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50644569 No.50644569 [Reply] [Original]

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Hololive English -Myth- Gawr Gura 1/7 Complete Figure(Pre-order)

Previous Thread: >>50622087

>> No.50644579 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.50644595
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I love my wife so much!!

>> No.50644632
Quoted by: >>50644736


>> No.50644670

rest of Myth:
Mori 100
Kiara 86
Amelia 63
Ina 53
Gura 11

>> No.50644715
Quoted by: >>50644766

I don't care much for the rest of myth. How about some council numbers

>> No.50644716
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Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.50644722
File: 72 KB, 692x617, considering mustached individual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50645446

Man it's a good thing I have to juggle work, videogames, and shitposting or else I'd be miserable from lack of a cartoon shark girl right now. What the fuck kind of life is this? What timeline am I on?

>> No.50644725


>> No.50644736

what did she tweet, because my sharkwife didn't tweet anything

>> No.50644745
File: 94 KB, 621x938, FxguQP7aMAADr5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50645609

Ayame is at 21 + extra twitch streams.

>> No.50644753
Quoted by: >>50644936

NTA, but to me it's because Movie May would be very low effort, because it was soon and with a specific timeframe (rather than just 'I'd like to do it one day' like her usual promises), because she made explicit plans for what movies to watch, because we're getting barely any content otherwise, and because it felt like she was using Movie May as a way to make up for her recent inconsistent streaming by comitting to a schedule

>> No.50644766

Bae 98
Fauna 79
Irys 64
Mumei 54
Kronii 46

>> No.50644805



>> No.50644835

Chumbieprime should start playing more kino games and bolster her numbers.

>> No.50644842

Feel free to send feedback about Gura or Cover (perms, projects, etc) here

>> No.50644898

Now how many Gura streams?

>> No.50644920

dumbie he posted it already

>> No.50644926


>> No.50644936

I wasn't gonna bother crossthreading, but I was comparing a bad habit to a full blown mess. Yes, she's always been flaky, but she's never been THIS bad. When people are usually losing their minds it's when she has no plans made and we've gone too long since the last stream with no iodea when she'll be back, and at worst it's like Thanksgiving when she vanished for a couple weeks but as bad as that was at least we got an ETA on her 'return' for that. Completely missing the very few streams she told us to expect and outright pretending we don't exist the entire time? For a full month? This is way past anything even a cynic would have expected.

>> No.50644956

Him again:

Gura remember comunication is important, but also I saw the COVER annoucement about the 3D studio problems and a lot JP members already said that their 3d live problems this year. You talked about this in your Minecraft stream on March. You wanted to do something that will be great or a mess, depends of your situation. Ok but remember talk about it in you next stream Gura, please I know is stressfull but let it out everything. We only have 18 days already. We could help you

>> No.50644985

He already posted it SHITASS, it's 11

>> No.50644987
Quoted by: >>50645071

>We could help you

>> No.50645071

he edited

>> No.50645074

I understand crossposting some of the member comments, but his are worthless.

>> No.50645087


>> No.50645102

He's crossposting them because they're worthless, I think. Hurts to look at.

>> No.50645154

Haachama streamed more than gura

>> No.50645181
Quoted by: >>50645339

Im not the one posting them but he's one of the thread schizos so it's fun to laugh at him at least.

>> No.50645236
File: 322 KB, 576x576, 1666816714307688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another great weekend ahead
Truly 2023 has been an absolute blast so far

>> No.50645250

32 hours in 2023. 6 hours a month. 12 minutes a day on average.

>> No.50645257

>We could help you
Genuinely what the fuck does this even mean? No we can't, the fuck?

>> No.50645304
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>> No.50645318

What he means is "Just talk to ME to help ME (I'll disguise it as meaning I want to help you because I am a horrible fan)

>> No.50645334

Now calculate this but for Koyori (who also appears in more stuff on other channels)

>> No.50645339
Quoted by: >>50645584

>Im not the one posting them
Obviously, antis like you who are not members can't see member comments.

>> No.50645383
File: 460 KB, 1000x1414, 1628909422941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50645497

I love Gura the most!

>> No.50645401
Quoted by: >>50645837

You're a tourist if you don't recognize the typing style, not that being a tourist is a bad thing in this case. He's deliberately making terrible posts so that all the other complaining looks worse alongside it. I'd be willing to bet he's the one crossposting them as well.

>> No.50645410

You chumkeks should be thankful for Gura giving you 12 minutes out of her day. Stop being so greedy.

>> No.50645430

I would honestly be very happy if we got consistent, daily 12 minute streams then whatever we have now

>> No.50645443

Stop using extremes. Just compare Gura to the average Holo. It's more effective to show how what Gura is doing isn't normal.

>> No.50645446
Quoted by: >>50648132

I'd like to read some books but I think amazon banned it. Not that it surprises me. The book is called "National Socialist: Cultural Policies.

>> No.50645465

it's easier for Mori, she has almost exactly 10 times the streams and 10 times the stream time, so it comes neatly at 120 minutes, 2 hours a day

>> No.50645480
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>> No.50645497
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Not more than me though!

>> No.50645501

Every morning I wake up hearing her sweet singing voice in my head just to see nothing on my feed when checked. I miss her so badly.

>> No.50645509

You can compare gura to the worst performing holos and she still competes for least productive

>> No.50645546
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>> No.50645584
Quoted by: >>50645796

are you upset your post only has one like?

>> No.50645609
Quoted by: >>50645728


Subtract the two hololive channels for a total of 14275.7. Then divide by 54 talents to get 264.4 hours on average in 2023.

>> No.50645626
File: 44 KB, 576x576, 1685578329244178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't die in my sleep unfortunately. I hate how I'm slowly reverting back into the miserable sack of shit I was before I found Gura..

>> No.50645643
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We all do, chumbie.

>> No.50645709
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I have to admit, lately I've been feeling more stressed and angry for some reason. I wish there was another chuuba that scratched the gura itch but they literally don't exist.

>> No.50645728

It is more fair to only include EN numbers since EN girls are skewed to laziness

>> No.50645784

I wish she had sang Secret Base properly
But she did a jazz version of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glLXzdjpQcM which doesn't convey the emotions and feelings of that song at all...

Sung properly in the intended way the song pretty much describes how I feel about Gura these days. Memories of times when we used to see each other

>> No.50645796
Quoted by: >>50645933

>Muh samefag
Stop talking to the voices in your head, retardchama.

>> No.50645837


>> No.50645868
File: 368 KB, 2000x2000, 1684502783369865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought a 5800x3d. dont really need it but i like to consoom. i will be able to put the lack of gura out of my mind tonight getting it up and running

>> No.50645875
Quoted by: >>50646170

Yeah maybe the whole lack of transparency outside of what talents themselves are willing to say isn't such a great model Cover.

>> No.50645895
File: 104 KB, 620x1035, FxguPK-aUAAhrc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average of only EN is not that much different at 223 hours. Half of them stream more than the JP average but is lowered by Gura.

>> No.50645901

the same Ayame that gets shitposted for being lazy actually released a new orisong, debuted at Fes and appears in ton of events, including upcoming Protolive 2
hell, even Risu streams more regularly and came out with a second original

>> No.50645928

lol I don't give a shit about risu or ayame

>> No.50645933
File: 400 KB, 1486x3165, FCT2oEwUYAk808-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50646697

Go edit your comment again and cry more. Maybe take an english lesson or two while you're at it.

>> No.50645975
Quoted by: >>50646030

Gura also had a new song for fes, stupid post

>> No.50646003
Quoted by: >>50646065

starting to wonder if mori gave her some awful advice to completely ignore her fanbase after she saw all the garbage that's been going on in her comment sections

>> No.50646030
File: 211 KB, 512x512, 1655632408030215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50646114

I can't even tell if you people are being retarded or actually retarded anymore. Gura please come back.

>> No.50646065

>members calling her projects "stupid"
Well deserved

>> No.50646071

Again no one cares about the extremes. Just compare Gura to the average Hololive member. It's more effective to show how far she is from the norm.

>> No.50646099

Schizos gonna mald again?

>> No.50646114
File: 128 KB, 607x328, 1654974466132441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I've come to realize that I'm not too smart. I brute force every puzzle I come across in games.

>> No.50646170
Quoted by: >>50646492

Oh god shut up. We already know this is the new normal for a while now as she has stated and has mentioned irl stuff impacting her since November. You dunking on the fanbase months after and false flagging as some persecuted victim is really old.

>> No.50646316

I just wanted to watch some movies with her during May…I thought for sure she’d be able to manage that

>> No.50646350

Gura just say something please I'm begging you...

>> No.50646364

I didn't think we'd do them all but I thought one per week would be doable. So 4 in total.
Was hoping for Gurassic Park and Alien too

>> No.50646365

We did get Movie May

>> No.50646442

This joke is overdone

>> No.50646492
Quoted by: >>50646807

Not sure why your lumping in the transparency comment. It's true, Cover should be more transparent and information shouldn't just come from what talents themselves are willing to say.

>> No.50646507
Quoted by: >>50648596

While technically true, I don't think the highlight of May being a single watchalong is a definition for it that makes anyone happy.

>> No.50646509

>membership only movies that I can't watch without prep or payment
Nah. I'll take the collabs each and every time. Too bad Mumei isn't around for awhile cause Girltalk and other type collabs will be out.

>> No.50646517
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>> No.50646576

I don't want to be a super yes man but it's a little disappointing how longtime members are being so negative. You'd think they would understand how Gura acts and that if she ever saw those comments she'd feel pretty upset.

>> No.50646697

Sorry, I had a stroke after cumming in your mouth, antichama. Can't watch my English if you keep sucking so hard.

>> No.50646700

I'm a day 1 member and there is only so much you can take before you lose it.
I've been patient and written reassuring and positive comments for so long, nothing has ever improved. We're looking at a full year of her driving her channel against the wall now. Yes I'm aware that she has some illness or condition, but it simply cannot continue like this.
I still write nice comments, but they are now also filled with some sadness about her just never being around, never keeping any promises and doing fuck all in terms of communication. It just sucks man, what do you expect?

>> No.50646765
Quoted by: >>50646974

It was never about Gura. That is how unicorn audiences always act. They will not hesitate to turn on their oshi when they suddenly lose control of her habits.

>> No.50646794

>written reassuring and positive comments for so long
Maybe you shouldn't have done that and been more critical to begin with.

>> No.50646807
Quoted by: >>50647589

More transparency is a double edge sword as vtubing works off illusion. Some stuff will be great to know but others not so much as it can affect how you view the character. The idealism form is always pushed even if we guess how imperfected our oshis are.

Plus even with more transparency I'd doubt you learn for example what was the illness Gura had that doctors had to have a talk with her. Or what other oshis fight about and who is a hidden numberfag after number one.

>> No.50646815
File: 1.59 MB, 1547x2048, 1680372175199310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goob morning, I love Gura!

>> No.50646828
Quoted by: >>50647126

I understand that, but like, the stuff that mason wrote for example just ain't it. I wish that stuff wouldn't be said. I hope you guys don't bully her since Gura loves her prechat and having good vibes.

>> No.50646845
Quoted by: >>50647057

They say they love gura but their love was weak enough to crumble under adversity. Its strange to say the least.

>> No.50646859
Quoted by: >>50652809

I miss my blue dummy, one day ill stop being poor and buy a membership I promise goombus

>> No.50646878
Quoted by: >>50646976

Some of her paypigs like mas0n outed themselves as menhera retards calling her projects stupid. I hope that faggot doesn't come back

>> No.50646887

She's the one who's been kicking the can down the road. She can thank people for their patience as much as she wants, but when it only gets worse each time people are gonna crack eventually. Eventually seems to be now and I'll be damned if it isn't the one and only time it could happen, if she had done absolutely anything it would have kept a lid on things for a bit longer. But she didn't, so.

>> No.50646916
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x1300, 1678801669552608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, the sun has reached it's zenith. I must sleep.

>> No.50646918

You're acting like Gura reads comments or tweets at all.

>> No.50646974

I'm a unicorn and have literally never seethed at my oshi. I've left my previous one without saying anything. If Gura did something I didn't like, I'd just leave. These people are just bitches.

>> No.50646976

Mason already went full anti. Others on twitter are starting to rt memes dunking on her absence

>> No.50647018

Wanting her to stream isn't being an anti

>> No.50647045

nta but making fun of her is pretty mean spirited. I thought these people loved her.

>> No.50647054

OSHI NO KO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.50647057
Quoted by: >>50647088

If someone I loved went no contact for months on end with no real explanation I think it’s perfectly fair to be upset and expect better communication. Especially if the person wants the relationship to continue…

>> No.50647075

>doing the wanting = being an obnoxious fan conflating again
trying to (we) people into your schizo behavior again I see

>> No.50647088

I treat Gura more like God most of the time.

>> No.50647126
File: 345 KB, 804x548, 1658569196505762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mas0n wasn't even that bad, the 'stupid projects' bit is maybe the only thing he shouldn't have said, should have just taken stupid out. He's right that no projects are worth a complete and total lack of anything else, that it doesn't make sense that she has time for collabs and yet couldn't take a moment to tell us anything, and that she honestly probably does not realize how much she means to many of us if she's still doing this shit. There were plenty of things closer to an actual meltdown that he could have mentioned but didn't, like how good she was at Outlast and how well she knew the maps considering the game had only been out a week. A week during which she still didn't take the time to say anything.
Also you tourist niggers glow in the dark. Do you think we don't know who mas0n is, that we don't know who all of these fucks are? That we can't tell who's being dramatic and who's an anti?

>> No.50647132

Nothing wrong with that I guess, but at the same time I feel like if you really and truly cared about your oshi you would be invested enough to the point where you'd rather try and help/fix her than just go "aight whatever, next".
If I didn't care about Gura so much I would probably already be gone, but it's precisely because I love and enjoy(ed) her so much and have seen how great things can be with her (think the first year+) that I want to return to such a status. I'm not just gonna give up on her or accept that things are this bad.

>> No.50647181

If her friends and family can't fix her then theres no chance in hell that a chumbie can.

>> No.50647191

You see Gura can’t do anything you dislike because she doesn’t do anything at all! She’s figured this whole thing out

>> No.50647207

>when she's already perfect
? Sounds like a (You) problem

>> No.50647211 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50647247

Can't help if she won't listen.

>> No.50647272

I agree. Other than the project bit I don't disagree with mas0n's post, only his tone perhaps. The essence of it is true though and if it turns out that we'll get just a few mins of a holosummer hologra appearance and one new orisong (that was meant to come out in late 22 already) then there's some truth to the project stuff too, even if he worded it that badly.

>> No.50647314
File: 313 KB, 484x518, 1655603468430697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only chumbie that WORRIED about her? It just looks like everyone is angry at her and it saddens me.

>> No.50647318

>Nothing wrong with that I guess, but at the same time I feel like if you really and truly cared about your oshi you would be invested enough to the point where you'd rather try and help/fix her than just go "aight whatever, next".
Even before we get into the part where she's ignoring us, how long do you think it's been getting worse for? Do you think this is the very first instance, that everyone just spontaneously lost it? There's more people sticking around than there should be, arguably.

>> No.50647385

Having people like WingsCV and Mason turn bitter it's something I've never thought I'd see.

>> No.50647413
Quoted by: >>50647537

Call me when wings actually puts his balls on the table, sending 'missed you uwu' supers and then whispering quiet complaints into a fast collab chat doesn't count.

>> No.50647421

I don't want Gura to be afraid of her chumbuds again. The worst thing we can do is scare her off.

>> No.50647431
File: 52 KB, 1160x428, 1683903907470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is he?

>> No.50647455

She keeps chaining excuses and has shown no evidence of being sick. At the same time as she's been too "sick" to stream, she went out to the beach, marathoned shows, grinded multiplayer games off-stream, and traveled to Japan. She's simultaneously been too "busy" to stream but her project output is near 0 and the average Hololive members outputs more non-stream content while streaming regular amounts.

I do not believe her.

>> No.50647490

No I don't care about her physical symptoms, I'm talking about her mental health. I'm worried about her.

>> No.50647491

You said this for a full year now and things have only ever gotten worse
You're like that person in the marriage that gets beaten yet apologizes to the one hitting you because you don't want to be left alone

>> No.50647537
Quoted by: >>50647608

Still, he IS bitter even if he doesn't go apeshit like Mas0n. And now that I think about it, Gura had a big gachi with a long and weird name, is he still around? I don't remember.

>> No.50647560
Quoted by: >>50647731

If she gets scared off by people eagerly wanting her to come back and communicate a little better she should really take a long hard look at whether it’s healthy for her to be in Hololive anymore.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she is contemplating whether she has a future as Gura, if streaming has become such a painful thing for her to do than she should prioritize her health and not stress herself even more because she’s unable to stream.

>> No.50647589

Theres no downside to more transparency. Cover should tell people what's going on. We shouldnt have to just rely on talent's word of mouth for any information.

>> No.50647603
Quoted by: >>50647670

Has she given off any indications she's in a bad place mentally? Sounds more to me like she's having fun offline.

>> No.50647608

furor teutonicus

>> No.50647649

Whatever bullshit members are trying right is definitely NOT HELPING

>> No.50647670

Yeah, usually when I'm in a bad place I ignore my problems.

>> No.50647709

No, I'm worried too. No one knows what's actually happening behind the scenes and this radio silence is not normal, even for her.

>> No.50647718
Quoted by: >>50647780

>she went out to the beach
hi schizo

>> No.50647731

There's no reason for her to graduate because she doesn't need to actually do anything to stay in Hololive, Cover has no minimum stream quota (at least not for mascots) she can continue doing exactly as she has been this year, indefinitely. This isn't some temporary situation that she'll be "forced out of eventually", it's the new normal.

>> No.50647743
Quoted by: >>50647909

you mean that traitor sending SCs to Mori now
good riddance

>> No.50647751

If only prominent members like them actually said something about what's been going on to Gura with all the Superchats they sent her.

>> No.50647759

It's not rational, is the thing. People are just cracking after a very long time, no one is patient forever. I don't want her scared either but something was gonna give.

>> No.50647768

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.50647780

Nigga she got a fucking sunburn from spending all day outside, what the fuck illness you got that lets you work at 100% activity but prevents you from sitting down in front of a computer to play vidya?

>> No.50647809

How new are you?

>> No.50647834
Quoted by: >>50647881

Everyone will have their own breaking point. Some people will give up early, others late. Some will leave quietly, some will try to vent and maybe step over the line in their (passive) aggressiveness. All of this is human and to be expected, people are sad and disappointed.

>> No.50647835

Its not a physical illness, she has something wrong with her brain chumbie...

>> No.50647881
File: 274 KB, 469x489, 1672086411574547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just extremely worried and I want to know if shes ok

>> No.50647894
Quoted by: >>50648005

Medication exists, retard. It's not hard to go to a doctor for pills and get your ass in front of the monitor to stream

>> No.50647907
Quoted by: >>50647949

Okay enough to grind Outlast all day off-stream

>> No.50647909
Quoted by: >>50647946

He always whaled for other talents.

>> No.50647914
Quoted by: >>50647954

>there are still faggots here who still do not know what her illness is

>> No.50647946
Quoted by: >>50648738

Mori tho? fuck off with that

>> No.50647949
File: 631 KB, 524x489, 1654799902464502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaming all day doesn't mean you are okay mentally. I want her to know that there are people that love her and are worried.

>> No.50647954


>> No.50647971

If this is because of mental problems then Gura should go see a psychiatrist already. This behavior of hers from the past year is completely unacceptable.

>> No.50648005

I don't want my wife to take happy pills like a good goy

>> No.50648023
Quoted by: >>50648121

Everyone is worried, but continually being let down turns it towards frustration and anger. She's the only one who can solve this. Or just ignore it forever and let it die, but, and I think I've said this before so call me an unoriginal faggot, it's going to be in defeat, not acceptance. That's not necessarily a good thing for her or us, it's gonna set the tone for everything to come.

>> No.50648085

Thank fucking god I'm not a chumbud, this entire situation is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.50648087
Quoted by: >>50648175

Are you all retarded here? There in project that could take SO MUCH time. She's busy with something else me

>> No.50648121

Its not in Gura's nature to confront her problems like that. She needs help to do that.

>> No.50648132

Time to start hitting up public libraries and bookstores that somehow haven't gone out of business yet, chumbud.

>> No.50648153

You know people are in counseling, and even take medication their entire lives, without actually "fixing" anything right? Sure whatever issues you have could improve, but they also may not, ever. Brains are not an organ you just treat with some common cure

>> No.50648155

NTA who said medication but if Gura's behavior has been because of mental problems, then she needs to get it treated. She's literally destroying herself.

>> No.50648175

Yeah, me

>> No.50648186

hlgg is talking about you

>> No.50648219

I think it's safe to say that she would benefit tremendously from having a good psychiatrist who really takes time to help her.
She could afford that kind of help, too. And she needs it.

>> No.50648221

nobody cares

>> No.50648223

We can't help her though, she certainly won't let us, not in a million years.

>> No.50648225

Don't care. They are irrelevant.

>> No.50648228

I'm aware, and this is where I had hoped one of the other girls would hold her hand a bit. Kiara, obvious choice. Ame, because as flaky as she can be and as much as some of you don't like her she's pretty good at giving status updates, even frankly saying when she spent too much time loafing around and has to cancel because she fell behind on work. Anyone at all, but no one is reaching out to help her, or she rebuffed every hand, which is worse. Who knows.

>> No.50648238
Quoted by: >>50648306

I don't want her to rely on medications for that

>> No.50648279
Quoted by: >>50648398

The only thing she's destroying is your wallet and the last supplies of copium you have left retard.
She makes bank, she has fun with her co-workers when she feels like it, she grinds games she likes, she get sunburns from hanging outside all day. She's living the life.
You're the one who needs to invent some headcanon about her being depressed and suicidal because you can't handle the very obvious alternative.

>> No.50648296

They are anti idols and pro homolive. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.50648300

All she has to do is explain her situation and why she can not stream regulary anymore. Its that easy. That she does not do this one simply thing is just baffling.

>> No.50648306
Quoted by: >>50648345

At least getting diagnosed and getting counseling would be a step in the right direction.

>> No.50648316

Oh nyo

>> No.50648345
File: 302 KB, 676x364, 1678011694300290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can agree on that

>> No.50648398

She's destroying her career and harming Hololive by doing what she's doing.

>> No.50648415
Quoted by: >>50648491

eh, while it's a crapshoot, there are at least three other HoloEN that need meds to function and they seem actually helped by them

>> No.50648447

No easy way to say she has a kid

>> No.50648460
Quoted by: >>50648548

What do you mean? Gura comes back at least once a month for a member's stream, and maybe a second time to sell some merch. That's a pretty good amount of streams. Being the top vtuber is pretty hard to do. She's probably traveling across all of Japan doing sponsorship and promotional appearances.

>> No.50648470

He career is doing fine retard. An entire month of nothing results in... what, 4 members out of 10k+ that go "i'm cancelling!!! (until you give another GFE stream)"?
Cover is fine with this arrangement. They don't have to manage her and still get to profit off her image. It's a win-win for them, the same way with Ayame.

>> No.50648491

I'm sad that they have to rely on medication to function. It just doesn't sit right with me.

>> No.50648542

Ive heard that my semen is the best medication for both physical and mental problems. Just saying.

>> No.50648548

I almost laughed..

>> No.50648561
Quoted by: >>50648728

lol TOTALLY bro XD

>> No.50648596
Quoted by: >>50648714

It's not technically true. Movie May was supposed to be one movie a week

>> No.50648602

>harming Hololive
You are unironically retarded if you think that is the case

>> No.50648635

calling her projects stupid and a waste of time are too far
he has no idea what's going on
fuck off mason

>> No.50648641
Quoted by: >>50648706

>the same way with Ayame
Hell, even Ayame is very regularly participating in lots of sponsored events all over Japan, several live concerts (especially with Mio and Fubuki) and lots of projects beyond streaming.
Gura is a complete anomaly, her career is perfectly safe.

>> No.50648665
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, 1664647738131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50648682

It's the same le feistybud truebud dogshit that gets thrown around in here, I don't care. I was scrolling through an earlier thread while catching up on Kiara's sims thing and saw a bunch of Gura mentions out of nowhere, ctrl+f, 51 mentions, like she tweeted out a terminal illness or some shit. Absolutely every Gura mention in global is a falseflag in search of (You)'s and always redirects to pointing them at us when we're arguing, it's been the case for a while.

>> No.50648705

Cover said in their own reports that talents not producing content harms them.

>> No.50648706

They wheel Gura out constantly for random 3D lives to boost the numbers, sometimes even her model just skinwalked by some fat jap.

>> No.50648707

>She's literally destroying herself.
All we know is that she's tanking a single role in one very niche career path that most people don't even know exists. People burn out from their jobs all the time, and either come back with a different attitude/expectations or just change careers. I highly doubt that she doesn't have a savings account big enough to coast for a while if Hololive dropped her tomorrow, whether or not she'd actually do anything with all that free time with how terminally online she's talked about being anyway is a different story

>> No.50648714

I'm not saying she lived up to what she advertised, I'm saying it was technically Movie (singular) May.

>> No.50648728

Well its a big change, a new normal you might call it

>> No.50648738
Quoted by: >>50648813

fuck off with your shitting on other members

>> No.50648758
Quoted by: >>50648827

they can function without it, they just function better with, but they try to get the balance right

>> No.50648763
Quoted by: >>50648863

Keep pushing this retarded angle. Its done more damage to your credibility than any other rrat you could have pushed.

>> No.50648813

Mori deserves it, do I have to remind you of the BnB

>> No.50648827
File: 888 KB, 2000x2000, 1668425357134278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm being too autistic about this but I don't like when women drink alcohol or are using a mind altering medication. I like it when they are all natural.

>> No.50648849
Quoted by: >>50649197

fuck off with your timeloop

>> No.50648852

She’s not actively helping it by not streaming.

>> No.50648863

Credibility on an anonymous image board?
It only has you this riled up because you know it could very easily be true

>> No.50648867
Quoted by: >>50649197

I will never be able to let go of that. I despise the rrats about it so much, you have no idea..

>> No.50648889
Quoted by: >>50649014

you are being autistic, muslim-anon

>> No.50648896

wow he really is all riled up this trully is a big W for you XDXDXD go tell all your discord friends about it

>> No.50648904
Quoted by: >>50649197

Fuck off with your nonsensical timelooping. Literally nothing happened at the BnB you schizo fuck

>> No.50648942
Quoted by: >>50649014

kiara pls go

>> No.50648945
Quoted by: >>50649007

will we even see her this weekend

>> No.50648964

Based Mason
I have a lot of respect for former chumbuds, they overcame the sunk cost fallacy and realized what a stupid waste of time this all is

>> No.50648978

yeah, it's kind of amazing how much less appealing some women I know are when they've been drinking, but some people really do a lot better on anti-depressants than they do without them

>> No.50648989

Wait until you hear about all the other medical conditions that people have to take daily pills for, manchildchama.

>> No.50649007

I don't expect to see her at all until her birthday, It will look really shitty though if she actually did that.

>> No.50649014
File: 215 KB, 1280x1280, 1674881106169104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I watched the council girls get drunk at that off-collab it pissed me off a lot. If I'm not sloshed myself then I don't want to hear them, especially if they are women. It doesn't sit right with me

>> No.50649027
File: 2.55 MB, 498x280, aqua-konosuba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura should be healthy, but she should also get tipsy and cyberfuck us!

>> No.50649029

>Others on twitter are starting to rt memes dunking on her absence
any funny ones?

>> No.50649035

don't care about what you 'think' you muslim

>> No.50649062 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 9o0tqqgwt63b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you guys accept that she's pregnant? There's so many obvious signs but you keep coping making up other excuses. Unbelievable

>> No.50649066
Quoted by: >>50649241

Nobody asked you avatarfagging attentionwhore

>> No.50649067
Quoted by: >>50649241

>especially if they are women
What the fuck does that even mean? Why?

>> No.50649075

I have peace of mind that you are an utter failure in getting shit right.

>> No.50649096

Gura doesn't care how bad it looks. She knows no one is going to hold her accountable.

>> No.50649098

it's gonna be such an awkward birthday stream
lets reflect on the past year of uhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.50649105

it is pretty autistic but you're not being a schizo about it so I won't judge too hard

>> No.50649108
Quoted by: >>50649138

have you ever gotten drunk around women in a situation where you're not biased because there's a good chance they're going to let you fuck them?

>> No.50649116
File: 279 KB, 441x532, 1676975873481810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Days come, days go. Another one to cross out on the calendar, nothing from Gura again.
Guess I'll go listen to some sad music and fall asleep

>> No.50649133

Is this the new schizo cope?

>> No.50649138
Quoted by: >>50649221

stop replying to me esl-anon i don't know what the fuck you're saying

>> No.50649182
File: 1.89 MB, 2934x3852, 1685583025452999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely no proof that she's NOT pregnant. In fact, if you listen close in her last stream, you can hear tiny little kicks coming from her tummy.

>> No.50649197

the presence of deadbeats explains the state of this thread

I feel like the damage that did is a significant factor in how bad things have gotten, she was failed by someone she considered a friend and that made her anxiety blow up

>> No.50649221

you're most definitely the ESL here if you genuinely can't parse that sentence, no native speaker is going to have problems with that one

>> No.50649239
Quoted by: >>50649323

guys I'm starting to believe the baby rrat

>> No.50649241

I need to be drunk to tolerate a drunk woman or hell even drunk people in general. A drunk woman especially makes my pp soft. Its just unsightly.

>> No.50649265

yep airbnb into cuck timeloop who coulda seen it coming

>> No.50649292
File: 223 KB, 375x523, 1670424073802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm sure if you just push the rrat hard enough and often enough it will become reality.

>> No.50649323
Quoted by: >>50649452

there's so many things that point to it being true, i fully believe she fucked someone at the bnb. let her intrusive thoughts win and started drinking again there

>> No.50649452

totally there are so many things! anyone denying it at this point is coping so hard lol!

>> No.50649461
File: 332 KB, 547x773, 1656173650236431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50649519

Good talk chumbies but I need to eat.

>> No.50649490
Quoted by: >>50649573

Our schizos aren't really creative, are they?

>> No.50649496 [DELETED] 

I bet even if she did officially confirm she's pregnant, you faggots would still put her on a pedestal and keep yourselves stuck here in this cycle

>> No.50649519

damn chumbie you a fat fuckq>>50649461

>> No.50649573

That's one thing that never changes.

>> No.50649624

Is Gura pro life or pro choice?

>> No.50649629

HoloEN is dead and a failure branch. Gura doesn't care about her fans, ignoring her fans, and her fanbase is toxic. Ame kronii mori collab with homos. Fauna betraying her fans by calling them not friends. Holoen twitter merged to bring out more homos. Kiara, mumei, irys, ina, bae our only hope, of keeping the failure branch alive.

>> No.50649703
Quoted by: >>50649769

>Kiara, mumei, irys, ina, bae our only hope, of keeping the failure branch alive.
Well I guess the HoloEN branch is screwed then.

>> No.50649754

Kiara, ina, mumei are more active on rm, bae is homo promoter. Only irys is redeemable.

>> No.50649763

>failure branch

>> No.50649769
Quoted by: >>50649834

It really is, and Gura ain’t gonna do a thing to help it. She’s already checked out

>> No.50649818
Quoted by: >>50649943

Hololive should stick only to JP. EN vtubers are cringe anyway.

>> No.50649834

She checked out so much that she'd rather have a romantic day at the beach with a special someone long enough to get sunburned AND preg

>> No.50649850
Quoted by: >>50649961

you can tell the exact moment when catalog/discord felt welcome in here

>> No.50649877

Man, this thread really is mostly antis at this point, huh? Things are indeed dire, but they don't even pretend to be chumbuds anymore.

>> No.50649898
File: 725 KB, 1000x1000, Apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN is fine. It's myth excluding TakaMori that's the problem. Everyone else is doing fine (except Mumei throat hort I miss you moom)

>> No.50649927

It's a dead branch, I have no memberships left and they're way too late to debut new girls. They paywall fucking everything and barely make any content, greedy bastards. For some ungodly reason they chose to milk the girls for all they're worth in order to fund the male branch.

>> No.50649939

>57 posters
>mostly antis
Must be really dire yes.

>> No.50649943

vtubers in general are cringe anyway, acting like it's any less cringe in a foreign language is pure retardation

>> No.50649945
Quoted by: >>50650069

It's okay to not like the other girls

>> No.50649961

The exact moment everyone got fed up of arguing and walked off rather than deal with it, as well. Guess I'll boot up Zelda and occasionally peek over at the pregnancy rratposting followed by 'wow this really is the anti thread' both posted by the same guy for hours.

>> No.50649962
Quoted by: >>50650071

I mean, Ina and Ame seem to be back to regular schedules now

>> No.50650001

i need to nut

>> No.50650021

When i watch mumei, i keep hearing gura. Why.

>> No.50650025
Quoted by: >>50650077

PREGNANT? where the hell did this come from

>> No.50650065


>> No.50650069

No shit but these posts aren't just that and offtopic anyway

>> No.50650071

I didn't realize Ina had streamed that much because she has one(1) TotK thumbnail. Amelia is also kind of streaming but i feel like she's lost her love for streaming. She used to do a lot of creative streams, now it's mostly FPS/Zelda spam

>> No.50650077
Quoted by: >>50650129

Probably because she adamantly refuses to say what disease she has like anyone else would.

>> No.50650103

>It's myth excluding TakaMori that's the problem
Ina is doing just fine, where she's at right now is about what it would look like if Gura actually did "come back strong" from her absences.

>> No.50650106 [DELETED] 

Real talk, if she stayed absent for a few more months then suddenly began streaming regularly again, but you would occasionally hear a baby crying in the background, would you still support her or watch her?

>> No.50650129
File: 28 KB, 524x503, hurtsMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which means it's either something doing with her lady bits, or menhera, or she just doesn't like us very much. That's always a possibility

>> No.50650160

Still support, she'll need it more than ever

>> No.50650186

Oshi No Ko

>> No.50650188

I noticed teamate spam has been quiet for a long time now

>> No.50650257

Seems like the thread is going slow. Even gura's vod comments getting slow too.

>> No.50650296

No one cares anymore

>> No.50650302
File: 141 KB, 290x307, colonDee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50650382

Must mean everything is fine!

>> No.50650382
Quoted by: >>50650427

It's rare 4chan been this quiet.

>> No.50650427
File: 108 KB, 832x1000, chadChumbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the chumbies improved themselves to the point that they're all out spending their friday evening with their new gf. Teamkeks stay losing

>> No.50650452
File: 182 KB, 1404x2048, 1682943848685577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much you all wanna bet that we'll be kneeling before shaaak cunny real soon?

>> No.50650492

Same anon: Maybe already move on and forgor everything.

>> No.50650513

Yeah you'll kneel for a day and then be right back here 2 weeks later

>> No.50650569

Seems like myth members starting to stream less, i don't know if it's just me. no problem so far with the councilrys

>> No.50650583


>> No.50650652

Teammates doing fine but chumbies? Nope

>> No.50650664

I'm only kneeling when she starts streaming consistently and doesn't pull this shit ever again.

>> No.50650708

can i impregnate the other womb?

>> No.50650707

This isn't true

>> No.50650717

Teammates are doing extremely well right now

>> No.50650725
Quoted by: >>50650893

They aint it. Its up to EN3 now. The golden age of gaming streams is coming. There will be a korone, an okayu, a gfe asmr girl, an autist milsim enjoyer, and someone that will finally finish lobcorp on stream.

>> No.50650771

I don't think so. Kiara, calli, ina, still streaming consistently. Not sure about ame.

>> No.50650780
Quoted by: >>50650837

Not really. Ina’s streaming more than she has in a while, Kiara is the same as always just traveling, Mori’s going for her all time high stream hours but is also traveling this week. Only Gura and Ame hours have decreased.

>> No.50650810 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 935x526, Ereh3vHVkAAYJRw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50650892

Is this real?

>> No.50650837

Gura has basically stopped streaming altogether. That's not just a "decrease".

>> No.50650872
File: 161 KB, 720x1200, FklVa_SXwAE7a8s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50650892

Its an edit of pekora’s numberfag yab. You dont remember?

>> No.50650893

I hope EN3 won't experience the same faith as their EN senpais.

>> No.50650895

Even Ame usually streams 4 days a week now, which is an improvement from what wound up being her schedule after WW fell through. Some longer streams as well. Myth is doing fine, it's just Gura.

>> No.50650911
Quoted by: >>50651080

Ina is streaming 5x as much as Gura and Ame is streaming 6x as much as Gura. There would be no complaints if Gura streamed as much as them.

>> No.50650991


>> No.50650995

EN management is filled with clowns. I hope the new girls are strong enough

>> No.50651028
File: 464 KB, 1141x458, 1673664910105800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm both mentally stable and love my wife Gura.

>> No.50651048

so, when did this slowdown in streams even begin? Was it after a particular moment/stream/announcement or did she just generally go silent?

>> No.50651080

it's kind of funny, I actually have no idea how much Ame is streaming because I rarely watch her solo stuff and I think she hasn't really done any collabs lately. Kind of the opposite of Gura.

>> No.50651081

tempus debut last year

>> No.50651088

EN3 is doomed is they follow their EN senpais example. The only senpais they should take notes from are the top HoloJP streamers.

>> No.50651106


>> No.50651136

ill still watch gura
but until she explains herself or earns it im not giving her money anymore
i dont regret supporting the old gura

>> No.50651176
Quoted by: >>50651392

House hunting/Kirby

>> No.50651203

The homos were a fucking mistake

>> No.50651246
Quoted by: >>50651302

No it was before that.

>> No.50651249

Are you a chumbabooey?

>> No.50651277

The first decline in streaming hours started in February 2022. Each month after that decreased from the previous except for a temporary bump in October.

>> No.50651302

Don't reply to the catalog schizo with cock on his mind

>> No.50651305
File: 727 KB, 516x675, 1683231441619581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read the thread

>> No.50651329

Gura always hated you. Don't you remember the discord server closing and the months and months of ghosting with the occasional life? Nothing's changed.

>> No.50651335
Quoted by: >>50651381

Sure thing homo

>> No.50651364

love goop goop

>> No.50651376
File: 877 KB, 284x320, 1657705383655656.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50651381

Yes I'm a homo sapien

>> No.50651392
Quoted by: >>50651415

this started even before that. also, remember when she said she was starting to hate the word stream?

>> No.50651402
Quoted by: >>50651558

As opposed to the hounehunting timeloop which always ends with a guy who has cock on his mind jumping in?
Anyways, I wouldn't even pin it down to one thing, or even the decline in streaming hours. It sucked but there were still high points, times it still felt like she really cared. It wasn't until well after either kind of cock-based rrat that it felt like she actually changed and this...whatever is the result. No explanation really fits.

>> No.50651415

I have no memory of that, please tell me about it

>> No.50651419
File: 1.23 MB, 1471x1778, 1683235233852728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50651462
File: 225 KB, 979x1175, 1674476612435091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50651517
File: 334 KB, 1401x2048, 1658407930906959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50651534

I like imagining how it'd be to live with gura

>> No.50651558

Dropping schedules
Simple as

>> No.50651578
File: 386 KB, 1576x2048, 1684212821128091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50651654
File: 642 KB, 1200x859, 1683254759178904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50651679

I love Gura!
Also, stop giving shitposters so much attention, dumbies. It's not good for you and attention is all they want.

>> No.50651697
File: 477 KB, 2048x1448, 1656675220088498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50651800
File: 5 KB, 250x198, 1685741215557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost clicked on /999/ instead of this thread...

>> No.50651823

Why is Ina the only member that has no schizos or baits on this board? Even all of council has their schizos and extensive bait raids.
Last year, when Ina went on break the first time, she gave some flimsy excuse and did not tweet or post in membership regularly and nobody /here/ or in /hlgg/ gave a flying fuck.

>> No.50651866

idk, she's probably botted. Her chat is always dead.

>> No.50651887

She's so boring that tourists don't actually care about her.

>> No.50651916
File: 2.28 MB, 1905x1066, 1658674300028921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50651948
Quoted by: >>50652065

>she gave some flimsy excuse
She gave an excuse. Like when Gura went on an official break there weren't that many schizos and ones that were here got laughed at most of the time.

>> No.50652042
Quoted by: >>50652065

If Gura was on another official break that would have at least explained the complete lack of communication.

>> No.50652047
Quoted by: >>50652255

becuase it's immediately clear that ina doesnt care about hololive or her fans so no one gets invested in the same way

>> No.50652065
Quoted by: >>50652294

No one gives a shit about ina. She even did that homo collab cover and no one ever brings it up.

>> No.50652073
File: 256 KB, 1414x2048, 1667200128670028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I'm remembering right
she gave a reason for her break and promised to give regular updates on twitter
the bait threads were about not keeping the her promise

>> No.50652096

Take a look at the posts replying to you and you’ll see why Chumbuds have so many antis.

>> No.50652114
File: 100 KB, 347x278, 1685727723959772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50652164

Because the things Gura did for so long are so bad that it drew any potential heat any other EN member would get for similar things.

>> No.50652219

I just hope she’s ok even if her behavior annoys me.

>> No.50652246
Quoted by: >>50652365

>why no one schizo for Ina?
>less ppl i guess
>reee die all chumbuds I anti you 4ever
So are other fanbases just retarded, then?

>> No.50652255

Ina shit on her fans and called them losers

>> No.50652285
Quoted by: >>50652346

>le bad chumbuds
You people always say that to justify your anti behavior. Just shut up already.

>> No.50652294
Quoted by: >>50652620

I fucking forgot about this too. Fucking incredible. Even the numbers thread don't falseflag as takos like how they do with saplings, irystocrats and hoomans and also treats Ina like she has never interacted with tempus.
Fucking double standards man.

>> No.50652308

She hates ME

>> No.50652313
File: 96 KB, 1199x1076, 1679355524834744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife soon?

>> No.50652315

Unconditional faith in Gura.

>> No.50652346

Very convenient to forget all the times this thread shit on the other girls

>> No.50652365

Other fanbases don’t use their general to shit on other girls.

>> No.50652390

You're exaggerating and even if they did at least they didn't use other fanbases as an excuse like you cowards do.

>> No.50652400

Other fanbases use this general to shit on other girls

>> No.50652469
File: 247 KB, 1536x2048, 1666556087346799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where you look first says a lot about you as a person
I looked at the foot

>> No.50652489
Quoted by: >>50655482

Other fanbases would come here to post ads about their girls, they were beggars who deserved to be shit on.

>> No.50652505

foot then face then private parts

>> No.50652620

The HoloEN fandom is filled with doubled standards. Saying "uuuu I miss Fauna" or "Ame doko" is fine. But you're "parasocial" if you say you miss Gura and you need to leave.

>> No.50652653

Her tail, always her tail

>> No.50652735
Quoted by: >>50652963

Go away catalogschizos
This isn't your place to start a fanbase war

>> No.50652753

her finger pointing at her eye

>> No.50652802

THIS! We really should take a strike against Cover

>> No.50652809

Aim better next time.
They don't need to leave, they just need to aim better.

>> No.50652864
File: 800 KB, 800x800, 1671361268803349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50652973

>> No.50652885
Quoted by: >>50653781

i hope she still has feet

>> No.50652913
File: 218 KB, 1600x800, 1657133485890367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50652930
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>> No.50652954

I can't stop listening to AI Goomba's cover of Cupid.

>> No.50652963
Quoted by: >>50653402

I was the original poster about ina. I specifically made sure to post it after we reached bump limit because I just wanted to vent and if shitposters used it to start another timeloop, it wouldn't matter because the thread will die soon.

>> No.50652973
File: 1003 KB, 4096x4096, 1685743016913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50653281
Quoted by: >>50654003

Everything has gone downhill since we stopped getting shark facts.

>> No.50653402

That's fucking retarded. You can vent in other ways that's just inviting schizos to shit on other girls because you're pissed about what's "fair" in this shit hole of a site

>> No.50653438
Quoted by: >>50653506

>It's fine for her to stream three times a week
>It's fine for her to stream once a week
>It's fine for her to show up in collabs once a week
>It's fine for her to show up in collabs every two weeks

>> No.50653488

when Myth first revealed, a lot of /jp/ shitposters invested themselves heavily into supporting Ina as the only "good one" of HoloEN simply cause of the fact she was asian
they attributed pretty much every element that leads to her being non-controversial to not being a "western whore"
that was the rotten core of tako community, the gay "wholesome", discord and reddit obsessed part just grew around it
both of those parts love completely ignoring any of her faults, but the former specifically also loves to blow up any bad thing about any of the other girls and then make posts like this >>50564002

>> No.50653493

It's fine for Gura to stream in my mouth.

>> No.50653506

no I'm not, I became a feistybud months ago and now have fully accepted being a doombud

>> No.50653523
File: 924 KB, 1200x778, 1664739864699309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50653765

I went archive diving because talk of timeloops reminded me of the 'she hasn't said she loved us in ages' one and I thought I'd go get a timestamp to end it next time. I thought for sure she said it during the September holocure stream but I seem to have been mistaken. I kept looking for a while and it really has been ages, I give up. Man.

>> No.50653622
Quoted by: >>50653843

Someone post the MK8 bipolar suki suki soundpost.

>> No.50653705
File: 222 KB, 1000x1500, 1640736591489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will punish Cover if I don't get my sharkwife soon!

>> No.50653758
Quoted by: >>50656377

She absolutely had schizos, people who said she hated her fans or was going to graduate or was lying about being sick.

>> No.50653765

I'm the chumbie that keeps asking when she last said I love you and I miss you, no one seems to know for sure. It shouldn't be like this.

>> No.50653774
File: 199 KB, 1080x1744, mason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit even Mason is done with her

>> No.50653781 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1190x1507, 1678832156857217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to have to let you know this, but...

>> No.50653796

You're slow, check the member post comments.

>> No.50653820

I'm not a member anymore

>> No.50653843
File: 825 KB, 1280x720, defensivegura[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbxef4s.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took me a second to find it. I haven't looked but I feel like we've past a year since the last MK stream

>> No.50653915
File: 256 KB, 1503x1823, 1658099924752912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I see

>> No.50653954

I can't believe Gura is going to lose all her fans over not wanting to sit down and watch a movie.

>> No.50653964

>they record smell
>they record spell
My fucking sides

>> No.50654000
File: 3.30 MB, 3269x1971, 1682635928718793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not QUITE what I meant, what the fuck? Did he snap?

>> No.50654003

finally somebody that gets it.

>> No.50654067
File: 236 KB, 512x499, 1679438310125839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50654146

lmao its fucking over

>> No.50654143

The most sane chumbud

>> No.50654146
File: 79 KB, 802x665, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not, go check he's still going. Im laughing so fucking hard at this

>> No.50654253

>they record smell
Where do I buy these smell recording cameras? I need to put a few in Gura's house.

>> No.50654329
File: 158 KB, 764x764, 1669841764880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, and I thought I was losing it.

>> No.50654417

Gura has schizophrenia, she's been streaming to chat in her mind all along.

>> No.50654447
File: 54 KB, 576x576, 1661657239644177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow will be better

>> No.50654457
Quoted by: >>50654532

Who cares he showed his true anti colors

>> No.50654459


>> No.50654469
File: 27 KB, 503x361, 1685742311715888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50654509

Wait, he's...is he live commenting Fauna's stream under Gura's member post comments? Is that what's going on? What the fuck, I'm only more confused.

>> No.50654509

He started before Fauna's stream, looks like he's watching now though. I can't wait to see what he figures out next

>> No.50654532

He's an anti because he wants communication and wants her to stream? Fuck off darkmaze

>> No.50654550
File: 42 KB, 480x473, 1667626197047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this is punishment of some sort. Maybe I even deserve it.

>> No.50654607
File: 10 KB, 618x114, 1685745163893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50654645

That explains it.

>> No.50654645
Quoted by: >>50654961

Yeah he's on a trip, mystery solved. This is probably a better coping method than some of ours. Funnier, at least.

>> No.50654650

No he's an anti for calling Gura's projects crap and a waste of time

>> No.50654686

Because Ina told them she was going on a break. Then she came back and has been streaming since. After she came back, she didn't disappear for weeks on end

>> No.50654708
Quoted by: >>50654853

Oh he noticed what he was doing, it's gone. Take a walk Viag, I'm absolutely losing my mind as well but you gotta keep it a little more together than that.

>> No.50654724
Quoted by: >>50654825

About time. Maybe he will finally leave the threads too.

>> No.50654772
File: 430 KB, 2217x2767, E8CxxzMVoAI-w5R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA and I don't think he's an anti but I think he's an asshole. I agree with what he said for the most part about wanting more communication and wanting streams over projects but he's gone beyond just criticism into the asshole territory. I don't think that's the right way to handle it but I also don't know what way is gonna convince her to do anything at this point, people tried being supportive of her breaks, and tried asking for better communication, and tried stressing how much we like spending time with her. I may not like projects or anything else taking her streaming time away from us but I'd be way happier if she was just fucking telling us what was going on or what to expect.

>> No.50654791
Quoted by: >>50655164

They are. That's just objectively true at this point.

>> No.50654818
Quoted by: >>50655164

But they are? I would rather have the streams we lost because of it.

>> No.50654825

I'd take ten of him over one pajeet or our cuckposter, but instead he's leaving and the actual retards are here forever.
He was being kind of a dick with the stupid projects part but he pretty obviously wasn't thinking clearly, just lost it.

>> No.50654853
File: 9 KB, 416x117, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't tell what he was actually trying to do but it was funny, also this comment made me chuckle because of it.

>> No.50654911
File: 644 KB, 1280x720, if you don't love gura[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo3ptm7.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50654952

>crying about Gura

>> No.50654952

>Chumbud prime
>Doesn't care that Gura has barely streamed for a year

>> No.50654961

He really shouldn't watch someone playing a horror game while on psychedelics but I guess it's already fine and it's probably over since DMT doesn't last that long.

>> No.50654979
File: 184 KB, 512x512, 1679438125463563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant help but think what the fuck did we do to deserve this, we we're patient for so long, relaxed when she announced the health break and supportive of her in japan. all we want is communication, other girls do it so easily i just dont understand

>> No.50654980

>Moom mention
They should just move in together

>> No.50654992
Quoted by: >>50655164

The projects are crap if she spends months on them for a few minutes of enjoyment. Streams are the main focus and projects are a sidejob to be done in your free time. If they interfere with the main job they are crap.

>> No.50654997
Quoted by: >>50655164

They are a waste of time because she never fucking produces enough projects to justify taking that many breaks.

>> No.50655025
Quoted by: >>50655080

Back to global friend.

>> No.50655046
Quoted by: >>50655164

The projects are a piece of shit. I’d rather her spend time with us in a stream than a once and done project.

>> No.50655049

Anon the Gura stream you're replying to isn't real, it's all in your head...

>> No.50655048

You'll get the right place eventually viag

>> No.50655080
File: 718 KB, 850x1202, 1684399338609912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50655279


>> No.50655089
Quoted by: >>50655279

She took over. Her goal was to bring her down and steal all her fans away. It worked on me.

>> No.50655108 [DELETED] 

Damn Fauna that was harsh

>> No.50655129

Jeezas Fauna! It wasn’t that scary lol

>> No.50655142

Pretty sure he let his frustrations get the better of him while he was typing.

>> No.50655164

Fuck off you don't know what she's working on. Calling them 'crap' makes you an anti. I agree she should stream more or communicate so I'm not a yesbuds but I'm not gonna shit in what she's working on

>> No.50655165

She has been ghosting her fans for almost an entire year because of these alleged projects. There is literally nothing she could reveal that would ever justify the amount of time she has spent on them.

>> No.50655181

Technically she streamed 5 days ago BUT it does apply to her old channel so I'll give you that

>> No.50655223

I'd take full blown teledildonics but that's pretty much the only thing that'd impress me at this point.

>> No.50655254

KEK Faufau

>> No.50655258

cant spend a single minute out of an entire week to even say hi to her fans
try and explain this behavior, there is zero excuse

>> No.50655257
Quoted by: >>50655413

Your mistake is thinking it's entirely the projects and her not wanting too. She was ready to go for collabs and was playing outlast off stream so clearly these projects aren't taking up all her time

>> No.50655265
Quoted by: >>50655413

You fuck off darkmaze. They are shit. That song with Bae? It was shit. That umisea stuff? It's shit. She doesn't produce enough content to justify that many breaks.

>> No.50655279

>Fanbases going to the Gura thread to shill their oshi
What did I tell you?

>> No.50655293

the problem with this line of thinking is every girl in hololive has projects, it just doesnt justify the sheer lack of anything we get. i dont think its fair to call the projects crao either but holy fuck what even could be THIS robust that she cant fucking tweet or write a short update in members...

>> No.50655312

Whats with these girls and not knowing how to use analog clocks or know which coins are which

>> No.50655313

Wrong thread nigger.

>> No.50655315


>> No.50655316
File: 50 KB, 1024x683, 1665853225402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what to say anymore

>> No.50655319
Quoted by: >>50655413

I don't think she's actually working on anything.

>> No.50655323

she was always a fakebud considering she shipped her with Calli
the recent speech fits someone inspired by Mori too

>> No.50655326

Fuck off simplings

>> No.50655353 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 346x339, 1676683227604989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50655363

Why do women like mori so much anyway? 50% of chuubas have her as their oshi for some reason

>> No.50655368

Better than discussing nothing and looping you retard.

>> No.50655413
Quoted by: >>50655469

See >>50655257
Darkmaze is a faggot and her not communicating is not excusable but shitting on and blaming the projects isn't the right way to go about this
This might be a better angle than blaming the projects too she just doesn't want to solo stream for whatever reason but shitting on projects is bad

>> No.50655418
Quoted by: >>50655484

because shes the "popular" one for normies who dont actually watch vtubers

>> No.50655458

Kek fauna

>> No.50655469
Quoted by: >>50655541

>shitting on and blaming the projects isn't the right way to go about this
ill be honest it kind of is
its just a fake excuse and a lie, she clearly isnt busy with projects and is blatantly lying about why she cant stream

>> No.50655474

Actually she's a gurame shipper as evidenced by the halloween story

>> No.50655482
Quoted by: >>50655600

This anon literally called it lol. These people are shameless.

>> No.50655484
Quoted by: >>50655524

I appreciate that she seems to like Gura more at least.

>> No.50655486
Quoted by: >>50655718

Gura is not the other girls she cant handle offstream work and stream work at the same time. she is a fragile girl and whatever she ia going trough obviosly has her in a state where only the other girls can motivate her to try to do both.
I just want the concer to be over so she can go back but im fucking sure cover will ask her more in sime way and she will say yes

>> No.50655496

because as much as anons here hate her she does what she puts her mind to and goes above and beyond in basically everything she does, i imagine as a girl in vtubing its inspiring

>> No.50655497
Quoted by: >>50655530

I can't believe Fauna hates Amanda

>> No.50655524

Is she, or any vtuber period, going to say they hate Gura and ruin their career?

>> No.50655530

it because she black

>> No.50655541

So the problem is fake excuses then. Real projects shouldn't be called crap in the crossfire. Do you think her reading that will make her happy?

>> No.50655547

They admire her hardwork and feel sympathy for the amount of hate she gets and also impressed by how the hate doesn't demotivate her or stop her from doing what she wants.
Something similar to women empowerment

>> No.50655553
File: 107 KB, 1125x1134, 1659299661389062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is doing things, playing games, enjoying her life
>All without a single thought about her chumbies
>After abandoning them over and over again

>> No.50655582
File: 138 KB, 1000x1150, 4563473421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50655584

Well she has musical friends who do lots of work for her, that's probably all they see in her, same as Suisei.

>> No.50655600

There is no gura to be discussed. The next best thing is streaming

>> No.50655625
Quoted by: >>50655751

ok but they suck and she should know they suck too, taking away an excuse helps get to the root of the problem

>> No.50655651
Quoted by: >>50655724

You’d have to ask a women, but I’d suppose it’s because of her independent nature and her relative fearlessness at putting herself out there for better or worse

>> No.50655662

You mean the speech where she mentioned never meeting your heroes? The speech where she mentioned that she also used to think that the streamer could be her friend, but realized she was wrong? That one? Gee, I wonder which 'hero' she met that made her feel that way.

>> No.50655691

pissy cunny

>> No.50655693


>> No.50655700

Not gura thats for sure. She loves her.

>> No.50655704

Well the fake excuses aren't making people happy, not a big surprise they're probably making her unhappy in return. The ball is her her court, she can fix this very easily, it's on her for not doing so.

>> No.50655710

Everyone talks very little about Gura once they meet her in person

>> No.50655718
Quoted by: >>50655902

>only the other girls can motivate her to try to do both
So you're admitting that Gura can do both its just that no one is pushing her to?

>> No.50655724

One would think that /ggg/ is mostly women by how whiny the posters are

>> No.50655748

>Gee, I wonder which 'hero' she met that made her feel that way
probably bill cosby

>> No.50655751
Quoted by: >>50655886

So instead of playing along with her excuses you propose just calling her a liar to her face and expect that to make the situation better? Or something like that? I don't think you know how people work, autism-chama.

>> No.50655756

>60+ songs since joining holo
>tons of covers
>does all her showcases and performances actually live
>in the top for stream hours
Yeah I wish we Gura had like 1% of that work ethic regardless of anyone's feelings about Mori

>> No.50655763

Nah Kiara talked more about gura than Ame and Ina in the recent JP trip.

>> No.50655783
Quoted by: >>50656072

Fau still likes gura based in her current actions.

>> No.50655802

>Everyone talks very little about Gura once they meet her in person
Except all the JPs that met her and how basically every person that met her within hololive says how cute she was and how nice it was to meet her.

>> No.50655807
Quoted by: >>50655861

I could use some of that too. I'm still procrastinating on my reps.

>> No.50655839

shit is genuinely impressive and i havent watched her in forever

>> No.50655844

I think the hate unironically makes her stronger kek

>> No.50655847
Quoted by: >>50655922

tomorrow won't be better

>> No.50655861

Same I'm like gura in that I secured a paying job but neglected the rest of my life to post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum and do nothing all day

>> No.50655864

Did fauna mention gura or something?

>> No.50655886

she is a liar
nothing else has worked, more people need to call her out

>> No.50655902

Any of the girls could be as working and funny as marine but that isnt happening.
Different personalities and different problems.
Breaks are becoming more common, collabs are becoming more rare is just a sad state of the branch and gura is. I fear if she tried to do both constantly she will end like what happened during calisto protocol with her having a health scare.

>> No.50655903

She said something that could be used as a shitpost against her, but no, scroll up and check the comment screenshots.

>> No.50655908

Still don't need to shit on projects or call them crap
I don't see the point of that

>> No.50655916

Are you the boycott anon?

>> No.50655922
Quoted by: >>50655961

Tomorrow is one day closer to the 5th and if she comes back on the 5th im actually gonna start to believe the solo suspended rrat

>> No.50655923
Quoted by: >>50656214

She joked that Gura is getting a Youtube Pause Button for going an entire year without streaming

>> No.50655933

Dumbass you realize that Gura doesn't have anywhere near the amount of connections Mori has to make a lot of those things possible right?

>> No.50655938

Why are we close to 500 posts on a slow day?

>> No.50655961

but why in the world would be only be suspended from solo activities and not just all activities it just doesn't make any sense when you sit back and really think about it

>> No.50655965

slow day in /vt/ I guess

>> No.50655966

pain and agony

>> No.50655977
Quoted by: >>50656104

Holy cope of you think that's what explains the gap
How about bae and kiara of you want more normal idols

>> No.50655987

I just noticed the 96 IPs, jesus

>> No.50655988

He's right though

>> No.50655997
Quoted by: >>50656104

weird lie

>> No.50656026

It makes 0 sense and it's cope to blame anything but gura herself

>> No.50656059

>it just doesn't make any sense
Almost nothing about a month with no communication makes sense unless you actually want to believe she hates her fans now.

>> No.50656072

The disappointment of Fauna is the fact that she never tries to setup collabs with gura even though she is the closest to her. Is it because she is afraid of being called a leech or if she just doesn't want to collab is the mystery. The wither collab and the outlast trials collab was setup by Kiara and Mori respectively.

>> No.50656080

What a fucking cope. She outsources all her projects to Cover anyways, she doesn't have to worry about connections.

>> No.50656097

>unless you actually want to believe she hates her fans now.
what other excuse is there?

>> No.50656104

A big part of music production is connections and Gura just doesn't really have any. Having a big subscriber count doesn't magically change that.

>> No.50656115

Ghosting us for a month like this makes 0 sense too. >we are all speculating at this point anyway

>> No.50656121
Quoted by: >>50656338

Mori is pretty happy to share her connections or help. She loves talking music. Gura would have to ask though.

>> No.50656135

I'm sure Gura is so happy to hear her fans shitting on things she cares about.
You guys are so fucking oblivious its amazing

>> No.50656137 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x1000, 1677198714762231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50656162

This excuse would work when they debuted. It's been years since then. It's enough time to make and remake connections several times over to make shit especially for a number one subscribed Vtuber in Hololive. Everyone else manages just fine and some even better than fine without, you know, being Gura. If she wants to work with someone in the industry the chances of them saying no are close to zero.

>> No.50656165

sadly thats kind of where im at, i think she is simply avoiding us at this point. like when you know you've taken too long to respond and now youre anxious about even responding because its been so long. idk if i believe she hates us yet but its getting hard to understand this

>> No.50656174

weird false flag

>> No.50656180

Argued for a while and then got raided again.

>> No.50656190

>Gura, why do you waste time on projects
>Gura, why don't you play Minecraft again?
>Gura, why won't you do more karaoke
>Gura, why won't you do this or this?

>> No.50656214

KEK! Fauna is funny as fuck ngl. I see why chumbuds transition over

>> No.50656237

They couldn't get tatsuro yamashita.

>> No.50656241

Nigga you realize Gura has one Original song and one solo cover (sponsored btw)? it doesn't matter who you compare her with she has some if not the lowest output of released project in all of holo, the only person she would beat on EN would be fucking Sana, and even then they are tied on original songs.

>> No.50656267
Quoted by: >>50656290

She didn't say that, dumbbud.

>> No.50656283

Dont worry, she'll never hear about it because she wont read it, because she doesn't give a shit about her chumbies.

>> No.50656285

>transition over
shes more of a supplement

>> No.50656290
Quoted by: >>50656431


>> No.50656289

jesas she does have as many orisongs as sana doesnt she... man i hope she reveals cool stuff on her birthday or its gonna get really depressing around here

>> No.50656319
File: 287 KB, 1352x2048, E7vn5L9VkAEFYPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cares so much that she scraps 75% of them. We can talk about all the things that she has teased and we never saw. Most of the projects that ended up taking stream time weren't worth it other than the 3D birthday stream, the live, her debut, and holofes. Pretty much everything else has been fine but I'd much rather just spend time with her. Label me what you want but the time spend away from streams for projects have almost never been worth it.

>> No.50656338

Pretty sure gura trashes the project because of her 'perfectionism' before even going to the asking for connections stage

>> No.50656345

>muh subscriber count
Doesn't mean anything. Gura doesn’t have the connections to get things happening.

>> No.50656377

Ina did lie about being sick. A few days after Ina went on her break, Lamy said she talked to Ina and she was drunk. Lamy said they began talking about sake and Ina told her she just started getting into alcohol more and wanted to go drinking with Lamy. That doesn't sound like someone who is sick to me.

>> No.50656385

Did Mason actually call her projects crap or whatever? I'm not member anymore so I can't go look.

>> No.50656423

Yeah Gura is bad at the process of music production and her not having connections is a part of that.

>> No.50656431

You new or never heard someone say a word with "bud" attached to it? It's pretty common here.
