Previous thread>>52884486
>>OPReally cute
*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>> sites>>>> sites>>>>>>> list at king with a strong performance very early into the day. This one might be over before it begins!
Good OP, we love Tempus bois, Kronii, Mori and Bae in this thread
>>52891977>4th julyWhat?
Over/Under for a 20 minute delay. What do you got?
>>52892091You dropped your irys avatar
>>52891463In Amouranth defense (kek) her main product is ALL COOM ZERO MAINTENANCE, she doesn’t need to show any personality, only skin. Her audience tho, and some of the girls audiences too, they remind me of a person. A million years ago, in a mandatory company drinking party, this humble retard, my immediate superior and a couple of work mates ended up in a whorehouse, those with free to watch naked ladies dancing plus expensive drinks and whores pestering you to follow them to the rooms. Everybody that ever went to these places knows the deal>drink some to enjoy the free boobies shows>DON’T DRINK too much because it’s a waste of moneyand, the most important part>the girls are NOT interested in your life story, and not there to be saved or swooned Anyone watching Amouranth for anything other than cheap sexual arousal is like that guy trying to chat up the whore and to get her phone numbers >a dumb retard, just pay and have her for 30 min fool!Same thing for some of the girls, lots of the audience are expecting something from them that is definitely not there. >like expecting anything DEEP from Bae when her content clearly is geared up for a much younger much more superficial audience
That teaser being something for Halloween would be another reddit-locking moment. Even the yesmen aren't gonna stand for that shit.
>>OPffs where's the usual baker
Guess no Lize OP for today. At least there were quite some lewds last thread.
>>52892147Gone, reduced to ashes
>>52892147Meh, last thread was moderately civilized and Lize OP can come at any point before tomorrows tally
>>52892147Not as dedicated.
>>52892137>What? no new EN3 to collab with the bois?!>What? a whole EN event without the bois?!i can already see them
>>OPKyute rat
>>52892209Yeah because our usual euroschizos are off in the Suisei thread so we don't have to deal with them other than the hirys regular that pops in near the end. I bet you the moment that thread archives we'll go right back to shit again
>>52892236Not on reddit, not anymore. anything that mentions Tempus on reddit gets nuked by gatekeppers in new these days, unless that one discord decides to bot it. they only bother for big announcements.
>>OP/news/ anchorReply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!News from today:>Baelz's new EP released>Korone outfit out tommorow>vspo c102 goods released's news:>Article about YAGOO's welcome ion America>Preview of the third song from Bae's EP>Hololive advert>Haneru Inaba is removing her womb>Actual info about Blue Journey in few days>Mori is getting One Piece outfit>Hololy is getting paid costumes>Preview of the fourth song from Bae's EP>Holoearth is getting daily log-in gifts>Matsuri new outfit>VSPO Summer>HoloID sport festival in modded MC
>>OPThis thread loves homocollabers, which means this thread also loves the homos
* FINAL TALLY OF THE DAY *>111,373: Lize (Nijisanji)>31,086: Pekora (Hololive)>27,847: Suisei (Hololive)>27,783: Korone (Hololive)>27,535: Subaru (Hololive)>23,516: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>23,031: Fuyuki (Nijisanji)>22,496: Marine (Hololive)>19,220: Roboco (Hololive)>17,968: Pekora (Hololive)>16,376: Koyori (Hololive)>14,337: VSPO (VSPO)>13,765: AZKi (Hololive)>12,660: Hal (Neo-Porte)>10,423: Fubuki (Hololive)
>>52892325He's already doing his usual bit>>52892349
>>52892184I wanted to disprove the misconception Lize has no lewds. Besides we had more images than ips last thread.
>>52892349the literally call Axel king so thats all you need to know
>>52892349when i see you i'll give you the prize for the top 1 mental gymnastics
michelle obama mogged KEK
>>52892370>JULY 2023 GOLDS1) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 209,736 - Koshien Draft2) Subaru (Hololive) - 75,828 - Birthday Totsumachi3) Leos (Nijisanji) - 69,970 - Koshien Practice4) Maimoto (Nijisanji) - 49,699 - Koshien Recap5) Shiina (Nijisanji) - 116,661 - Koshien Practice6) Lize (Hololive) - 111,373 - Koshien Practice>PER COMPANY5x: Nijisanji1x: Hololive>PER STREAMER1x: Leos, Lize, Maimoto, Nijisanji, Shiina, Subaru>2023 GOLDS>PER COMPANY140x: Hololive31x: Nijisanji7x: Indie5x: VSPO4x: Neo Porte>PER STREAMER47x: Pekora18x: Miko15x: Marine8x: Subaru6x: Toya5x: Suisei4x: Aqua, Hal3x: Chiroru, Hololive, Iroha, Kuzuha, Mio, Nijisanji, Okayu, Koyori, Towa2x: Aki, Fubuki, Hinano, Korone, Lamy, Lui, Nerumero, Salome, Watame1x: Air, Ayame, Beni, Chloe, Choco, Flare, Fuwa, Gaku, Gura, Gundou, Hibari, Himawari, Ina, Kanata, Kanato, Kiara, Laplus, Leos, Lize, Maimoto, Mel, Mito, Mori, Nose, Nozomi, Polka, Ponto, Qpi, Roco, Ryushen, Shiina, Shion, Tsukasa, Ui, Yashiro
>>52892401Eh, threads slow enough that nobody is bitingFor now at least
Speaking of Bae. In her stream today she said that there would be something very special happening in her after party stream. At first I was scared it was announcing a concert or something and the teaser really was that. But it looks like it may just be the new vr model. I hope it's as cute as the last one.
>>52892095amelia used to do italong with some parade of balloons thing
>>52892236Reddit hasn't been a homo hugbox since the lockdown.
>>52892424why is Gura turning into the new Miku?
>>52892401Alright you guys are the actual schizos cus I hadn’t even posted yet
*FINAL EN TALLY OF THE DAY*>7/6 DAILY TALLY9,751: Kiara (Hololive)9,672: Fauna (Hololive)7,842: Baelz (Hololive)7,230: Kiara (Hololive)6,634: Baelz (Hololive)5,435: Kronii (Hololive)>EN GOLDS FOR JULY 20231) Vesper (Holostars) - 21,225 - Redesign Reveal2) Vezalius (Nijisanji) - 9,207 - Karaoke3) Hololive English (Hololive) - 32,795 - Connect the World4) Mumei (Hololive) - 10,693 - Zatsudan5) Gura (Hololive) - 20,073 - Zatsudan (w/ Amelia)6) Kiara (Hololive) - 9,751 - Birthday Stream>PER COMPANY4x: Hololive1x: Holostars, Nijisanji>PER STREAMER1x: Gura, Hololive English, Kiara, Mumei, Vesper, Vezalius>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)6p: Fauna5p: Baelz, Gura, Hololive English, Kiara, Mumei, Vesper, Vezalius3p: Ina, IRyS, Luca1p: Millie, Mysta, Nina, Shu
What's this about Mumei going on a therapy break?No streams until summer events or her birthday?
>>52892484She better pray Kronii and Gura move their streams, she chose the worst overlap she could've It's Kronii and Gura so the chances are high
so who are the three secret guests for the HoloID event? and why do they need to keep it a secret? I mean they revealed Pekora, Marine, and Gura, so keeping the other three a secret is kinda suspicious
>>52892542>2023 EN GOLDS>PER COMPANY137x: Hololive46x: Nijisanji3x: Holostars1x: Idol>PER STREAMER21x: Fauna19x: Mori14x: IRyS, Mumei13x: Gura12x: Baelz, Ina11x: Kronii10x: Amelia9x: Kiara, Vox5x: Mysta4x: Selen, Shu3x: Pomu2x: Alban, Finana, Hololive English, Ike, Luca, Ren, Yu1x: Enna, Elira, Flayon, Fulgur, Luxiem, Millie, Nina, Regis, Roca, Rosemi, Sonny, Vesper, Vezalius>2023 POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)206p: Fauna142p: Ina139p: Mori127p: IRyS119p: Mumei111p: Baelz88p: Kronii79p: Amelia78p: Kiara74p: Vox65p: Gura57p: Mysta50p: Luca34p: Shu31p: Selen19p: Ike17p: Pomu15p: Enna14p: Nina, Uki13p: Finana11p: Axel, Fulgur, Ren, Sonny10p: Alban, Elira, Hololive English, Millie, Yu9p: Vesper7p: Regis6p: Rosemi, Vezalius5p: Flayon, Luxiem, Roca4p: Magni, Vantacrow3p: Bettel, Hakka, Kotoka, Poko1p: Maria, Meloco, Shinri, Pippa
Speaking of which Psycho Drown Mess BOOM
>>52892484Isn't she just talking about her accessories?
>>52892137>>52892236>HalloweenThis desperate shit again.
>>52892606It’s not a secret, just not confirmed yet.
holy fuck, vesper inclining? he kept more than 1.7k ccv during WoW stream
>>52892645It's a completely new VRchat costume it seem like
>>52892424Mindchair queen
>>52892614Don't think I asked.
Last one
Also I don't know if anyone brought it up yet but the holoID sports fes going ahead in August despite it being right smack in the middle of holosummer means it isn't an event blocking event like many were fearing. Ergo EN3 can in fact debut in the middle of it
>>52892723Remember when we asked what you asked?
>People defending homos, homo collabers and talking about TempissYeah EU hours are fucking grim, I’m out
>>52892650Nice break. Hope to see her soon.
>>52892606the 3 surprise guests are EN3, you heard it here first
>>52892787Finally, thread quality will improve
>>52892776Not your shill thread, tourist.
>>52892787This isn't an airport you don't need to announce your departure
>>52892787Euros have no cuckolding fetish so we do not care if they collab with homos
>>52892818Hololive boardHololive threadSeethe about it
Wait what the heck, did this get moved up?? waiting room says it starts in 9 mins, I could have sworn this was at 2pm
>>52892606ID4. One of them gets to immediately meet a bunch of Holonumbers while ignoring collab ban.
>>52892682>First stream after redesign>Sub 2k
When did the penny drop at Cover that EN management weren’t telling the truth about demand for Holostars?
>>52892818I asked
>>52892818Don't remember asking permission.Bae Tonight, Guessing 8k with overlap.
>>52892878Xir was a based cause supporter.
>>52892787>EU hours>10 PMAlmost everyone in Europe not going to bed soon are either a student a unemployed, so I guess they'd be the type to find joy in baiting.
>>52892787same, Kiara is about to start so im done with this homo loving thread
>>52892889Yeah I was pretty sure it was scheduled for 4 hours later what the fuck
>>52892941except Kiara is streaming in less than 10 mins
>>52892878>Translation: I'm a man and haven't decided yet how exactly I'm going to deal with that revelation
>>52892958Bae is in the collab you know
>>52892878Isn't this screenshot soon after he was revealed in 2021? Why did you keep this for almost two years?
>>52892926>celebrating shit singing
I'm actually surprised there weren't any nijiniggers seething about the Holo op these past two threads. Where did they all go?
>>52893045Those are confirmed. Bae can still join.
>>52893004Still at 10 PM. I have work 9 in the morning, so I'll catch an hour at most.
The few KFP that hang out are well behaved and don't spam the thread with delusions of inclining and being a hidden top EN gem. Why don't Brats accept Bae's numbers are the product of her choices?
>>52893044Now you're just being petty
>>52893054fake cry for Nina and prepare to do it tomorrow again, we only have phasefags and holofags, rn i will watch kiara's stream
>>52892370this is some inflated numbers bullshit for this monthhow much % will they retain after Koshien?
>>OPI want to see either Kronii, Enna, or Luca as the OP now. Or hey, fucking Pippa. Let's go all out with bait if we're going do this.
>>52893112You're the first one to mention Bae's numbers at all this thread
>>528929268k seems ambitious with Kronii/Gura collab overlap, but maybe. i think you're a bit high though
>>52892787Good riddance to the attentionwhore!>>52892889Yes like an hour ago actually, apparently the original time was mistaken
>>52892606The leaks from a few months ago mentioned that ID4 will debut in August, so it's most likely that the three silhouettes are the members of ID4.
>>52893140Don't see it being any different than previous years, so none.
>>52892926Sorry but I don't feel comfortable betting my balls on anything higher than 4k. Not with that overlap
>>52893140>>52893140how much did Axel retain from this? yeah, thats what i thought
>>52893144baker is out, you can take over for next thread if you want
>>52893165It could happen, this is a completely new costume
>>52893037stumble upon it browsing archives
>>52893144why are you crying out of nowhere?
>>52893179Were these leaks in your head?
>>52893239Still only a VR one.
>>52893165it's a Powerwash collab, a snoozer and it's in Kronii's channel. They'd be lucky to get 12k for it
>>52893239Anon it's not a costume reveal, the way she announced it it's more like the accessories that the others have been getting recently
>>52893240So why did you post it?
>>52893165Maybe, I just think the power wash isn't going to have much draw, even with Gura. I'll be watching Powerwash though, cause Gura's there.
>>52893312>the way she announced it it's more like the accessories that the others have been getting recentlyShe already got that last week you fucking ignoramus. I know it's easy to forget because it got mogged by Fauna Skyrim but it still happened.
>>52893220Do you think he still has the confidence he had then?
>>52893389literally me, id watch it even if it was with Bae just because of Gura
>>52893405Anon speaking of forgetting, you are ignoring how the Skyrim stream was raided by Mooms. I don't mind but I just wanted to correct you
Enna admits she has a boyfriend>
Can somebody explain the views on bses shorts? They seem shockingly low
>>52893239She's not getting 8k going up against Kronii and Gura taking the entire box when she couldn't get 8k against IRyS with unarchived karaoke on her last stream before a break
>>52893220Damn it has 1 million views! Did they tweet about it?
From a HoloProduction point of view, we really don't need an EN3
>>52893482>Kept the raid>inclined way past the raidYeah but go ahead and pretend it's like she peaked at the raid then fell off the entire way
>>52893405That was for her 2D. He's talking about accessories for her VRChat model.
>stumbling upon Pippa mod for holocurephasecucks are something else
>>52893488buy an ad
>>52893523from a Holopro view we need 2 more bois.
>>52893551Meanwhile, Nijisanji...
>>52893526Do people really care for accessories on an offshoot VR model she uses maybe twice a year.
>>52893551>>stumbling upon Pippa mod for holocurewait what
>>52892236junsgang will be there to save the day
>>52893488B-b-but I thought she was a virgin?
>>52893524That's such a dumb fucking argument, I am talking about peaks and you are putting words in my mouth
>100k+ everydayIts over holobros.. how to get gold this month?
>>52893630Exactly, which is why is said it wouldn't be a huge buff
>>52893609Her VRChat model is arguably more popular than her casual outfit
>>52893236I would but I've been rangebanned from making threads even though I can post images
>>52893551i havent seen it but assuming its fleshed out and well made is there really a problem with mods
>jwuking status?
>>52893523Don't worry. The core fanbases of the bois won't go anywhere. The number they have now will be their number forever, it will not increase nor decrease even with EN3
>>52893690Oh so that's why the number of bait threads on the board has lessened recently
>>52893715Command performance sub-300 CCV effortless win.
>>52893649>I am talking about peaks>Her peak was literally 1k above the given raid
>>52893692It's a "Hololive" fangamenot "Virtual Youtubers" fangame
>>52893220Debut month was bizarre
>>52893262No. One of the staff already leaked it on a Discord server. The HoloID 3D concert is also one of the leaks from a few months ago.
>>52893488How can anyone listen to this ugly chink?
>>52893779I mean, it's probably also why the usual bakers are dead so it's a mixed bag
>>52893494Bae ep will glop and brats will shit up every thread
>>52893551>>52893600kek, and i think it's not a reskin, is a new character
>>52893551Only Pippa but no other Phase girls? Why are capipis like this?
>>52893871>usual bakers>bakersAnon there's three guys who regularly make threads, the footfag, the eurofag, and the bait post fag, and they are all active during different times.
So with the discovery that sony killed sega it is safe to assume that anykara which is a sony subsidiary also killed cover via FUDthat's why they are reclining anykara uses the same tactics sony did in the 90s to kill sega
>>52893803>sub-300 CCV effortless win.My knee.. it's bending... I KNEEL
>>52893893If they can mod the fucking game, why not make one exclusively for PhaseConnect?Oh wait, they have no fucking culture
>>52893997Because pippa is phase connect, the same way ironmouse is vshojo and Penrose is idolcorp
The>wooo they're all getting together to do something buff here come the numbersinto>it's on Kiara's channelinto>it's in EU timeslotLoop will never end. It always ends up with pathetic numbers and shitposting like WHAT HAPPEN
50K baby
>>52893815I guess I will never mod any games to ever add anything ever again. Sorry hololive dono sama
>>52894037What the fuck are you talking about
>>52893864Proof and link?
This should've been a full Myth Collab instead of >4 Myth>2 Council
>>52893342>So why did you post it?because I felt like it
>blue is overpoweredkiara knows
>>52894124Why would you care? just do whatever you want and mod the shit outta itit will just rub some people wrong
>>52894213She has talked about it plenty of times, yeah. She knows.
>>52894172Mori said a full Myth collab is coming soon. Honestly I find all these collabs worrying. When was the last time they collabed this much?
I forgot kronii was in there
>>52894321The fuck do you mean dude. Council always collabs when they can. If you're talking about Myth this ain't full Myth because Mori isn't even here.
>>52894321You're getting dangerously close to provoking Watamage with words like that
>>52894124No matter what you do, someone is going to hate it. You gonna stop doing everything just cause some randos on the internet don't like it?
>>52894071Honestly I don't mind it that much for pippa, because a) they aren't the ancestral enemy, and b) if they actually nodded the game to put pippa as an additional character instead of just whining that they aren't included that already puts them miles ahead of the nijifags who only know how to bitch and whine
>8k with most of the heavy hitters of EN presentThe Kiara channel debuff isn't this bad right? It will pick up, right!?
>>52894321Back before Kiara grew tired of constantly being the one to tardwrangle them
>>52894350yeah, anon, you don't need to voice that you are blind and deaf
>>52893179Wait, it's also possible that the teaser at the end of the concert is ID4 and not EN3 kek
>>52894469Well, I'll give them the credit for that
>>52894476Yes and they also haven't started playing 12 minutes in
Here comes the autistic part where Kiara demands the EN girls that have been around for 2 years introduce themselves to the audience, as if she has any tourists who won't recognize them
>>52894539It had a Hololive English logo at the end, anon...
>>52894476It is
>>52894539No retard. It's not possible
>>52894602That was like 8 minutes ago anon
>>52894476Heavy hitters? Gura has "not streaming for months debuff" Ame Ina and Kronii haven't been heavy hitters in forever, and Fauna always got a respectable amount but she was never a heavy hitter.
So good. Home.
>>52894022footfag, my beloved.
>>52894602Are you noticing that she is trying to make them start talking and adjusting their volume?
>>52894476>EU hourslol
>>52894602Anon that's standard procedure for any collab, Pekora still does the konpeko stuff in every collab outside of that brief period when she switched to the Don don Don version
>>52893037He is an amateur. I even saved the thread. >>8545511
>>52894638Okay then smartass, who do you consider to be the heavy hitters of HoloEN?
>>52894668Only nijiniggers seethe about holos in the op, and no matter how many images of irys you use it does not fail to mask the stink of the nijinigger
>>52894638I'm sorry but if Gura Ina Kronii Fauna aren't the heavy hitters of EN then who the fuck is?
>>52894022which one of them is SEA
>>52894698And they succeeded because PSX is the better console
>>52894725We're like 90 minutes away from FST.
>>52894928If this collab lasts longer than 2 hours I'll eat my balls
>>52894963>betting on /#/oh boy
>>52894840>trying to add a sneaky kronii in thereGot you bitch
>>52894963Yeah like you still have balls to bet
>>52894963I miss ball betting. Why did we stop doing that anyways
>>52895089We ran out of balls
>>52895089Because no one has balls left to bet.
>>52895089no balls left to betalso>/#/ Eunuch general
>>52895089We all lost out balls in bets and became eunuchs, anon
>>52895089We all have complete ball devastation and are now eunuchs
Kiara 10K
>>52895089I never had any balls to start with so I always felt left out
>>52894963Cause we stopped being fun and just seethe and shit on girls 24/7
>>5289524014K mark my word
>>52894148 I won't tell you any further information because I don't want them to stop giving us leaks. But I will tell you one thing: ID has their own 3D studio now and has received some 3D equipment from HQ. The VIV:ID event will be recorded in that studio.
>>52895277You have tits anon, bet them instead
>>52895089i'm already down to 20% of shaft gotta bet carefully
Easy 10k under overlap hell
>>52894022Which one makes illegal EN OP threads like this one?
>>52895277You could have bet your ovaries
it's insane how heavy the kiara debuff is
>>52894840>KroniiYou what mate
>>52895364Me, obviously
>>52895354>5:30 AM in Nipland>only 5 streams from Hololive>overlap helltf are you on about
>>52894837Whatever you say retarded brrat
>>52895433It's a meme anon
>>52894602It’s an audio check, idiot
Kiara has to be the most grim vtuber in history, never seen a bigger debuffer
If Cover canceled all July birthday streams for the summer concert.The NumberBros question is:It is worth it?It's fair?
>>52895479>only brrats will defend the hololive boardReally nijinig?
>>52895578Anon, we have a whole tally dedicated to people WORSE than kiara
>>52895578Kiara drags first army to 10kEven while collabing in japanese, during japanese hours. She's a fucking debuff clownshow I don't understand how
>>52894837>nooo you cant dislike BaeI see the retarded bratschizo is here
>2.2 mil >27.5 likes Cover you incompetent fucks, you see this shit
>>52895702You can dislike Bae but only nijiniggers seethe about holos in the op
>>52895656Nta but you're essentially saying everyone that dislikes Bae(which is most of HoloEN fans) are nijinigs which makes you come off as a seething brrat.
>>52895685I'm not talking raw numbers. I'm talking debuff strength.
>>52895277you know the rules, post them.
>>52895802Once again disliking Bae is fine, seething about holos in the op is nijinigger behaviour
he still hungry
>>52895866Isn't it like five in the morning in Australia, what the fuck is he doing up this late?
>>52895866At this rate we will soon have the first 2 view star
>>52895698maybe it's Kiara's brithday which about halved the holobox the last few days and not anything to do with Koshien?
>>52895866I told you, after his defeat last month he would return even stronger, wiser and debuffier than before
>>52895925He realty wants that ps5
>>52895685relatively speaking Kiara has to be in top3 of the worst debuffs.In JP the only one that might be close to her is Mel and Matsuri.
>>52895958Didn't uyu already got that?
>>52895802The ledge.
>>52896020Matsuri isnt a debuff, what are you talking about. She gets poor numbers on her own but she's had no issues getting buff numbers during big events and collabs
>Gura: I don't like monkey...
>>52894390Mori said that there is a full Myth collab soon. That's what he's talking about.
>>52896081>>52895953>>52895861Stop mass replying you fag
>>52895991Anon dude already had a PS5 for month since he is playing FF16 which is a PS5 exclusive dude wa trolling this board with that PS5 rant
KEK Gura dies before the shark question.
>>52896243>>52896081>>52895953>>52895861Same anon
and in the end, Kronii always wins
>>52895724I mean, that's just illustrations and gooda for Comiket. Come back when they get them in 3D.
>>52896443>>52896246>>52895802>>52895702Same retard
>>52896497Are you saying that those 3D swimsuits would be get low numbers, you better not.
>Fauna is a council supremacist
>>52896443Close but no cigar
>>52894836>>52894840EN doesn't have heavy hitters anymore.
>>52895749Newfags doing what they want with the OP is a reason why we end up getting more schizos in here.
>>52896582No?I'm saying that they aren't getting those swimsuits in 3D. The designs are for Comiket goods.
>>52896542All (Uou)
>>52895724God Nose is so hot
>>52895578I'm not watching because Kronii is there.
>>52896583Of course she is.
>>52896630Yeah anon because using gacha girls as the op has been so effective at warding off schizos
>>52896604>redesign buff>wastes on fucking WoW grindThat menhera is truly retarded.
>>52896703You dropped your irys avatar
>>52896281So he was just begging for money then?
>>52896604You told me that this would buff his numbers into the stars
>>52896630This thread is, was, and always will be a schizo hellhole regardless of the OP
we samefagging while global is having fun...>>52893582
>>52896703I feel you man, I'm only watching this cause Myth and Council members are there. I'd be ok with hope too.
Holy fucking 2view general massacre
>>52892516It's what gura always wanted
>>52896630Anon this is literally the threads schizos go to when they are kicked out of any other general and are unwilling or unable to make their own thread. What are you expecting?
>>52896852It is always like this during big collabs. I miss when we used to have fun here even if it was just about cutting off balls
>>52897031Meh, it's alot deader here than it is usually for a big collab. Probably because our usual schizos are off in the Suisei thread on the catalogue
>>52895621august ones too lol
We're Inclining
>>52897221Are weAre we actually?
What are the odd that the Gura/Kronii Power Wash collab gets more than this stream
>>52897240No. We're declining. We're inclining.
>>52896640>I'm saying that they aren't getting those swimsuits in 3DNo shit, I said would get, not will get. Still if just a a tweet about those managed to create such a buzz imagine the real deal.
12k doryaaa
>>52897329They're gonna collab?
Oh neat, switching rooms in holoearth is now seamless and keeps your position
>>52897329I'm 100% certain that Kronii Gura will peak higher
>>52897329As one of the few non-eunuchs left in this thread, I will bet 1 (one) ball that it doesn't get more.
>>52897329With Gura POV? 100%With Kronii only POV? Nah
>>52897394My dick stings looking at this image
Kronii wins every fucking game in every collab ever, I'm starting to think she has the highest IQ in the EN branch
>>52897329Depends how the POVs work out honestly
>>52897662That's why she fucking sucks, retarded women are way better
>>52894602Why doesn't Kiara do an audio check and call it an audio check, or do a levels check before going live?
>>52897387Oh, want it too. I crave Ema doing gymnastics in a swimsuit.
>>52897329If it had been Gura timeslot, it'd be guaranteed to be higher. Still likely but Bae might siphon enough away
>>52897779Every hololive member does it live. Are you new perhaps?
>>52897552She shouldn't have even won the first one. Fauna had both questions right but it still put Kronii ahead.
Time for the EN3 name to get leaked by Ame
Honestly I feel bad for Kiara. She genuinely deserves better than these numbers.She's one of the biggest victims of EN's retarded management and all that happened in the past year.
is kiara's channel that much of a debuff? council uno had like almost 18k
>Ame confirmed for /here/VAGOO
I have fallen in love with Kronini
>>52897942>sub-10k streams with first army members during JP hoursyes
>>52897911>She's one of the biggest victims of EN's retarded management and all that happened in the past year.Huh? Her numbers have always been bad because she insists on dragging HoloEN into a timeslot most of their audience doesn't want to be in.And she filters them too.
>>52897872Did she use "Council" in the Quiplash before Council's announcement?
>>52897911She argued with management to get permission to focus on EU hours. For once, management not denying the girls hurt them in the long run
Truly chumbud prime>>52898078HoloX
>actually watching a Kiara streamI'm disappointed in this thread. Take this shit to global.
>>52898078idk if she did that, but she wrote HOLOLIVEX as an answer less than two weeks before they were announced
>>52898078You are mixing things.
>>52898078she used hololive X
>>52897662Makes sense with how she sabotaged her job.Wait, no it doesn't.
>>52898144Good morning sir!
>>52898197High IQ people aren't necessarily good at life, quite the opposite often
>>52898197being menhera and being smart are not mutually exclusive
>>52898144Calm down sir. I'm watching Kiara, I don't have time for your seethe.
Ame will leak EN3s name during this collab like she did HoloX
It's sooner than you would ever think to expec, you know?
>>52898144We are the sequel to globals sequel self. We are the outcasts who were kicked out and shamed for publicly jerkingoff to numbers to hard. We are global: numberfag edition.
We are inclining towards decline...
>>52898338Yeah, I said that quite literally 1 year ago. I’m still waiting
>Kronii escaped the collab
>most of the audience is takosKFP...its your oshi's birthday..
>6am meetingWhat the absolute fuck is Cover doing honestly
>>52898601Do you really believe it's a hololive meeting that drags just one of them out of a collab?
>>52896852>globalThey've become what they used to mock. They like Mori and Homos now.
>>52898601>>52898713Did you guys forget this has literally happened to Fauna before where she had to suddenly cancel a stream for a random fucking meeting on her timeslot
>The amount of people spamming the clown fag in Kiara's chat
>12.6k in a Birthday Party, with EN top 3 Gura, Ina and Fauna. Kronii is a buff in a collab, tooHoly fuck. How big of a debuff are Kiara and her timeslot?It's still climbing, but still...
>>52898814During an ongoing collab?
>giga buff birthday stream with Gura>struggling to maintain 12kGRIM! EN needs a new direction.
>>52898338TEMPUS 3 LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpls let it be so I can finally cut off this fucking shitshow for good
>>52898861beggars thought she was going to be on their side and can't quite comprehend that it didn't work out that way
>>52898865>>52898926Hello there.
>>52898865>How big of a debuff are Kiara and her timeslot?Big enough that there is literally no way the Kronii/Gura collab won't beat it
>>52898861 did you expect? He's VShojo-adjacent.>>52899033Kiara is very into the idol thing despite everything else. She is that one weird case you theoretically know it can happen but are surprised when it actually happens.
>>52898861There were? man closing chat during these streams are a blessing
>>52898058>>52898109I mean what the fuck can she do she lives in EU. You're delusional if you think she should move to NA just to stream a couple hours later, especially because let's be honest I don't think it would improve her numbers THAT much.The real problem is that Kiara has a dogshit debut that completely stunted her growth, she improved over time and tried her best but she can't recover from that. And with the Holobox getting smaller she's somewhat the one who ends up getting hurt the most.
>>52899007Rewatched the EN concert did they buff her 3D? Her tits are amazing and has visible pantsu.
Why is Mori green today
>>52898861Of course
>>52899240she ate her veggies
>AZKi has her own Twitter impersonator spamming goreShe's really made it, huh? Please be so kind as to report this account
What the fuck.
>>52899165>1.5 million subs + 4.5 million>combined 6 million subs>12k show upYikes
>>52899226Wada Arco is a genius, she designed the outfit specifically to get around the usual censoring methods.
>>52899165Just because they and NijiEN are a bunch of failure doesn't make a 12k birthday party good, anon. I don't see any issue with being surprised at that kind of number for a Holo birthdayFor reference, the other HoloEN runt, Bae, got 15.7k for her birthday w/o Gura and Ina
Kek eien whore raided
raid from 2view
>>52899438the moth?
>>52899393Is he playing with fans?
>>52899390>Gura in 3 streams today>None on her channel why
>>52899438she's raided before, and apparently she talked about being KFP in a personal stream.
>>52899438>>52899461Kek kiara actually needed it with this pathetic showing.
>>52899483That's a moth? I only know her because of that cringy welcome to the internet parody.
>>52899492She is honestly trying to avoid her fans. Probably going to do a lot of collabs and then come back and pretend nothing happened and hope the collabs were "enough" to placate her audience
Killia Kurayami literally took Kiara's first time, and Kiara acknowledged it so they should collab, always nice to see barrier being torn down
Originally, Gura was supposed to be in the middle (and so was IRyS?) that would make so much more sense but they changed it due to Kiara's temper tantrums, holy shit ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME I'm still living in the past, my fee fee hort>>52460449"WHO FUCKING CARES EXCEPT NUMBERFAGS"Me. It's very personal and also shows that EN management are a bunch of retards. This is not a child's play.
>>52899492>collab spamits over she's graduating..(sarcasm.)
Popular demand
>>52899557I really really think she won't have a single solo stream for the rest of the year
>>52899492We talked before why she does it. It is a few days ago but maybe you find it
>>52899171>You're delusional if you think she should move to NA just to stream a couple hours laterNo, that's ridiculous.She should just do a night shift or go to sleep early and wake up middle of the night, a lot of EN collabs can be around 5-6 (there's one today!). Oh nyoo imagine waking up early!
>>52899524I sometimes wonder what your life is like to spam about kiara in a thread that doesn't care about kiara
>>52899577>source: trust me bro
>>52899594Are we seeing another aruran situation?
>>52899393KING I KNEEL
>>52899594That's almost a high school gymnasium full!
>>52899171She doesn't need to live in NA in order to stream in NA hours. Neither IRyS nor Bae does, but both of them stream in NA hours (rather late NA hours in IRyS's case, but still somewhat watchable)I think Kiara can afford to move her stream to around Ina / Fauna timeslot. She might have to adjust her daily schedule and sleeps a little bit later, but shouldn't be a big deal.Well, she wanted to focus on the EU market or to sleep early (which doesn't seem to pay off so far), so she only has herself to blame I suppose
>>52899577It would be more likely that Gura begged anyone to take her position if she ever was considered for he centerpiece in this instance
>>52899594Why won't Yagoo see their numbers?
>>52899648Not as bad as defending her like you do in a thread that doesn't care about her.
>Kiara doing a 3rd birthday streamMilking it for all its worth I see
>HoloEN died for thisKEK. Is this Vesper's first stream since the redesign? What the fuck was the point?
>>52899757Why are you seething about her here then?
>>52899793She learned from the tempus homos. I think the purple one had like 5 birthday streams over the span of 3 days.
>>52899171>You're delusional if you think she should move to NA just to stream a couple hours laterBasically >>52899645. She doesn't have to live in Los Angeles to stream during NA hours, Kaela manages to do streams all hours just fine.But she's settled into where she is at this point.
>>52899793You're sperging out over maybe 1 more extra stream than the normal countdown + birthday stream because?
>>52899653Nah. His last 3 WoW streams peaked 1.2k, 1.3k and 1k. This stream already peaked way higher (1.9k) and the 1.2k in anon's pic is in line with those 3 too
>>52899733Why would she anon? Why would she ruin her off stream life to get some meaningless numbers? Not even cover cares about ccv and she already makes enough money to live her life however she wants to
Takos are a fucking blight
she's /here/...
>>52899781Oh hi
>>528997933 birthday streams for 3 years? kinda genius
>>52900089she didn't write it. Imagine the smell was probably Gura to be honest.
>>52899757I am not defending her. I just told you nobody here cares wich makes your seetheing weird. Kind of seems like you are only here because they bullied you out of global
>>52899492management mandated collabs to boost numbers>other channelsher collab ideas>her channelits easy
>>52899733>She might have to adjust her daily schedule and sleeps a little bit later, but shouldn't be a big deal.KFP (mostly the euros) get pissy when she stays up late, and doing a night shift would make it difficult for her to go out during the day unless she committed to it.
>>52899648I mean sometimes people flock in and seethe about her. So the constant spam will get a response sometime
>>52900074Given that they ask for CCV in their application form and put several peak CCVs in their presentation, clearly they do care. Not to the extent of pressuring the girls for higher numbers, though - which is all good.
>>52899750I actually think it's the other way around, cover used the concert as a way to shill the other talents
>>52899891I suppose it's because JP spoils me with their superior numbers.
>>52900230>clearly they do careApparently not enough considering all the homos
>>52900156>I am not defending her>continues to defend her
>>52900116We LOVE miss Nanashi in this thread.
>draw a tako>WinI fucking hate takos so goddamn much
>>52900448Good merch honestly, you're going to see both of those at the next con Hololive is at
>>52900230We know the ccv of the en girls that got in anon. Cover doesn't care
Kiara will raid Pomu's stream, just watch Luxiem goods.
>>52900841i love how nabi's style fits with everyone
I get to see so much Gura today.
>>52901114There's 5 people in Luxiem?
gonna leave this here>>52901059
>>52901322She has been more active this month, feels good.
>>52899577Kek it's fucking real. But as a chumbud I don't care, let kiara pat herself on the back with this useless thing, no one's going to suddenly think she's the most important.
Purple homo numbers without the nijitrannies content is funny. Same shit with Astel and Roberu. Disgusting niji subhuman fanbase.
>>52901114Time to give this 60k retweets, like 100 sales for everyone combined, and 2% of the profit to the talent!
discord leak, VOD getting privated
>>52901114They look so cheap.
>>52901733nta and stolen from global, nothing actual yab
Will Bae's EP chart?? Where can we track it??
>>52901852Holoyabs are so shit and boring.
>>52901852>gura is using a happy profile pic from the usual meme onesShe is so back bros.
>>52901852fauna neck is so thick goddamn
>>52901852its over...
>>52901852They better not private and edit the vod for this, it'll really screw up the growth for no reason
>>52901852How the fuck did nijen manage to leak their vent channel when they screenshared?
so whens the next en3 guesstimate, weve passed 1 year of guesses at this point
>>52902178by being unprofessional cunts
>>52902178Petra is a fucking retard, that's how. Except she's not the only one who's done it. Nina and Yugo fucked up too, but they didn't leak the secret gossip server just their personal conversations with management.
>>52901852>>52901865one neat thing is that the voice channel is role-locked, so theoretically the rest of the server should be as well. depending on how management set up permissions, that server should be fine should an invite code leak ever happen again
>>52902345petra is working with anya to bring down nijien
>>OPnumbers is really a brat thread
>>52902294This year.
>>52892132true if you want deep, you can't get that from EN aside from Kiara, and Kiara is an annoying menhera. only in JP are there girls that are sincere with their audiences but also just fun to hang around..
>>52902371That's too bad, I'd look to see that kind of stuff, see how they talk about stuff behind the scenes. The Amogus stuff was fun to see but it was way too narrowly focused.
>>52902178they're retarded
They moved the Gura Kronii collab up two hours
>>52892410Axel is king
>>52902502Kronii doesn't know how to raid does she? They'll probably end at the 2 hour mark and then Bae can get the funnel.
chances of vesleech raiding Kiara's collab?
>>52902294I think April 2022 was when people were really talking about it. So really it's everyday now until it happens no matter the cope.
>>52902572Fauna taught her pretty sure
>>52902294But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Matthew 24:36
Fauna knows what she's doing
>>52901114Luxiem...that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
>>52902178It was an inside job.
>>52902178It just shows they use it very frequently, which is a red flag for sure.
>irys didn't do shit for kiara bday despite her selfish ass getting announced on Kiaras bdayThe least she could do is tweet!
>>52902972Those captured saplings? Me.
What happened?
>>52903187This hits too close to home
>>52903153They had a conversation about idolmaster, i'm sure Kiara thought that was more than enough
>>52903192both absolutely embarrassing failures
>>52903192Who cares. Let them dissolve into the abyss of obscurity.
>Goober is an alcoholicwas this game made by doxbeats
>>52903307I know but why? They were doing good for StarsEN standards
>>52903192>top homos of their respective gensGrim
>>52903353Fauna is my super cute private mega-companion
>>52899577>>52901439You have mental illness.
>>52903187she's fallen off the wagon....
Whats the OP meme format called?
Fauna should've been in Myth.
>>52903599hell nah
>>52903599She couldn't be, she didn't have the skills needed to really get through audition at that point.
>>52903599lol no
>>52903599Myth is for idols, she belongs in the "content creator" gen
>>52903599Fauna deserved to be in Council but Council should've been better
>>52903730>>52903792same person btw
>>52903792>Mori >Ame>Ina>Gura>Kiara>idols
>>52902806>Holo R3velations
>>52903823The first one is right though, she really only became a vtuber because of Myth
I WILL NOT stay up for a Kronii stream just because it has Gura in it.
>>52903792good one, made me laugh.
>>52903857Yes? Which one are you confused by?
>>52903991that baby? me
>>52904022that's totally what someone that will stay up would say
>>52904022I will…..
>>52903991Gross. Stay away. I hope it's a pregnancy.
>>52904022I will.
>>52903991well maybe myth and councilrys are enough for holoEN after all.
>>52903991If she gets in you know EN is doomed
>>52899577You should stick to spamming this in global where people actually care.
>>52904022I'm not. I'm going to take a nap now and get up for it.
>>52904208hey, at least she fits the character...
wtf it usually only has under 2k
>>52902178>>52902345they did it on purpose as a passive aggressive move at holoEN which they were salty at and jealous of
>>52903192the exact same what happened to first army numbersanother cull of holo audience seemed to have happened
>>52904329i'm checking new and rising, nothing out of the ordinary, residual of the teaser effect maybe?
>>52903991the upper echelons of whoretubers like nihmune, bao, shylily etc are probably all too big to consider jumping to hololive and ditching their comfy existing. i doubt she would announce it so brazenly, its probably some other shit like maybe she got more money back from animation scam earlier this year.
>>52903192Noir is leaning hard on being a bara character now.
>>52903823Think again
>52904588>holo audience
Koyo is talking about blue=popular
>>52903991Some fleshstreamer shit. Collab with a B-tier XQC orbiter or something.
>>52903991Please god no.
>>52903991Please not her, even Shylily or Filian would be better
>>52903991I really hope not a single girl from EN3 is a bit converter or someone from another corpo, imagine waiting over 2 years only to get girls everyone already knows what they have to offer
>Got to watch or hear Gura like 7 times already in the past week>Another stream soonI think I love HoloEn again bros……
>>52893179>>52892897>ID4Except the rosters always have 3 IDs, 3 JPs, but only 1 or respectively 2 ENs.To have 3 from each branch, you'd add more ENs. Hence: >>52892796
>>52904762after Gura and Kobo respective effects i full expect a blue cunny in JP7
>>52904731oh yeah?
>>52904682Bao is upper echelon on clout only. Nihmune has her music and other stuff, and Shylily somehow got noticed by TheRussianBadger over being above him in GG sales.
>there's also talk sometimes that blue holomen are popular, maybe that's related too.. or not>"..what are we talking about first thing in the morning? will I become blue before 1 million subscribers? I won't become blue just for that, popularity happens from different reasons"Koyo PINK PRIDE
>>52904888koyo is racist...
>>52904869That's some witchcraft or Fauna made our IPs identical.
>>52904888The only other good Pink woman besides Luna
>>52904682Bao's on the bottom of that scale. She's no Filian or Shylily. Also Twitch popularity ain't forever, ask Snuffy or Saruei. Hololive is a lucrative gig that has a built-in audience and is basically permanent. Twitch fame is only for as long as you can keep it. I don't think she'd get in, or even mention it if she did, but I don't think she's beyond thinking about it either.
how come the ENs don't use a JP translator overlay?