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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, BORGAR&nasa_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50743210 No.50743210 [Reply] [Original]

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Previous Thread >>50737126

>> No.50743258

Cute Nasa

>> No.50743266
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Pippa LOVE

>> No.50743268
File: 21 KB, 294x256, tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace Ember

>> No.50743269

>screaming like that at at 4am
Neighbour doko..

>> No.50743277
File: 228 KB, 800x800, Pippa plush hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50743282
Quoted by: >>50743377

That was a retarded fight scene at the end of that movie.

>> No.50743297
File: 100 KB, 304x224, 1683584350987290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50743324

>> No.50743299
File: 2.23 MB, 2048x2048, image_2023-06-04_044306092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love hime i love hime i love hime so much

>> No.50743303


>> No.50743324

the face of every
>yeah, me

>> No.50743329

I just heard the news, /pcg/. Congratulations on the baby!

>> No.50743333
Quoted by: >>50743470

Oh look, jidf is thinking about stealing our guy:

>> No.50743343
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>> No.50743346

yeah, me

>> No.50743351
Quoted by: >>50747329


>> No.50743377

Better than the crap you see in stuff like Fast and The Furious. Old films in general would speed up stuff like fight scenes.

>> No.50743395

Pippa said my name, she's basically my wife

>> No.50743404


>> No.50743416
File: 348 KB, 281x281, 1680355184181320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or are her kisses getting more intense?

>> No.50743432
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>> No.50743453

>Prepare for impact
>View count goes from 4 to 700+ in an instant
God I love it when pippa raids .5views

>> No.50743457
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1280, 1656523459977660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50743467

2 days without pippa what will we do

>> No.50743470

Not really our guy lol he does it out of passion and for free, afaik he talked about how he had lost passion for stop motion stuff before he started making the stuff he did for phase as a passion project

>> No.50743473

Love Pippa, Love Kisses.

>> No.50743474


>> No.50743487

Pippa you are the cutest girl ever. Please marry me/10

>> No.50743509
File: 1 KB, 153x34, 1669475214619009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50743568

This is basically assault right

>> No.50743514
File: 2.46 MB, 498x280, gosling-snow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live for the kisses pippa..the only thing i have keeping me going atm in my life is my dog and your streams are great and comforting, thank you so much

>> No.50743521

>more people in chat than followers

>> No.50743528

Link to raid? I stayed for the pipkiss

>> No.50743552


>> No.50743551

The last half of that movie was way too drawn out. Still a fun time though.
the most dangerous gfe/10

>> No.50743553
File: 146 KB, 546x565, IMG_5756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Comfy/10 I liked how the count got his comeuppance
10/10 kino movie stream with bnuy

>> No.50743557


>> No.50743568

It's really funny to me that she'll absolutely destroy people on twitch but she's terrified to do anything on youtube.

>> No.50743591
File: 467 KB, 1080x1072, 1660821419062120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda ass movie but decent stream/10

>> No.50743616


>> No.50743624

Youtube streamers are bit sensitive and Pippa is too nice.

>> No.50743625

Pretty okay, like the twists even if predictable.
Cute and tired/10

>> No.50743632

>level 6 hype train
PhaseGODs do it again.

>> No.50743641
File: 37 KB, 720x720, IMG_5754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PIPKIN pippa making 2 views cry out of HAPPINESS


>> No.50743647
File: 283 KB, 2039x1378, 1685328301443241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Shiina!

>> No.50743661

she's mindbroken

>> No.50743665

Pippa LOVE
Pretty neat but predictable.
Sleep tight bunner.
Too short but understandable this late.

>> No.50743671


>> No.50743676

Well this rabbit she's raided seems wholesome enough.

>> No.50743689

She looks like sex

>> No.50743705
Quoted by: >>50743806

Different culture. On Twitch raids are normal, from tiny to big and occasionally the reverse. On Youtube it's more about your inner circle, people you already know, no surprises.

>> No.50743709
File: 676 KB, 542x694, Lunabny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50743731

This is a good design.

>> No.50743710
Quoted by: >>50743808

It's ok, next comes the emotional breakdown over the next month when she realizes this was a fluke and she'll never see numbers this high again.

>> No.50743711

Is she just Lia's alt?

>> No.50743716

pippa killed her...

>> No.50743724

We killed her...

>> No.50743725

This one is actually a 1 view. She had 4 viewers before the raid. Hopefully she retains some of the audience

>> No.50743726

>genshin impact
It's Lia. It's actually Lia.

>> No.50743731

Pippa likes big titties

>> No.50743733

>2views stream dies at a big raid
the tragedy...

>> No.50743743

Lmao twitch HATE what the fuck

>> No.50743753
File: 98 KB, 471x823, IMG_5759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna news: She wants to see Pippa’s feet.

>> No.50743767

I want to hug the Pippa.

>> No.50743801

7/10 her usual cute self, fun for watching movies alongside.
7/10. Pretty enjoyable, but it was a story that's been iterated upon numerous times, so there was nothing particularly engaging about it. It'd say it's mid-tier to high-mid tier of the movies we've seen on stream.
8/10, it felt like a perfect match for a react stream at this time of the night
8/10. I felt like I could have gone for a double feature when it ended, but given a few more minutes, I became aware that I could definitely not last through another movie.

>> No.50743806

This has always read as a cope to me.

>> No.50743808

She's cute, looks like Chinchilla but Mexican rabbit instead

>> No.50743810

Unironic camwhore

>> No.50743840
Quoted by: >>50743933

The Azehara fiasco just proved that Henri was a necessary evil. And Azehara himself is one of Henri's enemies.

>> No.50743844
Quoted by: >>50743889

If only she actually kept going with the stream, right now she's basically just waiting for people to lose interest and leave because nothing is happening

>> No.50743845
File: 303 KB, 2048x984, Fxe3m8VakAItpwZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50743881


>> No.50743889

It's a common misplay when small streamers get raided. They get so overwhelmed by the numbers that they forget how to stream.

>> No.50743892

Them hips...

>> No.50743929

Keep it up, let us indoctrinate a new friend for Pippa.

>> No.50743933
Quoted by: >>50744093

Henri I wasn’t kidding when I said I would end you and your entire bloodline 5 times removed.

>> No.50743944
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1681608276414659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50743974

that's really fucking sex

>> No.50744003

Yeah me

>> No.50744025

Is this a new toy for pipnigs to shit up pcg with irrelevant garbage?

>> No.50744045

>Yuni Luna in chat
I'm dying of laughter

>> No.50744064

She'll be a phase friend by weeks end.

>> No.50744066

Pippa on the wrong account, cute retard...

>> No.50744070

Sneaky Pippa

>> No.50744081

You can always shit up /pcg/ with your own irrelevant garbage if you can find some attenuated way to connect it to a phase connect streamer that you like.

>> No.50744093

He was right. Azehara getting banned was just a matter of time.

>> No.50744122
Quoted by: >>50744193

Nah, I don't feel like being a pipnig.

>> No.50744139


>> No.50744150

Built for borderline abusive doggystyle

>> No.50744159

stop samefagging henri

>> No.50744161
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50744283

Henri what if I told you that the real Chinese were the friends you made along the way?

Think about it.

>> No.50744172

Id take clip drama over it.

>> No.50744191

Pippa is always 10/10
Great movie honestly
Comfy energy, i just wanna hug her
always a great stream when pippa is around

>> No.50744193
Quoted by: >>50744261

God your pathetic even at this hour your seething

>> No.50744202

It's nice she likes Pippa

>> No.50744206

What is this?

>> No.50744225

the person she raided is honestly cute

>> No.50744229

A surprise dipshit.

>> No.50744242

I really love when that happens

>> No.50744254

Reminder you are basically just watching Pippa add another girl to her harem

>> No.50744261
Quoted by: >>50744477

Nah, that's you.

>> No.50744271

>What is this?
Proof that even if Jelly stops streaming forever starting next week fish got his money's worth cause she can provide such a massive amount of free/underpaid labour in the music department at such high speeds.

>> No.50744283
File: 199 KB, 1080x1920, 1679909700737665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather ally myself with Chase than associate with filthy zhangs. Pipkin should be in Idol Corp instead.

>> No.50744292

She's about to learn about the teeth.

>> No.50744318 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 1600x1200, WTC_smoking_on_9-11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fishman don't look.

>> No.50744361
File: 734 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henri what if I told you that years ago, you were Chinese?

>> No.50744373
Quoted by: >>50744485

How did Pippa get away with it?

>> No.50744414
File: 119 KB, 232x313, Screenshot_20230604-101623~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50744547

She's smitten

>> No.50744436
Quoted by: >>50744692

Grooming the next invader candidate are we?

>> No.50744477
Quoted by: >>50744551

Lol lmao fag

>> No.50744485

If you feel that smug, try joking about american jesus on pippa's stream and see how fast you will get banned.

>> No.50744494
File: 18 KB, 362x450, Pip kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pippa said she likes playing videogames in her audition
And people say lying in interviews doesn't work

>> No.50744506 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.04 MB, 1600x1200, Invaders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50744531
Quoted by: >>50744598

What's she got about American jesus?

>> No.50744539

That was 2 years ago, people change.

>> No.50744546

I hope she plays Spyro soon.

>> No.50744547

you know, Phase Connect doesn't have an ES talent yet...

>> No.50744549

> lying in interviews doesn't work

This isn’t true, a lot of jobs require you to lie in some capacity, it’s just not called lying, it’s called tailoring your resume and talking the talk

Aka “playing the game.”

>> No.50744551

nah u are

>> No.50744561

1) Nobody says that.
2) Pippa likes vtubing as an improved version of MMO gaming. In MMOs the seethers would have actual power over her instead of being contained on Twitter and /pcg/ and a lot of the people around her aren't selected for being interesting.

>> No.50744566

Seeing her react to prime pipkin schizo posting and just saying "oh she's so cute" is real funny

>> No.50744571

>people say lying in interviews doesn't work
Literally nobody says this.

>> No.50744588

It actually doesn't tho, you will get found out and fired

>> No.50744592
File: 566 KB, 813x884, 1668095791860293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50744679

I love this Panda

>> No.50744598


>> No.50744645

I hope someone raids aruru next. Lia and Ember follow her on twitter. I want her to Collab.

>> No.50744661

Go back to your jew corp you fucking shill

>> No.50744676

Anon she has made jokes about blm before and has talked about appealing to these types to fit in. Stop being a retarded anti and watch streams.

>> No.50744679
Quoted by: >>50744841

you mean the one that raccoon is holding?

>> No.50744691

Holy cringe batman

>> No.50744692

I don’t know she seems a bit boring

>> No.50744721

>he actually believes this
You are just as gullible as the people who failed to notice 'gullible' in the op.

>> No.50744736

You could've said people change but that's the angle you went with instead? Embarrassing.

>> No.50744745

Tenma HogLeg gorilla live

>> No.50744746
Quoted by: >>50744772

>doesn't get this was a meme two years ago and goes
fuck off tourist

>> No.50744758

Pippa this shit is corpo astroturfing that ramped up after OWS. I understand the need to cowtow.

>> No.50744764

This is like being some chick playing Ukulele covers out in some bar for 10 people and then some rockstar you've never heard of turns up with his fans and tells you he's a big fan and they all start throwing money at you and you look it up and realize he's got this giant-ass fanbase and support network and just break over and over and over again.

>> No.50744772

cope, pipnig

>> No.50744775

>imagine getting mindbroken by people having friends
so when can we expect samefaging tenma anti-ing?

>> No.50744780

Successful indoctrination gentlemen, good job.

>> No.50744806
Quoted by: >>50744857

I do believe that she's changed since she was unironically groomed back then by tumblr retardation, but she wasn't being ironic back then at all.

>> No.50744817
File: 96 KB, 480x586, Squibby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50744829

>> No.50744820

What a piece of shit

>> No.50744829
File: 13 KB, 164x200, 1659631886528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50744841
Quoted by: >>50744984

Red PANDA not a raccoon

>> No.50744853 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 720x722, 1676690778848773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50744857

>I do believe that she's changed
Sent a dono >>50744485 then.

>> No.50744913

She got dozens of those, she usually just says 'ohmygod' and moves on without reading the full sc.

>> No.50744915

Can't be arsed if you are just going to loop American politics in the mentally ill anime woman thread

>> No.50744919
Quoted by: >>50745002

If you didn’t ”support the cause” back then as a public figure of any kind some niggers or (anti)fascists would literally do their best to destroy your life, i don’t like it either but i can understand why she did it.

>> No.50744926

I don't mean that she's also gone full /pol/ either, you stupid retard. She's now a grill woman libertarian who wants to be left alone.

>> No.50744954
Quoted by: >>50745002

She has gotten donos making fun of Floyd and blm before. Some of which she has laughed at.

>> No.50744984
Quoted by: >>50745129

But she isn’t red she’s brown?

>> No.50744987
Quoted by: >>50745045

Getting dumped by Flakes did massive damage to his sanity.

>> No.50745002

Or you can stay silent. Cope.
>making fun of Floyd
This never happened.
>she now
Source: My headcanon.

>> No.50745000

Honestly, Pippa should do a Full Metal Jacket watchalong.

>> No.50745004 [SPOILER] 
File: 243 KB, 720x722, Hello.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50745008

Thank you guinea bee poster, i can always rely on you

>> No.50745009

Wish I was a blind kid

>> No.50745045
Quoted by: >>50745194

Why does everyone want him, is he some Ancient Greek depiction of a beautiful hermaphrodite or what

>> No.50745065
File: 9 KB, 321x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippas raid target gets introduced to her feet and chat is nice

>> No.50745077
Quoted by: >>50745109

>I don't watch streams
I know, faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.50745079
Quoted by: >>50745172

>This never happened
Do "I can't breathe jokes" not work for you? You just seem to be coping at the fact people haven't been banned for things you have said they will.

>> No.50745109

Why would come to the internet and tell lies?

>> No.50745126

The Pippa anti is actually Xalamon seething that he's banned from being a janny in her streams

>> No.50745129
File: 1.01 MB, 960x957, 1678768002957308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50745155

She's just exotic aka italian

>> No.50745151
File: 13 KB, 500x351, IMG_5796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t breathe because there are not enough chuubas being discussed

>> No.50745155

Are Italians brown?

>> No.50745172

>"I can't breathe jokes"
Such as?

>> No.50745191
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1659058976993039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50745193

They are olive.

>> No.50745194

Bishonen femboy with a pleasant but submissive personality, plus most Lia Likers are gay.

>> No.50745195
File: 333 KB, 547x497, 1664019715181938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to bait

>> No.50745220
File: 313 KB, 640x457, YubiSleep6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50745234

Goodnight /pcg/

>> No.50745229
Quoted by: >>50745288

Her name being Luna throws me off.

>> No.50745234
Quoted by: >>50745356

Goodnight lepr poster

>> No.50745243 [DELETED] 

south Italians aren't different from african niggers

>> No.50745267

I’m getting real fucking sick of it.
George Floyd has been talked about more today than 2/3rds of Phase Connect members have.

>> No.50745288

Luna is pretty overused as a name

>> No.50745301
Quoted by: >>50745677

Ancient Romans were definitely white, but centuries of raping untermenschen slaves corrupted their genome.

>> No.50745306

Just saying something isn't proof.

>> No.50745315

tell me who's your oshi and why you like her

>> No.50745324
Quoted by: >>50745402

Blame fishman’s and Dizzy’s retardation.

>> No.50745332
File: 557 KB, 782x982, IMG_5754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, post chuubas to turn the thread around

>> No.50745341
File: 619 KB, 1125x752, pippaexperiencepellowkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa love~!

I love my dumb parasocial sister wife very much and I appreciate the extra streams while I'm at work.

And with that said. The sun has risen rabbits and rabbit to bed.

>> No.50745356
File: 1.63 MB, 784x800, LeprDream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50745370

Yeah, pipnigs can't admit that their edgy /pol/ humour is a huge liability for phase connect and not everyone they are arguing with is xalamon or sakana.

>> No.50745377

Go back

>> No.50745388
Quoted by: >>50745412

>She's now a grill woman libertarian who wants to be left alone.
So you mean she went full retard then.

>> No.50745390

You included.

>> No.50745393

Fuck off Xalamon, Henri was right

>> No.50745402

No, I’m going to blame you. It has been over 13 hours and that dead nigger is still the only thing you want to talk about.

>> No.50745412

She's been full retard for her whole life, anon. How fucking new?

>> No.50745437

Twitch ads somehow got through my twenty adblockers, four 15 seconds ads, goodbye 2 views

>> No.50745440
File: 10 KB, 693x217, 1662906673385271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase weekly vod back up. Take a guess which 10 frames (and the in between) were removed.

>> No.50745449

I’m real tired of this caricature being applied all the time; I don’t say shit about politics and i’m a pipnig so GFY and the horse you rode in on

>> No.50745459

Sounds like you need more adblockers

>> No.50745465
Quoted by: >>50745500

>hissing at the truth
love to see it

>> No.50745475

>Take a guess which 10 frames (and the in between) were removed.
So the 9/11 clip is STILL there just edited?

>> No.50745477
Quoted by: >>50745540

Stop evading bans

>> No.50745500
Quoted by: >>50745540

Harry Potter references are also /pol/ anon, get with the times in pride month.

>> No.50745499

>I don’t say shit about politics and i’m a pipnig
You can be a capipi without being a pipnig. When people talk about pipnigs, they’re referring to the Pippa fans who treat this thread like /pol/.

>> No.50745524

Got to blame Pippa for making them feel welcome with her jokes.

>> No.50745534

Going of memory, 99% of the 9/11 clip is still there. It was absolutely the 2 flashes of the text "george_floyd.mp3" for 5 frames each.

>> No.50745540

> Harry Potter references

>> No.50745555
Quoted by: >>50745594

Yes. As people have been telling you for the last 13 hours, the parts of the clip that happened on Lia’s stream were not a problem.
The problem with the clip was entirely Azehara editing in extra unrelated /pol/ humor.

>> No.50745556

>99% of the 9/11 clip is still there.
So Phase management is just as retarded as ever, glad to know.

>> No.50745594

:Laughing at thousands of dead people on 9/11 is very /pol/, don't kid yourself.

>> No.50745603 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 378x225, 1680906098784651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a /k/apipi trapped in a nogunz homosexual country. I've tried to get a gun loicense and it was an expensive bureaucratic mindbreaking experience. I'm falling to despair. I want to shoot a G3, it's not fair.

>> No.50745606
Quoted by: >>50745662

this sounds like a man with voice changer

>> No.50745648

>pipnig confused about management cleaning up (possible) massive yab
People from right to left joke about it. Stop being a dishonest faggot.

>> No.50745657
Quoted by: >>50745708

>now we loop every few hours instread of a day
This timeline was a mistake.

>> No.50745662

You can't talk about that in this thread anon.

>> No.50745665

It also happened 40 years ago, while the other reference is still fresh in everyone's minds and generated a much bigger shitstorm on the internet (mostly due to the internet being much bigger than back then).

>> No.50745670

She wasn’t laughing at dead people, she was laughing at the absurdity of that being a citizenship question.

>> No.50745674

Just get a 3d printer. Or some legos. https://youtu.be/Z4KQZ0LJwuY

>> No.50745677
File: 247 KB, 1181x1390, fresco-romano-raffigurante-enea-ferito-mentre-guarda-sua-madre-afrodite-suo-figlio-ascanius-sta-piangendo-un-medico-cura-le-sue-ferite-da-un-artista-sconosciuto-45-79-1st-secolo-d-c-2k09nhx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, if anything modern Italians are whiter than ancient Romans due to centuries of Germanic rule

>> No.50745687

>40 years ago,
God you zoomers are morons.

>> No.50745708

She was laughing at the question being posed. Not at the deaths you disingenuous retard.
>People continue talking about something that happened.
>This is looping
Go downplay elsewhere.

>> No.50745722
File: 62 KB, 563x273, pipclips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long is this going to stay up

>> No.50745723

That's most of them you're in good company.

>> No.50745726

Management made it a bigger yab by banning the guy and shutting down the vod.

>> No.50745756

sebastian did nothing wrong

>> No.50745758

Buzzwords are the sign of a retard frankly. Congrats.
>management cleaning up (possible) massive yab
Which has nothing to do with the poor judgment of management in this entire situation, including how they cleaned up the clip. Removing the whole yab clip creates ambiguity about what was inappropriate which is better than spelling it out the way they did.

>> No.50745778

I'm kind of tired of talking about this at this point. Tenma has been live for almost an hour, can we talk about her? https://www.twitch.tv/tenma

>> No.50745781

why did you guys show the cute big titty bunny Pippa's Benadryl clip

>> No.50745802

Same bro, it sucks. Best you can do is some .22 or pump shotgun or bolt gun. Or move to America I guess.

>> No.50745809

Tenma ruined trash panda's cover of If. Her part was godawful. Okakoro still have the best cover by a mile.

>> No.50745810

She's horny for a blind incest baby.

>> No.50745816

The problem with moving to America for the guns is that it puts you into a situation where you'd NEED said guns

>> No.50745821

why the fuck is she playing Hogwarts again
>Tenma can have 100000 Hogwarts streams
>Pippa forbidden from streaming it after one stream

>> No.50745822

You're in luck, anon! Lia made a stream doing a test to get US citizenship! Watch it and then you'll be one step closer in being a freedom-loving, cheese-chugging, mobilitymary-like, bullet-receiving, red-blooded American patriot!

>> No.50745853
Quoted by: >>50745898

Pippa doesn't WANT to stream it again. She doesn't like harry potter or playing videogames in general.

>> No.50745863

Why would they need to be ambiguous?
Just removing the shit that crossed the line and keeping the rest makes way more sense.

>> No.50745868

>The problem with moving to America for the guns is that it puts you into a situation where you'd NEED said guns
And almost zero right to defend yourself while being attacked, don't forget that part of it. Civil rights law overrides the constitution, the right to own the gun means nothing if you aren't allowed to use it when you need to.

>> No.50745869

>just ignore it!
Pipnigs are stupid as bricks. The yab is contained within Phase Connect bubble, which is not a problem. The problems might arise if that clip was left untouched and someone kick started a massive controversy outside of phase connect. This is objectively correct decision making and risk management on PC's part.

>> No.50745873
File: 30 KB, 250x250, 1662423107338606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holidays? Do they really have holidays for them?

>> No.50745898

Pippa wanted to mod it
she strongly implied that she was not allowed to do another Hogwarts stream by management

>> No.50745902

Yeah that's the other thing. Guns are great but if you actually do pop someone you're basically dead to rights if it reaches the wrong ears.
As it stands they're mainly (awesome) toys and not much more.
Anyone remember that one cabin stand-off that then got dissolved and memoryholed as some quirky sperg-out? Yeah.

>> No.50745905

Tenma streams it because she likes the game.
Pippa streamed it one time even though she wasn’t interested in it just to piss off Twitter.

>> No.50745914

>This is objectively correct decision making and risk management on PC's part.
You don't understand the objections here or what the word objective means apparently.

>> No.50745949

Shut the fuck up and go back to /pol/.
This conversation has NOTHING to do with vtubers even tangentially.

>> No.50745984

It's called the Streisand effect retard. It can happen with anything. It would have been better to be quieter about the ordeal instead of going scorched earth.

>> No.50745989
Quoted by: >>50746105

retard or astroturfer. editing it out later, internally calling it poor screening and not taking any outside actions would have been much better.

>> No.50746001
Quoted by: >>50746477

Cappipi is not derogatory, while pipnig encompasses alignment, behavior and intelligence.

>> No.50746037

>while the other reference is still fresh in everyone's minds
I know this is probably b8 but it happened years ago and was the must mundane isolated incident. It's only ``fresh'' if you surround yourself with the most uppity nigs or constantly watch jew media.

>> No.50746051

Anon you are replying to the guy who is starting most politics loops. He is fucking insane and he'll continue to shit up the thread for as long as those disability checks are coming in.

>> No.50746058

Pippa and Wemi love guns. Tenma wants to shoot guns. Airi wants to shoot up her work place. You being a fucking faggot newnigger jannie-wannabe during dead hours completely obsessed about /pol/ is the only thing here that has nothing to do with vtubers.

>> No.50746061
Quoted by: >>50746167

I missed the end of the stream will rie be playing more dredge

>> No.50746082

Take It to Discord, niggers. Can't you shut up and watch streams or vods at least once in a while?

>> No.50746105

No one outside of pcg gives a shit about some fag getting banned. Management is in the right, pipnig retardation is in the wrong.

>> No.50746127

>Watching internet nostalgia Airi vod
>Someone sends an SC saying "You're The Man Now, Dawg!"
>She doesn't get it
She was a fake hag all along...

>> No.50746139
Quoted by: >>50746202

>Pippa and Wemi love guns. Tenma wants to shoot guns. Airi wants to shoot up her work place.
And none of that has anything to do with you blogging about all the kinds of guns you want to play with or your thoughts on American gun laws.

>> No.50746152

Her hag knowledge is of the anime & internet kind
YTMND is very specific.

>> No.50746167

Yeah she really liked it and wants to continue to play it

>> No.50746171
Quoted by: >>50746224

Airi is too pure for that side of the internet

>> No.50746186
File: 118 KB, 794x745, 539B4681-2D77-4892-B02C-83AF6ABAF4D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50746229

Happy Sunday morning, boys. I am up early for church
I like Lia

>> No.50746202

You are talking to pipnigs:
fragile ego
weak mind

>> No.50746209
File: 49 KB, 305x175, 1682459821635828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50746230

Michiru live in 90 min

>> No.50746224
Quoted by: >>50746353

Hey, the only "dark" classic internet joke that came from YTMND was the "Nigger stole my bike" fad. Everything else is just fun silly .gif edits.

>> No.50746229
Quoted by: >>50746326

>I like Lia
Oh yeah? Prove it.

>> No.50746230
Quoted by: >>50746636

I won't make it. the pestilence is consuming me. go and take my memory with you as you watch michiru

>> No.50746266

Panko is openly racist, transphobic and ableist
this could get Phase in trouble

>> No.50746277
File: 1.40 MB, 1642x2000, 1683148318150948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50746303

teen idol sensation Lia debuts her 2nd cover ever today!

>> No.50746303

With her own homemade MV!!

>> No.50746326

I got to meet Lia and play league with her this weekend. We are practically married now

>> No.50746344 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.33 MB, 2560x1440, 1551360_20230604182041_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50746634

no one asked but i tried playing with color shifts. yes, the UV maps are very annoying too

>> No.50746353

Just good ole simpler times

>> No.50746364
Quoted by: >>50746389


>> No.50746389
Quoted by: >>50746452

I saw it the first time you posted it.

>> No.50746437

Also I was reading back thru yesterday, qrd on Phase Weekly? Why did a Lia clip get the vod nuked?

>> No.50746442

Can you stop shitting up the thread with your fucking /pol/ and ”pipnig” obsession?

>> No.50746452

kys, seriously how long until the mods ban this spam bait seaniggers again?

>> No.50746465

Archive reps. We already have enough with the pipnig-obsessed political timelooping nigger, we don't need anymore loops.

>> No.50746477
Quoted by: >>50746513

It encompasses a way to tell who's making 90% of these posts.
>Wemi love guns
Wtf when did this come into light. She own any? Imagine Wemi with a gun with her Wemi voice. This is a great image. I would ask ai anon(s) but I know ai is shit with guns.

>> No.50746500
File: 611 KB, 895x986, 1673200963235699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50746587

10 frames of picrel https://rentry.org/nukedweekly

>> No.50746513

She has said that she really wants to go to America and go to the gun section of a Walmart. Pippa would be pretty happy to do so.

>> No.50746522
Quoted by: >>50746587

>lia finally gets a clip shown after almost never getting clips shown
>9/11 + greg floyd joke
>vod gets nuked
>clipper gets banned

>> No.50746523
Quoted by: >>50746555

If you hate this company and it’s culture so much why don’t you go and watch literally any other corpo?

>> No.50746555
Quoted by: >>50746585

You have to go back.

>> No.50746561

During phase weekly one of azehara's clips was shown. Afterwards the vod is gone. link: https://rentry.org/nukedweekly
Azehara is banned from discord.
The clip: https://youtu.be/DC3Xz2AyZZA?t=154
The text "george_floyd.mp3" was flashed on screen 2 times for 5 frames each.
The video is now back. 99% of the 9/11 Lia clip is still there but the above 10 and a few frames got cut.
see image >>50745440

>> No.50746583
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, 1640908940248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we get to the point where we're overrun with newfags that constantly bite bait?

>> No.50746585

No you

>> No.50746587

Why was Slugma so awkward and quiet?

>> No.50746590
Quoted by: >>50746622

Did you know that Erina is live right now and we can talk about that instead of this? https://youtu.be/5dPfE4YjR6s

>> No.50746622

>6 hours of portal
is she planning to complete it in a single sitting or what

>> No.50746634

Cool car

>> No.50746636


>> No.50746676
Quoted by: >>50746855

The realization hit her that she is not in tsunderia anymore and that phases gen1 likes to fuck around

>> No.50746683

I think it’s just henri or some other retarded seanigger intentionally shitting up the thread

>> No.50746701
Quoted by: >>50746855

She just realized that she doesn’t fit into the company at all.

>> No.50746713

The only solution is a thread split. You hate me because you know I am right.

>> No.50746721

anon, pls the ones making the baits are the ones biting

>> No.50746743

So now Dizzy is never gonna pick another Lia clip :(

>> No.50746745

It's one faggot spamming and replying to himself in a pathetic attempt to timeloop. He did this yesterday and when he got banned a fuckton of posts disappeared.

>> No.50746749

is the cunny on tonight?

>> No.50746750
Quoted by: >>50746787

Wake up and Erinas still streaming, nice. How's she doing in portal?

>> No.50746755

Goodnight/morning /pcg/ I shall take my leave

>> No.50746778
Quoted by: >>50746809

Lia, Lumi, Ember and Dizzy should take turns farting directly into my nose and mouth until I cum without any contact to my penis.

>> No.50746787

It's been ranging from moments of genius to jumping into death because head empty

>> No.50746790
Quoted by: >>50746869

Did Lia ever say who she is collabing with this week?

>> No.50746807

Erina is genuine little sister experience.

>> No.50746809
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 1677257644198876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50746939


>> No.50746812
File: 73 KB, 523x488, 1683051421471800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>verrun with newfags that constantly bite bait?
Anon please! It's just always the same people posting then replying to themselves! Same timeslots same questions same responses! Pattern recognition! Learn it!
They even have the same responses whenever you call them out!

>> No.50746830

I love you rosebud

>> No.50746845

>Panko is openly racist, transphobic and ableist
Holy based.

>> No.50746855
Quoted by: >>50746952

She’s been here for a year.

>> No.50746869

Lia said she is collabing on Monday with someone called nano. Never heard of her.

>> No.50746889
Quoted by: >>50747451

eat de fugging hamburger

>> No.50746925
Quoted by: >>50746987

I think Erinas brain is fried...

>> No.50746939

The flatulence of an attractive woman is a delightful scent!

>> No.50746952

Which makes her deer in headlights response to the clip more puzzling. It is like she froze

>> No.50746953

Have a (You)

>> No.50746955

Can pipnigs stop being /pol/faggots?

>> No.50746980
Quoted by: >>50747033

Kys Henri

>> No.50746987

>randomly recites part of the four score seven years ago speech
You might be on to something.

>> No.50747009
File: 951 KB, 720x1280, scrugunklin[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdnj94t.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50747033


>> No.50747064
Quoted by: >>50747130

take your meds schizo

>> No.50747072
Quoted by: >>50747130

NTA but kill yourself you double nigger. You shit up the threads just as bad.

>> No.50747087

Which blockers do you have? Twitch Adblock Plus is all that I got and that works fine for me.

>> No.50747092

splitting the thread would solve a lot of problems you know

>> No.50747097

blondes have the stinkiest, tastiest farts

>> No.50747114

Kill yourself.

>> No.50747130

>5 out of 11
More like attacking fragile egos of pipnigs causes a meltdown. Every time.

>> No.50747135
Quoted by: >>50747321

Any that work well with Firefox? I don't like Chrome sucking up all the memory through pajeet coding.

>> No.50747148
File: 192 KB, 366x277, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot express how much i need Jelly Lumi collab, i'm gonna EXpLODE if it does not happen soon

>> No.50747154

One can hope, but in reality it wouldn't. Baiters are going to stay where they get (you)s. And if they don't get any, they will create them by themselves.

>> No.50747156
Quoted by: >>50748194

How long until they kill themselves?

>> No.50747155

>will contain the pipnigs and pol posting
>will get the lia likers out of here
>the friends posters will post in the pippa general
>the erp and homestuck posters will post in the lia general
>the thread splitters will stop complaining because they got their split

>> No.50747176

Do it then. Go make your split. Enjoy being the only posting in your very own thread.

>> No.50747202

As expected, the "pipnig"tard is also split faggot. Just filter his posts.

>> No.50747216

Pipnigs better stay quite.
Michi is on in 50 minutes

>> No.50747217

Why is Tenma's model always so big?

>> No.50747227

in truth i only have Ublock origin and Brave's adblocker, it was always enough until today, i'll try Twitch adblock plus thx

>> No.50747232

It's how she copes with being so small irl

>> No.50747234
Quoted by: >>50747281

/pcg/ is gen1 & invaders1
/pcg+/ is gen2, gen3 & invaders2
Simple as.

>> No.50747237

big head for big bitch

>> No.50747263
File: 1.33 MB, 480x480, yellow_woman_thing[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxlgevw.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50747281

Go back your own nigger split thread and post in it, /pcg/ is going to remain a thread talking about the whole company and you have no means to stop that.

>> No.50747280
File: 527 KB, 485x712, 071307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50747314

I just want Hime to hold me and tell me everything's going to be alright

>> No.50747295

Xisters, I think pipGODs are too strong. Honestly, I'm scared.

>> No.50747314
Quoted by: >>50748017

I want to hold hime's head underwater until she stops moving.

>> No.50747321
Quoted by: >>50747412

nta, I use https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro and set https://as.luminous.dev above the default option in settings under the proxies section.

>> No.50747329
File: 198 KB, 1909x706, SleepyHime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.50747352
Quoted by: >>50747448

would you rather have pippa or jelly fart in your mouth guys?

>> No.50747356

I think Ewina is losing her fuckin' mind bros.

>> No.50747412
File: 100 KB, 1125x1104, 1684792772412582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, just tested it and it werks.

>> No.50747431

>still live
Was this intended to be a long one or is she just enjoying it? I went to sleep when she got the gun so i thought I'd have to watch a vod or something

>> No.50747448

I would rather kill all brapfags

>> No.50747451
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1024, BORGAR&nasa_F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50747456

Hope she she improves on Phase Weekly cause that first one sucked ass. When she can get co-hosts on, I imagine it will improve... hopefully.

>> No.50747477

>cheese dripping into her drink

>> No.50747479

It's fun watching her brain work in real-time.

>> No.50747509
File: 818 KB, 687x687, 1684780000432755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50747532

That fucking straw lmao

>> No.50747552

wtf are those hands

>> No.50747574

The "ehmaghard so yabai" is obviously a bit
I prefer it over her going "oh mah gawd you can't SAY that!!??" over the clip over and over to the point nobody can hear it

>> No.50747596

please do michi too

>> No.50747660
Quoted by: >>50747688

I'd like to do michi, if you catch my drift.

>> No.50747670

no co-host (was suppose to be ember I think)
Audio issues
Clips were meh for reactions
Maybe got a dm to wrap it up because of azehara clip?

>> No.50747688

sex joke hehe

>> No.50747700

who has the stinkiest shits in phase?

>> No.50747714
Quoted by: >>50747948

Erina did it!

>> No.50747722

Is there even a Michi lora yet?

>> No.50747732
File: 655 KB, 687x651, Rotisserie_Chicken[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3hwbyz.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50747778

With how she eats, Pippa no doubt.

>> No.50747780

I sneak into Sakana's mancave-warehouse and violently shit in the toilets. He hasn't even noticed how much toilet paper he's been going through but he can smell it.

>> No.50747810


>> No.50747854

italy spotted

>> No.50747888

To compensate for Michi always being boxed up.

>> No.50747894
Quoted by: >>50747928

New Thread:


>> No.50747903
File: 373 KB, 1436x1080, 20230601_183323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning gentlemen, I love Shiina

>> No.50747912

Standing on three stools

>> No.50747928
File: 1009 KB, 256x256, 1684369452099941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50748087


>> No.50747948

In just one stream too, nice

>> No.50747980
Quoted by: >>50748220

The people who shit up the threads aren’t really tied to any specific talents (except maybe the bitos lgbt posting) but rather just a couple retarded seanigger faggots like henri, retards from Idol intentionally trying to ruin the thread or /lgbt/ retards posting on cooldown to ”own le evil /pol/ company”. There is no way they would leave just because of a threadsplit.

>> No.50748017


>> No.50748061

So fucking cursed

>> No.50748087
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, oshi_no_guard(mick19988).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50748130

>Co hosts
Wasn’t the entire point of her doing Phase Weekly alone that it wouldn’t tie up the other talents who didn’t want to?

>> No.50748194
File: 745 KB, 716x676, 1672051616356240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time they get found out and get their internet taken away!

>> No.50748208

Wemi intentionally

>> No.50748220

>aren’t really tied to any specific talents
At least one of them is tied to shiina. This is based on my gut feeling.
