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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 158 KB, 784x621, 1624134911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51962554 No.51962554 [Reply] [Original]

Yuro lazy bastards edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Can I self-post?
I can't recommend doing so.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.

Open company auditions:


Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>51895629

>> No.51962674

>Yuro lazy bastards
fuck off it autosaged

>> No.51962894

Is it worth moving to YouTube these days? What about Kick?

>> No.51962963
Quoted by: >>51963159

I posted it last thread and I'll post it again because it makes me happy!!

I've slowly been going up in viewers, followers and subscribers... I think it's normal to slowly grow the longer you do this, but it still makes me feel really good. I'm reaching more people and I might be able to make a community of people I can spend time with soon!

>> No.51963074

IMO unless you started on Youtube and have an established viewerbase you should Stream on twitch, make video content for youtube, and only go to kick if the atmosphere there seems right for you.

Kick seems like something you should keep your eye on but not actually use, if it shows signs of sticking around it may be worth investing into, but for now it's definitely a risk in the long run, cause the people on that site aren't even guaranteed to move back to twitch/youtube with you, or even that they're real people to begin with.

>> No.51963159

I streamed 20 hours a week for a month and only kept going down from the first stream so I gave up ;_;

Twitch: wants you to constantly pump out low effort content and bait your viewers into giving Twitch all of their money. SEO irrelevant, you grow exclusively through the community or off-platform means.
Kick: mechanically the same as Twitch, smaller, seems to be going the way of Mixer.
Youtube: wants you to put out higher effort content reliably. Massive audience. You'll need to learn editing and SEO. Sharts and vanilla videos are not optional. Fewer streaming bells and whistles than on Twitch. Forget about earning money before you establish yourself as a channel of note.

>> No.51964184

Twitch and Kick are leeches, their users don't go there to find someone to watch, they already know who they'll watch. The audience itself isn't on Twitch but outside of it. It's the main reason why it's so hard to grow on Twitch, you literally have to shill yourself anywhere but there.

>> No.51964268
Quoted by: >>51964470

You can also try bilibili, it's more freedom in someway as long as don't trigger them with Taiwan, for example:

>> No.51964470
Quoted by: >>51964581

I ain't clicking that shit bro

>> No.51964581
Quoted by: >>51964613

Not that I care you click it or not, the link just say how successful Taffy is in bilibili

>> No.51964601
Quoted by: >>51967150

How do you know wheter your design is good or not? Im about to redebut soon, I'm not a big chuuba >20 ccv, but I see the redebut as an opportunity to attract more people. How can I create hype or ultimately squeeze the redebut potential?

>> No.51964613
Quoted by: >>51964688

I'm not denying her success, I'm saying the link looks sketchy as fuck, if it's for Bilibili why doesn't it say bilibili?

>> No.51964688

Oh because I use bilibili's share feature, it use short link with "b23", here is "bilibili.com" one

>> No.51965197

Youtube is interesting if you produce content

>> No.51966470

If you first make some highly demanded and viewd videos on youtube and the viewers ared consistant then do youtube.
Otherwise just hope some people like me that adventures to the deepth of twitch community will find, you while others might come from your twitter or tiktok (or youtube).

>> No.51966885
File: 1.56 MB, 1842x2088, fugi talking 0607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I shall be reading The Suppliant Women by Euripides


>> No.51966977
Quoted by: >>51967122

I hate /asp/, they tell you that you have potential and eventually you realize that it's not true and then everything crumbles

>> No.51967049
Quoted by: >>51967169

Stupid question that might be usefull for others, what can be a subtitute to a streamdeck (free one perhaps)? I know there are many but perhaps some are better then other.

>> No.51967090


>> No.51967122

Everyone has potential but if you don't give in and put some effort then of course everything crumbles

>> No.51967150

I would say show your design, but leak risk

Does it pass the silhouette test (can you still recognise the character when it's completely black)? Does it use pleasing colours? Is the theme perfectly clear from first glance?

>> No.51967169

If a digital version's fine, there's a streamdeck app that works just like a physical one.

>> No.51968570

Someone needs to buy and use this I'm too seiso https://toyhou.se/20919873.sale-rigged-dragon-vtuber

>> No.51968662

>wants to watch barely dressed dragon girls

>> No.51968820

I called it about Laine going MIA

>> No.51969201

Veibae at home

>> No.51969698

I have a bridge to sell you

>> No.51969928

that's just an average vtuber model probably doesn't even count as lewd these days

>> No.51970880
Quoted by: >>51971216

She's not MIA, she's made it clear she's busy

>> No.51971153


>> No.51971216

Busy sucking her boyfriend's cock! Ah! Gottem

>> No.51971262
File: 195 KB, 573x573, PurpleHax-ProfilePic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sirs
Happy Friday Sirs!

>> No.51971317
Quoted by: >>51971700

But is she married to him in XIV? Didn't think so

>> No.51971563
File: 68 KB, 878x465, Screenshot 2023-06-23 083507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is frankly disappointing

>> No.51971700
Quoted by: >>51976766

I used to marry my characters together...

>> No.51971802
Quoted by: >>51971980

>western artists trying to teach "design"
>can barely draw themselves

>> No.51971980
File: 361 KB, 449x401, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51972825

>he thinks anime looks good

>> No.51972756
File: 94 KB, 600x322, farnsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51973765

Good news everyone! I've finally managed to convince every stakeholder to allow me to modify the acoustics of the room I use for streaming, so long as the ceiling modifications can be removed.
I'm going to DIY some foam acoustic panels for the walls, those egg cartons aren't doing shit.
For the ceiling I was thinking about hanging a normal blanket from hooks, is that enough?
I need to look into those corner bass traps too...
The echo I get when singing loudly right now is killing me, it's barely noticeable when I talk but I need energy for my karaoke and covers.

>> No.51972825


>> No.51972967

Hah, Euripides? How about Eumenides!

>> No.51973115
File: 122 KB, 225x225, 9768-gawrgurathinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is over 2 years old so i think its time to ask. Has there been any success stories from vtubers who started out on /asp/? Not talking holo-tier but at least 300+ viewers per stream, and known outside of /here/.

>> No.51973155
Quoted by: >>51973693

Austin Theory?

>> No.51973180
Quoted by: >>51973376

How does somebody claiming to be /here/ two years not already know the answer to this

>> No.51973262

Am planning to read Eumenidies eventually! it is far down on my greek play list

>> No.51973320
File: 757 KB, 2560x1440, 0623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream over! Play was very dramatic! Good fun!

>> No.51973376

I've really only ever scimmed this general a few times over the years desu

>> No.51973509

Eumenideez nutz

>> No.51973578
File: 51 KB, 849x576, miru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my opinion miru is the most successful (former) /asp/, but she only peaks when doing ASMR
there are a couple older /asp/ies who might have bigger numbers but I've never even clicked on their channel

>> No.51973664

Gumpai would be successful if he didn't deliberately torpedo himself

>> No.51973693

She wishes.

>> No.51973761

*and she's shown all of her body except her face so, what is even a vtuber nowadays, back when I was young people called you a slut for showing a glowed hand...

>> No.51973765
Quoted by: >>51974663

i have moving blankets around my setup and it kills all echo no need for a fancy setup it only cost me 80 bucks too

>> No.51973958
Quoted by: >>51974212

An asp guy made it to stars.

>> No.51974212

Was it The big orc in office clothes guy? That is huge if true, is there any proof he posted in /asp/?

>> No.51974390
Quoted by: >>51974599

Not him. Orc was at best wvt adjacent. The archer dude is who I'm talking about.

>> No.51974419

I think that Orc was only mentioned in /wvt/, and I don't think he self-posted, but I've got to admit that I've been so busy for the past few years that I haven't gotten a chance to check in to every thread so I could be wrong.

>> No.51974599

You're talking about Lex Parte and yes, he went major corpo

>> No.51974663

I'm glad it works for you but you're a moaner and I'm a screamer. Have you ever raised your voice during a stream!? Schrei! My echo is only bad when I get loud and aggressive.
Also how thick are your moving blankets? The moving blankets I'm used to are very cheap and thin...

>> No.51974865

Sound dampening isn't rocket scien"e anon, any material that breaks up the sound waves works so you can use towels, Blankets, egg cartons, stuffed animals wall, Pillow fort, Blanket just over your head, Acoustic foam panels, carpet, rugs, etc. etc.

>> No.51974999
Quoted by: >>51975126

Curtains, record in the closet, Bookshelves, mattresses, corrugated cardboard (with slashes in it)...

>> No.51975126
Quoted by: >>51975401

Why doesn't my plaster wall break up sound?

>> No.51975401

Because it's hard and makes sound waves bounce, try dropping a tennis ball on a blanket, then drop it on the floor, you'll notice it bounces a lot more on the latter

>> No.51975897
Quoted by: >>51976401

I thought of /asp/ when I saw this tweet

>> No.51976401
Quoted by: >>51976503

This doesn't really apply to most vtubers though, when you convey emotion through body language you use the entire body, but unless you're willing to spend a shitton of cash for a full body tracking setup, your avatar can only move its head and have the body tag along a little. Even the middleground of just tracking hands is still too expensive for most people starting out (Which are the ones asking "Hey /asp/, wouldn't it be cool if I added a mask to my design?")

>> No.51976503

nta but I've been able to gleam a ton of emotion out of someone simply laughing/raging so hard the model defaults to its a-pose in the past

>> No.51976615

Well they are just regular ones, but i added 2 layers and I think the hooks would definitely take 3-4 at least on each side so who knows. But yeah I'm not a particularly loud streamer.

>> No.51976766

>he didn't marry his femroe to his gf's malec@

>> No.51977221
File: 138 KB, 600x1299, Atelier.Ryza .Ever.Darkness...The.Secret.Hideout.600.3596097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your dream dream artist if you could commission any artist in the world, no money or availability concerns?

Mine would be Toridamono and I will always stand by this.

>> No.51978087
File: 75 KB, 570x528, skyward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A time machine would be a good start.

>> No.51978096
File: 62 KB, 429x566, Traps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norio-sensei. No one does bulge quite like her

>> No.51978359

id probably get a model from iron vertex, i have the money but i want to own the model so they aren't an option

>> No.51978365
File: 344 KB, 866x1271, Kamui_crossover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Clamp.
I would be the brainchild of the world's most powerful and most influential fujos, there's no greater honor

>> No.51979939

3D by Yoolie

>> No.51980578
File: 39 KB, 448x448, Digby_biig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the guy who used to draw Dragonball but stopped cos his favourite pen broke?
I'd get him to do it purely to get him drawing again. He might be lazy but he might also just have lost confidence in himself, either way it'll be a good experience for him

>> No.51980614

I wish I could share my parses here but my OpSec... Everyone would be so proud.

>> No.51980749
Quoted by: >>51981086

i usually average like 95 on most fights after a couple kills but im too lazy to go higher also i usually quit the game shortly after because i can't be bothered with reclears. ffxiv brainrot is insane i have no idea how everyone else can do the same shid the entire tier

>> No.51980841
Quoted by: >>51981086

I'm a grey shitter and proud
allegedly; never bothered to parse

>> No.51981086
File: 5 KB, 251x107, 1687540321179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit this most recent tier only because I needed more time and coordinated jump rope where you had to wait for the weakest link to catch up ate up too much of my time.
It's fun to improve, eventually you end up playing well without really trying!

>> No.51981325

Clio posted here a few times asking for advice

>> No.51981550
Quoted by: >>51981702

EIEN has just opened applications. Don't know if you're interested or not.

>> No.51981702
Quoted by: >>51982058

Do you take me for a whore or something?

>> No.51981942
File: 615 KB, 556x558, 1674644408208016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny that you got compared to lapin in your old design and here it looks pretty close to callie's new design hair/facewise
miru or hes are probably the most successful of gen 3 yeah
as for earlier gens, callie hits 150+ regularly and clauvio hits 300+
lex parte as mentioned before also made stars

>> No.51981971
File: 1.08 MB, 1499x2250, original_temp_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atushi Ookubo for me, especially if the rig can really push the facial features good.

>> No.51982054
File: 496 KB, 1920x2716, zeen-chin-null8-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D model in Zeen Chin's art style. If I had to do 2D, then SuteinuA for art and Kanbutsu Himono for rigging. Iron Vertex's rigging is too bouncy to the point where it's extremely distracting while Himono's is very natural.

>> No.51982058
File: 237 KB, 400x302, where do you think we are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51982193
File: 151 KB, 1000x1091, moebsdream_1461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51982840

The lines, the aesthetic, the cool hats. It would be a really interesting project to extend that artstyle to some sort of rigging system for a character (and maybe borrow ideas from Sable)

>> No.51982792

Bringing up gen 3 makes me wonder about dog. Is he just an artist now? Haven't seen a stream from him in a year.

>> No.51982799
Quoted by: >>51983472

How the heck do I come up with a good design for my chuuba? I can't think of anything good looking and unique.

>> No.51982840
Quoted by: >>51983223


>> No.51982912
Quoted by: >>51983281

Did you check the new account that Deku accidentally leaked?

>> No.51983122

His chuuba kids seem like they're doing well though, thr most recent one blew the hellup. He's like a DIY one man army

>> No.51983223
File: 212 KB, 1280x821, moebsdream_1201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I tried replaying it, a lot of the wonder of discovery that propelled me the first time wasn't the same - but if it's your first time it will be a very comfy experience!

>> No.51983281

nta but that account is defunct too

>> No.51983472

Choose a theme and don’t over design for the sake of being unique. Gura’s design is pretty simple, but you can instantly tell she’s supposed to be a shark. Same with Petra’s looking like a penguin.

>> No.51983476

I knew a programmer-streamer who made his own redeem points clone because he didn't want to join the affiliate program, that would be a nice thing to have for migrating to youtube
I need my headpat redeems

>> No.51983696

I threw up a little in my mouth

>> No.51984714

EIEN link for the OP
>Inb4 whores

>> No.51985093

Showichi Furumi or Moto Murabito

>> No.51985908


>> No.51985911

Word of advice if anybody gets in:
Don’t play with your boyfriend on stream and don’t auction off a gamer chair soaked in ball sweat and claim it’s yours.

>> No.51986187


chase is streaming

>> No.51986341

time to do my quarterly lurk on dog

>> No.51986532

One of my regular viewers offered to buy like 5k worth of equipment i need (new pc, other stuff), in exchange he only asks for me to visit him at his hotel room, he is in the city for business. I know he is legit he is my top donor. Im not stupid, i know where this is going and i know what he wants, i done some fanservice stuff and a handcam stream where i showed off my legs a little, just to like make it a fun stream. He is really nice, and its not like he is hiding what he wants from me but still you know. The PC would be a lot of help, and new streaming equipment, i dont know. But this feels like too much, do i really wanna be THAT girl, i dont know i need advice. Anyone done anything like this, how did you feel after?

>> No.51986637

What the fuck

>> No.51986678

Yes, I'm whores.

>> No.51986687

>Anyone done anything like this, how did you feel after?
So you are going for it, good for you sister

>> No.51986717

>Should I be a prostitute
I think the answer to this question is given by if your stream has a sexual content marking or not.

If you do, you're already a prostitute, time to make peace with that.

>> No.51986844

Compare the 5k to the market rate for prostitutes in your area and use that to decide if it's worth it.

>> No.51986910
Quoted by: >>51987101

assuming this is even real, don't even think about what happens during it, think about how the interaction is going to become afterwards.

he's still going to show up for your streams and everything so you will keep getting reminded.

>> No.51987085


>> No.51987101

I know but, its not like he isnt really nice to me. No one would know, its not like we are meeting each other after that. I just wanna know if anyone else here has gone through with something like this and how did they feel after. But you right him showing up again, is gonna be a little weird, i was just hoping it wasnt gonna be that weird.

>> No.51987120
Quoted by: >>51987309

Do you think he at least looks decently attractive?

>> No.51987133

Did it to put food on my table. if you can keep your self-esteem intact afterwards, good. If not, do your best to stay away from bad habits, they won't help you cope

>> No.51987202
File: 125 KB, 290x532, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to believe you're both larping, but I know women too well, it's plausible

>> No.51987309

Yeah, hes allright. Thats not an issue, its more like the whole thing is kind of weird obviously. I tease sometimes in my streams but its not like im some crazy club girl irl.

Was it a viewer or just someone you knew irl and you needed money? Afterwards did you keep talking to him, were you like ok and not feel weird?

>> No.51987314

Selling your body for money is based and empowering. I wonder which hole he’s gonna want to use first, do you know what he’s into?

>> No.51987370
Quoted by: >>51987622

Story? Sounds interesting.

>> No.51987622
Quoted by: >>51987696

I knew was the guy taking a cut, that's it

>Did it to put food on my table
That's the story

>> No.51987696
Quoted by: >>51987771

>did it to put food on the table
You can't just say this and not provide recipies anon. What did you cook?

>> No.51987724

You are selling your body for material goods.
Also he's overpaying you, good escorts charge 1k a day, full service +gfe you better give this dude 5 days worth of that.

>> No.51987771
Quoted by: >>51988209

Lobster thermidor

>> No.51987788
Quoted by: >>51988053

women are whores and everyday I'm losing a little more of my belief in human dignity

>> No.51987850

It's not overpriced. A good escort is not your oshi. There's many good escorts but the familiarity, the specifics of the person and the character, that's one of a kind. Comparison is meaningless so it's entirely a value judgement between the 2 people.

>> No.51987934

>its not like we are meeting each other after that
Unless he offers more money.

>> No.51987987
Quoted by: >>51988003

i wish i had money so i could pay vtubers for SEX (real)!!!

>> No.51988003

Which aspies would you pay to SEX?

>> No.51988053
Quoted by: >>51988791

>no bored 50yo wife paid for his dick

>> No.51988209

>have sex with viewers
>boil a crab alive and eat it every day
Somewhat based

>> No.51988238
Quoted by: >>51988576

Denpa if you want to sell your body just give me a price and let me know your hard limits.

>> No.51988255

>Also he's overpaying you
be careful of that point, for that amount of money he's probably expecting more than just sex, he might want feelings too

>> No.51988576

I would lay good money to fuck a femanon the onea i seen are always skinny and cute in a egirl kind of way.

>> No.51988791

All I'm saying is that if any the horny onee-sans are out there, I'm totally willing to be wild and silly

>> No.51988852
Quoted by: >>51990486

I would pay to hold Haru's hand but I'm poor so It's better if I don't think about it

>> No.51989410
Quoted by: >>51989609

The fact you're posting this means you've already made up your mind to do it and this is just a way to cope and rationalize the shame away.

>> No.51989609

Would you not do it for 5k?

>> No.51989680
Quoted by: >>51989766


>> No.51989766
Quoted by: >>51989891

It’s easy to say “No” when no one has even offered it to you. You might think differently if the opportunity arose.

>> No.51989813

I'll do it for 500 and a shout-out

>> No.51989891
Quoted by: >>51991935

I wouldn't sleep with some greasy virgin for 1 months pay

>> No.51989901
Quoted by: >>51990151

Girl just fuck him, then block his ass and get it over with.
It's obvious he wants more than just fucking you, he wants you.
This shit will lead to a horrible relationship.

Hey, your choice.

>> No.51989976

No, I have principles I won't break. Not having sex for money or material gain is one of them. 5k isn't worth that, or the shame, guilt, and self disgust that would result in such an encounter. You're not just selling your body, you're selling your sense of self worth and even security. If you go through with it he's going to know forever that you're willing to do it for money. That's going to be hanging over your head for a long time and he can always just offer more for another encounter. Do you really want to be able to look back in 5 years if you become successful off the back of this and remember it was all because you spread your legs for money? Not to mention the threat of this coming back to bite you. Let's sa you do go through with it but you end up hating it or it gets really weird and awkward for you when you see him in your streams. Maybe he gets pushy from a sense of ownership, maybe he starts letting things slip. Are you going to ban him? What do you think he's going to do then?

>> No.51990081

Hell no, and I'm a man

>> No.51990129

I think it's totally fine to have sex for money, but it just isn't for me.

>> No.51990151
Quoted by: >>51990542

If she just blocks after the fact what’s to stop him from simply posting what they did and exposing her?

>> No.51990207

>hey chuuba why did you start streaming?
>as a gateway to prostitution obviously

>> No.51990262

Not for streaming equipment

>> No.51990314

Hell yeah, and I'm a man

>> No.51990362

This Gross Motherfucker Is Grooming Cute Chuubas AND YOU'RE NOT! how? Just click this link -->

>> No.51990395
Quoted by: >>51990431

I would suck multiple dicks for 5k but nothing more

>> No.51990431

I would suck multiple dicks for 0k

>> No.51990486

On the off chance we were ever to meet up after becoming good buddies, a hug would be on the house for free! All my friends get one in case I don't get to see them again for a long time.

>> No.51990542

She can just handwave it easily.
You got no idea how easy it is for women to get away with shit on the internet.
She can even pull the rape card.

>> No.51990739

There are obviously zero risks to that plan

>> No.51990811

Not really easy to handwave if she wants to attract more paypigs though, and making false rape accusations shouldn’t be your fallback plan if it blows up in your face, even though it seems to work more often than not…

>> No.51990971

Meeting Haru!
Holding Haru tight!
Getting a whiff of Haru's sweet perfume!
Grabbing Haru inappropriately!

>> No.51991025

don't harass the dog

>> No.51991073
Quoted by: >>51992095

Ok calm down Laine

>> No.51991158
File: 3.99 MB, 4752x4912, pomf~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone done anything like this, how did you feel after?
won't confirm but it's totes fine c: the two big concerns are physical safety and data leaks. and for how you feel after, that's dictated by their attitude towards both you and sex.

coco's sleeping with viewers guide:
A) physical safety!
1. location: unexpected visits from others as well as planted recorders can be scary! switch the location on him last minute to somewhere nearby to not inconvenience him. be the first one in the room and don't give him a room key. (i recommend throwing the room keys out the window or down a vent once you both get in the room. you REALLY don't want him to be able to contact his friends or reenter the room with them)
2. deadman traps: a good way to discourage them from getting too rowdy is to tell others where you are. you can also do things like scheduling tweets with his government ID (require this in advance ALWAYS) and explaining the situation. if you're not in a state to delete those tweets later, then their life is over <3 also have someone call the cops explaining what happened if you don't report back to them. tell him about the deadman traps you've set, but make clear you're leaving the details of some of them out!
3. force. you're VERY unlikely to be able to physically outdance this person. mace won't help if he lands a good jab first. don't count on this!
4. meet him at a public coffee shop or similar, then take him to the place you arranged from there. don't reveal the final location in advance, and don't let him write it down or use his phone after he knows where it'll be.
B) data leaks!
1. best thing you can do is use the hotel's bag check to secure all his electronics. let him have the bag check claim ticket so he can get it on his way out. (this is another reason it's important for you to get in the room first! helps avoid planted tech)
2. if he wants pics/vids of the visit, take them on YOUR phone/cam. leave them only on your device until after the visit and you've reviewed them. don't upload or back them up before then. DON'T let him use your unlocked phone, or if you do, watch him like a hawk.
3. it's best to discuss what they're looking to get from the visit beforehand as far as digital permanence goes.
C) attitude!
this is totes up to you to discuss with him. be nice to him, help him feel comfortable with his understanding of your limits so your deadman traps don't kill him a few hours later. use safewords (the stoplight color system are pretty universal) to communicate when to pause or stop play. also i'd rec asking them to leave cash instead of digital transfers. it's usually more comfortable for them as well since there's no awkward digital trail for them to worry about. have them give this to you before the visit is over. also! make sure you condition him to NOT TRY TO HAGGLE / PUSH FOR MORE early! ideally make him understand this before you even meet

>> No.51991197
Quoted by: >>51991935

I would do it for free with the right person, but never for money no matter the amount, some things don't have a price tag
but if it's in the millions I would definitely hate myself some days, when I'm at work, but I wouldn't be me if I took the money

>> No.51991397

I gave my oshi $2500 and she didn't even read my messages more than others

>> No.51991537

Never donate, only whores can be bought, and your oshi should never be a whore.
Simply become a chuuba yourself or an artist/VA or someone big enough where interacting with you transcends being just a viewer. Interacting with them on an equal playing field opens up a world of potential opportunities to foster a real relationship, whether that be a simple friendship or something more.

>> No.51991590
Quoted by: >>51992225

Pulling his tail!

>> No.51991617

Ill pay 200 femanon, you sound cute, be my my oshi. Its no big deal, ill treat you good, you ever had someone lick your backdoor girl. Think about it.

>> No.51991765
File: 452 KB, 800x600, Kenji_NoGlasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51991868
Quoted by: >>51991944

How do you reach a new audience when you've dried up all the eyes from your current avenues

>> No.51991935

I think femanon say this but if some guy, and not even a neckbeard but it was a regular guy, really came up to you and was all "wow you are so beautiful, you are my oshi, 5k for one night, please" they would think about it. I mean yeah shame and all that, but in the end its different if some guy actually did it. Soeaking of which if any femanon wants to hook up, let me know, i wont pay you 5k but i will take yoi to mcdonalds and you can get anything you want, no soda tho, we get water, im not made of money.

>> No.51991944

Sell your body

>> No.51991976
Quoted by: >>51995418

"Hi boys~ today I'll give you GFE and licking sounds in the microphone for money haha but remember I'm se-i-so~~"
"...Be lewd for money? What the fuck is wrong with you you degenerate freak. Fuck off I'm banning you"
Post your streamer links you predatory cheating cunts so we can block you.

>> No.51991988
File: 1007 KB, 1275x577, 1682661869770823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51992254

To add to the OP:
Coco's guide to sleeping with viewers

>> No.51992023

Viewersex isn't real

>> No.51992095
Quoted by: >>51992306

She's in STEM, she's not hurting for cash

>> No.51992150

Good advice, more than just girls need to know this.

>> No.51992178
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1000, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51994271

No mercy for my mom.

>> No.51992220
File: 1.95 MB, 4000x4000, 1687344491747933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostan' cute

>> No.51992225
Quoted by: >>51992429

Big no to these ones...
I am a wolf, I proudly stand above dogs!

>> No.51992254
File: 490 KB, 1000x1000, 5-1000x1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51992306

I didn't know they paid you for studying nowadays

>> No.51992341
File: 219 KB, 461x650, image (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51992358

God why are aspies such shameless whores…

>> No.51992429
Quoted by: >>51992615

Wolfs are just dogs in denial.
If you pet their heads and scratch them behind the ears they turn into puppies.

>> No.51992615
File: 602 KB, 1000x1000, 1687557788804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a breed and predigree thing, you see!

>> No.51992653

Don't worry, I'll breed you

>> No.51992665

>more than just girls need to know this

>> No.51992681
Quoted by: >>51992755

breeding haru!

>> No.51992708

Sexually harassing animals is a sign of mental illness, seek a doctor before it's too late

>> No.51992755
Quoted by: >>51992979

I should choose my words more carefully, huh?

>> No.51992979

This is the kind of post that exposes you're completely aware of what you're doing and saying, just so you know

>> No.51993038

Skill issue

>> No.51993131
Quoted by: >>51993647


>> No.51993136
Quoted by: >>51993290

He wants to tease you while he tries to act innocent, to him this is all a depraved game, don't fall for it.

>> No.51993196

I'd have to be clueless to not know the meaning of the word breed! I just didn't think of it in that context.

>> No.51993209
Quoted by: >>51993647

check dms

>> No.51993290

I knew it! Anyone who enjoys megaman legends HAS to be a degenerate

>> No.51993351
Quoted by: >>51993647

What does MML have to do with degeneracy?

>> No.51993360
File: 1.35 MB, 1698x1200, shiki_eiki_touhou_drawn_by_banpai_akira__e9fa0dd7355c8e47493344c8b74bf455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banpai Akira probably

>> No.51993529
Quoted by: >>51993785

Anon did you forget he is a demon? it was obvious from the start.
His goal from the beginning was to steal your soul after you lust for him.

>> No.51993647
Quoted by: >>51993908

i dont have any new dms on twitch/twitter/discord, sup babe
my mind went to this instead of megaman with that acronym kill me

>> No.51993716

What is gfe and how do you do it

>> No.51993785

Demon is merely a race, like how you're a human, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm up to anything bad! I was kicked out either way...

>> No.51993823
File: 700 KB, 1250x754, toudou_yurika_aikatsu_and_1_more_drawn_by_lm7_op_center__724b1cee6493041585093ba814556aee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51993880
File: 44 KB, 702x308, Weird_Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51994226

Have you heard of the high elves?

>> No.51993908


>> No.51993920

Be woman, pretend to be chat's girlfriend.
GirlFriend Experience.

>> No.51993937
File: 237 KB, 808x1088, 712DoSsnVML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51994025

Kicked out because every demon wanted to correct you after you teased them.

>> No.51994040

What is BFE?
What does a boyfriend do

>> No.51994050
File: 1.52 MB, 808x1088, arizona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51994316


I want to get to play music together with gClef-senpai someday. Now that I'm off my antidepressants and antipsychotics + watched Bocchi the Rock I played my drumset again for the first time in years!

Thank you gClef-senpai.

>> No.51994064

Fart loudly, show chat trash tier memes and be needy 20% of the time

>> No.51994073

Have you watched Uwu_to_owo? That's it.

>> No.51994094
Quoted by: >>51994320

I don't know what's larping and what isn't anymore, women are scary

>> No.51994147

i dont know but this aint the thread to ask guys what its like to be a bf

>> No.51994150
File: 2.76 MB, 2316x2635, 20230617_161434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51994164

Just be nice to me and don't talk about your boyfriend

>> No.51994198
File: 64 KB, 421x287, thrianta_breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51994226

Don't mention them around the bird. She could be reading this.

>> No.51994271

That turn gives me anxiety.

>> No.51994316
Quoted by: >>51994760

BASED bro, chop suey is unironically my favorite song to play on drums, hope you continue to feel good!! we'll play together someday, believe!!

>> No.51994320

coco worked in the business, going by her instruction manual. the rest is either larp or a chuuba is getting unironically groomed live

>> No.51994575

I need to spice up my streams, I think. I have recently become a little less than satisfied with them, between my less frequent output compared to those I know, and running on the back of yesterday's creations. Don't get me wrong, I'm not menhera about it, but I think it's important that we all sometimes take a step back and reflect on what we're doing, rather than just streaming and expecting something to happen;

this is your reminder, hopefuls! Don't just make content, remember what it was that inspired you to start! Watch streams! Don't forget the part of you that's a viewer! And for god's sake, take some time to reflect and figure out what you like or don't before you burn yourself out!

>> No.51994728

be a bit vulnerable and helpless so that girls will want to protect you but not so helpless that you can't do the same in return
lend an ear to your partner and actually care about what they're saying to you
have your shit together enough that you can take care of your partner

>> No.51994760
File: 3.60 MB, 2652x4000, 04-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Believe in the me that believes in us, anon. Sankyu

>> No.51994897
File: 701 KB, 1000x750, 1644128263745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scheduling my 1 year hiatus from streaming return for next month. Maybe July 4th.

>> No.51994915
File: 310 KB, 512x512, 1687559832193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back at it again with more Okami! Join us in 15 minutes for the exciting wolf's adventures!

>> No.51994966
File: 2.73 MB, 4608x2592, 20230504_183541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51995433

>> No.51995418

I too ask the girls that star in porn to sleep with me for money and get pissed when they say no.

>> No.51995433

You may be a weird freak, YC, but if whatever they had you on resulted in you walking around with that while in the hospital you have my condolences for living in NYC. Good luck on your recovery stream.

>> No.51995680
Quoted by: >>51996178

I'm not worried about sleeping with my viewers because I sleep reassured that yellow gato will get them for me if anything happens.

>> No.51996178

You also have none.

>> No.51996275
File: 363 KB, 527x621, 1668640673404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51996317
File: 33 KB, 813x785, 1680173852684970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kiki from /pyon/ did an ironic stream simulating what common mistakes new VTubers make (female) that she despises the most. Why should you care? It's surprisingly intelligent on what NOT to do, maybe she secretly likes /asp/.

>> No.51996325

Consider a Healthy Gamer-style Vtuber, or rather, a Vtuber that's generally positive towards mental health without being as in-your-face or preachy. How stupid is that idea? No clue if something similar exists already
Yes I realize this is easily the worst place to ask

>> No.51996380
File: 189 KB, 795x911, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51996572

Don't watch her. She's a vile blight almost as bad as Kaneko L*mi.

She has clips of heavy racism, laughing at suicide, hating on transfolx, etc.

>> No.51996781
Quoted by: >>51996960


>> No.51996860

Rita Kamishiro of Prism Project is a pretty great small corpo who has a pretty positive attitude towards mental health. Without being too preachy or in your face, she advocates for taking care of oneself and shares her own experiences. Honestly, she inspires the environment I want in my streams for it. You may want to check out her streams, particularly those about mental health, you'd probably find it clarifying.

>> No.51996960

I will now watch your chuuba.

Just kidding. Go back to /pyon/ please. Kiki shilling won't amount to anything here.

>> No.51997079

There is probably a number I would do it for but 5k is quite a ways off. It'd have to be like, a few years' worth of comfortable living to have a safety net to fall on if the long-term fallout fucked the streaming gig

>> No.51997092

Will do, thanks

>> No.51997431
Quoted by: >>51998845

my loins are on fire, who is this semen demon?
look at that smug facial expression, I must sex it

>> No.51997868
File: 911 KB, 1000x1518, image (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems ideas are flowing.

>> No.51998015

I took custody of Laine's eyebrows in the divorce. I regret divorcing her. Look how cute she got.

>> No.51998465

She finally took art lessons.

>> No.51998512
File: 2.59 MB, 3000x1518, image (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's how you escape the VRoid hoodie curse.

Simple as.

>> No.51998692

>Tags: Corruption

>> No.51998758
File: 217 KB, 1336x954, 1656274443684965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51998835

It's Friday.

>> No.51998835


>> No.51998845

She already has a bf anon

>> No.51999767
Quoted by: >>51999821

Two for one deal!

>> No.51999821

Yes, me

No thank you, you're not invited to our love nest

>> No.52000629
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, Psychovizard3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fucking explosion

>> No.52001952

Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.52001995

I get to fuck female vtubers

>> No.52002135

Girls are for fucking, boys are for hanging out with

>> No.52002360

do people hang out with you?

>> No.52002468

Occasionally yeah

>> No.52002567

Sorry i hate women

>> No.52002639

I force others to hang out with me by joining my friends even when I'm not invited

>> No.52003828

I wish I could fuck my best friend

>> No.52003950
Quoted by: >>52006919

>open thread in the morning >prostitution
Unironically never a boring day with aspies, tabloid gold

>> No.52006032 [DELETED] 


>> No.52006165
Quoted by: >>52006231


I wonder how much copyright I can get away with in intro op/ed being non-profit and not monetized. Will I have to take down all the old content when I get big enough to get monetized?

>> No.52006231
Quoted by: >>52006303

Make sure they're drum/vocal covered ontop of the original at least, as you've been doing.

>> No.52006303

I play bass too, my dislocations should be tolerable in a month now that I exercise.

>> No.52006310
Quoted by: >>52007424

Mentall health chubas are not good terrible idea. Primarely because you could encourage other girls to have higher self steem and that makes it really hard to fuck them. So can you please like not, i need depressed e girls, how else am i gonna get laid at cons.

>> No.52006707
Quoted by: >>52006722


Why are all you faggots literal hell burners?

>> No.52006722
Quoted by: >>52007333

This is 4chan.

>> No.52006841
Quoted by: >>52007424

Healthy gamer was a scam. Dr.K fucked people up, got swifty to kys

>> No.52006919


>> No.52007333
Quoted by: >>52007548

Yeah, you're supposed to be the smart ones yet i'm the only one to have made it to Super Nova.

Every chuuba is some demon obsessed moron who has to be an IDORU. Its so depressing

>> No.52007424

I do mental health themed stuff. So does Nemcro Deerstain, though just in disicussion while drawing. It's about as much a natural course of action as blogging/vlogging for a vtuber as it is to me about providing a positive and engaging experience. Helps a lot with loyalist-style streaming.

Seems every 100~200 subs yields one CCV/loyalist, on average for actual females. I'm pretty proud of and satisfied with my family of 130:25 ratio. I hope I can maintain it. Unrelatedly, I'm planning on interviewing homeless veterans, dealers, etc hardbody street-wise types. Will be super-imposing myself over me and blurring out faces with prior consent of course. "Helping Homeless Veterans NYC", "SwissedToast's Recovery".. been thinking of titles recently.

Dr. K good inspiration, wanted to work for him at one point. Might still endeavor to, thanks. Excuse the schizo rambling, sike.

>> No.52007531
Quoted by: >>52007681

My friend was an escort for a while, and she really liked it. It's great money, and she does it every now and then for extra vacations.

But your situation is a bit different... what happens if he gets mad and leaks it? Would you be okay with it?

Also, make sure to let someone know where you're at if you go through with it!! Share your location!

Sorry this post is all over the place...

>> No.52007548
File: 151 KB, 359x296, Nova_Chevy_1974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52008623

I am sorry that you wandered your way here then. Enjoy your stay.
The fuck is super nova. I only care about pic related Nova.

>> No.52007681

I hate women so much it's unreal.

>> No.52007694
File: 828 KB, 1400x1400, demon_dayz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are the Gorillaz VTubers?

>> No.52007702

Unrelatedly, I'm planning on interviewing homeless veterans, dealers, etc hardbody street-wise types. Will be super-imposing myself over me and blurring out faces with prior consent of course. "Helping Homeless Veterans NYC", "SwissedToast's Recovery".. been thinking of titles recently.
.....are you a women? Honestly that soujd like it can get super dangerous, real fast. I would not do that, unless you have a whole team with you, but chances are you dont.

>> No.52008014

Forgot my green text, sorry.

>> No.52008084
Quoted by: >>52008224

Do not reply to yellow cat

>> No.52008224

Im trying to get your yellow cat to not go interview some shady drug dealer in a trap house, because maybe that's not a great idea.

>> No.52008234
Quoted by: >>52008613


>> No.52008255

yes, unironically.

>> No.52008375
Quoted by: >>52009088

Please selfpost, I have a background in psychology and I'm interested in the topic

>> No.52008486

I only accept Green CardEU/British password for it
Malta passport will be best one btw

>> No.52008585

Conceptually? Sure.
Literally? Nah man.

They predate vtubers and are characters purely for entertainment purposes, not for any kind of interaction with fans.

So they're like vtubers without the pressure of pleasing fans because they can just continue to make music.

>> No.52008603

You won't stop him from doing dumb shit, he's already been to jail and recently got out

>> No.52008613

wtf fuck you

>> No.52008623

You'll see when I debut, or not. Then who cares. Break it down stupid, its simple latin.

(desu I'm too stoned to try to explain something esoteric to the room temps here)

>> No.52008633

Wait till you see it then. These guys helped me.

>> No.52008776
Quoted by: >>52008897

Fair enough, I'm strictly intending on staying indie. I'd love to lead a group someday but not anytime soon until I'm objectively ready.

ur still a ][_,oser, nerd. enjoy~

>> No.52008792
Quoted by: >>52010651

i'm the only schizo in this thread Chud.

Dr.K Dr. 11, or the Doctor 101, the intro to the occult. He loves buddhist shit so much he was actually part of my awakening. As unfortunate as that may be.

>> No.52008852

hoyl shit LOL

>> No.52008897

I didn't ask, but thats a good idea. Indies are where its at after the war

>> No.52009088
File: 3.62 MB, 284x320, satania_furnace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52009605


Did you have to abandon your previous online identity? I can't do that shit. Like Gura wiping the slate of Senzawa.

>> No.52009232

I'll never have a gf because I have no fun stories

>> No.52009415

do you need one?
what for?

>> No.52009605
Quoted by: >>52010005

Once yes, I only had like 200 followers tho not too big.

It really sucks to be unable to use the old persona though, you grow attached

>> No.52010005
File: 321 KB, 1255x805, 1687344491747930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've maintained mine since I was 10, coming up on 16 years so.. it's where all my current viewers come from.

The whole idea was for my friends to be able to stay in touch with me on another level as we moved on from the games we met on, and forward with adulting work school etc. Has worked like a charm so far, I hope policy allows you to announce it on your old channel, even if you play if off as a joke/deny doing it on your new life! Congrattutulations.

>> No.52010394

You have us, for now.

>> No.52010546

>discover very under-served streaming niche that I believe has the potential to get almost anybody a pretty respectable amount of viewers and grow into a fun community
>start writing a big /asp/ post detailing why it might work well and how one might be able best to approach this niche to help you guys out
>start to realize that this is actually a pretty good idea and that if other people start doing it too it will be far less effective for myself

Sorry guys. I wish I could tell you what it is but I think I have to try this thing out myself. Ill let you guys know how it works out if I fail. Wish me luck.

>> No.52010617

Make them up

>> No.52010651

I should clarify, that wasn't exactly what I meant but it was a tertiary meaning. In my line of work its common to use doublespeak. Since the Cutest Neapolitan cat spoke to me I will clarify for you. Super is a meaning implying above or beyond, Nova of course means new or newbie. However latin grammar indicates that having Nova at the end implies it is a new instance of something that has existed wheras Nova Super, would be a literal new Beginning.

Schizo ramble short: It is a NEW LIFE but its a new metaphysical life too. To be Born again as the Good book says. To Wake up so to speak.

No one responded to my ramblings so now i'm questioning if my gimmick has enough staying power

>> No.52010996
Quoted by: >>52011292

If you think it's interesting, someone else will think it's interesting.

You could doubt yourself, or you could just go for it and learn from the experience.

>> No.52011292

Oh I went into the grammar bjt forgot why it was important lol (still stoned sorry) it was also a joke calling myself above beginning or Beyond New. In kOrea the expression Super Rookie is used interchangeably with a newbie with great promise. Ala one piece aswell
Unfortunately I have no choice but to try as I am spiritually motivated. I'd prefer to do my duty and try to save some of you from what the next 10 years will bring. Ty for the kind words

>> No.52013082
Quoted by: >>52013253

>Nemcro Deerstain
I'm not taking mental health advice from a cutter who fucked 5 guys at offkai, does Frankey even know?

>> No.52013232

Also do not reply or pay attention to swissedtoast aka yellow cat, he's a druggie who recently got out of jail and is desperate for attention

>> No.52013253
File: 72 KB, 585x575, 066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find nothing in hearing it from someone who's come out on top of that and prefer to hear a professional or ass-talker then be my guest. Thanks for making me admire her even more lol.

How many doctors have molested Ironmouse under anesthesia?

>> No.52013316
File: 852 KB, 2116x1417, groundhog-hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread's at 300 already, anon, you can stop shitting your bed now.

>> No.52013512

If you don't know yellow cat he's an heroine junkie who got banned from the discord because he recorded his call with a suicide hotline and DMed it to a female vtuber there

>> No.52013994


>> No.52014201

You do realize you're essentially advertising rent free for him right?

>> No.52014300

that and telling someone not to do something is more likely to encourage them to do something.

Especially on a site filled with presumably age 20 and below users.

>> No.52014354

No I'm not, he doesn't even stream so there's nothing to advertise, he's just a schizo spamming the thread.
Aspcord stop grooming for a second at least warn your newbies about the common schizos for fuck's sake.

>> No.52014670

Stop it thats our word, I bet you even took your meds today

>> No.52014864


Anti theme song.

>> No.52014927

You turn your eyes away from the thread for one second and the scumbad who used to harass Mashy is now an expert in mental health

>> No.52014929

See >>51994897

You're out of work, kiddo.

>> No.52015064
File: 264 KB, 804x400, yes_i_did.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52015136

You're like my pet schizo.

>> No.52015157

leave the thread

>> No.52015356
File: 3.71 MB, 249x324, ezgif-1-75b98a14a7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing good happens after midnight huh?

>> No.52015450
Quoted by: >>52015787

Sex with Coco happens after midnight

>> No.52015480

This gif is good

>> No.52015498 [DELETED] 


>> No.52015550


>> No.52015727
Quoted by: >>52015824

Don't bully cute cat

>> No.52015746

/asp/ies for pillow-fighting in bed with?

>> No.52015787

False. Sex with Coco happens at any and all hours of the day.

>> No.52015824

probably yellowcat, the person she was talking to, reminding everyone that he's fucking insane

>> No.52015866
Quoted by: >>52016829

Was that actually Kiryuu Coco replying?

>> No.52015904

My sides. May you get some well-earned rest.

>> No.52016037

I'm not your stupid heroine addict, i'm a genuine schizo faggot.

>> No.52016078


>> No.52016176
Quoted by: >>52016234

Mashi drew YC on stream before and is unironically the one working on his Live2D...

>> No.52016234

I still find it hilarious they were both stoned the whole time in vc.

>> No.52016603

There’s a discord? Is that for asp? If so how do I join?

>> No.52016674
Quoted by: >>52016752

[insert account hijacking discord link]

>> No.52016696
Quoted by: >>52017148

You have to send a dick pic to the moderator team and they’ll send you an invite

>> No.52016717
Quoted by: >>52016777


>> No.52016729

Now that's just sad. Why can't we be friends~ oh why cant weeee be friends

>> No.52016752


>> No.52016777

who are you quoting?

>> No.52016820
File: 212 KB, 493x438, holy_trinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52016829
Quoted by: >>52016910

Doubt it, or she would have known what I was rambling about. Novone wears a septagram with a leviathan cross in it without atleast knowing what its for... unless they are retarded ofc. Well she did post how to have sex with randos earlier...

>> No.52016852
Quoted by: >>52017719

I'd like to join as well anon.
I saw something about dming someone on twitter or some shit, but I don't know that guy and I ain't gonna do all that.

>> No.52016867
File: 3.46 MB, 426x240, 777_jackpot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52018462


>> No.52016910

Kiryuu Coco, that thread I skinwalked as her was posted when she was under fire.

I thought the pun was witty, cumbrain-kun.

>> No.52017067

He knows, if it's not you then you don't need to think about it

>> No.52017148

I’m willing.

>> No.52017233
Quoted by: >>52017376


>> No.52017376
Quoted by: >>52017419

Damn, nice guitar solo.

where's gclef.

>> No.52017419


I'm wasted ignore me.

>> No.52017468
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, fridey_night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52017519
File: 258 KB, 1199x898, flanfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52017542

See, the untrained eye might not detect it, but that yellow stain just posted 4, maybe 5, times in a row

>> No.52017614
File: 244 KB, 507x549, sakurafish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52017658
Quoted by: >>52017735

where are all the purple /asp/ies?
I'm tryna peep some purple vtubers.

>> No.52017677
Quoted by: >>52017876

wtf are you on? jesus yikes lol.

>> No.52017719
Quoted by: >>52017932

the other discord is the old aspcord, also known as lancecord
you can dm lance maverick or any of the other admins of it for an invite

>> No.52017729
Quoted by: >>52017876

Literal mind rot.

>> No.52017731
File: 33 KB, 477x643, images - 2023-06-24T000550.140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52017803

Lavandel love

>> No.52017735
File: 98 KB, 900x900, nemcro_deerstain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52017763


All I got. but it's purple skin. Feet stream is her most viewed.

>> No.52017763

feet are disgusting but she looks cute.

>> No.52017803

Link? "Lavandel twitch" only turns up "Lavender" misses.

>> No.52017876

>two replies
>slightly more than a minute apart

>> No.52017932

ty friend

>> No.52017941
Quoted by: >>52018170

Very likely that he'll soon be back in jail, since he's been in jail so many times in the past.

>> No.52017944
File: 418 KB, 800x600, yellow_high_speed_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52018261

Now, don't get killed making a turn while driving, anon.

>> No.52017962

Did something happen in the thread? It's rare to get 360 posts.

>> No.52018007

Swissedtoast craving attention, self posting, replying to himself.

>> No.52018008
File: 1.95 MB, 4000x4000, 1687344491747933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen to some music and calm down, schizo anti jfc.

>> No.52018023

Yellow cat moment

>> No.52018027


>> No.52018049

See >>52017876

>> No.52018136
Quoted by: >>52018214

I'm supposed to be the schizo one, how are you actually worse than a legit flat earther? Is this yellow cat in the room with us now?

>> No.52018170
Quoted by: >>52018217

I want him to OD this time, the penal system is useless

>> No.52018214
File: 79 KB, 800x470, NLT-Staw_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52018377


>> No.52018217
Quoted by: >>52018310

Everybody does lmaoooo he's caused me alot of trouble

>> No.52018261

legitimately scary.

>> No.52018310
Quoted by: >>52018351

][_,mao bro ikr. mood. wanna talk on discord?

>> No.52018351



>> No.52018377
Quoted by: >>52018462

Space is Fake and Gay fight me faggot

>> No.52018413
Quoted by: >>52018462


Free flash game. The Last Stand is there too for purchase.

>> No.52018462
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, 017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>52016777 and >>52016867 pic related.
already ogre.

and >>52018413
