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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52831487 No.52831487 [Reply] [Original]

Would you pay to join your oshi's secret masturbation group telegram?

>> No.52831590

My oshi doesn’t have one (and that’s a good thing)

>> No.52832320 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 1440x1371, 1679747406356740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your cock on /lig/ and anny will see it!

>> No.52832545

we know you are reading this anny, and you do not deserve our cocks

>> No.52832872
Quoted by: >>52832904

Unfortunately my cock is small

>> No.52832904
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1673154089790210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shame. Anny is a huge size queen.

>> No.52833112
Quoted by: >>52861775

>using telegram at all

>> No.52833378

I hate EN indies so much
I hope her plane out of Japan crashes, even if everyone else dies too its worth it.

>> No.52833489

HoloEN gen 3

>> No.52833722

dms or fuck off

>> No.52833760
Quoted by: >>52834188

All women are size queens. Whenever I think about my dick I get depressed

>> No.52833841
Quoted by: >>52835035

>slut EN - :|
>slut JP - :o

>> No.52833914
Quoted by: >>52834141

I got in for free though, same as everyone else. Are you jealous?

>> No.52834141
File: 20 KB, 483x79, 1682946617757344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52834209

no you didn't

>> No.52834188

Don't be depressed anon, when you feel sad remember that I'm also sad because i can't deepthroat anyone since it doesn't fit in their mouths and facefucking is my biggest kink. There's downsides to everything.

>> No.52834209
File: 18 KB, 443x136, 1664458236613595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna do this whole song and dance again here anon?

>> No.52834229
Quoted by: >>52834623

kill yourself

>> No.52834275

>that list
Garbage taste

>> No.52834290
Quoted by: >>52834357

retard https://t.me/s/anny_tf

>> No.52834345

>Chuuba gets off to anon's cock
>Schizo gets mindbroken

>> No.52834353
Quoted by: >>52834623

Kill yourself esl faggot

>> No.52834357
Quoted by: >>52834460

>he fell for it
it's actually just closed, sorry you didn't make it in before

>> No.52834373

link to stream?

>> No.52834460
Quoted by: >>52834485

So she's not only a whore but a liar as well? wow

>> No.52834485

keep impotently seething I guess, kek

>> No.52834557

Not for telegram no, if she did spicier content on another platform i would pay 3 digits for it. She is just that fucking good at what she does.

>> No.52834623
Quoted by: >>52835008


>> No.52834660

>Interracial A
This woman is a ticking time bomb

>> No.52834662

Average western vtuber

>> No.52834822
Quoted by: >>52835004

90% of this chart is objective truth.
The interracial depends on if she's Asian or White

>> No.52834830

i tried watching her one time and just as i was tuning in she was talking about how shes gonna moan for a donation goal. absolute whore

>> No.52835004
Quoted by: >>52835054

Ukrainian so white

>> No.52835008

stupid cringe humblebragger. die

>> No.52835035

This but unironically

>> No.52835054


>> No.52835196
Quoted by: >>52835543

>interracial is fine as long as it's with a girl a different race then mine

>> No.52835295
Quoted by: >>52836002

btw this is the girl that constantly gets shipped with vedal and flirts with him. guess that NTR in A tier wasnt a joke

>> No.52835543
Quoted by: >>52836782

Non white interracial is almost always white dudes
White interracial is always black dudes
So unironically yes that would be true

>> No.52836002
Quoted by: >>52836195

the most amusing bit from this whole saga, shipfags are literally clueless

>> No.52836195

People know quite clearly, the only people I would say dont know are clipfags

>> No.52836260

How do you NTR a femboy and still claim to hate femdom/malesub

>> No.52836618

>0 value ewhore good cause anime girl
fucking yuck

>> No.52836782

>White interracial is always black dudes
Only in America

>> No.52837232

not if that's the best i got. that looks really lame.

>> No.52837622

Why is every VTuber talking about sex, for fucks sake. I just want to watch them game and joke around, where the fuck are my prude VTubers?

I went to Neurosama because she's not a real chick and therefore not subject to the pitfalls of normal people but why must she be associated with this chick...

>> No.52837713
Quoted by: >>52838318

Watch Ina I gues. Or Kronii

>> No.52837783
Quoted by: >>52863833

I honestly feel sad for vedal, he doesn't realize she is just leeching off of him

>> No.52837796

holy yikes i hope vedal dodges this fucking bullet, all the red flags
feel sorry for her fans

>> No.52837918
Quoted by: >>52838579

Its nothing new anon egirls have always been like this you just havent been exposed to it before they starting swarming into the vtuber sphere cause its the new hot

>> No.52838108

got any more of them, screenshots?

>> No.52838318
Quoted by: >>52840067

>Interests worth giving a damn about
>Her hobbies are games, procrastinating, lying down, watching videos, and singing
>She likes food, drawing, reading, gaming and cooking (sometimes).
I'm sure they're wonderful in their own way.

>> No.52838451
File: 102 KB, 541x541, 1687190944269578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52838513

There are plenty of frigid bitches about, but guess what, most people aren't cockless like you, so they enjoy cooming.

>> No.52838513

Bitch please, I jerk like any other dude, but I like to keep my porn and entertainment seperate, otherwise you turn into an idiot coomer that doesn't think of anything but porn.

>> No.52838579
Quoted by: >>52838777

Think about it what is the oldest female profession? prostitution.
Defaulting to "sex sex penis look I have a vagina" is a common pitfall for women since time immemorial.
Genuinely sad that for most of human history a womans worth was entirely determined by her physical characteristics.
Women have only had full autonomy for like 100 years, now theres job that dont even require them to show their face at all but many have still not been able to move on from being a pretty bimbo.
Honestly the crazy uptake in online prostitution with this onlyfans shit has undone so much women have fought for in the past decades and.. Oh shit this isnt /pol/ anyway...

>> No.52838656

Yawn, it's like 90% the same as every other women. Has anyone done these with interesting results?

>> No.52838702
Quoted by: >>52838778

Well, sucks to be you, then, most people aren't this autistic about it.

>> No.52838727
Quoted by: >>52838778

>consumes the most braindead bottom of the barrel entertainment
>is afraid of turning into an idiot

>> No.52838777
Quoted by: >>52870709

the internet is awesome. i'm fine with this generation backsliding women's rights. we're already telling them they can't control their bodies. we just need clearer ownership now.

>> No.52838778
Quoted by: >>52838917

Because most people have no integrity.

>> No.52838878
Quoted by: >>52839102

this is the right way. i use google calendar to setup entertainment viewing time, porn time, etc. it's easier to get off when you get the 10min reminder that your time is almost up.

>> No.52838917
File: 253 KB, 556x540, smug aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds autistic. Keep your sperging out to yourself.

>> No.52838983
File: 7 KB, 102x112, 1658359048416929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, that's usually what works out in the end anyway.

>> No.52839006
Quoted by: >>52839475

>ukranian chuuba be like:

>> No.52839076
File: 58 KB, 500x489, 1686336861050696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Size Difference
Well seems my time has come

>> No.52839102

>it's easier to get off when you get the 10min reminder
also, the irony of jerking to corporations

>> No.52839162

>size different in S
>cock worship in S
>NTR is A
>interracial in A

yup, she loves black men

>> No.52839317
Quoted by: >>52839865

Skill issue.
There's plenty of small corpo and indies that won't even touch anything sexual in their streams.
Or you could learn Japanese and watch JP Holos.
I did it, but I kind of cheated, as I went to a private language school in Japan for a year. Worth every dollar if you can afford it, and an experience of a lifetime!

>> No.52839404


>> No.52839475
Quoted by: >>52839777

to be fair, all the men are being drafted so she probably needs some big large black dude to relieve her while she cucks vedal

>> No.52839600


>> No.52839777

postwar ukraine is going to be wild.

>> No.52839827

>Ass worship in B
>Anal in C
What the fuck are you supposed to do after you praise the ass? Like why praise it if you want it to be used? Dumb slut

>> No.52839865

I'll stick to watching non chuubas, just easier to not be fucked over.
>Skill issue

>> No.52840067

Thats all vtubers can do retard, what do you want? A carpentry stream? Skydiving?

>> No.52840118

That'd be pretty cool

>> No.52840147

gunpla, cooking, haachama did carpentry

>> No.52840263
Quoted by: >>52840623

Games would be fine, if they're not your typical flavor of the month two button game that everyone usually does.

>> No.52840623
Quoted by: >>52859995

Problem is unironically the western audience.
If you want more than 2views on your channel you literally have to play fotm shit and do react content. If you're a consistent 4 view then I mean sure, you can get away with more but for a lot of the /lig/gers, they're 3views and that could literally all come crashing down if they stray away from the path of reaction content and fotm

>> No.52841857

>literal whore
>Has the most boring taste possible

>> No.52842687
Quoted by: >>52863564

> Don't be sad that you're poor
> I'm sad that I'm too rich to spend all of my money

>> No.52843579

Don't fall for the cuck content you freak weirdos. Might as well chemically castrate yourselves.

>> No.52843673
Quoted by: >>52844262

What in the literal fuck is this? (serious question)

>> No.52844262
Quoted by: >>52845403

masturbation stream for her tier 3 fans

>> No.52844750
Quoted by: >>52846053

There's a million vtubers who almost never even mention anything sexual. just stop watching whores on twitch

>> No.52845403

If she adds a secret tier 3 lifestream of her pussy with occasionally fingering and spreading that happens simultaneously with the normal livestream unbeknownst to the regular viewers, then I'll join

>> No.52845650
Quoted by: >>52845675

so she just posts when she's flicking the bean or what. or she actually streams it?

>> No.52845675

god I wish

>> No.52845734

then what the fuck are you retards paying for?

>> No.52846053

I watch a bunch of guys gaming on YT, have for years. The last year or two they added a bunch of girls to their rotation, and guess what? This year they all launched an onlyfans. I'm sad it has to come to that for them, but also sad that they stoop so low.
In the end I stopped giving a shit, I lost respect for them and that's it.

>> No.52846208
Quoted by: >>52846347

if i was going to pay a vtuber for this kind of thing i'd want it to be a findom thing rather than just "hehe im masturbating rn"

>> No.52846347

i'd want some proof. any idiot can say they're doing it once or twice a day.

>> No.52847068

(not me) selling my girlfriend's virtual pussy by typing a few words in a telegram chat

>> No.52848241
File: 45 KB, 680x491, would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52851458
Quoted by: >>52851506

My oshi doesn’t have one (and that’s a good thing)

>> No.52851506

Or maybe you just weren't invited to it.

>> No.52852118
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1688470028693194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do fans of this whore sleep at night? it's the equivalent to following a new twitter onlyfans account without the exclusive chats at this point.
>t-they're a vtuber and share things i like tho!!!
shut the fuck up and hang yourself, i can pay a whore to do the equivalent, buy an ad too

>> No.52856370


>> No.52857516 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>52857584

This is the dick she was reacting to btw

>> No.52857584
Quoted by: >>52858275

>this is "huge"
Damn, so I'm actually quite big, huh...

>> No.52857635

Yeah only JP are allowed to be sluts!

>> No.52857809

Not one as ugly and fat as anny, bitch isnt worth 5 bucks. Why do guys pay such average whores so much money and attention... We need to be better then this

>> No.52857839

women are like that
neuro was associated with shit like this long before this whore, she keeps collabing with twitch whores

>> No.52858197

I told you /lig/ was a reddit colony that only discusses vtubers after they lose the soul of their content. Bat feels like a husk now that she’s /lig/ too. It’s like a disease. It needs to be eradicated from /vt/.

>> No.52858275

post your cock in /lig/ for her to review then

>> No.52859952

Is anyone here in her telegram?

>> No.52859995
File: 735 KB, 735x1000, lig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52860089

me looking at some of the popular /lig/ 3 views playing such incredible flavor of the month hits like
>arkham city
>final fantasy VI
>trepang2 (??? I don't even know what this is I just saw leaflit playing it and it looks like some kind of FEAR successor, honestly looks sick?)
>pimp my fucking ride on the ps2
how about if you don't want to watch star rail and diablo IV you just don't fucking watch streamers that play them?

>> No.52860089
Quoted by: >>52860341

frogbro don't try to reason with catalogfags it's like trying to teach calculus to a baboon

>> No.52860341
File: 2.60 MB, 640x540, 1678509817075342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true but seeing these retards make up random garbage to make themselves feel like an authority on shit they don't have the slightest clue about makes me want to murder
dumb FUCKS

>> No.52860376

I have nothing to add other than that I hate Anny and her art sucks

>> No.52860489
Quoted by: >>52862330

I don't get it, NTR and hotwife isn't it basically the same?
I guess NTR is more about betrayed feelings, which makes this list even more fucked, like she doesn't care about cheating part, but destroying someone mentally.

>> No.52860557

I'd do it for free though

>> No.52860632

Polka actually did skydiving...

>> No.52860920

Leave it to egirls to invade a shiny new community to get more paypigs, fucking shameless. I am a horny fucker, but I don't want to watch a fucking whore pretend to like videogames. I'm lucky to have found an oshi who has geniune fun playing games and doesn't coom bait at all. I am not sharing who she is because I want her for myself.

>> No.52860983
Quoted by: >>52861391

I agree, I love a bit of teasing here and there, but whole "I want to slurp on your cock" attitude is a huge turn off.

>> No.52861339

Being autistic is based. What are you, a coombait loving normalfag? Not surprised though considering the state of this board. It's infested with turbo normalfags who are, worst of all, proud to be normalfags, much like the current EN vtubing.

>> No.52861352

>unironically watching a indian with a voice filter

>> No.52861391
Quoted by: >>52861662

This. If you want this experience why not just watch 3DPD twitch camwhores with coom making up 90% of their content? Why vtubers? It's clearly not for you then.

>> No.52861490
File: 759 KB, 978x859, 1688522734176086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody shitposts and antis every other vtuber on earth with blacked rrats that arent real and people seethe
>anny is literally openly a blacked whore vtuber
>no one cares

>> No.52861506

My oshi wouldn't do that, however I would join Anny's telegram chat if she does whore things yeah absolutely, love that chuuba

>> No.52861536

I don't watch her, I think she is a retard and a whore, why would I spend my time anti and shitpost about her? It's not like she NTRd her audience or anything. Isn't she fat, living in Japan? I doubt even Somali niggers there would fuck her.

>> No.52861577
Quoted by: >>52861606

well she is right on that one

>> No.52861606

that's an html edit you absolute buffoon you missed the entire point

>> No.52861662

I'm willing to bet many of these hypersexual whore vtubers are failed camwhores. Hell, some of the most popular vtubers were successful camwhores that decided to get an anime avatar because it's the new thing to do to get an audience.

>> No.52861691
Quoted by: >>52861726

She owns it so why care?

>> No.52861726

>If you own it then its ok

>> No.52861775
Quoted by: >>52863677

telegram is like twitter for the eastern slavs, essential for their daily lived

>> No.52862114
Quoted by: >>52862123

>defending roasties

>> No.52862123
Quoted by: >>52863591

>posting roasties

>> No.52862330
Quoted by: >>52862472

hotwife is more like netorase, about willingly sharing your significant other (wife) to another man, NTR is just filthy cheating

>> No.52862472

That's what I'm saying, the guy isnt hurt in hotwife, he is just a willing cuck, while in NTR feelings are Involved, so I drew conclusion it's not about cheating for her, but rather this feeling.

>> No.52862697


>> No.52862764


>> No.52862807


>> No.52862900
Quoted by: >>52863119

no one on vt watches twitch whores, except /lig/gers but they're all normalfags and cucks so they dont mind

>> No.52863119
Quoted by: >>52863144

nope i hate whores and normalfags

>> No.52863144
Quoted by: >>52863693

Yet you are a /lig/ger, curious...

>> No.52863564

Poor way of thinking

>> No.52863591

*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.52863676

I love Nikki.
I wish there were more creative types.
Anna in 774 does jewellery creation.

>> No.52863677

Yeah, all the hottest clips from the war are first posted on Telegram

>> No.52863693
Quoted by: >>52863748

we just can't git rid of him, I'm honestly surprised to see he identifies as a /lig/ger considering he seems to spend most of his time there hating everyone else

>> No.52863695
File: 3.16 MB, 2894x4093, 1675451636192762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just below average height
> just below average dick size
> grades used to be just barely not enough to call me smart
I'm the slightly below average man. Impresser of no chuubas, or anyone for that matter. If I had a tiny dick I could at least enjoy SPH and reactions from my oshi. I can't even get that. Being average is cool, even if it is meh. Being the slightly below average man sucks.

>> No.52863748
Quoted by: >>52863780

Don't talk to me normalfag.

>> No.52863758

"Ukrainian woman" is already synonymous with "whore"

>> No.52863780
Quoted by: >>52863831

dont pretend to be me

>> No.52863831
Quoted by: >>52863854

I'm pretending to be me, not (you)

>> No.52863833

It's sad really. All she does is watch clips of him and neuro doing stuff.

>> No.52863854

i misread. my bad

>> No.52864372

>>no one cares

>> No.52864712
Quoted by: >>52864755

Everyone knew that a majority of her content for ages was a lazy lewd bait. Her whole content
since 2020 was "the joke is sex" and mediocre drawing skills. But last year it become exceptionally bad, even some prominent members of her community that supported her from the beginning started to distance themselves and eventually left.

>> No.52864755

Oh shut the fuck up Kalioc

>> No.52865136

There are MANY vtubers for you anon, you're just an idiot.
Maybe stop looking for nonwhores in the red light district?

>> No.52865225

that's crazy, I watched her sometimes when she was a low 3view artist, not even a chuuba.
anyway more chuubas should hold group masturbation sessions! especially if they participate in them.

>> No.52868252

Ollie noo

>> No.52868627

No, that's haram anon

>> No.52870709

>4chan schizos are the whole internet now

>> No.52871295

Jewtuber Carpenters...
