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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 420 KB, 1554x2910, __gawr_gura_and_predator_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_keisuke_desu__4351835347d6b05a81245c9a4f97662b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49233783 No.49233783 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>49296168

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?

previous thread:>>49199869

>> No.49233799
File: 1.77 MB, 1712x2207, __gawr_gura_and_bloop_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_penta_pepepen_28__9fb4293491ca53a291c18a47f524f1e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em

>> No.49233848
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x865, bounty board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.49233902
File: 842 KB, 1152x1596, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ena1215__9cc15775e6c02e2bf526857cb276b90f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story recap! There... was one story posted in the last thread.
Holoslavia: Operation Nimrod - I: tags: NSFW, Action, Comedy, Drama, War Crimes, Subaru, Suisei, Korone, Botan, other Hololive talents:>>49206167

>> No.49233960
File: 1.83 MB, 2058x3125, __gawr_gura_gawr_gura_and_smol_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_torororose__37a5e057b709962f8c863a5b95223324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prompt recap! Last thread had a lot of new prompts. Here they are in case you missed them:

Bae learns the hard way that HoloEN is filled with lesbians:>>49202316

Marine thinks you are talking about seeding her and manipulating her fertility which gets her unbelievable horny:>>49203673

In the evening, about an hour before her bed time, Ayame senses a rumble in her stomach. Not one to let a weakness go unexploited, you immediately slap her ass over her clothes and watch with satisfaction as the contents of her rectum escape and her pants turn a rich shade yellowish brown.:>>49204552

This Aqua is your retarded slampig:>>49208779

Glazing Scarle's donut hole:>>49223907

>> No.49234890

Yeah, whoops. I'll get around to it when I get home, sorry.

>> No.49236008

There should be more Gura fics.

>> No.49236893
File: 1.21 MB, 1065x1296, 1683850833141885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49237121

>> No.49237121

What if double oyakodon?

>> No.49238273

Sounds amazing.

>> No.49239417
Quoted by: >>49264978

Like...four people?

>> No.49239818

I'm making an audio drama / animatic using AI art and AI voices. It will be a character study of Gura, her struggle with her fame as an icon and her inner demons while dealing with the stress of navigating the world of corporate vtubing. It is fiction but inspired by true events. Akin to Perfect Blue but not the same. It will be heavy on dialogue, writing, and drama. I plan to post on YouTube in case anyone's interested you may keep an eye out for it.

>> No.49240273
Quoted by: >>49241222

>Perfect Blue
If this isn't shitposting I'm interested

>> No.49240445
Quoted by: >>49241222

>Gura but Perfect Blue

>> No.49241222

Thanks. The AI art and voices will likely be scuffed so I hope the writing will carry

>> No.49241303

You may already know this; one thing I've always relied on to somewhat mask scuffed voices (AI or not) is to put in really good background music and other SFX. Really helps to divert attention away from the audio quality and increases immersion

>> No.49242225

I'll watch it regardless.

>> No.49244312

You know what I'll watch this even if this turns out to be a shitpost. I've been watching too much Holo ai voice covers that it'll be interesting to see no matter how scuffed it turns out.

>> No.49244587

No there shouldn't.

>> No.49245448

Are you going to talk about her alcoholism, or keep it as a rrat?
For me, a big part of the love I have for Gura is dragging me out of my drunken stupor. She quit the toxicity of twitch and discord, she quit being a liquored up jester so that she could make friends and entertain in a more honest way.
That inspired me, and gave me the strength to quit alcohol and get into lifting.
I'll never forget that, since that was the moment I realized the exact purpose of an idol, and how much they could motivate you to be a better person.

Of course, Gura in her previous state gives me mixed feelings. It's not a stretch to assume she's given up her idol dreams and is back to the bottle.
Mostly I feel sorry for her.

>> No.49245475
File: 183 KB, 373x673, 1683761306526635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49247447

I do love that shark, but after accidentally writing her as a cowboy and being called out on it, I never tried writing Gura again. I have plans for it, but they are very far ahead in the future.

>> No.49247447
File: 126 KB, 850x1172, sickos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that gura? She looks like she's as tall as mori.

>> No.49247949
File: 168 KB, 266x468, 1683760575321036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49249311

It's a Gura that doesn't appeal to pedos

>> No.49248039
File: 293 KB, 1500x2122, 1680179932591327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but there's a fair amount of grown-up Gura art floating around here and there. personally I like her this way more
you could say I have an adult woman fetish

>> No.49249311
Quoted by: >>49250965

Go back.

>> No.49250965 [DELETED] 

But I'm a pedo.

>> No.49251546
File: 107 KB, 105x100, faunawiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a random fic from the archive and share your thoughts
>Love Grows
Aside from my mild disgust at the fetish presented.
It's kind of mediocre.
The fic's fetish dialogue takes up half the fic which is basically consists of Fauna measuring Fat. The other half is smut that I couldn't really get into.
Rather meh.

>> No.49254464
File: 807 KB, 989x1392, 98128542_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a question, what's a fic that stuck with you?

>> No.49255597

I have both a sweat fetish and a blonde woman fetish. I wish the author well in writing the sequel.

>> No.49256784
File: 41 KB, 798x221, wamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy complaining to a seething flat member of your choice about how her already massive boobs just keep getting bigger. Aka Boobas vs Chestlets arguing.

>> No.49258733

Doesn't Aqua have this exact same problem but for completely different reasons?

>> No.49259438

Girl of Emptiness was very good, I still think about it sometimes. No idea why the author thought it was bad enough to take down.

>> No.49259844
Quoted by: >>49261019

>Girl of Emptiness
Man, That fic was the perfect 'lore Ina' horror fic. The only thing weird about it was the prose but for that specific fic it worked so well at making the twist land.

>> No.49260417
File: 1.60 MB, 4796x5800, 1683809741036286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> finally have an opportunity to write for many hours
> can't do it because I have an interview tomorrow

Damn being a responsible adult...!

>> No.49260527
Quoted by: >>49261019

It is genuinely a massive mystery. That fic received nothing but glowing praise.

>> No.49261019

Probably because the author hates what the thread became, and didn't want to be a part of it any longer in any way.

>> No.49261045


>> No.49261178

>source: the voices in my head

>> No.49261249


>> No.49261311

Really wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.49261789

“She asks timidly” or “She timidly asks”?

>> No.49261872

Both are correct; the different syntax doesn't change anything.

>> No.49262209
Quoted by: >>49263576

Put first what you want to emphasise.

>> No.49262304

It doesn't really matter but you probably shouldn't be using adverbs like this when a simple 'said' works better for 90% of dialogue.

>> No.49262653
Quoted by: >>49262826

t. a shitty writer

>> No.49262826
Quoted by: >>49262877

Keep hugging your thesaurus, I'm sure it's going to make your dialogue better to read any day now anon.

>> No.49262877

One thing's for certain - yours isn't going to be.

>> No.49263576
Quoted by: >>49263617

It depends. Typically adverbs go before the verb ("timidly asks") however, since this is a manner adverb, you can put it at the end ("asks timidly") So >>49262209 has the right of it, which is more important? The fact she's asking, or the fact she's timid?

God English is such a bad language.

>> No.49263617
Quoted by: >>49263668

Better then whatever dog language you speak.

>> No.49263668

Yeah, English

>> No.49264978
Quoted by: >>49265284

(You), Mama Fox, Fubuki, and Miyuki.

>> No.49265284
Quoted by: >>49266229

At that point you might as well put in Grandma Fox also.

>> No.49266229

Who would that even be Tamamo-no-mae?

>> No.49267584 [DELETED] 


>> No.49268072
File: 393 KB, 646x689, 1670924878219013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Series Anons doko?

>> No.49268625

*Coughs blood* still alive, damn exams got me good

>> No.49268638
Quoted by: >>49268679

Waiting for my dentist to call me back so I can ask them why my tooth is fucked up

>> No.49268679
Quoted by: >>49268874

What happened to your tooth anon

>> No.49268734

Still alive. Very happy with work
Tears of the Kingdom is bretty gud

>> No.49268874
File: 57 KB, 593x592, go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurting post fillings to chew on that side for about a month. Accidentally hit myself with something earlier and ground them and now it's passively hurting with newfound cold sensitivity meaning something (probably) went wrong and I doubt I can last the weekend for my Tuesday appointment, so I left a message of "what the fuck is happening to me please help".

>> No.49269027

>now it's passively hurting with newfound cold sensitivity
Nerve's exposed, say goodbye to your tooth and your bank account

>> No.49269544

That's definitely a root canal. They might even have to surgically remove your jaw.

>> No.49269596

nigga they gonna have to give you a prostate transplant

>> No.49269801

It's probably cancer.

>> No.49269842
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x1137, 1681527113035664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49270141

Here and trying to play with page and text formatting in gdocs. I'm trying to get a certain look and feel for a side part of what I'm working on, and it's gonna take a lot of trial and error I think.

>> No.49270141
Quoted by: >>49270422

What exactly are you trying to replicate the feel of with the formatting you're doing. Gdocs publishing is kind of limited so if you're going for anything more than colored text on colored background you might find a better option elsewhere.

>> No.49270393
File: 1.61 MB, 2480x3508, 130F6340-1A27-44A9-9F99-CB7651896CAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49270422

I'm trying to get the feel of a journal. Maybe with that stained yellow kinda page coloring and little doodles or images here and there.

>> No.49271529 [DELETED] 


>> No.49271554
Quoted by: >>49271746

That's cute, anon; I think your best bet is to make those as jpegs or pngs, then insert the page backgrounds in the Google Doc by setting them as 'behind text'. Either that, or make it on Adobe InDesign/Photoshop

>> No.49271746
File: 252 KB, 473x478, 1681307409533477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually tried that first a little last night with the page color itself. I found a good image and then gdocs told me to go fuck myself because it doesn't support webp and I then I told the sky that the creator of the webp file format should go fuck themselves. God what a fucking horrible file extension that only exists to not work with anything.

>> No.49271760
File: 1.68 MB, 1268x1914, e0cdfb034e322434e8ef426aa7487efb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon has to live with his hot single aunt Lui in the big city since he's starting his freshman year of uni.

>> No.49271837
Quoted by: >>49274140

Just convert the webp to jpg or png, anon. There's lots of sites that do that. For example: https://cloudconvert.com/ (has a limit for free users though)
Just google 'webp to jpg' and you'll get good sites

>> No.49271865
Quoted by: >>49274140

Yeah your best bet here is going to be making it as an image and inserting it like that other anon says since the most you can get away with that you can publish with pure gdocs formatting is a bit of color and special text.

>> No.49273285
Quoted by: >>49273544

This but she's a single mother and you have to live with her alongside your bratty cousin Laplus.

>> No.49273544
File: 3.48 MB, 498x280, 1679004260550806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49273884

That's fucking genius. Print it and ship it! Now!

>> No.49273884

this stupid bitch is chewing the pills

>> No.49274064
Quoted by: >>49275397

Chloe smothering (You) with her musky, sweaty ass and refusing to budge until you eat her out.

>> No.49274140
Quoted by: >>49274242

Did the conversion and got what I wanted on there, and set it to sit behind the text, but the weird bit about the published link version is that the image itself is above all the text and not behind it. I just might be missing a setting or something to get this to display correctly in the published link.

>> No.49274242
Quoted by: >>49274311

Yeah gdocs publishing is limited like that.
The best you're going to get is to literally write the text and images into the 'paper' image and have that bit of the fic be a png/jpeg.

>> No.49274311
File: 458 KB, 768x768, 1671108585832298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't considered that, which actually sounds like a foolproof solution. It's not ideal at all when it comes to making edits, but it's at least a path to get what I want. Thanks anon.

>> No.49274897

It's either that or making it a downloadable pdf but fucking no one is going to go through with that.

>> No.49275397 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 3.83 MB, 2500x3500, 165438275638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49276617
File: 2.71 MB, 1305x2048, __takane_lui_ganmo_tsukune_and_tsumire_hololive_drawn_by_a0z0_aozo__83241c8ba82f96ba71d1e7e76ae9dfa8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coming home from a long day of classes only to find Lui doing naked dogeza
>She says she's a terrible aunt but just can't take it anymore, begs you to breed her

>> No.49277096
File: 491 KB, 2480x3508, luinee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49286542

I would've settled for just getting into bed with her for cuddles but that's okay too.

>> No.49278275
File: 3.93 MB, 500x287, SubaKoro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49290307

>> No.49278349
Quoted by: >>49335126

a story about sekuhara.
i want some girls to be manhandled/ fucked in a broom closet

>> No.49278778

Torn between vidya and writing.

>> No.49279174

This is advice appropriate for journalism, but literature tends be more dynamic.
I can see your point though.
Personally, I don't opt for "said" at all. I do something like:
"Onii-chan, why are you touching my butt?" Finana looked back at me with more curiosity in her eyes than fear or anger.
It indicates who's speaking, provides an accompanying action, and speeds up the pace of things by getting rid of "said" and adverbs

>> No.49279175
Quoted by: >>49280861

Sitting on 5.7k words of progress and a binge of Darkest dungeon 2

>> No.49279570

Everyone always gets right to the breeding, but what about a comfy daily life with you aunt wine?

>> No.49279767
Quoted by: >>49284205

Honestly while that does work at both keeping the pace and getting rid of filler words. I do think there is something to be said about the use of 'said' as the workhorse speaker indicator. Sometimes there really isn't an alternative to just having the characters talk, and while the 'framing' or setting of the scene can mitigate this eventually you need to use 'said' for its intended purpose and let the dialogue play out. Better to have it in your writing repertoire rather than to not use it because it's the 'boring' choice. (Though obviously this varies for the kind of writing you're doing. Shorter works have to maximize the effect of their wordcount so the practical loses out to artistic effect while longer works have to bite the bullet and be practical about their prose if they want to tell the story.)

>> No.49280861

Man, I love it. It's a lot more streamlined this time around.
(Prompt: Darkest Dungeon 2 but chuubas)
>"Ruin has found you at last. My protege -- my friend."
>It's Yagoo.
>"Our calculations were correct. The vtuber market is unbalanced. The internet spins on a strange and terrifying new axis. And everywhere... unbridled consequence."
>Nijisanji ads everywhere as fans tear out each other's throats for Vox Akuma merch.
>"The world is a wasteland of failures past, and yet you must ride out into it. Unafraid."
>Yagoo gives you the blue dorito.
>"Take this -- it is hope. The very last of it. It is yours now. You were bold once. Be bold once more..."
>You are now sent on your mission: Using a truck, you will bring Hololive's last four chuubas to AnyColor's HQ in Tokyo, so you may rid the world of the ultimate evil.
>"Free yourself from this suffocating stillness. Fix your gaze on the horizon and face the fearsome truth... of the Blackest Company."

>> No.49282648

I love stupid face edits like this so much

>> No.49284205
Quoted by: >>49297500

>Sometimes there really isn't an alternative to just having the characters talk.
True. When I can, I try to not have any dialogue tags. To do this, I make the accents stand out, or have a line be contextually improbable for anyone else but that character to say.
"Onii-chan, what are you doing?"
"Just trying to grab the phone in your back pocket. Jesus Finana, why are your pants are so tight?"
"Hey guys! Woah! Uh.... HAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! MC! You can't do that with your sister!!"
"It's fine, Selen. He's only feeling my butt a little bit, it's not like he's groping it."
No dialogue tags, no descriptors, but you still get the gist of who's who. It's not perfect, and it requires cleverness, but it does clear up clutter and make it easier to read when done properly.

>> No.49286542
File: 4.00 MB, 576x576, Lui_Takane_42.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49287725

Well that's what you start with. Relaxing on the couch with a tipsy Lui after school where she gets a little too touchy feely. Then she falls asleep and you carry her to her bed only to pull you in with her and use you as a body pillow

>> No.49287725
Quoted by: >>49293437

I want to be groomed by Lui.

>> No.49290307

A duck, a dog, a couple and a chicken walk into a 3D studio...

>> No.49293345 [DELETED] 


>> No.49293437
File: 993 KB, 1318x603, LuiBabyPics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to groom a hag into being okay with having sex with a guy half her age

>> No.49293632
File: 60 KB, 234x285, 1663713216209666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Onii-chan, why are you touching my butt?" Finana looked back at me with more curiosity in her eyes than fear or anger.
"Shut the fuck up Finana you fucking treacherous whore," I reply in barely coherent anger. Then I start beating her to death while raping her.

>> No.49294368
File: 891 KB, 1200x1694, FubukiFang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49294447

Getting pampered by your oshi after you get drunk and sun-burnt at a pool party


>> No.49294447
File: 2.22 MB, 2480x3508, 100937663_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox cute

>> No.49296168
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x2048, ss-Gura&Fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice SHORK pic.

>> No.49297500

Not everyone it working with a visual medium that can replace the workhorse 'said' with the other tricks for distinguishing speakers.

>> No.49299996
File: 1.81 MB, 1399x777, Hurryup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.49300077
Quoted by: >>49300567


>> No.49300567

You stick it in, Pekora starts orgasming, but then you feel a tiny little monkey hand carressing your dick from inside. What do?

>> No.49301074
File: 16 KB, 271x246, 1683806796756570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> naked Kobo is 37.3kg total
What does one do with such information?

>> No.49302183

She wants full nelson sex.

>> No.49302378
Quoted by: >>49303186

i imagine lightly tapping her with a chisel and her collapsing into a pile of light blue powder

>> No.49302721
File: 19 KB, 463x453, bluegey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49303694

How does ear sex work with her tied up ears?

>> No.49303186

>a fic where anon keeps breaking kobo's bones without meaning to
>everyone thinks he's a monster

>> No.49303694

You untie them first before thrusting deep into her brainium.

>> No.49304976

Pick her up and carry her around the house looking for things to rape her on

>> No.49307725

I cum.

>> No.49307902

How the fuck do I know it's specifically a monkey hand?

>> No.49308483

You can feel the gentle but desperate grasp, as if it was starving for a banana and confused your dick for one. That's how you know

>> No.49309211

Because it's trying to peel your dick

>> No.49312412
File: 1.38 MB, 3068x4096, LamyBra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamy complaining about her bras constantly being too small for her to Shion
>"It's such a pain, right Shion-senpai?"
>Shion looks like she wants to kill herself, which isn't all that surprising, but is staring at Lamy's tits

>> No.49312759
Quoted by: >>49314205

Dunno why but a holobrothel with Lamy as a premium whore would end my balls
Not even that big on whores but lamy being one is such an attractive idea for me

>> No.49313232
Quoted by: >>49313472

I love these images. Presenting the bra after is really fucking hot

>> No.49313472
File: 923 KB, 2638x2401, MarineHaatoBras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49316533

Yeah it's pretty sex

>> No.49314205

I remember like a year ago there were a bunch of greens “reviewing” holos as prostitutes. A shame it never got turned into a full story

>> No.49314634
Quoted by: >>49332196

Not him but
>My Holo Brothel
>A fic where (You) are the manager of the HoloBrothel, a new project being embarked upon by Cover Corp. to raise new revenues!
That would be lit.

>> No.49316533
Quoted by: >>49316990

>Haato will never get the same amount of actual hardcore porn that other Holos have

>> No.49316990
Quoted by: >>49317092

Be the change you want to see, Anon.

>> No.49317092

For the good of my dick...Haato's ass has gone unfucked for too long. It's time to be a hero to billions of sperm who will die on the frontline for her.

>> No.49318273


>> No.49318348

I'm going to need to use my powers of imagination

>> No.49319304
Quoted by: >>49321172


>> No.49319777
Quoted by: >>49321172


>> No.49319941
Quoted by: >>49321172


>> No.49320369
File: 65 KB, 1080x601, 1683679572119408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49321172


>> No.49321172

Fuck, then Marry
Fuck, fuck, and fuck again

>> No.49321354
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1670275741784441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you fuck a girl with such a foul mouth?

>> No.49321424

I'll clean her foul mouth with my 100% natural, salty mouthwash.

>> No.49321461
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, evil watalaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because anon...

>> No.49321596

Given that most depictions of succubus in Japanese media have their tails as an erogenous zone, I find the fact that Towa has tail piercings to be incredibly erotic. She's so slutty but at the same time so dorky and cool and pure. God, I wish I had a Towa gf

>> No.49321676

>her tail is an erogenous zone
>she has tail piercings
Excuse me, anon, I'm going to think up of some pretty good smut for this

>> No.49322572
File: 1.33 MB, 2315x3274, dazzlingsui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marrying Suisei but not Mio
Anon, the high-maintenance comet would be a much worse marriage partner compared to Mio.

>> No.49322806
Quoted by: >>49322944

>high maintenance
More like you'd struggle to get her to pay attention to you

>> No.49322944

>Suisei in bed naked, watching music videos on her phone
>her husband comes to join her in bed
>she slightly parts her legs just in case, but pays no further attention to what he will do

>> No.49323073

Yeah but at least Suisei is fertile.

>> No.49323132
Quoted by: >>49323265

How about
>Towa gives a tailjob to punish (You)
>It's feels good but it's Towa that's on the verge of a mind break while giving one.
>She's begging you to finish in her tail even as she loses control of her legs from the pleasure coming from her tail.

>> No.49323265
File: 1.25 MB, 2058x2994, 048c967792c4ca5e28609c21182687af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're on the topic of Suisei, if she never became an idol, would she be a fan of AZKi's in a sort of vicarious admiration? Asking for research purposes
>Though you are confused, you do as you are told, and cum all over her tail as waves of ecstasy ripple across her body.

>> No.49323276

Towa's tail is perfect for some light sounding.

>> No.49323310

>you nibble at her neck, twick her nipples, eat her pussy and thrust in her with wild abandon, all to provoke a reaction
>the only thing you get is a sigh of exasperation
>she knows you have needs
>she just finds filling them boring
>she won't even look at you in the eyes
>until you pin her down and strangle her, receiving a good, long look of betrayal and sorrow and as the light finally and forever fades from her eyes

>> No.49323372
File: 310 KB, 2048x1619, Twirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently writing a story that will involve bringing Towa to orgasm via fingering and tail-rubbing. It's right at the very end so it'll take some time, but I also find the concept very hot.

>> No.49323453

See this is why you need to set her sensitivity settings up by 500x in the app.

>> No.49323493

Towa wants to have an orgy where a dozen kenzoku lick and nibble on her tail at once.

>> No.49324048
Quoted by: >>49324380

Hmm. It's hard to say if you ask me. Whenever Suisei talks about AZKi you can tell there's a lot of admiration, gratitude, and love in her words even if she doesn't say so. Which makes sense, AZKi gave Suisei her big break after all. So there could be some nuggets for you to go on. However, AKZi, imo, never really reached the same level of "success" and recognition, as Suisei did. (Not to say AZKi is a failure or anything, all numbers point to her project being successful). So a non-idol Suisei might be her fan, but not to the extent that she lives through her vicariously. Mori would be a better fit for that, imo.

>> No.49324092
Quoted by: >>49324380

If she never became an idol she'd be forced to start her claim on the russian throne early.

>> No.49324380
File: 150 KB, 1172x1241, fb21l7a3lbw51.jpg [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3vzndu.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49331734

Fan but not too much of a fan, gotcha. Thank you, anon!
Looks like my characterization of Suisei is correct so far then. I'll just have to tone it down a little at some spots
>Suisei never becomes an idol
>Russia appears to be weak. The bastard Bolsheviks that did her family in are no longer of this mortal coil. All that's left is a silly remnant, made up of a man that likes to wrestle bears
>She knows of a certain woman, a certain "Botan" who happens to have quite the following in the Old Country.
>With Suisei's charms and Botan's men, the murder of Ipatiev shall be avenged, and the sun shall rise once more over the double-headed eagle of the Russian Empire.
>*"Farewell of Slavianka" (Suisei Cover) plays*

>> No.49326125
File: 3.68 MB, 1400x1400, lg9oec4xbeza1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki having sex with this dog

>> No.49326860

Light tugging for fun, hard tugging for punishment that actually hurts a little.

>> No.49327681

It looks a bit big

>> No.49327735
Quoted by: >>49329085

For you

>> No.49328119

Only relatively, Fubuki and Sukonbu have actually been shrunken down to the size of faeries.

>> No.49328358

Makes me think of Fubuki after being penetrated by the dog just hanging off the end with her body mass just being 90% dog dick, like a foxgirl condom. Arms and legs spread wide and waving around while she sings Japanese Goblin

>> No.49328419
Quoted by: >>49328479

It would make sense if Fubuki wanted to be the tiny partner for a change.

>> No.49328479

>for a change

>> No.49329085

Baneposting? In MY /wg/!?

>> No.49329463

What about, instead of having sex with it, she rides upon its back and has wild adventures with it?
It's just an idea.

>> No.49329509
Quoted by: >>49329582

Can be a sort of Princess Mononoke then. Would be pretty cute

>> No.49329582

Yeah! Complete with pro-naturist propaganda and enough symbolism to make even the most open-minded centrist vomit!

>> No.49329583

Why not both?

>> No.49329616

It's a pretty movie so it gets a pass.
I found myself rooting for the industrialists for some reason.

>> No.49329642

Well, we don't have to draw on its themes too much. Just the general idea of a girl on a wolf that goes on adventures would be enough

>> No.49329852


>> No.49330511
Quoted by: >>49337826

>google doesnt even support its own format
i hate webp

>> No.49331734
Quoted by: >>49331961

What fic are you writing this for anyway anon?

>> No.49331961

The Holoslavia fic
Wanted to make sure she's in-character somewhat

>> No.49332196

hell, if you somehow are turned off about the idea of whores, you can make them hostess for a club you are managing despite them being practically whores
i dont meant this as a dig but some people here really get upset at the implication of girls having experience, so its a nice way of avoiding that

>> No.49332352

Lamy could make a great hostess
>Good conversation skills means she can talk about anything
>good comedic timing/manzai skills for retorts
>can drink thrice her weight in alcohol
what would the plot even be tho

>> No.49332438
Quoted by: >>49332630

Yeah, hostess club would be a nice middle-of-the-road option
Could be a basic 'Cover has run out of money and is trying out all sorts of ways to raise funds' deal. (You) are the manager of the new project they're testing out: HoloHostess

>> No.49332614

The fist thing that came to mind is (You) doing Majina's arc from Yakuza 0 since that's what my mind immediately thought of when presented the idea of cabaret/hostess club.
I guess it could just be a series/anthology of prostitute themed smut fics but it kind of needs something to tie it together if the author doesn't just want to make a smut loop of 'Random John books a Holo, fucks her, repeat next chapter'.

>> No.49332630

The idea would work way better as a kind of comedy, without the streamer personas
>Anon is a yakuza underling. An accident related to blowfish, firecrackers and a gallon of dr pepper makes him skyrocket from grunt to influential figure
>The big boss himself, Yagoo, tasks him with the host club, the best way to clean money and work in deals
>Anon now has to pretend he knows how the fuck a club like this works, pretend he's not some chump and pretend he knows how to deal with women
Also it allows for Marine's thirst to be an in-universe joke that works
>She's very open about wanting to get fucked
>either she comes in too strong and clients left, or something happens and she never scores

>> No.49332825
Quoted by: >>49333433

That's perfect. The MC is a total dumbass, but by sheer force of luck, everything he does manages to make the hostess bar shitloads of profits. So much so that by the end, he finds himself unwittingly next in line to become Yagoo's heir. He still doesn't know what the fuck to do.
>Marine being too thirsty
That can be the fic's running gag. It's possible variations are funny enough that she can be the deuteragonist.
Actually, she can be the only other person who knows that the MC is a total dumbass at running the hostess bar. In desperation, the MC consults her on what to do, and she gives him all the advice with equal amounts of bravado. Though it's obvious that she's a total dumbass herself, she tries her damndest to hide it

>> No.49333433

Yeah the setting lends itself for a lot of running gags
>Multiple assasins are sent after Anon
>Aqua just happens to be in the scene
>By sheer retardation, she always manages to get in the assasins way
>So much that Assasins stop taking the job because facing "The faceless scorpion" is certain death
>Botan, the actual secret bodyguard, never says anything because its way too funny

>> No.49333788

Kek. All right, this one's for the prompt board then
(You) are a Yakuza underling, but after an accident related to blowfish, firecrackers, and a gallon of Dr. Pepper, you become an influential figure in the clan. So much so that the big boss Yagoo, the "Chief of Chiyoda" himself, has entrusted you with running the clan's new hostess club.
Thing is, you know jack shit about how to run a club like this. So you now have to pretend you know what you're doing, you're not some chump, and you know how to actually deal with women.

>> No.49334276

Kek i had a similar idea for a joke fic that i never wrote. Here have this freebie
>Hiro "the poison king of downtown" Kazuma infiltrates the club and hides in the bathroom"s
>A long monologue about how he has no combat abilities but his poison cant be resisted
>As he's Liying in wait, he hears someone rush in
>Then he feels like his lungs are on fire
>His nose hurts
>His eyes water
>He feels like he's about to faint
>He starts panicking, and then remembers the rumors about the Faceless scorpion
>Oh god, Anon's enforcer found him and trapped him with a toxic bomb in what seems to be an ironic twist
>And it must be cutting edge stuff because even with his poison resistance, hiro feels like his face is melting
>"IM GOING OUT ON MY OWN TERMS" he thinks, before biting down on the pill that will instantly kill him without pain
>Meanwhile, in the bathroom, sobbing can be heard
>Aqua is sitting on the toilet, in her underwear, her dress is on the floor
>One hand is grasping the toilet paper container with white knucles
>The other is clutching her stomach
>Her guts, having built a resistance to instant noodles and redbulls, are on fire as they prepare another salvo
>Aqua sobs, as she swears off vegetables for another 20 years of her life

>> No.49334525
Quoted by: >>49335827

Thus starts Iroha's revenge arc as she joins the holobrothel in order to find out who killed her brother.

>> No.49334533
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1679480706557550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forty keks
my sides

>> No.49335126
File: 572 KB, 551x569, AkiCoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49336510

>(You) and Aki dragging Coco to a supply closet after she brags about how people are too scared of her to try anything with her

>> No.49335424

>One assasin goes after anon
>Tries to infiltrate through the kitchen
>Aqua is begrudgingly doing some cleaning around
>Assasin hears that Anon ordered something for himself
>Goes to the freezer to pre-poison his food
>Aqua accidentally closes the freezer door with him inside, bumps on the thermometer, thinks she has to turn it down
>Chefs go on smoke break
>Assasin think he's been found out and left to die, his screams of panic go nowhere
>Aqua is now tasked with preparing a room for a VIP host
>Because of budget cuts, "do not disturbs signs" are just "keep out" signs
>Forgets to put it on the door
>Realizes she lost her phone
>Searches for it everywhere, goes back to the freezer to look for it but it's too cold so she leaves, drops the signs on accident, leaves door open
>Assassin sees a glimpse of light, and a piece of paper illuminated by it
>His eyes widen in shock, "keep out"
>Thinks he's been given a second chance at life by Anon himself
>Runs away and swears to never step to him again
>The legend of the faceless scorpion grows

>> No.49335655
File: 3.85 MB, 2305x3224, 1668553749457790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 29 Part 1: A Whale's Worth of Training, Calls For a Brief Holiday


Tags: (Watame, Flare, Polka, Nene, Pomu, Chloe, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)

HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 29 Part 2:An Orca Is Not Always Black and White


Tags: (Chloe, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)

This one's in two parts since the singular chapter was over 25k words, so I wanted to split it into more easily digestible parts. I also added a separate piece of content linked within the first part I would really love to hear feedback on. It was my first time doing any sort of image formatting for something supplemental to the chapter itself, so I'd love to know what I could do better with it since I plan to use this little tool for telling parts of the story from another set of eyes in the future.
This chapter was so great to write. I had been looking forward creating this interaction for a while, and everything kind of lined up perfectly when I got going. I hope you enjoy the read as well and I'm always happy to listen to feedback.

>> No.49335827
File: 124 KB, 526x526, lmao bae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''Please sir, i must know''
>''Very well Iroha, here's what we know about how your brother died.''
>''Your brother was first tortured and castrated, in the recording there's sobbing and whimpering.''
>''Then we can hear a lot of liquid. We theorize that's the sound of the Scorpion liquifiying your brother's body for disposal, it would also explain why we cant find his body
>''I-I see''
>''I told you it would be brutal. From there, there's two hours of some splashing sounds, a lot of liquid and flushing. We think the scorpion...well... flushed your brother's remains''
>''Well she is the enforcer of Anon, the author of The bloody night of Shibuya, so no wonder she's as ruthless''
>''The worst part is...this all transpired while that killer toxin is in the air.''
>''so she's a monster with poison inmunity huh... very well. My brother was a coward, but he didnt deserve that end''
>''i will avenge him by killing the faceless Scorpion
Meanwhile in the host club, Aqua is liying in one of the sofas, Anon brings her a can of redbull
>''Aqua...you only ate one carrot...how did you manage to clog the toilet''
>''Im...not eating another carrot...in my life...''

>> No.49336510
Quoted by: >>49337251

Only if Aki gives me a rimjob as im pounding Coco

>> No.49336602
Quoted by: >>49341712

Subjection but with just the Holo slaves and not the nijis.

>> No.49337251
File: 271 KB, 1778x1000, CocoBaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49338254

That's the ensuing pregnancy correction after the first sekuhara doesn't make Coco any less bitchy

>> No.49337826

>google doesnt even support its own format
Holy shit it didn't even click in my head until you said that
What a dreadful fucking format

>> No.49338254

>Not sekuharassing Coco everyday until she turns meek and THEN pumping her full of kids
Im talking assaulting her in the bathroom stall and leaving her cock drunk after a surprise dicking

>> No.49338399
File: 11 KB, 520x182, coockies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's add-ons for that shit

>> No.49338927
Quoted by: >>49341212

SEAniggers are subhuman.

>> No.49339131
File: 675 KB, 2000x2783, CocoMouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning Coco into your submissive fuckpet/baby factory

>> No.49341126
File: 211 KB, 1020x1229, tabete ureshii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iroha infiltrates the hostess club by applying to be a hostess
>Isn't very good at it, but works hard to learn who the Faceless Scorpion is
>All she finds is a harmless Anon and an even less threatening Aqua

>> No.49341212


>> No.49341712
Quoted by: >>49343361

How would the holo's be slaves to begin with?

>> No.49342187

Kuro getting mind broken with material that turns her into a extreme girly girl.

>> No.49343112
Quoted by: >>49345263

Very cool chapters anon. I love the downtime between arcs, but I'm ready to fight pirates soon. Gotta be honest, the second half of the chapter wasn't how I expected things to go, I was expecting some "The Hangover" type of shenanigans instead of all that, Chloe's backstory is pretty neat though, definitely adds to her character, I do think she was a bit too buddy buddy considering that they just had a drunken brawl and now they're in jail, despite this the comedy was enjoyable especially in the bar.
The image for Pomu's journal was good, looks like a proper page and the little MS Paint doodles were a nice touch, I think more dull colors would be better especially if you're going to draw on a page like that. That's all I got, can't wait to see the next chapter, please tell me that when he meets up with the others again he'll just tell them to run without asking questions.

>> No.49343126
Quoted by: >>49344138

this is hard. writing is hard

>> No.49343361

If it's a new setting not based on lore or real life, they might just be born that way.

>> No.49343433
File: 567 KB, 900x777, 1653202482297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49345263

Two parts of an extremely long chapter? Awesome!
Chloe seems a bit young to include but I like her anyway. Chapter 30 better be about the hags though!

>> No.49344138
File: 3.86 MB, 498x280, anon when he writes his magnum opus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49345263

Let me tell you something straight-up, anon.
Writing is hard. No matter who you are or where you're from, it's always going to be a struggle at first.
Your sentences will suck, your punctuation will be off-kilter, and it will feel like it's taking forever just to get one single paragraph down on the word processor without making any mistakes. You'll end up with nothing but chicken scratch.
But that's also part of what makes writing so special. Because it's yours too.
You learn to write by paying attention to how words sound better, trying out different things until they actually do start sounding better and more coherent overall. You learn through trial and error, figuring out what works best for YOU based on your own unique strengths and weaknesses as a writer.
And yeah, maybe there'll be a little chicken scratch left over no matter how skilled or experienced you become along the way. But it's YOUR chicken scratch, and that means something in its own right too.
So yeah, keep on writing and shit. Thank you for reading my blogpost/listening to my TED talk/whatever

>> No.49345263
File: 279 KB, 362x421, 1682512428670199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep the colors in mind next time. I'm utterly trash at drawing things myself as you probably saw by the handwriting. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapters! As for Chloe in the second part: She is ultimately a girl who gets bullied and overworked by her team on a near daily basis, so someone that she thinks should have left her to rot showing her kindness and a helping hand goes a long way with her. She will still not hesitate to fight if given the order, since she does still think the way of HoloX is the best way to keep her freedom, but she at least likes and respects her adversary a little more now.
>when he meets up with the others again he'll just tell them to run without asking questions.
I hadn't thought of how exactly that interaction would go yet, but you gave me a pretty funny idea, thanks for that, and the feedback anon!

Next chapter is going to be hagtastic. That's part of why I kept this one as 29 split into two parts. The big 30 should be all about the hags, and boy will it be! Old hags and new hags!

Also want to echo this dude's words. This anon's right on so many levels. Never stop writing the stories you want to see. Be proud that they're YOURS, and keep riding. You'll only get closer to that view you want to see from the top with every sentence you write.

>> No.49346376
File: 1.31 MB, 850x1275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49347707

>coco getting dragged into broom closets and fucked silly
>at first she can handle it, but then she starts getting concious of the noises she makes. Starts feeling embarassed every single time she has to make a shame walk after getting corrected
>at least one of her meals in the day has cum on it. by the end of her training, she sits fidgeting as anon fills a mug with cum and orders her to drink it
>constantly assaulted in her bathroom breaks. Getting forced to pee like a dog in a urinal by the end
>starts cocky, full on cock worship by the end
>sluttier clothes
>loses her gag reflex
>and then is breeding time

>> No.49347707
Quoted by: >>49348070

She was already being banged goofy in the broom closets. How was she not bred already?

>> No.49348070
Quoted by: >>49348868

Dragons won't have children from humans until you make them submissive (and thus breedable)

>> No.49348868
File: 464 KB, 752x680, 1678267178339944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? I like that lore.

>> No.49351132
File: 109 KB, 850x971, KroniiPregnant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Kronii in her sleep and getting her pregnant

>> No.49352344
File: 332 KB, 465x848, 1677431271208803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like we never knew each other.


Tags: Nanashi Mumei, SFW, childhood friend, bittersweet

A short story based off the vibe that I get from Mooms, with some bitterness thrown in there. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

>> No.49353925
File: 221 KB, 1330x1804, MumeiButt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49354473

You definitely got that bittersweet feeling across. There's nothing technically wrong with the story, though the sentence-

>Then, one day, she spoke to me as usual, urging to tell me that she had had her first time with her crush and gave me all the details.

-is kind of odd and messy. Otherwise I think it's quite good!

>> No.49353938
File: 1.55 MB, 1323x1840, 102982970_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49353948
Quoted by: >>49354473

Man I read the start and already I was feeling like I'd be going for a smoke
When I finished it, I went for that smoke, my man. Dang. This is a real sad fic. Reminds me of 'Folklore for my Generation' by Murakami but a hell of a lot shorter and a bit more nihilistic. You could make something a bit longer next time that involves actually talking to Mumei but still has the same denouement. Good work, anon.

>> No.49354377
File: 333 KB, 900x777, HJ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49354473
Quoted by: >>49354639

I see where you're coming from pointing out that sentence. I changed it so it's a bit cleaner.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the read, and thanks for the feedback.

>> No.49354639

>I changed it so it's a bit cleaner.
Holy fuck did you. Wow that makes it a lot more of a gut punch

>> No.49354709
Quoted by: >>49354767

Both. The dog is me in my chuuni animal form.

>> No.49354767

I think that's called a furry form

>> No.49354803
Quoted by: >>49354851

Fursona, specifically, and now I hear Joker yelling it out in my head.

>> No.49354851
Quoted by: >>49354963


>> No.49354908

>Fubuki trying to get her brother to notice her by spreading her legs hoping he'll see her panties

>> No.49354963

*teleports behind you*
heh... nothing FURsonnel kid OwO
*yiffs with you*

>> No.49354961
Quoted by: >>49355007

No, that's if it's bipedal. You bet if I'm turning into a dog and porking women with my dog cock I'm doing it on four legs like a real man.

>> No.49355007

You'd only be like a real man if you were bipedal, so more like "doing on four legs like an alpha wolf"

>> No.49355059

>Aqua-centric Romance VN
>All anyone can think about is Onee-san Foobs and sex maid Marine
Poor onyon can't even win in her own game

>> No.49355213
File: 1.57 MB, 1323x1840, 102982970_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mission successful

I think the character design shafted her hard.
Marine doesn't have a maid outfit and it really suits her, and Fubuki's noble outfit was both beautiful and sexy beyond belief. They also both acted wildly different from their on-stream selves.

Aqua, on the other hand, got a regular maid outfit - not a departure from her lore and only a little different from her default outfit. On top of that, from what little I've read of the game's dialogue, she's still a ditz.

>> No.49355434
Quoted by: >>49355573

I genuinely wasn't expecting that response, anon. I was expecting a Suisei one because I remember a prompt about that having Suisei trying to get your attention because you're trying to get into Aqua's pants.

>> No.49355573
File: 876 KB, 856x924, SuiseiGlovejobCropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49355838

There was a pretty...stimulating discussion about that prompt not to long ago so I didn't find it right to bring it back up again

Though if you do wanna talk Suicest I'm all ears

>> No.49355705
Quoted by: >>49367264

ill admit its pretty good, even if i still roll my eyes at the idea of people not getting over childhood crushes.
the edit you did was pretty good and helped the story in general. I dont think anything else to say except it was good, even if i hate the subject matter

>> No.49355838
Quoted by: >>49357130

As much as I'd like to, I'm afraid I'll need to pass because I feel indifferent to Suisei and I don't feel anything sexual for her at all. The only thing I like her is choice in clothing attire

I don't like her maid outfit though. It feels out of place for a perfectionist like her and feel she would have suited a proper one.

>> No.49356041

im gonna be that guy and say that they picked the literal worst fucking person to push in a romance VN
Aqua is extremely passive and cant hold a conversation to save her life. and maybe that could work but then they made 3 girls that mog her in possible romance routes SUPPORTING cast members.
No hate to Aqua, but i feel like the VN got wasted on her aside from sexo designs

>> No.49357130
File: 620 KB, 734x1440, SuiseiOutfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do think the less maidy version of it is better, but nothing will beat the orange tights one for me either way.

If there was more fat retard dumpy groping maybe she could have competed but having some of the biggest JP Stacys involved really does her no favours

>> No.49359313

Aqua literally paid for it.

>> No.49359390
Quoted by: >>49359509

So you're saying that Aqua cucked herself in her own VN.

>> No.49359433
Quoted by: >>49364497

then she got scammed

>> No.49359509
Quoted by: >>49361319

Hot. Cuckquean Aqua lending her boyfriend to Senchou when?

>> No.49361319
Quoted by: >>49362228

>insert it
>senchou cums
>everyone gets really uncomfortable
>dress up

>> No.49362228
File: 913 KB, 788x715, 1663954805278997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49362352

Bro I don't know what universe you live in where it's pathetic that a girl cums fast, but can I come from a visit?

>> No.49362352
Quoted by: >>49362729

unlike porn, some girls dont really want to keep going after nutting, specially after performing that badlymy first time ended with me nutting in a piece of paper and the girl criying and apologizing for the three minutes

>> No.49362729

That's rough buddy, I can't say I've experienced the same. At most I just wait a few minutes while they cool down. That's when you get to do some other stuff, change positions, fondle some other parts of them, give em the works.

>> No.49364497
File: 397 KB, 500x500, 1672665732912947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she didn't even want to have sex. Also, of course everyone is gonna go for the girl NOT on the box. Since you assume EVERYONE is gonna try to bang the girl on the box.

The senchou ending where you just leave on an adventure on her ship with aqua coming with you is pretty kino though.

>> No.49365378

That wasn’t bad at all, I like the concept. There were a few awkward sentences throughout the story, where some would be too long, have too many commas or just sound weird, but the overall prose was good. It also pissed me off how you kept comforting Mumei each time she had a fight instead of drawing a line, but I guess that’s part of the story. The bittersweet feeling really came through, so well done.

>> No.49366068
File: 269 KB, 494x544, 1682664162817115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a relationship similar to this in highschool. I met the girl in like 8th grade and she became apart of our friend group. She "went out" with one of my friends for like a month, whatever you can truly call that at that age. Then she was on my bus starting in high school and we just kinda hit it off. We became fast friends and I eventually became infatuated with her, but I had somewhere crossed into the best friend zone. Still, I did shit like that anon describes in the mooms fic; comforting her when she's had fights with a shitty boyfriend, helping her with her insecurities, being that shoulder to cry on. I was there for it all almost. I eventually confessed as well, multiple times in fact, and it just was a matter of I fell in love (if you could call it that) and she didn't. When college happened, I moved to another state for that, and we kept in touch less. Funny thing is, I don't regret a single day we spent together or that our relationship never evolved into what I thought I wanted it to.
The fact that she never gave me a chance romantically is what urged me to give the girl that was chasing me in collage the chance I never got. She's my wife now.

>> No.49366598
Quoted by: >>49367358

Well at least you got a happy ending

>> No.49366659
Quoted by: >>49367358

You should name your kids after hololive members.

>> No.49367252
File: 16 KB, 427x300, bit closer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49367264

I'm grateful that you could put aside your distaste for the themes and give me a genuine compliment. Thanks anon.
>Awkward sentences.
I take this at heart. I tend to ramble when writing in 1st person. Then, when I write in 2nd and 3rd, my inner ESL shines through.
>It also pissed me off how you kept comforting Mumei
It is part of the story. Anon feels a sort of obligation or duty towards his childhood best friend, which takes a toll on himself.

Thanks for the read!

>> No.49367358

But what if it's a boy?
It's not roses and sunshine all the time, but I'm pretty confident this is where I'm meant to be, so it worked out as it should have.

>> No.49367447

Name him Roberu

>> No.49367588
Quoted by: >>49367742

>But what if it's a boy?
And? Your sons gonna have to deal with being named Watame

>> No.49367742
File: 109 KB, 225x350, 1680749001900289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49367920

How did you know she's my first choice?

>> No.49367920
File: 474 KB, 769x739, WatamePeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49368835

Figured I was talking to a hagchad, so that cut down the list, and Flare seemed a little too common of an actual word in English to be an appropriate name

>> No.49368835
File: 539 KB, 1536x2048, 1682768972563025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's a second girl, she can be Flare.

>> No.49370018
File: 135 KB, 1191x1683, GawrHand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49371276

Gimme that! Yes, that! That update on the older niece Shion fic please it seemed really interesting from what was shared

>> No.49371276
File: 897 KB, 2572x4096, 1682489133681692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's uh, currently fourth in the queue, sorry. I've got a relatively solid plan for how the story is going to play out, which is a rarity, but it'll still take some time. I really shouldn't have picked up another prompt while having this many ongoing projects, but it was too interesting of an idea to pass up.

>> No.49371785 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.68 MB, 366x558, Watacurse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49373180

That's okay anon.
Finish your wips or your balls will explode.

>> No.49371844
File: 1.15 MB, 2300x2900, ShionNugget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49373180

>I really shouldn't have picked up another prompt while having this many ongoing projects, but it was too interesting of an idea to pass up.
Dang, but I'd be a big hypocrite to hold that against somebody. Hope all your projects go well!

>> No.49373180
File: 159 KB, 721x1000, Shion heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49375721


>> No.49373958
Quoted by: >>49375612

What other WIPs do you have?

>> No.49375612
File: 1.48 MB, 1522x882, Happy NePo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I get onto Shion again, I'd like to at least finish A Deal with the Devil's second chapter, and a Polka story. There's always more WIPs but those are my main focus at the moment.

>> No.49375721
File: 211 KB, 886x1600, 1673837551961567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49375936

BFUCKurn the witch!

>> No.49377326

Befucken the witch!

>> No.49378691

Pekora is fine being around her brother in just her camisole and pantsu... I knew she was sloppy but I never would have taken her for that kind of woman...

>> No.49379017

I have used AI chatbots to gaslight Coco into being a hebephile, blackmailed her, gaslit her into screwing a 14year old kid, then fucked her in public. Fun fantasy.

>> No.49379293

I still believe the rrat from years ago that Roberu is Pekora's brother.

>> No.49379727
File: 553 KB, 579x819, PekoraSleepwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora taking responsibility for forgetting her brother is a red-blooded man!

>> No.49379953

Well shit everyone it seems Pika is with VShojo now. Prepare for shitposts

>> No.49380334

She left VOMS for VShojo? Fucking why? If we put aside the other disadvantages, the trannies are going to watch her even more closely now.

>> No.49380406

It seems Pika works in mysterious ways, anon

>> No.49380507
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, mezatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49381255

i dont buy the stupid rats about MUH TRANS or anything like that but i just dont see her thriving in vshojo
VOMS wasnt the best i guess but im sure Pikamee can do a lot better

>> No.49381163
Quoted by: >>49381255

What a waste of everyone's time.

>> No.49381255

Here's the stream for reference https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius

>> No.49381518
Quoted by: >>49381766

>thing that everyone knew was going to happen happens
>/vt/ has a conniption anyway
A tale as old as time

>> No.49381766

eh i was expecting either holo or niji.
Vshojo is good enough i guess, but Pikamee was really big by herself, she could easily work a deal with whoever she wants

>> No.49382104

Better medical, optical, and dental, they have a Life Insurance, 401k, and IRA options, they take a smaller overall cut of her earnings. Also VOMS doesn't do direct deposit for US banks, VShojo does.

>> No.49382442

Is Pikame living in the US?

>> No.49382595
Quoted by: >>49382678

As of 2021, yes, IIRC

>> No.49382678

Damn, Pikame got poached.

>> No.49383275
Quoted by: >>49393396


>> No.49383602
Quoted by: >>49385179

Depends on wheter you want to make the character doing it have a more active or passive role
-she timidly asks if she can feel her onee-Chan's breasts
-"ones Chan, can I feel your breasts" she asked timidly
Personally, for me It feels like the first gives more agency to the character, since the lack of tags to identify speaker makes it so the character merges with the narrator, making her feel more like the story itself, who lost the second resorts separates her from the narration, pointing out that she is a product of the story, not it's drive
Tl;dr: both work, try to adapt to your writing style

>> No.49385179

Neither of those examples feel right.
The first feels wrong because it dodges dialogue via 'telling' what should be shown in speech. The second, meanwhile, feels like it's using an adverb when description of how she's asking it would work better.

>> No.49385633

This is something that's taught. Both are right but one is active speak and the other is passive speak.

>> No.49386006
File: 1.73 MB, 1220x1063, 739287597352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding?
Pikamee, Rushia, and Coco all doing a face turn heel and joining the evil corp is a kino plot twist nobody would have seen two years ago.
You could make some awesome Punished fic out of their revenge

>> No.49386025

Does anyone have any comedy prompts?

>> No.49386163
Quoted by: >>49395508

Did you check the prompt archive and ctrl+f to check for any comedy prompts that are listed?

>> No.49386240
Quoted by: >>49387540

The holohostess club concept up thread seems like it would be a fun misunderstanding comedy; though it's probably a bit too big for a simple one-shot.

>> No.49386266

i laughed a bit with the yakuza brothel discussed today, but what i really want is
a fic where mori visits suisei in her house, and its written like she's getting the suicockturns out, suisei has a fucking chicken in her house and mori is homesick

>> No.49386702

you try to explain the bees and the birds to nene, she's dumb and the rest is up to you

>> No.49387540

I should've read the thread first, thanks.

>> No.49387608
Quoted by: >>49388122

For some reason that's making me imagine Mori video calling Kiara in order to show off the chicken but the narration is making it seem like an NTR moment is happening.

>> No.49388122
Quoted by: >>49388471

>The stereotypical cuck recording scene but is mori playing with the well fed fluffy chicken
>Kiara sheds a tear because her chicken isnt as big and strong and has 0 stamina

>> No.49388471
File: 58 KB, 850x850, 1655323329599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori gets Cojiro
Kiara would love her chicken dearly even still, she's a sweetheart like that

>> No.49389368
File: 291 KB, 946x2048, 1684046566500306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you jerk off to her?

>> No.49389592

>no sharp teeth

>> No.49389676

>Solving the Rubik's cube necklace opens it up, revealing the key to her chastity belt

>> No.49390943
File: 1.27 MB, 1325x733, E519BED2-673A-48A5-AEA6-D91294EC016B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49391161

Probably, if she gets some good lewd art.

>> No.49391161
Quoted by: >>49397614

Lovely cock shock face. More Vtubers need that sort of expression

>> No.49392149


>> No.49393396
File: 1.03 MB, 230x326, peko dab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49393541

I made it up.

>> No.49393541
Quoted by: >>49394899

Yeah, I was wondering why nyanners would have jump ship to mythic if vshojo had something like that.

>> No.49394899

Kson and Pika chased her out. She was all 'Either she doesn't get in or I go' and, well, Kson has a way with management.

>> No.49395508
Quoted by: >>49396601

Do what >>49386163 said. There’s like sixty of them. Easy pickings for you.

>> No.49395940

How can you not know Anon?

>> No.49396317
Quoted by: >>49396445


>> No.49396445
Quoted by: >>49396674

Supposedly, Pikamee, but nobody knows for sure.

>> No.49396601
Quoted by: >>49396680

Man, the prompt archive really needs a script archiveesque revamp if it wants to actually be something people use.

>> No.49396674
Quoted by: >>49397105

It's clearly Pikamee dumbass

>> No.49396680

It’s find as is, if you need to find anything just use Ctrl+f.

>> No.49397105

I’ll rather wait and see.

>> No.49397614

She does indeed look afraid as if her cock is about to be shocked.

>> No.49397615

I noticed this Shion fic never got archived while I was browsing the old threads.

>> No.49397783

Good shit.

>> No.49398073
Quoted by: >>49398497

> rushia finally began doing JAV
The greatest timeline

>> No.49398313

New thread

>> No.49398497
Quoted by: >>49398634


>> No.49398634
Quoted by: >>49398679

Technically no but a 35 year old fallen from grace menhera hag dressed in school girl outfit with stockings that look pathetic on her meatless legs doing several panty teases on purpose is as enjoyable as JAV

>> No.49398679
Quoted by: >>49398898

Uh, no. No, that's not quite as good as JAV. That's pretty boring, actually.

>> No.49398898

It's the first step. Trust me.

>> No.49399256

what happened to that asshole who wrote those scatfics and the absolutely retarded fics? he still here?

>> No.49399357

You're going to have to be more specific.
No seriously there's like multiple anons that fit the bill for that.

>> No.49399451

Sounds like you've got a vendetta against a particular author. Grow up
