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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 725 KB, 2048x2047, 1660693813210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51554555 No.51554555 [Reply] [Original]

>talks about alcohol nonstop to the point where it's one of the only things she sounds genuinely interested in
>applied to hololive as a joke, knowing nothing about vtubers or streaming and only because her friend Milkyqueen was applying too and showed her it, taking her spot in the process
https://youtu.be/tIU0xG-lXkQ?t=2397 (We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23) [126:25]
>used to heavily bait for superchats in her early days, interrupting collabs to thank red scs "BIG UPS AKASUPA"
>says hololive only takes up 5% of her actual time
https://youtu.be/lBkuqt-xigY (Mori Calliope 5%) [1:00]
>continuously trying to change hololive by attempting collabs with and mentioning anime youtubers and random men
>always late to collabs and never sets up properly
>according to kiara has overslept multiple collabs, causing them to be cancelled or rescheduled
>barely talked during 2 hour clubhouse 51 collab with Kiara, to the point where Kiara had to use the weather deck to get her to talk at all
>made nothing but grunts and 1-3 word replies during shadowverse collab with kiara
>straight up said "no" when kiara asked if she had seen her new MV
https://youtu.be/nvZcIGnCSrs?t=12222 (【TAKAMORI WATCH-A-LONG】SHREK 1 & 2 #HoloMyth #HololiveEnglish) [210:15]
>lied to kiaras face about loving her king cover (which was a rickroll joke) saying she "listened to it all the time"
https://streamable.com/t2985s (lol) [0:16]
>didn't properly setup for lethal league with ina, played and talked with fans while ina sat and watched
>acted like a bitch once the punishments game for puyo puyo tetris came up, refused to do any of them
>spoils outfits on twitter for first smol collab, does nothing for the jeopardy rounds and slams her keyboard for it
>blabs about alcohol before even introducing herself during a collab with Reine, an Indonesian who isn't allowed to drink
https://youtu.be/VX1hxP-Tmiw?t=342 (【Clubhouse 51】#DEADBEAKS GOLF NIGHT with Calli!!!【hololiveID 2nd gen】) [71:52]
https://youtu.be/VX1hxP-Tmiw?t=394 (【Clubhouse 51】#DEADBEAKS GOLF NIGHT with Calli!!!【hololiveID 2nd gen】) [71:52]
>possibly corrupting irys as she mentioned they've met a few times to drink tea
>makes myth wait almost half an hour in the ender dragon fight collab because she got lost looking for wood because she didn't prepare, then makes them lose diamond armor because she jumped into the void in the end
https://youtu.be/BwL9-tqLF3I?t=4641 (【MINECRAFT COLLAB】Calliope and HoloMyth's Long Awaited Ender Dragon Battle! #hololiveEnglish) [118:34]
>didn't call in for Ame's first birthday, called in at the very last minute for her second birthday sounding drunk with a shitty rap
https://youtu.be/tMwKQniur0k (Calli's sleepy rap for Ame's birthday) [1:22]
>constantly talks to her collab partners like they're mentally challenged children
>simps over Rikka on and off stream nonstop, they collab on Super Bunny Man and Mori can barely hold a convo in Japanese, forcing Rikka to use his terrible English
>completely ruins highly anticipated first EN meme review with Coco by being nothing but her "dorky rapper" character instead of making any good conversation or jokes, to the point where Coco asks "are you okay? you're acting like a crackhead" and "is she always like this?" to 75k viewers
https://youtu.be/YTTnA4MQkg0?t=2435 (REDDIT SHITPOST REVIEW with Calli) [61:28]
https://youtu.be/YTTnA4MQkg0?t=1121 (REDDIT SHITPOST REVIEW with Calli) [61:28]
>woke gura up early on a day she planned to stream, wastes everyones time because she only then learned the game they were gonna play is local only, makes them switch to ANOTHER local only game, didn't install the final proper game between the time elapsed switching previous games, then makes sleepy Gura wait another half hour only for their gameplay to be fucked by seconds long delay, then finally settling on Phasmophobia, disables comments afterwards
https://youtu.be/sbo8zS8otzQ (【PHASMOPHOBIA COLLAB】We Love To Not Be Alive. #hololiveEnglish) [76:20]
>caused 6 month anniversary Don't Starve myth collab to be delayed by 30 mins
>fell asleep on stream during very first myth Minecraft collab
https://youtu.be/NS3_sNTwIRw?t=10427 ([MINECRAFT] HOLO EN SERVER #HololiveEnglish) [182:36]
>told Gura during a collab that someone said her "booty stank" while working at a restaurant
https://youtu.be/WhM27pQZ_2E (Calli will NEVER forget this Review from a Restaurant Customer she got) [3:12]

>> No.51554617 [DELETED] 

The Trash Taste drama gets its own section, as it is the longest running problem with Mori and the sole reason this post exists

>Mori collabs with Trash Taste
https://youtu.be/tIU0xG-lXkQ (We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23) [126:25]
https://youtu.be/h5QspNrKphM (The Vtuber Rap God Returns (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #74) [136:01]
>guy from TT, Connor, says on Ironmouse's stream that people in hololive are popular not because of their talent but because of the brand
>time passes, Mori mentions TT a significant amount the last few months
>a longtime member in Moris member stream says she shouldn't associate with them
>Mori insults her members and lies that Connor personally apologised to every holoEN member
>"we speak to each other quite a bit, um, as friends", laughing nervously after
>someone asks Kiara about this, Kiara says she isn't in contact with anyone from Trash Taste
https://streamable.com/5a8uq2 (mori lies) [0:35]
>Mori then donates 50 subs to Connor on her new Twitch account
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce-cR-f8TlM (Calli Surprised Connor When She Gifted Him 50 Subs) [0:36]
>someone superchats "condom money for Connor"
>Mori announces that she won't read superchats anymore without management reading them first
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxTissHo0AM (Calli won't be Reading These Superchats Anymore 【Mori Calliope / HololiveEN】) [1:44]
>keeps talking about the drama on stream
>Mori announces that she will be streaming on twitch semi-regularly from now on
>deadbeats in her comment section are upset about all of this
>everyone moves on
>days later she suddenly replies to and compliments a 6 day old Twitter post from a dedicated anti account of an MSpaint edit of her getting fucked by Connor, while her fans watch crying, insinuating her fans are cucks
>Redditors notice this and post it to the hololive subreddit
>she replies to the reddit thread "can I PLEASE just have some fun. Please."
>she gets downvoted and they shame her for her actions
>someone asks why she did it, she admits she's drunk
>deletes everything, apologises on twitter, announces break but then says she's high on lean on her corporate, public twitter account, and then tries to damage control by saying she didn't know what it meant
>later, begins collabing with holo members again but it's painfully clear she isn't interested and is faking her enthusiasm, the entire terraria stream is an example
https://youtu.be/8ZiNmfUCEt4 (【TERRARIA】Adventuring With My Friends in a New World?!) [167:29]
>goes out of her way to put "with my FRIENDS" on her Terraria collab, and again "ft FRIENDS" in the title of Surgeon Simulator collab, when she's never done so
>still won't stop mentioning TT
https://youtu.be/Zm_Q5yLdgas (Did Calli just Reference Trash Taste in her Podcast?) [0:37]

In conclusion, Calliope Mori is a terrible influence on hololive and should graduate immediately. She has proven time and time again that she does not care about her position as a vtuber.

>> No.51554625

I ain't gonna read all that. Summerize it in one word.

>> No.51554673

zoo wee mama thats a lot of text too bad im not reading that

>> No.51554693


>> No.51554710

No critcism allowed on this subreddit, ma'am!

>> No.51554724

anyone that can make a retard type a whole essay and cite sources can only be based. I love Calliope Mori now.

>> No.51554747

clearly woke up from a coma and is stuck in 2020. Very little of this applies now.

>> No.51554756

I just want to watch cute virtual anime girls do cute things

>> No.51554813
Quoted by: >>51585408

So she's the average 21st century anglo woman, big deal.

>> No.51554821

This is so old some of the links don't even work now. What is this ancient copypasta.

>> No.51554831
File: 412 KB, 2048x2048, dbac6fa61732f170f3660c7a27766a65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51585408

You are fucking mentally ill anon

>> No.51554858 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure she's still repulsively fat though.

>> No.51554959
File: 34 KB, 579x436, EpavCQWXIAAPjK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51585408

I ain't reading that. Mori is cute though.

>> No.51554988

You think she can change? She still hates you. She still hates idol culture. She still hates everything her senpais have worked to build up. The only difference is that she's been broken by declining numbers and the streamer lifestyle.
HoloEN was doomed the moment Yagoo fell for promises of a vtuber that can compose.

>> No.51555004
Quoted by: >>51555107

And that's bad because...?

>> No.51555005

No one is reading all that dude. Holy mental illness

>> No.51555025
File: 159 KB, 350x512, mori_calliope___full_illustration_mini_8-1848183077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51585408

This is now a Mori thread.

>> No.51555057
Quoted by: >>51585408

I think you need to watch streams.

>> No.51555079

Pretty well written and with complete sources , kinda based

>> No.51555107

You got a point since she's a vtuber but it still comes out a lot in their voice. Mori has a very clear case of Fat White Woman Voice though to be fair other chuubas got it much worse (like Kirsche for one)

>> No.51555142
Quoted by: >>51585408

>She still hates idol culture
fokin based mate!

>> No.51555169

>Mori has a very clear case of Fat White Woman Voice
And that's bad because..............?

>> No.51555190

also incorrect lol

>> No.51555236
Quoted by: >>51585408

Sry buddy, nobody care. All i know is that she stream and holomem loved her and talk about it.

>> No.51555271
File: 686 KB, 643x820, 1681981245265192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51585408

Take your meds.

>> No.51555281
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiiope Moriririn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Words words words
I like her anyway. No one is perfect. Her good side outweighs her bad side.

>> No.51555335

And that's bad because...?

>> No.51555338
Quoted by: >>51555401

I miss 2021 too, OP.

>> No.51555401

Can't believe /vt/ is actually so full of newfags that people defend Mori now

>> No.51555405

If you're a fat fetishist it's not, in that case Mori's one of the best.

>> No.51555439

So you just want your anti circlejerk?

>> No.51555452
Quoted by: >>51556259


>> No.51555455

Yes, this is a Mori board now. Leave.

>> No.51555476

Well somebody must be watching this skank, and there's more retards being born every day...

>> No.51555477
Quoted by: >>51555555

How can ANYTHING outweigh her?

>> No.51555488

Again she is a vtuber.

>> No.51555489

I wanted to see if people remember

>> No.51555500

Most people aren't so autistic they hold onto a hateboner for several years. That's just unhealthy.

>> No.51555504

>Mori's one of the best.
You're damn right she is.

>> No.51555545

All of this is true but I will say she has been making an effort to do better and its working

>> No.51555547
Quoted by: >>51555770

Everything you once loved has been grinded down and blown away by the sands of time.

>> No.51555555 [DELETED] 

Jokes aside, is any holo chuuba fatter than she is?

>> No.51555582
Quoted by: >>51555770

They don't. Everyone here is just a hysterical faggot, and whatever they're angry about this week they'll forget and be angry about something else in another week. You know how twitter and reddit are just a bunch of faggots virtue signalling for internet points? Yeah, 4chan is the same but with (you)'s and hysterical overreactions to things.

>> No.51555689
File: 414 KB, 463x635, 1669650251500518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething chumpedos out in full force since their oshi doesn't give a shit about them and hololive
you love to see it

>> No.51555713
Quoted by: >>51556508

Suisei and Marine

>> No.51555720
File: 562 KB, 457x691, cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51585408

>and hololive

>> No.51555742


>> No.51555770

The people that once made this place good are long gone. I knew this already. Seeing such definitive proof still hurts.
Not even you do

>> No.51556259
File: 164 KB, 2400x2400, Polfat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

precisely. her good side IS her weight.

>> No.51556275

It's sad but it's true that gura gives zero fucks about hololive

>> No.51556315
File: 901 KB, 1556x2500, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_refla__5323cb379f5f92b37f58789c0dfdb483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51556493

works like a horse tho

>> No.51556322
File: 94 KB, 1024x896, 1686110747864718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51585408

Calliope sexo, simple as

>> No.51556493
Quoted by: >>51556635

i see what you did there and i say neigh

>> No.51556508
File: 86 KB, 750x563, 1656997703901771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new?

>> No.51556621

I will never get over that lean tweet. I don't know what the fuck was going through her head if she thought that sounded right.
That being said, kill yourself.

>> No.51556635
File: 885 KB, 1200x1768, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_junkt729__93f2531c1200073925dfc251f05a1deb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold your horses, that was just a comment

>> No.51556661

She has ADHD, please understand.

>> No.51556720
Quoted by: >>51556778

I ain’t reading all this shit, but that first point
>talks about alcohol nonstop to the point where it's one of the only things she sounds genuinely interested in
Isn’t that basically Lamy’s entire gimmick?

>> No.51556726

unironically trying to sound hood and cool, but she fumbled since she didn't know that it actually meant drugs instead of alcohol. kind of a cute mistake actually

>> No.51556753

I want to say it's because she used to watch Dashie and he said that as a joke during his Mario maker videos.

>> No.51556778
Quoted by: >>51585408

Mori's antis will take anything Mori does and spin it as a bad thing even other Holos do it. It's actual insanity.

>> No.51556868
File: 911 KB, 2480x3507, 1682121927506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori post
Mori thread
Mori board
Mori site
Mori Hololive
Mori world

>> No.51556878
File: 299 KB, 407x485, 1660151951346735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the other pink woman more.

>> No.51556954
File: 328 KB, 2014x1331, 1685066096956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lui's Mori

>> No.51556958
File: 695 KB, 1661x2440, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_eufrik__8584244a1f5373e5dcf1469ca1688184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd add her to my stable if you know what I mean

>> No.51556983
Quoted by: >>51585408

>She doesn't drink much now. Even HoloYoi - her drinking with JP senpais show - has been alcohol free.
>And Yagoo hired her. Just as well, as she's one of the few members that actually works hard. Takamori carrying EN right now.
>5% of her time even though she streams daily and constantly records? Gura would have to be 0.00000001% at this point
I could go on but I won't.

>> No.51557089
Quoted by: >>51561636

At least it finally caught up to her. Her CCV is in the shitter.

>> No.51557256

While you're here, why not pre-order her new EP?

>> No.51557261

Go work in Nijisanji, you clearly have the talent. Talent for keeping track of grudges lol

>> No.51557354
Quoted by: >>51557411


>> No.51557411
File: 52 KB, 184x155, 1659994816312176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51557440

She streams. That's already better than Gura.

>> No.51557447
File: 594 KB, 642x454, d5547d5128cb05ecde5720c30873227104e6c698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'd rather take pictures of it sitting unsold on Japanese store shelves.

>> No.51557472
Quoted by: >>51557703

Anon, having an item stocked in stores is not indicative of poor sales.

>> No.51557475
Quoted by: >>51585408

Counterpoint: Mori is cute.
Source: https://youtu.be/92tvv7PgKeI

>> No.51557529
File: 43 KB, 500x368, 1686042665070332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51557585


>> No.51557585
File: 106 KB, 989x680, 1675098118399025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're gonna use a news article reaction image, at least use this one.

>> No.51557668
Quoted by: >>51585408

God i want to fuck moririns fat titties especially in her sex bed head outfit please

>> No.51557703

>please ignore Mori going "buy my bluray or they'll downgrade my venues" for months

>> No.51557771
Quoted by: >>51557929

What do you mean by downgrade?

>> No.51557813
Quoted by: >>51585408

You can still buy it anon!

>> No.51557929

She literally said while shilling her bluray that if it doesn't sell well universal will book smaller venues or outright give her no concerts.

>> No.51558094
Quoted by: >>51559137

>universal will book smaller venues or outright give her no concerts
I am pretty sure she never said that.

>> No.51558371

source: your ass

kys cuck

>> No.51559137

Suck my balls gaslightbeats.

>> No.51559171 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 814x1214, 2347FE90-9784-45CE-AE90-F733B43FEE7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irysfag who made this thread should kill himself

>> No.51559304

SEA containment thread

>> No.51559429
Quoted by: >>51559490

fucking deadbeaats trying to astroturf everything as always

>> No.51559456

Okay but she doesn't say anything about downgrade.

>> No.51559490

Who is astroturfing?

>> No.51559555
Quoted by: >>51559694

Never said downgrade. She just wanted an even bigger live rather than the same size. Kys delusional faggot

>> No.51559694
File: 488 KB, 720x850, 1802320f9ad9f9b268be494fe2ced2127270d9ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51559767

>Pls buy 4

>> No.51559767
Quoted by: >>51559950

Yeah if I was selling something I’d ask people to buy 4 or more too, now rope yourself for wasting my time

>> No.51559769

Fucking kek

>> No.51559936

I think some posters need to do like Mori did and Get Over It.

>> No.51559950
Quoted by: >>51560042

>She's not desperate for sales, she's just emotionally manipulating her simps and extorting them
Oh, I see. Thanks for explaining.

>> No.51560042
Quoted by: >>51585408

Yeah just like ever other holo. Though at least she streams a lot while doing it. I respect the member that can at least do that much. I swear Mori antis are all dumbass trannies that have fucked up their brains with hormones

>> No.51560089
File: 949 KB, 1264x715, 1660570458216300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51585408

didn't read lol

>> No.51560104 [DELETED] 

fat whore thread

>> No.51560119
Quoted by: >>51560267

This anti is like the the Userbenchmark to Mori's Ryzen. Dude literally lives in his own fanfiction.

>> No.51560267

Fucking kek, nice comparison.

>> No.51560441


>> No.51560495
Quoted by: >>51585408

Antibros.... We just keep losing...

>> No.51560537
File: 1.08 MB, 768x1024, thick metal kirsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.51560568

I miss the Mori lean arc, she is just not relevant enough without retarded yabs

>> No.51560572


>> No.51560653
Quoted by: >>51560758

now shes just boring

>> No.51560758

So true, dramasisters! We need more drama!

>> No.51560825
Quoted by: >>51585408

OP bumping his own thread while foaming at the mouth careful everyone

>> No.51560842 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>51560950

>Reine, an Indonesian who isn't allowed to drink
KEK why even bother hanging out with her then... Moris 3 fav things are:

>> No.51560869
File: 703 KB, 2000x1040, 1686941837036658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to be that guy, but ACTUALLY, when the board first started people loved mori. She seemed super genuine (remember her crying over receiving red supers?) and people admired how hard she worked (she worked 3 jobs). You'd see love posts about her constantly. We hated other members, notably kiara. It wasn't untill all the mori drama in OPs post that people started to turn around and now hate her.

>> No.51560886

well of course, I don't care about Mori unless she does some retarded shit

>> No.51560950


>> No.51561117

>>continuously trying to change hololive
That's the worst part to be honest
She's not just a bad chuuba on her own which would be fine but she causes damage to other holos and her branch as a whole

>> No.51561133

I used to be a deadbeat for around 4 or 5 months and this what I thought too

>> No.51561410

>when the board first started people loved mori
You mean /vt/ or back when we were on /jp/? Because neither are true.

>> No.51561541
Quoted by: >>51585408

Damage such as? Opening up collab opportunities for Holo, helping kouhai find footing, writing lyrics for others at times, stressing that nobody should be pestered to do a stream/collab that they don't want to?

>> No.51561576

How come schizos can’t come up with anything post-2021 to smear Mori with?

>> No.51561626

that´s what happens if you throw a monkey into a chickencoop she just isnt the same

>> No.51561636

That’s true for everyone in HoloEN, hell it’s for the entire English vtuber sphere.

>> No.51561678
Quoted by: >>51561781

because i stopped watching mori post-2021

>> No.51561781
Quoted by: >>51561812

More like there isn’t anything.

>> No.51561812
Quoted by: >>51585408

big ups to the management for finally tardwrangling her

>> No.51561822

>Le "everyone is losing viewers" cope
Mori is falling off harder than everyone else. Her core viewership that shows up for EVERY STREAM is now lower than Kiara's and is about to reach ID levels, as proven by long series like persona 3 vs Kiara's long series.

>> No.51561954

That’s blatantly false. Kiara has never finished a month with a higher CCV than Mori. Also you realize Kiara is currently streaming right now and and only has 2k viewers.

>> No.51562068
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1664573398791258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the hate for Mori is warranted.

>> No.51562136

>Le "everyone is losing viewers" cope
But it's true. She has always been somewhere in the middle when it comes to viewership in EN. The fact that her position hasn't changed much since early 2022 just shows how much the whole branch has declined

>> No.51562168
Quoted by: >>51562375

I am pretty sure her views have become stable and 3k is her core fanbase.

>> No.51562332

Mori was and will always be garbage and discordtourists can kys

>> No.51562331

>guy from TT, Connor, says on Ironmouse's stream that people in hololive are popular not because of their talent but because of the brand
Why is that a problem? It's fucking true

>> No.51562375
File: 159 KB, 832x388, 2e887677446c5907911a60011753d7bf534e2151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, you guys don't know how bad her persona and RE streams were doing. Deadbeats calling RE a "debuff game" was hilarious.

>> No.51562480
Quoted by: >>51562627

I mean persona streams were filter even more dedicated deadbeats. I skipped them as well.

>> No.51562627
Quoted by: >>51562705

So you just proved my point that Kiara has a higher core viewership.

>> No.51562705

Oh I am not the guy who was talking about Kiara.

>> No.51562708
Quoted by: >>51562798

Your cherry picking doesn’t change the fact that Mori always has a higher CCV average than Kiara over any month. Mori got 8.3k on GOI yesterday, when is the last time Kiara has reached that outside of a collab?

>> No.51562769

Cherry picking a stream from 3 months ago doesn't really help your argument since Mori's median/average is still higher than Kiara's and it has been that way for as long as I can remember

>> No.51562780

re4make was a debuff game though because it was marked for mature audiences and doesn't get pushed by the algo, everyone got shit numbers during it. pekora didn't even play the full game because the demo did so bad numbers wise. all the others are a buff, but that one wasn't.

>> No.51562798

>Ignore the gameplay streams
>Only pay attention to the openVC spam which brings in people that aren't there to watch her

>> No.51562857
Quoted by: >>51563046

>>applied to hololive as a joke, knowing nothing about vtubers or streaming and only because her friend Milkyqueen was applying too and showed her it, taking her spot in the process
i actually didnt know this but it makes sense

>> No.51562904

How about instead of coping in these threads every day you just wait until the month is over so you can grab the graph and show those deadbeats how much Kiara has mogged Mori? I mean I doubt it'll happen but you can still hope

>> No.51562976
Quoted by: >>51563071

Cherry picker accusing me of cherry picking lmao. Again, can you show me a single month where Kiara was not dead last in EN for CCV?

>> No.51562989

A good way to scare people off from agreeing with you is hitting them with a giant wall of greentext, especially one that's over a year and a half old

>> No.51563046
Quoted by: >>51563100

That, along with pretty much everything in the list, is a pretty ungracious interpretation of events and deliberately twisted to make her look bad

>> No.51563071
File: 245 KB, 417x411, 5594f395b877f51aa661221c0d65a30b75ca65e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51563168

No you guys ate right. We should ignore solo streams and only look at streams that have other people on it like Mori's openVC streams.

>> No.51563082

Oh, been a while since I saw this pasta. Does it still have broken links or did the schizo actually fix them this time?

>> No.51563090

Why are numberfags such unabashed liars even though their whole thing is autistically pouring over data

>> No.51563100

could you edit the OP and the first reply to make it unbiased? im interested in knowing shit that happened before my time
>t. started watching mori as my first chuuba in early 2022

>> No.51563168

Imagine getting handed several 10k collabs and somehow STILL managing to finish last in EN every single month. How does Kiara do it?

>> No.51563234

Don't listen to gaslightbeats. They will lie to your face about Mori's statements. Then they will move the goalpost once confronted with video evidence. See: >>51559137
She actually did say she applied to hololive as a joke. Watch the TT interview.

>> No.51563240

This pasta was created in direct response to the lean shit by a guy who set out to do it in the vein of that one old Ayame copypasta you may have seen to specifically to shit on her and spam all over the threads. It didn't last long in /hlgg/ and I've only ever seen it pop up once every couple months in the catalog since then. It'd be a giant hassle to go through every point to refute or respond to it since there is a kernel of """truth""" to most of the points, but just know that it's schizo anti shit going out of its way to paint her and everything she did in the worst light possible.

>> No.51563497 [DELETED] 

kek nice one op deadcuck in full force here, this wigger will be indie after en 3

>> No.51563532

You are the one who said about downgrade and Mori didn't say anything close to it.

>> No.51563563
Quoted by: >>51563935

yeah because the new zoomers that came in would rather see male collabs, lean streams and degeneracy instead of what the JP branch stands for as a whole. Thank god EOPS will always stay EOPs and keep corrupting the EN side with Mori as their messiah. I feel kind of bad for the other members (except shit stains like Kronii, Ame and Fauna who just don't get it)

>> No.51563657
Quoted by: >>51569919

I found it on my phone and wanted to see how modern /vt/ would react. I really thought more people would just call out the fact that this is ancient but this board is more beyond saving then I thought.

>> No.51563676

My only issue with Mori at this point is that she's less of a vtuber and more of a vceleb now. Feels like every other stream is to announce a performance or music. She also has her eggs in one too many baskets.

>> No.51563755
Quoted by: >>51564073

Anon, she was always more into music than streaming.

>> No.51563935

>except shit stains like Kronii, Ame and Fauna who just don't get it
I get the Kronii part althought I'm still unsure if she's actually malicious or just playing her character, BUT, where the fuck did you get Ame and Fauna not "gettting it" from? Unless I'm missing something major, Ame dindu nuffin and she's just a shut-in with asperger's syndrome. As for Fauna, she was baited into a monologue that she most likely regretted and felt bad about when the stream ended.

>> No.51564073

Of course she was. As soon as it took off, though, she leaned VERY hard into it, and even resurrected her... second basket and leaned into that too as a result of her popularity on her first basket.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not even really saying she shouldn't have done it. If that's what is working and what she wants to do, go for it. I personally am not a fan of her music and would prefer to see less of it, that's all. You can't make everyone happy.

>> No.51564365

Based, Fuck that NWO shill bitch

>> No.51564611

Literally most of these are fucking harmless you sperg

>> No.51564890
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, 1681780602291517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori antis continue to be the single biggest group of retards on this board. Talking about shit that's years old and pretending it's recent or relevant, then when called out they go "Well of course I don't watch her. Nobody does! lololol"
Their actions directly led to other Holos getting flak because when they shitpost on Twitter or ifunny about the pink woman and think they own her, those idiots just go after Hololive/vtubers as a whole. They're not on your side. They think vtubers and anime are all bad.
Take that music "critic" who the antis liked to post and tell him how bad Mori was; they all laughed at his videos shitting on her and then he went on to make a video shitting on IRyS (then pulled it down after he got backlash.)
Antis do not care about Hololive. They only care about starting shit and trying to "own" Deadbeats because a skeleton fucked their mom or something.

>> No.51566240 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1080x1250, 20220528_134656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's why she's my oshi you retarded faggot, keep seething or just get the rope

>> No.51566573
File: 3.71 MB, 600x338, 1686724979610415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51567054

Still broken, kinda dissapoonting

>> No.51567062
Quoted by: >>51567760

I know you are ESL, but you seem to k ownsome english. You know why that single copy of the BD says sample? It means every other copy was sold out and that is just the display BD case you retard.

>> No.51567760
Quoted by: >>51568499

>Clearly more copies behind it.

>> No.51567925
Quoted by: >>51581976

Literally every single thing you posted in your unhinged mental rant is over a year old. Holy shit take your meds and move on.

>> No.51568499

You know I have eyes right?

>> No.51569044

How did the chicken, and the reaper mindbreak so many people?

>> No.51569129

add the kobo ones, poor kid watching it live was so damn awkward

>> No.51569452

Cool, show us viewership numbers when they're both streaming at the same hours instead of cherrypicked.

I always think it's funny how numberfags get all wrapped up while the 2 most prolific HoloEN streamers both stream at EN dead hours because they aren't in the western hemisphere and people want to pretend their viewership numbers are meaningful compared to anyone else.

>> No.51569778

Mori got 7k last stream. She's improving, and the catalog shilling is working.

>> No.51569919

Don't listen to mori-antis. They will lie to your face about Mori's statements. Then they will move the goalpost once confronted with video evidence. See >>51563657 they openly admit they only posted it to see how people would still react to ancient copy+pasta.

I personally thought someone would have updated the list with more recent yabs but it's just low-effort anti bait as usual.

>> No.51570045
Quoted by: >>51571367

this is exactly why I like Mori, getting to follow someone as they pursue a really lofty, difficult dream and not just the vague notion of being an entertainer is really unique

>> No.51570220

Unironically get help. Not only are those things innocuous and trivial, they're from years ago before she got more comfortable in hololive and was more immature.

>> No.51570908
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, 1609904899008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51571271

everytime this shit gets posted its not updated lmfao retards are holding onto year (soon to be two?) old nothingburgers.

>> No.51571271

Most of it is over 2 at this point.

>> No.51571367


>> No.51571436

Mori is a fat alcoholic wigger.

>> No.51571559
File: 2.55 MB, 320x240, 1684550017655511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51571614

Besides all your other points being wrong, I’m convinced no one knows what this word actually means here. Does wearing hats make you a wigger now?

>> No.51571644

Mori talks about alcohol because she thinks its cool. Her retarded fans probably think it is

>> No.51571866
Quoted by: >>51574728

Apparently rapping is enough to be considered a wigger even though her music isn’t “Hip hop” and she doesn’t speak or act black. An actual wigger would be the nijihomo Kyo.

>> No.51572055

Okay but I'll still happily suck the braps out her ass

>> No.51572125


>> No.51572709

Finally something good

>> No.51574728 [DELETED] 

Imagine supporting cultural appropriation by a white woman who's only doing it to steal money that could be going to black artists. Also don't forget how she had her fanbase attack black people on Twitter and a jewish artist she worked with. Never apologizing for it. All deadbeats should go back to /pol/ and take their racist antisemitic oshi with them.

>> No.51575006

sounds like a nigger crying lol wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.51575224

Mori has improved herself. She's now pretty cool. She works hard. Cares about her fans. She and Kiara are the only ones in myth who give a shit

>> No.51575278

>5% Mori giving a shit
You´re trying too hard

>> No.51575554

I wish I could get excited about alcohol

>> No.51575615
Quoted by: >>51575821

Listen you know its bad when even gura roast mori for being lazy

>> No.51575793

Monkey hands typed this post

>> No.51575821
Quoted by: >>51576035

How can you call Mori a lazy?

>> No.51575840

Who cares they are both fucking shit

>> No.51576035
File: 355 KB, 593x499, 1686762888324884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51582191


>> No.51576105

How about you kill yourself instead

>> No.51576124

"5%" Mori streams more than 90% of the company so that's not really a diss at her, you're pretty much shitting on everyone else

>> No.51576187


>> No.51576496

Enjoy your vacation.

>> No.51576775 [DELETED] 

>Why Mori is canonically the best Hololive member
She is best built for BBC
>fat rack and got dat booty stank wit a tiny lil waste
>party girl; loves lean
>chills wit da homies
>has the n word pass

>> No.51576787
Quoted by: >>51579150

2020 - early 2022 Mori was in my top 10 list for worst corpo chuubas ever. Notice how this list stops there though.

>> No.51579150
File: 44 KB, 680x615, 1685526729901991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51586740

If she had continued to do things similar to what the OP posted she would approach 500ccv. She has a dead channel it's no longer in a growth phase none of the hololive English vtubers are still growing. Mori right now is closer to being a 3 view than being a 5 view.
When you have a 2 million subscriber channel and you hover around 2k ccv you have killed your channel. The only time I see her trend is when someone is dunking on her she knows this her fans know this . The clippers know this cover knows this. Everything she is doing now is trying to save herself from being totally irrelevant.

>> No.51579444

I wrote this but I don't remember why. Anyways I don't think she's all that bad anymore and honestly I don't care. However, I'm thinking of writing one for Gura. She was my oshi and I'm still hurting.

>> No.51579937

all vtubers do some random mistakes that not even fleshtubers do for some reason

>> No.51580739

don't care lol

>> No.51581976
Quoted by: >>51582246

Why does that matter?

>> No.51582191
Quoted by: >>51582478

Like I said, Userbenchmark.

>> No.51582246
Quoted by: >>51582488

It's not relevant anymore. You're not going to gain any sympathy by seething about stuff that happened almost 2 years ago. You're just going to be treated like a schizo

>> No.51582478

>Intel is Gura
>NVIDIA is fauna

Kekekekekekek it's so accurate.

>> No.51582488
Quoted by: >>51582914

>over a year old
>almost 2 years ago

will it be 3 years ago in your next post, rabbi? You don't become a new person each year, your actions last year reflect how you are now perfectly fine.

>> No.51582581

So this is why the homos are avoiding games like grand theft auto they have no option but to stream shit games that gets pick by the algo because their numbers are already bad as it is kek how is this failure of a branch still afloat.

>> No.51582697

Oh my poor Meru.. why oh why did you skip RE2 after doing 1 and 0 in favor of remake 4?!?

>> No.51582906

based selenfag

>> No.51582914

Actually the most recent stuff on that list happened in 2021 so it is closer to 2 years. Also OP admitted to making this thread just to bait newfags so I find it hilarious that actual Mori schizos are still clinging to it like it's the holy bible

>> No.51583074
Quoted by: >>51583490

>told Gura during a collab that someone said her "booty stank" while working at a restaurant
Dude, this one is 100% worth it for Gura's "plywood" reply.

>> No.51583175
File: 61 KB, 687x458, meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go outside schizo

>> No.51583417


>> No.51583490
Quoted by: >>51585272

I don't think mori knows what stank means. Stank is slang for stink. Lol Jesus...

>> No.51583734
File: 223 KB, 412x720, 1680324966630069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not dragging me back into this Mori hate train when she's been constantly trying to better herself.
Either pull out stuff that's from this year or gtfo.

>> No.51583823

I don't think mori is a wigger. But I do think she's texan chud. And I despise everything that comes out of that shithole.

>> No.51583909

Kroni is the worst, she doesn't even hide how much she hates her fans. Every stream she does she just sounds like she doesn't want to be there and it's obvious she hates her job

>> No.51584010

Collabing with homos does not translate to her hating her job. This is a schizophrenic take made in your head because you still salty about her retweeting vesper boxers.

>> No.51584617
Quoted by: >>51584895

Did people really forget their kindergarten class notes that it does not mean the end of the world when your crush talks to another boy?

>> No.51584895

Well, GenZ and Millennials were given too many participation trophies that it ruined their concept of "learning through mistakes"

>> No.51585144

This. The Trinity has failed.

>> No.51585272

Yes, her sister steered her wrong. Regardless, the video is funny.

>> No.51585408 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>51587100

Good holovtubers: no boyfriend, no male collabs, romantic exclusive parasocial relationship with her viewers
Mori: Mother confirms she fucks hatman, thirsts over men(not her fans, never her fans) and collabs with men(not her fans, never her fans) constantly
Unicorns RUN this board and they run this industry, non-unicorns get laughed out of every thread for a reason
Mori prefers horses though, the non-horned kind(she likes horse cock a lot but cocks aren't horns FYI)

>> No.51586740

You guys live in your own weird little world

>> No.51586846

If I remember right you wanted to document her "crimes" right after the lean stuff happened and asked people in global to send you stuff to use, inspired by that one Ayame pasta. Pretty cringe but it's good you moved on

>> No.51587100


>> No.51587353

Antis are getting incredibly btfo in this thread. I think your pink spam campaign backfired lol. Congratulations on being laughing stocks like eggs.

>> No.51587808
File: 149 KB, 700x1018, a97294a7038439bf06f32f7e0b2bd352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51588184

>> No.51588184


>> No.51588232

Based ADHD-haver. Give in to the current hyperfixation.

>> No.51591045

you're using two years of old outdated info if you would just watch one stream you would know she isn't going anywhere anytime soon. not only that she's become a huge celebratory in Japan the JPs love her she's influenced so many people on the JP and EN side. she's influenced pop culture to where she has characters in Nikke and Pokemon designed after her and before you get started would your horse puns just remember where that came from and that it wasn't just AI audio of her it was also other EN chuubas but suspiciously Mori's got picked out from the bunch. and if you're still sneeding in 2025 using 4 year old info I think it's time you take more of your meds.

>> No.51591330
Quoted by: >>51595513

For all the hate mori gets mori rm is the only one out of all those bitches that would probably take time of her day to talk to you if you were to randomly meet her somewhere. She'd probably be down for a selfy too. Since everyone knows who she is and if she had it her way her channel would be similar to kson pre vshojo. Where she would alternate between flesh and chuuba streaming. You won't get this kinda treatment from another chuuba in hololive other than mori.

>> No.51592431
Quoted by: >>51592543

>taking her spot in the process

That isn't how life works

>> No.51592543
Quoted by: >>51593340

But it IS how shitposting works.

>> No.51593340


>> No.51595513

Kiara as well. She straight up said in a member stream that she had a fan come up to her and they talked a bit when she was visiting some other country.
