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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, 34423414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52077051 No.52077051 [Reply] [Original]

>Huh, Holostars is not making the required money to make up for their existence? no problem, just use some of the money the girls worked so hard to get just to keep Stars alive lol
>Astel, you want to use the studio to record music now? some of the girls are using it but I'll kick them out for you despite not selling as much music as the girls and don't worry, stay there as long as you like
>Irys, you want a new update to your model since it looks weird, nah you are gonna have to wait a year lol
>Hey Vesper, you want an update to your model? sure thing gonna make it my top priority to give it to you right now

Fuck this favoritism

>> No.52077224

>literally only a 5 month difference wait between the two

>> No.52077348
Quoted by: >>52077450

>5 month
>tempus debuted 12 months ago
that's basically half the time, anon

>> No.52077444
Quoted by: >>52081199

>Need to lie to cope
The absolute state of /vt/ sisters

>> No.52077450
Quoted by: >>52081465

>time between Irys debut and redesign: 16 months
>time between Vesper debut and redesign: 11 months
unless you got proof when both of them first got in the works then that's really barely any difference

>> No.52077690
Quoted by: >>52081199

mindbroken by homos lol

>> No.52078056
Quoted by: >>52081199

holy rent free

>> No.52078057


What in the actual fuck is wrong with you fucking economically illiterate retard?
To begin with vtubers are FILTHY CHEAP, a vtuber can cost as little as $1000 dollars.
Second, this piece of shit of a company makes MILLIONS OF DOLLARS every couple weeks.
Third, no female on EN is a hard worker.
Fourth, nobody is "exploiting" your girls
Fifth, male vtubers make a disproportionate amounts of money, Clown man makes more money than most JP girls and his revenue alone already paid multiple times whatever was the Holostars cheap budget.

>> No.52078179
Quoted by: >>52078304

not OP, I agree with all your points except the last one
they're profitable, yeah, but not close to JP girls, their top earners

>> No.52078304

>>52078179 (me)
well, and a few of the girls in EN probably put in good hard work

>> No.52080124
Quoted by: >>52081199

literally making up things to be mad about

>> No.52080610

>Fifth, male vtubers make a disproportionate amounts of money, Clown man makes more money than most JP girls
I really, truly hope you don't actually believe this

>> No.52080777

female fans buying stuff than more stinky unicorns, there's a reason niji outsell holo when 80% of them are 3views, Yagoo known that and he wants that piece of money as well

>> No.52081199 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 750x1334, 25E15E9E-F021-4E8C-82A2-EEF742B90C63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasss sister, own that unichudcel’s ass! That parasocial fuck can go improve himself!

>> No.52081408

>Fifth, male vtubers make a disproportionate amounts of money
>Source: I just made it up

>> No.52081465

> barely any differences
> 45%
Why are woman bad with math? Imagine tommorrow you have a 45% increase in taxes rate, i guess for you it will have barely any differences.

>> No.52081864
File: 923 KB, 498x498, 1683146165110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52082550

>claims others are bad with math
>16 months to 11 months is 31% faster

>> No.52082550
Quoted by: >>52082649

FFS you are so bad at math, go fucking finish school and talk to me again.
BTW 11*1,45=15,95
So yes go back to middle school, and thank for proving that homofag are retarded.

>> No.52082649
Quoted by: >>52084250

5 months is 31.25% of 16 months
so, from 16 months(which came first) to 11 months(which came second), that's 31.25% faster

>> No.52083313
Quoted by: >>52084250

5/16 = 0.3125,
it's 31.25% moron

>> No.52083371

numberfaggotry is a mental disease

>> No.52083607
Quoted by: >>52085417

Also, taxes are a pretty shit analogy for this.
Here's a better one:
If my food came out in 16 minutes, and someone else's food came out in 11 minutes, and we were getting similar, but different dishes cooked by different people at the same restaurant
I wouldn't start pissing myself in anger and yelling about favoritism, that's for sure

>> No.52084250

OMG ABSOLUTES MORONS HERE ABSOLUTES MORONS. your math make no sence. For real go back to school. You do NEED it.https://www.skillsyouneed.com/num/percent-change.html here because you really REALLY need to learn at least that.

>> No.52084368
Quoted by: >>52084444

And this is how pathetic hololive fan in these board are. They have endless imaginations to propel their narratives so that they have a reason to get angry. They are like western women making some sh*t up so that they can devalue men

>> No.52084396

If Vesper only earned $60k in a week with his merch, i doubt bettle even passes $90k. Most of council earns around $150k to $$220k with their merch. So one girl is equal to like 3 vespers or 3 beetles.

>> No.52084398
File: 42 KB, 891x680, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52087006

news flash:
you're still fucking wrong, idiot

>> No.52084444

The implication is you have enough knowledge to know that it's wrong.
Either you're not a holofag and should take the information at face value, or you're a homobegging leech and are currently seething.

>> No.52084489

Holy fucking shit unicorns are actually retarded.

>> No.52084587
File: 560 KB, 891x891, 66C1A2A1-A96D-4FDF-8047-1AA5B6CE13C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52084734

The Cause, sister. Don’t disrespect Milord’s words by using ableist language, please.

>> No.52084734
Quoted by: >>52084941

You’re just moving the goalpost this time faggot. You don’t know how to calculate a difference in time as a percentage, neck yourself.

>> No.52084839
Quoted by: >>52087006

Imagine embarrassing yourself like this LMAO

>> No.52084941
File: 256 KB, 1080x1408, 6710FFC7-F35D-442B-93DE-EF2FBEB69B8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop disrespecting the cause, sister. I’m not even that anon, im just here to hold you accountable.

>> No.52084982
Quoted by: >>52085043

>Twitter screencap
Now it makes sense, go back and stay there subhuman.

>> No.52085014

This is why we need to topple the patriarchy

>> No.52085043

Sister, we mostly congregate on twitter and nyfco where we can ratio any case of wrongthink such as any kind of criticism towards our cute boys. Didn’t you know?

>> No.52085058
File: 32 KB, 400x400, yc2kw7wh83y51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deranged underage ESL writes two dozen posts about things he made up in his head to be mad about

>> No.52085061

What the fuck is aroace and who is flay?

>> No.52085086

>girls are doing fine on their own
>stars comes in
>forced interaction
>some of them don't wanna
>seethe eternally
>girls who didn't are happy and have good numbers
>stars only get below 1k views most of the times
Sisters, why dont u watch your bois rather than screeching about interactions or collabs? You know they don't want to do that, right?

>> No.52085157

Aroace means they're an average vtuber watcher, except they chose the permavirgin life

>> No.52085159

>Ignoring the schizo rrat with no substance
Yagoo has not been shy about liking the Stars. You could make an argument about it being his side project,
You making up this exaggerated narrative when it's not even needed, is the sad part

>> No.52085192
Quoted by: >>52087006

wow bad at math and can't spell? hello my fellow american

>> No.52085405

>>stars comes in
>>forced interaction
I don't know if you're referring to JP or EN, but neither of them forced any interactions.
Hell, Astel did everything in his power to NOT speak to Festival the first time around until she basically went for him

>> No.52085417

Shit the fuck up homobeggar, your kind is steadily ruining this entire industry. Males have NO business being vtubers, all males should be doing is supporting their female oshis from the sidelines like everyone else.
>hurr durr unicorn seethe
Shut the FUCK up. Your kind will burn in due time.

>> No.52085467
File: 234 KB, 455x577, 1658767601716560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey cool

>> No.52085486

>Fuck this favoritism
But enough about Nijisanji

>> No.52085493

Go finish learning English you fucking mongoloid. What a fucking waste of trips.

>> No.52085495
Quoted by: >>52085689

Just don't go shoot up a walmart when your oshi breathes the same air as a male please

>> No.52085567
Quoted by: >>52085689

an adult male wrote this post

>> No.52085568

Cover doesn't agree with you

>> No.52085607
File: 362 KB, 600x600, 366887542119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52098185

>Your kind will burn in due time.
>Holostars has been a thing since 2019

>> No.52085664
Quoted by: >>52085727

>all males should be doing is supporting their female
unikeks are literally the same as twitter feminists, it's insane.

>> No.52085689
File: 178 KB, 1080x907, C08C4F2F-3502-4CED-A0BA-B98E579490D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52085811

So true! They aren’t nearly as civilized as us kindred!

>> No.52085727
Quoted by: >>52085763

Sister, our entire reason towards pushing mixed collabs is to make unicorns (who are usually misogynistic incels) seethe.

>> No.52085763
Quoted by: >>52085797

kill yourself, nigger faggot

>> No.52085767

The more they try to shill them to me the less I'm inclined to watch. Holostars are the "forced black female character in a video game" of vtubers.

>> No.52085797

What made you decide to stop supporting the cause, sister?

>> No.52085811

based chink dabbin on the nijinigger

>> No.52085890
Quoted by: >>52087006

Do unicucks really?

>> No.52085922

all redjuice

>> No.52086039
File: 110 KB, 500x375, char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52087006

Look at him and laugh

>> No.52086099
Quoted by: >>52099051

what a retard, every talent have some mantanance cost. manager and all that jazz. even the audition cost money. thinks a little bit sister

>> No.52086168
Quoted by: >>52099000

>forced interactions
>some don't want to
So is it forced or can they just not do it?

>> No.52086175


>> No.52086347
Quoted by: >>52099000

>forced interaction
>some of them don't wanna
How is that forced then? If you mean forced as in mandatory, clearly not the case.
You might mean "coerced" wherein they have a ton to gain in some other way, but most girls still refused

>> No.52086378

It's not favoritism, just a simple communication, Holostars are men, so they most likely say what they want straight and on point. With women you must figure out what they want, and that takes time.

>> No.52086392

especially this "sister" no life who keeps bringing up shit related to Nijisanji, for some reason?


>> No.52086447

>Holostars are men
what did anon mean by this?

>> No.52086458

>Oga, Roberu, and Astel have to endure this level of anti shit when they have made their own little corner of the worl without Holo girls (Seriously, Rober's Mea arc alone is worth watching)
Yagoo used to literally show up and clean house when the boys were having a bad time....kinda wishing he would do so now as well

>> No.52086515
File: 339 KB, 1080x1572, DC6BC595-F0B8-4A13-BAE4-DC5386530C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52086645

Sister, I know Milord ultimately rejected us for that whore, but please don’t forget our roots! Remember, we want to destroy Hololive and own the unichuds!

>> No.52086645
File: 131 KB, 1045x643, vrabioverlap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52086811

>Less than 50% overlap with NijiEN
>only 4% more than the Hololive EN overlap
>cherry picked over other streams that have overlaps looking like this
this isn't the win you think it is

>> No.52086655

>forced interaction
>some of them don't wanna
I love how if you give you clown enough time you'll eventually tell on yourselves.

>> No.52086751
File: 1.34 MB, 942x1209, Polka Bettel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Clown Oshis!!!

>> No.52086767

I don't blame management too much for HomoEN 1 considering how beggars invade everywhere including threads like this and skew perception. But obviously that doesn't translate to views so Cover should learn their fucking lesson and stop listening to the women and fags defending their homos in this thread instead of watching them.

>> No.52086811
File: 240 KB, 473x852, AA9FBD06-0771-432B-B84C-EE511E7D17DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52086861

Own that unichud’s ass, sister! Our liv- oop, I meant talents, would be better off without his kind!

>> No.52086816

IRyS asked for a redesign pretty much at debut and got it approved in January, it's the useless faggots in management who took 11 months to get around to contacting Redjuice and getting it done, even with her regularly asking about her redesign's progress

>> No.52086861

This is even less of a win for you because it's literally a single person's twitter post, anon
your rrat is baseless

>> No.52087006

Ok so i do have to appologize, I though all of you were simply ineducated, but i get it now, why didn't think about it.... What are the homofag audience? woman termonal online and faggot, what are their denominator? low IQ and high emphaty. The issue wasn't you confusing the colcul of increase and decrease, it was you not being able of any conceptual though.
So i'll take it slowly to explain first, then out of mockery for your pathetic empathy i'll reformulate my original comparaison to humiliate you even more because right now you deserve it hard.
So my Original comment was to compare to a tax system increment. Increment, hence my original number had to be the lower one in absolute value, hence i took 11, the tax value after the INCREASE, since my original comparaison was and increase and taxe would have to be 16. I'll skip quickly here but the value of that increase is 45%.
> now as promised the reformulation of this using the decrease in taxes, because i guess for retard emotional 31% is less scary than45
Imagine a situation where a less productive member of your society had to pay 31% less taxes because he is a faggot that suck dick.
Now all of you KYS thank because while formation issue can be solved by you going back to school as far as I know unability of conceptual though can be only solved if you believe in resurection.

>> No.52087391

>>Huh, Holostars is not making the required money to make up for their existence? no problem, just use some of the money the girls worked so hard to get just to keep Stars alive lol

>> No.52087471
Quoted by: >>52088659

>back to school
You have the math and literary skills of a 4 year old anon, clearly the one who needs more schooling is yourself.

>> No.52087900
Quoted by: >>52088659

Jesus I'm legitimately trying to fucking read this but
>woman termonal online and faggot
>confusing the colcul of increase and decrease
>not being able of any conceptual though
>since my original comparaison was and increase and taxe would have to be 16
> because i guess for retard emotional 31% is less scary than45
>unability of conceptual though can be only solved if you believe in resurection
I don't usually use ESL to deflect from arguments, but type better for fucks' sake.
Anyway, I got a better analogy for you that works because comparing taxes to time is pretty fucking disingenuous
The 16 minutes and 11 minutes at a restaurant thing I did earlier is also a bit disingenuous, so how about this:
I get my house repainted, and it takes the painting company 16 months to get it done.
Later on, a neighbor gets their house repainted, and it takes them 11 months to get done.
Neighbor's using the same painting company, but different people are handling the job.
Now, I'd be a little miffed, sure.
But I wouldn't start freaking out, raging at the company and screaming online about "favoritism" because that'd be horribly immature and there's a whole bunch of other possible explanations for why my house took longer than my neighbor's than that.

>> No.52088094

a benefit of a corp is part of your earnings go for business development and you have management who specialize in growing the company. limited resources to do things like model updates is an issue.
you're not even a unicorn.. this is just stupidity.

>> No.52088486
Quoted by: >>52088604

Wow starting with the fact that none of you thought to increase 11 by 45% shows you’re both dumb and had no intention to listen.
The fact that you tried to compare different situations shows you don’t watch IRyS. If you don’t watch why speak on it?

>> No.52088604
Quoted by: >>52089748

Why would you increase 11 by 45% to 16, when what literally happened was 16 got reduced by 31% to 11?
It didn't take 11 months and then get slower to 16; it took 16 months and got faster to 11.
I realized that's what the first anon did, and I didn't mention it because it's obviously wrong.
>The fact that you tried to compare different situations
You mean, like everyone who's shouting "favoritism" is? And were the first ones to do so? Like OP?

>> No.52088659
Quoted by: >>52089472

Thank, this kind of answer is everything i needed to get the pleasure of having humiliated all of you.
I know i get really lazy while i'm talking to absolutes morons. Your analogy is better. And yes also calling out for favoritism only because this instance would be immature, now to take out you analogy if everything that your neighborn do is done faster than you around 10 or 20 occurence i would start asking legitimates questions. And it's the issue here. occurences are pilling up.

>> No.52088737
Quoted by: >>52088832

Yagoo thinks StarsEN is worth delaying an EN3 gen, it's sad.

>> No.52088832

gura ran off with the en female management, the male manager was still around to make a new gen.

>> No.52088871
Quoted by: >>52088925

Meanwhile in reality Bettel's SC earnings alone pays for the whole EN stars cost

>> No.52088925

It would be better that way rather than using the girl's money for it

>> No.52089035

Delusional schizo

>> No.52089165
Quoted by: >>52089236

"girl's money".. it's cover's money and they will (obviously) do whatever the fuck they want. every time you SC you are funding stars. seethe.

>> No.52089186
Quoted by: >>52089434

How else were they able to pump covers, og songs, multiple animations and ads along with merch? Myth and Council didn't even get their OG songs until months later but tempus has them instantly and they debuted 6 months between each other...

>> No.52089236

Why are you so mad when it's true? You can pump Beetle's SC numbers you are so proud of and have him sponsor the two tempus gens because he earns much more money in "SC" than HoloEN, right?

>> No.52089361
File: 27 KB, 460x666, 1632155609845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52089711

You're not making any sense at all.
When you SC, cover takes a cut out of that SC, as does youtube.

The leftover money, the money that is paid to the chuubas, that's the girl's money.
Not the cut taken by cover.
Hope this clears up your confusion. I know talking about money can be difficult!

>> No.52089405
Quoted by: >>52089711

why are you so obsessed with how cover spends their money?

>> No.52089434
File: 5 KB, 160x214, 95482045_1166495217022556_676210345550807040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks original songs grows on tree and Cover can just give it to the talents like christmas gift

>> No.52089461
Quoted by: >>52089922

deco27 seems willing to drop a new turd on demand.

>> No.52089472
Quoted by: >>52089956

>occurences are pilling up.
I mean, I can maybe think of a few?
NijiEN collab ban was lifted with Tempus, sure. Hard to say who did what and which company was blocking the other one there, though.
Tempus got the collab ban with the rest of the company lifted about a week early, but I say they're probably learning that a full month of collab ban is pretty stupid. Hopefully. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Mori had a hand in that happening.
Other than the Vesper redesign and the Magni 1.5, they haven't gotten any new outfits after 11 months, while Myth and Council did, so there's nothing there.
Orisongs on debut isn't a huge bonus, and I wouldn't be surprised if every EN gen gets one from now on. Debut orisongs are pretty cringe and bad, anyway, I'd prefer if they didn't get those. Do debut covers instead.
Other than that, what. Games perms? Those are a win for the whole company, anyway. Covers and individual members' orisongs? Been shown that talents who want to work and push those out can themselves, even on Hololive EN side.

>> No.52089519

>he doesn't know about Tempus orisong released on close to their debut and getting ads for them

>> No.52089648

I wouldn't be surprised if future gens get these, honestly
Cover's probably just starting to do more to shill their gens from now on

>> No.52089656
Quoted by: >>52089746

>He still can't comprehend the simple fact that they have original song because they can make one themselves

>> No.52089711
Quoted by: >>52089792

And where did those money came from? The girls themselves of course. Most of it is from them because they earn that many. Cover gets a cut from the girls' earnings yes, but they should spend it back or reinvest it back again to the girls. Not the boys or the other way around. The money earned from StarsJP or StarsEN, the cover's cut of it should go to Stars themselves.

>Cover earns $1 million from the girls
>Let's build Tempus!!! Provide all the shit to make them look good, pronto
>"But Yagoo, shouldn't we use all that money for EN3 instead. The girls also need budgets and fundings for their own projects..."
>No need, let them use their own money instead. You all should just focus on making Tempus better

>Cover earns $50k from the boys
>Yeah, let's still put this money to good use for the boys

>> No.52089746
File: 181 KB, 560x381, 1673154738955083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52089748
Quoted by: >>52089879

>IRyS and her artist ready to go since December 2021. She says cover is sitting on their hands and ignoring him. Planned release date is late December to possible 2023 release.
16 months was her getting it early. He’s getting a new one in under a year. Take the cock out of your ears

>> No.52089792
Quoted by: >>52089882

>Have no insight of their business
>Still want to talk about shit you know nothing about
>Pull number out of the ass

>> No.52089833
Quoted by: >>52089869

>Why musican can make music ?????
That fag make his own song

>> No.52089869
File: 133 KB, 900x1200, 1686809112746411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And daddy yagoo and sisters a chan paid for it

>> No.52089879
Quoted by: >>52090011

Heard it was mostly her personal talent manager who was to blame for sitting on his ass
Which, there are also several possible explanations other than "favoritism" to explain why Irys could have an incompetent talent manager while Vesper doesn't

>> No.52089882

Point is, Tempus has blatant favouritism from EN management's when they aren't even that successful when compared to EN3. EN 3 would totally destroy Tempus 1/2 with ccv, revenue, etc. No one needs an insight of their business to know that it was a stupid decision. A monkey would know that EN 3 would make more money than Tempus would ever do.

>> No.52089914
File: 88 KB, 800x533, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52090018

>Write his own song
>Someone pay for it
Lmao, ogey.

>> No.52089922

They paid for deco to produce those you know.

>> No.52089956
Quoted by: >>52090556

>Well yes this is special treatment but cover is dumb
>Retard myth got their outfits in exchange for not getting 3D. Council took over a year to get actual outfits and even holox haven’t gotten there’s yet.
>It’s not favoritism if I don’t consider it
>Game perms aren’t shared for the whole company and on the rare times it is it’s only for the language that asked. And even if they are that’s still special treatment
>The girls were denied any English covers including Sonic for kronii
Homobegging faggots once again proving they are just antis

>> No.52089966

Debut orisong could've been from whatever money he had before being part of Holostars
Afterwards, he gets memberships up the wazoo and I wouldn't be surprised if he's choosing to live dirt poor in order to use the money he gets to pump out music

>> No.52090010

Dropping hololive and by extension vtubers as a whole when they announced tempiss was the best decision of my life.

>> No.52090011
Quoted by: >>52090868

Oh wow if you heard it then it’s definitely true. What else have the voices told you?

>> No.52090018
File: 216 KB, 561x476, 1686823603269496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52090208

>sisters thought writing his own song = producing his own song

>> No.52090027
Quoted by: >>52090099

>I'll kick them out for you
I don't understand this point. Isn't their new studio big enough to keep a bunch of them recording at the same time?

>> No.52090099

New studio is pretty much unusable. Don’t watch streams, don’t check clips, don’t even read threads

>> No.52090105

>Has said before along with Axel that they pay out of pocket for their own songs
>I-It's totally paid for by Yagoo and a chan! You GOTTA believe me PLEASE!!

>> No.52090162
Quoted by: >>52090817

Weird I remember the catalog bragging about him getting his song bankrolled after Ina got him 500k views. Maybe that was the wind

>> No.52090208
File: 10 KB, 261x223, 108003376_1505643979607299_5240597979232099370_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has the ability to make your own original song
>Has original song
>This is clearly favoritism, Cover gives them their original song !

>It was clearly stated that they paid for the production process themselves
>No, they are lying, Cover pays for it ALLL

>> No.52090273
File: 336 KB, 428x430, 1679554302797860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another butthurt ENfag crying about being neglected

>> No.52090300
Quoted by: >>52090854

He even said on stream that Management liked his numbers and wanted to push more songs for him..

>> No.52090556

>myth got their outfits in exchange for not getting 3D
And Tempus doesn't have 3D OR outfits, your point?
>Council took over a year to get actual outfits and even holox haven’t gotten there’s yet.
New years' for Council after 4 months, and actual second outfits after a little over a year. Holox getting new years' outfits in record time.
>It doesn't count because all of them get new years' outfits
They're still entire outfits that had to be drawn and rigged, and it's still more than Tempus has gotten.
Again, very small thing there. Sure, it's something they got that council didn't. Wouldn't be surprised if it becomes standard practice through the company from now on, though, so it's possible that this is just the direction the company is going from now on. If EN3 doesn't come with an orisong, though, I'll admit that one hands down.
>Games perms
Honestly I don't even fucking know which games perms they themselves got, that was just me trying to throw you a bone. And there are many more factors to that than just which ones asked for the perms, a much bigger one being which games they're asking permissions for. Entirely possible Tempus are just asking for games that are just easier to get perms for.
>EN covers
Only two of these from Tempus:
>City Escape from Magni
Man shilled his Sonic love so fucking hard on debut that Sega probably just threw him a bone. If Kronii had pushed a "sonic fan" public image as hard as Magni did, I bet you she would've gotten it too.
>MONSTER from Bettel
No clue on this one. Looks like he chose a small vocaloid composer, so there's likely very little resistance from the artist there, perms were probably super fucking easy.
>they are just antis
Point to one moment I insulted a Hololive girl in this entire reply chain.

>> No.52090817

>Literally talked in a zatsu after about how Vesper offered to pay half the fees for the song and axel denied him
Huh, ok, guess the catalog always posts correct info now.

>> No.52090828

>be me, browsing 4chan at uni
>friend comes over and sees that i use 4chan
>she is a feminist, probably judging me hard
>tell her that 4chan has become progressive and feministic, so its okay
>later send her a link to this thread with the massage "see they even speak out against workplace discrimination against women"
>she believes me

thank you op, you really saved me

>> No.52090854

>Pushing songs means that they get paid for by cover

>> No.52090868

post proof that she said cover upper management were the ones delaying things, now

>> No.52091170

too many Seething from unicorn and incel itt

>> No.52091697
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>> No.52091864

Vesper new model would not even be close of the quality of Irys model.

>> No.52092222
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>paying taxes in the first place

>> No.52094727


>> No.52094839

>tech support
>low int

>> No.52094936

>Irys, you want a new update to your model since it looks weird, nah you are gonna have to wait a year lol
>Hey Vesper, you want an update to your model? sure thing gonna make it my top priority to give it to you right now

But isn't this a good thing? It means they learned from the past mistakes and are faster at fixing them.
Being against this is a case of "when I was a kid I walked to school uphill both ways", wanting it bad on Vesper because Irys had it bad.
Tho the other points are fair.
Giving Aqua's birthday, one of their best events of the year a middle finger is a mistake with no excuse.

>> No.52095034

>the other points are fair
they're also made up

>> No.52095149

>2 schizos making shit up to continue their reply chain
totally organic

>> No.52095471

>Vtubers are cheap
It cost 40.000$ to be debut Lamy.
Just 20k+ on the model and rigging.

>> No.52095545

Holy fuck you are delusional.

>> No.52095551

can't just drop something like that without a source, anon

>> No.52095694
Quoted by: >>52101655

When Vei debuted one of her models she gave a similar number but her model had a fuck ton of features, smoother rigging than anything Cover has put out and more tracking features.
And she did it all on her own with freelancers. Cover has some inside staff.
That price point just does not add up it's like telling me a Mc Donald's burger costs more than a real restaurant burger.

>> No.52095728

I do agree that Yagoo can't get Tempiss cock out of his mouth for 5 seconds to do literally anything for the girls, BUT, let's not compare the model updates. Magni's model changed so little that non-regular watchers couldn't even tell it changed. If Vesper is anything like that, a more rounded chin will probably be his only change.

Having said that their awful models is still a mystery to me. Why go through all this trouble to shill and cocksuck Tempiss and then give them these god-awful models that the entire internet made fun of?

>> No.52096253

>IRyS asked for a redesign pretty much at debut
So she was an ungrateful cunt from the start

>> No.52096383
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Quoted by: >>52097833

It's a waste of money. Everyone who is already into them is watching them and it's a small pool outside big events. It's likely more for the talent's morale than anything else, since Magni bitched about openly and Vesper liked his tweet. It's crazy to be happening so fast despite Vesper being the first to be suspended for bad conduct. and all of them doing worse than the lowest holoen girl now.

>> No.52097653
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Quoted by: >>52099414

>all males should be doing is simping fortheir female oshis from the sidelines like me, I'm a gigachad listen to me, I'm right ur wrong reeee

>> No.52097833

how are their numbers compared to niji?

>> No.52097949
File: 71 KB, 247x248, 1618686481401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honest go to god, are these falseflaggers or are unicornfags actually this retarded?

>> No.52097966
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nta, I respect your commitment to still arguing with that anon.
I think any comparisons with or to IRyS are difficult in general anyway, since she debuted alone, had a heavy music focus at debut but not so much later, and had to wait longer to get anything new due to the rework of her mldel (Myth's summer outfits were revealed 8 months after debut iirc).

>> No.52098045

So weird seeing a Pekora image be used against unicorns

>> No.52098089

the sister guy doxxed his gps location a while back he is that stupid lol

>> No.52098185

Holostars were already burning since 2019 lol

>> No.52098564

From what I've seen lurking around well over half of them are either retards from /#/ arguing on behalf of others i.e like political twittertards since girls have big numbers (which is ironic since they tell everyone to go back to twitter or call them troons, also I bet they would be shitting on girls if guys had numbers) or are larping to fit in with the "board culture" because they're insecure tards who are afraid that schizos would make fun of them for liking anything that isn't hololive. At least that's the impression I've gotten. I just can't stop browsing this board, especially these seethe threads, this is so surreal that it becomes funny.

>> No.52098680

You aren't fitting in roastie.

>> No.52098809
Quoted by: >>52098946

I mean I don't like collabs, but it's just so fucking weird.
feels like it's just one guy who hates nijisanji more than he cares about hololive.

>> No.52098946

You mean that retard going on about "milord, sisters or cutting for vox" or something? I'm sure plenty of people noticed that brainlet. I spend maybe 2-3h on this board a day and no matter what time I do it at, he's always in these bait threads posting same phrases on cooldown. I think he's legit with an extra chromosome or something.

>> No.52099000

New Years event? Sponsored events? Putting them together for holomeet?

>> No.52099051

You have to remember they are essentially antis for the girls.

>> No.52099155

Retard sister cover isn't a small 2view indie. A big corpo debut is not going to anywhere near $1k. Jesus christ. Homostars fans just really fucking hate cover and the girls then get offended when they get backlash.

>> No.52099288
Quoted by: >>52100905

>This is true but it’s not favoritism
>This is not true if I close my eyes
You don’t watch the girls and you probably don’t watch the homos. You probably don’t even know what a vtuber is because you sound like a retard

>> No.52099353
Quoted by: >>52099640

Why are you engaging antis. His response was literally she was dumb

>> No.52099414
Quoted by: >>52099550

You’re on an anonymous board defending men. If you want to think that’s not gay go ahead

>> No.52099534 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 850x1393, 1669277305579121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holostars are men

>> No.52099550

And there are anonss that are on an anonymous board thinking of men, and defending retarded women.
Both are equally bad looks.

>> No.52099640

I'm not defending anyone nor am I chimping out over these mid streamers. I am making fun of all you downie simps for crying every day over some fags. It's funny and you subhumans deserve to made fun of

>> No.52099700
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This is peak entertainment.

>> No.52099723
Quoted by: >>52101028

Ace means asexual, except you're trying to make it sound cool and not that you're just unable to get laid. No idea what Aro is, I assume it's just some other modifier they're adding in because being JUST asexual doesn't make them special enough.

>> No.52099840

The reason the boys get stuff done is because they actually ask and are persistent where as the girls (except Kiara and Mori) are always like "I want this but I'm too shy to ask uwu"

>> No.52100905
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>> No.52101028

Aro = aromantic
The general idea is that you may develop romantic feelings for reasons other than physical attraction, or may seek to cohabitate even though you do not want to corpulate (or vice versa).
It's been more common terminology OTI in 2013ish when tumblr was big.

>> No.52101655
Quoted by: >>52101945

Lamy is drawn by a good artist Vei is drawn by some random twitter retard. Hololive and Holostars models cost a lot because they are drawn by big name artists.

>> No.52101945
Quoted by: >>52102268

Imagine paying more for less, the absolute state of corpos

>> No.52102268
Quoted by: >>52103220

>paying for better quality designs instead of retarded features is bad
Retard. The design is the most important aspect, retarded gimmick features are not important.

>> No.52103220

There's an EN indie that shares a designer artist with Lamy and has pretty much equivalent quality rigging though? There is no way in hell she paid anywhere near 40k, most of that price has to be marketing, not actual art costs.

>> No.52103510

funniest fucking thread in ages almost as good as the time people argued how many days are in a week

>> No.52104159
Quoted by: >>52104388

>he doesn't know about male collabs being the norm years ago
the only one screeching here is you, dumb newnigger

>> No.52104388

Sister, just because they did it in the past doesn’t mean that they should do it now. There’s a clear reason they moved on from it.
