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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5040257 No.5040257 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>5042209 >>5043907

Murasaki Shion

>> No.5040279
Quoted by: >>5040444 >>5040741

Chatting stream roughly an hour:

>> No.5040444


>> No.5040741
Quoted by: >>5040786

Here's hoping nothing happens.

>> No.5040786
Quoted by: >>5041189

It's a "not dark" stream but she's gonna talk about rough stuff (not graduation), presumably what has gotten her down recently. I was under the impression it was all roommate related stuff so not sure how she's gonna toe around it.

>> No.5040877
File: 765 KB, 853x864, 834a977a0c7bfcf6c323becd1eb34416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been up since yesterday and it's almost 2pm but its all good because stream is soon

>> No.5040904
Quoted by: >>5041003

Will she announce more break

>> No.5041003
Quoted by: >>5041209

She might explain why she's streaming less and less, but probably not? I mean she has already told people about it (though it was in a member stream)

>> No.5041189

translations when

>> No.5041209

is that about the chronic illness/disease/whatever?

>> No.5041745

Nice. Hoping for no bad news. I don't think she's ready to come back but the hiatus announcement won't hurt me too much.

>> No.5041858
Quoted by: >>5041925 >>5042017

Haha... She has gotten good at fake crying...

>> No.5041866

god I just want to hug her

>> No.5041871

depresshion... ;-;

>> No.5041893

Bad news incoming

>> No.5041900
Quoted by: >>5041985

Give me a quick translated rundown on what she is saying.

>> No.5041902

I can't speak japanese and there is no live TL but I will try to understand it...

>> No.5041925
Quoted by: >>5042214

This doesn't sound real at all to me.

>> No.5041928

Aqua's fan translator seems to be translating, but they seem to be summarizing so it'll be slow

>> No.5041940
File: 1.66 MB, 1200x1871, 87745603_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not retiring
well that's a load off our minds...

>> No.5041946

Someone is making summaries of what she says

>> No.5041985
Quoted by: >>5042218 >>5044178

>Not that I'm retiring or anything, but I have serious news to tell you... I asked my manager and she said it was fine to tell you this in a stream.
>My throat has been hurting for a while now. My health is kinda fragile, and can fluctuate depending on temperature.
>I haven't been feeling very happy lately, and haven't been able to stream while laughing.

>> No.5042017

it's never real to begin with.
i just want to watch her stream.

>> No.5042064

Mai pessu...

>> No.5042088

>I've been thinking of moving lately, and I'm quite anxious about it.
>I kind of want to reset my mental state. I always say I want to work at my own pace, but I feel pressured to try hard because you guys are always trying hard for me.
>From now on, I'll try not to pressure myself. I didn't want to take a break without telling you, so I'm hoping you'll wait until the day I'm able to have a genuine laugh with you guys again.

>> No.5042170

>As for retirement, not only am I not retiring, I also have no plans to do so. You guys are... very precious to me. I kinda want to cry now.
>It's about time to end the stream. It was a short stream, but I fear that if I made it longer, the important parts might not have made it through.
>I'm sorry for making the chat member-only. Thank you for listening until the end. Bye bye, otsukare, please wait for me a little more.

>> No.5042209
Quoted by: >>5042274

I don't watch her much, but it feels like she is
always depressed

>> No.5042212
Quoted by: >>5044146

Dammit. She sounds so vulnerable.

>> No.5042214
Quoted by: >>5069192

Yeah, she's totally faking it. Not sure why though, maybe she's bored of hololive. I don't blame her, I would be too. Maybe graduation is the answer.

>> No.5042218
Quoted by: >>5066551

thanks, good to know that everything is going into the right direction now

>> No.5042229
Quoted by: >>5042333

Poor thing I really wish things get better for her

>> No.5042274

It's been that way for a few months ever since she took that break that delayed her costume reveal. Apparently she lost someone pretty important.

I wanna give her a hug...

>> No.5042310
File: 73 KB, 179x225, sadgaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion... My poor Shion...

>> No.5042333
Quoted by: >>5042431

I don't want to hear her like this. Pushing herself to be this vulnerable in front of thousands of people. But I appreciate that she showed up. I think the girls were kind of forced to say something by management. We got Ayame in mengen, and then Haachama and then Shion. I kind of hate whoever pushed them to stream in this state but I understand why.

>> No.5042373
Quoted by: >>5042450

Rather than saying she wanted to cry she said "I wonder why I started crying. I just started thinking of a bunch of stuff and I cried. I don't really get it hahaha"

>> No.5042431

Ayame does not have any issue right now though (besides lightbulbs being too high for her to reach)

>> No.5042450
Quoted by: >>5042526

You're right.
Well the important part is that she just announced a break, although it's reassuring to note how adamant she was about not wanting to graduate.

>> No.5042489
Quoted by: >>5042585

lol. that is adorable. What I mean is management are asking the inactive girls to say something because concernfags are asking about them. She still streamed even when her setup ain't that ready yet

>> No.5042494

She's been stuck in the dark for 3 weeks. Isn't that cruel?

>> No.5042523

That's 3 down, 29 to go. Who's next?

>> No.5042526
Quoted by: >>5042579

Except she was already on a break. She just came in to explain why she is on a break.

>> No.5042576
Quoted by: >>5042654

I didn't get a good vibe personally. I'm not sure what will happen but I don't think her words were hollow, they just seemed transient. I'm gonna start emotionally divorcing myself from her.

>> No.5042579
Quoted by: >>5042687

Management probably asked because of the graduation announcement. A lot of people have been speculating a lot

>> No.5042585

Yeah, i dont know what is the best way to do things here, obviously some kind of announcement is important

>> No.5042641

yeah, no announcement + doompost on roommate account is not helping at all

>> No.5042654
Quoted by: >>5042751

Shion has never been the type to just show this kind of emotions to her audience. It must have been really weird for her. She's not stable right now and was probably forced to say something. This is the most uncomfortable that I have seen her.

>> No.5042687
Quoted by: >>5042739

She does a lot of egosa, pretty sure she's seeing a lot of it herself too. Dunno if it was management or her own decision to make this stream, but hopefully it's a load off her chest regarding this kind of speculation.

>> No.5042690

The right approach would probably for them to honestly say they're taking a break before they go on one in the first place, rather than doing it quietly then having to come back to explain it before disappearing again.

>> No.5042739

It's too convenient of a timing for the 3 girls that has been inactive for 2 weeks or so to all suddenly stream to just basically say that they are okay but they can't stream for the meantime or is still setting up their stuff.

>> No.5042751
Quoted by: >>5042877

Yeah, I know people are saying her tears are fake but they don't seem so to me. I seen enough fake idol tears and actual crying women in my to know the difference. I'm not sure what to think to be honest and I'm not too reassured.

>> No.5042777

When Miko went on a 3-month hiatus due to health issues, she was on twitter quite often and even had a daily postings at times. When she came back there was a ton of fanfare for her.
It's not fair to expect the same out of every Hololive member, but Miko's method worked pretty well.

>> No.5042792

Why all this girls so affriad of moving out?
Okayu done this ezpz.

>> No.5042806

Omg she's going to commit the die.

>> No.5042838
Quoted by: >>5043046

In Miko's case it might depend on whether you actually still like your job. Miko had all intentions of coming back and returning to her fans. We don't know if Shion or Haachama feel the same way. Forcing them to make fan interactions even during their break might give them even more stress.

>> No.5042849
Quoted by: >>5043046

Miko can do that because she actually gives a shit about hololive. Same can't be said for Shion and Haato

>> No.5042877
Quoted by: >>5042918

You don't feel reassured because she's depressed man. How do you expect hopeful words to sound hopeful from a person that is in this mental state? Just the fact that she willed herself to show up even when she is vulnerable tells me that she's serious. She has always been the type to show up a face to look happy. She doesn't want her personal stuff showing up in her streams. This is the most out of character she has been which is pretty much the most real that she has been.

>> No.5042918

I'm not saying she's faking it when she's happy but she doesn't want to look sad at all during her streams.

>> No.5042930
Quoted by: >>5043046 >>5043393

Other holos just dont post on twitter because "there is nothing to post about"
Not everyone can act like a genki dumb bebi 24/7

>> No.5043046
Quoted by: >>5043091 >>5048075

It's boring as shit in the hospital. It isn't much effort if you have the will for it. All you need is a phone to post on twitter.

I hope Shion isn't forced into anything. I think her fans should lay off, she doesn't need us and we only stress her out. She doesn't want us to worry so lets not.

>> No.5043091
Quoted by: >>5043302

>implying you're replying to Shion fans
This is a vulture thread.

>> No.5043302
Quoted by: >>5043372

Don't the vultures have some menhera indie to surround?

I like Shion. I want to see her better at some point. The best thing I can do is not be a burden with my expectations and welcome her back with open arms when she decides to come back.

>> No.5043372

Let them be, they are jealous because their sub 50 oshi with shit rigging doesn't have future and they want to see people suffer like them, I just ignore them

>> No.5043393

>act like

anon, i.....

>> No.5043517

Hololive, the home of broken people.

>> No.5043907

kusagaki doko?

>> No.5043931

Bruh i thought you fuckers are just joking about the rrats from last thread

>> No.5043974

>You guys are... very precious to me.
I hope she's just being nice here, I would hate to see her become one of those whackos that gets emotionally dependent on fans.

>> No.5044039

i hope she finds herself a nice boyfriend to stop that from happening

>> No.5044130
File: 956 KB, 2000x2000, 1602330209260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started streaming in highschool
Coming of age during the era of covid restrictions
Depressed and sleeps all day
Yep she's dependent

>> No.5044146

She is only 19 and has the mental maturity of a 12 year old.

>> No.5044170
Quoted by: >>5044314 >>5045206

Has your precious Ojou said anything about Coco's graduation yet?

>> No.5044178

thanks anon

>> No.5044223
Quoted by: >>5063835

Do you think shion read that doujin? is it living rent free in her head rn?

>> No.5044314

does ayame even care?

>> No.5044473

Begone you vultures. She is in the middle of admitting their is a problem. Shion is the kind of girl who will push herself and bottle up her emotions to push forward.

She finally reached her breaking point. That is why she showed a more vulnerable side because the mask is coming off. She is slowly venting out some issues that had built up.

Enough of your doomposting and enough of your concern posting.

>> No.5044546
Quoted by: >>5044590

Man who cares. Girls doesnt read /vt/ we can doom'n'gloom all day long

>> No.5044552
Quoted by: >>5044729 >>5045669

Anon all chuubas are dependent on their fans. They spend more time with their fans then their actual family. The fans support them and allow them to live their lifestyle.

>> No.5044590
Quoted by: >>5044628

I don't care about that! I have to read what you sad cunts post!

>> No.5044628

Then its your problem. And i dont care about you at all

>> No.5044632
Quoted by: >>5045247

If you're right she actually needed this stream so that she can see her fans will care about her even if the mask slips sometimes.

>> No.5044729
Quoted by: >>5045105 >>5045247

she depends on her fans financially, that doesn't mean she cares for her fans.

>> No.5045031

why did you even in shion thread if you're not concernfag

>> No.5045105

You can't just hot drop simp kryptonite like that gamer, you have to warn them first.

>> No.5045206

She said fuck off reddit dragon kanata is the better roommate

>> No.5045247

Yeah. She has been venting a lot on her roommates account and I think she is finally getting to the point she feels like she can get shit off her chest and not bottle things up all the time like she had in the past. We'll see. Just remember a few kind words for your chuuba can go a long way.

First menhera chuuba?

>> No.5045669

I mean the ones who actually think their fans like them for real rather than being a cute distraction for lonely and bored 30 year old men with no families to spend money on.

>> No.5046717
Quoted by: >>5047782

>I always say I want to work at my own pace, but I feel pressured to try hard because you guys are always trying hard for me.
This is a problem, it's called the stress loop, having reached this point, even fans with good intentions just adds to the preassure.
This girl, should just forget about streaming, and i mean not about indefinite hiatus but retiring entirely, and close the fucking internet, she doesn't need anymore NN telling her anything, nor she should worry about when to return or what to say. What she needs is real people, and she needs to seek for them, at this point even something as bad as a toxic relationship with a man or a woman is better, than depending on void of the internet.

>> No.5047782
Quoted by: >>5048270

>/vt/ psychologists
She obviously derives fulfilment from steaming. Just because her approach is wrong doesn't mean she should stop entirely.

>> No.5048075

Miko was out for physical reasons and was pretty much raring to go the entire time. Shion (and Haachama) are mentally checked out for any number of reasons and probably need to be away from their jobs for a few weeks. The situation isn't the same at all.

>> No.5048270

>doesn't mean she should stop entirely
of course, pigs seeking entertainment, will defend their priorities

>> No.5048467

you're actually right. idgaf about her well being, i just want to watch her stream

>> No.5048633
Quoted by: >>5049018

You are the one that don't give a fuck about her, you are not her mother ot her doctor, if she wants to keep streaming it's her choice, also you are probably a larper that never has watched her in your life so better go back to your "rrat" threads

>> No.5049018
File: 19 KB, 656x370, 940249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5066185

>if she wants to keep streaming it's her choice
yeah faggot, keep pushig until Shion off herself

>> No.5050252

The read I got was her fans make her unhappy ever if she can't say it or, more likely, doesn't realize it herself. Maybe if we all stop being her fans she'd feel better. Imagine if she had tweets with no likes, her fanbox with no comments, and her covers with no likes? She'd feel less pressure to meet our expectations.

>> No.5051301
Quoted by: >>5051566

How does /vt/ do it? Despite tough competition, it manages to be one of the worst boards in this shithole.

>> No.5051566
Quoted by: >>5052456

stop being a fattass selfish faggot and leave Shion alone

>> No.5052456

Stop LARPing as a concernfag, you suck at this.

>> No.5053785
Quoted by: >>5059985

I've been waiting for the return of the shion yo threads, but I didn't expect it like this...

>> No.5059985
File: 461 KB, 632x933, 1605441832438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5062245

It's a larper/anti ignore him and post cute Shion, man I wish that kind of larpers/tourists graduated themselves

>> No.5061854

>antis still visti threads because their hatred defines their personality
waste of air

>> No.5062245
File: 2.89 MB, 2048x1672, 1620507330470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True enough.

>> No.5062486
File: 617 KB, 1080x1430, 20210613_140138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that actually care

>> No.5062526
File: 313 KB, 1080x726, 20210613_140155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5062561

>existencial crisis
she will grow out of it eventually, it hits everyone at some point

>> No.5062672
Quoted by: >>5062958 >>5065548

Do you have the post for the 10k tiers? Or know what they say? Just curious.

>> No.5062958
Quoted by: >>5063266

$10 isn't much. It's like taking her out to dinner.

$100 tho, that's a little high. Maybe if she was leaving, but even then, only once every 3 months or so.
I might pay for it just for this month... I'll think about it. There's only 2 posts

>> No.5063266

technically there's 3 but the one isnt important

>> No.5063835

which doujin? there are so many

>> No.5063844
Quoted by: >>5065090

For sure Shion isn’t gonna graduate but from her roommates tone, sounds like she’s just gonna kill herself before that. Maybe that is how she will end it. Featuring the song Suicide stream.

>> No.5064761

Now post the non-retarded EOP machine translation version.

>> No.5065090
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1610411805423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5065231

Shion yo is going to become a legend...

>> No.5065231

Shion yo is on the path to beacome a star in the sky

>> No.5065548

did it for you, they're bait posts. 1 is just a random 'baa', the other asks 'why people can see this,are they millionaires or something ,why'.

by the way, yes I am a millionaire. (not including fixed assets)

>> No.5065590

samefagging to add that she should also see a therapist if she has issues talking with those around her. Someone who is legally bound t o keep confidence.

>> No.5065619
Quoted by: >>5065678

Why is she so sex

>> No.5065657

Are you being serious? Shionyo...

>> No.5065678
File: 922 KB, 900x1350, 1619418778675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is just a punchable kusogaki

>> No.5065680
Quoted by: >>5066428

Japan is notoriously bad when it comes to mental health. Their solution to these problems are just "be happy".

>> No.5065737

Thanks anon. I might not be a millionaire, but I did run into a good amount of money since the pandemic started. Nobody wants to work so I've gotten lots of hours and a raise, and people asking to hire me left and right. But there's nothing to do so it's just been piling

>> No.5065858

I don't think she's suicidal. The post is more about being lonely and not trusting the friends she does have. And so she doesn't call them out on their shit because she's afraid of losing them.

The last part is more of a passing comment. It's not that she WANTS to die, more like she wouldn't be too worried about losing it.

>> No.5065904
File: 92 KB, 1162x1229, 1621778743771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5067196

I wish I could be Shion's friend

>> No.5066185
Quoted by: >>5067245

Then whats your idea? She quit streaming a what? Get a normal job? Work 10 hours a day? If she cant manage to stream for 2 hours 3 times a week. She wont resist rhe 10hours 6 days a week of getting shit on by customers and coworkers

>> No.5066356

Honestly many people see therapists as mental health workers and they associate that with them having mental issues, that's why many people don't seek help. They don't want to be treated or seen as mentally ill, when in reality these people are just helping them find a way out of depression loops or identify problems and suggest solutions.

>> No.5066428

Better than the American solution of take these pills or chop your dick off

>> No.5066458
Quoted by: >>5066587

How many of those 54 replies are unique? Does she actually have that many people paying 10k yen/month?

>> No.5066534

Thanks anon, not rich so can’t afford it besides the 1k yen one.
This girl has to act as a brat one way or another huh, and keeping us worried at the same time.

>> No.5066551

You say that, but it's pretty weird why she didn't mention about the "persistent negative comments" that's been plaguing her social for months now.

It got really bad that she had to hire a lawyer, and probably from her own wallet. Because fuck Cover support on legal issues. Mel incident comes to mind.

That said, one post that a generous JPBro shared privately showed how her posting on her roommate account just to vent and share cover songs just to feel like just doing something to keep her mind off backfired horribly cause "HURR DURR, how dare she post more on roommate than her Hololive! LAZY!" or something like that on the comments.

Post after that sounded really bad that the tone was borderline suicidal.

>> No.5066587

I don’t know if you can like the post or not when you haven’t bought it, but it looks like there’s over 200 likes on her 10k post. Millionaires everywhere

>> No.5066613

I tested it and for some reason you can like it, can't comment though

>> No.5066624

You can like without paying

>> No.5066809
Quoted by: >>5066993

Still like over 54 people paid for the 10k tier at that rate then…

>> No.5066907

I'm worried about her. Sadly, all we can do is hope that her situation improves. I've had a friend at a similar age who tried to hurt himself when things got to their worst point, it's not a nice thing to witness.

>> No.5066993
Quoted by: >>5067337

>Still like over 54 people paid for the 10k tier at that rate then…
holy gachikois

i hope she recovers, and do coco's meme review she seems to adore coco

>> No.5067014
Quoted by: >>5067479

I did a quick look through on the main shion tag and roommate tweet, but didn't see any negative comments from my perusal. What am I missing?

>> No.5067196
File: 245 KB, 1000x1000, E2oxknhVEAY5CER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the fact she's super young helps me believe she'll toughen up with time, and hopefully grow to trust a few people that stick by her.

>> No.5067245
Quoted by: >>5067336 >>5067438

Some people work because it gives them stability. When Corona started, a month off was a nice and much needed break. But after half a year of nothing but games and YouTube, it gets mind numbingly boring. Work gives a sense of purpose. That's why Korone, even tho she's one of the top dogs at Hololive, has a part time job. Exercise does the same, and Korone does boxing. Maybe Shion can get a small part time job that isn't too difficult just to feel needed

>> No.5067336

Someone could also take her to the gym, exercise really amkes you feel better

>> No.5067337
File: 421 KB, 1080x1080, 20210311_014338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 3D stream was amazing

>> No.5067401
Quoted by: >>5067486

Got links to those last two comments?

>> No.5067438
Quoted by: >>5067523 >>5074971

The same can’t be said about introverts. People like matsuri and Korone are natural extroverts and can easily get part time jobs like working at a cafe.
The same can’t be said about Shion who is an introvert like Aqua. Gonna stutter talking to every customer and mess up.

>> No.5067479
Quoted by: >>5067570 >>5073953

comments/dislikes on her covers and her DM's

>> No.5067486

The comment got privated, it was basically calling her a parasite of hololive. It was on her goodbye sengen cover

>> No.5067523

This. Everyone forgets they can barely handle conversations with store clerks and such.

>> No.5067570
Quoted by: >>5067713


damn that's scummy, and definitely deserving of a lawyer if its been going on for a while.

>> No.5067713
Quoted by: >>5067877

Every member gets harassed through dms, some just decided to not mention it. Matsuri roommate went through the same thing a while back as well where she had to bring up lawyers too. No clue how it got resolved though.

>> No.5067799
Quoted by: >>5067840

I wouldn't go and call her a parasite on her video but it isn't wrong. They should get rid of Gen 1 and 2 they are lazy and go dark for weeks without notice. Would suck about FBK and Subaru but the rest of them aren't taking it serious.

>> No.5067840
File: 102 KB, 463x454, 1621902369647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5067877

guess they're not allowed to turn off direct messages altogether? Damn.

>> No.5067934
Quoted by: >>5068814

They probably like the fan ones and don't some of them say they respond to business related DM's?

>> No.5068010
Quoted by: >>5068864

I thought they could tho. If I could send dms to Aqua I'd be sending hearts and flowers all day

>> No.5068814

No clue how it works, might be twitter/buisness dms. All I know is she mentioned that she’s been getting hate through her dms and that she read some that’s very nice and encouraging but can’t really respond.

>> No.5068864

Aqua and Shion should just get a house together. So they can bath together, sleep together, smell each other’s hair and fuck all day.

>> No.5069095
File: 536 KB, 720x720, hJ7N_a39B0FTK__t.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god shion isn't dying or graduating

>> No.5069138

If they turn it off, then they can't see the nice ones. It's a double-edged sword. :/

>> No.5069192
Quoted by: >>5069421 >>5069512

>Not sure why though,
supachato money that's why

>> No.5069208
Quoted by: >>5069431

Maybe streaming since you were 14 years old, recieving attention, adoration and sexual advances from people constantly from a very young age while being praised for everything you do and simultaneously defamed for all your actions isn't healthy

>> No.5069283

TL clip for boardsurfers. She was really sad about Coco and combined with her health issues she felt she couldn't stream and be happy/be cheery and entertaining.


>> No.5069421
Quoted by: >>5069966 >>5069968

In my opinion pretty sure she’s not faking it, since she’s actually depressed. But if the whole thing was faked well shit, props to her, she fooled us all and an amazing liar.

>> No.5069431
File: 66 KB, 230x230, 1615992342496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's hard to believe someone that looks so smug
plus she doesn't open up to chat that often
I'm not a member though so I don't know how member streams go

>> No.5069512
Quoted by: >>5069588 >>5069968

She wasn't faking it. She sounded like Delta does sometimes. She was clearly crying before the stream but didn't want to be upset on stream. Also chat probably cheered her up some.

>> No.5069588
Quoted by: >>5069888 >>5069968

Ye she was holding back her tears the entire time. If she wanted sympathy and money she can fully cry and get more money

>> No.5069888

>Ye she was holding back her tears the entire time.
I don't think so. Things got a little more upbeat sounding, despite the heavy subject matter, as the stream went on. Same thing happens with Delta, she feels better after talking about it and chat cheers her up as well. Shion's been bottling everything up so hopefully a little release helps make a difference.

>> No.5069966

Obviously it wasn't fake, she's been depressed for a long time and this is the first time she's cried like this on stream since Aqua's solo live and that was a happy occasion. There's a self-proclaimed Shion anti on this board and the rest are vultures. They want attention, don't give it to them.

>> No.5069968
Quoted by: >>5070150 >>5070266

well she can be both depressed and milking for superchat
>she fooled us all and an amazing liar
women have a natural talent for emotional manipulation anon. When a woman starts to cry, always take anything she says with a grain of salt
Delta grooms her saviorfags fans
>Also chat probably cheered her up some
Improbable, those girsl are all practicaly desensitised to compliments by randoms. I also hardly think that getting positive comments from disgusting ugly otakus from her membership would cheer her up
see above

>> No.5070150
Quoted by: >>5075299

How new r u?

Did you not see Subaru's twintail stream?

>> No.5070266
Quoted by: >>5075299

>he doesn't read the fanbox
retard alert

>> No.5071061
Quoted by: >>5071261 >>5072523

All in all, she need a better fucking manager. Jesus Christ. 3.5/5 of gen 2 are pretty much out of commission. Both aqua and Shion are suffering mental and physically and the manager doesn’t even do shit. They need to take care of their talents. I wonder if they even peeked into her fanbox and look at her current state.

>> No.5071261
Quoted by: >>5072662


>> No.5071669
Quoted by: >>5072523 >>5072648

Rumor has it (heard it on a podcast) that Twitter is a lot more important as a business tool in Japan. Artists will be approached for commissioned work, animators will be approached for lead positions or key frames, all through Twitter DM.

>> No.5072523
Quoted by: >>5072648

Aqua seems pretty much 100% again after her break, except for her capture card.
They do, just check any nip artist twitter description.

>> No.5072648
Quoted by: >>5073584

True, but this doesn't apply to Hololive. Their DMs are closed, and if you have work proposals you have to go thru Hololive itself. If you want to speak directly, you have to quote tweet. But that's open to the public

>> No.5072662
Quoted by: >>5076566

Wish I hadn't even seen that thread, typical faggotry that tends to do more harm than good while trying to help.

>> No.5073500

Why is Shion like this?

>> No.5073584
Quoted by: >>5073953

Are we talking about her Shion account or her roomate account?

>> No.5073953

On her Shion account. She gets attacked in her comments on YT, not DMs. They aren't open.
See >>5067479

On her roommate, that one has DMs open

>> No.5074767
Quoted by: >>5074934

she would be more happy as an AV actress

>> No.5074934

Nobody likes meat curtains

>> No.5074971

>stutter talking to every customer and mess up.
so what? you learn through failures, i know because i did, many times, and got accustomed to it, if you don't do it you will remain the same forever, who is gonna simp for her at her 60s?
this is why saviour fags are so insufferable

>> No.5074996
Quoted by: >>5075044

but anon, you are the saviorfags

>> No.5075044
Quoted by: >>5075260 >>5075283

they want her to remain the same, keep doing the same thing that clearly doesn't work for her,
they are this >>5048270

>> No.5075200

and you think in her current state that's a good idea? quit playing armchair psychologist

>> No.5075252

>yes I am a millionaire
H-How old are you, Anon?

>> No.5075260

Nah, just not customer service jobs, but an actual job. She should just go to college and focus on studying like haato is and leave the entertainment industry since it’s clearly taking a toll on her

>> No.5075283

dumb saviorfag LARPer doesn't even know he's LARPing as a saviorfag

>> No.5075299
Quoted by: >>5075428

why do you think she has a fanbox, gachikoisama?
>falling for roleplay

>> No.5075428

If you had read the fanbox then you would know why

>> No.5075869

So her boyfriend dumped her?

>> No.5076092

>Assuming your not still a failure
>Assuming age is a factor

The only reason we don't have elderly streamers is because they don't know how to stream. I can definitely see people desperately clinging to their past fame in the future.

And Mio and Marine are clear examples that age has nothing to do with their fanbase. I'd definitely continue to watch them. And probably superchat more since I'd have a much longer and deeper relationship

>> No.5076566

I disagree, if we back her into a corner she might disappear and I can stop feeling bad about her.

>> No.5076882
Quoted by: >>5077765

with how she is and all these people in her thread, definetly, things are not going to end well for Shion

>> No.5077765
Quoted by: >>5078171

Good thing she doesn't really take her fans seriously and no one here knows enough japanese to engage with her.

>> No.5078171

>she doesn't really take her fans seriously

>> No.5078440
Quoted by: >>5079824

May I have a link to her room mate accounts or is that asking for too much to ask?

I know she's in dire straights but after all of this shit recently I kinda want to know shion more than the "smug"

>> No.5078618

I don’t keep up with Shion but that shit sucks so much.

I mean the girls should be allowed to share content like that on their roommates, especially if the process is fucking expensive on the holo side: paying illustrators and mv makers, permissions, and then just getting songs rejected in general.

>> No.5079552 [DELETED] 


>> No.5079824
Quoted by: >>5079849 >>5080218


>> No.5079849
Quoted by: >>5079889 >>5080350

I love Shion but this isn't actually good.

>> No.5079889
Quoted by: >>5079949

That's how it is in the original

>> No.5079949

Okay, I listened to both. Kuroa's version is actually better. The original makes my ears bleed.

>> No.5080026

the one advantage the original has is that her voice is softer or filtered more. Kuroa's highs come off just a little too sharp.

>> No.5080218
Quoted by: >>5080498 >>5080633


Man I expected more, content wise, guessing all of her other stuff is on that fanbox and not on YT/twitter?

>> No.5080350

your ears are primitive and unrefined.

>> No.5080498
Quoted by: >>5080579 >>5080633

she wiped her twitter before making it public. idk if her youtube ever had more, it's been empty since i got there ~a year ago

>> No.5080579
Quoted by: >>5080662

For what purpose, to make it harder to link the 2?

>> No.5080633
Quoted by: >>5080663 >>5080679

tbqh many songs the holotalents covered were originally barely passable or outright bad
listen to the original version of the other song she covered on the channel, kuroa's voice is just so much better but I am also a fan of acoustic guitar
>streamer actively tries to hide previous works
>but I also want to know more because her covers are amazing
>find those gems buried beneath
I found this the other day and god I fucking wish there was a full version, I couldn't find a cover that came close to the atmosphere this one creates

>> No.5080662

see the oldest tweet

>> No.5080663

first part meant to reply to >>5079949

>> No.5080679

who is it?

>> No.5080756

oh fuck I forgot that I share birthdays with Shion roommate, wish her the best I guess

>> No.5080763
Quoted by: >>5080843

So I haven't listened to Shion in a while.
Did they swap her VA without telling anyone? Because not just her voice but the way she talks is way different now

>> No.5080843
Quoted by: >>5084827

yes they did, I am Shion now

>> No.5084827

S-shion-tan, Please kiss and hug me.
