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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50341861 No.50341861 [Reply] [Original]

When I say "on the good side" I mean when she shits on SJWs, call them out about their irrationality, harassing people for playing Harry Potter, is religious, etc, etc. But all this is spoiled by her womanchild behavior… I can't resolve calling someone "based" if she's acting like a child and can't act her own age.

Other than that her streams are nice, she's not unwatchable, but yeah, I can't fully appreciate her because of her womanchild behavior. She herself admits she has only one neuron.

What do you think ?

>> No.50341998
Quoted by: >>50349205

I think pippa should get run over by a car

>> No.50342115

I want her to give me a footjob with her sweaty, sticky and stinky feet while she rambles about Pokemon stuff that I don't give a shit about

>> No.50342625

Well... she's a woman.

>> No.50342687
Quoted by: >>50345305

>collabs with males
Yeah, fuck that slut and whatever bullshit you're trying to sell.

>> No.50342916

Her childishness is part of the charm. Despite how often she goes into dark subject matter and her own insane life stories literally every stream, she still unintentionally has so many cute things she says and does.
I just wish Pippa knew how cute she is

>> No.50344155

>What do you think ?
She can be fixed if she gets pregnant and gives birth.

>> No.50345305

Idolshit can be pretty dumb to begin with, but applying idol standards to all vtubers no matter what is just retarded.
I’ve heard this girl talk about sleeping with her head over a drawer so she can wake up in the middle of the night just to puke because of how frequently she would just randomly puke for some reason unknown to her, or about just flat out saying how she wants to kill herself. She’s missing teeth due to her poor care for herself, or rather the outright neglect she has faced and the habits passed down from said neglect. She lived in some ghetto ass niggertowns and trailer parks and is constantly paranoid, gets shit stolen from her etc.
She has a deathwish due to how rough life is and I want to see her following her dreams and succeeding and being happy, fuck anything else. There’s no time in this short life to be worrying about such small bullshit as what you’re complaining about.

>> No.50345856

Same, but instead of pokemon it's Bismark and war history

>> No.50346294
Quoted by: >>50346363

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.50346363

Even if he was underage he’s still smarter than the average tranny being over 25 and still believing it’s a normal thing to want to mutilate its genitals

>> No.50348856
File: 1.03 MB, 896x1344, Pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think ?
I want to go and clean her house, brush her hair and give her a bath so bad. I'm gonna breed Pippa, stopping her menhera phase and making her the happiest mother in the world.

>> No.50349138

I like to believe this was written by pippa herself. Hi pippa
Sure. I think she's a decent girl. Kind of retarded and lost but I dont believe she's a grifter like some anons say.
When I was there and she broke down on the wow stream that one time. It felt real and legit then as it does now.
I do however not like the male collab streams.
I hate the dynamic change when a male vtuber and female vtuber interact. It stops being girls hanging out together or the vtuber interacting with her fans in chat and starts feeling like a sexual competition.
No I do not think the vtuber wants to fuck every man on her streams, but its innate biology, even if its subconscious. It would be like saying to a guy; stop wanting to have sex with women. He cant, that's absurd.

>> No.50349205

Fpbp also buy an ad

>> No.50349272

It would be a boring footjob since she's thinking of colress and his engl*sh voice actor

>> No.50351132

I thought she was a grifter. Is she really a /pol/tard?

>> No.50352015

She seems genuine, but react shit is a nope from me

>> No.50352202

I wish she was a poltard. She's a boring white girl who freely goes on r*ddit and loves china

>> No.50353700
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>What do you think ?
I really liked Pippa in the beginning but she turned into just another /here/ chuuba that tries way too hard to please the 4chan crowd. she could have gone places but all this edgelord pandering just made her into another /vt/ whore.

>> No.50353905

Don't care, didn't read, still not watching sluts.

>> No.50356007
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I went into a twitch stream of hers once and it was like a worse version of being here but watched her karaoke once and had fun. I can only assume that her chat is just spouting 4chan memes all the time.

>> No.50356292
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>> No.50359141
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I think, I don't care. Shit. Peeeeeeepa peeeplin. Let's have another fun stream

>> No.50361295
File: 885 KB, 1024x1024, Pippa Nun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50384586

>Pippa is now a tradlarper
Pippa. I know you’re going to read this. Stop pretending to be something you’re not. We will love you for who you are.

>> No.50363676

What the fuck are you on about? Pippa is a fucking grifter. Don’t believe what she says.

>> No.50365765
Quoted by: >>50384586

Pippa is endearing for being a good hearted fuckup, not because idiotic trads can project this shit onto her

>> No.50366831

big deal, i'm sure she'd love being made whole more than anyone

>> No.50368638

Most of the time Pippa actually has mature holistic views based on what she says, she tries to see both sides of things, but she isn't pussy and actually comes to her own conclusions. She's good at thinking logically. Too bad she's a socially anxious wreck and a bit of a menhera.

>> No.50369003
Quoted by: >>50372290

>collabs with m*les
>collabs with 3dpd
>collabs with dramatubers

>> No.50369498

we all agree Banned Vtubers Memes should kill themselves

>> No.50369699

Buy an ad, pippiger.

>> No.50372290

That’s good. She might find a boyfriend and live a normal life.

>> No.50372537

go back to /v/

>> No.50374422


>> No.50376592

You’re delusional, OP.

>> No.50376870

lol no

>> No.50378016
File: 350 KB, 683x1032, 1665224266444482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean religious? She doesn't believe. Also, she's a grifter, a doxxer, a know-it-all who talks about topics she has no education on, is just using this site for clout, collabs with males (not homos or nijis, FLESH TUBERS), helped a Chinaman scam Lumi and Yuri of the models they legally owned, and by now she is nothing more than a glorified react streamer whose audience now are newfags.
A womanchild? Yes. A good person, No.

>> No.50378861

>What do you mean religious?
He means that she's Christian or something.

>> No.50379156

nice bait, womanchildren are the literal backbone of this industry and even anime as a whole.

>> No.50379948

kill yourself Henri

>> No.50380528
File: 411 KB, 747x747, 1685175017969965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50380730

Pippa was raised Christian, before undergoing her edgy atheist phase, before going back to Christianity with renewed Faith in the Lord.

>> No.50380730

Except that Pippa keeps mentioning about how she always had doubts about the existence of God. She's most likely an agnostic theist.

>> No.50380815
Quoted by: >>50382494

I don't think she's a bad person. She's just fucked in the head from a bad upbringing and a lack of good role models. She tries her best though. All the other members seem to like her.

>> No.50382366

>Can we agree

>> No.50382494


>> No.50384586
Quoted by: >>50385756

She could have been so much more if she hadn't done her recent pivot into full on trad crank territory.

She was crushing it when she was filing the niche of being the VTuber equivalent to Sseth or Count Dankula serving up spicy but enterntaining content that makes all the terminally online Average Redditors and SJW Twitter freaks absolutely mald.

Her recent deevolution into generic react streamer type content and cringe fundie morality lectures instead of actually interesting tangents ruined all the goodwill she'd built up and is turning into the very thing she claims to be against.

People watched her expressly because she DIDN'T user her platform as a soapbox to preach and virtue signal endlessly at her viewers and focused on being genuinely entertaining.

>> No.50384678
Quoted by: >>50384711

I am wary of the poster above and his opinions because of his typing style.

>> No.50384711

He's a named schizo

>> No.50384908

>I can't resolve calling someone "based" if she's acting like a child and can't act her own age.
Opposed to adult men watching adult women pretend to be underage anime girls on the internet?

>> No.50385756

This. We may shit on Depressed Nousagi but he was right on one thing: Pippa's growth in popularity, and by extension, Phase as a whole, was because of her unconventionality and honesty. This is also the same reason the Discord censorship arc pissed a lot of people and even made Henri into the monster he is now. But nowadays she is just a conventional react streamer among a sea of conventional react streamers, parroting values that she herself never believed in the first place. Instead of dying a kino, she lived long enough to see herself become a Twitch tier streamer. Bea had the right idea resigning while she was still based.
As they say, never rest on your laurels.
