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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 134 KB, 1152x1080, 20230612_221814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52136379 No.52136379 [Reply] [Original]

Little Miss Lotte edition.


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


>Gen 1
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Gen 2
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼Kawaii ""Friends""
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>52078419

>> No.52136908
File: 388 KB, 740x740, 1670772771873342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mini charzu ward post to prevent shitposting and arguments.

>> No.52137026
File: 124 KB, 1200x1080, FvG-9IkaAAAdN4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52137038
Quoted by: >>52137306

Minizu, please protect us

>> No.52137306
File: 355 KB, 480x480, 1666111380054763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52137388

I'm going to rape Minizu

>> No.52137404

Reminds me of Pecorine.

>> No.52137517

Charzucraft in an hour

>> No.52137574
Quoted by: >>52137756

unironically, what the fuck do you want people want to talk about? I'm fine if /pkg/ becomes just hornyposting but one time people have a discussion about a Kawaii talent and channel content that is not the same old ritualposting jokes people want to go back to exactly that

>> No.52137596
File: 73 KB, 988x561, MCSkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One hour until Minecraft Mondays on Sundays!!

>> No.52137756

Talk about whatever you want just don't take 50 fucking posts to go over a topic that could be covered in 10.

>> No.52138033
Quoted by: >>52138269

an anon will bring up one thing a talent does and we will go 340+ posts of anons arguing with each over that thing until the next thread is posted. rinse and repeat

>> No.52138269

isn't that the point of a general, on top of hornyposting and ritualposting?

>> No.52138284

I find the girls cute, and the streams enjoyable.

>> No.52138333

>could be covered in 10
seems like your input would have helped the discussion

>> No.52138489

I also think the girls are cute. I'm quite fond of watching them stream various things such as games, zatsudan (Japanese term for "free chat"), singing, and creative themed streams.

>> No.52138507
Quoted by: >>52138848

go away EIENcuck

>> No.52138591

I love Shee

>> No.52138748


>> No.52138848
Quoted by: >>52138980

If you got the reference, doesn't that mean you're also an EIENcuck?

>> No.52138980

never watched EIEN girls but had a blast reading their thread during the Riifu+NTRchair double yab

>> No.52139017
Quoted by: >>52139118

>shorter stream

>> No.52139070
Quoted by: >>52139295

BIG drama in the discord right now heh

>> No.52139118
File: 65 KB, 960x931, 1684510529634508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu es mi negro

>> No.52139295
Quoted by: >>52139401

Post screencaps, I ain't joining.

>> No.52139384

Here's a hypothetical. You're taking your favourite kawaii girl on a first date. Where are you taking her?

>> No.52139401

I don't see anything in the Kawaiicord, it must be some talent specific subdiscord

>> No.52139496

5 pin bowling because Charzu is too weak for 10 pin.

>> No.52139511

taking shee to chuck. e cheeses

>> No.52139572

Outskirts of town to beat her up and rape her at the same time

>> No.52139594

I'd take Isla to Mickey D's while wearing a Nardo costume.

>> No.52139622

>beat her up
>rape her

>> No.52139673

i thought you loved her

>> No.52139726
File: 29 KB, 337x375, 8887565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52140125


who's the lucky girl

>> No.52139918

Nami boobs

>> No.52139952

Lua thighs

>> No.52139996
File: 39 KB, 382x324, 1687210593397551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52152931

>> No.52140008
Quoted by: >>52173099

Shee butt

>> No.52140080
File: 60 KB, 970x685, 1685590110020738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52140093
Quoted by: >>52142009

Does anyone still want to rape P*ony or did the Great Betrayal leave her unworthy of being raped?

>> No.52140125
Quoted by: >>52140361


>> No.52140126
Quoted by: >>52140213

I'd take her to a board game cafe.

>> No.52140213

I hope she isn't in gen 1. None of them could figure out how to play clue.

>> No.52140332

She's not. That stream was really funny though.

>> No.52140354

that's part of the GFE

>> No.52140361
Quoted by: >>52140617

Coleknights need to wage a civil crusade against you "people"

>> No.52140617

The brightest light casts the darkest shadow

>> No.52140712

ryonafags are subhuman

>> No.52140805

Theme park. We'll get to know each other while waiting in line, laugh and joke about the overpriced food, experience the adrenaline of rides together(better if it's her first time), experience event shows together, and have dinner at a fastfood joint to talk about the day to finish off the date.

>> No.52140975

coping vanillakek

>> No.52140982
Quoted by: >>52141051

none of us are gonna make it

>> No.52141051

make it to where?

>> No.52141102
Quoted by: >>52141300

The retirement home for bingo and pudding

>> No.52141300

Hi fellow birbling

>> No.52141600
File: 736 KB, 2480x3508, 1662203772615075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52141668


>> No.52141668

if charzu ignores my chat messages like lua does then im fucking done with

>> No.52141858

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.52141909

Ryona is a high T fetish. You sissified nu-males wouldn't get it.

>> No.52142009

I’m the original Peony rapeposter and I abandoned her.

>> No.52142032

I want to see some passion of Sheesus ryona fanart

>> No.52142364
Quoted by: >>52143767

abusing the people you're supposed to protect is the most insecure thing a man can possibly do

>> No.52143767

It's not abuse if they want it

>> No.52144635

Lua has the best fanbase

>> No.52144815

My gen 3 merch order dispute was denied...it's over

>> No.52144934

what are you gonna do with the merch? resell it? burn it?

>> No.52145062

You should burn it and post it on the traitor's twitter tags

>> No.52145400

resell it I guess, I can probably mark up the price since you can't get it anymore m I spent $80+ and I want it back

>> No.52145549

wtf shee

>> No.52145724

Denied by Buyee? Yeah, they always deny. Ask the bank instead. Tell them the vendor hasn't delivered shit and won't work with you on a refund.

>> No.52145800
Quoted by: >>52146284


>> No.52146267

>Charzu gets good numbers
>needs to end stream early

>> No.52146284

Anyone try the Grimace shake?

>> No.52146606
File: 397 KB, 507x572, 1660258026685137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52146691
Quoted by: >>52146919

no but i heard it tastes like an old blueberry jizzed into milk

>> No.52146919
Quoted by: >>52147318

Nami loved it

>> No.52147160

Shee is about to get impregnated.... by me

>> No.52147318

not suprising

>> No.52147733
Quoted by: >>52148018

Charzu's stream was short but it was still fun. She barely streams on sundays so I can't complain.

>> No.52147916

Please let me into your corpo please please please I don't care if people in this thread say it's a black company

>> No.52148019

No trannies allowed sorry

>> No.52148018
File: 37 KB, 539x574, Charzu gets a hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every moment with her is a gift, however brief

>> No.52148052

Ok you're in.

>> No.52148135
File: 16 KB, 296x329, 75465678456784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you can finish a whole cake

>> No.52148224

Sorry but you must be a girl(female) and willing to give your soul to Nene.

>> No.52148397
File: 1.58 MB, 1500x1500, FzgeK3HX0AI85K6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this schedule

>> No.52148507
Quoted by: >>52148683

>mosquitos went after my butt and I don't know why
Shee your dumpy is 40% of your body that is why

>> No.52148683

Understandable, I would also go straight for her butt.

>> No.52148942
Quoted by: >>52149708

I'm still surprised to this day that that fat whale couldn't finish the cake.
She had to have ate the rest and lied.

>> No.52149179
File: 1.24 MB, 1418x793, 1686544440558718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got farther than Amoria at least, but Amoria's cake is multilayer.

>> No.52149398

chubby hands lol

>> No.52149439

>chubby hands

>> No.52149485

That is one fucking slice. What a scam.

>> No.52149708

I hate quitters.

>> No.52150291
Quoted by: >>52150498

Now that's a FILF

>> No.52150498
Quoted by: >>52150682

Face i'd like to fill?

>> No.52150682


>> No.52151268

Shee's little tummy is too full and she needs someone to rub it to stop it from hurting

>> No.52152783

Thinking of driving to the 24 hour McDs for that Grimace shake now. It's purple hue is very inviting...

>> No.52152816

>pawtners are all Holo refugees and watch FalseEyeD
no no no...

>> No.52152851

refugee company...

>> No.52152931
File: 156 KB, 779x721, boobly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52153689

Don't do it, you got work tomorrow.
Try going in on Tuesday since you have stuff tomorrow evening and there will probably be refreshments.

>> No.52153786

>it has been a month since reina's 50k endurance
>still more than 3k subs away
This hurts me too much

>> No.52154182

i miss shee

>> No.52154232
File: 114 KB, 480x480, namiBeanmobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it. take the beanmobile

>> No.52154275
Quoted by: >>52157891

watching Reina get absolutely BTFO by Lua felt like justice

>> No.52154350
Quoted by: >>52154740

she just needs to do some consistent weekly asmrs.she'll hit it in no time

>> No.52154612

Rip your own dick off and shove it in your mouth. Give it a bj to blow a fat load red pee down to your throat.

>> No.52154740
Quoted by: >>52154925

speaking of consistent ASMRs, I wish Shee did more of them. I love her voice and she's gotten pretty good at the ear massaging thing. Her hypnosis ASMR is unironically one of my all-time favorites, may or may not be biased

>> No.52154899
Quoted by: >>52158484

Go to a prison and get yourself beaten up while being ass raped by prisoners with high T you little shit anon

>> No.52154925
Quoted by: >>52155162

yep. even just soft talking with her is nice and relaxing. kinda surprised they don't naturally want to do it more. its just pillow talk, women love that shit

>> No.52155162
Quoted by: >>52155303

She's not comfortable doing it on stream. She talks to me like thst every night so her needs are satisfied.

>> No.52155303

Well if she doesn't like doing them then I guess we just have to respect that. Still wish she did more though, at least she has to give us the mommy ASMR since it was a dono goal

>> No.52155562
Quoted by: >>52156566

why is the basic concert streaming ticket 47 goddamn dollars

>> No.52155694
File: 260 KB, 432x384, FuF8h1TaYAAaMLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to crawl inside of luas pussy

>> No.52156566

Gotta milk the most money possible out of the concert. Getting a venue in LA on the weekend probably wasn't that cheap and Charzu did say that the concert was expensive.

>> No.52156611

my cock needs a warm place to rest (Shee's pussy) while I lie in bed

>> No.52156767 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>52156813

Charzu's skin color Company

>> No.52156813
File: 54 KB, 554x524, smugsuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52156856

white company

>> No.52156856 [DELETED] 


>> No.52157075

is the concert going to sell out...

>> No.52157536
Quoted by: >>52157688

There's like ~750 seats available so I doubt it

>> No.52157688

Getting to the concert is a tall order even for people already living in the US, so I doubt the venue tickets will be anywhere close to sold out. Most people will just be watching the stream

>> No.52157891

I know schizo, but why

>> No.52158032

absolute best lua to nut to

>> No.52158045

good. hope she never gets it. whore.

>> No.52158217

I'd love to go, but Anime Expo is on the weekend

>> No.52158297
Quoted by: >>52158560

>Hana graduating again
Probably not gen 4, but it'd hilarious.

>> No.52158484

You have to be 18 or older to post here kid

>> No.52158560

Current rrat is that she's joining Phase, which would just be fucking poetry if true honestly. Either way she'll be far away from us so there's nothing to discuss

>> No.52158938

where can I find more of this kind of Charzu, did she have a stream like this?

>> No.52158986

She was just messing around with her model on Twitter one day, this wasn't part of a stream unfortunately

>> No.52159172
Quoted by: >>52159200

Do you mean just blonde Charzu or her valley girl persona?

>> No.52159200

both but valley girl sounds nice

>> No.52159306 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>52159358


>> No.52159354


>> No.52159358


>> No.52160017
Quoted by: >>52160043

Lua updated her membership badge for 48 months. I guess she isn't leaving anytime soon.

>> No.52160043
Quoted by: >>52160383

Why would she be leaving lmao

>> No.52160383

Careful, we've been down this road before in Kawaii...

>> No.52160396

im just relishing watching /pcg/ completely melt down right now how's it goin boys

>> No.52160505
Quoted by: >>52160606

Don't read /pcg/, scarnon over that way?

>> No.52160527
File: 46 KB, 428x424, 1663461188722898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

past my bedtime

>> No.52160606

actual yabbit dox

>> No.52161034

>ctrl F (dead)
>90+ results
lmao, jannies working overtime for their favorite rabbit.

>> No.52161190

Gimme a tl;dr. Can't follow the story, something about some dude that accidentally doxed her?

>> No.52161674

some guy posted a picture with a girl in his room claiming she was the yabbit, and she defended the guy saying it wasn't her he just don't know about vtuber culture.

>> No.52161681 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>52173396

jannies will delete this instantly, and this isn't on topic in the slightest, but we're in dead hours so whatever
from what I've gathered, a guy who Pippa has known for a bit posted an image of her on Twitter with the caption "definitely isn't Pippa", and even posted another image of her earlier from another angle. pipicucks went full damage control mode insisting that it wasn't her and that Pippa never met up with the guy, until a VOD from the guys podcast was posted which indeed confirmed that he had met her at least a month prior to the day the pictures were uploaded and commented on her weight. Pippa seems to be in full defense mode for him which confirms their relationship and the dox even harder. the whole thing makes the fact that Pippa always claimed to be an omega virgin who couldn't interact with anyone even funnier, even though she was called out on that a year ago when her boyfriend was discovered

>> No.52161683

> accidentally

>> No.52161850

>people want a tl:rd of a board drama in our thread
>its nothing even remotely related to kawaii
>retards cant even check archives
yes, by all means, invite a janny into this general too, you fucking retarded drama whores.

>> No.52161871

So she got Kiki'd, it seems.
Now I need to figure out how to combine "capippatalist" and "cuck" in a natural way.

>> No.52161894
Quoted by: >>52161939

To be fair this thread needs a janny.

>> No.52161919
Quoted by: >>52162155

I guess this thread will get jannie'd now too, thanks retards

>> No.52161939
Quoted by: >>52162029

We do have a janny, they/them just doesn't do anything unless you say something bad about the race that must not be named.

>> No.52162029

If there's a /pkg/ janny then it's fucked up how all the Nene/Charzu/Isla dox references stay up ever thread and not a damn thing is done about it. If you're here, fuck you.

>> No.52162075

Thread culture

>> No.52162155

>obvious phaseskeks seething that the word is spreading

>> No.52162301
Quoted by: >>52162332

pippa lost me when she didn't say total tranny death on stream

>> No.52162319

What kind of retarded logic is this? I don't want the drama to find its way here because I don't want jannies breathing down our fucking necks. Every thread mentioning this yab in the past few hours has been nuked with the exception of /pcg/, and it takes a quick scroll to see that 80% of the posts there have been nuked as well. None of this needs to be brought up here, for multiple reasons.

>> No.52162332
Quoted by: >>52162575

We don't give a fuck.

>> No.52162353

do you report it though?

>> No.52162373

>paranoid retard sees 10 layers of conspiracy theories everywhere
yeah sorry you i am in my own general. you faggots just outted yourselves as drama whores that want to talk about drama everywhere and probably barely even watch chuubas.
our threads are the fastest when theres some manufactured drama, that probably lures all of you drama sisters out.

>> No.52162493

Nami paizuri

>> No.52162565
File: 49 KB, 391x168, namidicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52162638

The return of Futa Nami will herald a new dawn of /pkg/

>> No.52162575
Quoted by: >>52163325

Phase is Kawaii Enemy

>> No.52162638
Quoted by: >>52162707

Nami has a 10 inch futa cock that puts literally all of your microdicks to shame

>> No.52162707

Sounding Nami's cock with my own needledick!

>> No.52162755 [DELETED] 

Plapkin Plappa owns /pkg/

>> No.52162797

i wish nami would start posting her futa ai pics again... that and turdlings were the best thread arcs. ... nami please

>> No.52163325

all tribalfags need to die, yes you too.

>> No.52163547

Staying in the tribe is how we survive, and how we thrive. And now it's time for you to return to your own.

>> No.52163665

no wonder /pkg/ has such a shit reputation

>> No.52163682
File: 5 KB, 294x178, image_2023-06-26_043400788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let Reina hear you talking about "the tribe"

>> No.52163695
File: 190 KB, 723x666, Kawaii-CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52163719

Fuck your unity gay man, only Kawaii gods are allowed here

>> No.52163719

unspeakably based

>> No.52163749
Quoted by: >>52163890

gen 4 tomboy

>> No.52163754

go back

>> No.52163781

imagine doxxing your own talents actually sad

>> No.52163859

What are you so butthurt over? Plenty of action back in your own thread.

>> No.52163876

who needs antis when you've got fans like these

>> No.52163890
Quoted by: >>52164001

I was just thinking about this I swear to god. I want a jap OL hag that speaks english and sounds kinda like Rene. That voice is beyond sexy. That's why I love Lua so much. I'm sick of screechy high pitched vtubers that rape your ears for 2 hours.


>> No.52163931

pippa collabed with a fleshtuber dramafag (male) without asking permissions even though everyone warned her and said it was a bad idea
the dude's been acting like a sex pest in her tweets since then making jokes about how they're dating. He posted a pic of a girl saying "haha this girl in my home is definitely not pippa" and people went crazy. Pippa is still defending him saying "guuuys dont be mean he just doesnt understand the vtubing culture"

>> No.52163979
Quoted by: >>52164064

2 anons already gave him a QRD, you're literally begging jannies to wipe this thread at this point

>> No.52164001

Based Rene enjoyer

>> No.52164015

And that's why the no males policy is in place

>> No.52164064
Quoted by: >>52164174

no one posted any dox or rrats, why would they nuke the thread

>> No.52164174
Quoted by: >>52164431

Jannies have been powertripping hardcore tonight and deleting anything even mentioning this fiasco and just posts they don't like in general. Probably won't be good if they're alerted here

>> No.52164431
Quoted by: >>52164714

>Probably won't be good if they're alerted here
Only doxknights and doxpires would mind that

>> No.52164493
Quoted by: >>52164697

pips was already confirmed having a furry groomer bf and living with him at some point, why is her offcollabing with a fleshstreamer even a big deal?

>> No.52164697

Pippa talking to males off stream is less distressing than the other stuff about her like the vomit drawer or the fact she eats her own hair.

>> No.52164714
Quoted by: >>52164786

doxpires aren't a thing, unlike doxknights there wasn't a schizo discord holding personal information as a prized possession involved, and there definitely wasn't anyone she personally knew gathering IRL details you literally can't even find online for Charzu's dox

>> No.52164786

It's the same fanbase. Shirgler was proved to be a doxknight when a charlatan noticed he was missing from a Charzu vod.

>> No.52164803

yeah this thread is getting sponged

>> No.52164861
Quoted by: >>52165068

Reminder that Charzu doxx is still not hard confirmed so anything around it is just a joke for now

>> No.52165033
Quoted by: >>52165101

just confirming how much a shithole this place is

>> No.52165068
Quoted by: >>52165332

What do you mean "hard confirmed"? Do you expect the girls to outright come out and make a statement about it? You may as well claim that Nene's dox isn't confirmed either, because her voice is also how people learned about her.

>> No.52165101

come to /pcg/ it's much better over there

>> No.52165171

your girls must be so boring if you just talk about other threads or their dox

>> No.52165206
Quoted by: >>52165238

sea hours

>> No.52165238

more like every hour

>> No.52165332
Quoted by: >>52173624

Nene has multiple instances confirming said doxx, Charzu has nothing compared to that

>> No.52165357
Quoted by: >>52165466

Yeah this is the sad part. This general only comes alive when drama sisters wake up. And they dont care if its kawaii related or not. They just NEED to talk about it.

>> No.52165441
Quoted by: >>52165532

Americucks ruining this thread again as usual every day

>> No.52165466

>/cgl/ and /e-celeb/ hybrid board
>"nooooo why you talking about drama"
you good?

>> No.52165522
Quoted by: >>52165596

t. dramasister

>> No.52165532
Quoted by: >>52167950


>> No.52165596
Quoted by: >>52165836

yeah, this is a drama board and it's full of sisters. Your point?

>> No.52165836
Quoted by: >>52166067

only proves my point how boring your girls are

>> No.52166067

That's every vtuber. Unless they stream 24/7 most of the action happens around them, in their community and in the vtubing landscape as a whole. In a word: drama.
Whoever your girls are, I guarantee that most of the engagement you get from them doesn't actually happen on stream. You wouldn't be on /vt/, discord, twitter, reddit... if that was the case.

>> No.52166070

remove kani from the OP

>> No.52166083
Quoted by: >>52166142

glorious pipicuck SEETHE

>> No.52166142

based tribalfag heh :KEKW:

>> No.52166202
Quoted by: >>52166390

t. dramasister cope

>> No.52166324
Quoted by: >>52166418

god i want nene to cuck me

>> No.52166390

/vt/ is built and survives on drama. You are the one coping about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Go to /lit/ if you don't want e-celebs drama but still want sisters.

>> No.52166396
File: 609 KB, 735x718, 1679439774868942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cute yellow thing I found.

>> No.52166418

I want to cuck Nene

>> No.52166466

all I'm reading is cope dramasister

>> No.52166472
Quoted by: >>52174192

Shee is in danger every time she steps out of the house. She is just too cute NOT to kidnap.

>> No.52166487
File: 526 KB, 471x594, 3123154554564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shee's latina dumpy (fake) is getting plapped by mosquitoes RIGHT NOW

>> No.52166500
File: 695 KB, 749x562, 237632543243242352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52172282

Just blew a fat load to Lua

>> No.52166595
File: 50 KB, 285x176, 1682817925996736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52166724

just blew a fat load to Kevin

>> No.52166724
File: 22 KB, 325x243, 1678983221395352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52176990


>> No.52166799

Pkgfriends I am so tired of the endless yabs with the other larger small corpos. Are your girls safe to watch...?

>> No.52166915
Quoted by: >>52167184

no, they are all massive whores watch /same/ instead

>> No.52167184

Based tourist gatekeeper
Unless you're being unironic, in which case rope asap

>> No.52167533

Depends on what you're looking for, because no corpo is truly yab free at the end of the day. But I do think we have the best selection of girls in EN vtubing, and I'm only being slightly biased. All of our girls are cute, talented, and don't interact with males on stream.
...Except for Reina at least, if you're a unicorn in any sense just stay far away from her

>> No.52167735

I stand with Lua and Nene against the YTkeks

>> No.52167865

I for one, am optimistic about gen 3(4). The curse has been broken and Kawaii will prosper from it

>> No.52167943
Quoted by: >>52167982

I don't trust anyone new.

>> No.52167948

I summon the curse again

>> No.52167950
Quoted by: >>52168049

Yeah I'm good. Just because you are mentally ill, doesn't mean that you should spam the entire catalog + generals that are completely unrelated to your drama horseshit, just because you will probably self combust if you dont keep spreading rrats.
When that was posted, It was like 5PM on the east coast. What US state is in that weird time zone where it's 4AM when it's 5PM on the east coast?

>> No.52167982

based Nami

>> No.52168049

I wasn't claiming that it was 4 in the morning at the time I posted it, I was saying that it's usually around 4 in the morning whenever you make your Americuck ritual post.

>> No.52168054

>Whoever your girls are, I guarantee that most of the engagement you get from them doesn't actually happen on stream. You wouldn't be on /vt/, discord, twitter, reddit
Wow you really are a mindbroken drama tranny. I follow Isla, she was practically dramaless for the longest time and I got a lot of engagement just through her streams.
And btw people come to /vt/ because they can talk freely and sometimes even critique things without some power tripping reddit or a discord faggot mod deleting every other thing, not because we wanna gossip about their real lives 24/7.

>> No.52168135
Quoted by: >>52168506

Some of the biggest /vt/ drama moments is just manufactured outrage that got debunked dozens of times and yet drama sisters are still sticking to it and bringing it up months and months later. What a sad fucking life. Farming (you)'s on this board out of teenage spergs.


>> No.52168453
File: 109 KB, 1080x1331, 8767867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only manufactured outrage if it's against people I like. Drama taking down whores I don't like is good and I fan the flames everytime it happens.

>> No.52168474


>> No.52168506
Quoted by: >>52168739

not saying you should care about dramas but 90% of "debunks" are just fans coping the facts

>> No.52168539
Quoted by: >>52168679

FACT: Ms. Asuka makes me pee white.
Try and debunk that.

>> No.52168543

dramaKING... I kneel

>> No.52168679

did she take pictures

>> No.52168739

90% of the rrats is just "huehue you got cucked" because a male vtuber got invited to someones totsu and wished a happy bday or whatever.
following people on twitter and liking comments or whatever also pushes these "you got cucked bros, they totally fucked" rrats.
these are some of the most retarded childish manufactured drama moments ever and i can say that even as someone that doesnt like male vtubers. these are all "coping with the facts" to you? unironically neck yourself retard.
you probably still believe that ollie really got fingered on stream or that nene or lumi really are evil masterminds that get people fired/destroy entire corpos.

>> No.52168771

nice try Lumi

>> No.52168793
Quoted by: >>52168914

the ollie yab is still a mystery to this day, I wonder if Reina asked her about it behind the scenes

>> No.52168824

>ollie really got fingered on stream
100% true, I was in that stream live when it happened, you could even see her turn and lean in for a kiss at some point. no I won't take my meds

>> No.52168914

She was always making those noises when she played horror games. It's just that, that one time, it was extra spicy so anons took it to another level.
Same goes for Mori's brap rrat, same goes for "Oh, Choco paused the stream and stepped out for 5 minutes, she totally got fucked" rrat, etc. etc.
These are some of the worst uncreative lazy ass dramasister moments ever. I actually feel bad for people that are stupid enough to believe that shit.

>> No.52169098

coping, don't make me get the clip

>> No.52169181

Ollie's attitude during that whole stream was off. The way her moans slowly escalated over time, her increasing eagerness to exit the match and end the stream while her voice shaky, even talking over the others and abruptly forcing them to end the stream. There was absolutely something going on there

>> No.52169293

stop talking about off-topic whores before i get my fuckin mallet

>> No.52169339

you are an offtopic whore

>> No.52169474
Quoted by: >>52170020

>take a week off from your 3 jobs to stream nonstop and push for 50k, an ask of 6k subscribers in 7 days
>it's an unmitigated technical disaster for close to half the time
>also schedule for 3 people to travel to you simultaneously, taking you away from the streams to handle their logistics and travel accomodations
>when you finally do get focused on the event, it starts building some momentum and you see decent sub growth over the last two days
>return to your 3 jobs and have to make up for the week off you took, leaving you unable to stream at all for over 2x the length of the subathon, killing all momentum you generated at the end of your event
She bit off more than she could chew with the subathon and it shows.

>> No.52169512
Quoted by: >>52170014

Ollie is a Kawaii Friend

>> No.52170014

everyone who has looked in our general direction is a kawaii "friend"

>> No.52170020
File: 154 KB, 317x365, 187867896986786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that subathon + offcollab arc was a sad attempt at numberfagging. Tech issues aside the concept didn't make sense in the first place and she killed her momentum once it ended anyway because she had to work extra hours irl to make up for her vacation.
It also did a number on her mentally but I think it was a good learning experience and she seems in good spirits now. Sometimes you just need to get BTFO to get back on the good path.

>> No.52170177

I think collabs during a subathon are a bad idea to begin with because having other people influencing the direction of the stream takes away from the main streamer themselves, and could give the wrong impression of them thinking that all of their content is chaotic. Potential new viewers are coming to see what YOU'RE like, not the 3 other randoms you brought along with you

>> No.52170209

>and she seems in good spirits now.

Hopefully she doesn't see anything that symbolizes collabs with Niji males.
Collabs were the best part of that. The rest was just her replaying old streams.

>> No.52170347

She replayed old streams because of the offcollab. It kept taking her away from the stream so she could drive everyone around so she filled time with vod replays.

>> No.52170378

Not denying that the collab was fun, just saying that it's not good donothon content. The main reason the stream was 99% VOD replays was because she was away tending to the other 3

>> No.52170449

>offcollab to spend time with friends irl
>subathon to spend time on stream
she mixed up two formats that do not belong together. I'm glad she prioritized the girls but subathon and offcollab should have been two different events.

>> No.52170505
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 1675481552959178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52170539

cuckdom is back heh :PogChamp:

>> No.52170570

Her time with Nami was the best part of the whole subathon

>> No.52170950

Predict the Lua asset for today

>> No.52171005

binky and milk bottle for the shotas

>> No.52171088

I bet she has Marine tier shota stories to tell but knows her western faggy audience couldn't handle them

>> No.52171193
File: 75 KB, 827x644, birbsexhag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52171814

aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why is she so cute and sexy when she's sleepy

>> No.52171206
File: 423 KB, 561x585, 78845487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52171814

Impossible to predict this one

>> No.52171347
Quoted by: >>52171533

Lukethecuck is going to do something crazy heh

>> No.52171364
File: 231 KB, 500x500, Lua4Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute. sneezecoin to the moon!

>> No.52171400


>> No.52171533

Has he been making threats?

>> No.52171539

the woman trying out her outfits and accessories experience (vtuber edition)

>> No.52171814

Younger girls being cute comes off as fake to me. On the other hand 50 year old women like Lua being cute makes me horny like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.52172248

Haven't watched Lua in .while but wow, she's even cuter than I remember. I adore the sounds she makes when basically anything happens. Wish I could watch her more often but it's almost 8bin the morning where I live

>> No.52172282
File: 86 KB, 900x300, Brkdihkavdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52172353

Bird woman cute. Bird woman make me happy.

>> No.52172479

Imagine Lua kidnapping a shota, entering an abandoned building to toy with him, after chasing him all throughout the building she finds Shee tied up and blindfolded. Seems there's only one decent abandoned building in town.

>> No.52172487

Yeah I will never get tired of her adorable "Whoaaaaaaaah!".

>> No.52172730
File: 117 KB, 1056x1007, luacat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52172834
File: 211 KB, 1318x931, lua binky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he knew

>> No.52172842

cuckdom... heh

>> No.52172941
File: 227 KB, 1373x962, queen lua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52173044

I think she may prefer to stay inside and play games or watch movies, but if she does want to go outside then maybe I take her shopping to get clothes she wanted or go to a convention with her.

>> No.52173099

Nene cunny

>> No.52173396

> claimed to be an omega virgin who couldn't interact with anyone
Why do women keep doing this? Do they really just not understand that those of is who actually have those issues can sniff them out basically instantly?
Or do they actually think that being mildly uncomfortable around groups of strangers constitutes a genuine moment of social anxiety?
I just dont get what goes through their heads on this. Being an abject outcast isnt a badge of honor or quirky personality trait.
There have been times where I thought "Well, this is how I'm going to die" because I knew that if the situation I was in went bad nobody would even know to think of wondering what happened to me. That's what social isolation really looks like.

>> No.52173582

Because that gives them value.
They enjoy the dicks, lying about their body count while claiming body count doesn't matter in the same breath.

>> No.52173624
Quoted by: >>52173678

Confirmed how and by who?
Just because a dumb anon is sure of it doesn't mean they are right

>> No.52173632
Quoted by: >>52174229

fat loser lmao

>> No.52173678
Quoted by: >>52173957

a cloudtomo reference in her fanbox hiatus post, for example

>> No.52173825
Quoted by: >>52173881

Unfortunate poopman traitor shaaang showed up in chat and still not perma banned

>> No.52173881
Quoted by: >>52179417

i forgot he existed

>> No.52173957

I highly doubt she's dumb enough to have actually said cloudtomo or said anything specific enough for it to be more than speculation. If that was that incriminating she would have deleted it

>> No.52174007
Quoted by: >>52185603

What the hell kind of situations were you in that made you think you would die if nobody wondered what happened?

>> No.52174106

It's a nod to her fans, if you know you know type of thing. Let's just say that those two girls share so many similarities that it makes more sense for them to be the same person. Some things are very oddly specific.

>> No.52174192

By her own admission, if you ran up behind her and picked her up and abducted her she wouldn't bother fighting back. She'd also be happy to live as your housewife so long as she could go to hair appointments and have tea parties with her friends a la "Don't Worry Darling".

>> No.52174229

those words hurt me more than a knife :(

>> No.52174385

She has been cooking up some top-tier womanposting on Twitter recently. This is good.

>> No.52174459

I need to have sex with charlotte while she wears march 7th's outfit.

>> No.52175633
Quoted by: >>52175682

Holy shit this fight is still going?

>> No.52175682
Quoted by: >>52175760

I believe this is a scripted loss

>> No.52175760
Quoted by: >>52175797

It's been close to 25min and it's supposed to be a loss? What a fucking waste of time holy shit. Way to make me never want to play this game.

>> No.52175797

I was mistaken, this is the real fight, she already did the loss part.

>> No.52176180

Lua has found some rowdy shotas in need of discipline

>> No.52176389


>> No.52176990

Big if true

Anything is better than Gen 3 and the traitors. I’m also excited for Gen 4

>> No.52177437

yeah, I wonder why they pay so much attention to her at US customs, it's definitely not that birb dimension passport lmao

>> No.52178078

>pippa shit
>another nijiEN graduation
we should let the thread stay dead today

>> No.52178209

>Nina is kill
wtf she was the only good ethyria member, also lmao

>> No.52178259

You could have not posted that and actually achieved your goal, instead of working against your own desires like a retard.

>> No.52178710

no reason, thread is fine.

>> No.52179417

Was kinda hoping he finally fucked off but I guess he was probably just doing even more treason than usual for a while.

>> No.52179924
Quoted by: >>52180612

>both phase and nijifags are busy with their own drama
that means the thread will be good

>> No.52180612

yeah, all dramaGODs are either shitting up /pcg/ or the Nina sticky. Won't lie, anything fucking over NijiEN is a good thing in my book.

>> No.52181156
Quoted by: >>52181306

Can I ask you something, why is it that whenever something happens, retards here start doomposting when nothing ever happens to this general. I remember when that Lia shit went down, we got like 5-6 posts about what happened and then anons shat on them saying that they are off topic and to fuck off.
Any niji or holo yab brings out concernfags saying how we will be overflowing with refugees or dramafags and literally nothing ever happens.

>> No.52181306

There are a maximum of 2 posters in this general that actually like kawaii. Every other IP is a fan of another corpo that doesn't want a vacation for shitposting in their usual thread, so they come here because it's unmoderated.

>> No.52181394

>doomposting again for no reason
there are plenty of people who like kawaii /here/

>> No.52181445
Quoted by: >>52181645

I like Production Kawaii ironically

>> No.52181499

I don't give a shit about the talents, i'm here solely to shitpost and dramafag

>> No.52181526
Quoted by: >>52181645

this guy is a true fan

>> No.52181586
File: 1.18 MB, 564x720, flossing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like nami

>> No.52181645
File: 10 KB, 338x389, 11341378734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52181960

I hate the girls but I love the management.

>> No.52181666
Quoted by: >>52181960

I want to plap all kawaii talents and female managers

>> No.52181960
File: 1.21 MB, 1202x720, 56565677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but only sex with Kaolin and Furi

>> No.52182190
File: 426 KB, 1208x833, 1674945891237918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ms. Asuka has claimed another

>> No.52182195

I love Nami but I hate her content, does that make sense? If she did more fuck around streams I would watch her but overwatch and JRPG's are just cancer.

>> No.52182350

you are supposed to hate her content

>> No.52182439

fuck you I love the jrpg streams

>> No.52182985
File: 296 KB, 470x504, 1686399172908464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nami. She is my favorite.

>> No.52184741
File: 302 KB, 1600x899, l-religieuse-au-chocolat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

religieuse au chocolat

>> No.52185603

First time I hurt my back and ended up crawling on the ground for 2 and a half days before I got to a source of water.
Next was a dangerous fever that I dont even remember how long it lasted, a few days?
Those were the worst the closest after that was a near miss car accident in winter where I almost slid off a small cliff.
This is over the course of a decade. I'm not Shee where I almost die every day.
