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49511344 No.49511344 [Reply] [Original]

One loves her viewers, the other one doesn't.
Can you guess who?

>> No.49511753
Quoted by: >>49518203

Gura wouldn't be able to make a joke at the expense of her chat without you guys pissing and shitting your pants

>> No.49511803

the majority of this board is deeply autistic so they probably can't

>> No.49512023

One abandoned her viewers, the other was abandoned by hers
Weird how that works

>> No.49512962
Quoted by: >>49516391

Ame's made me laugh.

Gura went on to say, "Without you, there would be no me."
But don't mistake that to think you are entitled to her personal life and tell her what her job is. She's pretty good at keeping that out. I still laugh at all the seething when they demanded more tweets: "I eat Borgar."

>> No.49512964

Ame loves her viewers, Gura don't. It's frustrating are the top 2 HoloMyth are lazy whores and yet people still watch them.

>> No.49513317
File: 95 KB, 850x850, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49517380

>Top 2 HoloMyth
Do teamate really?

>> No.49513342

good joke cuckmate. also you could only blame your own kind for this.

>> No.49513969

>"clout chasing wigger good, don't trust the haters"
>I don't know another steamers who stream way more than this hack or its just that they don't belong to the blue doritos corpo

please stick with Tempiss/NijiEN and never come back

>> No.49514539
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>> No.49515222
Quoted by: >>49516322

Chumbuds will come up with any cope to fool themselves into believing that Gura loves them. Never mind her tendency to disappear for weeks to months at a time, as long as she resurfaces once in a blue moon to say I love you before going AWOL again.

>> No.49515287

the one that streams regularly

>> No.49515838
Quoted by: >>49515975

>One loves her viewers, the other one doesn't.
Wrong, both don't like their viewers as people (but they do like the money so here's a contradiction).

>> No.49515975
File: 78 KB, 637x900, 1679752611737390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49516170

>SC off.
>Ame please just accept our SC, you don't need to read it, it is free money with zero effort.
>SC is still off.

>> No.49516038

>Can you guess who?
Well you can tell that Gura doesn't since she barely streams or Tweet :)

>> No.49516170
Quoted by: >>49517273

If she does that sometimes it would confirm that they don't worry about numbers.

>> No.49516322
Quoted by: >>49516745

Chumchuds are still coping at this point thinking Gura will re-sign her contract in Sept. At this point she's just coasting waiting for the big fat paycheck from the Holoconnect concert before fucking off permanently.

>> No.49516391
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Quoted by: >>49516862

>people wanted her to tweet more because they felt entitled to her life!
That's a really weird spin on people wanting to know why she keeps doing this "infinity breaks and then comes back and begs for money chu chu luv u" shit.

>> No.49516745
Quoted by: >>49517736

I'm betting she probably will extend her contract because Gawr Gura the character is now too valuable to just throw away, so both her and Cover get millions just for selling merch. No reason for her to quit when she can just stream once a month and make six figures anyways.

>> No.49516862

It's usually just the mods, don't mind them.

>> No.49517273

Ame is actually anti-numbers for some godforsaken reason

>> No.49517327

Not surprising went they had someone like Omega in charge.

>> No.49517380

>tako can't read because of chronic SEAinatius

>> No.49517574

I used to like Ame a lot, but lately, she's only been roasting her chat lol

>> No.49517620

She's just trying to Gaslight herself since EN is reclining really hard lol.

>> No.49517736
Quoted by: >>49520002

This. What incentive does Gura have to quit? She would still need to find work elsewhere whether it be streaming or a real job. Why would you do that when your current gig is literally easy mode.

>> No.49518203

did you forget the tempiss "improve yourself" arc? she did that out of spite, not because she was grateful towards her audience

>> No.49518378

>everything she does that I do not like is made out of personal spite towards me!
>I don't have enough emotional intelligence to imagine other people don't see things like I do
psychopathic and autistic, sad

>> No.49518618

Funny if you consider she didn't go further than that either.

>> No.49518645

She's not wrong though.

>> No.49518675

Gura is a lazy little shit but somewhere in her heart she is grateful people put up with her shit. Ame just wants to have a Twitch style audience, she doesn't want people calling her cute or cheering her on or anything she just wants the full spam twitch chat shit and randomly lashing out at the audience to which they respond with more spam.

>> No.49518843

Truly a chat improvement kek

>> No.49518844

I think its extremely unfair for Ame that OP didn't use the improvement pic

>> No.49518952

She should do something for twitch chat to react to if she wants them to act up

>> No.49519025

The only numbers Ame cares about is if her vod ends in all 0s or if it has funny number like 69

>> No.49519362

>Can you guess who?
the one that streams

>> No.49519485
Quoted by: >>49519600

>what is teasing?
>what is banter?

>> No.49519600

She doesn't know what are numbers so maybe it has to do with that.

>> No.49519630

I wouldn't be surprised if Gura has crippling social anxiety and that's why she hasn't been stream. Also, Ame loves the Teamates but if you want it a level higher than that in Myth, become KFP. They get so much attention/interaction from Kiara.

>> No.49519693

>>49519630 (me)
been streaming*
Anyway, yeah. I guess IRyS and Bae are friendly with their fans too. Don't know about the rest of Council, I don't watch them.

>> No.49519717

>they're tsunderes
That brand of autism doesn't sell the same.

>> No.49520002
Quoted by: >>49520353

While I agree with you, a certain someones tweet last year shows that she would still have an audience outside HoloEN. Would it be as big as her current self? Probably not, but she wouldn't be doing bad neither.

>> No.49520353

Holy shit I didn't know she tweeted.

>> No.49520783
File: 33 KB, 354x202, ame you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than play in to your fanbase wars I will just make the point that you are a retard for implying Ame doesn't care, Ame, who spent new years with her fans every year since she started streaming, christmas streams too. Ame who turns her supas off when she wants to be lazy because she doesn't want to take peoples money without reading them. Ame who has done her best to provide some kind of event stream for ALL fanbases around every major occasion for the first 2 years and is still helping out whenever other members need something. Yeah, that one surely doesn't care.

>> No.49521753

generic thank you vs friendly banter

>> No.49523600


>> No.49525140

trick question

>> No.49525163

Do you not understand banter
