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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 372 KB, 531x735, 1683604535731399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49425554 No.49425554 [Reply] [Original]

'ruckin' time!

>> No.49425602
File: 200 KB, 1124x1893, 1683999056422246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49425832

remember to love your Mori

>> No.49425641
Quoted by: >>49425853

I get its 7pmori time but are we getting a schedule at all ? Chadcast isn't at 7 so hopefully she does one

>> No.49425775
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49425803
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>> No.49425832

I never forget

>> No.49425853
Quoted by: >>49426055

No, it's going to be 7pm PST same as it was

>> No.49425918
File: 375 KB, 2048x1280, 1683877743602940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you'll be able to remember mori 50 years from now?

>> No.49426015

Unless I get dementia or alzheimer's, pretty hard to forget my wife

>> No.49426055

Huh? Thats what I said I know she's doing 7pm normal now but a schedule for what's she's playing or collabs that's not at that time would be nice to know (aka chadcast)

>> No.49426109
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, 1614116215963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49426179

What would be the embroidered Quote on a Mori trucker hat?

>> No.49426298

Mori should play Signalis.

>> No.49426544
Quoted by: >>49427707

Mori should play Pong

>> No.49426777
Quoted by: >>49427707

Mori should play Stellaris

>> No.49427193
Quoted by: >>49427707

Mori should play Wild 9

>> No.49427246
Quoted by: >>49427707

Mori should play Killer 7

>> No.49427286

Mori should play Red Dead Redemption

>> No.49427380

This one it seems like an obvious choice for her dunno why it hasn't happened yet

>> No.49427646

We should be getting a holo yoi soon since she's back which is nice

>> No.49427707
File: 2.02 MB, 1982x1027, 1659188197367694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49429567


>> No.49427710

Shit takes long. Also horse posting.

>> No.49427743

Mori should play one of the Nintendo platformers

>> No.49427851

Mori should play with my balls while she works my shafts.

>> No.49427911

Mori should play ______The Game______.

>> No.49428065
File: 661 KB, 1080x1080, B1C811B6-321B-4006-A2E7-75733A916F49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49428066
Quoted by: >>49428188

Kiara said that Mori wants to get a skeleton horse in zelda

>> No.49428136

Mori should squeeb

>> No.49428185
Quoted by: >>49428236

Horse posting is dead, it's the ultimate sheriff mori game

>> No.49428188
Quoted by: >>49428274

Kiara was riding a deadbeat on stream

>> No.49428190

Mori should have nonstop sex with me

>> No.49428225

Horse shit is dead. It's literally reduced one person on this board doing it now since he uses the same file names.

>> No.49428236

we're about car sex now

>> No.49428274

Yeah me

>> No.49428949
Quoted by: >>49429059

Mori fucks mares with her futa cock

>> No.49429028
Quoted by: >>49429904

I fucking love horses

>> No.49429059

At some point in time I wanted to fuck a mare

>> No.49429148
File: 544 KB, 1000x1000, 1812A434-9731-4219-B93B-5F1DE28FCB02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49429312

An Echidnabeat...

>> No.49429415
Quoted by: >>49429504

I'm horny for my Mori

>> No.49429504
File: 1.57 MB, 1528x1145, FC1FE561-63F6-4734-89A1-9FBD170B278D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49429545


>> No.49429545
File: 340 KB, 2048x1301, 1683062033491045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes real

>> No.49429567

Mori should NOT play Sid Meier's Pirates!

>> No.49429845

No. All shall be as dust in the wind.

>> No.49429904

Hi Mori.

>> No.49430002
Quoted by: >>49430060

I agree unironically. Game is short enough to finish in like 2 streams. It's also really good.

>> No.49430060
Quoted by: >>49430320

one of the best horror games ever made imo. i think mori would bounce off the gameplay pretty hard though even if I think she would vibe with the story well

>> No.49430079

Why does mori not guh as much as she use to. I miss it

>> No.49430104

Mori should play GTAV

>> No.49430166

The rain season is gone so she no longer wears her guh-loshes.

>> No.49430168
Quoted by: >>49430202

Mori should play GTAIV

>> No.49430202
Quoted by: >>49441081

Mori should play GTAIII

>> No.49430204
File: 21 KB, 260x383, Spirit_Stallion_of_the_Cimarron_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49430685


>> No.49430242
Quoted by: >>49430310

>Why hasn't Mori streamed Red Dead Redemption?
>Why hasn't Marine streamed Sengoku Rance?
>Why hasn't Mumei streamed Hatred and Manhunt 2?
Same answer for all, anon: Perms.

>> No.49430310

Yes. Mori will play those games when she can wear a perm.

>> No.49430320

Yeah, I don't think she really enjoys the classic survival horror gameplay, especially since you're limited to 6 slots in Signalis.

>> No.49430440
Quoted by: >>49430512

She’s forgetting to hydrate

>> No.49430484

Mori should play with my balls in an aggressive but endearing manner

>> No.49430512

Big water...

>> No.49430685

the quintessential horse girl movie

>> No.49430731

Mori should play Omega Strikers

>> No.49430744

Go back

>> No.49430808
Quoted by: >>49430872

I can't wait to spend some time with my reaper wife out on the European road

>> No.49430872
Quoted by: >>49431503

Has she got her new pc setup

>> No.49431002
Quoted by: >>49431106

The whiplash between the Trigger trailer and seeing the actual gameplay killed me

>> No.49431106

I feel the same.The girls are cute at least. Hope they get some decent fanart

>> No.49431503

She has had it for a while. We just don't know if she has set it up since getting home

>> No.49432706
File: 3.91 MB, 3000x4500, 106948454_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Page 9
Wake up niggas, Morp in a few hours

>> No.49432856

>watching the Japan 101 VoD
>Mori mentioned the konbini rivalry between the three major chains
>JPbeats start showing up in chat repping Lawson
I wonder if you can correlate someone’s oshi with the konbini they like the most.

>> No.49433023

Lawson does the most Holo collabsof the three, that's probably a big factor

>> No.49433232
Quoted by: >>49433916

Lawson was originally an American chain, so perhaps it's fitting that a bunch of JP beats love it. It reminds them of their morpi

>> No.49433916
Quoted by: >>49434133

I mean, so is 7/11. Famima is the only one that's a Japanese original

>> No.49434133

Lawson fully moved to Japan though.

>> No.49434154
Quoted by: >>49434426

>Mori mentioning eating firefly squid and how you are meant to eat it whole
>look them up
>they really are just whole, tiny squids served on sushi rice
With how adventurous Mori is when it comes to food, I kind of want her to go to that one place that just serves live shrimp brushed with the onions sauce mixture in Japan and report back on it. If it’s still open that is, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the video showcasing it.

>> No.49434426

Would mori eat a living octopus, like in oldboy?

>> No.49434645
Quoted by: >>49436086

Mori’s tried Shirako before, I wont rule anything out until she’s said otherwise.

>> No.49434796
Quoted by: >>49434959

Live tentacles diddling your tummy from the inside...

>> No.49434959

And then they come out of the other side.

>> No.49436086

Yeah, I think she is the type for trying anything once.

>> No.49437058

Let's have a timeloop
We know sister reap is always nice to her and trying to protect her, but how strong do you actually think her booty stank smelled?

>> No.49437330 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 275x183, withered plants 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49437436

I'm going to assume you're not American if you still don't understand that

>> No.49437560

I'll be extremely impressed if she starts on time for this. I would expect jetlag to reasonably kick her ass and keep her out cold for longer than she wants

>> No.49438153

Not him but I've also never heard a large ass described that way

>> No.49438171
Quoted by: >>49438282

She's literally on Twitter right now

>> No.49438271

She literally retweeted art 8 minutes ago

>> No.49438282

I stand corrected. She might have just done the "don't sleep the 1st day back" method of fixing it

>> No.49438400
Quoted by: >>49438696

I'm not but from what I understand and have asked, the expression in most regions means that she had an attitude or she's got a great ass but it smelled (which is more likely due to not enough ventilation or just desert heat in a small room). She obviously takes her hygiene seriously but not much can be done against heat and sweating

>> No.49438407

Poor EUbeats...

>> No.49438480

"Booty stank" isn't literal.
It's slang for a woman who is very attractive but has a bad personality.
Honestly, considering the person who called her that was an annoying restaurant patron, I think it was just sour grapes.

>> No.49438617

DESU it's a lot more fun to assume it's meant literally.

>> No.49438685
Quoted by: >>49438788

Do you think Mori is the type to be bitchy working a service job? Kawaiikute gomen

>> No.49438696

Where and when I grew up (slightly younger than Mori), "stank" never referred to the actual smell and was more of a precursor to the "thiccc" obsession. We also used it in baseball to describe a particularly good breaking ball. ex:"That curve had some stank on it"

>> No.49438788

Yeah, and rightfully so considering how she was treated. Texas is a shithole for service workers, "southern politeness" doesn't exist anymore

>> No.49438864

10 minute Morp warning
Adjust accordingly

>> No.49439032

I will adjust by not opening YouTube until 15 minutes after the start time so I can skip the part where she has tech issues.

>> No.49439053
File: 998 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now stop squeebing.

>> No.49439061

inb4 her issues last for 30

>> No.49439108
Quoted by: >>49439379

I love how riled up you get time after time. Seethe more

>> No.49439378
File: 657 KB, 2480x3508, FunFnL4WYAA39dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>49376752

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v4ZuKWt8qs
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNv7pILlAKU

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
//// Stream Salamander: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJp7Vf6bTHs

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) Sinderella LP vinyl disc (Limited)

OUT FOR THE SEASON--coming soon to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

//// Moris Managed Meticulously: a /morig/ 2023 Birthday Project
Play the game here!: https://macka0ili.itch.io/moris-managed-meticulously

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.49439379
Quoted by: >>49439958

The tech issues just got 10 minutes longer.

>> No.49439405

I can start to guess why Hololive doesn't have Omega Strikers perms

>> No.49439529

Omega refuses to allow them to have anything that sounds like his name. He must be the only one.

>> No.49439653

Another game to make you seethe, good. I don't give a fuck, as long as my oshi is having fun with her own career. Fuck everyone else that gets in her way. Cunts

>> No.49439703

What is this porno music?

>> No.49439706

her cats had sex

>> No.49439734


>> No.49439735
Quoted by: >>49439790

This isn't global squirmbeat, go back there so you can continue pretending you watch streams

>> No.49439787

>look up game
>some free-to-play multiplayer sports game

>> No.49439790

I'm not him retard

>> No.49439892

Chat always spamming Pogliope for the henshin sequence is funny to me for some reason

>> No.49439901

Anon, you're the one who sounds like he's seething. What's wrong?

>> No.49439917
File: 48 KB, 739x745, 1613102133341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Live!

>> No.49439947

It's gonna start becoming a real problem when she starts to get roles on games hololive members might want to play. Who knows how they're gonna handle Yakuza 7 Gaiden/Yakuza 8 when they come out, too

>> No.49439958

>"The tech issues just got 10 minutes longer."
>There were no tech issues
What did he mean by this?

>> No.49439974

nta but the anon he's responding to is getting his off-topic seethe in early

>> No.49439978

My oshi comes first and that's it

>> No.49439999

"Wow this sounds just like cawi"

>> No.49440031
Quoted by: >>49440126

My oshis career always comes first. I don't give a flying fuck about the others

>> No.49440126
Quoted by: >>49440193

Well that's not very sociable of you. What would Kiara say?

>> No.49440132 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49440235

Why? kson or RM which is the cause?

>> No.49440154

No one cares

>> No.49440193
Quoted by: >>49440396

Why is kiara the 1st thing that comes to your head. You're not a deadbeat now fuck off

>> No.49440218

I might literally be the only one, but I'm happy we are getting more Persona 3.

>> No.49440235

She's probably gonna voice one of the new characters. I first thought that when she originally retweeted it but then disregarded it because maybe she had just retweeted it for the Trigger trailer but this latest retweet is too random for it to not be the reason

Anyway stream time

>> No.49440396
Quoted by: >>49440555

You're awfully agitated, Eggbro. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?

>> No.49440450

Can you two doxxfags just make out or kill each other? Nothing else you have to say matters

>> No.49440484

The streams are chill and the game is rather nostalgic for both me and Mori. The only really annoying thing is how redundant the playthrough will be once the P3 remake comes out and she will end up playing that too

>> No.49440515 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49440630

Wow I did not want to hear about this game ....
That's why she wanted to collaborate with TrashTaste before Genmates.

>> No.49440530
File: 113 KB, 302x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49440555

Where the fuck did I say anything bad about kiara. My oshis career comes first and nobody will stand in her way, I want her to succeed in what she wants to do. Now fuck off and watch morp

>> No.49440565


>> No.49440600
Quoted by: >>49440666

My Mori is NOT OSHA certified

>> No.49440630 [DELETED] 

The Twitch and voiceactor industry is literally based on nepotism.
Yes, she loves them both.

>> No.49440663

My Mori doesn't have a CDL

>> No.49440666
Quoted by: >>49440941

The suits can suck me off

>> No.49440703

You're awfully mad. Maybe you should switch off the stream, go outside and touch the proverbial grass.

>> No.49440833
Quoted by: >>49440896

You sound like a giant douche

>> No.49440850 [DELETED] 

>She has gone back to Japan.
Her mind is already occupied with Twitch.

>> No.49440852
Quoted by: >>49440961

I'm not mad just don't come seething to me when another game comes out and your oshi gets cucked out of playing it. Nobody cares

>> No.49440862
File: 503 KB, 599x680, 1678407701500735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you really just show up to act smug about doxxshit? What a loser.

>> No.49440896

Or possibly that he *needs* a giant douche.

>> No.49440914
Quoted by: >>49441121

Can we not bite bait for one night please

>> No.49440941

Anti-OSHAbeat...you're going to get hurt and not qualify for worker's comp.....

>> No.49440961

Dude what? What game? And why are you mad. Seriously why?

>> No.49440982

Report off topic shit and enjoy Mori, simple as that

>> No.49441002
File: 361 KB, 484x702, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get back a bit late for stream
>damn that's a lot of hidden posts guess I'll take a peak if someone mistakenly got caught in filters
>nope just a bunch of retards breaking rule 1
Guess i'll stick to global tonight until this retard gets tired.

>> No.49441047

Will Mori pick up any lot lizards?

>> No.49441081
File: 949 KB, 1190x663, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go!

>> No.49441105

Reapers are anti-OSHA on principle. Safety leads to less workplace accidents and thus less deaths.

>> No.49441120
Quoted by: >>49441165

Are lot lizards even a thing in europe?

>> No.49441121

Does this mean that Deadbeats are the skeletons of fish?

>> No.49441165


>> No.49441171
Quoted by: >>49441243

Not unless Sis Reap comes along (interpret this post however you wish.)

>> No.49441174
File: 156 KB, 400x316, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm invincible, from exterior damage and the law

>> No.49441214


>> No.49441240 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49441303

>She went back to Japan.
>The Internet has improved.
>But the quality of the stream dropped.
She must be thinking about the next Twitch.

>> No.49441243

There was a lizard in the barn with the horse and somehow the farm got flooded.

>> No.49441303 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49441393

And that's more content for me and even more for me to laugh at you crying here. Can't fucking wait

>> No.49441333
File: 993 KB, 1277x716, 1678008197905921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49441402

>> No.49441393 [DELETED] 

Well, enjoy your retarded subarathon....I've already deleted my Twitch account.

>> No.49441402

make me

>> No.49441510


>> No.49441519
File: 35 KB, 215x170, 1677451144431897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll spell it right one day

>> No.49441542

skeletons be skellimad today

>> No.49441591 [DELETED] 

This summer, it seems that Mori is going to look for "love for work" again. That must be why she cancelled her vacation last month.

>> No.49441699

As long as she's enjoying it i couldn't care less.

>> No.49441713
Quoted by: >>49441729

Are there any good monster truck games? Feels likes she might enjoy that more kek.

>> No.49441720

Love is a false idol.It never lasts and behind the mask there is always pain.

>> No.49441729

Twisted Metal...

>> No.49441775 [DELETED] 

Honestly, who didn't see this coming?
She can literally do the job she wants to do with her Hololive business card.

>> No.49441818

The UK is half imperial you know

>> No.49441824


>> No.49441841
File: 102 KB, 191x353, 1656782555618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EUbeats, how are your drivers?

>> No.49441910

J*U how has the stream been?

>> No.49441933

pretty good Mori driving/10

>> No.49441942

She's learning.

>> No.49441948

Pretty great

>> No.49441974
File: 87 KB, 1024x576, 1660669301555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer picrelated, but ladies and trucks go well together

>> No.49441997

Driving giant trucks when it's not your job is bougie as fuck

>> No.49442002
Quoted by: >>49442176

Fun. I'm always impressed how this woman is apparently immune to jetlag

>> No.49442016 [DELETED] 

anon, voice actor industry is a nepotistic hiring process.
Remember when she was invited to a voice actor event?

>> No.49442045

Wouldn't a Euro skeleton be a skeletonne?

>> No.49442044

Did she just call her mom fat?

>> No.49442049
Quoted by: >>49442162

>Mamamori is flat
>Mamamori is short
She probally got most her size from her dad then lol.

>> No.49442081
File: 36 KB, 500x571, 1662200500975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today and yesterday we have had undeniable proof that catalogniggers are itt

>> No.49442147
File: 360 KB, 372x500, 1627278313407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49442203

The ESL retard is in every single Mori bait thread, doing the exact same thing he does here.

>> No.49442150
Quoted by: >>49442203

It's great how riled up they get with my oshi getting opportunities time and time again.

>> No.49442162

If you're a fat girl during puberty it can provide lasting benefits if you lose the weight.

>> No.49442176
Quoted by: >>49442333

It's honestly baffling that she is immune to jetlag.

>> No.49442178 [DELETED] 

>subarathon confirmed

>> No.49442203

what, this? >>49442150

>> No.49442251

god the retardation of this board never ceases to amaze.

>> No.49442261

That dude sounds a lot like the squirm dude in global.

>> No.49442267
File: 22 KB, 123x136, 1669175390768880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's some other retard

>> No.49442305
File: 479 KB, 1150x948, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49442333

Her and Kiara's body clocks are simply built different

>> No.49442335
Quoted by: >>49442369

>Twitterspace while Mori does her truck deliveries

>> No.49442369

who is doing a twitter space?

>> No.49442371
Quoted by: >>49442413

Mori isn't good with money is she?

>> No.49442413

>used to pay 80% taxes
she's learning...

>> No.49442443
File: 66 KB, 248x362, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49442577

She never did. You're not from the catalog, are you

>> No.49442446
Quoted by: >>49442577

That never happend Jesus where do you people come from

>> No.49442459

I feel like making a copypasta about this for dumb people like you.

>> No.49442577

>he hasn't seen the data analysis pie chart

>> No.49442579

Mori you are the cops

>> No.49442603

How is she so cute

>> No.49442611

You mean the one that's based on false information?

>> No.49442637

Yeah the one that was made by a retarded catalog fag on the same day she said that. It posted in every mori bait thread. Now fuck off

>> No.49442649
Quoted by: >>49442701

Let's see how mori handles this road

>> No.49442687

I want Mori to kiss me in her truck

>> No.49442701
Quoted by: >>49442744

can't wait for Asian Truck Simulator

>> No.49442722

That's a soundpost

>> No.49442744
Quoted by: >>49442845

you need to remember that the pedestrians you hit are dead

>> No.49442803

who do I blame and get angry at for thsi?

>> No.49442802

>Mamamori calling them Looky-Loos instead of Rubber Neckers
You know it doesn’t sound like a slur so maybe its better lmao

>> No.49442808

I thought we were safe

>> No.49442839

Holy shit even in japan huh?

>> No.49442845

Acknowledgment is optional and offers no tangible benefit

>> No.49442851

Why is Mori cursed…

>> No.49442852

Did she accidentally turn the PC off? lol

>> No.49442862

Oh no no no America schizos don't look

>> No.49442897

Why do I have a feeling her streaming program crashed. It went off as soon as she was about to move something

>> No.49442919
Quoted by: >>49442966

I bet this was dudu

>> No.49442926

She absolutely closed something on stream accidentally while trying to move around her screen capture

>> No.49442929

Did she lie about being back in japan?

>> No.49442938

Blame Intel corporation for their shitty cpus

>> No.49442966

you stinky bitch Dudu!

>> No.49442974

The game froze her computer

>> No.49443005

She said this is not because of the Internet
I remembered that the specifications required for this game are very high.

>> No.49443023
Quoted by: >>49443047

To drive a truck?

>> No.49443022
File: 21 KB, 374x136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49443036

bro it can run on an intel hd card

>> No.49443047

It's very challenging

>> No.49443054

It was running pretty smooth though.

>> No.49443069

It is as intensive as Microsoft Flight Simulator

>> No.49443106

What the fuck?

>> No.49443122
Quoted by: >>49443174

MikuPC is kill.

>> No.49443141

should've done members only, dumbass

>> No.49443156

Fuck it time for persona 3

>> No.49443164

perfect comedic timing

>> No.49443174

I think it might be.

>> No.49443176

At least this will motivate her to set up her expensive new PC there

>> No.49443180
Quoted by: >>49443234

Should've used the Moist PC

>> No.49443193 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49443246

>Immediately after the Internet problem was resolved and she mentioned the subarathon
instant karma

>> No.49443228

Kinda starting to feel bad for the girl

>> No.49443234

Retard. She's in Japan

>> No.49443246
Quoted by: >>49443365


>> No.49443300 [DELETED] 

Why does she whiteknight a fat black girl?

>> No.49443359

Why did she ctrl alt escape?

>> No.49443365

This guy is just straight making shit up too.

>> No.49443379

Bot broke

>> No.49443387
File: 7 KB, 180x200, 1672732399652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigger is just scrolling through off topic shit and posting about it itt
for what purpose?

>> No.49443421

unironicalli I'm enjoying myself

>> No.49443451

cause you keep reacting despite janny doing their job for once

>> No.49443456

Unfortunately she isn't

>> No.49443464
Quoted by: >>49443505

What keeps happening? Fauna and IRyS had minimal technical scuff

>> No.49443467

I'm not, I wish this was the backlog instead.

>> No.49443494

This would be pretty funny if she weren't probably getting legitimately upset about this

>> No.49443503
File: 95 KB, 1080x881, 1613521904454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want More Mori big rig adventures

>> No.49443505

Mikubox might just be dying

>> No.49443510

Mori just put on minecraft or something

>> No.49443513

I'm thinking it got angry that she started on time. It only started sperging then.

>> No.49443523
Quoted by: >>49443553

Isn't she using her new computer?

>> No.49443553

I think she got it a bit before she left for the states and didn't have time to set it up.

>> No.49443588
Quoted by: >>49443612

It was dying before she left wasn't it? I recall some people talking about it before.

>> No.49443598
Quoted by: >>49443697

It’s time to set up the pc cover helped her get

>> No.49443612

Naw, it just couldn't handle dead space remake.

>> No.49443697
Quoted by: >>49443736

botan collab

>> No.49443736

Mori will never collab with the button, sadly

>> No.49443761

If your oshi is a millionaire why is she flying economy?

>> No.49443771
Quoted by: >>49443826

Holy shit she is actually built diffrent. She didn't sleep yet or sleep on the plane?

>> No.49443818

cracker island fucking sucks

>> No.49443823

Based and poorfagmentalitypilled
she just like me...

>> No.49443826

Sleeping on a transpacific flight is pretty comfy desu.

>> No.49443837

save money

>> No.49443839

Why would waste all that money for going back and forth the amount she does

>> No.49443855

New Gorillaz album was mid-tier by their standards honestly

>> No.49443888

>played so much that she has nothing left to do
I know that feeling, its tough

>> No.49443897
Quoted by: >>49444047

This is a poorfag mentality. Warren Buffet lived in a modest Omaha estate instead of wasting millions like other retards in a Manhattan flat.

>> No.49443916

Doesn't she order ubereats 3 times a day?

>> No.49443984

To be fair, that was compensated by not having to waste streaming time. The extra cost was made up unironically by superchats.

>> No.49444017

She can make more money doing something else in the time it takes to cook than than she would save cooking. For people in her position its more economical to order out.

>> No.49444047

>poorfag mentality
>spends a thousand dollars on an ugly hat

>> No.49444072

It's strange how this is especially true for lawyers and other consultants who get paid $500/hr

>> No.49444077
Quoted by: >>49444211

Not sure that's true

>> No.49444122

Seethe more

>> No.49444141

>save up money for thing
>buy expensive thing
>go back to saving up
Poorfag mentality

>> No.49444192

bruh she has been wearing the same wardrobe pieces for like the past 5 years

>> No.49444211
Quoted by: >>49444282

It's 100% true for any streamer her size or even 1/4 her size. That's not even counting her other sources of income.

>> No.49444230

Thinking in those terms isn't poorfag mentality at all

>> No.49444282
Quoted by: >>49444349

You're assuming the time cooking would otherwise be spent making money.

>> No.49444295
File: 621 KB, 603x516, 1677150728663206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49444330

As a poorfag, ordering out even if it's not financially advisable is the ultimate in poorfag mentality

>> No.49444312
Quoted by: >>49444423

I want to hack into Mori's Uber account and see what she eats

>> No.49444314
Quoted by: >>49444404

thats a stretch

>> No.49444330
Quoted by: >>49444358

How so?

>> No.49444336
Quoted by: >>49444628

It is an obligation she spends $5000 roundtrip for air travel everytime. Millionaire btw

>> No.49444339

More like thousands on new bras

>> No.49444349
Quoted by: >>49444570

With her job it can be. She can always work on something related to her job since there is always something to do.

>> No.49444358
Quoted by: >>49444503

Because I said so, autistchama

>> No.49444404
Quoted by: >>49444443

She's easily a millionaire. She's made that in supers alone and she's got about 900 different sources of income

>> No.49444423
File: 169 KB, 828x1680, FUj_iOgXoAAIKs0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water and soup. Haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.49444443

forgetting taxes, other cuts, and all her expenses.

>> No.49444475

Man I just wanna watch my wife stream

>> No.49444502
Quoted by: >>49444774

She just bought a house anon I don't wanna hear it and she's renting another

>> No.49444503
Quoted by: >>49444560

Just like, walk down to your neighborhood grocery store, my nigga

>> No.49444513

so close....

>> No.49444520

She should turn this stream into a zatsu while setting up her new PC lol.

>> No.49444523
File: 404 KB, 480x358, beat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we really traded off the members only for this

>> No.49444559

Just unmember then brittlefaggot

>> No.49444560
File: 938 KB, 1224x1187, 1677382285671312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49444602

I mean, she goes to the conbini a lot too

>> No.49444570

That goes both ways. Doing so much work from home means you can do both housework and work work without losing out.

>> No.49444574

we didnt trade shit

>> No.49444602


>> No.49444606


>> No.49444615

Miku pc o7

>> No.49444625
Quoted by: >>49444722

You're annoying

>> No.49444628

It's not that cheap of a bump from economy to business class.

>> No.49444634

New cover financial documents revealed the top 20 holos are all multimillionaires and mori is easily in that list

>> No.49444704
File: 90 KB, 640x414, MC-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking over, isn't it?

>> No.49444720

She doesn't think she's a millionaire, so there's a limit to how much it will affect her decisions

>> No.49444722

He used the same image to bitch and moan about her playing Zelda last thread. He's an insufferable cunt

>> No.49444737
Quoted by: >>49444786

again, >>49444443

>> No.49444744

Yeah, and she also has UMG income and "other" stuff that wouldn't be on that last. I don't get why some people can't accept huge streamers are filthy rich. Because they don't want to feel bad sending supers to them?

>> No.49444748

Your days are numbered miku

>> No.49444769

had a good run

>> No.49444774

They're both rentals

>> No.49444775

no it did not, only the top 10 actually EARNED a milly before taxes

>> No.49444786

You're so retarded it's laughable

>> No.49444812

You complete retard, you misunderstood that document.

>> No.49444855
File: 1.33 MB, 1275x722, 1680938893087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is incredible

>> No.49444880
Quoted by: >>49444922

She's back in Japan and things are literally more scuffed than ever

>> No.49444898

fucking trucks man

>> No.49444922

This game would have literally exploded her PC in the US

>> No.49444955

at some point she has to realize she can't just willpower it into working fine, right

>> No.49444966

>FUCKING truck simulator is the final nail in the MikuPC's coffin

>> No.49444992

....or can she?

>> No.49444995

Mori please just play persona or something

>> No.49445013

That PC is actually much better.

>> No.49445026

At least this will probably stop the procrastination on setting up the new pc. It’s a hassle but it’s gotta be done

>> No.49445048

Mama Mori didn't raise a bitch quitter

>> No.49445053

Just end the stream, Mori. It ain't working.

>> No.49445055

Do fauna and irys and risu have monstrously beefy pcs?

>> No.49445082

No, she was streaming from the laptop in the US

>> No.49445092

She literally got back to Japan last night the fuck you mean procrastination

>> No.49445123

Just take a break and play another game...

>> No.49445137

Yeah she probally has a shitlaod of audio stuff hooked up for recording

>> No.49445144

>I think I need to install the new pc
>miku pc dies again

>> No.49445152

>I think I need to go ahead and install that new PC
Yeah I think you might need it

>> No.49445177

She had it for a while before she even left japan.

>> No.49445184

True but she's been having pc troubles for the longest time and just barely got a new one

>> No.49445257
Quoted by: >>49445299

Truck simulator will be game that finally breaks her

>> No.49445270 [DELETED] 

Well, if this makes her give up Twitch business, I'll be happy.

>> No.49445289 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 845x879, Love, KFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there, deadbeats. She'll be back.

>> No.49445299

She thought she would crash the truck, but instead the truck crashed her

>> No.49445338

Mori pls just pivot into a zatsu or something lmao

>> No.49445348
File: 5 KB, 379x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49445368

Morpo I don’t think this game is gonna work…

>> No.49445384

kek holy shit

>> No.49445401

she used up all of her luck

>> No.49445411

It's me, Mori
I'm out to get you

>> No.49445482

she's so cute when she's mad

>> No.49445490
File: 366 KB, 640x414, MC-5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49445504

pray for Morpo

>> No.49445525

Let's hope she holds now

>> No.49445547


>> No.49445552


>> No.49445554


>> No.49445590


>> No.49445602

you hear that? my wife wants me in front of her

>> No.49445616

I don't think she'll continue today.

>> No.49445625

I think we're gaming now

>> No.49445698


>> No.49445742


>> No.49445765

I'd don't blame Mori for not just moving the drive from one computer to the other. There's so many issues you can run into when doing that - Windows boot manager getting confused, CSM / UEFI mismatch, old drivers fucking things up - and she won't have the expertise to fix them

>> No.49445818

yeah I 1000% do not trust her to open her PC up and do anything.

>> No.49445856

It's weird that she's asking that considering Texas and California have the worst, most convoluted highway systems in the country

>> No.49446098

Her losing her mind as this buttrock plays is amazing kek

>> No.49446110

This stream is genuinely so fucking funny holy shit
This fucking buttrock blaring in background while she's stuck in the grass is fucking killing my sides

>> No.49446123

When will Mori sing some Rage Against The Machine

>> No.49446149

she should've gotten an external drive for a long time and she was advised over and over as she was struggling with space, so it's still on her for procrastinating on that

>> No.49446152

If only fubuki was here

>> No.49446235

Aren't newer disk drives pretty much plug and play on the newer OSs?

>> No.49446238

Updated powerscaling
Cicadas > Middle school girls > Truck > Mori

>> No.49446254

Nah, I'd not do that. Easier to reinstall everything in peace than try to figure out why exactly your new PC isn't willing to become friends with the old HDD/SSD.

>> No.49446337
Quoted by: >>49446399

you forgot to add dragons and toilets to that tier list

>> No.49446399


>> No.49446473

Keto is ass

>> No.49446494

So will this kill the "mori is a drunk" joke once and for all?

>> No.49446517

>PC is dying
>Phone is dying
I guess Arcanum was right, magical beings like reapers harm machinery around them.

>> No.49446547

I thought it was fine once I got past the first couple weeks of hell

>> No.49446548

Antis will never trust her word, so just don't mind.

>> No.49446559
Quoted by: >>49446653

It's also just not good for you, especially if you live a sedentary streamer lifestyle

>> No.49446617

She goes into things too strong, you shouldn't do keto and intermittent fasting at the same time for long periods.

>> No.49446643

White women please understand. Also know that you'll be subjected to keto if you ever decide to marry her.

>> No.49446653

Mori isn’t that sedentary . She goes out for her walks and stuff

>> No.49446674

that's fine

>> No.49446682
Quoted by: >>49446735

Good thing she didn't play southern California truck simulator huh?

>> No.49446684
File: 86 KB, 1334x750, FOSKOJyVcAMKUPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49446756

She has a trainer, guys

>> No.49446730

It’s fine I can live off sashimi eternally

>> No.49446735

Those guys have a tendency to run over homeless people

>> No.49446756
Quoted by: >>49446868

Not a fucking good one if they're recommending keto+intermittent fasting at the same time

>> No.49446767

Mori you can drink vodka on keto just so you know
and christ does it fuck you up with no carbs in your system

>> No.49446794

I'll call the FBI I'll call the CIA I'll everyone within my power to save Mori!

>> No.49446800
Quoted by: >>49446823

Anyone still saying that shit hasn't paid attention to a stream since late 2021
She could convert into a devout muslim and retards would still call her an alcoholic lmao

>> No.49446801
Quoted by: >>49447056

Listen, if I get to eat Mori out every night I can live without carbs.

>> No.49446823

deadbeaks my beloved

>> No.49446868

Actually most intermittent fasters I’ve read about have a much easier time with it if they do keto as well. When I was on keto I didn’t get hungry very often at all

>> No.49446894

Why hasn't she gotten her HoloPhone replaced? Does she seriously believe they just can't?

>> No.49446934

All you are talking about diets but my ass weights 110lbs. I am a deadbeat irl

>> No.49446940

Add cruise control to the list of Mori fears

>> No.49446963

That's pretty huge for the ass alone

>> No.49446994

>weigh in at 160
I'm a real gashadokuro

>> No.49447056

>eat Mori out every night
surely your tongue would get tired eventually

>> No.49447094

>what should I do after this to relieve stress
Have sex with me or masturbate

>> No.49447109
Quoted by: >>49447278

It would be funny if tutu was slender and ghost cat was a big ol chungus

>> No.49447191

just have sex with me Mori I'll help with that stress

>> No.49447278

Tutu has a fat ass. Not kidding.

>> No.49447283

Ironically she's much better at driving than the other holos I've seen

>> No.49447334
Quoted by: >>49447424

Jesas, I dread imagining everyone else

>> No.49447335

She's one of the few to actually drive IRL iirc.

>> No.49447365
Quoted by: >>49447403

She has been driving for 13 years now

>> No.49447403

I don't think she drives in Japan, so subtract 5 years

>> No.49447424

Watch IRyS's stream, it's great

>> No.49447457

She said she did for a time during her japan 101 strwam

>> No.49447464

Not anymore, but she used to so probally minus 2 years.

>> No.49447469

>YouTube, internet, and PC were not at fault, it was actually just a shitty VPN service
She really needs a complete wipe on her PC

>> No.49447480

I guess, but if you have been on the road for at least a couple years consistently, you will never really lose your motor skills.

>> No.49447602

Why do Americans hate roundabouts?

>> No.49447720
Quoted by: >>49447858

Did Mori ever finish west of loathing?

>> No.49447723

I like the idea that RE4 takes place in Leon. Leon in Leon

>> No.49447782

Mori please don't play Fire Emblem. At least that Fire Emblem. Ever.

>> No.49447858

Not on stream

>> No.49447902
Quoted by: >>49448003

Kiara's playthrough dragged on for too damn long

>> No.49447985

Running over the cops is the coolest thing mori's done in a really long time. Maybe ever

>> No.49448003

It wasn't Kiara's fault either, the game is just boring and way too long.

>> No.49448075

It doesn't help that Engage has nothing for story and characters. I watched all of Kiara's Three Houses playthrough and it was great, Engage wasn't even as long and the game just drags on for ages.

>> No.49448201
Quoted by: >>49448222

I don't know anything about fire emblem except the porn

>> No.49448222

I really like 7

>> No.49448284

Mori should've been cunny...

>> No.49448378
Quoted by: >>49448487

My favorite Austrian named city is klagenfurt.

It used to be fucking

>> No.49448487
Quoted by: >>49448622

>they actually changed it

>> No.49448528
Quoted by: >>49448819

You can literally just hire a tow truck to take you there and save money?

>> No.49448622

Now it's fugging. If you huff enough copium it's basically still fucking

>> No.49448749
Quoted by: >>49448811

This stream wasn't great really. I was looking forward to it but it's wasn't great, even not counting the scuff.

>> No.49448752
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is.. kinda comfy, isn't it?

>> No.49448788
Quoted by: >>49449481

Why did her vpns suddenly decide to start shitting the bed?

>> No.49448811


>> No.49448819

No, it's actually slower than just driving normally most of the time. Saves real world time if you know it will take you closer to your destination.

>> No.49448865

So now mori is raging against the machine

>> No.49448881
Quoted by: >>49449044

It's Reol

>> No.49448903
Quoted by: >>49449107

Big news doesn't necessarily mean good news

>> No.49448943

Who is it?

>> No.49448968

idk Mori you told us you were a big fan of JP the wheezy for a long time too

>> No.49448992

And that's true? what do you mean by this

>> No.49449004

Well, it's a she this time

>> No.49449034
Quoted by: >>49449183

Is it the kingdom hearts singer?

>> No.49449044


>> No.49449076

Wawa got German jouzu'd by a world of tanks guy.

>> No.49449107
File: 552 KB, 608x710, 1681114021273208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49449685

Imagine thinking like this
Imagine your first instinct is preemptively cucking yourself out of your own happiness

>> No.49449162

Mori don't start new games

>> No.49449183

Utada Hikaru would be huge, but it's probably Reol who's pretty close

>> No.49449184
Quoted by: >>49449600

Mori can't eat pie, at least let her put her fingers in all of them

>> No.49449422

All Europeans are gay

>> No.49449481

she probably didn't restart the PC in a while, the crash forced a restart and a bunch of them might've been stuck in the autostart/have "start at launch" enabled in the settings

>> No.49449485
Quoted by: >>49449583

It's ogey you can legit finish RE2 or DS2 in a single sitting

>> No.49449583
Quoted by: >>49449732

The rdr2 speedrun WR is over 12 hours

>> No.49449600
File: 672 KB, 1047x636, 78105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Mori's cute fingers in my pie

>> No.49449685

>cucking yourself out of your own happiness
I get my happiness from alcohol.

>> No.49449702 [DELETED] 

Once she plays a game with the Ecelebs, she as mori will no longer play the same game.
It will literally be another 6 months before she can start the rest of Bloodborne.

>> No.49449732

I don't think she's gonna play RDR2 tbqh
I don't even thin she's really interested in it outside of the cowboy aesthetic

>> No.49449830
File: 333 KB, 979x1353, IMG_3231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos doing good work today

>> No.49449836

>Raided Irys
MorIrys GODS ate today wowww

>> No.49449928

Hopefully it stays this way. I sometimes wonder what their moderation tools look like.

>> No.49449930

I feel like this is kind of Mori's way of telling IRyS she's back home as well. She missed her bestie

>> No.49449955

Did she? I got yeeted to a Fauna Dredge vod for some reason…

>> No.49449991
Quoted by: >>49450177

Is eceleb anon a real person?

>> No.49450002
Quoted by: >>49450055

Didn't get a pic, but Mori posted in IRyS's chat "yeet! The raid worked!"

>> No.49450054
File: 9 KB, 590x62, Screenshot 2023-05-14 221956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49450145

Huh that's weird, I ended up in Irys's stream with Mori celebrating that the raid worked

>> No.49450055
File: 3.40 MB, 960x540, 1681272318218030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49450108

Was gonna say. I think that was the first time she's raided someone else successfully

>> No.49450103
File: 281 KB, 768x1092, 1674497376108339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49450143

We got a lot of good stuff in the pipeline according to this stream, more holoyoi, new recordings, collabs with popstars and other holos, Mori back in Japan, I'm feeling good bros

>> No.49450108

She didn't know how. Now I guess she does.

>> No.49450139
Quoted by: >>49450350

mori is not for paizuri

>> No.49450143
Quoted by: >>49450225

And this stream motivated her to set up the new beef PC

>> No.49450145

I thought it was kind of weird it took me off Mori’s stream so fast. Maybe a small glitch. I was using mobile

>> No.49450177

honestly not sure.

>> No.49450180
Quoted by: >>49450233


>> No.49450179
Quoted by: >>49450224

Do you have autoplay on? She took long enough with raid that it probably just kicked in and sent you toa recommended

>> No.49450224

Ah that might be it

>> No.49450225

Despite the Miku PC actually still doing just fine. It was that stupid VPN

>> No.49450233

I'm glad we got another comic anon

>> No.49450239

Is half the stream gone from the vod?

>> No.49450304

give it time to process the disconnects.

>> No.49450306

Probably going to have to wait awhile for it to process

>> No.49450350
File: 213 KB, 1435x2048, 1639304452521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Mother's Day, not Opposite Day
