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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53188914 No.53188914 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.53188949

Poor dude

>> No.53189033
Quoted by: >>53189181

>do free concert behind closed doors
>get lots of support from your loving fans
>get collectively shit on by the entire internet
Bro didn't deserve that

>> No.53189137
Quoted by: >>53190070

these faggots are making me defend maletubers

>> No.53189181

>the normalfags shitting on him will get over it by next week once a new viral tiktok starts circulating
>the chuubas that joined in on the dogpiling to fit in with them will go back to being irrelevant
>he actually gained new fans who might not have been exposed to him if not for this
i dunno anon it sounds like he's winning

>> No.53189245 [DELETED] 

Seeing mostly black people shit on him and go "OMG YALL FRFR VTUBER FANS RACIST" over one troll account gives me secondhand embarrassment as a mixed person.

>> No.53189277
Quoted by: >>53189888

In the long run, I guess. But it can’t feel good to have people all over the internet making fun of you. Then there’s also that stuff with Kenji

>> No.53189287

Seriously, why are other vtubers shitting on him? If they think vtubers are cringe why did they become vtubers???

>> No.53189303

I don't even know the guy but he didn't deserve all this shit.

>> No.53189323
Quoted by: >>53189808

>why are other vtubers shitting on him
because they're black

>> No.53189378

Normalfags shitting on him because >"Miku could freely dance around a stage 10 years ago, how come this literally who from SEA can't do the same?"
Not even joking

>> No.53189434

>>53189378 (Me)
I jobbed, I'll kill myself don't mind me

>> No.53189439
Quoted by: >>53193594

new gen anime fans are all ironic weebs because zoomers have collectively gaslit themselves into believing that having a hobby or genuinely enjoying anything is "cringe"

>> No.53189445

Only now you understand that?
A lot, probably the majority of EN indies find vtubers cringe.

>> No.53189565
Quoted by: >>53201233

I saw that some live2d artists/riggers and chuubas are starting a blacklist of those that shit on him
gotta use their own tactics against them

>> No.53189626

Ngl that clip of the sisters swooning over the hair was cringe kino, but people are lying and saying that they paid 300 dollars for it when it was a free concert at a cosplay convention.

>> No.53189697

Not clicking your youtube channel, faggot.

>> No.53189728

Ngl to a point the "moving like a stickfigure" is funny but the guy was getting dogpiled on and those fags went with the "HAHA I AM BETTER THEN HIM" angle, if you can't even defend your fucking job/hobby from insufferable people on twatter then you are just an embarrassment.

>> No.53189782

Westerners hate themselves and find joy to be cringey
They are unironically joyless doomer retards. The type who shit on people like otakus for showing passion while indulging in the same mediums but hating themselves for doing it

>> No.53189808

Anime became mainstream for it's aesthetics, not the actual subculture.
NGL I find it funny how they found 1 troll who doesn't even watch vtubers make a post calling Kenji a nigger with half of the likes being black people and somehow decided that's proof that vtuber fans are racist.

>> No.53189872

>vtuber fans are racist
we're not?

>> No.53189888

if the dude ever gets a sizeable audience and eventually does some high effort/budget concert that gets lots of eyes and praise on him, none of the people who shat on him will even remember it was him, so all he has to do now is take it all in and just keep going.

>> No.53189998

it's such a moronic mistake to make too, the convention was 300 in thai currency to enter which converts to $8.55 USD

>> No.53190004

Outside of /here/? No anime unironically brings evryone who like it together and vtubers by extension do the same.

>> No.53190050
Quoted by: >>53193715

normies hate vbtubers, nothing new. Look what happened in social media with Calli with One Piece this weekend.

>> No.53190055
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>black LARPer kenji
>black twitter
>black youtuber
Why is it always these people?

>> No.53190070

male vtubers are a plague on the industry only until normalfags start making fun of them

>> No.53190093

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

>> No.53190121
File: 462 KB, 750x932, 1683499332969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also this faggot

>> No.53190139

I have no reason to give a shit about them as long as they're not trying to fuck female vtubers

>> No.53190170

it was cringe but calling it a "concert" when it was just a little gathering part of a cosplay convention + like you said lying about the price is dishonest. comparing it to bigger productions like hatsune miku, hololive or nijisanji concerts is also dishonest because this is a small event in SEA and the guy made his debut three months ago.
i don't care for events like this but i also don't support grifters and """creators""" who make a living out of reacting to drama and spreading misinformation. plus a lot of the people mocking the clip were vocaloid or DSMP fans, literally the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.53190213
File: 1.14 MB, 1170x1632, 93487CB7-FA35-4F3F-A44B-5EB73676A529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furfaggots thinking they have any room to talk

>> No.53190255
Quoted by: >>53190727

>Even furries are bullying vtuber fans
It’s over...

>> No.53190344
Quoted by: >>53190831

like it or not, male vtubers are part of the hobby and subculture. the way normalfags attack this male vtuber is completely different from how a schizoid unicorn would. it's an attack on the subculture itself. anyone with any integrity at all should feel compelled to defend them in this specific instance.

>> No.53190399
Quoted by: >>53190620

they don't look at the mirror, don't they?

>> No.53190442
Quoted by: >>53190555

Blame the nigger Kenji who's conveniently the victim now in this whole fiasco and this guy and his artist are made to be racists and PoS

>> No.53190507
Quoted by: >>53198684

>makes a video detailing how this was not a big deal
>still titles the video "the worst concert ever"
disingenuous af

>> No.53190555

i know >we are racist to SEAsians but at least anons are self aware. complaining about racism while you make fun of how poor the people in a 3rd world country are is peak irony.

>> No.53190591

Those are black weebs who grew up being called oreos for their interests and compensate by emulating their bullies.

>> No.53190598
Quoted by: >>53190688

I'm gonna vomit...

>> No.53190620

Acting like their hobbies don’t involve jumping around in a cum caked $700 fursuit and fucking dogs.

>> No.53190659

Can't believe these people are so nasty I actually felt bad for a male (masculine) vtuber.

>> No.53190688

I hate furfags so much it's unreal

>> No.53190727

the perpetually bullied and downtrodden eventually morph into the very people they hate

>> No.53190745

Poor guy

>> No.53190831

If you call yourself a vtuber fan, you should defend this guy who just wanted to entertain his fans with a free show.
Imagine if normalfags shitted on your oshis show at con and spread all sorts of bullshit about it, I know 100% you'd be out there defending them.

>> No.53190884
Quoted by: >>53191353

I just saw a Instagram reels with more than 200k likes shiting on this...
I never watched a male vtuber and principally holostar deserve to be eradicated, but why people go out of their way to shit so much in a unknown guy, if it's some vtuber with lots of hate like Vox I would understand a little at least.

>> No.53190897

better camerawork than hololive

>> No.53190918

Shows how little unity the general vtuber community has you have vtubers and there fans shitting on this even holofags (disappointing) comparing this to fucking connect the world, if this was a holo the outcome would have been wildly different because most of the holofanbase is concentrated on twatter.
in all get good, some chubbas might read this, you actually need to protect the culture you are a part of for it to give back to you, breed negatively and it will come back to bite you back later these SEA chubbas are 100X better then the faggots in the EN side.

>> No.53190919
Quoted by: >>53193952

so what did we learn today, vtuber fans?
no matter how shitty /vt/ gets, normies will always somehow be worse

>> No.53191041

the "general community" is the liggers, anon. and they're all pretty up and arms about it.

>> No.53191042

>people defending a video of a live 2d bobbing around for a concert
This is why every vtuber has an animated music video or at least comissions still art for it. this looks amateurish and cheap. It'd be different if this was live but cmon

>> No.53191068
Quoted by: >>53191583

It WAS live you fucking ignoramus.

>> No.53191118

Normies will never accept you, go back to /asp/

>> No.53191124
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>> No.53191130
Quoted by: >>53191270

it's scuffed and looks cringe but at the end of the day (You) have more in common with the women cheering in the video than you do with the retards circulating it

>> No.53191190
Quoted by: >>53191270

I found that cringe as fuck, but people are overreacting, it's like those women who break your eardrum just because they see a small insect.

>> No.53191194

Nahhhhhh get this corny ahhh meme back to Ohio bro fr

>> No.53191238

this but homobeggars and unironically.
i legitimately thought i despised homos and have now caught myself being defensive about them on this. im probably going back to it once it's all over though.

>> No.53191270
Quoted by: >>53191696

>Sure it was cringe and scuffed but they went over the line by making fun of it

>> No.53191272
Quoted by: >>53191485

Don't feel sorry for him, I'm sure he has plenty of saviourfag sisters to the rescue.

>> No.53191335

It's a fucking convention karaoke faggot even holos do the same thought the camerawork is shit but it's good for what it is, it not supposed to be a big concert and the fans of this guy there are obviously enjoying it so take your better then though attitude and shove it up your rectum.

>> No.53191353
Quoted by: >>53191581

>holostar deserve to be eradicated, but why people go out of their way to shit so much in a unknown guy,

>> No.53191485

Envy is not a good look

>> No.53191524

Im sure the guy himself can take a step back and laugh at how silly it is, you fags get way too defensive and territorial when people poke fun at your hobby

>> No.53191581
Quoted by: >>53191778

There are reasons for people to hate stars, different from mindless drones that will attack anything about anime or Japanese culture these westerners don't deserve to be given a inch, funny how this is the group that preaches MUH SAFE ZONE MUH FREEDOM the most but will cry tears of blood when they see people having fun, worse part is they always go "haha it's just a joke" when you call them out on this shit.

>> No.53191583

nuh uh

>> No.53191628

go back to /v/

>> No.53191696

difference was the homo was at a smaller/cheaper event and the camerawork in his video was shit

>> No.53191719

it's over.....

>> No.53191736

Are they complaining because it's Live2D? Hasn't that type of concert already happened in a lot of US cons?

>> No.53191748
Quoted by: >>53191909

go back faggot not gonna let some retards with identity crises tell me shit

>> No.53191778

>there are reasons to hate stars
like, individual members/tempiss HQ or the whole branch? cause im very sure JP stays in their lane, and tempusVG hasn't done anything.

>> No.53191792
Quoted by: >>53192052

difference is those are live performances where they're interacting with the audience


>> No.53191820

More like the difference is that 1 of those was posted on tiktok and went viral

>> No.53191838

You think these normalfags know about cons?

>> No.53191909

I think you're just projecting now anon

>> No.53192052

to normalfags there is no difference but hope they'll accept you one day anon

>> No.53192103
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Quoted by: >>53192676

It's really not that different from what ironmouse did at the OffKai concert.

>> No.53192140
Quoted by: >>53192884

One reason they get hate is because of the Collab with girls and the subsequent shitshow that happened after that, they most probably are also the reason we haven't gotten a new gen in 2 motherfucking years not to mention they are below mid overall and just gave the company more 3 views, I am a numberfag and watching a fucking holoen branch being 3views while holoID is above nijien right now is depressing, i wouldn't have had much to complain about if they actually pulled there weight but they are just a bunch of leeching faggots who have brought the worse kind of people into the fanbase.

>> No.53192676
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Quoted by: >>53192901

To be honest, it's a bit of a scam to pay for a 2d concert, but even now I don't understand if you
had to paid for a concert with this homo, if you paid for a ticket then he deserve his fate, if not then he was caught in a nasty algorithm for normie hate

>> No.53192884
Quoted by: >>53195980

>I am a numberfag
I respect your bravery, but, respectfully, KEK

>> No.53192893

Most zoomers and normalfags are incapable of genuinely enjoying something without ten layers of irony and a lot of small Vtubers are zoomers and "quirky normalfags" as well.

>> No.53192901

It was part of a convention, so you paid for the convention and the concert was just part of it. People also said entry was free if you were in cosplay.

>> No.53193212

Tempoop are far from "brotubers" but they at least don't try to go anywhere where there's is holomem.
Stars JP are kinda boring besides a few but they give their best, they stay in their lane and don't go anywhere with the girls too, and when they go they are super profissional.

>> No.53193594

They didn't do it to themselves, this toxic irony poisoning has been forced onto them since they were much younger and more impressionable. Sincerity isn't allowed in "their" media; can't let people stand for something or enjoy the good.

>> No.53193715
Quoted by: >>53195152

Can you be bothered to QRD me? 4chens is the only "social" media I actually use.

>> No.53193952

I knew things were fucked years ago when 4chan morphed into a bastion of morality and the world became a cesspit of depraved degeneracy in a weird Korean drama tier reversal switcheroo.
Clown world indeed, reinforced over and over.

>> No.53193997


>> No.53194032

>NGL I find it funny how they found 1 troll who doesn't even watch vtubers make a post calling Kenji a nigger with half of the likes being black people and somehow decided that's proof that vtuber fans are racist.
that's what that literal monkey always does when his shit backfires
classic black people being professional victims

>> No.53194150
Quoted by: >>53194558

sorry you hate fun https://youtu.be/aOGfn5eN7XU?t=95

>> No.53194558
File: 24 KB, 512x508, 1688714411840154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus anon this is "fun"? imagine that this is the guy that tell's you to touch grass

>> No.53195152

NTA but just the usual shitting on Mori, saying her music is trash, but also saying Oda sucks. Some even saying they should kill Oda.

>> No.53195444


>> No.53195571
Quoted by: >>53197812

Ebonics and emoji spam is how half of the english side of internet communicates now.

>> No.53195980
Quoted by: >>53201732

Nothing wrong with it, i don't particularly hate shitters but them becoming 3views dispite having the blue dorito logo, cover going all out on shilling them plus the girls collab just makes me hate them based on principal.

>> No.53197812

"Y'all" is also white Southerner English, you know. Probably unlikely in the case of this TikTok rando, but still, it's not like black people own that word.

>> No.53198684

Gotta get those views

>> No.53198729


>> No.53198908

>what? enjoying your passions? don't you know that's CRINGE bro? omg CRINGE
irony poisoned insecure fags

>> No.53199164

>I watch all MCU entries and buy funk-pops and read RWBY fanfiction and read the hottest Know Your Meme entries and believe in the Current Thing because... I JUST DO OKAY!!!

>> No.53199754

Even my friend who doesn’t watch vtubers is sending me stuff about this guy and is making fun of him....

>> No.53199946 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 451x443, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the twitter user who posted the original video is part of a friend group that's known for e-begging and starting drama with content creators. Their followings are like huge block lists for CCs.

Life gets so much better when you stop giving a fuck about being cringe.

>> No.53200721
Quoted by: >>53203265

Who? Legit question, I have zero clue who this is, I just assume it's a niji.

>> No.53200873

Wait, aren't we pretending for lols and funny memes?

>> No.53201233

HOLY BASED if true.

>> No.53201732

My man has so many principles, he can't even spell the word right.

>> No.53201842

is this whats considered internet news these days? some literal who not having the money to do a miku tier concert?

>> No.53201956

I don't see what is so bad about this when vtubers were laughing about people dying in a submarine last month.

>> No.53201997
File: 91 KB, 488x516, no fun fags are the worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53203318

>Should we celebrate our grass roots hobby?
>No, if it is not of mainstream industry quality, it is trash

>> No.53203265

Thai vtuber

>> No.53203318
Quoted by: >>53203485

who said that
you people just make arguments up in your head lmao you deserve to get made fun of

>> No.53203485

