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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50021976 No.50021976 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50022557

>Save the Fan!
Can you do it anon, can (you) save the fans?

>> No.50022597
Quoted by: >>50031178


>> No.50022827 [DELETED] 

i can, but i won't save /vt/. this shithole need to burn alongside reddit and twitter.

>> No.50023084

I can't wait for botan to be added, so I can gun all of you down

>> No.50023226
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, 1551518841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, we can farm in the game now? Lol.

>> No.50023249
Quoted by: >>50023535

fish too

>> No.50023315

how do I prep to transfer my save anons?

>> No.50023358
Quoted by: >>50069964

Pretty sure Kay Yu said it'll 'just work' once it goes live.
Assuming you didnt delete your temporary files or are playing on a new computer.

>> No.50023388

Per his tweet, you don't have to do anything. Just don't delete your save file.

>> No.50023535

The man is putting in an Animal Crossing-like sim into the game, damn.
I can see why Cover wanted to try to monetize the game.

>> No.50023611

>And all the Nijiwhores and shitposters looked up and yelled "SAVE US"
>I looked down and said "no"

>> No.50023647
Quoted by: >>50047494

Buy an ad

>> No.50023690

Nice, make another thread when the Steam release actually happens to remind me.

>> No.50024837

looks better than holoearth already

>> No.50024905
Quoted by: >>50038468

Idol showdown has been mogged by a page, not even released yet

>> No.50024981
File: 454 KB, 500x500, 1684669784364452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit I love making content for my oshi so much. I need to get back to gamedeving right now. You get off your ass too, and pick that abandoned project back up right now!

>> No.50025488

Rocksukibros... not again...

>> No.50028754


>> No.50028820


>> No.50029605

>pick that abandoned project back up right now
so i have to resume filling my sapling cum jar?

>> No.50029685

Tell me it will have achievements.

>> No.50029727

I spent 3 hours prototyping danganronpa like game but with hololive before realizing killing any of them will enrage the fans

>> No.50029779

If you don't want to be part of any community why even go to them? Just watch streams.

>> No.50031178

Workshop my fist to your face

>> No.50031234
Quoted by: >>50032721

You could just do the sonic murders thing and make it a stage play scenario

>> No.50031598
Quoted by: >>50032319

step up your idea-guy game

>tricked by a glitterbomb instead of an actual bomb, ate unchi instead of poison, and 100 other analogues
>votekicked out instead of killed
>its the girls controlling an avatar of themselves in a competitive full-dive VR game

>> No.50032066

at least reddit and twitter is going down with me

>> No.50032177

ban their channels, make Youtube the Monokuma character

>> No.50032319

Or just do the "death of sonic the hedgehog" thing and make it one big game of pretend

>> No.50032721

It was only 3 hours of devving mostly on making the camera moving like danganronpa but the basic premise is they were told they are merely a virtual clones inside a simulated world with all of their original selves watching them (but the world feels so real, how can it be true?)

>> No.50032894
Quoted by: >>50033324

Maybe you could change "killed and die" to something else. Why must you copy entirely all the concepts of danganronpa?

>> No.50033134

okay so you aren't saving the fans it sounds like

>> No.50033324

>Device that can grow penis
>Must find the futa rapist

>> No.50033427

holocure is one of those "wow this is a weird feeling" if you are cover itself because you want to cooperate with them to monetize it but they won't cooperate so cover is all like

"Huh...well what do we do now?"

Oh I like the game by the way, and the people behind it, but I'm definitely sure someone there in management who is more business like feels like it is a loss.

>> No.50033527


>> No.50033620

If cover tries to monetize the game it might leaves bad taste for the fans (it used to be free and with no microtransaction!!!) Plus it will open the door "cover might fund my game if I make hololive themed game!!", Not exactly a bad thing except the eventualy influx of bad games trying to piggyback ride them.

>> No.50033625

Not really a loss if it brings one more person to Hololive for free and if they sub,member, buy merch it's even better

>> No.50033699

they murder my kamioshi, smol ame, as the final boss in holocure
you'll be fine

>> No.50033817

This game keep getting better, i wish it just turned into harvest moon.

>> No.50033937

idk, there's been plenty of games that started charging or charging more after hitting 1.0. They'd probably get away with 5-10 bucks, easy.

>> No.50034626
Quoted by: >>50035633

When did they ever say Cover wanted to monetise it?

>> No.50035282
Quoted by: >>50036064

Bro there's plenty of really good Touhou games that are paid, and the concept is essentially the same. There would be still a lot of fangames, but the best ones with insane production value would be buy or with microtransactions onlu

>> No.50035633
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>> No.50036064

Why don't you tell me which 2hu game that starts as free game but later becomes paid one and ZUN offered money for its production?

>> No.50037034
Quoted by: >>50054634

okay keep free on pc and charge on console and mobile, it would still rake in millions

>> No.50037597

>I want to keep the game free and I don't want to make any money

>> No.50037655

Cover owns everything Hololive related and could create their own version of holocure if they wanted to (think Disney). They can't "steal" Holocure from Kay because Kay has the backing of the guidelines for derivative works. https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/guidelines/
Obviously it's not in Cover's best interest because they gain an audience with a this game, creating a game like this costs a lot of money in salaries and they would get a backlash for "stealing" the game from someone loved by the community.

everything that comes after (for example Holocure merch) would be in good faith on Cover's side where both parties win, instead of Cover doing it on their side (because they can).

>> No.50037988

I'm speaking for myself but i can imagine them feeling similarly; taking something you enjoy doing out of passion, and turning into something you do to make a living takes all of the joy out of it. It becomes a stressor in your life rather than a creative outlet or fun activity.

>> No.50038058

and that's not even considering the compromises the would have to make to their freedom over the project.

>> No.50038201
Quoted by: >>50046965

I guess the question is if Cover wasn't willing to make compromises like
>I'll sell it after I consider it "finished" and no longer want to update it
>I'll sell it but make updates free and continue updating at my own pace
>I'll sell it but still want to have creative control over it
Do we have to assume that Cover wanted them to sell it with conditions they weren't ok with?

>> No.50038468

not really

>> No.50039094

>Please limit your creation of derivative works to a FAN or HOBBY level
>Do NOT use our content for BUSINESS purposes
>..or for purposes that can be deemed as for-PROFIT

>> No.50041007

If he does it for money it starts to feel like a job.

>> No.50042410

You don't have to kill them. Just use the exaggerated punishment that Danganronpa has but without the actual death and make the murder comedic as well (similar HoloGra)

>> No.50042574
File: 12 KB, 360x360, 1664064397970296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't kill them.

>> No.50042607

Imagine if it was a Niji fangame.

>> No.50042870

He should just set up a donation page for the game and give the money to Cover if he doesn't want it.

>> No.50042901

save me, anon.

>> No.50042967

You have my interest already

>> No.50042989

>i wish it just turned into harvest moon.
Fuck no, Nintendo already has 560651600 real time framing simulators for you to choose from

>> No.50045147

just defenestrate them, they do it in hologra so it's fine

>> No.50045219
File: 95 KB, 1822x903, 'tism hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic was made on may 22nd, 2021
i swear i'll get on it tomorrow

>> No.50045279

itch.io in shambles

>> No.50045327

After I finish my cookie clicker Risu game I want to work on a Age of war themed around Hololive. The idea has a ton of potential

>> No.50045779

>Holocure 2 Superchat edition!
>Only for $5.99 usd
>DLC incoming!
Ah yes I can see it

>> No.50046965

I doubt selling the game was ever on the table. Its free and to start charging for it now would look bad.
Cover likely wanted to find a way to add something to the game that they could monetize. Costumes, voice packs, special effects, etc.
Kay Yu stuck to his guns though and told them he wasn't interested in monetizing the game and they respected his decision.

>> No.50047217

Just send supas to your oshi retard.

>> No.50047305


>> No.50047337

Better yet, buy the merch. We know thats where the real money comes in for Holomem.

>> No.50047412

no fan can truly be saved, if they were saved they'd no longer be a fan.

>> No.50047494

sorry nijisisters but this is our board

>> No.50047990
Quoted by: >>50049282

Oh hey, i remember you. Arent you the tako garden anon?

>> No.50049155

He's making free advertisement for hololive. I think it's a win for both sides.

>> No.50049282
Quoted by: >>50066824

yeah, i'm surprised somebody remembered it. As for tako garden, once i got basic movement and camera controls for the player, and takodachis spawning and wandering around, i tried to add other mascots like the nekkos and ssrb. Then life got in the way and it's been gathering dust since then

>> No.50050249
Quoted by: >>50050569

Will the existing Updater simply not work anymore?

>> No.50050569

Yeah, I forgot the reason. It's either because itch didn't want you bypassing their website or because the launcher was vulnerable to bad shit.
You can still download the game manually through itch.io if you dont wanna use steam though

>> No.50050646
Quoted by: >>50050743

Didn't he imply that it was too popular for Itch?

>> No.50050717

I lost my Steam password and can't be arsed to jump through the hoops to regain it is all.
itch.io sounds new & scary to me but I recognize this page as where I DL'd it the first 2 times and my save survived, so it should be alright. Thanks.

>> No.50050743

I think one of the HoloCure announcement screencaps said itch is still halal.

>> No.50052333

This game has no business going this hard on extra features and yet it still does.
Yagoo, if you have a single cell left in your brain that hasn't been gangraped by Tempus sperm, fucking invest into HoloCure. And if kay-yu turns down the money, give him free tickets to concerts, ANYTHING. He's done more for your IP than these shitty garbage horror games you wasted cash on.

>> No.50052338

They could get away with it if they leave the last update free update available, but have no more free updates (or perhaps, only community/mod supported at best. Kind of like a fork.)
And the first paid-for version is a massive update of content.
Kind of how Dwarf Fortress is still free if you don't mind ascii (and getting updated and still moddable) but you need to pay for the graphic update version.

>> No.50052561
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, ss_aca4b48b38e544f93fa6490e8be9516dd775e541.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Was that crate always there?

>> No.50052661
Quoted by: >>50052979

might be a new addition

>> No.50052728

I get what you are saying, but others would not see it that way.
>Started out free
>Cover gets ahold of it
>Starts charging for it
Big bad company and people would bitch.

>> No.50052979
Quoted by: >>50053208

or a holobox reskin

>> No.50053208
Quoted by: >>50053308

>We get to choose the skin of holobox

>> No.50053308
File: 589 KB, 320x177, 0pHYIgC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have to buy/collect the alternate cosmetics

>> No.50053319

People really do things for free

>> No.50053387
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, ss_46356c2154eabbd56455a57051b53ea81be2936d.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 HP
zoombie looks very fun

Especially that ATLA shit in the bottom left. Any dedicated Ollie watchers here who can decipher what the hell that's even based on?

>> No.50053551

This anon speaks the truth..

>> No.50053580
Quoted by: >>50054355

I don't really watch Ollie but it could be a reference to her ninja outfit

>> No.50053618
Quoted by: >>50053960

Are you talking about ninjutsu meter or the icon?
The ninjutsu one is hopefully from the item but she does have a ninja outfit and a soundboard she likes using that has ninja sounds on it among others
Dunno about the icon, probably related to the 0HP

>> No.50053699

it's a gimmick, look at the buff icon on lower left.

>> No.50053770
Quoted by: >>50054051

>fans heal you instead of hurting
>when healed to max you transform into Olivia with normal hp
>when killed as Olivia you die for real
You heard it here first

>> No.50053960
File: 449 KB, 1280x720, ss_ed3167797ee64fb25c72d6f32201d4e8a54fc272.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant the meter, ATLA = Avatar the Last Airbender. Harnessing the elements.
The bandana item is on other characters in other caps so I assumed it was irrelevant. Besides, item effects are simple enough that very few even have a cooldown icon.
I'm assuming you mean the bandana too?

>> No.50054029

Shit this was about Mooner, my bad. You meant the metal box.
I assumed that was a Minecraft reference.

>> No.50054051

Huh. I could actually see this sort of thing working.

>> No.50054189
Quoted by: >>50054200

Just turn the death into them getting a playful spanking.

>> No.50054200

nice try, Marine

>> No.50054210
Quoted by: >>50054329

I don't want to donate, retard. But some people want to, and you're not going to find them all and change their minds, so it makes sense to accept donations.

>> No.50054305

>save the fan
>spend entire game killing them

>> No.50054329

No it makes more sense to do nothing which is what Kay Yu is doing

>> No.50054332

those enemies are not fan, they are brainwashed.

else koronesuki wouldn't even dare to approach korone carelessly.

>> No.50054339

You wouldn't understand.

>> No.50054355

So either Lv1 bandana is useless & Lv2 turns you into the Avatar, or this is an extreme example of one of those items-holomem meme synergies ala the axe, bucket, spiders etc..

>> No.50054454

They disappear in a heart effect. The implication is that you knock them back to their senses, so they stop rampaging and fuck off.
Except Mumei's Special.
That just plain slaughters everyone.

>> No.50054503

How about a Holocurse where you can kill the fans instead?

>> No.50054634

This. Kay could polish it enough, add some console-exclusive things (dunno, like that Undertale Switch-exclusive boss), and make a static console port, while still working on the regular version.

>> No.50054662

did you forget kay's actual job?

>> No.50054681

They're brainwashed and you undo it. With violence, apparently.

>> No.50054777

Why are you all so obsessed with him charging you for the game? Its free. It'll always be free. He doesn't want any money from this game.
If you are so desperate to throw money around, go buy your oshis merch. Its what he would want you to do with that money anyways.

>> No.50055119
File: 2.53 MB, 343x250, inokismBOMBAYE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting touched by your oshii is a euphoric experience, anonkun.

>> No.50055133
Quoted by: >>50084803

Voice packs seem like a no-brainer if they really were on the table. Cover could organize recording, so they have some tangible contribution. The talents seem interested in providing voices for Idol Showdown and would probably do the same for HoloCure. The base game could remain free and unaffected at the gameplay level. They could even be added asynchronously with the ongoing game updates as they are finished on Cover's end if the workflow permitted.

>> No.50055157

Beating up people always work to cure mental ailments. My parents cured my autistic tendency by beating the shit out of me when I was a kid.

>> No.50055340
Quoted by: >>50055376

I think it works in reverse too. Moral of the story: beat your kids and see what happens! It'll be a surprise for sure!

>> No.50055376


>> No.50055640

Yeah thats how he explained it just recently on twitter.

>> No.50055657
Quoted by: >>50056221

This is why the number of autists nowadays are tenfold after idiots advocated to stop physical discipline.

>> No.50055738

Just send them your money as "donations". Make sure it's on the millions, cause a child's pocket change won't mean shit and will just be rejected for wasting people's time.

>> No.50056167
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Hope someone mods in nude models.

>> No.50056221

Physical discipline was deemed too effective simply by being cheaper, accessible, and having immediate effect to the patient. Side effects exist but pretty much anything has pros and cons. The advocate against physical discipline was launched to make people buy and rely on medicine. This is my headcanon.

>> No.50056293

Tough love.
What do you tell a holofan with two black eyes?

>> No.50056463

>someone on my friends list added this to their wishlist
>I unfriended them

>> No.50056761

Just have it be that they get permanitly demonitized instead of dying.. I'm sure that'll be a good motivator in game

>> No.50057358 [DELETED] 

Ok the "pekosanji" meme is fun and all

>> No.50057672

Americans are so brainwashed they obsess about trying to monetise things.

>> No.50057699
Quoted by: >>50058509

I wonder if this will introduce more normies to Hololive, since it'll get steam recommended to people who own Vampire Survivors

>> No.50057816

With dating, marriage and impregnation

>> No.50058509

already in the "next release" list, so when it releases it may be on recommended

>> No.50058886
Quoted by: >>50059210

Too bad I don't like this genre of games

>> No.50059210
Quoted by: >>50059492

If you want a reason to like them, they're a great alternative to sleeping pills.

>> No.50059492
Quoted by: >>50061291

>using a screen
>getting sleepy
That's not how screens work

>> No.50059499

It's an act of mercy they're saving them from themselves

>> No.50059817

His launcher requested admin rights and quit when I denied them, so I immediately deleted that shit. There was zero legitimate reason for that.
Besides, it never had a reason to exist in the first place, itch had an existing launcher and updater long before he started working on his that works perfectly.

>> No.50061015

What are they going to do with Zeta?

>> No.50061291
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exactly how screens work.

>> No.50061890

The easiest way for cover to monetize holocure without compromising Kay Yu's wishes is to add monetization "outside" of the game, not inside of it. AKA make holocure merch dumbass cover.

>> No.50062604


>> No.50066427


>> No.50066824
Quoted by: >>50074869

Damn, sorry to hear
If its any consolation, and a bit of pressure, i'm still looking forwards to it

>> No.50066962

change killed to banned.

>> No.50069964

how would it work with Linux? I've been using Proton to play it for a while...

>> No.50072558

yo wtf?
is this thread autosaged or something?

>> No.50074869
File: 180 KB, 1920x923, takodochis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If its any consolation, and a bit of pressure, i'm still looking forwards to it
No pressure at all, quite the contrary it makes me want to get on it again

>> No.50075148

just make the sexual punishment instead, everyone will be happy

>> No.50075685

I will save 50% of the fans.

>> No.50076775
Quoted by: >>50077209

Ya know, how tough is it to make a game like this? I've been playing boneraiser minions a lot lately which is kinda similar but not really and I was thinking about attempting my own fan game based on it. Are there any lessons you can find on how to make something like this?

>> No.50077209
Quoted by: >>50077901

just pick a game engine (you can try reading about the more popular ones and see which one sounds like it'd suit you more but in the end you'll always get used to your main tool), watch tutorials on how to use it, make your first functional game (even if it's absolute horseshit, just make sure it works and that you did it from scratch), then move on to more advanced stuff like how to achieve certain visual effects, optimization, game design/game feel, etc.
it's fairly time consuming but honestly seeing something come into existence is insanely gratifying.

>> No.50077349

I can't even save myself.

>> No.50077901
Quoted by: >>50078087

Is unity a good option? Ive seen lots of people use unity for stuff before, but would it work for a fan survivor kinda game

>> No.50078087
Quoted by: >>50079390

unity is almost basically the industry standard for anything that's not downright AAA tier (i'm pretty sure people then move on to unreal engine), with gamemaker following closely. even low budget indie devs use unity, so you'll definitely have 0 trouble finding tutorials and materials to kick it off.

>> No.50078396
File: 217 KB, 512x512, 1678666548535483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing any of them will enrage the fans
Do it. Do it. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.50079390
Quoted by: >>50079457

Thanks anon I appreciate it. I think I'm going to start looking into it tonight!!

>> No.50079457
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>> No.50079952
Quoted by: >>50080382

>paying $100 for the rights to publish a free game
I mean, if they're forking money on akasupas I guess they don't mind the ridiculously bad business decision.

>> No.50080382

Is it really that hard to believe people like doing things out of passion? Also considering this was talked about with Cover it's not out of the question that Cover themselves helped with that.

>> No.50082913

needs a hairstylist reference

>> No.50083277
Quoted by: >>50086602



>> No.50083812
Quoted by: >>50084509

>someone there in management who is more business like feels like it is a loss.
they'd have to flip the switch and see it from the other side then: a fangame this good shouldn't exist in the first place, and considering it's free it might as well not; that's leaving aside the fact that by itself it has boosted hololive's popularity quite a bit which obviously means more money. this game is literally free advertisement of the best kind and they didn't have to lift a finger.

>> No.50084310

add joshu!

>> No.50084482

it's really the shitzos in from here and from 5ch

>> No.50084509
Quoted by: >>50087424

>this game is literally free advertisement
this is true btw, i saw some people trying hololive after playing holocure, also liking suspect(mindbroken kek) and shijoshugi adtruck songs

>> No.50084803
Quoted by: >>50085534

Unless said audio is mostly short phrases and feedback noises ('ouch' and 'sore!'), there would be potential trouble with Aloe. Coco and Rushia have plenty of archive audio, but Aloe not so much.

>> No.50085534
Quoted by: >>50085661

>believing any of them will make it in
yeah I doubt it, especially rushia and aloe

>> No.50085661

Idol Showdown shows that Coco is not a issue, at least.

>> No.50085722
Quoted by: >>50094719

guns or something with Bazo

>> No.50086602

thank you

>> No.50087424

it is more than free advertisement, Cover saves the money of the development cost (let's imagine around $50k for the first release for an Indie or AA studio on the low end) plus the marketing for a game (which is usually 20% to 80% of the development cost). i can't imagine what the cost of everything would be to this day.

now i see comments about why Kay doesn't ask for money or other things and the thing is that legally he can't, nobody except Cover can generate income or donations for a Hololive fangame, neither can he "sell the game" to Cover, because technically Cover is the owner of that IP.

>> No.50087685

cover should unironically do what ZUN does and just let people create whatever, there would be way more fan games if people could make money

>> No.50087975

If money gets involved it restricts his freedom to make whatever the fuck he wants and makes him have to worry about splitting it between other contributors and shit. Sometimes people already make a comfortable living and want to have a fun project on the side.

>> No.50088210

I mean they kinda do, only difference is you can't monetise it

>> No.50091562

Unlike ZUN, cover is a company that people earn their living through, so they can't just sign away their ip rights like that.

>> No.50094597

I think I'm fine with how things are.

>> No.50094719

won't bazo become an enemy too?
