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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 397 KB, 648x648, STFU Reine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52981452 No.52981452 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UXZEOfGVmY&t=28s

>Original songs:
Illusion Night: https://youtu.be/gREPKQUoD4o
Love Me Love Me: https://youtu.be/MxwV963ZNEU
あの青空のせいだ (Ano Aozora no Sei da): https://youtu.be/dzUfNQaaemk
Gate Open: START!: https://youtu.be/VFpOBazE3rs

>Cover songs:
KICK BACK: https://youtu.be/7wG3rtD1GP4
-Star Divine- finale: https://youtu.be/75gnquXjQSE
Angelic Angel: https://youtu.be/mYYmMht45hg
Overdose: https://youtu.be/LdrwHNtz3Zg
気分上々: https://youtu.be/s_HsEltY_O0
Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko Dake: https://youtu.be/e2c08JOSGwI
Bad End Night: https://youtu.be/wFTSE4h4SSs
Ai Kotoba IV: https://youtu.be/Ina1fe-sssg
RAD DOGS: https://youtu.be/D8yBNjhgQ0Q
ECHO: https://youtu.be/tn9us3WeFgI
Cynical Night Plan: https://youtu.be/nWP8Wmho188
Animal: https://youtu.be/KNBdITatp8Y
Beat Eater: https://youtu.be/nbB3KsFRv4U
シンデレラ (Cinderella): https://youtu.be/o6C7-azdU7I
The Baddest: https://youtu.be/8Jz0hUbu1mw
Fly Me to the Star: https://youtu.be/s0p7jwJKkzs
Envy Baby: https://youtu.be/4F9jLdTTuT0
革命デュアリズム (Kakumei Dualism): https://youtu.be/Dx-_i0RWwNc
可愛くなりたい (Kawaiku Naritai): https://youtu.be/Hya6rBRCd6Y
愛Dee: https://youtu.be/o_xMgw2j9v8
うっせぇわ (USSEEWA): https://youtu.be/dYvQcVG_dVg
KING: https://youtu.be/LfI8sxSFtuE


Previous thread: >>52824957

>> No.52981825
File: 589 KB, 749x605, Life as a Merakyat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52981881
Quoted by: >>52982080

>you let the fucking schizo make the thread

Fuck it. /mep/, how do we finally get rid of this shit for good?

>> No.52982080

Your head is going to explode when you realize I have made hundreds of /mep/ threads since Reine debuted.

>> No.52982192
Quoted by: >>52982224

Doesn't make this particular OP less shit

>> No.52982224
Quoted by: >>52983763

What don't you like about it? The comic sans is the icing on the cake.

>> No.52982245
Quoted by: >>52982738

It's less of a problem if you don't literally make the OP pic your schizo nonsense.

>> No.52982738

Yeah, kinda sad how mep has turned into a Reine thread to a becoming some faggots pity blog.

>> No.52982926
File: 369 KB, 615x900, 1685710893650726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let the thread die while we're in slow hours. Remember to sage if you really have to.

>> No.52983337
File: 11 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so mean, leave Britney alone.
He maybe a schizo, but he's our schizo!
he cared enough to atleast make a thread

>> No.52983763

You could have just posted the unedited image. Instead you've let your personal hurt feelings stain the image of Reine.

>> No.52983994
Quoted by: >>52988077

I'm really scared that Pilk will be cancelled like todays valorant stream was because chat has been acting like smelly old fart & reine cant bear to see us in her weakened state.
Just get a something nice to drink and play valorant instead reine its okay

>> No.52984060

But isn't it a quote? I'm pretty sure reine said that

>> No.52984391
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, 1662972369323929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really pathetic

>> No.52985069

Shes not going to stream today, there is too much bad energy

>> No.52985222

Okay you guys are now kinda projecting. I thought it was funny and went with the twitter image.

>> No.52986332
File: 365 KB, 500x500, FrlMHMxaMAAUSwM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it adding it to the collection

>> No.52987272
File: 400 KB, 627x627, 1688582802349525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52987786

Good morning! I hope the Fauna schizo kills himself today

>> No.52987786
Quoted by: >>52988412

There are so many people you call crazy I don't even know who your referring too.

>> No.52988077
Quoted by: >>52988244

How has chat been acting like a fart? How is it chat's fault this time? Reine made herself angry by reading chat while we waited for 45 minutes, how is that our fault. Now she's playing Valorant and here we go again.

>> No.52988160
File: 167 KB, 409x467, Any day now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52988249


>> No.52988244

I'll back you up and add that if Reine said something in chat, reactions would have been kinder to her absence.

>> No.52988249

I thought you were crazy, but I double checked just in case.
See you all in 30 mintues!

>> No.52988412
File: 374 KB, 592x410, 1683918152557258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52988540

The Fauna schizo is really easily identifiable by his usage of Reine+ Fauna pictures, but after a while you can decipher his writing style.
Not even a threadreader although maybe that isnt so bad given the state here

>> No.52988485
Quoted by: >>52988627

I hope she plays Valo for like 12 hours

>> No.52988540
Quoted by: >>52988800

You and him write exactly the same bro, you even have the habit of attaching an image with a wall of text. I thought you two were the same people, oof sorry dude you are more similar than you think.

>> No.52988627

God, I wish

>> No.52988800

You replied with the same amount of words ,you retard

>> No.52990077


>> No.52990375
Quoted by: >>52990709

please don't be mean to us today please. pray to the loving turkey of 2021

>> No.52990709

Who cares? Clearly it’s not like she actually cares about us

>> No.52992316
Quoted by: >>52992685

I feel like this always happens after she scores. She gets really cranky after a week or two and spites the chat

>> No.52992375

Reine and Operator sounding a bit like Rivers of Blood. Makes you think huh

>> No.52992685

>after she scores

>> No.52993261

why is this sexy turkey addicted to valorant all of a sudden?

>> No.52993266

Are you guys having fun?

>> No.52993457
Quoted by: >>52993516

Because these games are designed to be addictive and in Reine's own words "She has no self control." She was going to be sucked in the second she tried it because that's how it works. When she bought the battlepass that makes you have the urge to keep playing, there are many papers written on how these passes are predatory not as much to money but to time which is worth more. Even when you're not having fun you always have a skin to unlock so one more round. Just one more for the dopamine rush

>> No.52993516

i will correct her

>> No.52993724
Quoted by: >>52994539

It makes her happy. I guess in a way regular streaming doesn’t

>> No.52993804

I'm playing Pokemon and watching youtube videos with Reine in the background. It's like having a roommate/gf playing a game you don't care about.

>> No.52994374

That's how I would usually treat games i don't care about but Reine only talks about valo while playing valo. She only reads valo questions and only asks valo questions. every breath is about valo

>> No.52994539

I really am convinced Reine has adult ADHD. This sudden obsession and lack of any interest in anything else, her terrible attention span, her extremely low patience, low self confidence, I could go on for a while.

>> No.52996487
File: 120 KB, 364x340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53022095

I got a Weine

>> No.52996731

Begging Reine to walk and not push so aggressively when she's on Defence not in chat tho, just trying to send it to her through the Morphogenetic field

>> No.52997955

Reine almost read my message and stopped like she was seeing a ghost haha.

>> No.52998071
Quoted by: >>53002493

Anya showed up and joined but no VC because reasons

>> No.52998247

Kaela is playing Dave the Diver, for the thousandth time this year Kaela plays another game I wish Reine would play so I try watching Kaela and feel nothing but "I wish this was Reine instead having fun playing this game".

Then I open the real Reine stream and start to weep

>> No.53000772

If the Valo Arc filters some of you schizos it'll all be worth it

>> No.53001065

No, it's just making us double down

>> No.53002237
File: 33 KB, 332x354, 1669527222749481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm catching up on Kiara's birthday Jackbox collab that I probably wouldn't have had time to watch otherwise. Pretty fun stream, I'd love to see Reine play Jackbox with the girls some time too.

>> No.53002398
Quoted by: >>53005011

I really do hope it pushes them away for good because these threads have been absolutely unbearable with them. Almost unusable at times. And I say that as someone who doesn't personally enjoy watching Reine play Valorant.

>> No.53002493

Fake one, we know anya always use that single letter ign

>> No.53002696
Quoted by: >>53011495

I don't really care about the op image but next time pls put stream tittle on previous stream

>> No.53003258 [DELETED] 

Should just let the schizo solo post in this thread and make another one like what happened during /pavonashi/.

>> No.53005011
Quoted by: >>53005482

It feels like she’s cutting off her nose to spite her face, but the threads have been far worse than the streams, no matter how much I complain about them

>> No.53005482
Quoted by: >>53019260

To be fair, that's a classic Reine move, and she's said as much herself. But you're right; the handful of people (mostly one person) who have derailed and lowered the quality of these threads so substantially lately are way more concerning to me than anything going on in Reine's streams right now.

>> No.53010304
Quoted by: >>53011282

Imagine how she looks after spritzing herself with that cooling spray. She's already wearing next to nothing but now her shirt is sticking to get glistening skin

>> No.53011282 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 480x480, spray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53011495
File: 78 KB, 944x289, 4chan x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use https://www.4chan-x.net/ like everyone else and it will look fine

>> No.53011896
Quoted by: >>53012071

guys im not sure i can take it anymore.......

>> No.53012071
Quoted by: >>53012299

Right there with you man. If Reine oversleeps for the Pilk reviews and does her temper tantrum blaming chat again, I think I'm done.

>> No.53012299

Reine has an opportunity to do the funniest thing possible

>> No.53012502

This has been a pretty fun stream, I don't know what you guys are complaining about

>> No.53012834

I don't find random noises funny, I like when Reine reacts to stories and actual gameplay not the walking around a corner and dying instantly for 5 hours strait

>> No.53012909
Quoted by: >>53013331

That doesn't work for a phone app

>> No.53013331

Sorry my bad

>> No.53013347
File: 2.84 MB, 2430x3500, RPk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a good time, we just have a bunch of drama addicted attentionwhores here

>> No.53013361
Quoted by: >>53013610

You said that you already made ton of thread before >>52982080
just follow what you already did

>> No.53013495

>kobo is the schizo spreadsheeting meppas in chat

>> No.53013610
Quoted by: >>53019283

I'm lazy, sue me. You make the thread next time if you are going to be sassy.

>> No.53015406
Quoted by: >>53022081

She'd actually enjoy playing battle engineer if she ever touches TF2.

>> No.53015967
Quoted by: >>53016231

That’s good to hear. I haven’t been able to watch most of them so I was worried the streams are as bad as people say

>> No.53016231

They are lots of fun if you like watching these types of games, if you don't though it's horrible. But obviously lots and lots of people love Valorant so as long as you do too, you're fine. Be wary of taking opinions from the echo chamber.

>> No.53016286
Quoted by: >>53021437

do id girls really call her 'tante'?
lmao that's hilarious

>> No.53018977
File: 865 KB, 1280x1130, mepmep[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnpyulx.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53019260

How do you derail a thread

>> No.53019283

I'm telling you in the nicest way possible UwU~
Pls dont get mad

>> No.53020191

Plapvolia Mepne

>> No.53021437

only her second costume is worth calling tante

>> No.53021895

I remeber when ace attorney streams used to be 6 hours long, I imagine Pilk will last 2 hour, 3 hours tops.

>> No.53022081

No chance. Heavy x Medic fanfiction isn't going to cut it for her, and matchmaking on official servers is still shit.

>> No.53022095
File: 127 KB, 652x930, 1677757551068155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53022744
Quoted by: >>53025787

Generally I don’t, so I’m afraid to watch. I don’t want to miss all these hours of her, but I don’t want to start hating her

>> No.53022953 [DELETED] 


>> No.53024828
File: 299 KB, 829x772, 1686908784650978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53025787
Quoted by: >>53026141

Then skip them, something I wish I could do. They are making me hate Reine and I hate it, I would I had the self control to just pretend they don't exist but as you put it, that's a whole lot of hours of Reine to miss.

>> No.53025833

its mepping time

>> No.53026141

If you can't learn to stop watching stuff you don't like at least learn to keep it to yourself.

>> No.53026405
Quoted by: >>53027067

No I think I will artistically projectile vomit my feelings all over everything that happens to be in front of me instead.

>> No.53026627
Quoted by: >>53027177

Reine is fucking dying, LITERALLY MELTING, and all you bastards can think about is yourselves.

>> No.53026658

I keep it from Reine by screaming it here instead, sorry but you are my pillow

>> No.53026784
Quoted by: >>53026986

I never really thought about this, but does Reine's roomate also stream? If she does that would explain a lot. I'm not trying to dox just curious after she said "I don't know if I said it to you"

>> No.53026986

She probably told Ollie or some other holomem, maybe while she was playing Valo off-stream or something when she was at the computer

>> No.53027067

Maybe you haven't realized but I'm like Reine. I am a spiteful person. The more you complain the more I'll do it, just like Reine. So get used to it, because I'm just like Reine

>> No.53027177

She was crying when she ate it.

>> No.53028096

The fuck is pilk?

>> No.53028205
Quoted by: >>53028386

They also have the lion’s share of available 3D Reine, which is objectively the cutest thing in the world

>> No.53028378

Pepsi + Milk = Pilk.

>> No.53028386

I bet she's naked under that yukata

>> No.53029006
Quoted by: >>53029162

Reine is literally in pain when she streams and works but she does it for (You)

>> No.53029162

Pain she could fix instantly but instead complains about it constantly. Just like /mep/!

>> No.53030607
Quoted by: >>53031800

She's never going to play Rain Code while in JP. Get fucked beggers

>> No.53030967
Quoted by: >>53031009

I'm getting scolded again...

>> No.53031009


>> No.53031041

Instead of saying she has a problem, she can just say she doesn't have the time or energy to fix it. Communication like this is a problem with a lot of people. People on both sides are the problem and also text

>> No.53031800

Yeah but she could at least marathon the entire Mega Man Zero series in one sitting instead of playing Valorant.

>> No.53031947

Sounds like a snorefest, I'd rather have Valorant

>> No.53032134

>A-chan collab is coming up
Very nice

>> No.53032527
File: 601 KB, 1060x1500, c6265a147262e48abb8c0d6aab4651f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marathon the entire Mega Man Zero series in one sitting
Whoa there; 1-6 is the only acceptable way

>> No.53033161
File: 66 KB, 1242x1232, Fdb0H3jWIAA2Tph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53033579


>> No.53033579
Quoted by: >>53090004

Delete this before Calli sees it

>> No.53033979
File: 47 KB, 696x696, 20220220_192533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53035674

>Reine just admitted that she cannot stop herself from being gay

>> No.53035689
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 1686096329402608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 10 get away from me

>> No.53035711

>Talk about bra unhooking
>They can't unhook what isn't there
You're on to something.

>> No.53035822

Reine is the most outwardly gay without outright saying it I've ever seen, and somehow people still think it's just an act. She literally can't stop herself.

>> No.53036098
Quoted by: >>53036796

>somehow people still think it's just an act
Its the same retardation that makes some unironically believe that Towa is a m*le

>> No.53036668
File: 1.30 MB, 1269x1717, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53036737
File: 45 KB, 286x342, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53036924

what am I saying

>> No.53036796

How is Reine's yuribating different from, let's say, Kiara's yuribating?

>> No.53036887

Smug Reine my beloved.

>> No.53036924
Quoted by: >>53037016

>u ma ii n ka?
my gut says 'tasty?'

>> No.53037016

OH THAT'S う I thought it was -くまいんか? and I was like what the fuck is he saying

>> No.53037084
File: 557 KB, 980x1200, Not enough time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She could of beaten Rain code and all the side content in the time she spent on Valorant. It hurts so much hearing her make excuse after excuse that just isn't true.

>> No.53037160


>> No.53037202

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.53037293
Quoted by: >>53041453

you can feel Reine trying (and failing) to reign in the gayness, rather than overemphasizing it

>> No.53037450

shoutout to AntonM. it takes real skill to craft all those blue supas while obviously furiously jerking off at the same time. your efforts making Reine and everyone else uncomfortable at the end of the stream are truly commendable.

>> No.53037576

Well you're making me uncomfortable and I had already forgotten about that

>> No.53037637

Reine literally asked her viewers to write Starlight revue fanfics of her favorite yuri ship.

>> No.53038113

how do you know?

>> No.53038353
Quoted by: >>53039101

Meppa can you calm down? Do you genuinely want Reine to do guerilla Rain Code? Do you genuinely want these streams to be randomly interrupted by Ollie's guests, overheating, or bad mood? Do you genuinely want her to complete it as fast as possible?

>> No.53039101
Quoted by: >>53039266

NTA but I want Reine to stop playing the trash I don't like. I will harass her until she addresses my desire in some form.

>> No.53039260

I like how she's conserving her voice by playing Valorant instead of voice acting video game characters. She's in Japan so it makes sense that she keeps her voice in the best condition possible in case she has to record.
What do you mean she's eating supper spicy shit?

>> No.53039266
Quoted by: >>53039402

Do not reply to me ever again

>> No.53039402

who are you again?

>> No.53040704

Remember when we were normal?

>> No.53040792

It's Reine's fault. It's always Reine's fault.

>> No.53041305

chat/split always reflects the streamer

>> No.53041453

I really want a kronii/reine (and maybe ina) offcollab so fucking bad

>> No.53042299

I remember back in 2022, we made fun of kfp for their schizo infested thread
Look at us now...

>> No.53042447

It's literally just like one or two people that have ruined this place. If we weren't so slow it wouldn't be nearly as bad.

>> No.53042478
File: 216 KB, 1464x788, F0gxeICaIAA2Tm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53048932

Reine cute!

>> No.53043521

not me

>> No.53043696
File: 665 KB, 3104x2628, 6ecbb47287c7b6bdb0da7f50e11999ed147a0a34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Kiara mean by "Possibly"?

>> No.53044374
File: 1.11 MB, 1500x1061, 1661474056023080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is holoID Cup?

>> No.53046508
Quoted by: >>53046954

Tonight. In Reine's bed.

>> No.53046954
File: 696 KB, 4096x3695, 1662407385085328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53051182

Reine should participate

>> No.53048130

Sunday, Sunday , SUNDAY. andsaturday
Main event is August 13th

>> No.53048874

kiara scores

>> No.53048932

she has the range

>> No.53049159
Quoted by: >>53049351

It's all been downhill since the Maldives...

>> No.53049351
Quoted by: >>53101243

That schizo was around back then. He kept remaking /mep/ and bumping it with 1000 word essays while everyone else was in /pavonashi/.

>> No.53051182
Quoted by: >>53052678

Reine should procreate*

>> No.53052678

Reine is pretty great*

>> No.53054168
File: 3.16 MB, 2480x2532, 1673811915587210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53056054
Quoted by: >>53058299

I have already blocked him but regret checking hololyzer out of curiosity. very disgusting desu ne.

>> No.53057243
File: 1.64 MB, 2500x1636, 97358780_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53058299

Sometimes it feels like Reine is punishing me for thing he says but it never stops her from reading his messages the most which hurts the most. We just get blamed for it

>> No.53058653

Is it just me, but all I got from that clip is Reine isn't very impressed with Kiara

>> No.53060105

I think she meant "admiration" in sort of a idol worship kind of way, whereas adoration is more primal
Okayu worships Gura (admiration), and wants to ravage her nubile body (adoration). Reine sees kiara as an equal, but they have fucked plenty of times

>> No.53060385

Kiara and Reine maybe are equal in streaming but attraction is attraction. Reine can't un-eat that take out every single night, and then sleep in and never work out without consequences. She and Ollie though, I ship them and it feels possible

>> No.53063806

Reine before the Maldives adored Kiara in the Okayu sense. After then the Japan stuff happened everything changed

>> No.53066187
File: 287 KB, 1197x2048, E7oc7hoVcAItFrJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53069956
File: 1.80 MB, 3000x4000, 107852321_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53071056
Quoted by: >>53076421

Started watching the new PILK and the image of Reine's 3d head leaning down and forward while she making those slurping and eating sounds, eyes closed while occasionisaly going 'mhhm' is making me rock hard. Obviously not perfect for the Halu, but Reine, you truly are my beloved.

>> No.53071867
File: 4 KB, 96x96, 1101285569448902736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53093135

What up Meppers. Discordfag here, we're making another MEPzine for Reine. You guys want to join?

>> No.53073292
File: 480 KB, 1544x2029, 1670962745283309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53100564

Te te (ID)

>> No.53074449
File: 761 KB, 2048x2048, 1671668425285786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nene is also going through her own weird Valorant arc complete with longtime fans taking issue with her potentially shifting gears on her core content

If I had a nickel for every time, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.53074608
File: 3.06 MB, 1895x3369, 1659634107584343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream 愛 Dee

>> No.53074736

Time to construct AI Dee 2.

>> No.53076421

Can you make a streamable please. or a link to a time stamp. I'm feeling really lonely

>> No.53079192
Quoted by: >>53079730

I thought you were lying bout this, now i kinda know why she read most of his message so she don't need to read it on SC

>> No.53079730
Quoted by: >>53080526

What did he say?

>> No.53080526

Just sent like five or six blue SCs talking about the whole Reine bra unclasping thing, a few of them fairly awkward even by their standards.

>> No.53081083

And people wonder why Reine never does ASMR. She hates that feeling.

>> No.53082848

Even reine reaction doesn't seems like she comfortable with this kind of topic but forced to read it cos it's a donation

>> No.53087415

a p 10 mep

>> No.53088549 [SPOILER] 
File: 300 KB, 2000x2000, E0fxOZfUYAY5Vzq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to say what we're all thinking.
Reine is cute!!!! Very very cute!!! Cute Reine!

>> No.53089231

Are you ready for the "why not u play valo" greyname spam when she plays anything else?

>> No.53089850
Quoted by: >>53091058


>> No.53089960
File: 946 KB, 2224x1239, D721BF1C-4C2F-44DA-9824-92182B7C13DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53090004
Quoted by: >>53092105


>> No.53090066
File: 756 KB, 4093x2744, 1686203752034117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53091058
File: 695 KB, 657x747, Screenshot 2023-07-09 094210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53091745

eww disgusting

>> No.53092105
Quoted by: >>53092676

I've been wondering why the catalog was suddenly so kind to her lately.

>> No.53092676

i don't really care about her drama, all i care is reine and people around her

>> No.53093135 [SPOILER] 
File: 834 KB, 2160x2700, 109572862_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think meppas are going into this project unless they're already in the server. Good intention tho.

JEEZAS I didn't realize he sent that many SCs that stream! Good lord...

I will prove you wrong!
Wait shit, I can't. Her cuteness is too strong.

>> No.53095616
File: 32 KB, 256x256, MxI6YfygNInY8wSiqqqQAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53097159
Quoted by: >>53097250

What tea is royaltea?

>> No.53097250

A blend of Marine and Kiara's piss and lovejuices.

>> No.53097922
Quoted by: >>53098176

Holoro offcolab tomorrow

>> No.53098126

What is Reine's longest streak of repeating the word "yes"?

>> No.53098176

Isn't reine said she have collab with A-chan on monday?

>> No.53099525

>Page 9
We need 8 more persons

>> No.53099731
Quoted by: >>53103653

a-chan = anya confirmed

>> No.53100296
Quoted by: >>53103653

Holoro is on Ollie's channel

>> No.53100494
Quoted by: >>53100606

Everything 3:22 and later is over the line in my book. Halu is fun, but you're not meant to inflict it on the person directly. If they choose to come to the fan discord or here or whatever and read posts, then they should expect to see some of that, but directly in an SC makes you look a little goblok.

>> No.53100564
File: 158 KB, 329x301, 1681142516287475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53100606
File: 254 KB, 1494x1600, 1685137567305529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53100665

temporary's SC is not halu

>> No.53100665

Don't post ir directly to Reine ya fucking retard. That's all there is to it. He (you) crossed the line. Feel free to come here and talk about how much you want to bend Reine over a table and destroy her guts, but keep it here.

>> No.53100986

I like Reine's guts they let her talk about silly and cursed foods.

>> No.53101220

What if I want Reine to bend Kiara over her desk and rail her with a strapon?
Because it would be funny.

>> No.53101243
File: 407 KB, 714x818, 57c73c26ae576ca520e861aa3bc5c600d53da936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pavonashi/ was great
By the combined powers of yuri and autism, the thread was fast enough to repel both the KFP and mep schizos

>> No.53101282
File: 423 KB, 1448x2048, 1658117257255025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good times

>> No.53102471
File: 313 KB, 1448x2048, cheerreine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53102806
File: 366 KB, 2160x2700, 1672514410685869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53103232
File: 194 KB, 960x1084, 1633273833981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53104133

So what you're saying is that we need to post more kissy gay sex?

>> No.53103653

Alright reine already explain it on her latest tweet

>> No.53104133
File: 473 KB, 1280x852, V_hbc2eo44Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct. reine should kiss and sex all the girls

>> No.53105547

Reine is going to be suffering with no AC in Japan for 2 more months. Yet will spend 100 bucks on Valorant skins without a second thought all while constantly complaining nothing can be done looking for sympathy. Yeah you're not getting any sympathy Reine not when you could fix your issue in a day. Sorry, love ya Reine but you're a bit of a prideful idiot sometimes.

>> No.53107451

She's in a rental location. The portable A/C doesn't work and she could get a fan but that would likely be turned off for streaming anyway. She can't just install a wall-unit A/C in someone else's home/apartment even if she's gonna pay for it. I mean, she can but then she also has to pay for the uninstallation and fixing the wall if necessary and then figuring out how to resell the A/C unit.

>> No.53108062
Quoted by: >>53108107


>> No.53108107

Yeah one or two weeks would be my guess too!

>> No.53108209


>> No.53108474
File: 2.81 MB, 1800x3200, illust_101813941_20230709_171058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53108927

>>53107451 did a great job explaining it. In general, this goes for any sort of rental, except here, the rental was most likely contracted under Cover Corp's name. And because they messed up big time (let's be real one minute) by not providing their employee an A/C unit in their workstation so that they can work there under tolerable conditions in the harsh summers of Japan, it's their responsibility to provide the A/C unit to Reine. I'm guessing it's taking a lot of time to solve the issue, so manager is providing a fan before a technician can intervene (I guess it's taking long because of paperwork, but it's been 3 weeks, so in itself that's also a bit ridiculous), but a fan is not enough to cool down a room when it's 27 degrees inside.
Yeah, the situation is hard for everyone, but let's just hope Reine can get her A/C quick. It's not something that should add to the mountain of things Reine already has to do.

>> No.53108546

Reine here anyway

>> No.53108596
Quoted by: >>53109072

schizo dont look

>> No.53108645

Playing Valo with other holomems on THEIR streams is the best compromise. I'm not gonna watch Valorant anyway and she might get new viewers who like her personality to follow back to her channel.

>> No.53108669
File: 148 KB, 362x320, 1670126654894730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53108927
Quoted by: >>53109035

>most likely contracted under Cover Corp's name
This make me think the room order was intentional and make ollie the one who get better room, i hope my speculation is wrong

>> No.53109035
Quoted by: >>53110302

It is, Reine said as much. She chose the bigger room but didn't immediately realize there was no A/C. I don't know if Cover did this on purpose to coerce the two talents into sleeping together though.

>> No.53109057

mcan bacot

>> No.53109072
Quoted by: >>53109189

If she's socializing instead of no-lifeing it while in Japan then fine.
You have never used a portable AC then, you just place the hose near a window that's literally it. Takes 5 seconds. Reine gives up in 5 seconds on everything she does and chat loves that because they get to comfort her when she gives a dumb excuse. You know that by now

>> No.53109189

The portable A/C I'm referring to is the one she's been using, that she has to refill and she says that doesn't cool well enough. If portable A/C's like that worked worth a damn, cars would use them instead of the heavier and more elaborate A/C that they use which also draws power from the engine to run the compressor.

>> No.53110266
Quoted by: >>53110481

Yeah portable AC is completely worthless in 35c of humid heat

>> No.53110271

I think the time for waiting room isn't set correctly.

>> No.53110302
Quoted by: >>53110536

I forgot it's a portable A/C and not a fan indeed. My bad.
But not only that, it's something to buy a portable A/C, it's another to hope it does the job when you take it home. Ever bought a vacuum cleaner that stops working after its first use? Welcome to my life, it's my second in a row, and I know I ain't the only one to whomst that happened.
Here, if Reine has to manually refill it and it doesn't get her room to suitable temperature for work, then it's not worth much. And again, that's probably a big oversight from Cover Corp when they chose the apartments to host their employees, and again, it shouldn't be Reine's responsibility to fix the issue.

Also >>53109035 I think that's not true at all, but even then, that's kino fanfic material. If you got the quill, you should write something about it, that sounds great!

>> No.53110420
Quoted by: >>53110528

I love her but she is a bit of a airhead when it comes to problem solving. There is a reason "Brute force" is a thing.

You don't add water to a portable AC, it's the exact opposite you have to drain the portable AC because it makes a ton of moisture. What Reine has is a Humidifier that feels cold when you use cold water.

Reine keeps saying "I dont want to waste money" but then spends tons of take out and valorant skins and you just have to shrug. Maybe prove you don't want to waste money then.

>> No.53110481
Quoted by: >>53110733

No it's not. It's great don't try and justify Reine. If it's just a single bedroom it's perfectly fine, I used one for almost a decade. The only issue is draining which means having a bucket or something close by because the humid heat will cause lots of water. But it's fine, don't bullshit

>> No.53110528

Oh she probably has something like this, you're right. In this case, I blame Cover for cheaping out.

>> No.53110536

Reine told us it was an AC to get us to shut up because she feels "She's done everything she can" and gets realllllyyyy made when people don't agree with her assumptions

>> No.53110733
File: 768 KB, 2100x1700, 105818110_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53110899

I have one too and yeah it pumps out cold air but still has trouble keeping a bigger room cool when it's a hot day, and it makes an ungodly amount of noise, so not something you could have on while streaming. And that's just in Finland's baby-tier barely 30c heat, not Japanese summer. Why are you so hostile about something so pointless, dude

>> No.53110741

Holy shit, can you guys shut the fuck up

>> No.53110899

Because Reine keeps basically goes "I'm too lazy to do this" and then gives a stupid excuse which makes no sense over and over. Can't play rain code because uhhhhh "It's too long to play!" even though she could of beaten the whole game in the time she plays valorant.

Every excuse she makes is just so annoying. Every time she's late she gives another excuse that's just so bullshit I want to scream but everyone laps it up like a dog and comforts Reine over and over

>> No.53110938
Quoted by: >>53112138

sounds like you'd have a better time watching someone who doesn't actively make you miserable

>> No.53111075

>a crossthread (You) out of nowhere

>> No.53111109 [DELETED] 

Yeah me

>> No.53111166
File: 3 KB, 125x125, B5FAFF21-48D3-4DCB-9CEF-1E1327DA2B53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> check mep
> hide a billion blogposts
> go back to watching Korea get bodied by Pakis in Tekken
Its all so tiring…

>> No.53111250
File: 161 KB, 2048x1553, 1651500214052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the world needed cute and/or meppable Reines the most, they vanished...

>> No.53111264

Sounds like a pain in the Arslan Ass.

>> No.53111299
File: 45 KB, 429x304, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah me

>> No.53111319

I like that Reine uses banana colored skin with tight ass pants.

>> No.53111352


Collab is at 6am JST. is this pre-recorded. wtf is going on?

>> No.53111434

check the tweet for real time

>> No.53111442

Oopsie woopsie
>A-chan said she wanted to play a puzzle game with me, so I picked a room-escapey puzzle game for us!
>Will we be able to find another way out? Or......

>4 PM WIB / 18:00 JST

>> No.53111465

I just visited this thread again, why do you guy have schizo?
Anyways did reine tell us why she schedule a stream early in a morning, it 5am - 6am indonesia region.

>> No.53111648

Chat reflects the streamer. For every crazy bullshit thing said here Reine says some bullshit too and we all can roll around in the muck like the pigs we are.

>> No.53111650

Time already fixed for waiting room, check again.

>> No.53111792

Reine would be a lot happier and healthier if you left, you bring the average down a lot

>> No.53111937
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, Reine projecting [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwjslpo.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53112138

>chat reflects the streamer
>Reine works at a multi-million and it wouldn't be hard to say she's one of the hardest working members of her branch
>schizo is portraying himself as a jobless or the owner of a black company with his mentality, and has admitted themselves they put their whole life on Reine in previous threads

Reine doesn't need an excuse to justify making him miserable, he already brings this upon himself.

>> No.53112486
File: 11 KB, 247x273, 20230529_100351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Happy watching reine having fun with the girl in certain FPS
>Check mep
>No valo schizo
>AC schizo

>> No.53114655
Quoted by: >>53114916

Hi, I'm here to help with this recurring issue. Fill the following:

- Estimated air temperature (as told by Pavolia Reine)
- Estimated humidity (as told by Pavolia Reine)
- Evidence of Pavolia Reine finding environment uncomfortable
- Evidence of no reasonable alternatives provided to Pavolia Reine up to date
- Estimated start time of work in conditions (as told by Pavolia Reine or other official sources)
- Evidence of the problem not resolved up to date
- (optional) List of talents experiencing same issue (as told by Pavolia Reine, or other official sources)
- (optional) Evidence of any harm caused to Pavolia Reine or her listeners
- (optional) Your contact info

Evidence must be provided as YouTube link with timestamp, YouTube clip (youtube.com/clip/...), Twitter link, or Instagram link. Evidence must be clean and unambiguous. All language is OK

P.S. Please refrain from sending inquiry to Cover Corporation to prevent the talent changing their testimony under pressure (what happened to Akai Hearto and Shiranui Flare in August)
P.P.S. Please refrain from attaching unrelated complains such as Pavolia Reine's own life choices, purchases in third party game stores, or your personal opinion

>> No.53114916

-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 1:10
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 1:40
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 6:09
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 9:99
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 1:23
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 80:08
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 3:0

-Reine is Reine
-Reine gaslights her viewers and makes them feel bad
-999 Drive, Disgusting Lane, Uglyville

>> No.53115028

should we expect a lot of glorious Japanglish from Reine and A-chan in this collab?

>> No.53117335

Goddamn i thought /moon/ schizo are the worst, you need to get your shit together /mep/

>> No.53119475
Quoted by: >>53121370

I wonder who else already had 1v1 collab with A-chan outside of official channel

>> No.53120240
File: 537 KB, 3165x4096, 1681857897874457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread needs more cute Reines and less schizos

>> No.53121219
File: 344 KB, 2880x1880, FvnLiLbWIAE9hF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53121370

On top of my mind, only Nodoka (well that's official channel too though) and Kiara (with Holotalk). I thought Anya did for a second, but for a 1-on-1 game, Reine might be the first. Then you got watchalongs with Bae, Calli, Towa... But that was never 1-on-1 if I remember correctly.

Captcha: GSWWS

>> No.53122876
File: 2.55 MB, 1280x720, reine-fresh-beats-and-eats[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fg1sk8n.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53123027
File: 3 KB, 261x52, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't caught up with the last 3 threads...
The fact it was the fastest thread on this entire website (not just on /vt/) still makes me chuckle.

>> No.53123184

This dork is dead... Reine only cares about gaysex now...

>> No.53123371
Quoted by: >>53126588

Her dj-vr streams are so much fun. It's a shame they're so rare

>> No.53123403
File: 1.54 MB, 758x724, dinosaurdance[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0jrrbb.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53123648
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, knife toss[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Figu3kn.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53123906

dorky reine LOVE

>> No.53123906

I miss dorky Reine. I don't like the new Reine who calls you disgusting while looking down on you.

>> No.53124085
Quoted by: >>53125549


Time stamped for your ease

>> No.53125386
File: 840 KB, 2316x3274, 1683343170940084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53125549
Quoted by: >>53125671

It's like seeing your crush having fun on Instagram with other people.

>> No.53125671

No it's different, I don't want to get into it because you're just looking to complain.

>> No.53126588
File: 796 KB, 1280x720, walk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqc1j7c.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53127360

To be fair, VR streams are pretty rare in general.
And 3D showcase soon!

>> No.53127360

It's just sad because I think the low-poly models really have some charm. While the new 3d Reine is unbeleivable cute to be able to see her move and bob around, the low poly models are also cute and are easier for her to do on her own for cute full 3d streams.
That, and I feel like she's way goofier during those streams.

>> No.53128457
File: 1.92 MB, 1339x1081, 1657995740248405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy weine

>> No.53131053
File: 49 KB, 491x715, F0hU7ezagAAr3AX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low poly models... are easier for her to do on her own for cute full 3d streams
Are they though? Didn't she have to renovate a whole room to set up for those streams?
Home3D should be built into the Cover phones.
At least she's still pretty goofy.

>> No.53134382
File: 53 KB, 379x370, 1630581546511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hot, I'm dying just like Reine

>> No.53134634
File: 274 KB, 713x381, 20230710_060006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53135957

>low-poly models really have some charm.
Either low poly, chibi, and official one has their own charm

>> No.53135957
File: 764 KB, 720x720, 1677822519981735.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her regular model though? Charmless! Who could love this?

>> No.53139762
File: 202 KB, 2006x1160, 1674655233111272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53145093

>> No.53142645
File: 563 KB, 700x900, 1659647790670153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53158054

Reine mention from Fauna
>Pavo? Pavo...lia Reine???
>Turkey confirmed?
>Peacocks are literally fancy turkeys?
Its over

>> No.53145093
File: 992 KB, 3316x4096, 1667920443647738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53145703
File: 298 KB, 1859x1663, FzxZyXgaAAEfa8K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53149123
File: 3.90 MB, 1024x1536, 105307468_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53150466

It's probably for A-Chan, but god I hate how early this stream is going to be. Super excited though, because it is A-Chan! It's going to suck because it'll all be in JP, but i'll spam emotes and pretend i'm understanding

>> No.53151709
Quoted by: >>53155908

I’m very excited for the two or three times A-chan will say something in her slower accented English and Reine will respond with full fluency

>> No.53154041
File: 1.15 MB, 1269x1717, 1688831118269773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p10 hate

>> No.53155908
Quoted by: >>53158567

A-Chan can speak pretty confidently in full EN, like an even better version of Lui. Over the past couple of years you can tell she's been practicing a ton. Still has that strong accent and not everything is perfect but she can hold a conversation easily. Enough for a full collab which is 1 hour max for Reine.

>> No.53155939
File: 122 KB, 730x787, 1688110187028949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god we're gonna die, aren't we....

>> No.53157466

Reine makes consistent moves on Kiara and Kiara pays no heed to them, of course she wouldn't be impressed.

>> No.53158054

Bratty kirin needs mep correction.

>> No.53158567

It's a game collab, so whatever that one-hour rule is goes back in the bottom of the closet. Though it's also not gonna last many hours because Holoro collab is just 3 hours after A-chan collab begins.

>> No.53160077
File: 658 KB, 924x720, 1674502961883222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53160742 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 540x569, 20230314_004357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holoro collabs supposed to be an announcement of 3D which come this or next week right?

>> No.53160835
File: 327 KB, 2048x1782, 20230312_215322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holoro collabs supposed to be an announcement of 3D which come this or next week right?

>> No.53162142
File: 772 KB, 2528x4093, 20230524_140606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53163945

Peacock love

>> No.53164620


Stream with a-chan with a bonus NEW ending screen

>> No.53164882

Even though it's small this time, it's kinda funny Reine just can't help but Delay collabs every single time.

>> No.53164897
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, 1628010436934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute starting BGM

>> No.53164951

Told ya guys. A chan go do full EN. She's a fuckin pro

>> No.53164979
File: 140 KB, 275x400, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weine nose

>> No.53164993
File: 3.33 MB, 1860x2000, 1664760333947726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.53165248

Chat is dead

>> No.53165254

watching A-chan's English improve over the years has been really inspiring honestly

>> No.53165360

>Reine leaning away out of fear, making A-chan click on it

>> No.53165359
File: 109 KB, 828x1400, 1659652995928972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here English is damn well near fluent now, KNEEL !

>> No.53165394
File: 277 KB, 1536x2048, F0AEO2OacAEtxxU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel a bit fishy

>> No.53165650

A-chan kek

>> No.53166047
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53166717

Hows the collab been?

>> No.53166834
Quoted by: >>53166999

very very cute. full English, they are both very easily frightened but are playing off each other well. very positive and happy vibes

>> No.53166886
File: 482 KB, 900x900, FiUu4SQVIAAqWqe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53166999

Very chill and cute.

>> No.53166999
File: 223 KB, 1855x1719, 1688162334924269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53167655

Nice! Guess I have to rewatch the last 30 minutes, since I just got home from the vet

>> No.53167380


>> No.53167452
Quoted by: >>53168609

I'm amazed to see so many viewers today, 2.8k

>> No.53167655
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, 1672920701482577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53169303

Hope your vet visit went well, also checked

>> No.53168609
Quoted by: >>53168773

Ironically I think it's a lot of JP bros showing up for A-chan only to have a full EN stream. I don't mind but you don't see any JP in chat despite it being prime time for them.

>> No.53168773

I'm pretty sure its an hour too early to be JP primetime.

>> No.53169034


>> No.53169040
Quoted by: >>53169168

I don't understand this game.

>> No.53169168
File: 719 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rusty Lake
Holy shit this lore runs deep.

>> No.53169303

Yes it went well, thanks Anon!
What a cute stream

>> No.53169375
Quoted by: >>53169453

So what was the announcement? I don't speak JP

>> No.53169398
File: 716 KB, 1920x1078, 1686422241501143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ending screen is very ending screen

>> No.53169417



>> No.53169451

Achan refused to stay in room with no AC for 2 hours but Reine has to live like that for months. What a black company

>> No.53169453

A-chan saying what Reine said in Japanese.
That is, big impor-tante news coming during the Holoro offcollab. So very definitely, 3D showcase.
(Also A-chan said Reine was on time)

>> No.53169499

That was at the studio, shitposterchama.
