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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 321 KB, 1323x999, 47398324691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50256906 No.50256906 [Reply] [Original]

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Hololive English -Myth- Gawr Gura 1/7 Complete Figure(Pre-order)

Previous Thread: >>50247837

>> No.50256915
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1662500285160330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much!!

>> No.50256917 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1635726346731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50256965
File: 984 KB, 252x246, gura's milkshake[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Facmqhw.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50256969
File: 455 KB, 600x595, lost_boy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1cs07z.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50256971
File: 42 KB, 655x468, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257003

gura lovers only ITT

>> No.50256998

New thread, new me.

>> No.50257001
File: 178 KB, 850x658, Sweet Sea Goombus [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzvsclw.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257086

>> No.50257003

I hate her

>> No.50257016
File: 249 KB, 2048x1368, she loves us [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fndjqev.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257026

Gura is an ungrateful, lying manipulative whore.

>> No.50257037
File: 64 KB, 831x577, G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257146


>> No.50257074
File: 1.17 MB, 685x1039, kiss-me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwcgtj8.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257086
Quoted by: >>50257147

What is this slutty bathing-suit? Showing that much skin is unbecoming of an idol.

>> No.50257097
File: 164 KB, 763x1200, 1661322398604317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257117
File: 96 KB, 560x502, guraspin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257196


>> No.50257121

I want Gura to graduate. It would be better than the constant hell of being forced to watch her turn into EN Ayame.

>> No.50257134
File: 2.08 MB, 640x480, kisses [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fltjwy2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257138
File: 2.43 MB, 1718x2048, 1684741813706382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gura the most!

>> No.50257142
Quoted by: >>50257251

Never said I didnt see your attempt at humor I just said it was poor. I'm not mad I'm disappointed is everything a personal attack to you?

>> No.50257146

We can't call out retarded SEAbuds anymore?

>> No.50257147
File: 74 KB, 822x587, NTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257323


>> No.50257165

I think they've confused a place of worship for a mental asylum, can someone redirect them to the proper facilities?

>> No.50257174
Quoted by: >>50257314

Oh god I get to see her having fun with friends while waiting for her big concert, THE PAAAIN

>> No.50257187
File: 296 KB, 800x1125, marry-me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fag63fu.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257196


>> No.50257204
File: 577 KB, 438x770, b a g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257248

Reminder if you want Gura to stream, you are an anti because she does not want to stream and you would be forcing her to do something she does not want to do.

>> No.50257206
File: 75 KB, 806x612, BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50257218

Gura basically performed a rug pull. After everyone gave her their money, time, and support, she took the money and ran.
She never cared about us. She never loved us. She only cared about our money and now that she has millions, she doesn't need her fans anymore. She doesn't work hard. She plays games all day with her "friend" and his group of online friends. That's why she's permanently online.

>> No.50257247
File: 515 KB, 1699x2808, fly me to the moon [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwr8ovd.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257251
Quoted by: >>50257385

Lmao, butthurt when you're the one who started it? Watabitch.

>> No.50257248

>wanting is seething and shitting
brainlet detected

>> No.50257273
File: 346 KB, 1250x759, 1683343414165542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50257290


>> No.50257296
File: 542 KB, 652x685, cant take my eyes off you[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi01yvk.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257297
File: 64 KB, 480x320, 1664189817425612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind if I do

>> No.50257298

Stop projecting, Gura is too complicated for normalfags and retards to understand.

>> No.50257301


>> No.50257314

>an excuse for a stream
Only one who fits that sentiment at this point would be kiara and some of council but we'll see

>> No.50257323
Quoted by: >>50257420

Fuck. He got me. I will never recover.

>> No.50257338
File: 28 KB, 286x390, falling_in_love[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmydrkj.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257341


>> No.50257359
File: 1.40 MB, 331x498, 1645072129393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257361


>> No.50257385
Quoted by: >>50257504

It was pitiful to see and needed to be addressed. It still does stop it

>> No.50257386
File: 338 KB, 1601x2048, Fansa [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsfe0vd.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257397
Quoted by: >>50257497

Fuck that is funny, is the new cope that Gura is too complicated? Her motives are too complex to understand bros, ignore all the criticism

>> No.50257398
File: 161 KB, 480x360, 1662225195547475.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257412

Does Gura giggle when you give her tummy raspberries? What if she has to pee and she accidentally pees in your mouth? Would you forgive her?

>> No.50257420

I'm not gonna make it. Please go on without me, my dear fellow antis.
Change da world.

>> No.50257436
File: 1.14 MB, 2553x2000, shenandoah[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdqjbgi.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257458
File: 288 KB, 1133x1448, Stay [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0yd6ox.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257469
Quoted by: >>50257589

Is this why you all just watch. Because you think a girls increasing depression is too hard to get, shes a reflection of many here. Shes as human as you

>> No.50257472

Kys you retarded SEAnigger I will never anti her

>> No.50257482
File: 65 KB, 866x592, PI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257519


>> No.50257483
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x4096, wake-me-up-when-september-ends[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr8hoop.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257497

No, just to normalfags and retards

>> No.50257504
Quoted by: >>50257591

Lmao are you still able to sit in a chair with a butt like that? Bitch, where the fuck do you think you're at?

>> No.50257519


>> No.50257535
File: 23 KB, 360x317, Gone [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Froqtn8.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257589
Quoted by: >>50257635

You sound like a retarded game antagonist who thinks everyone's depressed like him

>> No.50257591
Quoted by: >>50257667

Not the roastie hive, nor your safe haven for validation. Its obnoxious take it to a dating site instead

>> No.50257608
File: 635 KB, 2455x4096, Rich Girl [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fd1wv88.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257613
File: 177 KB, 2038x1310, FxI_y_6acAEUUKX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257635

Pretending everything's fine while it goes to hell is a sign of depression. She knows what shes in and is affected by it but does nothing. Shes depressed.

>> No.50257664
File: 691 KB, 379x280, Sunset Ukulele [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F38dx5v.webm].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50257667
Quoted by: >>50257900

Lmao look who's talking. You're the butthurt bitch that needs a safe space apparently. Why don't you stop talking to me before you start crying? Lol, lmao.

>> No.50257676

I want to microwave Bloop and stuff him into a blender.

>> No.50257678

Anyone who watches this collab is a cuck.
Also when you do watch it, make sure to pay attention to how Gura will know everything about the game and perform better than everyone else because this is all she's been playing with you-know-who and her online friends the past few days.

>> No.50257693
Quoted by: >>50257784

Thanks for proving my point. Your antagonist name can be "King Projection"

>> No.50257703

People confuse depression for crying your eyes out on stream, that's retarded depression is stagnation to know you're going through shit but not try anything about it, hello all goslings

>> No.50257729

Yea yea, we get it. No need to repeat yourself.

>> No.50257730

Bloop hate. Get out of the way you fuck

>> No.50257735
Quoted by: >>50257999

She might try a few things but ultimately she gives up
I bet she planned to stream a dozen times in the past weeks but then weaseled out of it cause of anxiety
Then missing that stream made her even more anxious cause she feels like now people are even more upset

She's just in a really bad spot, I don't think she can get out of it herself. She needs a legit professional therapist.

>> No.50257738

She was never good at DBD and I doubt she's much better at this.

>> No.50257752

now the cuck projector is here as well

>> No.50257755

More crying. 18 minutes for 74 posts. More seething

>> No.50257777 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1659761253074798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50257784

But that's literally what shes doing? Her address of the issues shows she knows what's happening and that it affects her but she does nothing for it. Throw around words you know how to use next time

>> No.50257817
File: 410 KB, 1000x1500, Hallelujah [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6ieoz3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257901

>> No.50257849

Saw loli Gura singing in Aki's 3D live. Super cute.

>> No.50257856
File: 1.94 MB, 640x400, 1637374270135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50257899

>still no frame

>> No.50257860

that's certainly the 'best' explanation for what's going on but until she speaks up we're just pissing theories into the wind
no matter what the truth is we've been dodged for 3 weeks and 3 collabs in a row with possibly a 4th coming via Kiara next week, the 'i can't twust her anymowr' shit is an eyesore but I cannot in fact trust her to show up or tell me she won't show up

>> No.50257858

Can't wait for her to mention off-hand how she has been playing it since release

>> No.50257895

Why does she keep prioritizing collabs over chumbies, especially on Saturdays instead of Movie May?

>> No.50257899
File: 259 KB, 614x460, 1678544769543405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically thinks we will get a Gura POV
kek look at this fucking idiot

>> No.50257900

I'm endangering my very existence by talking to someone like you. My very mind is in danger of melting by acknowledging your social insecurities and engaging in conversation with you. This isnt a safe space not nearly.

>> No.50257901
Quoted by: >>50257981

Even angels can fall from the grace of God. I cry, when angels deserve to die.

>> No.50257954
File: 105 KB, 807x568, 1648334905554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guilty as charged

>> No.50257981
Quoted by: >>50258218

fuck off to /god/, and enjoy your nostream for 2000 years

>> No.50257999

She also is taken back by things happening in her life anon, she streams fine enough when shes with us we're not that much of an issue for something shes used too. Whatevers happening is personal

>> No.50258029
File: 1.06 MB, 960x1280, good4u [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffzzryx.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50258056

She won't speak up. She will thank you for waiting, do a stream, and vanish again

>> No.50258057

She's in Japan but since no one else is there she's scared to say anything about it because of stalkers

>> No.50258068
Quoted by: >>50258168

>needy retards projecting their insecurities and mental issues

>> No.50258084

Yeah believe me I know. But I've followed her for this long letting it rot like this doesnt sit well with me. I'll keep trying to push her to confront issues till she either does or it crumbles. But if I'm staying I'm going to try something at least

>> No.50258101
Quoted by: >>50258176

there's at least two other girls in japan right now, retard

>> No.50258127
Quoted by: >>50258225

Indeed, it isn't, that's my point.
Deal with it.

>> No.50258157
File: 344 KB, 2556x1364, Fansa 3D Live[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcb570m.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.50258168
Quoted by: >>50258431

She isn't perfect and the state of things shows she isnt fine either, that's vtubing a virtual asylum

>> No.50258176


>> No.50258218

No and I'll try.

>> No.50258225

I am dealing with it I even made you speak coherent english for a second! I'm glad you roasties are frail.

>> No.50258265

I see. Mori does indeed count for at least two girls.

>> No.50258274
Quoted by: >>50258388

Right, one girl woops

>> No.50258307
Quoted by: >>50258426

I'm not a "roasty" tho, zoomerbud. I have mood swings.

>> No.50258312
File: 1.39 MB, 850x1189, 1628225623274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50258343
File: 160 KB, 768x868, Torn [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5kzj44.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50258388
Quoted by: >>50258474

>Implying she's close enough to IRyS to off collab with her

>> No.50258391
Quoted by: >>50258430

Mori if you're here please improve yourself, constant wiggering and dragging the others down with you doesn't make people like you more and it's not a ambition

>> No.50258426

That is a trait frequent in roasties and women not in control of their life

>> No.50258430

And lose some weight, while you're at it. I'm lean af and even my heart is giving up on me.

>> No.50258431
Quoted by: >>50258521

ogey autism-kun
next time try to notice when people are uncomfortable when you get too close to them

>> No.50258448

I still have not forgiven Mori for the off collab party shit

>> No.50258474

Forget off collabs I just want her to have someone reliable near her

>> No.50258475

I don't like her either but she is there, IRyS is there, I didn't wanna count Bae because I dunno if she's still in Japan or went back to the outback again
this is before we get into management, which I know is full of useless cunts but there are still good ones in there, A-chan, Jenma, then all the girls in holoJP, she has an entire support structure ready and waiting
this is also ignoring that being in japan would not stop her from telling us the whole thing is called off and that she'd see us in june instead of May, or that if she was in Japan she's still clearly able to play games, she could also do watchalongs as well, she has a VPN please don't start so she could still watch movies as if she was in the US

>> No.50258499

Wow it's reusing the same posts from yesterday now

>> No.50258510
File: 504 KB, 738x1000, 1627475176209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50258521

That same trait is what the others around gura haven't learned and look how it affected her. Boundaries should be respected

>> No.50258536

>wake up
>there was baby gura on akis live
>outlast collab tonight
Im glad she got people to play with

>> No.50258546

Cuckbeats caused all this

>> No.50258563
Quoted by: >>50258724

Very cheeky. You don't have to repeat to me what your therapist said to you. The one who is most likely a woman here is you with your victim attitude and your passive aggressiveness. So why don't you shut the fuck up fembud?

>> No.50258569

It's their "new" angle, but it really isn't considering their typical catalog/threadshitting is sadgura.jpg

>> No.50258596

Of course she got people to play with. That's why she hasn't been streaming

>> No.50258597

And still holds the same truth, timeless

>> No.50258610
Quoted by: >>50258700

glad to see there's still some chumbies here

>> No.50258639
Quoted by: >>50258726

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.50258650
File: 19 KB, 1712x215, 1676741409491883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50258699
Quoted by: >>50258749


>> No.50258700
File: 69 KB, 831x713, 20230526_195824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im the last chumbud
Gura will choose me as her husband

>> No.50258722
Quoted by: >>50258836

>secretly in Japan again
>skips streaming to practice for Aki's birthday
>someone she has barely interacted with before
>meanwhile the rest of Aki's guests stream every day
>refuses to do solo streams because she's afraid of criticism
well at least she's actually doing something behind the scenes and not completely lying to us
also I'm not watching a collab with the fat fuck reaper, clock whore and green whore

>> No.50258724
Quoted by: >>50258828

Passive aggressivess my lord! Not everything's an insult roastie. I'm not sure why you bring up therapists when this is all it took to set you off, but then again I wouldn't understand menstruation

>> No.50258726
Quoted by: >>50258797

Here's one
I wouldn't recommend it tho.

>> No.50258736
File: 57 KB, 222x222, 1655839879801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50258774

over my dead chumbie butt

>> No.50258749
Quoted by: >>50258825

why would you even bother lying about something so easily verified, retard, the worst you could accuse him of is rephrasing ie having the same opinion one whole day later

>> No.50258774
File: 92 KB, 1232x992, 20230414_162812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50258776
File: 12 KB, 523x379, 1665031628691614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never happening

>> No.50258797
Quoted by: >>50258915

Has your estrus taken over your reason? Why are you hitting on me suddenly

>> No.50258825
Quoted by: >>50258946

taking things too literally and not understanding the meaning behind phrases is a sign of autism

>> No.50258828
Quoted by: >>50258913

Fuck I hate women.

>> No.50258836

Pretty sure the aki concert was from when she was last in japan. Its prerecorded right

>> No.50258870
File: 190 KB, 1603x1304, 438752821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50258894

>Currently Offline
Like clockwork

>> No.50258904

There's still chumbies in this anti thread

>> No.50258913
Quoted by: >>50258966

Dont be so mean to yourself

>> No.50258915
Quoted by: >>50258996

I am also homophobic, and you are looking pretty gay right now.

>> No.50258946
Quoted by: >>50259033

"Reusing the same posts" is well... pretty literal

>> No.50258948
File: 12 KB, 214x213, 1619586121050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it weird how JP's lack smol chuubas while the other branches have these four bozos, you would think it would be the opposite

>> No.50258953

>Mori is still the only one who already prepared the frame
Are the others really going to avoid streaming from their pov just to make Gura look better?
How does Gura feel about negatively affecting all of EN like this?

>> No.50258966
Quoted by: >>50259047

It's just that I don't understand why there's blood coming out of my peepee hole. It isn't fair! Why don't men shit blood, huh?

>> No.50258996

Good thing neither of us have to worry after all you are a woman

>> No.50259000


>> No.50259012
File: 125 KB, 600x369, 1644034608658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the others haven't woken up anon

>> No.50259033
Quoted by: >>50259195

maybe to you, that's kind of the point

>> No.50259040

Mori always has frames up stupid early

>> No.50259047
Quoted by: >>50259133

We do it's a sign of chronic shark withdrawal just look around you

>> No.50259103

Fauna will or may probably stream hers. Kronii and Gura I can see being too lazy to stream theirs

>> No.50259120

Gura doesn't give a fuck. It's only a matter of time the rest of EN starts ignoring her, she is dragging the whole branch down and collabing with her only welcomes SCs from pissed off chumbuds

>> No.50259133
Quoted by: >>50259241

I won't believe you unless you post a picture with your bloody pantsu.

>> No.50259143
File: 3.69 MB, 4392x5376, d2de5069dac4b7f3b846aff346325c2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the most likely chumbud in this thread to become her husband. I hired a Chinese math wizard to calculate the odds.
He says I have a 0.12% chance of becoming her husband.

>> No.50259164

I need to get ready for work anyway so I'll risk taking the hit and tell you he was online on the 4th, I checked because I wanted to see if any of you >currently online retards were gonna keep up your bullshit
if you wanna assume she's playing games with her friends that's fair but it doesn't have any connection to her streaming activity, like if she was taking specific days off or something sure but she's never around either way, online or offline

>> No.50259195
Quoted by: >>50259358

There was no hidden meaning behind it to it though it was just that, imagining things that arent there is a sign if schizophrenia

>> No.50259241
Quoted by: >>50259319

I don't charatize needy roasties

>> No.50259243

stop replying to yourself

>> No.50259244
Quoted by: >>50259455

What pissed off chumbuds? I only see you. I'm just happy she's playing with her friends today

>> No.50259257
File: 221 KB, 2048x2048, 1618031179225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wither collab
>double kiwawa collab
>SNOT still collabing with her
>mori finally collabing with her again
it unironically the opposite of what you said, gura feels a lot closer to holo EN lately

>> No.50259296

Well I've got a better source that it'll be me (it appeared to me in a dream)

>> No.50259319
Quoted by: >>50259437

Wow, just how mad are you at me? Woman 100%.
Making light of menstruation was too much, huh? You fiends can't stand that do you?

>> No.50259358
Quoted by: >>50259527

ogey but you're still spouting the same stupid shit so that's what's gonna come off to people
sorry I had to explain it to you

>> No.50259373
File: 253 KB, 1827x2048, 1669274422544719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read the thread

>> No.50259417
File: 297 KB, 2048x1562, 20230416_064216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hired a shaman form the yucatan jungle in mexico to make a spell that will bind my soul to gura for all eternity.
You have no chance

>> No.50259437
Quoted by: >>50259546

I'm simply not into parasitic relations vtubing is teaching me that already. No there is no red chat for you I'm afraid.

>> No.50259455
Quoted by: >>50259504

You'll see, if Gura ends up not streaming her POV

>> No.50259504

I really doubt I'll see anything unless you're gonna be the pissed off schizo that sends in a SC

>> No.50259527
Quoted by: >>50259613

You only explained to me that you're an autist and a schizophrenic, you realize I'm not that guy right... pal?

>> No.50259526
File: 408 KB, 496x511, 1663526587647286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By disappearing all of my rivals, I increase my odds.

>> No.50259546
Quoted by: >>50259642

Ogey, piss off any time then, fembud.

>> No.50259613
Quoted by: >>50259705

>responds to comment chain
>is baffled that someone mistakes for the same individual
maybe you're just suffering from retardation

>> No.50259618
File: 50 KB, 331x307, 1683039756216151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50259816

>zero activity
>no frame or rt or anything
She'll go live from Mori's pov and she'll be gone after 2 hours of stream, again, until the 20th of June.

>> No.50259642
Quoted by: >>50259810

Nonsense if we both gain nothing its mutual! Stop bleeding on me

>> No.50259644
File: 243 KB, 1060x1413, 1627539579906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50259674

Something tells me this has never been relevant.

>> No.50259705

I mean I laid plenty of "hidden meanings" to show I wasnt him. You're just autistic to not see them

>> No.50259757

So what was the reason for the gap in the first place then?

>> No.50259779
File: 195 KB, 1069x1500, 1627606012406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50259782
Quoted by: >>50259833

>now looping the online shit for the 10000th time
>repetitive, purposeless behaviors are a common symptom of autism
It's starting to come together

>> No.50259793

she uses collabs as an excuse to not interact with her fans
shes just using the rest of EN to run away from her problems

>> No.50259810
Quoted by: >>50259869

Righty, right. I'll go mess with someone else.

>> No.50259816
Quoted by: >>50260034

>Expecting anything other than her being the first ever Holo to do a no stream birthday merch shill announcement from Cover

>> No.50259829
File: 449 KB, 828x1001, My Source[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fve6jdk.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50259833

Second times the charm!

>> No.50259837
Quoted by: >>50259973

Do you think something worse than the bnb happened?
We found out only because Mori was drunk and talked about it, Gura would never talk about something like that our of her own initiative and even after everyone was talking about it she still pretended it didn't happen.

I wonder just how many things happened behind the scenes that made her change for the worse.

>> No.50259869
Quoted by: >>50260009

Never thought you roasties were that easy but I stand corrected

>> No.50259890
Quoted by: >>50259999

cope about it i guess

>> No.50259911
File: 43 KB, 334x220, 1624239987459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the last chumbie

>> No.50259921

oh hey she's alive

>> No.50259924

oh no

>> No.50259950

Good morning Gura, time for your weekly 20 mins of checking in on holo stuff

>> No.50259973

Glad you get it, this behavior of hers wasnt random she didnt go from "thanks for your support <3" to "where am I who am I". The idol dream started collapsing inside her and what cause this was personal

>> No.50259986
Quoted by: >>50260041

>no Kiara
no tweet. mori, fauna, and kronii don't care about gura's fans

>> No.50259999
File: 524 KB, 1097x1071, 1639329669904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instantly BTFO

>> No.50260008

yesbuds winning
feistybuds seething

>> No.50260009
Quoted by: >>50260102

Well I did tell you I wasn't a "roasty", didn't I? You won't believe me but I'm actually pretty empathetic.

>> No.50260034
File: 643 KB, 1113x1023, gura-nendo-jar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50264186

honestly, if she takes it that far, I'll kneel just for her commitment to the bit. I miss her but we'll basically know that she's intentionally fucking with cover at that point

>> No.50260041

kys KFPnigger Iā€™m tired of your shit

>> No.50260042

she's been avoiding us for three weeks and one day at the absolute minimum, I wouldn't consider them or even me BTFO is she put up a Mario frame for Sunday, the problem still exists

>> No.50260050

I posted regular criticism about no communication being a let down on the vod and then it got taken down because darkmaze and his lackeys reported it.

>> No.50260088
Quoted by: >>50261106

nigger a fucking retweet?
you think her ghosting for weeks is undone by a aki retweet?

>> No.50260096
Quoted by: >>50260250

>already precoping

>> No.50260100

Slow down on the posting. Its only been an hour you fucks

>> No.50260102
Quoted by: >>50260245

For an empathetic you lie quickly roastie

>> No.50260145
Quoted by: >>50261106

wasted digits with a retarded cope post

>> No.50260184

Make some alts and counter report darkmaze I'm pretty sure if enough comments get report banned a channel can get shadowed as well

>> No.50260183


>> No.50260210
Quoted by: >>50260296

Yeah this is why I won't venture into that hellhole as long as he's around. Fucker is containment breaking too

>> No.50260220

After seeing Faunaā€™s face I can say that Gura is still the cutest.

>> No.50260240

>he doesn't know

>> No.50260245
Quoted by: >>50260310

I'm trying to make up here. Now it is you who is showing your true colors. My, my, how the turntables. Do you want me to go schizo mode again?

>> No.50260250

He isnt even coping he's acknowledging an issue. Coping would be saying this collab will make things better when the cycle resumes right afterwards

>> No.50260265

>9999 damage to seething antis
the ouija board speaks

>> No.50260275


>> No.50260277

the absolute state of chumbuds when they think a retweet btfo's people who want to see Gura after 3 weeks of ghosting

>> No.50260296
Quoted by: >>50260783

Scared of dorkmaze
Lol lmao

>> No.50260298
File: 1.58 MB, 1364x913, 1684077169417248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50260321

Hello chumbies
I am here to make a single post and then leave.
Good day to you all.

>> No.50260310
Quoted by: >>50260483

Theres nothing to make up for here roastie like I said at the start is everything a personal attack to you? Theres no amends to be had for this, unless you got offended roastie?

>> No.50260311

She hates us

>> No.50260320

Antis BTFO

>> No.50260321

move along, smolbeat

>> No.50260357
File: 1.25 MB, 4096x2304, 1661557139987166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260363

Gura stalks her own comments and just deleted everything negative
she just wants all her fans to abandon her so they will be happy when she leaves instead of sad

>> No.50260389


>> No.50260391

We won, she just retweeted an Aki live hours after it happened.
That's much better than her doing some solo streams, karaokes, more movie may, asmr etc. this weekend.

>> No.50260399
File: 361 KB, 900x900, 1678643077265443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260422
File: 25 KB, 688x454, 1661145718050209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260441
Quoted by: >>50260606

What an angel abandoning a fanbase with this approach, surely theres no influenced mindset through others that made her go from the idol to this right?

>> No.50260456

Why did she even retweet that??? And no other likes or activity besides that

>> No.50260483

Lol, lmao. It's on now bitchbud. Have at me, you stinking, bleeding, pseudo-sentient pile of whale-blubber. I promise you, you are not ready for a bit of the old back and forth with me, you pathetic whiner. Come on, show me how you fare at swashbuckling, you cowarldly bottle of estrogen. I dare thee.

>> No.50260485
File: 882 KB, 2000x1742, 1678388530439470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260514
Quoted by: >>50260651


>> No.50260515
Quoted by: >>50260601

there are some things she never retweeted, that is a victory

>> No.50260531
File: 335 KB, 1804x1056, 1659761943631934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260574
File: 31 KB, 493x488, 1679113369497024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260582

Because she appeared in it retard

>> No.50260596

That's the funny thing people will claim thay shes doing what she thinks is right by leaving us to rust, but then they forget the gura a year before that valued the earnest between fanbase and streamer. If we are to give gaslighters credit then what changed her to believe abandonment is the moral move all of a sudden

>> No.50260601 [DELETED] 

management would have done it waaaay earlier during JP time to drum up more viewers or something for the actual live performance

>> No.50260606
Quoted by: >>50260765

sorry you feel that way, the door is right there, maybe try /wawa/

>> No.50260646

Thanks for the retweet, manager

>> No.50260651

management would have done it waaaay earlier during JP time to drum up more viewers or something for the actual live performance

>> No.50260660
File: 1.57 MB, 327x325, 1681035103150351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260673

Wow, you found some art on Twitter and posted it here. Kinda late, it's been up for awhile

>> No.50260698
File: 348 KB, 1500x2000, 7582348235482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260704
File: 147 KB, 1411x1079, 1678561073414353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260717

new like

>> No.50260725


>> No.50260741
File: 47 KB, 706x697, gun gura[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzzywlh.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260746
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, 1662721462349967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50260753

It would be harder to find her if she was alone. People know what Mori and Kiara looks like because they are so open about posting shit on their alts. I know Kiara isn't there but if she is walking around with Mori it would be easier for people to spot her than if she was on her own

>> No.50260765

And watch without trying anything as shes forced to a mindset that isnt hers? Guras the idol that was her dream, it's why she still puts herself into these projects despite it all her way of giving back. This drop your fans and their connection isnt her. At the end of it all people are going to stay attached donuts ok if she let's loose with what she wants this front isnt going to make either party happy

>> No.50260764

Holy shit go gura go! She is spoiling us

>> No.50260769

Boneless shark

>> No.50260772
File: 392 KB, 2200x2100, 4584326254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50262401

C'mon Gura, like this one too

>> No.50260776

reminds me of a particular smug duck

>> No.50260783

I'm not scared it's just pointless when he spams your comment with reports on his alts and gets it hidden
I don't think it was Gura. Darkmaze and that other grey replied saying they would report me for spam and then it shortly got hidden after getting 25 thumbs up

>> No.50260788
File: 159 KB, 707x767, apologize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50260855

it's time schizos

>> No.50260804

>one like
She loves us

>> No.50260825
Quoted by: >>50260921

>retweets Aki's live after it's already over

>> No.50260837
Quoted by: >>50261106

Btfo because she retweeted 1 thing, the first activity in over a week. How is that supposed to be an own? lol

>> No.50260855

No, I think I was doing pretty well.

>> No.50260857

No one is going to bite, you can stop now

>> No.50260861

Gura baby

>> No.50260869

>chat disabled
yea shes running away from us

>> No.50260871
Quoted by: >>50261118

What are you rambling about, ESL? No need to explain, I really don't care.

>> No.50260882


>> No.50260890

>chat disabled

>> No.50260921
Quoted by: >>50261039

She didn't put up an alarm in the middle of the night to make a tweet?! This is outrageous! How could she?

>> No.50260947

Bot script broke?

>> No.50260952
Quoted by: >>50261054

If shes acting this way from moral obligation and still feels conflicted despite that then she isnt doing what she feels is right. It's likely that she was influenced by the other en not to play into the idol game, but gura who wants it is making some mistaken play at empathy when shes only letting people down more

>> No.50260969
File: 118 KB, 420x283, 1660518286171345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the new angle now, sisters?

>> No.50260970


>> No.50260986
Quoted by: >>50261151

she actually has a frame up

>> No.50260987

Why are fags saying she's in Japan right now? Because she was on Aki's live? That was pre-recorded you tards. I know she is going there soon but she isn't there now. Her Twitter activity being at 1:45pm edt makes it more likely she is still in the U.S. TARDS

>> No.50260999
Quoted by: >>50261134

Avoiding criticism by closing the chat

>> No.50261024

Gura loves me

>> No.50261027

Can't face the criticism head on

>> No.50261039

>eastern time
>middle of the night
darkmaze please...

>> No.50261047


>> No.50261049

chat disabled

>> No.50261054

There isn't one. This dude has been spamming some headcannon for hours tho.>>50260952

>> No.50261072


>> No.50261082
Quoted by: >>50261290


>> No.50261091

I'm kinda glad this collab is during a later slot anyway, makes it easier to just not watch it

Give me a solo stream
Give me karaoke
Give me more movie may
Give me Gura

>> No.50261106
File: 23 KB, 368x392, 1798723453432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50261169


>> No.50261108

see >>50260869 it's the same avoidance as always plus she's doing it for a collab so she has even less of a reason to address anything, 0% chance of afterstream chat or supa reading

>> No.50261111
File: 33 KB, 164x145, 1681889136612924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50261274

Why do I feel bad for being mad at her the second she does the slightest thing...

>> No.50261118

Gura, gura trying to let us go per say to "do the right thing" as influenced by the others and their more recent attempts at "being real". But she doesnt feel right about it and it ends half assed. People yelling she doesnt care, others saying it'll return to normalicy soon when its neither

>> No.50261131


>> No.50261134

Bingo. This is exactly the reason it's closed. What a fucking coward she is

>> No.50261151

Lmao this wasn't a joke?

>> No.50261152
Quoted by: >>50261202

wtf you guys told me there will be no Gura pov and rt???

>> No.50261155
Quoted by: >>50261695

total patientgod victory
>people being retarded
>put up a 'please don't be retarded' sign
>"wow, that must be for everyone"

>> No.50261169

>chat disabled
She will not address where she has been, she will not address movie may
She will not even talk to chat beyond a "can you hear us?"

>> No.50261193

Wow this place is so full of antis only one person posted the frame and nobody even reacted to it

>> No.50261202

Oh no, she's doing her job for the first time in 3 weeks. That makes it a btfo

>> No.50261207
Quoted by: >>50261370

I thought Gura hated Mori why is she joining her collab bros? Were the schizos lying to me?

>> No.50261209
Quoted by: >>50261327

Why'd she pov if shes ducking criticism, is this damage control?

>> No.50261229

Excellent tnail lol

>> No.50261232

might as well just leave it disabled for the entire stream gura

>> No.50261239

When you ghost your fans for so long there ends up not being very many of them left, go figure.

>> No.50261243
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, Fw8cbj9acAANA01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's movie may? please stop making things up

>> No.50261253

there were two others before me who just didn't link it but yes, no shit
still complaining by the way

>> No.50261255

I was glued to her twitter and didn't need to see the thread to notice the frame.

>> No.50261257
Quoted by: >>50261313

No, I'm sure they will put the collab on hold and have gura explain everything to her fans while the rest of them nods before they start playing the game.

>> No.50261259

Was writing a comment, sorry.

>> No.50261268

Has Gura threads always been this negative?

>> No.50261274


>> No.50261290

>A+ only runs
Using game specific terminology? I wonder if she's been playing it a lot recently or if she just remembers from 6 months ago when she played the beta

>> No.50261292
File: 225 KB, 1112x1167, 1667921879195555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streaming her perspective

>> No.50261308

only when she completely avoids us for long stretches at a time, so I guess for about a year

>> No.50261313
Quoted by: >>50261435

I'm glad you agree that collabs are a good way for her to ensure she doesn't ever have to address anything. I'm sure she'll ride this out til her birthday soon.

>> No.50261314

I am in hospital how do phone posters live like this

>> No.50261327

Because having no pov for outlast trials is too retarded to do even for her lazy ass

>> No.50261341

Things got real bad when Gura stopped giving a fuck about her fans so it's been like this for a while now

>> No.50261344

Antis and whinners are camping the thread

>> No.50261355

Anyone who likes gura just waits for her to come up, and only occasionally appears here to bump the thread. Litterally schizos arguing with schizos is all that makes up this place unill a stream.

>> No.50261361

>6 months ago
It's not been that much... Right?

>> No.50261366

Did you really think she wasn't going to play the game she's telling us about for 2 years?

>> No.50261370

Nearly a year is alot of time to "make up" or at least act like you accept your differences

>> No.50261384

So that anon was right about her playing with friends

>> No.50261392

>comes back near the end of the month to cash on them chumbies salary
She cannot be more obvious. How many weeks of ghosting after this? she might unironically disappear until June 20th when she has to shill her new merch.

>> No.50261411

That's not true at all, she would totally do that. If you're gonna shitpost at least be accurate.

>> No.50261420

You talk about your coworker like that?

>> No.50261427

This, TRUE fans are happy with the situation and are cool with her only occasionally streaming about once a week if even.
They are truebuds who are glad they get to do their life haps without too much stress having to check up on Gura and watch her streams.


>> No.50261428
Quoted by: >>50261540

Members frame soon, is the usual lovebomb to make people stay just watch

>> No.50261430
Quoted by: >>50261587

or she was fine with her the whole time and the drama here is bored shitters pulling things out of their ass

>> No.50261435

I am also very glad that we where able to come to an understanding, my dear fellow ant-I mean chumbud.

>> No.50261440

All hell is going to break loose the second that chat opens up.

>> No.50261456

Doubt it

>> No.50261458
Quoted by: >>50261657

>he believes schizo rants

They never hated each other, retard.

>> No.50261478
Quoted by: >>50261526


>> No.50261492

Will still always prefer solo stream instead of collabs but she's at least streaming on her channel this time so I'm happy

>> No.50261503

She's only going to open it close to the stream, this way people will only talk about how hyped they are to watch instead of trying to bring other topics

>> No.50261516
Quoted by: >>50262172

People who sincerely care for her push her to do better. Her life isnt getting better like this

>> No.50261526

Why all caps
Chill man

>> No.50261538

Except for a small minority, I suspect most will just be glad to see and hear Gura

>> No.50261540

Would work on me lmao

>> No.50261555

at least Fauna is there

>> No.50261560

Gura worship Mori. Even when Mori fucks with her like at the bnb Gura is just too gullible to get angry at her, Gura sees everyone as her "sempais" even if they only have to learn from her (her before she became like this).

>> No.50261571

The link for the thumbnail on the stream goes to literally Loli Hentai. She is so based

>> No.50261586

I want to suck on Gura's dual phimotic futa shark cocks.

>> No.50261587

A year ago from frequent collabs after what she did. People arent going to patch it like it was nothing. Deal with it

>> No.50261608
File: 1.52 MB, 720x976, 1683213380989977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wakes up
>Gura streams
Life is great again

>> No.50261635

How long until a Holostars mention in the stream?

>> No.50261640


>> No.50261643

Yeah break loose of emojis

>> No.50261653
Quoted by: >>50261832

Ogey schizo because she streamed so much in the first place in that gap

>> No.50261657

Avoiding someone for a year and not trusting them after what happened is pretty obvious they were reoccurring before that

>> No.50261669
Quoted by: >>50261813


>> No.50261695
Quoted by: >>50261895

>Feistybuds on suicide watch
How does it feel to know that your oshi can't stand your menhera ass?

>> No.50261748
Quoted by: >>50261813

It does? I went to that artists Twitter page and looked at some of their timeline and didn't see any Loli hentai

>> No.50261752
Quoted by: >>50261941

Anon, were you asleep for the whole Japan arc? You know they all went to universal together right. Not every shit is on stream

>> No.50261766

Gura doing the bowing thing only happened after months of separation and weeks of them being stuck together saying shes fine with it is pretty daft

>> No.50261770
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x1500, 20230527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50261821

my shirts came
bretty cute
plus a stream later. today is good.

>> No.50261813


https://twitter.com/KONBOI_eg It's the pinned tweet, the first thing you see

>> No.50261817
File: 214 KB, 879x1200, 1676946780881854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so back

>> No.50261821
Quoted by: >>50262169

These shirts look like they're made for fembuds

>> No.50261828
File: 82 KB, 640x771, 20230527_141312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.50261832

Shes been using collabs to duck solo streams if mori and her really were on good terms then she would have been an option before this

>> No.50261835
Quoted by: >>50261956

Gura is probably thinning of a long members message to post right now. She's thinking "how can I be as vague as possible and not actually address people's concerns."

>> No.50261861
File: 182 KB, 415x415, 1656420461743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my humble faggot wife

>> No.50261880
File: 168 KB, 347x278, 1675425706127840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more holos disabled their prechat. Shit is cancer.

>> No.50261892


>> No.50261895
Quoted by: >>50261997

I'm used to people not being able to stand my menhera ass. Having my oshi take precautions like this is like acknowledging my existence. And on top of that I get a stream. I'm feeling pretty good, I think?

>> No.50261899


>> No.50261910

Only Gura's pre-chat is cancer. Like oshi like gachikoi.

>> No.50261921

There's 95% Gura saw that when checking it.

>> No.50261941

That's what I'm saying the japan trip had then make up, but they had to be fucking stuck together for it to happen and who knows what happened if guras bowing to her and feels "liberated" from a fucking dress during their awkward performance

>> No.50261949
File: 79 KB, 480x473, 1613958111027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50261956

Nah we'll get nothing

>> No.50261959

Have you even seen other prechats like Fauna's or Kronii's? It's pure cancer

>> No.50261997
Quoted by: >>50262091

She hates (You) so unless that's your fetish then it isn't a win for you

>> No.50262025

She didn't avoid her for a year. It wasn't even the party shit. It was the Rust finale that made Gura and Mori not like each other. After the off collab last June they were still buddy buddy until after the Rust fiasco. By January of 2023 they seemed cool with each other again

>> No.50262031

Rent free

>> No.50262032
File: 255 KB, 850x1326, 1630886807043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50262077
Quoted by: >>50262145

>throw brick at big man ha ha
what did she mean by this?

>> No.50262091
Quoted by: >>50262307

She hates you too, bud. Clearly, you're getting just the same as me.

>> No.50262111

Don't start gaslighting people into thinking disabling the prechat is a good thing now. If anything it's a clear sign of how bad things truly are

>> No.50262145
File: 50 KB, 1200x1200, 1663618991424655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50262320

Damn samegaki

>> No.50262172

Posting antis and schizo bait is not caring for her. If you want more communication then thats ok, but harassing her or stirring up rrats to cause made up drama obviously isn't. Per my comment, I was referring to that this place is normally just antis and false flagging, with very few actual chumbuds coming in from time to time.

>> No.50262169
File: 866 KB, 500x392, 1682718964842377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50262320


>> No.50262182
Quoted by: >>50262320

It was when homobeggar debuted

>> No.50262188

Does amelia still disable her chat? I always thought it was a good idea

>> No.50262211

I'm all for disabling prechat, but only because it stops those discordfags from having their jerkoff sessions
When she does it solely to stop people from asking where she's been or from discussing the state she's in then that's different

>> No.50262257

No way is a video game meet up causing this it was the party and rust just finalized it. But yes the japan trio stuck them together and they "reconciled" yet the outdoor trips and changes to guras behavior only increased with every interaction

>> No.50262307
Quoted by: >>50262439

Retard. It's your fault she closed it you moron

>> No.50262320

Hello @anon

>> No.50262326

her ghost mods are in japan
she has no one to moderate atm

>> No.50262355
Quoted by: >>50262447

Last time she played this game she had a lot of fun teasing and getting chased around by a big naked guy.

>> No.50262386

I love her, buds.

>> No.50262393

She has her problems problems weighing her down, only way people can encourage her is through a understanding yet realistic push. People just yelling at her for streams arent it, and those doing nothing are just as bad. People arent going to be aware of this mindset without diving into and trying to understand what's happening with her in the first place

>> No.50262398

yeah no shit, she only disables it when she knows she pissed people off and leaving it open this early would be a disaster

>> No.50262401

The fact that all this artist's other gura pictures have mating references means she had to specifically scroll through and choose the one she liked (when she could have out right ignored the artist), implicitly leading any innocent chumbie to a lewd rabbithole. That type of teasing is hotter than directly retweeting lewds.

>> No.50262439

Quote my vod post then, retard. The one that made her close prechat.
Right, maybe just shut your dumb mouth instead? I thought so too.

>> No.50262447
File: 630 KB, 2730x4096, 20221130_033005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50262518

she unironically has a correction fetish
you need to correct her with your dick chumbie

>> No.50262478
Quoted by: >>50262587

Umm sweetie, it's """""management""""" that """"forces"""" her to close pre-chat, definitely NOT her own choice

>> No.50262479
Quoted by: >>50262592

I agree, but it would have been based regardless

>> No.50262518
File: 47 KB, 293x239, 1674729177250964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50262541

Well, at least the coomers are happy, I guess...

>> No.50262587

Does she care or doesnt she, pick one

>> No.50262592

Well there's a history of Gura liking lewds, I'm sure we'll get a new set of lewd likes eventually

>> No.50262596

Last time she did this the discordbuds had a shit fit at the complainbuds in prechat so she's just trying to avoid that

>> No.50262643

So does this count as a gura stream for the complainers since it's on her channel or is it still not good enough?

>> No.50262648

Gira likes prechat. If you want to take it from her, you're a bigger fag than anyone in prechat.

>> No.50262661
File: 17 KB, 356x331, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder though, that if Gura does really well then she's been playing this off stream for days. Because if she really was busy, this should just about be the first time she's playing since the beta several months ago. But Gura wouldn't do that to us, right guys? No way she'd go play games off stream for days while the chumbies are starving.

>> No.50262686

she took it from herself, jackass

>> No.50262688
File: 138 KB, 1239x828, 1668730630434135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw the frame

>> No.50262705

So it's safe to assume she has at least seen critism if she feels the need to close the prechat?

>> No.50262726
Quoted by: >>50263454

I also want to take away her access to shitty instagram and tiktok memes

>> No.50262731

Yes until near the stream starts

>> No.50262738

What people want is general improvement for their oshi not just running away with a secular post

>> No.50262742
File: 302 KB, 1057x1500, 1684683795527809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50262799

>> No.50262757
Quoted by: >>50262825

I'd prefer solo but I will take it since I get to actually watch her stream and not someone elses

>> No.50262793

*insert cope about her playing the beta 6 months ago therefore she is a god at the game*

>> No.50262799

Fat or preggo?

>> No.50262818
Quoted by: >>50262915

No? Fauna had already told them they need to do the tutorial so she HAS to play unless the beta data transferred over.

>> No.50262825

this, things still aren't great but it sure as hell beats having to bigfish hunt

>> No.50262861

We get the point. There's no need to keep repeating it. Also, I might add, that she would be perfectly able to fake being bad at it.

>> No.50262863
File: 495 KB, 1100x1200, 1673436093365558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50262915
Quoted by: >>50262972

Yes? Playing the tutorial and several days in a row are a severe difference

>> No.50262929

are we back?

>> No.50262955
File: 33 KB, 145x153, 1663366430389789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50262971

What's the shirt say

>> No.50262972
Quoted by: >>50263127

Did you read the fucking post?
> Because if she really was busy, this should just about be the first time she's playing since the beta several months ago.
Which wouldn't be the case because she's literally forced to go through the tutorial or else she can't be in the collab

>> No.50262986

whether you think she was playing it alone or with friends I don't think a single person here believes she hasn't been playing it, I'm not happy about things in general but 'coin battery' does not mean for leisure, that's some if you're too sick for school you're too sick for videogames shit

>> No.50262992
Quoted by: >>50263128

I was gonna make fun of her for movie may so good thing there's no prechat

>> No.50262996
Quoted by: >>50263142


>> No.50263041

No and to the concern/improvement posters keep it up keep things building this time

>> No.50263044
Quoted by: >>50263222

it says crab

>> No.50263062
File: 576 KB, 849x1200, boobagura21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50263222

Something that makes Gura better

>> No.50263077

Oh nice, Gura stream. See you menheras and larpers later.

>> No.50263095

I'm glad my oshi thinks of streaming to us as "school" while other holos actively love streaming and enjoy doing it and feel bad if they don't get to do it for a while, such as Koyori or Watame or Miko etc.

>> No.50263127

And the latter makes the simple statement if shes good at it her playtime will show

>> No.50263128

Same. I wanted to say I was excited for movie june

>> No.50263136
File: 143 KB, 840x1200, 1683186329453509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50263222

I will give you some hint

>> No.50263142

Ogey. I belieb.

>> No.50263180
File: 280 KB, 377x381, 1679217729599966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50263287

How long before she opens chat?

>> No.50263193
File: 27 KB, 248x255, 1683094819123730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh nahone

>> No.50263222
Quoted by: >>50263288


>> No.50263251
Quoted by: >>50263569

Too tired for us all the time, but not too tired for gaming and collabs, huh?

>> No.50263287
File: 211 KB, 1290x1290, FmHLeXgacAQcGol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will open it when the stream starts, at which point she will be too busy setting it up and talking to other EN members. whatever you want to say to her, she will not see it

>> No.50263288
File: 1.54 MB, 967x983, 1632843737530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50263339

That's nice only if it's on me

>> No.50263339

Never been asked to piss on someone before. How do you like your lemonade bitch

>> No.50263361
File: 43 KB, 890x860, 1684809882266189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50263539

I love Gura the most by the way
Don't think you love her more than I do

>> No.50263389

According to my calculations that gives us a 5 minute window to flood her with everything we have, full pop rocket punk her.

>> No.50263405
Quoted by: >>50263500

I love the one who loves Gura the most the most.

>> No.50263406

I wouldn't mind. I'm not too sure that she will enable chat at all tho. I'd understand desu. Doesn't mean I approve tho.

>> No.50263454

Anti. Those are the core of who she is.

>> No.50263458
File: 732 KB, 4096x3222, 1678441062094314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50263537

>that'll keep em off my back for another week, I can make it into June with this collab

>> No.50263472

>muh management suspension
where's all the copebuds of the suspension?

>> No.50263500
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1658613606827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...So you love me? Th...Thanks...

>> No.50263499

>still trying

>> No.50263514
Quoted by: >>50263546

Hey, doesn't this Outlaat game show penis like the other ones? I think it'll make Gura wet

>> No.50263518

How would you take it if Gura unironically left chat disabled for the whole stream?

>> No.50263537
Quoted by: >>50263665

A whole week seems a bit optimistic, if you ask me. I'm expecting people to get more mad about movie may if there's not gonna be at least 1 more movie.

>> No.50263539
File: 507 KB, 599x759, 1673221316501779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think? No I know that I live her infinitely more than you. You can shoot, but this fact will never change. Maybe try loving her more.

>> No.50263546

Is it even censored

>> No.50263548

member stream soon prepare your chum

>> No.50263554

I will focus on the stream then?

>> No.50263569

are you gonna ignore the part where I said I wasn't happy, yes that is in fact the problem, leaving us out in the cold for three weeks without a peep, no business or lack thereof excuses that, but outlast itself is not the issue

>> No.50263585

also amusing she didn't even like the thumbnail art she used

>> No.50263587

I will refuse to watch the stream because clearly the chat is more important

>> No.50263596
Quoted by: >>50263787

No, it wasn't the party you retarded fuck. And yes, it was the Rust finale. It all changed after that. Facts are on my side, not yours. You lose and are retarded

>> No.50263622
File: 58 KB, 147x202, 1684945254900182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50263631

at that point we're just dancing in circles around fiestybuds, it would be overkill

>> No.50263634

I want your opinions I was arguably fine with 0 streams I would just check older vods or karaokes but all these collabs with people I donā€™t care for just makes me not want to watch. Am I weird or is anyone else feeling it?

>> No.50263651

you're weird

>> No.50263656

Kind of a dick move but I don't partake in chat anyway and I kinda like the idea that the discordfags will be the ones who will hate that the most.

>> No.50263665
Quoted by: >>50263846

kek she has already forgotten about the movie may bullshit, there is 0% chance she will do another movie in may

>> No.50263670

Yes! I fucking hate those faggots who all say hi to each other. Talk about beta male faggots, lol. I'm a day 1 member and have never done that discord circle jerk shit

>> No.50263678

>goes vod-only channel
>"this is my real new normal from now on, chumfucks!"

>> No.50263699
Quoted by: >>50263741

Every single fucking time I make plans Gura decides to stream.

>> No.50263705

>I was arguably fine with 0 streams
Sorry I can't follow
I'm not hyped for this collab either but to say you're fine with no streams and the current situation is absolutely nuts

>> No.50263714

No guramm? Not a fan.

>> No.50263722
Quoted by: >>50263854

She is the one who disabled it you absolute fucking retard

>> No.50263741

You should make plans more often.

>> No.50263767

you guys sure must love collabs huh

>> No.50263785

Nope. It's not a solo stream you fucking retard. Of course yesmen will say this counts lol

>> No.50263787
Quoted by: >>50264053

You have no facts, your whole premise is that a few minutes of in game interaction suddenly caused them to drift, mine is that gura thrown into a surprise party by mori risking both body and opsec caused a rift, which ones more likely? The layer being the first event it would have been the reason they could get aggressive in the first place

>> No.50263794

I have given up on watching old vods. It just hurts at this point. I'll take the fucking collab.

>> No.50263819
Quoted by: >>50264186

I'd miss her alot but otherwise be fine with it if that had been the plan, if we hadn't been waiting for watchalongs that never came while she ignored all questions about it
since that is what happened though, yes it kinda turns me off, but she's actually streaming her pov for this one so it ain't as bad

>> No.50263846

I know. That doesn't mean I can't expect people to get mad about it, now does it?

>> No.50263854
Quoted by: >>50264114

Because of you.

>> No.50263873

>caring what whiny bitches think

>> No.50263897

I barely want to watch, only will because I've been looking forward to this stream since she played it in October, but her behavior and the participants sour my mood quite a bit.

>> No.50263918

it won't happen, but if it did it would actually mark the beginning of the end. if you're at a point as a streamer that you can't even have your chat open, it's fucking over

>> No.50263934

She won't but if she did than she is a fucking pussy. She brought this on herself. All she needed to do was communicate. It's her faulf

>> No.50263979
File: 381 KB, 2275x2275, 1661078433316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50264186

i miss the random chatting we got for a little bit after she put the frame up

>> No.50264053
Quoted by: >>50264940

No, yours is retarded. After the off collab party thing they were cool with each other all the way up until the Rust finale. Then after that they ignored each other for months. It's called common fucking sense. You are fucking retarded

>> No.50264091


>> No.50264102

She's perma-online so I doubt she worked on any projects besides Aki's one and maybe holosummer or the next graffiti short. It's natural that she played the game, she talked about it last month too and it's an online game so she obviously didn't play alone either, if she played with the other holos they would've talked about it at some point.

>> No.50264111

Didn't she do that once? Maybe it was just prechat? I can't remember. I do a lot of drugs.

>> No.50264114

What? I don't comment in pre-chat you tard. No, this is her fault for not communicating and being so vague.

>> No.50264179
Quoted by: >>50264342

Not this year and I don't remember anything from the past either.

>> No.50264186
Quoted by: >>50264931

Aim better next time.

>> No.50264198

It would mean that she's just like me frfr

>> No.50264284

Its the 3rd game in a series she likes. Why would she play bad? Sounds like your just pre-shitposting.

>> No.50264289
File: 276 KB, 1024x1440, 1677715458849535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50264969

If Gura just streamed 3 times a week consistently people wouldn't be upset and she wouldn't have a reason to feel anxious, which would lead to her having an easier time streaming, which would lead to less people asking her about where she is or being feisty in general

>> No.50264300

>chat disabled
Lmao. She's terrified of this chat.

>> No.50264329

So glad she's back, I missed her so much

>> No.50264333

It's a step in the right direction. However she needs to do more. She is at a point where she needs to actively win goodwill back if she wants it, at least for me

>> No.50264342

The moment I'm thinking of is from more than one year ago, I think. Hard to tell, really. Im far from sure tho so just ignore me, I suppose.

>> No.50264349
Quoted by: >>50264519

They can just vent in discord, it's the other chumbuds who have nobody to watch Gura with that will have to suck it up.

>> No.50264354
Quoted by: >>50264584

collab-pov means no after stream chat
how convenient

>> No.50264379

>enter a room
>piss and shit everywhere
>close it and lock the door

>> No.50264384

A bit early to make that call don't you think, just because of one collab

>> No.50264436
File: 60 KB, 693x589, 1659144533672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50264619

>you will never enter Gura's secret piss and shit room

>> No.50264448

tourist with a mindbreak fetish, kys

>> No.50264519

Don't care. Still worth it. You're not taking this small pleasure away from me. Discord will seethe and I will love it.

>> No.50264566

At least wait to see if we will get something solo this could easily be another Collab just to fuck off for more weeks

>> No.50264584

Aim better next time.

>> No.50264619

Maybe, but she will never touch my abs or smell my musk. Who's laughing now?

>> No.50264624
Quoted by: >>50264727

Maybe she should take care of the room more so that people wouldn't piss and shit there and she wouldn't have to lock it?

>> No.50264652
Quoted by: >>50265270

She already tried going members-only recently but apparently she didn't like that either. I'd say there's a pretty good chance she will really leave chat off today. I cannot even imagine the shitstorm in the vod comments later, unless she disables comments as well but then people would just use members posts or other vods. It would be a nuclear shitstorm if she turned off everything like a month ago (she did for like a day), people would use twitter instead.

>> No.50264666
Quoted by: >>50264931

Aim better next time.

>> No.50264727

>thinking everyone hates how it looks
skill issue

>> No.50264757

says the fag who clicks on the wrong post

>> No.50264813

What are some movies I shouldn't watch on my own tonight in case we end up watching it as part of Movie May

>> No.50264834
Quoted by: >>50264898

take your meds drugbud

>> No.50264875
Quoted by: >>50264931

Aim better next time.

>> No.50264898
Quoted by: >>50264975

Yea, I'll gladly take my "meds", bud.

>> No.50264913

>Gura chan you must put up POV, Phase is debuting girls

>> No.50264931
File: 197 KB, 512x512, mmmbread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually autistic?

>> No.50264940
File: 465 KB, 1081x1894, 1668051068748573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50264948


>> No.50264969

Cover must have reduced her contract hours by a lot in the renewal last year because apparently for new entries it's always been 3 a week which is pretty normal for a vtuber.
I wonder what's going to happen when next renewal comes up in a few months.

>> No.50264971
File: 379 KB, 2048x2048, 1680011960947666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triumph of the Will, I'm sure Gura will stream it soon.

>> No.50264975
Quoted by: >>50265071

huhaha give me some

>> No.50265004

I fucking love Gura

>> No.50265031

What is phase?

>> No.50265052

just report it for spam and move on

>> No.50265071

Nyo. Go find your own horse tranquilizer.

>> No.50265090
Quoted by: >>50265221

This is grim. Did the managers get too busy with Tempus to properly manage Hololive or did Cover get loose with the terms of the contract renewals?

>> No.50265103
Quoted by: >>50265163

>goob is back
>brapper is joining
I feel true actually anguish

>> No.50265104
Quoted by: >>50265252

I love fucking Gura

>> No.50265163

Did calli actually fart on stream or somthing, I've heard this meme forever but never seen the origin. What does it mean?

>> No.50265215
Quoted by: >>50265294

No idea. Altho, I wouldn't be surprised...

>> No.50265221

is july when the contracts expire?

>> No.50265247
Quoted by: >>50265314

Ancient audio clip of her not muting her mic when she went to the bathroom

>> No.50265252

Real never ever

>> No.50265270

Members-only wouldn't really help when good chunk of people being critical of her are the members itself, though it would be better than completely turning it off as that absolutely would cause a shitstorm. She is far better off keeping chat open and ignoring negative messages in the long run

>> No.50265294

How new? she had IBS in 2020 and went AFK to dump a shit once but forgot to turn off the mic and people heard her farts. Posting the sound link used to be a bannable offense on /jp/ back then.

>> No.50265314

Lol, lmao
You're kidding, right? I'm fucking dying.

>> No.50265382
File: 414 KB, 728x461, 1672588155527191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50265553

I need another holoEN girl to fart on stream. I haven't goomed in 2 days.

>> No.50265401
Quoted by: >>50265547

>repeating loops over and over and other repetitive behavior ad nauseum
>being unable to distinguish context and becoming upset and preoccupied with unimportant technicalities
>having no sense of boundaries and space, violating them and making others feel uncomfortable without feeling anything
let's just say antis and autism may not be unacquainted with each other

>> No.50265415
Quoted by: >>50265778

>Gura has no friends in Hololive EN
>Gura collabs with 3 EN members
I don't blame Gura for not streaming sometimes. Not even Pekomiko schizos are that bad

>> No.50265423

Stop, my cheeks hurt.

>> No.50265444

I've never heard real audio of this, only fakes, so I assumed this was just a dig at her.

>> No.50265472
Quoted by: >>50265493

>retards think she's going to turn her chat off during stream

>> No.50265480
File: 79 KB, 262x227, 1615206669752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori farted while streaming and the audio of the fart was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.

>> No.50265493
Quoted by: >>50265534

>turning chat off
More like she won't turn chat on at all.

>> No.50265517

Large gap after with everyone of them after the off collab and party is kind of surprising. But like I said massive gap after it. What the fuck happened there

>> No.50265533

I'd feel upset and unironically this would do a lot of damage to her channel and fanbase. To outsiders, it genuinely would look like her fans are some horde of insane schizos who were harrassing her instead of like, 10-20 dudes at most asking passively aggressively for info on what the fuck she's doing with her career and schedule

>> No.50265534


>> No.50265544

Yes anon they definitely made Gura stream today after they did absolutely nothing when she wasn't stream for weeks.

>> No.50265547

You could have just said yes.

>> No.50265553
File: 155 KB, 512x512, gura-question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50265766

wait, has one of them other than mori actually done this?

>> No.50265625

>10-20 dudes at most
That number is WAY higher. We're talking 50-60 if anything.

>> No.50265686

Oh yeah because anyone cares about Garbage Connect

>> No.50265734
Quoted by: >>50265831

Why is she fucking avoiding chat? Spineless

>> No.50265751

At most it would look like she just forgot to turn it on to the casual viewer. The people who know how much she usually engages with chat would be shocked though.

>> No.50265766
File: 40 KB, 638x776, 1660988036606772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than fartshark no but I must harden.

>> No.50265778

Months anon fucking months >>50264940
In between the times for collabs after the big off collab. Whatever the hell happened she distanced herself from it all after that. Fast forward to the japan trip and they're stuck together of course they'll reconvene but does gura like it? Also I want to make the mention that her last "I love yous" ended around this period of time. Her "friends" fucking shackled her

>> No.50265831

did you miss what happened last time?

>> No.50265867

Keep chat off if you want but please do 3-4 streams a week
Start with a karaoke tomorrow and a watchalong on Monday

>> No.50265874

I'm pretty sure management told her someone needed to be around to watch her chat after the Choo Choo Charles prechat shitshow, and since they're useless they don't have a dedicated moderator they can leave there she closes it until she can be around to keep an eye on it.

>> No.50265897


>> No.50265929
Quoted by: >>50265971

pls andstando, the sole perms guy is also the sole moderator

>> No.50265958

Gura literally can't do a solo stream without chat. She never has enough things ready to talk about and it makes her panic so she leans on chat for tangents and ideas.

>> No.50265962

That's what I'm saying ayyyy

>> No.50265963
File: 60 KB, 771x785, 1601699499115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss that Gura so much, I miss when she showed affection, rather than animosity.

>> No.50265971

The only person in cover who actually gets overworked, it seems.

>> No.50266056

That's not going to happen, you know it isn't anon.

>> No.50266082
File: 126 KB, 577x626, 1685216066922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50266135

Look in the mirror

>> No.50266083
File: 52 KB, 1160x428, average deluded copebud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50266141

>caps spam
Are you this anon?

>> No.50266093

If she can trust those friends yeah but if they're causing her to get worse and feel alienated then yeah respecting her boundaries is a good thing. Shit isnt about hate or whatever projection you're drawing this from it's about respect and if they're knocking her into things that make her go awol as evidenced by the chart then she should split off from them. Theres surely someone who wont force their culture on her

>> No.50266116

I tried rewatching an old vod about 2 months ago. She started talking about wanting to do something for us to show her appreciation for us, I started crying. That's when I gave up on rewatching vods.

>> No.50266135


>> No.50266141

I unironically think she might do a movie on the 30th or 31st just so she can pretend she didn't break her promise
