Threat Edition Last thread: >>49535905 Schedule: >Regis Altare >Magni Dezmond >Axel Syrios >Noir Vesper >Gavis Bettel >Machina X Flayon >Banzoin Hakka >Josuiji Shinri >OP Template >Songs playlist
>>OP/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.>1. Why not merge with /stars/?Thou shalt not override the discussion of thy neighbour.>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?It is not of our concern.>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?It is not of our concern.>4. Did you guys see the boys’ numbers?It is not of our concern.>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!Thy words do not belong in this temple.>8. You guys should split the thr—Thou shalt not.Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.
Ah gomen, double thread kek ignore mine this one is good
>>OPMake sure to do your playlist reps and leave a like on VODS! *chu*>HAKKA'S BIRTHDAY MERCH IS LIVE! (On sale until May 22th 18:00 JST)>April fools Situation Voice Packs still available!*&type=product>HQ/VG Acrylic Stands still live! (On sale until out of stock!)>Valentine's Situation Voice Packs still available!
>>49549026donmai i thought i was the only baker around
>>49549026MANS is healing
>>49548561Just go to >>>/g/ and check the OP for the aicg threads.
>>49548689Just a theory, could be something else he doesn't wont to disclose or the internet really did break and just took the chance to go outAnd he probably DID want to play WoW, just wasn't a priority>>49548616A lot of work for their 1 year Anniversary and other behind the scenes projects.please be patient with them
happy birthday eve to my beloved bulimic jester!!!!!!! i'm getting butterflies just thinking about the upcoming streams T_T
>>49549188I LOVE HIM
>>OPThanks for the bread>>49549004Amen
>Watch and love all 4 HQ guys>Give VG a chance >3 wasted slots and Bettel>Bettel’s fanbase is mostly creepy teenage girls that want him to watch Barbie moviesFeels bad.
>>49549135i believe his internet really did break on him and he probably really did want to do guerillas but guess something came up (mothers day/behind the scenes shit). usually vesper does keep his word about streams he wants to do when he explicitly says he wants to do them. if he's not 100% sure he adds the word maybe to his statements. im sure nothing terrible happened but he must be swamped with work
>>49549265This but with HQ
>>49549303Altventurer hivemind
>>49549100my husbands smacking my ass TOT
We do agree that the HQ song is better then the VG song right?
>>49549265creepy teenage girls... and ME
Birthday frames:
>>49549455>on top of the world became an instant tempus classic due to altare pushing it as much as possible>always tied got forgotten immediately
>>49549392I wrote this
>>49549455I only listen to the lofi versions, and the VG song is way better
>>49549455even flayon agreea
>>49549372 i'm an altmachi baker and i already had made the last thread with flay so my blue husband was next
>>49549556I forgot that it existed at all until it just randomly appeared on my playlist, it's impressive how forgettable it is!
>>49549308Yeah, he even mentioned his next stream in Bettels solo WoW chat, it's just funny timing as annoying as it is.
>>49549637You are ugly
>>49549639>altmachi bakerunfathomably based
>>49549686wow mean
>>49549316Who's the Bettel then?
>>49549638Same thing would've happen with on top of the world if it wasn't for Altare desu
>>49549126The Glizzy Gulper of Holostars English, everybody!
>>OPI just watched the Vesper and Daz hotsauce collab, I can see why people call ves the dad of the group,
>>49549675oh well. just really bad timing given this week is ripe for drama with him if he doesnt show his up at the gartic phone collab/join the Rust server yet shows up to the mori/kronii collab lol
>>49549743Yeah, both Altare and the BOYS saved the song, still not very good desu but I'll cry like a bitch when they perform it live
>>49549743Na, it has that Pop Anime OP energy, even if forgotten it would still sound good on re-listening
>>49548603I don't want to divulge too much of what she said to me even on a Xenokunian Yumevestieing forum but it sounds like she knows it's stupid and is just riding out the irrational monkey brain feels. A little bit "bruh" but I get it. I think we all have days our brain is being ridiculous sometimes.
>>49549788he enjoys watching his kids suffer?
>>49549909just like my dad fr fr
>>49549788cuuuuuuuute newfag, glad you are enjoying the greatest hits
>>49549829That's so dumb tho, he's has been in the last 2 full Tempus collabs along with 5 WoW streams with mostly VG in them.
>>49549481What's with the yellow poms poms?
>>49549831Honestly i think this fags that try to make everything about Leader are unironically antis trying to start shit.
>>49549788>got blushy during his monetization stream>got blushy during the magnoir sauce collabi think you just have a thing for hearing vesper grunt and burp anon
>>49549909Imagine not playing pranks on your kids.
>>49549578Did always tied lofi ever get uploaded? I remember looking for it after the song came out but I couldn't find it
>>49549743It’s just the boat part, rest of the song is forgettable
>>49550074not officially
>>49550085It’s practically begging for it, how can I not?
>>49550074 link to the mp3 that plays on the Tempus website
>>49549788If what this anon >>49550043 says is true, you should listen to his twitter spaces from dec/jan. I have links if you're interested. Also if you ever get a membership the zatsu that he took down and reuploaded there is good for drunk nowa noises.
>>49550270>>49550167thakn you chu
>>49550274I would be interested!
>still expecting Vesper to communicate well after everything that's happenedroru, rumao even
>altare bait didn’t work, so now vesper bait
>>49550318i hope it's a baseball cap
>>49550307i didnt expect anything. im still surprised at vesties thinking he would magically change suddenly at the age he's at. as long as he doesnt have another schizo episode like Japan idc what he does
Magmites going to momocon status?
>>49550304 ass phone mic, he's drinking in all of them I think, sneaking away from family to talk to us. The menshi zatsu im talking about is titled "DO NOT BE ALARMED!!! I've fled the country", would have to scroll a bit to see it but its one of the only ones with a different thumbnail because he's weird.
>>49549638>>49549743>>49549831All ya'll are poseurs, I didn't watch Altare's Top of the World stream and I still know all the lyrics by heart even listen to covers of TotW regularly TEMPUS UNITY Thai did it best btw:
>>49550379magmites stop being whores in public challenge IMPOSSIBLE
>>49550318Useless, probably
>>49550318We need that punching bag
Vesper cover next month?
>>49550353and of course the vesties do be biting
>>49550307>expecting Vesper to communicateHe tried...Failed, but tried!
>>49550318A mug or pen holder that’s shaped like his hat
>>49550400based and same
>>49550432Next week, I guess. He didn't want to release it last week because of Axel's Kickback, then this is Bettel's birthday and cover (???), so next week should be a safe bet
>>49550449we are the ones doing the baiting too
Guess who am I.Hint: I'm the most hinged member of Tempus
>>49550428there's only one bettel
>>49550318I hope it's a tiny Bettel voodoo doll or something to that effect
>>49550509STREAM WHORE
>>49549743His shilling is just too powerful. Cover truly struck gold when they picked him
>>49550400Same, Miori's one is pretty good too
>>49550509Jeffrey, when are you going to stream
im going to bet money Vesper will not stream tomorrow
>>49550549I was actually thinking of making myself a fucked up bettel doll out of felt just so I can have something to abuse
>>49550318Big fucking bath towel
>>49550379>>49550414I wonder if the person who went up to the stage for his and vesper;s AB panel with a magdaki is here
I want bettel bra so i can wear bettel on my tits
>>49550521my husband looks so beautiful
>>49550318that thing you use to blow up balloons, the magic handkerchiefs, juggling balls, Jerry figure
>>49550521God, Magni is such a whore
>>49550318Gavis Bobo doll.
>>49550735Maybe, but he has been more determined to keep on schedule recently (until last Saturday of course) and would probably do a Twitter space if need be.
is altare the only one who didn't release a cover on their birthday?
>>49550960t- tattootelion!?
>>49550945Just like the Wow guerrillas right haha I miss him so much I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown if I don't have my fix soon I really hope he's in the collab today
>>49550945 gut instinct is telling me its another bender rip
>>49551012>Vesper didn't release a cover on his birthday>Altare didn't release a cover on his birthdayTHEY ARE
>>49551012>>49551096Vesper didn't, but he did make his cover for his birthday, just took to long to get done
>>49551096oh yeah, I forgot he didn't release one too
>>49550521Shinri's the type to be initially bothered by patrons trying to sneak a peek down his chest but eventually gets used to it to the point where he subconsciously doesn't adjust his boobs flaps when they flop down and even feigns dropping things so he can bend over and give people a better view when he's particularly drunk.
i fucking love gavis bettel i can't take it anymore why did he do this to me
>>49551134Altare scrapped a cover once, was that for his birthday or just a random song he did
>>49551233Random song way before his birthday, wasn't satisfied with the end result
Altare Doko
>>49551278It’s sad but I can’t help laughing at the fact that his mom shat on it
>>49551302Still trapped in Yagoo's sex dungeon, maybe he'll let him out for tonight
>>49550043I mean for his Hotsauce collab it was cute to see how overly cautious and protective he was over daz
>>49551427That's true, good stream
Altare and Vesper are working things out behind the scenes so they can FINALLY schedule a hunt showdown collab together again
>>49551397fat fucks!!!!!!!
>>49551510Nooo, but my drama
>>49551344he’s never going to have the confidence to release anything if he doesn’t move
>>49551597Good thing he is looking for places already and has expressed interest on going back to covers, I believe in him!
>>49551597He use to live on his own, has he ever said when he is planning on moving back out?
>>49551510It'll be right after they can finally record the podcast with Nowa.
>>49551717when he’s financially stable enough is the answer he’s given
>>49551677That's good
When is Tempus going to cover ニホンノミカタ-ネバダカラキマシタ?
>>49551753…do we not have a normal altare cat edit? Is it only Baldtare?
HQ schedules when? where are these lazy whores
>>49551818Maybe Axel releases one, but he's talked about it already, Leader said he'll release one once he finishes his bts work. Nowa... who cares about his schedule, just look at the last one
i fucking love this bitch and his dog
I'm going to miss the beginning of my pilot's stream aiya...
>>49551427DEZmond, they call him Dez, cute new anon
>>49552141Are you the machiwife from earlier? I can give a recap of the first few hours or however long I can stay sober if you want.
>>49552057this pose is RAW SEX
>>49551597He’d already scrapped it long before he showed it to her
>>49552242Maybe they watch NijiEN and are scared of saying "deez".
>>49552246That'd be nice, yeah. drunk recap is also accepted
>>49552057Oh,,, are you back ToT
>>49552057Sex ToT
>>49552057based and same
>>49552057Oh shit it’s you, nice
>>49552342Cool just post when you're back from your outing. I'll try to make it as legible as possible, my sister in wifedom.
>>49552392i really want to draw more but no promises. its difficult to be a degen fujo with work and social life
who will be at the gartic phone collab tonight?
Altare's stuttery Dracula cute...
>>49552576i will thank you anon chu
>>49552785everyone except altare and vesper are confirmed
I want vesper to stream :3
You better shit on Altare for missing Bettel’s birthday after shitting on Vesper for missing poker
>>49552906You just jinxed it, his ISP will die and he won't be able to host the collab
>>49552835Aw, anything for the sisterwives!
>>49553077imagine bettel's birthday gartic and it's everyone in tempus except bettel just drawing memes about him
>>49553074I'm going to shit on vesper for missing the gartic phone collab
Even though I avoided the homos like a plague, even though I never clicked on any of their videos, I was gifted a membership to the most faggot looking one of them all, fuck my life I guess.BUT, I am generous and accepting man. So this membership don’t go to waste, I am willing to give your homo, Magni Desmond a chance. So now, recommend me his best videos that might make a straight man interested in him.And remember, I am a straight man. Don’t recommend me shit like “ASMR licking your butthole” type of faggotry. I want an experience that feels I am hanging with my bros, not with faggots who want to fuck my asshole. If your recommendation let me enjoy your homo, I might be willing to continue the membership with my own money. Now, it’s your chance
>>49550960>aesthetic normalfag copout instead of something obvious like the magmite tattoosbettelheads are lame like their oshi
>>49552521"oh shit it's you" lol>>49552765mood even though I have even less of a life
>>49553207Man I wish Magni did butthole licking ASMR. Or any ASMR in general
>>49553234virgin vague symbol tattoo vs chad magmite tattoo
>>49553207Stop being such a woman and just pick one that looks interesting to you
>>49552322I don't watch NijiEN, no.
>>49553207Magni has hot gay sex with everyone
>>49553207If you wanna feel like watching a straight man try his witcher stream, he gets horny about titties. That's what straightbros do, right? Talk about titties?
>>49553207watch the alchemist's prologue stream, it's dense with lore
>>49553207That's crazy since you have to manually turn on accept gift subs from each channel.
>>49553207maybe try suicide instead
>>49553207You can say you enabled gifts to check out their contents, your're safe here my child
>>49553207Hey if you don’t continue his memshi, can you turn off “accepting membership gifted”? I want to increase my chance. Thanks
im so bored nigga
>Stream delayed>AGAINHe really be hating us ;_;
>>49553569Gomen~~ it's been so long I actually forgot he did that kek :3c
>>49553516i'm so sorry hopefully he will at least come to gartic for your grandpa micro dose
>>49553516masturbate nigga
>>49553600for that one anon who keeps complaining about never watching flayon because he's always overlapping
>>49553074>>49553180People, please!We can shit on everyone equally, no reason to choose
so deathly bored im watching the red haired nigga
I love how he wasn't even gonna stream the new Zelda but thanks to him giving it a shot he opened up to the idea and is streaming it twice this week which he rarely if ever does for gamesCute Flay opening up
a... penis ??
>>49553207Hands down, this one
he doesn't care that the semen demon is on the screen anymore
>>49553780He decided to owns it like a Mans
>top left, bottom left, or KINO
the shota's autism is soothing my ojiless brain.. oh no..
>Darkens monitor>Turns off lights>Gotta be Immersive!Hes just like me...My Flay husband....
flayon taking 500 years to set up the ultimate immersive experience is literally me fr
I'm a straight male vestie but I have this fantasy where me and vesper become best bros and he slowly catches feelings for me. Eventually he works up the courage to confess his feelings to me and I have to gently reject him and tell him I'm just not into men but we can still be friends. And forever after that the friendship has a tense air where I can tell vesper is trying to not make me uncomfortable about the fact he has a homo crush on me, but I slightly tease him about the fact and I can tell deep inside him there's a slight bit of hurt even though he still enjoys our time together.
i just remembered he doesn't have the paraglider yet
>>49554035okay this is the cutest post
>>49554035this is very cute but also kinda sus
>>49549829I think Vesper's internet problems only relate to streaming. He just has enough bandwidth to join in but not enough to stream without it lagging or cutting off.
>>49553074Bro...Altare joined Hakka's birthday from the other side of the world in a hotel lobby, I think he can miss one birthday collab if he is too busy
flayon's being really extra cute today ToT
>>49554035i think you want to fuck him anon
He keeps talking about love and marriageits not fair....
the NPM (naurs per minute) on this stream is very high
struggling to write the recap hes so fuckign cute omfg
>>49554035That's fucked up man
>>49554459recap>flayon adorable and kissable
>>49554035This is way too anon....that fantasy is not fun....
>>49554207If it's just talking on discord, yesIf there's more to it, no
>>49554035Are you the guy that gave him the PS5
>>49554413Vesper turning out all these straight boys..dunno how to feel..
chances he goes the entire stream without doing the main story?
>>49554699that bussy is immaculate
>>49554756I finally get to use this
Must concentrate on Flayon...Must not think of Vesper...Thoughts are intrusive...Ve... do.... ahhhh..
Fortnite collabs are no more
he plays botw like me. just fuck around on the field all day accomplishing nothing and dying a thousand idiotic deaths
>>49554692>ywnb the man Nowa is obviously pining for and talks about wistfully while wishing you never got married so he could spend more time with youI may as well be dead now
>>49550318I unironically would like a deck of card with the Tempus boys representing the 50 and the 2 Jokers being Bettel
>>49555040Nowa x Buddy...the unrequited love of the century...
>>49553481>>49553485Know what, yeah, this is right. That anon is gay-curious. Getting a membership does require some effort, including being in a stream at some point.
>>49555085Buy a deck of cards, print out the best fanart you can find, and glue prints of the art to the cards
Imagine Vesper pinning you down and forcing you to admit that you may not be as straight as you initially expected.
i'm so scared i just realized we're getting new senzakimama birthday art and a voice pack for birthday merch i'm going to pass away tonight my heart can't take it i love him so much i need to track him down and run him over
>>49554827oh no, what ever will Dezmond do~
>>49555189vesojis u doin alright?
...Can't he just heal himself somehow?
>>49555355unless he has a fairy on hand no. he's still at that stage where he's getting ohko'd by everything.
>>49555355his max health is low enough that most things will one shot him anyway
>>49555355he is healed, a lot of mobs one-shot early game
>>49555416Hate the 3 heart stage of Zelda and lv5 tackle/tail whip spam stage of Pokemon frfr
>>49555323>nowa withdrawal causes homoerotic thoughts in the vesojisinteresting.
>>49553377Magni literally gets kissed by (You) in that which will instantly make that straightbro close the tab.
>>49555498I love it, im doing a challenge run in my game so I love the masochism
>>49554756menhera bussy be hitting different
>>49555528Thank you for warning me. I had put it in the watch later list with the other two recommendations I got besides mindless idiots taking everyshit as a laughing matter. I didn’t want to accidentally kiss a guy even if it was fictional and forced upon me.
where the fuck is Vesper
>>49555528STOP DON'T RUIN IT
>>49555528Now look at what you've done...
>>49555657rape ToT
>>49555528I-I didn't close out.
>>49555841Cute anon....
>>49555667Either at home or at parents home
>>49555657To be fair Magni put it out as a vote and of course chat picked the kiss option>>49555841Bro... You had (implied) sex with Magni...
>>49555841it's so over for your heterosexuality
>>49555667locked in my bedroom having his prostate milked by met. straight male vestie
>>49555923Now Bettel will be forced to stick around for 2 years minimum, just like Magni!
Sisters, you have to stop larping as straight men.
>yeah sex is good
>>49555945It's not even implied, he later asks if he was just a quick fuck to (You)
>>49556054>>49556059MAMA IS A WHORE
>>49556054>>49556059>yeah sex is goodliteral whore
>>49556054>>49556059BASED AND TRUE
>>49556054>>49556059koiyume status?
>>49556054>>49556059Mama’s had sex….
>>49556054Who could possibly think Shinri is a virgin?>>49556057Right. I'm still amazed Mane-san never got on his ass for that but I guess membership streams are mostly safe from being reviewed.
>>49556054>>49556059No… my idol dream…
>>49555667in kronii's reverse rape dungeon
>>49556105Sweetie, the rice test
>>49556167>reverse rapewdhmbt?
>>49556118>Who could possibly think Shinri is a virgin?That delusional person?me
>>49556238Did you miss his purity test result?
>>49556167It's just called rape, even when a girl does itEquality!
>>49556291I'm so used with Selen arts after the TSB arc and visiting /haha/ some times that I thought that was Selen and her thicc tail
>>49556105isn't this how it works with idols?women are more desirable when they are virginsmen are more desirable when they are experienced
>>49556336anybody that’s had sex is undesirable
Someone link his Rice Purity Test result tweet please
>>49556336Idols are pure and seiso
>>49556291made for facesitting (me)
>>49556336BS, I only wont crusty old wizards,those are the best idols!
>>49556336anybody that hasn’t had sex is undesirable
>>49556420that's literally just vesper and only vesper
>>49556057Good times. That, him dropping that he wanted to draw his own lewds and rally horny artists under his own NSFW tag, and Axel showing himself browsing /MANS/ were some of the biggest AYOOOOOO???!!!!! moments that really stick out in my mind here.
>>49556420>he believes vesper is a virginanon...
>>49555657Dude watch Axel and Magni's drunk zatsu if you wanna have a bro moment
>>49556336no people who can't get anyone to fuck them reassure themselves with this cope
>>49556370>>49556446when will you fucks learn that sex is overrated and attaching value to sex is worse than the homo erectus and neanderthals before us?
>i have sex all the time>let me tell you about how overrated it is
>>49556533bold of you to assume I'm not homo erectus right now
>>49556479Vesper stating that he has fake orgasaming as well
>>49553207Jesus what leads a person to become like this? I thought I was insecure but after reading this I think I feel a lot better.
>>49556586I need more clownfish
>>OPSo, I've been out of the loop for almost an year and now I'm catching up with a lot of clips of what I lost.Tempus is surprisingly fun.Seems like Kronii, specially, had a fuckton of fun with the boys collabs, like the therapy session and mario party.And Now I find this thumbnail.Please, I'm dying to know, how did the community react at the time?
>>49556489>>49556592no, but he's on his second virginity if that counts
>>49556533when will you fags learn that people shitpost on this basket weaving forum
>>49556371Didn't a fair amount of anons here score above 90
>>49556659really? how cute...
>>49556659you hold hands with one person and get docked like 10 points
>the idol showdown dev is still in flay's chatcute
>>49556586best tweet ever
>>49556592i almost forgot about this kek wonder who was the poor guy he faked it for
>Flay making some sort of hot air balloon>Just jumps off for no reason>DiesWhat was the plan
I love my stupid pilot :)
>>49553207It's preferable if you don't watch him and stay out of this thread, actually. Let your membership run out too, it's fine. I'll personally gift a few people to make up for it.
>>49556730oh god bettels had sex too
>>49556659I scored a 95...
>>49556796bettel yumes on suicide watch
>"isn't he cute i wanna shoot off his scales"
>>49556730he would find my g spot eventually!
>>49556291Disgusting. I'm blocking this artist.
>>49553207Have you watched Judge Magni? Also I really like his sims4 streams
>>49556659I think I scored 45
>>49556796THEY ALL HAVEThe only virgin is Axel and that's just because he is literally still a child
are Axel, Hakka, and Flayon the only pure members left..
>>49556796No, this can't be...
>>49556659i got like 10 less than shinri, im a fucking harlot
>>49556903>Hakka, and Flayonrumao
>>49556894>Axel has had less sex than Vesper of all peoplei can fix him
>>49556336I'm being honest and serious when I ask this but why do I keep seeing this shitpost everywhere? Is it one person or do men actually believe this shit one retard made up and are spreading it? I've been on 4chan for years but I've never seen a shitpost like this. Where did it come from?
>>49556939Hakka has already confirmed this
>>49553207Niggas really look at a guy and think about gay sex
Do I still count as a virgin if I got touched as a child?
>>49556964>why do I keep seeing this shitpost everywhere?> I've never seen a shitpost like this.pick one schizo
>>49556796It was with the 40 y/o guy on WoW that groomed him
>>49556903Idk about Axel but I have bad news about the others…
>FLays Battery just beeped low>My batter just beeped lowWE AREEEEEE
>>49556980Hakka FUCKS
>>49556984My condolences anon, hope the bastard got caught
>>49556819idk experienced retards are the best kind of non virgins. this makes him a thousand times hotter to me
>>49556984In my book yes
literal guild of whores
>>49556796aaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped
>>49556291tits too big
>>49557001I mean I've never seen a shitpost like this before in all my years of being on this website until I came to this board, sorry I didn't clarify every single word. And how am I the schizo and not the weirdo with some sort of delusional harem fantasy?
>Unironic sex-having whores in /MANS/
>>49556796Of course he did, he just off-collabed with Magni
As a man i think sex havers are SO GROSS
>>49556796do you think he honks a clown horn when he cums
I just want to cuddle and hug him so bad
>>49557111like oshi like fan
>>49557111The women here have no self-respect and would gladly keep watching men who have whored themselves out to others.
>>49556592Yo, I missed that, when was that?
>>49557164He squeezes the flower on his breast pocket to give you a facial
As a woman i think sex havers are SO GROSS
>>49557175dingo was made for roughly snuggling him into bed after a long day of recording and doing his /fit/ rep!
>still thinking they are virgins>when there is 98% for each of them to be selected to satisfy the needs of some old japanese man during Cover's bussiness meetings
>>49557192the only fun part about fucking virgin men is teaching them. for actual enjoyable sex that doesnt take months of learning guys with experience are better.
>>49557192Wrong, I'm saving my virginity for when me and my oshi consummate our marriage.
>>49557164Do you think his bellend is like a clown nose?
>>49556624oh buddy, where to begin…
>>49557250what the fuck
>>49557111>Score 45>Only had two partners and don't do hook ups>Don't do drugs or get in trouble with the lawSometimes we just get into relationships with really kinky people without knowing till later. I'm a male however.
>>49557280Male hands typed this
>>49557261Yeah, but Shinri takes it upon himself to protect the other boys by giving up his body to the businessmen and fulfilling their every desire. Why do you think his purity score is so low...
>>49557280please kys
>>49557021he DOESN'T
>>49556291Tits too big but I would still bury my face in them
This is a Whore Guild, so everyone must be a whore, simple as
>>49557225Don’t larp as a women anon. Women are naturally attracted to men who had sex, because it demonstrates power and popularity, and women loves to be dominated by powerful men. Men on the other hand, hate whore women, since they like their women to be faithful to them only. Optimal men should have sex with multiple people while optimal women save their chastity for the right man.
>>49557304Kek, I can only imagine.There's another thread on the board where I asked the same question let's see if any anon takes the endeavor and tell me tale. >>49523783
>being experienced in sexBro, you literally put your dick in and out of a hole. There's nothing to learn. How hard can this be.
>>49557164god I need to find that disaster fanservice greentext again
>>49557280Wrong. You could never understand the love of a shy, insecure, anxious virgin. It's not for you.
>>49557384>you will never be Leader's heal slutToT
>Vesper will never princess carry youwhy even live bros...
Too many unpure anons itt ew
>100% Had sex and continues to do soMagniShinri>100% Had sex but hasn't gotten any in a whileAltareBettelFlayonHakka>Has never had sexAxel>Sworn celibacyVesper
>>49557256Gods I want that so bad
>>49557192Damn straight!
Anons itt could never make it as idols. You SLUTS
>>49557495flayon had sex but swears to never do it again
>>49557426It isn’t the act of sex that’s important. It’s the waltz of social plays mixing into perfect harmony. As a man, you should always be dominating, never falter to a women tease, while a women should always try to be hard to reach, masking her feelings, so it’s more fulfilling when the man pulls the layer off and reveal her sensitive secret
>>49557250fucking kek this is too accurate
>>49557409it was unfortunately not really a “fun” reaction and was more of a “schizoid meltdown” reaction. the blue boy (altare) got death threats and harassment for months because he made kronii laugh while playing with her with fucking slapstick comedy.
>>49557495Flayon is waiting until marriage you heathen
>>49557495Shinri is horny 98% of the time and wails about how lonely he is, so I think he has been deprived of it for a while
>>49557495Vesper is the biggest whore of them all.
i wish at least one of them was a nerdy loser with no experience... sluts are gross
>>49557484how new
>>49557580he really is. he hinds behind the wizard cope but he's a whore who hates the commitment
>>49557484I find men who have sex to be the most disgusting creatures to ever exist on planet earth. They should all be pure virgins who have never talked to another female in their life if they want to even look in my direction.
>>49557571what is it about this autist that makes both men and women lust for him. me included
>>49557562He's not going to marry you sis
>>49557639youd love me anon but im gay
>>49557220either the 1st or 2nd VA-11 Hall-A stream'll try to find it
>>49557639jesus please go back to /cbdct/
>>49557164i've been thinking about this all week. i need to hear his retarded clown honking mid passionate sex.
>>49557738He was literally me...
>>49557538Damn, who would've guess that western fans would be worser unicorns than the japs even.What's the preditction? Are the new collabs this week gonna make waves too?
>>49557409The first one was a disaster because it was the first time Kronii would collab with them and had a bunch of unicorns and shitposters. It was with Altare and Vesper and while it was fun, a bunch of schizos went after Altare like anon said >>49557538Then she handled it in a very bad way till she decided to do whatever she wanted that even Cover put up an announcement where they said they supported the decisions of their talents and would fight harassment against them. Right now just few shitposter still like to fight about this collabs and say Vesper wants to fuck her, but it has been better
>>49557686niche gap moe appeal thats highly potent if you're able to understand it
>>49557821expect some shitposting but the people who had cared at this point have fucked off. so it’s not too bad
>>49557639I hope that you don't go schizo if Flayon collabs with a woman in the future. If you do please make sure to traumadump in >>>/vt/cbdct/ instead of here.
>>49557389Pretty sure the women here are naturally attracted to pushing jesters down flights of stairs and sniffing old man armpits. God, haven't you been studying at all?
>>49557820I see, thanks for the update fren.
>>49557738Someone bring him back to life and have him be in the next Holostars gen.
>>49557686Because it’s all deliberate. He’s trying to sound like a bro while also applying a subtle hot women vibe into his voice, which results into attracting males (using hot women voice) and females (using his bro voice that sounds he will be a good bro for an alpha men, this association with alpha men make him irresistible to women)
>>49557389The menhera in me is too convinced that any experienced man wouldn't have any real interest in me over any other woman who is clearly better than me in every way.
>>49557981>Vesper has a hot woman voicewords i never thought i'd hear together
All I magni stream or do I sleep
>>49557783>>49557897Heeee~ doushite, anon-kun? Can't you take a little joke? Why so bothered? Are you not pure and wholesome virgins?
>>49558067Nonsense. As long as you are submissive and saving your chastity for the perfect man, he will appear in your life
>>49556054>>49556059Shinri has talked about and taught his chat how to strangle someone during sex no one should be surprised
Did the Teamup Anon go on vacation or something? We don't have everyone's schedules but we're missing some streams here.
>>49558067Sister, you need some confidence in yourself.
>>49553207What kind of retarded nonsense are you on aboutAnd the people giving serious answers to this.....
>>49558156menhera bussy strikes once again
>>49558082Not only am I a virgin but I have no interest in ever having sex until androids that can be accurately dressed up like fictional characters become real.
>>49558066I never said that. What I SAID he have a subtle hint of a hot,. older woman vibe in his voice. It’s hardly detectable but if you know enough about gay men tricks to lure straight men, you will notice it too
>>49558156>Vesper voted one of the cutest holostars among male viewers>highest male viewership in Tempus>anons turning gay for himhow does he do it
All the Bettel birthday stuff is so cute and it bums me out I couldn't finish mine because Iife is hell.
Why do you do this old man?When will we stop listening to your lies???
>>49558288>if you know enough about gay men tricks to lure straight menTell me more about these tricks. This kissless virgin needs them.
>>49558320>weI stopped 5 months ago, you do you
>>49556592>>49556643>>49556688>>49557220here it is!
>>49558320>Believing in anything TEMPUS says
>>49558288shit seems like i need to do my research
>>49558320He's gonna be in today garthic phone stream right...???>inb4 Magni:"sorry guys Vesper couldnt make it tonight"
>>49558425Thanks anon! I was just hoping for a vague timeframe but you went above and beyond!
>>49558425based thanks for finding it!
>>49558282Still weird to seethe so hard at a fun post and shill an unrelated thread...
i love his cursing and him explaining some of the loz lore, i wanna cuddle up next to him and listen to him for hours
>>49558384When you learn them, you need to use them on the anon with the fantasy of friendzoning Vesper's bro crush
>>49558384Not gonna help more faggots like you take advantage of guys like us. Fuck off
>>49558425he's such a whore why is he like this
>>49558623too late anon you’ve already been infected
>Flayon is streaming>Fujosisters post the gayest shit possible with zero stream discussionName a more iconic pair.
>>49558289>>49558425Bear, Woods, requisite crap
>>49558709nigga it’s all vesties crying because they they miss daddy
seeing him try to get around without a glider is pretty fun
>>49558762>Shinri discussion ignored
>>49556796Yeah with me
>>49558709nigga i literally just posted how i wanted to cuddle with him, read the fucking room
>>49557164I would actually laugh so hard if he did that during sex
I love this guy like you wouldn't believe!!! He's my favourite!!! Axel did a menshi ASMR last night and, oh-! He has such a wonderful surprise for us, I swear that I felt my heart burst! He's so sweet on us. I want to thank him so much for doing that- so cute. I know this guy's just busy a lot of the times, or it just slips his mind, so I'm always happy to patiently wait for the next menshi, but, yeah. It's always feels nice to see him there, or to read anything he posts. Either way! Menshi or not, I'm just happy that I have the chance to see this guy!!! Axel's got a lot of fun things planned for us, and will be involved in a lot more too! Ah, this is a bit random and late, but it was nice to hear that Axel had a good Mother's day! It was his treat, something that he does a lot, actually, and took the whole family out. And I hope that the rest of you guys did too! Ahh, but for real- Axel's just a selfless guy, I can't help but respect him for all the things he does for his friends and family. I just hope all the goodwill and love he puts onto others is brought back to him two-fold!!! I just adore him, I don't know. I hope that he's always having fun with what he does, and it always sounds like he is, which is a blessing. I wish him good quality sleep, and nothing but the best foods. Keep cool out there- stay happy and healthy Axel!!AXEL LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This level of Flay-way surpasses all other ways I've seen playing this game.Gliders in games were a mistake 200%
>>49558425I remember he also said he would fuck this character in a motel room and asked the price or something KEK
>>49558872anon's already admitted to making shitposts randomly accusing people of not watching streams for the (you)s. No use arguing.
>>49558910I hate you, axelyume. But I respect you.
>>49558289he cute :3
>>49558807The real "Support the cause" woman...
>>49558872You are the execption.>>49558984Keep seething fujosister, you know I'm right.
4 more hours till the collab:, we're not going to respond to bait about Altare and/or Vesper missing it, are we...?
>>49558981Now I need a clip for that, ToT!!!
>homophobes are seething in a sausagefest-branch again
>>49558990he's menhera like a girl which turns off women and straight men but attracts certain type of gays like a moth to a fly
>>49558988Yeah that's fair. I don't hate you though, and never will! I don't really consider myself a yume to be honest. I just love him a lot. Also here is a kiss if you want to accept it, chu~!
very nice
>>49559076I have the Altare slap image ready dw Altare has been liking things on twt tho so I think he will join, maybe
>>49559164>moth to a flykek
>>49559164>a moth to a fly
>>49559076I'm already leaving this wretched place before the collab so I can enjoy in peace no matter who does or doesn't show up
>>49559166I-Its not like I wanted your kisses or anything... b-baka...
>>49559200>> embarrassed enough...
>>49559182Good, I didn't see that he liked Shinri's tweet already.So its only Vesper MIA at the moment, sill will cause drama, but thats normal, lol
you bitches are cringe BIRD OF TELLY FOR THE PAST 10 MINS
>>49559285tbf he's not much for twitter anyways but yeah im expecting drama
Man what the fuck is Machi doing
>>49559076No but I will shitpost about it for my own amusement hoping to get Vesplings to come out of their hidey hole.
>>49558513im on mobile so I can’t link properly>1:21:08 he talked about it again in his latest twitch vod too but my gift sub just ran out so scrubbing is impossible
>>49559344evolving Only issue is he still thinks the flamethrowers give thrust lol
>>49559206I'm laughing but I like the mental image of a fly having a bunch of gay moths come up to him and being really confused (the moths are also confused but they're into it)
>>49559261If you don't want them then should I double them and give it to somebody else?
>>49558910Surprised you were able to listen, I thought you would be too overwhelmed about more serious asmr, what with the heartbeats and stuff kek. I hope Axel's content keeps you happy for a long time. Especially last weekend. Love you, little axelotl. You're a strong one, patpat~
Ya'll ever lose your phone before?
>>49559344he doesn't have the paraglider so he's trying to get around in the most ass backwards ways
This bratty jester keeps spamming my twitter notifications tonight, he deserves pegging correction
>>49559470>peggingHolostar members were made to be enjoyed by MEN!
>>49559508Fine, I can share my stap-on with the men, too.
>>49559427i stand corrected, couldn't see that in the sea of bait
>>49559508I'll french him while getting pegged by kronii
>>49559285>liked Shinri’s tweetThat is the drama, these men won’t hide that they’re whores
>>49559408I actually miss those guys. They were funny.
>>49559370"you can do a lot with two fingers"best chat response
>Bird plane just waving around in place>Tries to jump on it>Slides out from under himI'm crying
Starting to see where machi's brain reaches it limit and struggles to understand something...very cute~
>>49559670precious. flay molests gramps that night ToT
he likes this
>>49559725STOP RIGHT THERE FILTHY FUJO!! Vesmachi are STRICTLY platonic and none of your delusions can stop reality,
>>49557473why live
>>49559810cuuuute, your art is love>>49559701im struggling to understand what he's doing
>>49559412I'm not that weak, or maybe I am!! Besides, I'd never miss an Axel stream if I can help it! Though, it did feel. Weird. I don't really listen to ASMR so I don't know!!! I'm just happy to be there!Thank you. I. Hm. I don't actually know what to say, but thank you- I hope your days are always blessed. I love you too, chu~!
>>49559701Sometimes I wonder how the boys feel when every action they ever take is called cute, lol. This is even judging because I'm just as guilty of calling everything cute, but they're probably like wat
>>49559810this is cute
>>49559789Of course he does
>>49558910primo axelotl kowai... dingo kowai... i couldn't even handle the menshi and im glad it was so short because if it hadn't thEN MY SPAGHETTIS WILL FKING BURST AAAAAAAAAA THATS AN ACTUAL BFE AND IT WAS MY FIRST HOW DARE HEI HOPE YOU AND YOUR OSHI HAVE A DELICIOUS WARM MEAL TODAY
>>49559866 (me)isn't*
>>49559701it's very relatable i love him so much
>>49559866I think they’ve all been around women and know what they’re like
Hello guys...i will be joining tonight for the boys collab since mommy Fauna is gone uuuuu
>>49559975hello vespling, enjoy your refuge
>>49559810Cute, but anon i'm a straight man, how can I self-insert!?
>>49559849he cant propel the glider, so he was trying to use "rewind" to put it back in a state where it was always flying, but wasn't quite fully getting the rules of it (like trying to rewind the rewind) but he still was able to figure out a way in the end>>49559866Yeah my friend calls me out for saying things are cute too much/ different kinds of "cute" I try to explain but he never gets it...
>>49559958Yeah but that multiplied by however many people in the audience they have, multiplied again by the level of fan obsession not seen in normal people they interact with IRL