needed to give the wheels a bit of a suspension and/or make the ground softer. It can be a bit unexpected, but copying real-world values is often a good approach for an initial attempt. But yeah, that's definitely the physics-based game experience. I've made a few platformers (on godot and unreal) and they're definitely less annoying, though there's always a bunch of tweaking for any game with free movement like that.

>> No.53210022
File: 153 KB, 796x596, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53210512

another developer? today is a good day.
too bad i suck ass at browser games

>> No.53210512
File: 16 KB, 304x397, 1662375027547838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53213051

How incandescently pink... Very nice anon, thanks.

>> No.53217522
File: 3.40 MB, 498x281, 1668293213280703.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53218677

>> No.53218677

Can this be turned into lore? What do saplings think about that?

>> No.53218826
File: 85 KB, 732x777, 20230223_135949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly wouldnt even know where to start...

>> No.53218910
Quoted by: >>53219314

The wisest ents, nerd-ents...

>> No.53219203

Well the beginning obviously.

>> No.53219314
File: 106 KB, 267x190, unknown-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess?
Do sorta already have that
I thought he was coming at it more from a comedic/meme angle and was racking my brain to think of funny plants or the nerdiest looking animals kek

>> No.53219535

I genuinely dont know what big tooth fauna is, can we make it into lore?

>> No.53225977

Log love

>> No.53230001


>> No.53231823
Quoted by: >>53231955

Shout out to the schizos who've been here since day one keepin this thread goin

>> No.53231955

Our most reliable anons

>> No.53234978

I always thought anteaters looked really nerdy, something about the schnoz.

>> No.53237432
File: 119 KB, 1000x451, 1090910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53237512


>> No.53237512
File: 746 KB, 680x680, 1687527418789692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53237680

Christ, look at the fucker. Petra was cuter in my memory.

>> No.53237550

What happened to /vtwbg/?
That's the premium autism general

>> No.53237666

Going through a bit of rebranding to try resisting the unyielding march of entropy. Still autistic, though.

>> No.53237680
Quoted by: >>53238678

The future of Petra-fication!
We decided to merge ALL types of autism
/vtwbg/ is one of the departments you can join

>> No.53238678

Maybe this is how we achieve the autism singularity.

>> No.53241010

Log in

>> No.53242087
Quoted by: >>53242152

That's it boys, that's our new catchphrase

>> No.53242152

I like it... reminds me of like digimon characters activating a weird wrist thing and yelling "Log IN" to enter the cyberspace, or something.

>> No.53242182

I dig it

>> No.53242428

Shit log

>> No.53242448


>> No.53242542


>> No.53242584

Does a bear shit in the woods...

>> No.53243121


>> No.53245236

Does every chuuba have a definitive fan mascot to be represented as a race? It's kind of shakey for some of them.

>> No.53245312

Hey are there any Lamys in here?

>> No.53247555

Log off
