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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49991019 No.49991019 [Reply] [Original]

Inspirational Edition

>What is /wvt/?
/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.

Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Thread Quality Reminder
Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

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>> No.49991079
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>> No.49991324

wait what drama happened while I was asleep

>> No.49991353
Quoted by: >>49991410

South Side civil war

>> No.49991371
Quoted by: >>49991430

It came out that i'm fucking your oshi, sorry bro

>> No.49991391

After the clusterfuck that was last thread, I propose Krimbo and everyone who associates with that disgusting, slimy, hypocritical piece of trash, to get filtered.
I honestly believe he is worse than any of the schizos we have in here

>> No.49991410
Quoted by: >>49991435

I wish they would just kick out the no talent hanger ons who are only there to skim viewership from the talent.

>> No.49991430
Quoted by: >>49991481

I have a bodyguard protecting her so stop lying

>> No.49991435
Quoted by: >>49991514

Yeah, I agree. The hanger ons are not really professional enough to avoid this kind of bullshit drama, or pull together in solidarity to protect their community and their brand.

>> No.49991481

Biggest mistake you ever made, I am the bodyguard

>> No.49991514
Quoted by: >>49991763

I can see them not really caring about curating their brand on the lower end that much but when you have someone who's going out of their way to be embarrassing while contributing nothing like an entitled trustfund kid that's obviously a problem.

>> No.49991530
File: 24 KB, 380x360, 7357DA3E-BD60-42F4-B09F-75A3A18A2558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose I slather you with slime from my fat tummy.

>> No.49991674

Something really gay and petty from what I can tell

>> No.49991695
Quoted by: >>49991767

>slime from my fat tummy
the slimes comes from there? how? is there a gland for it?

>> No.49991761
File: 237 KB, 1608x1094, Fu7d1mFWwAEyuEp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me saffas

>> No.49991763

Seems like Krimbo talked to Colt to reign him in on the R word thing, but will they stop him and Reda saying creepy things to girls? Will they stop Dance saying things that he himself instantly regrets every week? It's not a great look for them. I know they're not a professional corp but Coqui and Meat are doing well enough to make this their career so it's pretty dangerous to risk supporting people who might yab too much.

>> No.49991765
Quoted by: >>49991934

Krimbo tried to cancel some nigger over saying the word retard, conveniently forgetting he 'is friends with' chuubas like Bat and All Bones 'holocaust didn't happen' Jones

>> No.49991767


>> No.49991817
Quoted by: >>49991852

they should just dissolve southside, remove krimbo from their life entirely and stream on their own without some fat retard pretending to be their friend

>> No.49991852
Quoted by: >>49991897

Krimbo is fine though. Bitching about stuff in public isn't great. But it's way better than haboring creeps and bigots who will get your revenue stream cancelled if drama hits you.

>> No.49991863
Quoted by: >>49991988

>Reda saying creepy things to girls
I wish he would stop. He's so gross

>> No.49991897

>Krimbo is fine though
He's really not
> But it's way better than haboring creeps and bigots
Like krimbo

>> No.49991934
File: 104 KB, 278x355, Clauvio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do smaller vtubers have to make a big stink about things beyond their control that don't affect their community? It's just a whole lot of performative nonsense to me

>> No.49991988

This is literally just a case of unpopular = creepy, popular = hot.

>> No.49991999

Idk i'd honestly take him over the main schizos like that one Charles Manson looking psycho

>> No.49992028

kill all male vtubers

>> No.49992050

girls only tolerate rich viewers

>> No.49992085
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>> No.49992116

"I think you're an asshole and I won't be friends with you"

>> No.49992122

Good morning my oshi, I am going to save you.

>> No.49992145

>he's still going

>> No.49992171
File: 2.82 MB, 600x507, 1657452711009722.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49992326

>> No.49992172
Quoted by: >>49992265

Virtue signalling and abuse of power.
Canceling people for such retarded reasons is a pure power trip.
Makes sense why a degenerate ugly loser like Krimbo would be into that since he gas no power in his personal life.

>> No.49992221

they're all schizos who only become vtubers to groom other vtubers and they start power tripping when 5 people support them

>> No.49992222
Quoted by: >>49992262

trying to cancel someone for using the word retard is retarded

>> No.49992262

and trying to virtue signal about it on 4chan then having a meltdown when people call you a retard is even more retarded

>> No.49992265

Krimbo didn’t cancel anyone, you big baby

>> No.49992280
Quoted by: >>49992781

>Seems like Krimbo talked to Colt to reign him in on the R word thing
How's that? All he did was delete everything and unlike some tweets to hide the fact he's ok with it. He unliked them as soon as it got out here.

>> No.49992286
Quoted by: >>49992295

>male vtubers

>> No.49992295

every time

>> No.49992298

You: Scared of being cancelled
Me: Says slurs, likes and retweets loli porn
They can't cancel you if you don't hide it

>> No.49992326
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>> No.49992385
Quoted by: >>49992407

When you say "talked to" do you mean "make sexual advances towards"?

>> No.49992407
Quoted by: >>49992514

we're talking about male vtubers, so yes.

>> No.49992435

I've been meaning to ask, but what is Krimbo? Is he like . . . A Diglett or something? A sentient hot dog? I'm actually genuinely curious. No, I won't watch him. Though he sounds associated with Merry, which something happened that was retarded probably, but I want to know the slime fetish hot dog's lore.

Though if Krimbo is here, does the phrase "Cha'alt" ring a bell?

>> No.49992514

Useless sissy.

>> No.49992543
File: 878 KB, 1024x912, charlot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charlot eggs bere

>> No.49992575
File: 25 KB, 240x320, 075E2ADD-86A5-4256-BA95-D43136E3109D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49992598

I’m human I’ve just had so many fat asses on my face it changed my bone structure a bit. .

That phrase does not ring a bell

>> No.49992592

He's retarded I think?

>> No.49992595

Need sluttiiiiier Koragi

>> No.49992598


>> No.49992611
Quoted by: >>49992691

He's a fat guy who never learned anatomy because it's easier to just draw porn where nobody cares if you know where a vagina is.

>> No.49992615
File: 398 KB, 850x1358, ffd19b2b85dbf2f79bbdfe3bf15335bbf99823f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da wose in /wvt/!!!!! :D

>> No.49992635

you're fucking cringe

>> No.49992648
Quoted by: >>49992797

IT'S DA WOSEEEE (i don't really know who she is but i'm excited anyway)

>> No.49992652

I want to cut a hole in it and fuck it.

>> No.49992691
File: 353 KB, 1766x2042, D15E4814-F86E-43BF-ACD6-EE8902D9051F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know where the vagina is, it’s at the bottom of the female belly button, and it’s very warm inside there.

>> No.49992754

Um, actually I think it's IN the belly button.

>> No.49992763
Quoted by: >>49992800

why would you reply to that with evidence showing you can't draw necks?

>> No.49992781

Still friends with Mei, Bat, and Hina. They all say retard.

>> No.49992797

The girl that was supposed to be the star of Tsunquest, they put all the work into her and you know what she did? She left after doing 5 streams to join nijisanji. She's normally not talked about in /wvt/ because she already has a thread and the nijisanji thread.

>> No.49992799

Mei and Hina actually are retards though

>> No.49992800
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>> No.49992801

it doesn't count if they have more viewers than you and you can leech off of them

>> No.49992810

please understand he's trying to fuck them so he cant say anything bad about them

>> No.49992837

There's really no excuse for this other than not caring people say slurs. It's fine to not care just don't pretend you do...

>> No.49992861

What the hell is that? Is that a paper doll egg? You should post it on twitter so that Charlotte can retweet it.

>> No.49993036
File: 223 KB, 963x609, 1682911883096384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do silly things with dot mei and kyou.

>> No.49993381
Quoted by: >>49993606

what kind of silly things? sounds pretty sussy!

>> No.49993439
Quoted by: >>49993606

I've only ever watched dot out of those 3 but I would

>> No.49993606

Well you know get real anon
You get me

>> No.49993630
Quoted by: >>49993727

Why is Krimbo so alluring?!

>> No.49993727

stop bringing yourself up retard

>> No.49993744
Quoted by: >>49994682

Why is Colt so sexy?

>> No.49994146
File: 92 KB, 1226x845, FwYkjUQX0AEvsKf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

local bug is over two hours late to shoot xenos and/or BOBs

>> No.49994258

She turned on her screen
ready to stream
and looked at her list of discord friends
each of them
clout thirsty
and perfectly ready to make her their play thing
then suddenly from a friend request left on read
there was a DM that stated these:
if you love your viewers ma'am
could you refrain from that collab
I know it's calling to you
but please think about your viewers too
life is yours live it your way
but at the end of the day
what if you find your self wondering?
"What if I thought of viewers too?"

>> No.49994682

Cause he’s babygirl

>> No.49994765
Quoted by: >>49995261

Why is Reda so unappealing?

>> No.49994789
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Have you been working on that kemo model?

>> No.49994924
File: 1.69 MB, 1636x871, 1669389920947958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49995431


I can't believe it's not Gary's Mod - Fortnite ChugJug

let's play baeby maxing my 2 beloved hot memes in holocure

HELLO MY TITS ARE COLD !TTS | !Genshin | !GG | !Daki | !Throne

Exploring some Sky | Comfort Corp

programming and progamin electronics subfest day 5! [Vtuber] !subfest


Wolf Mommy is back to make you sleep & take care of you French accent ~ !gg !discord !socials

Protodroid DeLTA || Let's become King of the Cubivores then play a Mega Man inspired game !Protodroid #ad https://wehy.pe/t/1/imakuni

help this dragon build the hardest lego ever released ~ !tier3

What are some of the best Android jokes?

Cassette Beasts

critical levels of being a SEALLY little guy ⋆ !YF #ad

Just Star Rail stuffs

Conquering Peaks, Defying Gravity (TW dark themes / gore)

>> No.49995100
File: 1.55 MB, 1634x879, 1660874495248587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49995431

Leon is MY little meow meow kitten SoCute | !model !redebut !TTS

the multiverse continues in resident evil :3c ~ !kit !gg !daki

Meeting Sidon fish time | VTUBER | !tts | !pp |

[randomized] professional gamer run 0 deaths for sure (trust)

Sleepy... !discord

Hiiii hello uwu say it back! !throne !tips !discord // 18+

[Vtuber] I see a dark moon rising [Power cuts / Internet problems possible]

lets goooooooooo

Suckin blood VIISYN & Friends server | !merch !wishlist !GG !VIISYN

Japanese Lesson Phrases that sound like native Japanese | !commands #heynako @tsuki_nako

New Model Reveal!! | 2 Yr Partner Anniversary Subathon/Subfest! [Day 5]Comfy Radio- !sl !discord 『AUS VTuber』

a NEET succubus cleans her room (and chats) !discord !twitter

子供の話 | Japanese Story Tiem wib Squishy

what do you mii

no sleep, brain empty, its silly sausage time | ANZSubFest

>> No.49995110
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Quoted by: >>49996797

bat x nina...

>> No.49995179

Request-A-Song! 【PIANO & SINGING】 vtuber music stream!

【HONKAI: STAR RAIL】 I can stop if I wanted to, I just don't want to yet

【RECAP】Fallout: New Vegas (2010) #8

【RECAP】Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004) #4

Norwegian lesson! Baked Goods

>> No.49995261
Quoted by: >>49996053

Because you have lousy taste

>> No.49995295

>"You don't like it? Fuck off!"
>people fuck off
>"omg people are leaving, why am I being cancelled!? you're meanies! waah"

>> No.49995431
Quoted by: >>49996100

>>49994924 >>49995100
Is "le first time" a new meta?
I'm honestly getting annoyed at this point

>> No.49995478

Give me chuubas who havent gotten involved with all this drama over the word retard
Chuubas who havent even commented that they dont want to get involved

>> No.49995525


>> No.49995549
Quoted by: >>49996156

any eurochuuba since this all happened while we were sleeping.

>> No.49995552


>> No.49995621


>> No.49995693


The list goes on

>> No.49995733
Quoted by: >>49995756

Miyu literally commented on it though

>> No.49995756

Wait did she? I must have missed that.

Respect lost.

>> No.49995796
Quoted by: >>49995825

It's literally all over her account

>> No.49995821

Kyo- nvm she's a bad girl.

>> No.49995825

I don't follow her on twitter
I was just basing it off of self posting

>> No.49995915
File: 1.10 MB, 1307x1732, 1680915052816131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sloth is retarded thats why

>> No.49995917

Respect gained

>> No.49996053

South Sider? None of you give any public indication you find him appealing.

>> No.49996093
File: 101 KB, 1044x1008, FhLOenpXgAAifkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50001438

https://www.twitch.tv/cryptidkliffoth It's the moth's birthday!!

>> No.49996100

some people literally haven't touched a videogame until the coof forced them to pick up some indoor activity, so they're behind on absolutely everything. that seems to be the case for Oli at least.

>> No.49996156
Quoted by: >>49996267

*any eurochuuba except Astra
other than that the most i have seen is veleck saying it’s funny to wake up to american drama

>> No.49996267
Quoted by: >>49996329

astra von hecate? she literally posts about politics all the time, is super menhera and apparently quite fat

>> No.49996329
Quoted by: >>49996425

>super menhera and apparently quite fat
and retarded

>> No.49996425

she's german, that's a given

>> No.49996651
File: 41 KB, 397x534, 1681220544127980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really happy to hear pipo found her cat again.

>> No.49996682
Quoted by: >>49996779

highly why are you so obsessed with her

>> No.49996779
File: 2.83 MB, 1500x2000, 1662215433431703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time someone replies to me with a namedrop they get it wrong.
look at this little creature. she deserves to have nice things happen to her.

>> No.49996797

damn that's rough

>> No.49996857

if he's attached to her now that he's back that's a pretty good sign she's a good owner and he missed her

>> No.49996887
File: 434 KB, 3000x2250, 1676234877863807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*does a little happy dance, wagging tail enthusiastically* Yayyyy!! Wapin-chan's little furball came back home! UwU *does a tiny spin, ears twitching with joy* I knew everything would turn out okay! *blows celebratory kisses towards the sky* Let's throw a party in our hearts for Wapin-chan and her kitty! >w< <3

>> No.49997111

If some strange stroke of luck happens upon me, and I end up making it higher than any vtubers ever been the only person I'm bringing up to my level is gumpai.
If I hit the lottery gumpai is the only person from this thread getting anything from me. She was the only vtuber who gave me a drop of attention.

>> No.49997186

I came inside him https://skeb.jp/@PRPRLO/works/4

>> No.49997212
Quoted by: >>49997287

So you're pissed off and vindictive over not getting attention.

>> No.49997287
Quoted by: >>49998037

I'm just telling the truth. Gunpai was the only vtuber who openly genuinely hung out with me with no ulterior motive.
If I ever end up with anything worth giving away she's the the only one who will end up receiving.

>> No.49997320

If chuubas /here/ hate adrian even with his money, they’ll still hate you too, gael

>> No.49997453
File: 136 KB, 500x500, kankuro_oggey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49997714

Hey guys, Kan here!
I love making OGEY faces, post your Chuuba OGEY face!

>> No.49997460

Kill yourself for real you fucking retard I don't care about gumpai at all.

>> No.49997465

I don't need everyone. I don't even need gumpai to love me. I just want to show her that I appreciated her good attention.

>> No.49997714

literally who

>> No.49997766

So when is the tier list getting updated?

>> No.49997793
Quoted by: >>49997931

When you do it your damn self.

>> No.49997851

So when is the cytube getting updated?

>> No.49997931
Quoted by: >>49998131

Tierlist anon literally came back from retirement for a moment to add some new chuubas, if you're asking for a new version then

>> No.49998037
File: 445 KB, 750x1063, IMG_8918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tweeted about the word retard
I don’t think I remember. I probably had an ulterior motive, I am a very lonely person. You shouldn’t help me out. I can incline, decline, or actually stay stagnant alone. I wouldn’t deserve the help since I’m quite unstable, thank you though.

>> No.49998046

Gumpai won....

>> No.49998131
Quoted by: >>49998261

He came back?

>> No.49998219

Too bad. Don't care. I'm going to save. You don't get to make me fall in love, and then burger king.

>> No.49998227

>I’m quite unstable
understatement of the year

>> No.49998230
File: 1.22 MB, 1140x1028, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning wvt
Anyone here into Idol Showdown who also sucks at fighting and wants to get good?
I need people to play and tigerbros will wreck me

>> No.49998261

Scroll to the bottom and you can see the additions he made because they aren't in alphabet order

>> No.49998265


>> No.49998280

Calling people assholes for being assholes and not being their friend or watching their streams because they make you uncomfortable is hardly "policing". There is no problem with giving people chances or trying to rehabilitate people, but that isn't our job. You don't let the vampire run wild because maybe you can cure him. You get away or drive him out. Let the people who can, and care to, take care of potential rehabilitation.

>> No.49998294


>> No.49998301

I’m glad I blocked krimbo and got lonestar cult and power nelson to go away, with the other older malechuubas, they seem too old for my zoomer self. If i was able to collab with them, I think I would have quit the hobby earlier. I do like the older femchuubas since most of them don’t police nor concernfag me

>> No.49998322


>> No.49998325
File: 56 KB, 887x665, nanora_aria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say the F Word naaaaa...

>> No.49998352
File: 273 KB, 895x670, Fu0A7VGWAAIQXzm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49998392

blue wife starting


>> No.49998357
Quoted by: >>49998486

Aren't you Reda's one fan? Why drive away his friends?

>> No.49998392
Quoted by: >>49998551

take your meds schizo

>> No.49998449

I'm probably NGMI and never going to win the lottery. On the off chance I do though you better watch out. You could be receiving a fortune from a Nigerian prince.

>> No.49998486
Quoted by: >>49998503

I like rat and Reda. Reda plays singleplayer games so I don’t really care. Also, I don’t enjoy and I never watch collabs since it feels like I’m getting friend cucked, it feels really bad to see other people making them laugh as a vtuber

>> No.49998495
Quoted by: >>49998592

which older femchuubas do you like?

>> No.49998503
Quoted by: >>49998592

Don't you like getting cucked?

>> No.49998551

you never answered my questions from last time

>> No.49998592

I don’t really, but it can’t be helped in this hobby since most viewers have an oshi. The reason why I’m so open to it is because I know I’ll never be a true favorite of anyone since VTubing is oversaturated. I don’t want my viewers to feel obligated to stay loyal or push an effort for that to me. My stream can be a waiting room for them.
Most /here/ femchuubas except for some partnered ones since they think I’m a weirdo, but it can’t be helped.

>> No.49998605

IDK what is going on ITT but pay attention to me (Shania Chan)

>> No.49998621

Damn this whole time I thought gumpai was furiously masturbating and squirting everywhere every time she got cucked.

>> No.49998631
Quoted by: >>49998837

Is Odette too old, and busted to satisfy you anymore?

>> No.49998633
Quoted by: >>49998690

"I'm not policing, I'm just driving people out over real or imagined yabs"

>> No.49998654
Quoted by: >>49998837

Why did you left wvtr never to return? Did it brought bad memories?

>> No.49998690

Yeah it's called me and my friends choosing who we associate with which is our freedom you autocratic piece of shit. You do things we don't like, we don't hang out with you, we don't patronize you. That is how the world works you fucking child.

>> No.49998691
Quoted by: >>49998751

Thinking about becoming a denpai fish viewer since my gumpai never streams, and only throws up when I voice call her...

>> No.49998738

>I know I’ll never be a true favorite of anyone since VTubing is oversaturated
you'll never be anyone's true favorite but it isn't because vtubing is oversaturated

>> No.49998751

She wants to be cucked by her, just watch her streams she'll cum from that

>> No.49998759

No no, you have to share, you selfish child. That's what mom said

>> No.49998837

Thank you for the (you)
Well my ESL friend, sometimes you just don't post in a thread because you don't feel like RPing or whatever. I thought the nelson post was funny

>> No.49998848

Good, I don't want to hang out with fascists like you who unperson people for speech.

>> No.49998896

Love how fucking triggered Vaibae is that she is going after tiny twitter accounts and ranging at them in the replies. It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.49998924

if you dont like people using the evil slurs then dont hang around in places where people like using slurs
why the fuck are you here, just go back to your twitter circlejerk

>> No.49998927

Fellas, please, you're both autistic

>> No.49998928
Quoted by: >>49998989

>t. literally hangs out with his bullies as they beat him up and calls his penis small
>"people who aren't like me are fascists"

>> No.49998937

Does she still stream? I miss her. She gives me a boner everytime with just her voice.

>> No.49998941

Vampires aren't real

>> No.49998989
Quoted by: >>49999013

You are deranged. Let people use their words or they're going to have to start using something else.

>> No.49999013
Quoted by: >>49999057

>t. threatens violence because people don't like them saying slurs
>"other people are the fascists"

>> No.49999057
Quoted by: >>49999143

You're the one who started talking about violence.

>> No.49999063
Quoted by: >>49999484

Why is gumpai trying to cuck me by giving someone in the thread a (you) who isn't me? Gumpai you cruel treacherous mistress!

>> No.49999142
Quoted by: >>49999348

I thought the issue was people like the southside hypocrites calling people out for saying retard when they associate with people who say retard and worse regularly?

>> No.49999143

Ahahaha, and these children wonder why people don't want to hang out with them.

>> No.49999317

I like the ASMR videos you did gumpai, thanks for pandering to schizos like me

>> No.49999345

>break into someone's house
>wtf why aren't you acting like I do, fuck off and dont talk to me anymore
you retards came here yourself, if you dont like it just leave
no one wants you here

>> No.49999348
Quoted by: >>49999373

What South Siders have said worse?

>> No.49999362

she needs to pander to DEEZ

>> No.49999373

Literally every single one of them has said retard or worse

>> No.49999395
Quoted by: >>49999482

Prove it

>> No.49999482

except rael*

>> No.49999484

Sorry, don’t worry I’ll pull netori to make up for it!
What the fuck are you talking about, just let people talk and say whatever. Why are you even here? Love yourself more. Calling people assholes is policing, you’re making them feel out of place for using the words they’re comfortable expressing themselves in.
>There is no problem with giving people chances or trying to rehabilitate people, but that isn't our job.
This is why you twitterfaggots are friendless and always bitter. The cortisol makes your BMI rise up.
Thank you! They’re ironic though.

>> No.49999512
File: 902 KB, 1792x1479, 1655768353205146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49999864

Every entertainment medium is oversaturated yet there are constantly new people rising from nothing and making a name for themselves. I'm aware you have crippling self-esteem issues and menhera, but this mindset of giving up, ironic cuckholding, and clinging to this idea of being the doormat second or third best is only going to make you feel more miserable.

>> No.49999521
Quoted by: >>49999627

Stop policing me from saying asshole you stupid bitch. I can say what I want, it's my freedom of speech.

>> No.49999540

no replies??

>> No.49999552

>They’re ironic though.
Fuck you its real to me

>> No.49999585
Quoted by: >>49999659

I believe for sure that Rael has never said anything fucked up but what did the others do?

>> No.49999605
Quoted by: >>49999694

>"Blue wife" only at 22 viewers
The spam here really works guys!! Keep it up!!!

>> No.49999612
Quoted by: >>49999864

Doing things ironically is retarded because you're still doing the thing

>> No.49999627

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.49999659

Most people over 20 wouldn't consider saying "retard" "fucked up" let alone an actual slur

>> No.49999661

I can't believe you're policing my language by calling me out for saying asshole. Why don't you just let me talk and say whatever?

>> No.49999694

why do vtubers make you so angry?

>> No.49999723
Quoted by: >>50001188

Anon... Please understand... Gumpai is literally one of the dumbest females alive. Let her be retarded.

>> No.49999838
File: 69 KB, 576x1024, orcalove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50001349

i want to hug Zenya!~

>> No.49999846

This is how she was before being a vtuber as well.
She's extremely vindictive, rude and just has one of the most ugly personalities I've ever seen.

>> No.49999859
Quoted by: >>49999930


>> No.49999864
Quoted by: >>50000362

No I’m not miserable at all, and I feel like I have more freedom with creative expression when I don’t expect any of my viewers to be loyal to me. I love the idea of eventually downsizing and having full control of my community from either banning or removing followers. I’m open to support other people who like their oshis. It helps me not worry about retaining numbers. If it isn’t obvious from my narcissistic persona, I genuinely stream for myself.
I like reading scripts because hearing myself read helps me fall asleep at night. I think I have a parasocial relationship with myself from disconnecting from my identity often, I don’t know if its a trans issue but I genuinely think of myself on the screen as a different person.

>> No.49999865
Quoted by: >>49999936

Take a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck and walk into traffic.

>> No.49999894
File: 73 KB, 890x898, 1658648590696925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managing a vtuber..

>> No.49999911

This whole argument is pretty retarded. (Nothing against the mentally handicapped)

>> No.49999930

do people really enjoy shit like this? it's like jingling keys in front of a toddler, literal peekaboo

>> No.49999936
Quoted by: >>50000047

I can't believe you're so anti free speech. Disappointed.

>> No.49999963
File: 34 KB, 477x457, 1657732255168114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50000260


>> No.50000019

I would make Gumpai feel like the most important thing in my life, but she has crippling menhera and self esteem issues, so it'll never work out unless

>> No.50000044
Quoted by: >>50000243

nta but I'm honestly kind of sick of gumpai at this point, the shipping also kind of disgusts me

>> No.50000047

I'm not anti free speech, i'm anti you using up valuable oxygen despite being braindead.

>> No.50000058

How do you entertain yourself?

>> No.50000160


>> No.50000188


>> No.50000243

Gumpai's only value is rimming my asshole. And if she doesn't like me saying that, too bad, the law dictates that she has to be my lover because if she isn't that's cancelling me and that's against the rules of a free society.

>> No.50000260

Is she still alive?

>> No.50000274

Makes me wonder if >>49999999 was anything

>> No.50000342
Quoted by: >>50000527

>now entering the "I do the thing I just claimed not to do and its ok because made up reasons" phase
Calling somebody a fascist as a catch all insult works better on Twitter and when you're not literally admitting to using your clout and "friends" to police speech on others.

>> No.50000347
Quoted by: >>50000424

Mikan went on another femcel rant and this time she got some crazy twitter schizo claiming that she is a 50 year old man

>> No.50000362
File: 120 KB, 500x500, 1667944942663075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50000687

Hey why did you block me

>> No.50000401

I don't think any of them except Colt says retard, but Reda is a creep which is way worse. The rest seem fine to be if a bit dumb.

>> No.50000424

how can she be so based

>> No.50000526
File: 132 KB, 500x500, 1672684851673755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50000527

Stop cancelling people you commie

>> No.50000606
File: 193 KB, 800x1116, 1663443776895819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50000638

the schizo seems particularly triggered today.

>> No.50000634 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 960x1280, 1681478325881411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50000803

If only we had jannies who could delete this /pol/-tier garbage shitting up our thread

>> No.50000638

which one

>> No.50000687
Quoted by: >>50000765

i dont like people from vc

>> No.50000711

The schizo who thinks freedom of speech means everyone has to be their best friend no matter what they say (i.e. all socially retarded 4chan incels)

>> No.50000716
File: 28 KB, 339x283, 1666239657589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tags: Finland
Is it him

>> No.50000757
Quoted by: >>50000997

twitter board, twitter thread

>> No.50000765
Quoted by: >>50000913

I don't really buy that, considering how many of your apparent friends are

>> No.50000803

If only gura had pubes

>> No.50000804
Quoted by: >>50001144

nah finnschizo was kissa_ch or something like that, though he did at one point try to deflect and make it look like this was him. had some kind of minecraft cat profile pic.

>> No.50000913
Quoted by: >>50001109

i dont like them either

>> No.50000924
File: 242 KB, 720x1030, Screenshot_20230523-155154_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I get all the femboy and babi freaks following me

>> No.50000948

good question. I'm just seeing bad bait all over the place.

>> No.50000997

Twitter world

>> No.50001006

gael can you stop being paranoid
they're just people

>> No.50001029
Quoted by: >>50001129

Did you say anything in defense of calling people retarded etc, or did you defend lolicons? This guy is famous for getting cancelled over and over for that shit and then weaseling his way into other communities. He seeks out allies at any opportunity.

>> No.50001037

mass follows to try to farm relevance also stop being schizo

>> No.50001051

You're very breedable gael. Bend over

>> No.50001092

Didn't Digby start streaming deliberately trying to ride the hogwarts controversy?
Then get completely ignored because he's nobody

>> No.50001104

Have you considered cutting your hair and looking less like the kind of femboys and babis you seem to attract?

>> No.50001109
Quoted by: >>50001249

I don't believe that.
I saw a bit of your collab with gigi, I don't believe that would be as it was if you hated him

>> No.50001129

I don't discuss politics at all on twitter

>> No.50001130

Ann Hiro... An hero. Yep, this guy is definitely someone you want in your community.

>> No.50001144
Quoted by: >>50001353

his new username is kahvikissa

>> No.50001155

gael please shut the fuck up. nobody cares about your twitter, and if anyone did nobody would have an answer to these pointless questions you keep asking. nobody here can read minds. not a single person. can you? is there a reason you assume anyone can read minds? is that something you believe in, mind-reading? why do you think anyone here would know unless you thought people here could read minds?

>> No.50001188
Quoted by: >>50001249

Gumpai didn't write this.

Gumpai wrote this.

>> No.50001197

draw this chuuba getting fucked by me gael.

>> No.50001203
File: 279 KB, 589x338, 1656722216773439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50001317

You're one of them

>> No.50001223

I really try not to tell people "this isn't your personal blog" because I think there's merit in discussing whatever you're doing or dealing with if it has even the slightest relation to the thread's topic, but coming here daily to bitch and moan about who followed you or who you're going to block on twitter is the definition of "this isn't your blog" trash that literally does nothing but make a thread with a schizo infestation even worse than it already is.

>> No.50001249
File: 97 KB, 750x298, IMG_8920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always contemplate chainblocking them all, but I think that would be too menhera of me to do so!

>> No.50001295

Hey gumpai rate my joke: gumpai, more like cum oppai amirite?

>> No.50001305

Clearly you cared enough that you wrote that wall of text

>> No.50001317
Quoted by: >>50001379

doesn't his model have female lingerie? i never understood gael going full chris-chan when people say he's a babi or gay

>> No.50001328

I remember a while ago gael was talking about reaching 200 followers on twitch and instead of being happy he was just moping because it took too long or some shit and like, motherfucker you keep blocking anybody that even breathes in the same general direction as you, the fuck do you expect?

>> No.50001349

zenya is one of 'those ones' that you cant watch even anonymously or you will freak out and gosling for her really hard and obsessively
thats kind of true of all the smaller here females. its just dangerous

>> No.50001353
Quoted by: >>50001471

can't find a user by that name.

>> No.50001359
File: 9 KB, 300x168, FvkK6CJagAAQ_LD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50002975

me but I play Coco

>> No.50001379 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>50001460

I haven't used that model in over 2 years you fucking nigger

>> No.50001380
File: 2.20 MB, 2118x2773, 1664629614503445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50001433

>implying blocking anyone else for no reason whatsoever isn't already too menhera
Come on now, be real for a minute

>> No.50001433
Quoted by: >>50001589

I mean, have you seen anyone get groomed by them? They’re forever 2view.

>> No.50001438
File: 173 KB, 1250x708, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50001440

Remember to visit wvtr for a Gael free experience

>> No.50001449

Why did she block? Why won't she let them say what they want to say?

>> No.50001460
Quoted by: >>50001498

being gay 2 years ago is still being gay

>> No.50001471

its there https://www.twitch.tv/kahvikissa

>> No.50001498
Quoted by: >>50001534

You only need to be gay once in your life and you are gay forever

>> No.50001534

That's true, it's like reverse virginity

>> No.50001582

Am I the only one really bothered by Ochadoji creeping on Toma and suddenly talking to her a lot and trying to get attention from her once that person made a couple NSFW KK scenes of her?

>> No.50001589
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1683753480969807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50001654

Like who? Gumpai?
Who -exactly- is "them"?
I don't think you know what you're talking about at all, anoncham

>> No.50001593

males are ngmi because they dont have real viewers or fall off hard and lose all their real viewers
the only people watching are other vtubers then you failed is my military observation of the strategic situation and females lose interest quickly anyway without a hype to follow or momentum so good luck

>> No.50001654
Quoted by: >>50001919

Kill yourself you know exactly what I’m talking about and I fucking hope you never step foot around me ever again

>> No.50001687
Quoted by: >>50001762

Ochadoji has been a massive faggot since he showed up in the southside discord. Even Sigrid had him blocked.

>> No.50001691

This reminds me

Why doesn't finnschizo selfpost anymore? He used to reply to every post about him

>> No.50001718
Quoted by: >>50001803

what does this mean...

>> No.50001762
Quoted by: >>50001790

He's nothing compared to Reda being creepy

>> No.50001790
Quoted by: >>50001911

Shut up rebel

>> No.50001803

it means we feel the need to protect

>> No.50001858
File: 27 KB, 331x442, blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im sorry... I couldnt save her.

>> No.50001911

Ocha is just autistic and doesn't know what he's doing, he's just going where he gets good feedback and where he's dick points. Reda is a neurotypical but a creepy manipulative asshole and it's only due to the fact that he is so unappealing that no one bites, so he doesn't do any severe harm.

>> No.50001919
File: 45 KB, 320x293, 1667517624380519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of any way to interpret this that doesn't make you, assuming you are indeed Gumpai, which I'll take with a pail of salt, significantly hypocritical, so... not really?

>> No.50001925

i was thinking the exact opposite
males are much more resistant to catastrophe

all it takes for a female vtuber to lose all her viewers is people finding out she has a bf

>> No.50001938
Quoted by: >>50001960


>> No.50001960


>> No.50001982
Quoted by: >>50002097


>> No.50002026
File: 694 KB, 294x233, 1671505331424433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my military observation of the strategic situation

>> No.50002092

there are males with real viewers but none have very many (50 maximum) and they don't get more followers to refresh or increase that pool much

>> No.50002097

oh shit nice

>> No.50002294

that's soo me!!
i feel denpa or gumpai could have triggered this in me if i found them first instead but for different reasons. im very happy with Zenya though and nobody can replace her!!!

>> No.50002466

I warned my tranny oshi about you because of shit like this you

>> No.50002509

How did the aussies lift themselves out of this shithole before all the others?

>> No.50002538

by using their brains

>> No.50002549

don't bother giving it attention

>> No.50002551

The power of autism and being cute.

>> No.50002610

Australians are naturally charming and can actually bant

>> No.50002671

It's not someone I would ever interact with in the first place

>> No.50002673
Quoted by: >>50003156

Mako does interesting stuff, Jets does heavy GFE pandering and Clio coombaits + does grand strategy autism thing

>> No.50002722
Quoted by: >>50002813

Lift themselves in exactly what way lol?
They browse 24/7
Mako in particular posts himself non stop

>> No.50002813

They're liggers now and this thread has just been schizos fighting about themselves as if that's on topic. If you need an example turn off your phone screen and stare at it.

>> No.50002948
File: 126 KB, 372x327, Kuusmoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50003029

The lower her views the more she speaks to me

>> No.50002975
File: 943 KB, 595x810, 1683362166732879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fine with grapplers because those are free hugs. Add me on steam.

Also about the Falkans thing I just want to say my great grandmother was british and she came into the country during WW1 without knowing a word of spanish so I always thought that Malvinas shit is retarded beyond belief. European inmigration was extremely common in the south during early 1900s
My grampa came from Germany after ww2 but we dont talk about that (joke)

>> No.50003006
File: 187 KB, 724x1200, Fw0Mv4CaMAAHoJe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50003070


Is numberfagging poor for a 2/3view's mental health?

>> No.50003029

Runoxi is the superior blue woman.

>> No.50003062
Quoted by: >>50003097

apparently Clio started getting posted here from the moment she debuted. make of that what you will

>> No.50003070

numberfagging is bad for anyone.

>> No.50003097

Clio is literally an /asp/ie

>> No.50003135

but shes black

>> No.50003156
File: 1.23 MB, 901x990, shorkercise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50003283

>Mako does interesting stuff
True but she also panders and coombaits to my cock. The latex and then lately the exercise streams were dangerous.

>> No.50003174

I want the to collab

>> No.50003283
Quoted by: >>50003781

oh yeah that must've boosted her a fuckton and a half too. Generally they all do to exactly what the audiences want, except Clio might have overdone it a bit but it is what it is

>> No.50003286

Coombaiting is the way. I see you shaming coom content but doing heavy GFE because you're mentally ill. You're one and the same. Maybe you should stop thinking you're too good for it. Cut out the idol larping too. You're just some nobody on the internet like the rest of us so who are you trying to fool?

>> No.50003500

Shimada made me cum as joke.

>> No.50003507

>like the rest of us
What an odd thing to say

>> No.50003509

Shaming GFE while telling people not to shame...

>> No.50003510

the gullible

>> No.50003584

This would have made a better tweet

>> No.50003628
Quoted by: >>50003855

Gumpai you are literally a beta fish. You have beta fish syndrome. Gym rats install mirrors in gyms to trigger this for better work outs.
It's a good thing.
You have a gift. Please give me a you.

>> No.50003728

thread hit bump limit without a single post being about vtubers

>> No.50003747
Quoted by: >>50003847

I posted a lewd Gura but it got deleted...

>> No.50003762

no one cares OP schizo

>> No.50003781
File: 2.37 MB, 2059x1153, programming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50004274

It's impressive, with just a little bit of coombaiting, Mako could get 200 viewers just fucking machine coding

>> No.50003842

Unsurprising that Krimbo and South Side has zero integrity when it comes to actually practicing what they preach

>> No.50003847

you are the most valuable poster in this thread next to da wose

>> No.50003855

Kill yourself

>> No.50003996
Quoted by: >>50004666

Gumpai doesn’t even stream. Her hiatus is fake. She will announce graduating in June.

>> No.50004016
Quoted by: >>50004118

Face it guys. This thread is where they keep the shitters locked up.

>> No.50004118

Its true. I'm the shitters. I've been locked in here for months.

>> No.50004274

Love coding autism

>> No.50004308
Quoted by: >>50004338

How long until clio implodes on her fanbase?

>> No.50004338

give it a few months

>> No.50004399

You're here forever. Jets is only free of this place because she never came here.

>> No.50004429

I choose to believe this

>> No.50004478

I sure do and i love my oshis very very much!!

>> No.50004582
Quoted by: >>50004698

I post here and nobody knows it's me.

>> No.50004586

>jets isn't here
>he hasn't seen her music tastes
>he is choosing to ignore all the signs

>> No.50004648
Quoted by: >>50004758

So long as I keep pretending she isn't here I don't have to be ashamed of my coomer fantasies.

>> No.50004666

She'll be back, she may hate us but she'll never abandon her gumpanions

>> No.50004698
File: 95 KB, 680x658, 1662066758467161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post this on your twitter so I know who you are

>> No.50004753
Quoted by: >>50004802

Cute. I wonder if this has worked on anyone.

>> No.50004758
Quoted by: >>50004870

>coomer fantasies

>> No.50004802

I fell for it..

>> No.50004836
Quoted by: >>50005004

I'm sure if you got to know me you could figure it out anon!! I just like shooting the shit here.

>> No.50004870
Quoted by: >>50005315

Egg isn't the only Jetsgosling. He never was.

>> No.50004916

she has the music taste of a 18 year old RYM tranny. listening to crap like neutral milk hotel spread far beyond /mu/ years ago.

>> No.50004927

someone name a chuuba

>> No.50004952 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>50005001

/wvt/ should be autosaged as off topic. You fags only talk about viewers and everything except real vtubers

>> No.50004953


>> No.50005001
Quoted by: >>50005105

Define real vtuber

>> No.50005004

I don't care if you post or don't post here. Honestly if you don't post here you'll be less menhera

>> No.50005100

Why is kitanya doing summer theme when it's cold as balls in south Africa?
Does she not want to appear like a Christmas caroler?

>> No.50005105
Quoted by: >>50005135

Vtubers that actually stream and put some effort into it. Not viewers, not vtweeters not someone that streams just enough to pass the filter

>> No.50005135

>and put some effort into it
That disqualifies more people than you think.

>> No.50005181
File: 106 KB, 500x500, aruru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50005305


>> No.50005305
File: 319 KB, 461x492, 1683808182989022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50005419

Who would win in a fight?

My loli will beat the shit out of your loli!

>> No.50005315
Quoted by: >>50005416

he has the dominant gosling genes that's for certain

>> No.50005324
File: 676 KB, 3541x2508, 164464911401487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50005342
Quoted by: >>50005378

Why can't I get advertisements on kitanya VODs? I just want to support my oshi...

>> No.50005378
Quoted by: >>50005703

Sell one of your chickens rebel and use that money to sub to her

>> No.50005390
File: 134 KB, 720x712, Screenshot_20230523-173514_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50005416
Quoted by: >>50005467

He has terrible opsec is what he has.

>> No.50005419
File: 283 KB, 1800x1129, 1679544409361627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop right there, blonde succubus loli!

>> No.50005437

Problem with this wheel is that I don't know who the fuck 90% of them are, and it doesn't show their actual usernames so I can look them up reliably.

>> No.50005467 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, it was me jetsposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair I was the first one to doxx him since he was getting uppity

>> No.50005575
Quoted by: >>50005912

It's not hanabi just gael. Always the worst when it's gael because he asks who? for almost all chuubas and never does any research.

>> No.50005607
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, 1659478745237640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't show their actual usernames
yeah that's actually stupid. I don't know any other ghosties so I'm gonna assume this one means ghostimu.

>> No.50005662
File: 79 KB, 250x250, 1663391481652982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably means the hauntvania ghostie

>> No.50005703
Quoted by: >>50005767

I would rather not get into why that's not a option.

>> No.50005749

Why are all trannies mentally ill? And non mentally ill trannies.

>> No.50005767
Quoted by: >>50005806

Please do. I would love to hear it.

>> No.50005806

Hungry people. Bad opsec.

>> No.50005830
Quoted by: >>50006078

Gender dysphoria is literally a mental illness, I don't understand the question.

>> No.50005912

>give vauge fan nickname
>completely different to twitter/twitch
>expect me to know who they are

>> No.50005916
Quoted by: >>50006078

>Gender dysphoria and chock full of artificial hormones
Gee I wonder why

>> No.50006015

Spinning till my ego is quenched

>> No.50006078

No like why can't they act normal.

>> No.50006145

The ones you see online are terminally online. This isn't exclusive to trans people and there are lots of things wrong with them to begin with.

>> No.50006181

I feel like that's a stupid question. Most people's experience with trans people aren't ones you see in day to day life but rather terminally online trans people on twitter. I don't think terminally online are well adjusted in general

>> No.50006306
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