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53102436 No.53102436 [Reply] [Original]

>got mad at her viewers once simply because they aren't Japanese and can't speak Japanese
What the fuck is Ayame's problem? I thought the "mildly racist" posts were a meme

>> No.53102493

all nips are racist as fuck, some just hide it better

>> No.53102532


>> No.53102567
Quoted by: >>53144903

That's why Ayame is the best.

>> No.53102954

t. Korean hand typed this

>> No.53103131


>> No.53103491

Perfectly reasonable. It's like disliking BRs shitting up an English language stream chat.

>> No.53103982

The crowd in her mandated biannual stream is very important to her, okay?!

>> No.53104353

I will hijack your thread and you will watch her stream https://www.youtube.com/live/LcES_1wsQBU

>> No.53106276
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Quoted by: >>53106552

Her problem is that she is based and cute.

>> No.53106408

Why do people lie here so often? There's a huge difference between "you don't speak Japanese so I hate you" and "my stream is predominantly Japanese and you're breaking my stream rules by filling it with non-Japanese text. Cut it out."

>> No.53106503
Quoted by: >>53106643

Actually the difference isn't that big. You're still getting mad at the viewers.

>> No.53106513

Because 99% of the people who actively post in the catalogue don't watch streams, and they don't speak Japanese so even if they did they wouldn't understand what is going on. This means that people will quite happily just take the lie and act like it is fact.

>> No.53106552
Quoted by: >>53106755

based? based on what?

>> No.53106587
Quoted by: >>53116189

It's either bait or they're legit assblasted just like they're still assblasted Watson told them to stop being dysfunctional retards.

>> No.53106643
Quoted by: >>53107035

One is getting mad at viewers for no reason other than racism. One is getting mad at viewers for breaking stream rules.

They are not the same. Do not be retarded.

>> No.53106755
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>> No.53106786
Quoted by: >>53116006

Has she ever drawn futa?

>> No.53106795
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>> No.53107035
Quoted by: >>53127811

With either reason, from the viewer's perspective it's the same action. Not to mention that many JP vtubers don't have such "rules" and they instead take delight in playing with foreign comments. So it's probably not racism, but it certainly looks like uppity.

>> No.53108261 [DELETED] 

She has never said this you catalog nigger.

>> No.53108560
Quoted by: >>53109980

This. Just assume threads without a timestamp or clip are fake and OP is a massive faggot.

>> No.53108968

no problem, she doesn't give a fuck. everything ayame does says "i don't give a fuck".

>> No.53109149


>> No.53109980

How new are u
>"I understand that some japanese hate me and tell me straightforward, but there are some foreign viewers that also talk badly about me!!"
>"I don't understand, what did I do to make these people mad?"
>"It doesn't affect me much, but it makes me think 'please learn japanese before telling me that.'"
>"When you see long messages you'd think that it would be a nice message, but it's just them writing a lot of hate."
>"They write a long especially when I'm not streaming much. Do they love me that much?"
>"Like, you don't need to watch me."
>"Makes me think that they love me instead."
>"There was once a guy who wrote badly about me a lot, I went to check his other tweets...he wrote something a bit sad. I thohgt to myself 'he's just a sad person...'"
>"Makes me think, 'are you ok with your life?' by typing stuff like that."
>"It's just for a second. Makes me think 'is your life just this much?'"
>"No saving for those people. Can't be helped."

>> No.53110204

Based as fuck, all EOPs should fuck off from JP chats

>> No.53110252
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based ojou

>> No.53110807


>> No.53110897

>Anon is a faggot
Wow, perhaps greentext was right all along...

>> No.53110946

holy based, i love yammer even more than before now

>> No.53110969

stop shitting on her with a broken japanese then you JSL faggot

>> No.53111182

>all that greentext
>just to point out she never said what was claimed in the OP
Why did you even waste your time?

>> No.53111399 [DELETED] 

Look at countries that aren't racist. Full of gorrilas and sand monkeys stealing, stabbing and raping shit.

>> No.53111564
Quoted by: >>53111817

"DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH IN MY CHAT REEEE" vs "I don't understand english, so I assume it's always something good they are typing in the chat, it just sucks when you discover it's not, if you want to complain, do it in japanese so I don't misunderstood."

Yeah, same thing.
Also, there's no rule in chat about the language to be speak.

>> No.53111817
Quoted by: >>53113151

>still doesn't get it
You're either genuinely retarded or you're one of those people that get complained about and this is some fucked up coping mechanism. If the latter you need to seek help.

>> No.53112840

What the fuck did I told you anon?! I’m gonna break your legs now!

>> No.53112842

or something like that I guess

>> No.53113151
Quoted by: >>53113432

I'm not that anon and it's hilarious how you're trying to weasel your way out when I proved you wrong here >>53109980

>> No.53113432

But nothing was proved wrong. I already dismissed that nonsense here >>53111182

>> No.53113824

I'm just going to save everyone some time and accept your concession before I see another
>n-n-no but look at this fallacious post

>> No.53114900

oversenstive whiny trannygger. you must cry over everything 24/7

>> No.53115111

Ayame is really the best, I wish my oshi had her mentality.

>> No.53116006
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>> No.53116121 [DELETED] 

whats this forced unfunny meme, gook nigger? im sure you gook monkey always make this forced thread.

>> No.53116189
Quoted by: >>53145143

So true, my fellow teacuck! Don’t forget to prep the bull for tonight!

>> No.53116311

for those who don't know, Ayame said this after the comments section of her videos was raided by bvtmfags and other subhumans when she had a very long hiatus
they called her slut, lazy, that she was too busy being fucked and that's why she wasn't streaming, etc., this of course puzzled Ayame who read all of it

>> No.53116370

Based seanegros desu

>> No.53116387 [DELETED] 

source, gook monkey. not the ones google-translated japanese by your stupid gook language

gooks are purely chink tier subhuman liars

>> No.53116504

>angry Ayame
that sounds hot. link?

>> No.53117078
Quoted by: >>53122304

is this new?

>> No.53122304

No, that's ayame

>> No.53123339

they were right though idk what more to say

>> No.53127811

youre not entitled to the stream tourist kun

>> No.53128892


>> No.53130150

>watch JP streamer
>won't learn JP
Why are you like this?

>> No.53131368

>Western civilization is the best
>Wait no, I mean uhhh

>> No.53131631

>"It doesn't affect me much, but it makes me think 'please learn japanese before telling me that.'"
>why hate on me when you don't even understand what I'm saying
seems pretty fair.

>> No.53141756

post the clip or timestamp

>> No.53141845

>Look at countries that aren't racist
name three

>> No.53141955

scratch that, name ONE

>> No.53144903

>That's why Ayame is the best.
she truly is

>> No.53145028


>> No.53145143
Quoted by: >>53145467

There is nothing wrong with being a cuck, stay mad.

>> No.53145246


>> No.53145467

i kneel
