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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51686956 No.51686956 [Reply] [Original]

Twitch vtuber = 100% Whore

Instagram vtuber = 70% whore

Youtube vtuber = 50% Whore

Nico nico vtuber = 10% whore

Bili bili vtuber = 99% chinese propaganda

>> No.51687135
File: 39 KB, 211x185, 1682002828940361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instagram vtuber

>> No.51687172

i want to hate fuck this whore

i hate her so fucking much its unreal

>> No.51687212
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 620668569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51687235

I'm sorry Pippa for ever saying your feet are fucked up

>> No.51687320
Quoted by: >>51703252

>Bili bili vtuber = 99% chinese propaganda
So 0% whore as dictated by state policy.

>> No.51687340
Quoted by: >>51701151

bro why the fuck are women toes so fucking long, what is this ayyy lmao martian shit, fucking orangutan looking mfers

>> No.51687489
File: 1.27 MB, 1339x754, 1684694800986453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things I would do for just a single smooch on Saruei's feet are scary.

>> No.51687522
Quoted by: >>51693382

Not a footfag but this one is straight up gross, bitch put the sock back on or turn off the camera.

>> No.51687563

imagine being a fan of that

>> No.51687607
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>> No.51687637
Quoted by: >>51687917

why the fuck is the toenail on her big toe so big???

>> No.51687710

Being mentally challenged doesn't mean you have a real, documented, mental handicap.

>> No.51687829

yeah, they make reels but using a 2D avatar, it doesn't really have much appeal but some of them are kinda funny

>> No.51687917

to cover yourdickhole while giving a footjob

>> No.51687950

Kick Vtubers = 99.99% Gambling addicts

>> No.51687979

Vtubers need to stop this. Now I can't even fap to the fap whore without thinking about her disgusting feet.

>> No.51688372

God these grippers are terrifying
>Verification not needed

>> No.51688649

Why would someone want to be autistic?

>> No.51688761
Quoted by: >>51689116

It's a diagnosis, the alternative is that there is nothing wrong with you and it's really just you ruining your life.

>> No.51688791

there are instagram vtubers?

>> No.51688816
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>> No.51688926

Half twitter freaks list imaginary mental retardations in their profiles. Saruei also wanted to have some, but she wanted to have an official one, instead of self-diagnosed, which she would carry like a badge of honor. But she hasn't realized that when you call a doctor who's been dealing with autistic people his entire life, he'll easily spot a difference between an autist and an attention-hungry retard.

>> No.51689116
Quoted by: >>51689217

What a pathetic reason to fake a mental illness, I think it be better if they faked it for welfare instead of attention

>> No.51689212
File: 25 KB, 500x500, IMG_20230617_011311_057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a humblebrag for people with high social status, because today, it is associated (falsely for the most part) with being a quirky nerd and sometimes with being a genius. A successful streamer or other public figure can signal that they are different and unique, disadvantaged, so deserving of their position, authentic and serious about the interests they present to their audience, a free thinker unaffected by the emotions of the public, and all that comes with the feature that they can use it as a get-out-of-jail free card when it comes to drama. Ironically, the social awareness that is implied by this kind of signaling to craft an attractive but down-to-earth public persona is at odds with an autism diagnosis in the first place.

>> No.51689217

>I think it be better if they faked it for welfare instead of attention
Twitch subs are a form of welfare

>> No.51689397

>can't admit to herself she dropped out of highschool because she's a retard
>desperately wants to be on the spectrum because "autistic girls are cute" - t.groomer instead

Nah bitch. You ain't autistic. You're just fucking dumb.

>> No.51692991

Holy shit, Big Foot is real!

>> No.51693311
Quoted by: >>51702852

>Nico nico vtuber = 10% whore

>> No.51693382


>> No.51694367

Fucked up looking model.
Fuckeed up looking foot.

>> No.51694630


>> No.51696934


>> No.51699345

Is that the Penople she's building ?

>> No.51699733

>3D feet
Actually disgusting

>> No.51699745
Quoted by: >>51708868

Isn't this bitch"diagnosed" BPD though? Wasn't she dumb enough to try proudly flaunting that before?

>> No.51700731

Saruei could have every disease in the world and I'd still kill for one night fucking the French out of her.

>> No.51701151

>bro why the fuck are women toes so fucking long
So men can feel what it's like to suck a small boys penis without being gay.

>> No.51701715

Disgusting feet, disgusting french whore who hates her viewers

>> No.51702350
Quoted by: >>51707928

so fucking gross, do french actually fuck their women?, they have an extremely strong stomach to not vomit constantly.

>> No.51702503

white women have DISGUSTO feet wtf you bitches doing?

>> No.51702730

arent feet banned on twitch

>> No.51702852

>>51693311 Nico Nico has given us gachi muchi, the purest and most chaste form of entertainment. Just being on that site lowers your thot levels by a least 10 perc

>> No.51703252

This the same state that issues whores to foreign students?

>> No.51706597


>> No.51707906

Fucking GROSS. Those feet are hideous. French women are disgusting

>> No.51707928

they eat slugs and frogs, they're used to it

>> No.51707948
Quoted by: >>51708220

More gross feet. These girls have some ugly feet

>> No.51708220

Not everyone can be Pochi Wanmaru

>> No.51708491
File: 1.49 MB, 302x396, feets[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp74lvu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51711238

Not into feet but I'd still fuck this frog

>> No.51708868

if she is BPD then she really doesn't deserve anything good in life and everyone watching her should just drop her right away. no one else is more worth of the title of "subhuman" than people with BPD. they will lie and cheat and destroy everything that's close to them while at first blaming themselves and trying to play the pity card but if you do tell them that they're right and they're to blame, they instantly flip around and try to murder you or frame you for rape or other garbage because you dared not give them pity and tried to make them responsible for their own behavior instead of letting them keep on mouthing off about how they can't "help" themselves and acting like cunts it's just something that's caused by their mental illness.

>> No.51710098
File: 36 KB, 500x282, 1685418546866732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51711026

i want to cum on feet

>> No.51710616
Quoted by: >>51712847

Why is this a schizo thread instead of a comfy foot thread?

>> No.51710879

what is it with white vtubers and extremely long toes, plenty of white women have small shapely toes, but every white female vtuber has actual chromosome issues

>> No.51711026

Steve don't do it, it's not worth it, noooo!

>> No.51711148

Vtuber = Virtual YouTuber
Anyone who doesn't stream on YouTube shouldn't be considered a Vtuber.

>> No.51711238

Not into indo girls but I’d fuck this keris

>> No.51711275


>> No.51711377

Same but with Kiara

>> No.51711563
File: 1.58 MB, 3024x4032, Fu4aKFwWAAMmyFg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French girl feet...

>> No.51712209

I hate women like you wouldn't believe it. I'm just gonna take one for family and never touch internet or dating shit ever again.

>> No.51712847

Because 3D feet are disgusting and will never have the appeal of the ideal 2D foot.

>> No.51713431

because you can get help for that shit that they otherwise don't offer?

>> No.51716282

>twitch artist
>would watch her draw from time to time
>kinda comfy, funny to watch her unhinged frog rants
>stayed for the downblouse
>became vtuber
>never watched her again
I miss her frog tits

>> No.51716722
File: 396 KB, 1080x1080, Melody_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaturbate vtuber = 100% Pure

>> No.51717148

Same, but that's true of every French whore

>> No.51718736


>> No.51719149


>> No.51719269

pure mental illness

>> No.51719399

Do these people have an additional bone in their toes? What in the name of Bigfoot is this shit?

>> No.51719871

And vtweeter?

>> No.51721823

Yup. BPD is just a personality disorder, not a real mental illness. It is just a way of tricking cunts into proudly self-identifying themselves as cunts as a warning to those around them.
The cure for it is behavioral therapy, which is literally just training them to not be such cunts.

>> No.51722072
Quoted by: >>51722639

Yeah it sounds similar to having to teach a child how to behave properly around people but the child is now grown up and is able to do whatever the fuck it wants. Most people with BPD I hear about DON'T actually want to get better so they don't go to therapy or take it seriously in any way whatsoever. They KNOW there's something wrong with them but at the same time they're unwilling to do anything to fix themselves BECAUSE they believe that makes it seem as if there's something wrong with them. It's a weird paradox thing but they genuinely think like this. "There's something wrong with me but I won't take any steps to rectify the problem because that would mean there's something wrong with me that I don't want to admit to."

>> No.51722118

damn white girls and their sexy feet

>> No.51722639
Quoted by: >>51723212

I know u guys hate em, but I spent my late 20s completely cockbreaking a BPD whore, literally trained her with ecstasy and orgasms and if she ever tried getting uppity I literally just spanked her ass until she cried then fucked her into the mattress when she finally broke down and apologized.
If I had anything else going on during that time I definitely wouldn't have been able to manage it coz bitch was the definition of high maintenance.

>> No.51723212

nice fucking fanfiction, faggot

>> No.51723707

Some european and scandinavian countries offer retard bucks, and prime free parking for anyone on the spectrum. I've been trying to get in on it myself but my accent is so thick that they can't tell if i'm braindead or just esl.

>> No.51724164

You take fake scam bullshit made up by jewish psychologists too seriously, just like the women who scramble to get diagnosed with them.

>> No.51725807

Incredible. It looks like both a foot and a hand at the same time.

>> No.51725940

Regardless of her reasons that psychiatrist sounds like a dumbass for making that kind of judgement in only 3 minutes

>> No.51726025

Attentionwhoring on the Internet of any kind anywhere = 6969% whore

>> No.51726316
File: 41 KB, 348x522, 1659484849728422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51730013

show me more

>> No.51732577
Quoted by: >>51732914

showing feet makes you a whore now?

>> No.51732849

god I want to fucking suck and slobber all over those toes

>> No.51732914

>out of 10

>> No.51733666

Literally perfection.

>> No.51733784

>I have to live the rest of my life without Pochi's perfect feet on my face
What's the fucking point of it all?

>> No.51734823

I think a lot of vtuber girls are tiny type girls who are afraid to leave the house (because they might get hurt) and have weird feet because they are so tiny

>> No.51734921
File: 1.11 MB, 1185x667, 1668135756855310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51735054

Shondo's as white as it gets and there's definitely cute stubby little toes under those socks

>> No.51735002

and VTweeter=?

>> No.51735054
File: 259 KB, 1920x1080, shondohands11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51735150

Not a footfag but her hands are beautiful and I imagine her feet are too.

>> No.51735150
File: 536 KB, 1102x516, 1655701243903864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51738738

Many a man would perish

>> No.51735615


>> No.51736608

pippa has cuter feet

>> No.51738375

Fuckin long ass finger toes

>> No.51738738

Imagine bending those fingers back until they pop and listen to her screaming

>> No.51742975

I thought it was Noel
