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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1021 KB, 974x689, der fuhrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5199228 No.5199228 [Reply] [Original]

>puts pink cat up the wall
>doesn't let her get a word in
>makes fun of her being a friendless loser
>mocks her dead cancer daddy
>obliterates her in EVERY FUCKING GAME


>> No.5199283

Literally none of this happened

>> No.5199307

She gets what she deserves.

>> No.5199331
Quoted by: >>5217644

They’re absolutely adorable. So cool seeing such a historic event for Vtuber’s.

>> No.5199348
Quoted by: >>5201984 >>5209258

watch the stream then retard

>> No.5199370

I think this is a stretch, but Kiara did kind of treat Nyanners like a retarded child. Isn't Nyanners roommate in her 30s?

>> No.5199380

I take everything back.
Nyanners suicide in a day or 2

>> No.5199382

>Nyaniggers already coping

>> No.5199395

i kneel kiarachads

>> No.5199439

i mean that's what she is so why wouldn't she get treated like that

>> No.5199474

Nyanners was honestly boring as shit. If it wasn't for the bullying, there would be nothing going on at all.

>> No.5199482

I take back everything holy shit. That bit about having no friends OR FAMILY is legendary. Clipfags get to it

>> No.5199485
File: 512 KB, 1217x443, 2021-06-16 (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also kneel KFPs I'll take a short break from hating on her, she earned it.

>> No.5199502

Nearly as good as the CocoMori collab. The levels of BTFO were on point

>> No.5199513
Quoted by: >>5200526 >>5217209

She also didn't know how to play any of the games though.

>> No.5199526
File: 227 KB, 602x329, perhaps_i_treated_you_too_harshly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5199545

29k likes vs 1.2k dislikes.
You didn't have the power to stop Kiara obliterating Nyanners live on stream. You could've prevented it but you didn't and I'm glad. Highly entertaining stream.

>> No.5199553
File: 2.94 MB, 250x250, smol rat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a vshojo fan this was fun
We could have told you she is very socially anxious around new people
Her stress is melting away in this post-call stream kek

>> No.5199579 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5199591
Quoted by: >>5199638

>As a vshojo fan
opinion discarded

>> No.5199606
Quoted by: >>5199837 >>5208035

I knew that this was going to happen, she is rude and always makes fun of her collab partners
For once those skills came in handy

>> No.5199638
Quoted by: >>5199843


>> No.5199687

>As a vshojo fan
stopped reading there
leave while you still can

>> No.5199719
Quoted by: >>5200173

Nyanners was fucking boring and fake and didn't know how to play CHECKERS
Got walked all over by Kiara like a doormat

>> No.5199721
Quoted by: >>5199886 >>5200821

No she's like 25 at most

>> No.5199752
Quoted by: >>5199897

i didnt read your post but thats a cute rat, do u have anymore like it

>> No.5199824
Quoted by: >>5200048 >>5202660

It was my first time watching Kiara and I think now I got a headache.

>> No.5199837

for once her massive inferiority complex fueling her unfiltered autism and sociopathy worked for the greater good

>> No.5199843

anonchama is actually right here

>> No.5199845
File: 450 KB, 720x510, nyan kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl with social anxiety is bad at socialising
wow what a shock

>> No.5199886

she was an underage b& 16 year old
14 years ago

>> No.5199897
File: 546 KB, 674x791, rat sociopath studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All rats are cute

>> No.5199906

Get the fuck out. You're not welcome.

>> No.5199936
Quoted by: >>5211485

>what you don't have any friends to play games with? what about family surely you played games with your family right?
Kneel before chicken

>> No.5199937
Quoted by: >>5200231

>spinning narrative
Current state of /vt/ kek
Firstly, it was "It will end Hololive"
Then, it was "It will be fail"
Now, it's "Kiara won in board games"

>> No.5199940

>Vshitters best can't collab with HoloEN's worst

>> No.5199942

>social anxiety
>literally streams to thousands on a daily basis
shut the fuck up nyantard, your waifu is shit

>> No.5199972
Quoted by: >>5200161 >>5200162

>As a vshojo fan this was fun
Why are you here on 4chan? Go back to plebit

>> No.5199994

Its incredible how many people here do not understand humor or friendly joshing.

>> No.5200027
File: 800 KB, 1945x2048, 1613395108867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5200099

>obliterates her in EVERY FUCKING GAME
And this is Kiara for fucks sake!
If it's Ame or Gura, i can't even imagine...

>> No.5200028

>girl with social anxiety
That's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one

>> No.5200037
File: 25 KB, 363x331, 1620521709657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5200107

Make this Nyanners bitch collab with Matsuri and tell her that liking lolis = pedophilia.

>> No.5200048

Fucking this.

>> No.5200052

ive seen some gross ones, but like the lil' dudes are so cute. like hamsters but without the feeling that they'll cease to exist if you leave them alone for too long

>> No.5200066
File: 36 KB, 325x325, 1612261341685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna stay and you faggots can't stop me.

>> No.5200077

People keep forgetting Kiara is a stacy. People keep forgetting she runs through idol pussy like tissue paper. People keep forgetting the usual room.

>> No.5200099

>opens blackjack twice in a row
Nyanners never had a chance

>> No.5200107

Make this anon tell his parents he wants to touch anime children.

>> No.5200117

Vsojobro. Glad to see you here.

>> No.5200161
File: 296 KB, 400x300, 1326158371004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why I would leave now but bye I guess

>> No.5200162
Quoted by: >>5203003 >>5213599

Not that guy but I literally just come here to watch you freaks seethe and lose your minds over every little thing lol

>> No.5200173

>like a doormat
All of holoEN are doormats, faggot.

>> No.5200175
Quoted by: >>5200539 >>5211556

>"Let me ask you a question. Did you just not have friends?"
>"how did you know?"
>Kiara laughs in her face

>> No.5200205
Quoted by: >>5200314

You can't touch something that isn't real you fucking retard

>> No.5200230
Quoted by: >>5200314

>anime = real
where can I find Goku fighting people with giant laser blasts, anon?

>> No.5200231
Quoted by: >>5200539 >>5207681

Nyaniggers exterminated, obliterated, anhihilated by Kiara Takanashi, Net Fuhrer of the HoloReich

oh and you can leave now sweaty :)

>> No.5200294
File: 707 KB, 505x580, 1623880893971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5200412 >>5200539

Fried Nyanners in her industrial size air fryer.
Kek this was such a terrible collab saved by absolutly murdering one the collab partners in multiple ways

>> No.5200314

You touch yourself to children and your weird pedophile chode is real.
I heard that happened in Mexico the other day.

>> No.5200378
File: 15 KB, 168x131, gigastacy RAPES a pink cat live on air.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5200539 >>5207681


>> No.5200379
Quoted by: >>5200547

All that matters is this fraud cat will forever be shunned by the site that made her relevant. An outcast. Who pretends to be a cat for a living.

>> No.5200412
Quoted by: >>5207681

This collab was the streaming equivalent of Kiara wrapping her fingers around Nyanners's neck and whispering "I could kill you any time I wanted."

>> No.5200432

I remember a long time ago we were both 19 at the same time. Don't remember how I confirmed that. Anyway if that's correct she's 28 now.

>> No.5200437
File: 507 KB, 998x628, steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5200636

So uh
Those were some pretty high numbers
And Mori/Ironmouse is incoming
Aren't more collabs inevitable?

>> No.5200478

late 20's iirc
t. subscribed from 2010-2015

>> No.5200481
Quoted by: >>5200539 >>5202390

it was in fact, very fun to watch nyanners get absolutely demolished in clubhouse 51. I hope we can get a chess match next time.

>> No.5200490
File: 1.02 MB, 748x1078, 1623882569263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Kiara literally said she was going to mindbreak Nyanners.
It's like she was actually reading the thread and just decided to roll with it. Hopefully somebody clipped that.

>> No.5200526
Quoted by: >>5200598

Please do not use "though" at the end of your sentences.

>> No.5200539
File: 9 KB, 276x183, gosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5200667

Glad you could tune in holofriends!

>> No.5200547
Quoted by: >>5200646

>Who pretends to be a cat for a living.
Are you actually interested in vtubers or are you just a tourist?

>> No.5200574

And tell me anon, where can I find these "anime characters?"

>> No.5200585
Quoted by: >>5200643

enjoy your vshojo board

>> No.5200598
Quoted by: >>5200776

why though

>> No.5200636

Hell no you cant destroy Nyanners every stream to save it from being boring as shit

>> No.5200638
File: 465 KB, 1600x2263, ming-cat-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.5200643

Thanks, I will!

>> No.5200646
Quoted by: >>5201049

I just find it ironic that she pretended to be someone here and is pretending for a living now.

>> No.5200667
File: 146 KB, 600x900, Emblem_Stasi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5200890

I was expecting to see a disaster unfold before me
But thankfully I'm not a Nyanners fan

>> No.5200776

I also don't know though

>> No.5200794

You seem weirdly obsessed with children, anon. Tell your school immediately.

>> No.5200821

she said she was 16 when she uploaded pomf in 2012, so do the math on that one.

>> No.5200855

Kiara Fried Phoenix is dead!
All hail Kiara Führerstag Phönixministerium!

Time to make cat soap!

>> No.5200885

According to anime logic, that makes her 17 now.

>> No.5200890
Quoted by: >>5201196

Nyanfags enjoyed seeing Nyanners get demolished. Pink cat getting bullied is very enjoyable content.

>> No.5200958

Nyan turned 28 earlier this week.

>> No.5201016 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5201289

So what is it now, Third Holoreich?

>> No.5201045

that's not real. she lied about her age so it didn't seem as bad. she was like 19. actually do your reps and stop listening to a liar

>> No.5201049
Quoted by: >>5201115

We were all edgy kids trying too hard once, especially on 4chan. She was like 11 or something at the start.

>> No.5201054

Tenchou, I kneel!

>> No.5201062

Smart shy act by Nyanners. I respect her even more now.

>> No.5201115
Quoted by: >>5201171 >>5201417

I am still me, I never lied about who I was. Because i'm not a fraud. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I used people for personal gain.

>> No.5201171
Quoted by: >>5201383

*adding to this, this would be like if I was some e-celeb popular on here, and then abandoning everything to shit on the site in favor of tumblr sjws.
even if that provides more money, i'd be a fake. that is literally grifting.

>> No.5201196
File: 109 KB, 500x629, 1615838154942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5201289

Don't forget to tell Nyaniggers that the LEAST popular HoloEN brutalized this boring shitter cat, the """""best""""" Vthot like it was nothing

Mogged in personality
Ethered in bants
Obliterated in games
Demolished in living parental figures
The only thing that was left was for Kiara to shoot her in the head and put her out of her misery
but the Chicken Fuhrer shows no mercy to the weak

>> No.5201383
Quoted by: >>5201447

What if she just had a genuine shift in opinion. She used to be ok with pedoshit but isn't any longer. That seems entirely normal to me. If you haven't moved on from some shit from your early 4chan days you are very stunted.

I don't really get this feeling of having been betrayed. Who gives a shit. She's an entertainer, you don't have to agree or care what she thinks at all.

>> No.5201386
Quoted by: >>5202349

well that happens when you get bullied growing up

>> No.5201417

Good for you, I personally made a few posts to try and fit in, except I never got the attention she did, nor wanted it like she probably did. The thing is, she was young and dumb (and female) and hadn't fully formed her brain yet (and likely never will). She probably didn't even realize who she actually was.

>> No.5201429
File: 100 KB, 900x900, 1500232573514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a life :)

>> No.5201447

a 2D drawing doesn't make you a fucking pedophile, it is asinine to imply that. That's like saying watching a hentai means you enjoy watching real life rape.

>> No.5201460

NTA, but you're on /vt/ frogposter, nobody here has a life, least of all you.

>> No.5201522
Quoted by: >>5204854 >>5207331

If you jack off to cartoon horses im gonna call you a ponyfucker, simple as.

If you jack off to cartoon kids...

>> No.5201544
Quoted by: >>5202256

You can't argue with discord trannies, they don't give a shit since they groom kids IRL. They're trolling.

>> No.5201652

after you m'lady

>> No.5201692

just like that nip showing no mercy to cake princess in that wrestling ring am i right

>> No.5201778
File: 540 KB, 753x948, Horned Rat notice me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202008 >>5211799

And smart bright.

>> No.5201984
Quoted by: >>5202159 >>5204642

meds now

>> No.5202008

Holy crap, they already made an article about the stream?

>> No.5202159

>the things that happened in the stream and every anon observed didn't happen
>it's in the stream, wtf are you talking abou-
I know your favourite wrestler, nyanigger
Adam COPEland

>> No.5202256

I mean really, how can people not distinguish the difference? It's like saying if you play GTA that you like to steal cars IRL and shoot people in the head.

>> No.5202270

Explain what's the diference between jacking off to loli hentai and jacking off to cp. I'm not that anon, and I don't have an opinion.

>> No.5202303
Quoted by: >>5202385 >>5202561

Real life underage girls are objectively wrong to look at in that manner, and anime is not real.

>> No.5202349

I can see you projecting from a mile away

>> No.5202385
Quoted by: >>5202476 >>5202607

That's not an explaination, that's fact-stating. Explain why it's different.

>> No.5202390
Quoted by: >>5202517

>next time
dream on, nyacuck

>> No.5202393

She was making content here in the mid 2000s as a teenager, definitely pushing 30 now

>> No.5202476
Quoted by: >>5202793 >>5202822

a 2D drawing is not a real person. If you read a doujin that has a 16 year old girl, you aren't sexualizing a minor cause they aren't even real. It's a drawing.

Shooting someone in GTA is not real murder, it's a simulation.

>> No.5202512

Nah son, didn't you hear? There's more collabs coming. We're here to stay.

>> No.5202517

there absolutely will be chess between them at some point.

>> No.5202552
File: 182 KB, 400x400, 1621819713519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202685

>Y-you have to believe me anon, she actually invited her to make fun of her! It wasn't an actual collab, chicken is still based!

>> No.5202561
Quoted by: >>5202737 >>5202765

But it stands to reason that whatever drawn pornagraphy you like can give us, if not 100%, then quite a bit of insight into your sexuality. A guy who jacks off to yaoi and bara is probably gay right?

>> No.5202607
Quoted by: >>5202822


>> No.5202660

Imagine also having to play unfamiliar games at the same time

>> No.5202685
File: 240 KB, 225x225, 1234567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202988 >>5204616

>m-m-m-muh pink cat actually had such a good time!
>it was so friendly, I swear!
You are here forever.

>> No.5202724

>nobody made fun of anybody's dead dad here

>> No.5202737
Quoted by: >>5202889

Even straight girls like yaoi shit.

>> No.5202751
Quoted by: >>5202921

just remember: nothing you can say or do will stop the collabs to follow :)

>> No.5202763

One doesn't require fucking up an actual child to produce

>> No.5202765

>A guy who jacks off to yaoi and bara is probably gay right?
Yaoi isnt made for gay guys; bara is mad homo though

>> No.5202783

2D lolis are sexy, 3D lolis are not.

>> No.5202793

Yes, you can't violate a drawing. But consuming hentai that features a 16 year old probably means that you are sexually attracted to 16 year olds. Even if you wouldn't ever do it for real because of moral/legal reasons.

Similarly, if you like loli you have pedophilic tendencies. This is an anonymous website, you can admit it here.

>> No.5202822
Quoted by: >>5206241

Motherfucker, there's nothing wrong with asking for evidence or explainations. Feel free to believe whatever bullshit you get fed without reasoning for yourself, though.

So let's say that ten, no, twenty years from now I'm jacking off to an extremely realistic loli 3D model. Would that be ok because it wouldn't be promoting kidnapping and raping actual children on camera?

>> No.5202825
Quoted by: >>5203024 >>5203108

No, I prefer legal adults. And I don't even prefer loli stuff, but if you watch a slice of life anime and the girls are 16, you aren't a pedo for liking how they look.

>> No.5202889

There's a different perception with fujoshi, but really it's no different than a straight guy watching lesbian porn. Still hetero.

>> No.5202906
Quoted by: >>5202994


>> No.5202914
Quoted by: >>5205547

>a 2D drawing doesn't make you a fucking pedophile

Of course not. But a pedophile makes a certain kind of 2d drawing, and other pedophiles jack off to it.

> watching a hentai means you enjoy watching real life rape

Have you never seen japanese live action porn? There's a reason it always sounds like a 13 y/o getting raped.

>> No.5202921

Oh no, what a terrible thing, I can see your dear pink cat get utterly humiliated and exposed for the awful no personality talentless shit that she is?
I am literally shaking smileyfag!

By the way, do you think Kiara will make fun of her dying friend next? That would be funny :)

>> No.5202988
File: 103 KB, 322x244, 1621842508370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203076

>delusional globaltard projecting
No amount of cope will change the fact that (You)r oshi just collabed with nyaggers. You will live with that shitstain forever.
Add it to the list of mistakes brought by EN.

>> No.5202994

>Average "it was just friendly bants" gaslighter
>Average "great murder, Tenchou" observer

>> No.5203003

if you don't come to /vt/ for the schizo rrats, you're the schizo.

>> No.5203024
Quoted by: >>5203102

No, no ones saying that. That young people can be beautiful is universally acknowledged. It's the sexualizing that's the important bit, and the sexualizing of underage characters in anime does get a lot of heat, even in japan.

Personally I think the art is harmless and doesn't have a link to real life abuse. But people who deny that loli stuff has any connection to pedophilia whatsoever strike me as in denial, and probably don't think this way about any other kind of illustrated porn.

>> No.5203066
Quoted by: >>5203374

16 year olds in hentai are basically indistinguishable from any other sexually developed character until you get to the 30+ range where they start putting on weight and talking about how old they are while they're getting fucked. They are nothing at all like real 16 year olds.

>> No.5203076
File: 92 KB, 1080x1055, 1592883944384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203559

>You will live with that shitstain forever.
Oh dear, I have to live with Kiara exposing pink cat for being a worthless shitter that doesn't have any qualification to be the top Vcunt?
How awful for me! What is she going to do next, get a karaoke stream going and have the dumb bitch botch every note and pitch?

>I'm not coping, you're coping!
Exit your room once in a while, it will do you wonders.

>> No.5203102

pomf pomf

>> No.5203108
Quoted by: >>5203265

>a slice of life anime and the girls are 16
Absolute most of them have pronounced boobs and asses like adults. You're being disingenuous here anon.

>> No.5203139
Quoted by: >>5203328 >>5205098

No, and this is what you fags never get.
People fap to cartoons because it's a fantasy. An idealization of sex. A lolicon doesn't want to fuck a kid, in fact, the kid may as well be repulsive to the lolicon. The lolicon finds attractive the fantasy of the loli, not the real thing.
You should be wary of pedos that dislike loli porn, since most rapists don't consume porn.

>> No.5203265

She thinks loli is bad now yet works with people that are sexualized versions of women. How offensive. To degrade real life women and treat them as objects!

>> No.5203328
Quoted by: >>5203563

This is the kind of answer I like, good shit. It does leave me wondering; it is fantasy, but the common theme between lolis and actual children (being underage) remains. Don't you think that's part of the fantasy too?

>> No.5203374

The same is often true in real life lol. If you go on tiktok you will some underage girls who look exactly the same as any given 23 year old. I'm honestly not judging, my assertion is that straight men are attracted to young women. And that in broad strokes your sexuality is not radically different in 2d than in 3d. A drawn teenager's age is also usually emphasized, such as being in a school uniform, a stereotype that is so well trodden even normies know about it. It features in 3d porn too where everyone portrayed is 18+ ;) trust us.

The fundamental attraction is really not all that different. Fantasies are fantasies, obviously. But I think loli stuff is veering into a different sexuality. Normal straight men are not attracted to pre pubescent children, full stop. A certain portion of the population is however.

>> No.5203459
Quoted by: >>5203588

>puts pink cat up the wall
>doesn't let her get a word in
once again proving she is annoying af
>makes fun of her being a friendless loser
how many people did a collab with kiara more than once? excluding genmates
>mocks her dead cancer daddy
this is just kinda fucked up if you put it like that but it wasn't this bad
>obliterates her in EVERY FUCKING GAME
this was painfull to watch

>> No.5203492

Kiara could probably do a collab with Connor and put him in his place twice as hard as Mouse can.

>> No.5203559
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1611536223333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara exposing pink cat for being a worthless shitter that doesn't have any qualification to be the top Vcunt
It's time to let go of the 40 liters of copium, anon. The collab wasn't your fault. You're going to pop off a vein with how hard you're seething right now while trying to uphold your oshi's reputation.

>> No.5203563

I wouldn't know, I don't like loli.
I lurk the Venuses threads on /d/... Holy fuck.

>> No.5203588

>defending nyanners in the hopes of getting one over on Kiara
Eggman, you've sunken to a new low.

>> No.5203594
Quoted by: >>5203692 >>5205256

average /vt/ shitter
>must hate
>partakes in destruction
>only finds hollow victory in chaos

superior cultured anon
>likes whatever and whoever he likes
>is looked up to by lessers
>lessers envy him
>lessers are tsundere for him
>makes art
>makes music
>makes memes
>ignores rrat culture
>supports oshi(s)
>smiles are genuine
>lives his best life

>> No.5203692 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 230x326, 1623887839022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203782

>>ignores rrat culture

>> No.5203782
File: 164 KB, 737x1409, 1621250680771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203862

breached containment long ago. almost all rratposters are redditors trying to blend in.

>> No.5203862

sizeable if verified

>> No.5204102

This was a classic German vs American. An extrovert happy-go-lucky vs a wardrobe shy dweller. As a European, you Americans are taking shit way too seriously.

>> No.5204579
Quoted by: >>5204650

You need to go back

>> No.5204616
Quoted by: >>5210674 >>5213317

What does the N on his head stand for?

>> No.5204642
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1622581235184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyanderthal, can't talk anything but be a parrot, why am i surprised

>> No.5204650
File: 478 KB, 499x281, 1341519229009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5204854


well you are a fucking retard if you call some one a ponyfucker for jacking off to horses.

do you call a gta player a felon for breaking into a bank in the game?

do you call some one a genocider if they kill an entire village in skyrim?

do you retards even listen to yourself and your double think?

>> No.5204917
File: 277 KB, 956x538, Kiaran History X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205098


funny how
most people who extremely against loli and fictitious drawings end up getting outed as actual pedophiles

at this point mi almost convinced that most of this loli hate is ether denial or subterfuge to hide their real tendencies

>> No.5205130

:D rat

>> No.5205157

i literally live at home and have a loli dakimakura

>> No.5205193
File: 117 KB, 720x489, atm rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rat D;

>> No.5205256
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, acend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5206794

>not being an ascended anon

>loves and hates whatever and whoever he likes
>constructive, with a little shitposting/baiting on the side when warranted
>is looked up to by lesser and hated by "superior"? cultured anons
>all envy him
>lessers admire him, "superior" anons cant stand him
>makes GOOD art
>makes GOOD music
>makes GOOD memes
>ignores rrat culture, but participates now and then because its fun
>supports his oshi and the medium as a whole to ensure its continued success
>has never once frowned
>lives his best life['spoiler]x2[/spoiler]

>> No.5205260
Quoted by: >>5205317

>Coco mogged Mori
>Kiara mogged Nyanners
I can't wait for the Holotalk clash of the orange haired giga stacy titans.

>> No.5205272

Not against lolis here, I just wanted to know why people think liking lolis isn't being a pedo. I don't have an opinion on the subject, it's just that when you see someone jacking off to a little girl on a swimsuit but call others pedo on chat well, you know, questions rise.
Seriously though, what's the difference? We got the fantasy thing, lolis aren't real, people jack off to the fantasy, fine, but why do they? Because lolis are small and easy to handle? Because they are as smart as little kids? Imo, I think the former is healthy, while the latter is what makes you an actual pedo- to take advantage of someone's innocence.

>> No.5205314


you know, obsessing over children this hard is not gonna make people think you aren't a pedo,
what you're doing not that effective, like come on just stop talking about children for like a few minutes, this is just trying way to hard, its like all these pedos think that if you spam anti loli shit constantly, you can avoid being discovered lol.

people can spot your kind a mile away.

>> No.5205317

This is the power of the orange woman.

>> No.5205547
Quoted by: >>5206141 >>5212018

that wasn't referring to you but people referring to people similar to

its like they have a knee jerk reaction to mention pedophilia the second they see kids,
its like its the only thing on their mind.
i remember back a while there was a controversy where there was a picture of a dad taking a bath with his daughter in a vintage photo, and a bunch of these pedophiles kept calling the dad a pedophile and kept screaming about "ahh pedophiles should get the rope, degeneracyyy
etc non stop, meanwhile literally no one else even paid attention to this, and just thought it was a good vintage photo.
its almost like these guys only think about children sexually to beable to even imagine that,
its like they assume that if you help a child cross a street its because you want to FUCK them, these people are literally disgusting, its like fucking children is the only thing on their mind that they assume pedophile on any interaction with a child

>> No.5205611

Can someone help me out with some timestamps or clips?

>> No.5205643
File: 211 KB, 850x1208, obaachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5205681 >>5206141

Since we're basically /jp/ one step removed at this point, are you a fucking pedophile if you're wanking it to JAV with a grown ass woman that looks extremely young and is pettan as they come?
If the answer is yes to my question, then 2Dlolicons are pedos.
moar 3D christmas cakes for me
I don't get their fetish, but I will defend to the death their right to have it. They're drawings. I don't care if it's a 900 year old loli, or a dead/ghost 19 year old loli that looks 12, or a 200 year old reanimated doll of a loli. It's 2D. It's not fucking real. Didn't the motherfucker that brought up that whole anti-loli stink at the UN end up getting jailed for diddling kids? Methinks a lot of the anti-lolis are projecting...

>> No.5205649

It's kinda amusing just how suprised and amazed people are here of Nyanners getting dominated here. Pink Cat's streaming schtick is that she's loud and proud now and then but descends into embarressed cringe at the drop of a pin. Literally any collab with the other vshojos has her getting bodied by the louder and more aggressive girls of the group.

She stood no chance against the Giga that is Kiara and nobody expected her to be.

>> No.5205681
Quoted by: >>5205738 >>5206016

This is the only morally acceptable drawing to jack off to.

>> No.5205712
File: 80 KB, 481x238, meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5205756

the problem is Kiara doesn't understand how humor works in the english language.

>> No.5205738 [SPOILER] 
File: 300 KB, 600x678, 1623891438728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for any uncultured swine who didn't get the reference, I am referring to the monogatari loli trinity

>> No.5205756

Or maybe you don't, she's clearly fucking around. I've never heard her come off as genuinely mean spirited. If anything she indicates a little too much that she's not serious instead of leaning in.

>> No.5206016


morality is a spook

hierarchies don't exist

>> No.5206141
Quoted by: >>5206461 >>5206741

Yeah, I can tell there's a pattern too. As if they were trying to make damn sure everyone else thinks they hate pedos, to keep that spotlight as far away as they can.

The whole 'it's fantasy, fuck you' thing has a good point to it. People playing GTA aren't mass murderers, fuckers jacking it off to lolis don't rape little girls. In fact, I think fantasy helps them vent off steam, saving lives in the process.

Considering both 6 y/o android with full grown bodies and 9000 y/o vampire lolis, my verdict is that the true issue with pedophilia is taking advantage of someone else's innocence, to find pleasure in abusing the vulnerability that comes with being little, to reinforce the belief that innocence is to be exploited. The man who wants to fuck the 6 y/o android is the true pedo.

>> No.5206241

Ofc it would be ok

>> No.5206360
Quoted by: >>5206461 >>5206616


Spoken like someone who's never interacted with real kids. They are fucking annoying. And dumb on top of that.

Lolis? They can have whatever personality you want, because THEY'RE NOT REAL.

>> No.5206427

There isn't one truthfully. But people want to separate it because american retardation. In japan you'd find the lolicon doujins right next to the junior idol dvds and no one would give a fuck

>> No.5206461
File: 1.98 MB, 1430x804, OpMLNVU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5206616

>Considering both 6 y/o android with full grown bodies and 9000 y/o vampire lolis, my verdict is that the true issue with pedophilia is taking advantage of someone else's innocence, to find pleasure in abusing the vulnerability that comes with being little, to reinforce the belief that innocence is to be exploited. The man who wants to fuck the 6 y/o android is the true pedo.
You had me up until there.
It's because children have no agency Anon, more than anything else. They cannot consent. Consent kind of goes flying out the window when you're talking about a "6 year old loli android". It's too far removed from reality to fucking matter. Fantasy and fiction do not require consent. People watching rape fantasy Attackers JAVs aren't rapists either. It's trashy and it doesn't tickle my pickle, but that shit isn't hurting anyone - unless the RL actress filming it is being hurt.
>Lolis? They can have whatever personality you want, because THEY'RE NOT REAL.
Basically this.

>> No.5206616
Quoted by: >>5206677 >>5206936

The 6 y/o android was the fully grown one, though.
I'll give you that; it's fantasy, it doesn't harm anyone, it lets people blow off steam. Fantasy doesn't require consent. I agree, I jack off to rape videos all the time. But even if it's fantasy, if it involves the '6 y/o fully-grown android', someone with no agency who cannot consent, it's still pedophilia even if no one gets harmed.
Also getting actors getting hurt, for real or not, turns me the fuck off.

Some kids are annoying, others are smart, others are quiet, others are kind. They are humans; humans have different personalities. What they all have in common is a lack in agency- they don't understand the world enough to make any kind of informed call, to be involved in something as taboo as sex.
But yeah, lolis can have any personality you want lol that's ok. My point is that pedophilia is not a matter of the size of the body, but a matter of the mind of the individual and the context of innocence.

>> No.5206677
Quoted by: >>5206752

tl;dr; loli is pedophilia if the girl involved has no agency.

>> No.5206741
Quoted by: >>5206786 >>5216519

I do think there is something of an exception here because pedophilia is not categorized as a paraphilia but a full sexual orientation. So even if an otherwise normal guy has rape fantasies that doesn't mean he actually wants to rape anyone, plenty of women have rape fantasies as well and obviously aren't interested in actually being raped. It's in the realm of paraphilia, or a sexual fetish.

A pedophile though is more equivalent to being gay or straight. If all your sexual experiences are with women but you also jerk it to bara most people are going to see that as rather gay. Even if you have never actually partook, whatever your reasons might be. The idea of a guy who only likes gay porn when illustrated but is otherwise straight, I mean I guess you can imagine it, but it flies in the face of common sense. If you saw your straight roommate doing that your first assumption would be "he's gay or bi". Not that we couldn't speculate. By this same rationale people are going to assume you're a pedo if they find your loli doujin lying around. If they are extremely open minded, they might consider you very lightly on a "pedophile spectrum" so to speak, and not think that you're dangerous around children. But you're still on there, and the average reaction is going to be much less accepting.

It would seem to me that liking loli means you are at least somewhat attracted to children. 9000 year old vampire lolis are more abstract, but the stuff you see printed in LO? Not so much, that's just kids being fucked. Looking into it the science is pretty murky on what crossover exists between people who enjoy lolicon and actual pedophiles. Mostly because there hasn't been a lot of it conducted. Consuming normal child porn is greatly associated with pedophilia, sounds obvious but you have to demonstrate that there's a connection. it's questionable if it's all that different when it's drawn. I don't claim to know for certain.

>> No.5206752
Quoted by: >>5206936 >>5207379

But then all loli pornography is pedophilia because drawings have no agency. If you generalize all pornography (except actually watching people have sex) is pedophilia, because no depiction of a woman has agency.

>> No.5206786
Quoted by: >>5206936

>9000 year old vampire lolis are more abstract
Sorry, but I only like lolibabas, because I am attracted to personalities and the gap moe is extremely important to my sexual gratification. I also like hags acting like middle school girls.

>> No.5206794

Damascus is ascended?????

>> No.5206936
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, ABAYO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5206959 >>5207379

>Also getting actors getting hurt, for real or not, turns me the fuck off.
Amen...now if she's ASKING to be choked and is in to it. Gimme. Still going to have to agree to disagree on the android thing. Could an android even consent if they were 60 and looked 6? Does it even matter? It's fictional.
This whole stink is about Nyanigger saying that lolicons are pedos like a fucking retard. A pedophile is someone who is ONLY sexually attracted to underaged children. REAL ones. That is a fucking problem and a plague on society. Equating people drawing loli shit with that is ridiculous.
Again, I'd probably get crucified anyways for saying more because even though I love my chuubas and the aesthetic of some of the spicier lewds or even just the way some fanart depicts the female form, 2D can not get my rocks off. Period. I don't understand lolicon because I can't understand the 2D attraction in the first place. e.g. >>5206786
But I understand enough to know nothing is wrong with it, and KNOW enough to understand that it is NOT pedophilia.

>> No.5206959
Quoted by: >>5207032 >>5207168

>That is a fucking problem and a plague on society
Is it really?
They're largely irrelevant.

>> No.5207032
File: 1.97 MB, 720x416, frank_nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5207075

Don't diddle the kids. I'll probably never have any of my own, but I'd rather not worry about someone diddling them. And somehow I feel confident in saying that the weirdos spanking it to lolibaba or lolivampire shit are the least of my concerns.
Make sense?

>> No.5207075
Quoted by: >>5207183

Do you think that they are meaningful group of people to be concerned about beyond the way society is already?
Honestly, I think they don't matter. They don't even have poltical agency.
There's more pressing issues that the evil pedos, really.

>> No.5207120

It kinda got me hard seeing Kiara dominate nyanners so hard

>> No.5207168
Quoted by: >>5207346

Depends, this becomes a problem that society needs to address when it's built into institutions. The Catholic Church scandal being the most infamous example. Or if you're the on the board of tourism and immigration in Cambodia. These are more structural issues that can be changed.

Preventing child sexual abuse within families is just as hard to prevent as normal abuse within families. There are warning signs that you might detect at school or work or whatever but largely this is unpreventable tragedy. Other than punishing the perpetrator when discovered and paying for some therapy there's not a lot you can do.

Also the ongoing revelations of the rich and powerful having what are basically child sex societies is more than a little spooky. But pedophiles don't really have any group cohesion so this has little to do with the type of dullards that Chris Hanson used to rope on his show.

>> No.5207181

I don't want to add a conjecture but my attraction to loli is that my tastes never "grew up" with me. I got stuck liking young girls because i never experienced them when i was young myself. Maybe being hugless kissless virgin has something to do with it.

>> No.5207183

I just wasn't about to defend them is all. I'll defend lolicons, but not actual pedos. My multi-TB stash of VR porn is a bigger "problem" than lolicon shit if we're being real.

>> No.5207261
File: 133 KB, 638x696, 852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5207468

when a guy bakes a birthday cake for his anime waifu and presents it to her shrine each year, no one legitimately thinks "this guy must really be into real women"
some people are incapable of understanding how someone can be fully satisfied with 2d, and just project their own desire for 3dpd onto everyone else.

>> No.5207313

I think I can get where you're coming from because I knew some girls as a kid but not as a teen so now I'm stuck in ephebophilia mode

>> No.5207331

And if you take your garbage out you are a garbageman. And suddenly you are a chef every time you make food.

>> No.5207339

I think that's coincidental anon. I'm now into 3D christmas cakes and hags.
t. 30 year old virgin

>> No.5207346

Exactly, all concerns are largely strucutural.
It is only the interest groups you need to be concerned about, "pedophiles" literally don't factor into the world as it is.

>the rich and powerful having what are basically child sex societies is more than a little spooky
It's really not, if you think about it. It's the elite mindset, we are better than the rabble so we can enjoy things they cannot. It is also about creating group cohesion, having a shared secret that will ruin you brings them all closer together. It's a self-perpetuating system of power and control.

>> No.5207373

Do pay in mind, drawings and 3d stuff. IRL is widly different. I like hags, to put it simple, dislike neoteneous features and childlike personalities on adults

>> No.5207379
Quoted by: >>5207415

Eh, then how about this: Loli is pedophilia if the girl/boy is depicted with the lack of agency that comes with innocence.

Fiction or not, what matters is if consent is being considered in the context. My current theory is that Nyanners is wrong because jacking off to a small body and jacking off to the exploit of innocence are two wildly different things.

>> No.5207415
Quoted by: >>5207549

Define innocence. Drawings are inherently innocent, are all drawings of nude people pedophilia?

>> No.5207416

I'm willing to believe that most of the people that thinks that loli equals pedo has real issues differentiating 2d lolis and kids.

>> No.5207468

It's pure copium, the only people who are fully satisfied with 2d are mild mannered psychopaths who have no need for genuine connection. A waifu isn't a replacement for a relationship because it isn't a relationship, it's an elaborate fantasy. In the same way emotionally damaged middle school girls pretend that they're going out with a member of a boy band.

>> No.5207549
Quoted by: >>5207610

I'm not talking about the drawing, but of the situation the drawing depicts, of the world inside of it. Innocence would be a lack of awareness on a subject, in this case of the nature of sex and social dynamics that kids learn as they grow up.

>> No.5207610

So then in your mind pornography of Oshino Shinobu would not be pedophilic?
She is after all the remnant of a 300 year old vampire and just acts like a child because she enjoys doing so.

>> No.5207681

such a shame kiara still managed to rack up a fat L by pushing her scat fetish with a new collab partner

>> No.5207704
File: 175 KB, 340x340, 1620591160624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe she called Nyanners a friendless loser right to her face, what an absolute stacy personified

>> No.5207728

I'm not sure if it would or it wouldn't because the definition of pedophilia is blurry at best, but I think jacking off to her wouldn't be wrong at all. After all, the aspect of pedophilia that's harmful is the exploit of innocence. Shinobu has none of it.

>> No.5207743
Quoted by: >>5207911

Not that anon. If I was going to look for Shinobu porn it would be teenobu anyways because her character design was the best. Or hagobu. But no, it isn't. And neither would Hachikuji porn or Ononoki. It's not real.

>> No.5207846
File: 112 KB, 1688x2000, alpha stares at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is a giant ALPHA STACY, when she wants. Nyanners is utterly beta, so gets steamrolled by a personality like Kiara. Even when Kiara seems like a beta, she is only playing beta to avoid confrontation with other ALPHAS.

Calli and Ame (and arguably Ina) are all Omega personalities. Kiara does not carry her usual dominating effect, and is left an alpha without a leader.

Gura is a beta personality, but can flip Alpha, to fight back. This means she is typically in a lower position to Kiara, but is scrappy and capable of play fighting the leader position.

It's kind of perfect, the hololive girls are all compatible and so there isnt any negative unfairness, besides an awarness of Gura's beta.

Nyanners is, a complete BETA. insecure and nervous-minded is her most defining characteristic, and Kiara is a COMPLETE ALPHA. Hard working, ambitious, strong sense of self.

It was obvious, Kiara would absolutely chad over her.

>> No.5207902
File: 566 KB, 2500x3000, 1615629706149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5207951

God this is so fucking hot

>> No.5207911

Child Shinobu is my favorite design, but I would only enjoy her fully clothed, the sundress and the cute slippers are what make her appeal.
I dislike Kiss-shot with her fur collar, though.
Teenobu is ok.

>> No.5207949

Not the anon you're responding to, but, in a way - yes, there isn't an aspect of innocence lost/exploited when a century old vampire lets you have your way with her body.
In practice, different people define loli differently - it can mean just a bodytype with any behaviour stereotype; any bodytype but with extremely innocent worldview; only those with a bodytype and an innocent personality.

>> No.5207951
File: 3.02 MB, 2034x1695, 1623885493818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5208349


>> No.5208035
File: 112 KB, 811x811, 1593661353453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this.Good times.

>> No.5208349


>> No.5209058
Quoted by: >>5209333 >>5209508

one is pure fantasy and the other is a tramatizing crime. it's like asking what's the difference between reading a revenge isekai and watching a mass shooting.

most women have a rape fantasy but would find an actual rape traumatizing. getting off to a hentai with a rape scene isn't the same as getting off to actual found rape footage.

>> No.5209258

fuck no

>> No.5209333
Quoted by: >>5209812 >>5209845

Then the problem isn't the fetish behind it, but the way the content was created. Is that your point, or at least part of it?

>> No.5209508

NTA. The thought that still has me on the other side of the fence is this: if someone watches yaoi hentai, they likely at least have some homosexual tendencies. Extending this, if someone watches loli hentai...

>> No.5209812
File: 392 KB, 1032x860, 1623870923386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5210949

i have to assume the average lolicon finds the exploitation of actual children unattractive.

you'd have to have something wrong with you mentally to find things like real children, real rape, real murder attractive. while in fiction it's just pure fantasy detached from reality.

>> No.5209845
File: 2.31 MB, 2041x2343, 1612978471871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5210004 >>5210949

Yes. One involves actual human cruelty to be made, one is made by a horny artist and his drawing tablet.

Whatever your morals are, however desensitized you are, are both factors in consumption of CP. But most people, average porn watchers, can't stomach actual rape if they saw it. You have to be a sick and broken bastard to be genuinely turned on.

In loli hentai, its almost always a level of abstraction above this genuine human suffering, and focuses on the pleasure of the girl.

>> No.5210004
Quoted by: >>5210877 >>5211312

>and focuses on the pleasure of the girl.
I feel like I've seen more loli abuse than not, but that's anecdotal. Anyways, the other view on this for a lot of people is that it's hard to consume hentai without thinking about IRL sex. It's easy to detach yourself for impossible fantasies like vore or giantess, but loli... not so much. Again, an answer to >>5209508 would be appreciated.

>> No.5210225
Quoted by: >>5210318

No wonder she didn't make the cut for HoloEN.

>> No.5210318

I thought she was a shoo-in and was surprised she didn't make the cut but this makes sense. She can't play in the big leagues. I get her fans like this stuff but it's a little too "indie". Doesn't present well to an entertainment company with hiring standards. Maybe if she loosens up a bit.

>> No.5210674
Quoted by: >>5213317

Neo. Doctor Neo Cortex.

>> No.5210877

I have no idea or understanding about yaoi hentai except the knowledge mostly girls and trannies watch it I hear.

But here's my explanation:

Yes. A person who watching loli hentai, can definitely be attracted to 3D kids. I know, because I love loli hentai, and I've been genuinely attracted to nymphets and really beautiful little girls in public like a creep.

But you say tendencies. Tendencies implies action and habit, which is where you aren't seeing the full picture.

Again I have no idea about yaoi fans, but lets just say gay porn fans. But lets just generalize it to fetish fans, like big boob fans, mom fans, cuckold fans. Because they watch this specific fetish, they might desire to actualise this fetish for themselves in their sex lives. And they have the avenue to do so.

There isn't any hard work needed to explore this fetish if one desired. There's tailored websites for meet ups, communities online, and what not. and the largest thing is theres no societal shame. Theres no need to hide the fetish, so there is monumentally less work, unless you wanted to then theres much more work needed.

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, is the way pedophilia is. Two homos can consent, and have no cruelty. Some guy can get a black guy to fuck his wife, and the cuck is not hurting himself or anyone.

In pedophilia, there is no way to get around this cost of cruelty. Pedophiles, like me, desire some sort of romance fantasy, where a little girl is smitten with us, and we make love. But it will never happen.

To partake in pedophilia, requires, either concioussly or in delusion, to hurt the girl and remove her innocence for our desperate pleasure.

People aren't sick fucks. Only a very few of such animals exists, and in bad corners of this world. Youre average guy, maybe a loser, maybe bullied, maybe lives with his mom in his room, watching CP, is terrified of actual children.

The only way these degens will get a kid, is by ignoring awareness and siezing oppurtunity to rub or relieve himself. He'll always shut the kids mouth, or move to a level where he shuts out the bad.

It's almost always a case of mental illness in pedophiles.

Anyway, my argument is, loli enjoyers dont have pedophillic tendencies. Mentally ill loli enjoyers have pedophillic tendencies. its always a mental issue first.

>> No.5210949

>i have to assume the average lolicon finds the exploitation of actual children unattractive.
Then maybe the true alure of lolis is the lack of consequences that's found in fiction. Basically, they wouldn't fuck actual kids because they don't want to mess with their whole lives.

Idem. The most common trope in hentai rape is the girl ending up enjoying it. It's like the true fantasy in those themes is to make someone enjoy themselves against their will and the standards of society, to associate happiness with going against the rules.

>> No.5211312
Quoted by: >>5211591

>I feel like I've seen more loli abuse than not, but that's anecdotal
I know what youre talking about, Ive watched those.

But you examine it thoroughly, they never end grimly. There is always an out, a relief, an escape for the consequence of it.

>guy is a sick fuck and smiles
>girl enjoys it
>girls fate is left to the reader
>girl is forgotten completely by anyone, and lives as a fuckmeat in the pits of society.
>girl changes into a callous unfeeling stonewall and deals with being fuckmeat for the rest of her life.

in summary, there is no concept of a grim conclusion to either lives, and its all left in imagination.

Whereas thats just not the case for real life.>>5210877

>> No.5211365

Oh you poor bastard, we're here to stay, and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.5211485

To be fair, I've literally never played checkers, it was always chess or monopoly with my family, yugioh with friends, or blackjack as an adult.

>> No.5211487

Kiara is Austrian, please understand.

>> No.5211489
Quoted by: >>5211940 >>5212015

I meant "tendencies" more like "proclivities", not necessarily manifested.
Anyways, I appreciate that you at least admit it and even go as far as to label yourself a pedophile. If lolicons all did that, I would have a lot more respect for them. Unfortunately, many wouldn't agree (and I was hoping to get a reply from one of these types). Either way, I think you can understand that some people will not want to associate themselves with lolicons due to perceived pedophilia (the pink cat being one of them).
Also, sidenote but uh, "your average guy watching CP"? I thought at least 99% of lolicons didn't go that far, are you okay anon? Or did you just jump from lolicons to full-on pedos? You should've worded that better.

>> No.5211519

Its German humour, its no laughing matter

>> No.5211542

You're free to swing by /vt/ anytime, friend.

>> No.5211556

Kiara has also talked about not having friends growing up. Hence the self-deprecating "Isn't that why we're all here?" follow up.

>> No.5211591
Quoted by: >>5212015

>girl is forgotten completely by anyone, and lives as a fuckmeat in the pits of society.
>in summary, there is no concept of a grim conclusion to either lives
... I might be reading this wrong, but what?

>> No.5211608
Quoted by: >>5212282

I respect you outing yourself as a pedophile in order to discuss the subject; after all, the best we could do for kids worldwide is understand what the fuck is going on and why there's people wanting to fuck them. Which brings me to my question, why do you find little girls to be appealing? What is the specific attribute that calls you, that separates them from adults besides their size?

>> No.5211739

>you have no friends haha
>you have no family lmao
German comedybros, I kneel.

>> No.5211799
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, C749367D-1F53-465D-8C98-16357871384B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.5211940

>more like "proclivities"
Wait, shit, that means the same thing. "Bias" might be better but it doesn't sound as good.

>> No.5212015
Quoted by: >>5212168

I dont know what happened with nyanners, but if she did call out lolicons, it was probably a bad move. She comes off as a absolute hypocrite, while revelling in the cuteness that her character type brings. lolicons dont all have to be masturbating porn addicts, some just really enjoy the characters of little girls. I can understand why she would cause huge offense.

Like in the case of Gura, she knows exactly what her selling points are, which is being a cute loli, so constantly flatters that part of their audience.

uh yeah i worded that wrong. ive never watched cp willingly, but ive seen it posted on 4chan as spam.

again, im so shit at typing, the first one, I meant the girl unrealistically seems to be a loner, and no one tries to find her once she is captured by evil gangs.

and secondly i mean like in real life, there are grim endings and conclusions and people live in fear, depression and anxiety, whereas loli hentai doesnt show this side at all.

>> No.5212018

>its like they have a knee jerk reaction to mention pedophilia the second they see kids

Almost as if kids are never mentioned on this board without immediately getting sexualized.

>> No.5212043

Who you're answering anon? There's nobody there

>> No.5212168
Quoted by: >>5212363

>while revelling in the cuteness that her character type brings
>her character type
That's where the disagreement lies, but please spare me, I'm extremely tired of talking about that. Just agree to disagree.
As you mention, there are "lolicons" who don't get sexual gratification from it but just find it cute. Unless I know better, that's what I'll assume a JP VTuber who gushes about loli is. The issue is... how the fuck can you know?

>> No.5212282
File: 489 KB, 579x723, 1612405552691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno where it started...

I think something about little girls faces, soft skin, clear eyes, the innocence of character that is amusing cute and cherishable.

I think im kinda attracted to dumb but sweet girls in general. Whenever a kid shows smarts, or awareness, I notice the attraction immediately turns off, because I sense they are aware I am preying on their innocence.

I'm also a big guys, so most girls are small to me. I think a small soft cutie is pretty erotic.

also their expressions, their voices and breath, its all so warm and alive. older women arent soft, or as expressive, or innocent.

I think it might also be a personality defect. Ive never enjoyed scheming people who think too much, which is how Ive been raised by my mother and father. Ive always found it useless.

I dunno if it was anime, but Ive always enjoyed the innocence and obliviousness of super nice and loving characters. And I hate being this ugly scheming prick who is never trusted. perhaps the idea of a innocent litte girl is really attractive, especially one who isnt repulsed immediately by me.

I dunno. But theres a desire of the child I feel. To be with them, to start life again at their level, to be making love with a girl in that stage.

>> No.5212363
Quoted by: >>5212671

you cant know, but its quite literally her character. whether they are sexual deviants or not, she antoginized everyone who liked her because of those reasons. bad move, no? or am I misunderstanding?

>> No.5212462

she just turmed 28

>> No.5212586
Quoted by: >>5212933

Both the pic and what you wrote is pretty disturbing, but, again, I can appreciate your honesty. You strike me as just a simple guy who was born this way and can't help it. I don't really have a problem with you, again, I'd like to hear more from lolicons who don't consider themselves pedophiles. Also, the end of your message really, really makes it feel like you want it to be real. You kept telling me you would never in the previous messages, but you're also saying it's one of your "desires". It's hard to trust someone claiming the former when they also say the latter.

>> No.5212615

>Kiara and Nyanners collab was actually okay
I'm looking forward to see more of vshojo/hololive collabs.

>> No.5212671
Quoted by: >>5212831

As I said above, that's the whole debate. Most fans of her either don't like loli (and don't see her as one, just a cute girl/petite woman) or only like the "cuteness" aspect. Very, very few people who get sexual gratification from it watch her if they know about it... or at least that's my guess, I've also seen a few examples of "double thinkers" that just don't care.

>> No.5212762
Quoted by: >>5212868 >>5212870

>Barely at the dots and boxes part
>Kiara has already bodied Nyanners 5 times
>Nyanners just taking it
If Kiara had a dick she'd go in the pinkcats butt dry

>> No.5212831

Oh and to be extra clear, Nyanners only denounced the sexual lolicons. She made it clear in a followup post that she never wanted to insult people who just think lolis are cute. THAT would be hypocrisy.

>> No.5212856


>> No.5212868

This was obvious. Kiara has gigastacy energy while Nyanners was likely the chick that no one remembers existed in class

>> No.5212870
File: 978 KB, 1549x2190, 1623883567504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Kiara had a dick she'd go in the pinkcats butt dry
I think Nyanners is used to it by this point.

>> No.5212933
Quoted by: >>5213194 >>5213590

Well I only know, because I've felt the desires. I'm a lolicon whose a pedophile.

>You kept telling me you would never in the previous messages, but you're also saying it's one of your "desires"

I can't. I can't pay the cost of the cruelty, and I'm not mentally ill, so I cant ignore the shit i would do has consequences. I cant delude myself, to get the relief.

If I did anything, I have no way of escaping. You are free to act, but you are not free from the consequences of those actions.

I know this is incredibly disturbing, but I'm just explaining why, me as a pedophile, am never gonna act out even if it scares you. I'm fuckin terrified of kids. I have never met one where the fantasy of romance, obliviousness and love was even close to a reality. Shit is unbelievably abstract and could only exist in porn.

I would have to go into incredible delusion, and possibly ruin my mind with fucked up drugs, before I could delude myself into acting. Its always a mentally ill person who does this shit.

To explain, "saying it's one of your "desires"", means if reality could bend to my will like I was Dr Manhattan, than I would do that shit.

>> No.5213194

Alright, yeah. You're cool anon. Weird, but cool.
Even normies are at least somewhere on the mental illness spectrum, there's no shame in saying that. You're just not far enough to be a danger to others.
As I keep saying, I would've liked to get an answer from a lolicon who doesn't consider himself a pedo. Since no one else replied, if you have any idea what these types of people's logic might be, it would be appreciated.

>> No.5213304
File: 579 KB, 1920x1080, 1622982312099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5213383

If I repeat it often enough, it becomes the truth you filthy nyanigger.

>> No.5213317

It actually stands for "nerd", some circus performers tattooed it on his head when he was young

>> No.5213383
Quoted by: >>5213510 >>5213621

i like fantasy lolis but hate kids and feel like vomiting if even thinking sexually about kids, not for fictional characters
also, the same for gore, i laugh my ass off gore in anime, but find real gore disgusting as fuck
no it does not, schizophrenic anon.

>> No.5213510

Not the same anon, I'm guessing?
So, do you take issue with people like pink cat who don't want to associate with lolicons because of perceived pedophilia? Do you think it's unwarranted? What would be your answer to >>5209508 (or to reword it better: "people can reasonably assume you're gay if you're into yaoi, now extend this logic to lolicon")

>> No.5213567
Quoted by: >>5213760 >>5213873

Being turned on and masturbating to loli hentai...I see it hard for a person, if shown a real human girl, dressed up just like a loli, just like their favourite waifu, in a lewd pose...to not be turned on...its hard to believe.

The difference between me, and some guy who watched hentai, is that I've actually explored my human attraction. Its possible, im just autistic and experimental, and most normal people dont touch that shit, let alone even think or consider it, and liking loli hentai is already bad enough a fetish for them, but they can compartmentalize it to being a feature of hentai,

or they just like petite women, and not kids at all. thats a solid argument.

But another solid argument I can make, is that there is definitely people who are hyper-attracted to purely animegirls, and dont find any attraction in 3D people, to an obsessive degree.

I can understand someone who only gets turned on by hentai, could have an argument made that he only likes lolis from hentai, but is very unattracted by real girls, let alone pukey little girls.

>> No.5213590
Quoted by: >>5213975

Yeah, I think anon is cool too. Everyone can say shit, what matters is what you do once that desire gets stuck in you; i'm sure he doesn't want to be a pedophile either. And desire or not, his awareness makes him as safe as anyone who doesn't want to punch their boss in the face.

The pattern I find here is 'innocence'. Maybe you don't trust yourself to deal with someone smarter than you, maybe you are afraid of being judged. What I can tell is that you find safety in these kind little girls, maybe that you find them devoid of the standards society forces on us at every turn, with whose it pressures us constantly. What I do have to wonder is you find that to be erotic, specifically, why do you feel the need to have sex with them. Is it to satisfy them? To make them happy? To be happy in the exact way society forbids you to, thus proving society standards to be wrong and therefore to be free of their pressure? I always thought that was the point of fetishes, to go against outside expectations, to refute them.

I think anon is worried that the desire gets too strong, and it has a good reason. After all, angry people do blow up at times. Maybe that's where loli comes as a savior, you can relieve yourself without actually hurting anyone. At any rate, kudos for your honesty. If anything, I can assure you that your current mental situation was caused by society itself. It drives us all crazy, some more than others, one way or the other.

That being said, do continue to restrain yourself.

>> No.5213599

They can stay if they aren't being stupid. Like >>5200162, that guy needs to go back.

>> No.5213621
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1623854134116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does.

>> No.5213641

They understand, they're just bending reality to suit their narratives.

>> No.5213760

>I can understand someone who only gets turned on by hentai, could have an argument made that he only likes lolis from hentai, but is very unattracted by real girls, let alone pukey little girls.
What matters here imo is /why/ is he attracted to 2D lolis, and if that something is a something that could be found in 3D's. Also, I'll have to go against that first paragraph. I'd Shinobu hard, but if it was a little girl, a perfect little girl, dressed like her in a suggestive pose my hard-on would go down in flames as the implications of its innocence would dawn on me. Even if it was a picture, I still wouldn't be able to get hard.

>> No.5213788

We all know what happened the last time an Austrian was this dominant. Are there any jewish vtubers?

>> No.5213873
Quoted by: >>5213993 >>5214049

>I see it hard for a person, if shown a real human girl, dressed up just like a loli, just like their favourite waifu, in a lewd pose...to not be turned on...its hard to believe.
I'm guessing you mean "for a lolicon". For me, the pic you used in >>5212282 is extremely unappealing. I get a guttural reactions and a sense of unease from pics like those. Please don't fool yourself into believing everyone else is secretly like you, that's just being in denial.
>But another solid argument I can make, is that there is definitely people who are hyper-attracted to purely animegirls, and dont find any attraction in 3D people, to an obsessive degree.
Yeah, that's fair. I get disappointed every time someone on my side of the fence says "lolicons are a danger to children" or something similar, because that's just being disingenuous. The 3DPD mentality is strong enough. What my point is, really, is that that there are reasonable, understandable reasons why a non-lolicon would perceive lolicon as pedophilia and want to distance themselves from it. Pink cat being one of such person.

>> No.5213975
Quoted by: >>5214067 >>5214392

>Maybe you don't trust yourself to deal with someone smarter than you, maybe you are afraid of being judged
yo this might actually be it. its a huge personality defect of mine. I cant handle judgement, or someone being smarter than me, though Ive been trying to curb the latter, because I have to admit I'm just not smart as I think I am.

>What I can tell is that you find safety in these kind little girls, maybe that you find them devoid of the standards society forces on us at every turn, with whose it pressures us constantly
again, great points. I genuinely relate.

>Is it to satisfy them?
Id like my partner to be as smitten with me as I am to her. Then Id like us both to satsify each other
>To make them happy?
definitely. I imagine a fantasy where we are both happy, buts its utter delusion and any examination or making of a plan breaks instantly. I've watched Lolita 1998, and I pretty much felt it would be exactly like that. I'm realised Im looking for a Humbert situation, where a lone lolitas mother dies, but I get to jump at the oppurtunity.
>To be happy in the exact way society forbids you to, thus proving society standards to be wrong and therefore to be free of their pressure?
Yeah, it was definitely that too. I am constantly a cynic, and a contrarion often.

>> No.5213993

>reasonable reasons
god I suck at proof-reading

>> No.5214049

>Please don't fool yourself into believing everyone else is secretly like you, that's just being in denial.

I agree.

>> No.5214067
Quoted by: >>5214392

>I'm realised Im looking for a Humbert situation, where a lone lolitas mother dies, but I get to jump at the oppurtunity.
Wait, you are? Every time you deny you'd ever do it, I read something like this and start doubting a little bit again. You really should be more careful with your wording.

>> No.5214118
File: 849 KB, 683x760, 1595437809925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks more like this actually

>> No.5214121

austrian genetic memory kicked in in the presence of the semitic cat.

>> No.5214255

I hate Kiara, but today she was indeed a little based.

>> No.5214287


>> No.5214392
Quoted by: >>5214417 >>5214585

Anon, regardless of how he writes, the sad reality is that pedoanon is struggling under pressure and trying his best not to do it. There is not much point in policing him regarding something he's already aware of. Pedoanon already knows that breaking would doom him and another poor soul to a hard life; he allowed himself to admit it.

I'm sure everyone here is cheering for you not to fall, with or without harsh remarks. Don't do it, man.

Then take the long road, anon; become a better person, best those societal standards on your own, the bare minimun will be enough. Have discipline. It will lead you to lasting happiness, and that desire will subside. Your mind is trying to make you avoid it, it's trying to protect you from the stress of rebuilding yourself by giving you proof that all of society is wrong and that there's no need to conform to their standards. But you can. You can get smarter and stronger. This is your chance to prove yourself a bigger man than any of the fucks around here, who have never truly been in shit.

>> No.5214417
Quoted by: >>5214585

>Anon, regardless of how he writes, the sad reality is that pedoanon is struggling under pressure and trying his best not to do it. There is not much point in policing him regarding something he's already aware of. Pedoanon already knows that breaking would doom him and another poor soul to a hard life; he allowed himself to admit it.
That's fair, I apologize.

>> No.5214433
Quoted by: >>5214554 >>5214585

Retards like you are part of the problem and no one wants to admit that they can be influenced by external sources but there is a reason advertising works. Simply put, the more you jerk off to loli the more of a pedophile you will become. I can bet that most weebs were not pedos before jerking it to loli porn for days. All pedos will be put to death.

>> No.5214554

Oh great, another absolute retard who is on my side of the argument but has the finesse, intelligence and rhetoric skills of a humpback gorilla. Please at least do us the honors of reading up on our conversation (starts at 5209508 for me) if you want to be a part of it.

>> No.5214561
Quoted by: >>5214609 >>5216100

What if Nyanners threw the matches so Kiara could gain favour with the Hololive fanbase?

>> No.5214585
Quoted by: >>5217927

thanks guys, don't worry about me. Im very far from my pedophile days. I watch vastly different porn now, and havent jerked to loli in years. But I remember it clearly.

>>5214433 < dont worry about this guy he doesnt offend or shit. so dont bother defending, I really take no offense and enjoy his opinion.

also anon, you seem really wise, so thanks for the advice. I have a problem with discipline as well, so I will consider you words to heart.

>> No.5214609

I'm almost fully certain that they both agreed Kiara would win this during their talk the day before. It just makes too much sense once you think about it. Could also be that your cat's not very good at vidja games.

>> No.5214718

Who the fuck treats Vtuber agencies like their favourite sports teams?

I enjoy Vtubers as much as the next guy, even crying over Coco's graduation announcement, but jesus christ.

They're entertainment agencies full of e-women. They're not competing for an annual Vtuber Agency World Cup.

>> No.5214752

Did I really just type "humpback gorilla"...
Yeah I'll pretend that was intended.

>> No.5216100

No way, I don't believe Nyanners genuinely threw any games, but there's not really a (not obvious, standing in the corner) way for her to throw tennis or blackjack.

>> No.5216519
Quoted by: >>5216721 >>5217156

>pedophilia is not categorized as a paraphilia but a full sexual orientation
I take issue with this because it enables the trans-age bullshit. Why can't pedos just accept that they're creepy and instead try to pass off their 3DPD bullshit as something "acceptable"?

>> No.5216721
Quoted by: >>5217072 >>5217288

>why do people try to make themselves look better and more normal than they actually are
Anon, I'm sure you have enough empathy to understand it's tough to live your entire life born with some attraction that makes you a creepozoid in the eyes of the public. I'm not a lolicon and I do see them as creepy (but usually not dangerous); I'm not saying that perception should change, I'm just asking you to have a little bit of empathy. Learn to put yourself in other's shoes, it's a very valuable skill to have.

>> No.5217072
Quoted by: >>5217150

Oh, my bad, I'm not sober enough for this. I was talking about the mentally ill ones who actually have criminal tendencies. Just like with fetishes, I don't care about the ones who harm nobody, themselves included.
And there are some who DO try to make trans-age a thing, though they're a very small minority for now.

>> No.5217150
Quoted by: >>5217199

Wait, now that I think about it... I thought you were referring to MAPs or some shit. Are you really trying to tell me there's pedophiles trying to pass themselves off as 11yo using trans logic? Holy shit please be real, this sounds hilarious

>> No.5217156
Quoted by: >>5217351 >>5217436

Turns out it's not a sexual orientation, according to the DSM it's a mental disorder. You either check enough boxes or you don't. In a bit of mind-warping logic, consumption of child pornagraphy is actually a better indicator of pedophilia than molesting a child. Since the latter can occasionally happen during psychotic episodes or as a matter of pure sadistic violence, rather than sexual attraction. Kinda weird, but anyway. The jury is still out on so called "simulated child pornagraphy" as being a useful treatment for pedophiles. The treatment with the best prognosis seems to be chemical castration.

>> No.5217199
Quoted by: >>5217580

I wish I was kidding. Look up some weird leaf that divorced his wife to be a legit little girl.

>> No.5217209

most of those games are basic and its not her fault if the hag cat does no prep work

>> No.5217288
Quoted by: >>5217430 >>5217663

>appeal to emotion
The exact way fags and trannies got their way. Just realize they don't give a shit about your mental illness, you're just a tool for social engineering.

>> No.5217351
Quoted by: >>5217412

>chemical castration
That's like throwing a bunch of antibiotics at an infection. I mean, it works, but you're just killing everything, not just the infection.

>> No.5217412

Yeah well, no one's sticking up for at-risk pedophiles. Some of them seem to welcome it since it just allows them to live a normal life.

>> No.5217430
Quoted by: >>5217493

Some people care, anon.

>> No.5217436

Also, as with most mental disorders, there's no quick treatment. Think of rabies, if a dog bit you, you win six (6) months of gut injections.

>> No.5217493

Sadly they're a minority. And sometimes it's not even the ones who care that help. Ever seen Dallas Buyers' Club?

>> No.5217580

Ho-ly-shit. At least like with MAPs this doesn't seem to be accepted by the SJWs, but man is the concept funny. "I have gone back to being a little girl". Amazing.

>> No.5217644

It's like people forgot the Ina/Pika collab exists already.

>> No.5217663
Quoted by: >>5217900 >>5218058

All I'm telling you is to understand them, which answers the question you asked. I literally said their current perception (that they are gross) should not change. You're talking to a pro-nyanners, anti-lolicon anon, retardchama.

>> No.5217900
Quoted by: >>5218114

I'll bite. Antiloli, antipedo or both?

>> No.5217927
File: 906 KB, 220x124, Re75dd89c3c0f73576ddcccd6ba50c86b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, thanks for being blunt with us. Been gone for hours and I was pleasantly surprised to see this level of conversation on /vt/.
I too would've liked to see a response from a 2Dlolicon that did not consider themselves a pedophile, and I'm on the opposite side of this argument [nothing wrong with 2D lolicons]. Will still defend them because it at least it gave people like pedoanon an outlet...

>> No.5217986

Totally unbiased and extremely based

>> No.5218058 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5218136

Anti-pedo, anti-"lolicon isn't pedophilia" and I think it's gross, but I'm quite empathetic towards both. Just read up from 5209508 (me), I think I do a pretty okay job explaining my thoughts. If you want a quick summary: "people can reasonably assume you're gay if you're into yaoi; extend this logic to lolicon".

>> No.5218114

Anti-pedo, anti-"lolicon isn't pedophilia" and I think it's gross, but I'm quite empathetic towards both. Just read up from 5209508 (me), I think I do a pretty okay job explaining my thoughts. If you want a quick summary: "people can reasonably assume you're gay if you're into yaoi; extend this logic to lolicon".

>> No.5218136
Quoted by: >>5218336

NTA, but I'm game. Thing is, retards conflate the word pedo with abuser.

>> No.5218336

What do you mean you're game, you agree? Usually that means you want to participate in something. Anyways yes, that's a problem. I'm sure part of the reason so many lolicons don't want to say they're pedophiles or have any pedophilic bias is because of this. There's been some positive, perspective-changing portrayal of pedophilia in popular media, one example being "Shut Up and Dance" (from Black Mirror). Spoilering just in case. They take you through an entire hour or so of this 20yo kid being blackmailed over footage of himself masturbating, asking him to do more and more horrible thing for their enjoyment, hereby making us empathize with the character a lot... only for the very last line of the episode to reveal that he was masturbating to CP. Shit like this woke up a lot of people to the thought that pedophiles are people too. There's no good answer to the issue since people are born with that preference and will continue to be. The only thing that can change is how we treat them, but I don't think they should be normalized either AT ALL. Every inch we give allows real predators to foster. They just shouldn't live in hell, either.


>> No.5218378
Quoted by: >>5218438

Fucking hell sorry for the shitty proofreading again, I used the word "people" 3 times in 10 words and there's a bunch of awkward wording. I just can't resist clicking the post button as soon as I'm done writing.

>> No.5218438
File: 33 KB, 309x333, 1623882648973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5218710

nbd. that episode was a wild fucking ride from start to finish. I think the one with the dude you find out died at the very beginning of his VR implant escape room nightmare because he left his fucking phone on him was the straw that broke the camel's back. That and Ender's CODBattlefield and Street Fucker. That entire show is fucking nightmarefuel.

>> No.5218710
File: 337 KB, 1366x768, MV5BZWU5YmFiYTMtZDU3OC00MDE1LTgxMjktOWFhOWRkNTk4NWI0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODExNTExMTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5218947

... I was gonna make a joke related to your pic about a Black Mirror VTuber episode, but holy shit, they already did it...

>> No.5218947
Quoted by: >>5219084

lmao, context? Might shoop it for future use if the episode plot is relevant.

>> No.5219084
Quoted by: >>5219161

I don't remember too too much of it, it was among the worst ones if my memory's right. Still okay since BM is a good show but yeah. Small-time comedian starts using what I can only describe as a VTuber avatar of a blue bear named Waldo, then... some shit happens and he loses the rights to the character and gets replaced, Kizuna AI style. The bear gains massive popularity and becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and ends up being used as a propaganda machine in China or something. I suppose it's a good warning of what might happen to Hololive with Coco gone.

>> No.5219161
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1623705945823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5219349

3spoopy6me. When fiction becomes reality.

>> No.5219349
File: 3.88 MB, 2315x2265, 1610887034440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5219595

>yfw cover gives the Coco model to a CCP puppet to advertise one party ideology and rule the world

>> No.5219595
File: 3.99 MB, 463x453, peko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5219689

stop, you'll give me nightmares

>> No.5219689
File: 3.97 MB, 463x453, hologey-fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5219867 >>5220001

... I would've stopped posting and just let the thread die now but uh, I remember making the peko edit you just posted. I used a generator called PhotoMosh to make it. Nice coincidence.

>> No.5219867
File: 439 KB, 645x582, rratpepeloni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. It's my favorite ogey.

>> No.5220001

holy shit this is gold. thank you.

>> No.5220797

Go back to Twatter, faggot-ass bitch.

>> No.5222667

I would train you and all these girls to be good dogs.

>> No.5222703

Yeah, it's pretty much the whole MeToo shit, and oh wow, all those hollywood metoo faggots have either inappropriately touched or said/raped women. I'd be more concerned about these anti-lolifags who can't on a base level tell the difference between reality and fantasy.
