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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 22 KB, 540x360, 360_F_297911101_wRRO6J6bb9xQooAYaVGkHvvGyNOWcFtO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
464937 No.464937 [Reply] [Original]

How can you watch Nyanners?

Oh, yes. The hypocrite tuber.
Nyanners pisses me off.
>Makes loli content
>Acusses people that consume the content of being pedophiles
>Continues making content and monetizes it.

I fucking hate loli shit; I fucking hate people that consume it.

Seriously can't stand this bitch. The whole vtuber scene is fucking cancerous for this reason too, but at least Hololive hides that shit.

I had to step away from the vtuber scene because of how fucking retarded the fanbase is. I watched a vtuber talking about how she had to fucking cancel a doctor's appointment because she let it slip that the doctor was a male and the fanbase got upset. Separate question, I guess, but how does this not bother any of you?

>> No.465031
Quoted by: >>465229

We hate you too. Stop being a faggot or find a fucking rope.

>> No.465229
File: 88 KB, 1068x1068, ctla14ytpz661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be the one looking for a rope. VShojo and all the western whores are ruining the vtuber scene with their faggotry.

>> No.465242
Quoted by: >>465365

>how does this not bother any of you?

>caring about what random anons do on the internet

Why should I give a fuck what the rest of the fanbase does?
Just because we're fans of the same content does not make me feel any sort of connection with them whatsoever.

>> No.465365
File: 1.80 MB, 300x264, $ (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why should I give a fuck what the rest of the fanbase does?

Your mindset is extremely immature, bro. It's fucking retarded. If you're involved in a medium you're going to be associated with the people that consume that medium and how they behave.

Bronies. Furries. Republicans. TikTokers. 9Gagers. All this scum is shit you probably wouldn't deal with because of how retarded the volume behind it is. How is this idol shit any different?

You get it.

>> No.465400
Quoted by: >>475565

Nigga just don't watch it, they're not gonna ruin shit. Rent-free ass goofy nigga

>> No.465421
Quoted by: >>465611

I'm not obligated to interact or be associated with the community though. Like browsing this site, it's a choice.

>> No.465446

Nyanners should get the fuck off this board.
Fuck her and her braindead fans.

This is a hololive board only.

>> No.465454 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>465611

I don't even care about loli shit but Nyanners is annoying trash. But apparently she's becoming very big. Truly sad.

>> No.465529
Quoted by: >>465675

>If you're involved in a medium you're going to be associated with the people that consume that medium and how they behave

Imagine being so retarded you think you're responsible for anyone's actions other than your own.
Do you have a victim complex or do you just get off on self flagellation?

>> No.465611
File: 80 KB, 1297x1052, Ricardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about your actions. It's not about you interacting with the source of cancer. It's about perception — perception is reality. Don't walk somewhere with Qanon merch and get surprised when you get labeled as Qanon even if you don't associate with the group.

Why are you talking like that cunt browses this place?

She is? Nice. More reason to leave this cesspool now that it's growing LMFAO.

>> No.465675

Imagine being so retarded that you completely miss the point. Come back when your IQ doesn't match the last two numbers in your post.

>> No.466123
Quoted by: >>475666

I like loli, and I like Nyanners.

>> No.466491
Quoted by: >>466524 >>466570

>I had to step away from the vtuber scene because of how fucking retarded the fanbase is
Yet you still care enough to post on this board.

>> No.466524
File: 46 KB, 800x576, 1186245_10151602993151778_58121197_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in to post on /tg/ and saw this place. Decided to drop a post and get a conversation going. This is a one-off.

>> No.466564

I'd watch Wolfychu but she's a furry.

>> No.466570

OP is a typical attention seeking loser desperately seeking validation for their contrarian opinions

>> No.467030

>I fucking hate loli shit
Kill yourself normie faggot.

>> No.468219

Nyanners does NOT make loli content anymore
she said she doesn't like it and removed the video that she made as a joke because it was attracting too many creeps to her channel
how is that hypocritical?

>> No.468266
Quoted by: >>468315

>loli model
>loli voice
>vaguely sexual stuff
uhh, not loli?

>> No.468269
Quoted by: >>468315

This is not just the pomf video. Everything she does reeks of lolicon bait. She's literally a loli vtuber now.

>> No.468311

I love lolis but the feeling is the exact same, it's amazing how retarded the whole thing has to be for both sides of the coin to agree she's a hypocritical bitch.

>> No.468315
Quoted by: >>468400

how is her model a loli?

>> No.468317
File: 242 KB, 461x487, 1604175091966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay angry, this is my first time catching her live and this is nice as hell. I expected her to be a lot more boring than her videos but I'm loving this.

>> No.468325 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a non-Japanese woman, alright.

>> No.468400
Quoted by: >>468412

Flat chested, childlike, she even does a loli voice. How is her model not a loli? How else would you describe her?

>> No.468412
Quoted by: >>468466

flat chested does not equal loli
nothing about the proportions are childlike at all

>> No.468440
Quoted by: >>468884 >>468915

>Make videos for simps, virgins and degerates
>"Why am I attracting creeps?"

>> No.468441
File: 577 KB, 836x986, 1611718848454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're involved in a medium you're going to be associated with the people that consume that medium and how they behave.
You're on an anonymous message board you fucking nigger. Perhaps you should be heading back to twitter.
That said, Nyanners is a bitch.

>> No.468466
Quoted by: >>468539

Sure thing, bud

>> No.468539

if you think her avatar looks like a child then maybe you have developmental issues

>> No.468884
Quoted by: >>468915

Literally her mentality LMFAO.

"Do as I say, not as I do." She should run as a GOP candidate.

>> No.468915
Quoted by: >>468948

she isn't a lolicon though?
so it's do as I do

>> No.468948
File: 547 KB, 500x482, t899coor4ag61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>468992

Yes she is. Everything she does points to it.
Pic related: it's Nyanners with lolishit.

>> No.468980


>> No.468992
Quoted by: >>469049 >>475723

what loli shit does she masturbate too?

>> No.469049
File: 432 KB, 546x492, ss+(2016-01-07+at+03.35.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>469095 >>469123

What kind of question is that? Why does it matter?

Probably her avatar.

Probably anything in 90% of anime.

>> No.469095

she doesn't do anything with loli's that's my point
you're projecting loli where there is no loli

>> No.469123
Quoted by: >>469255

You're delusional; it's literally her entire persona. Everything she has made, and is now is owed to that niche market.

>> No.469255
Quoted by: >>469353

>so delusional he's literally talking to himself

>> No.469353
Quoted by: >>469448

Nice deflection; chat misclick definitely invalidates my point :^)

>> No.469448

your point makes no sense because her gimmick is an anime catgirl, not a loli
you seem to think that any anime girl is a loli though so maybe you can't be helped

>> No.469465 [DELETED] 

>haha anime is filthy and anime fans are bigoted
>10 years later
>hey guys, I'm still unmarried, didn't find a good job, I'm a mother of cats and want to cash on this vtuber trend too lmao
Western vtuber fanbase are like the cheated husband taking his old whore of an ex-wife back. They really can't tell the difference between simping for e-thots and being a vtuber fan. Sad and pathetic.

>> No.469550

>They really can't tell the difference between simping for e-thots and being a vtuber fan.

With Nyanners you're doing both, LOL. Godspeed.

>> No.469590

>haha anime is filthy and anime fans are bigoted
she's right
>hey guys, I'm still unmarried
nothing wrong with that
>and want to cash on this vtuber trend too lmao
Nyanners has had the avatar and been streaming for years, combining the 2 was a no brainer
also she's not an e-thot
even still there's nothing wrong with e-thots

>> No.469652
Quoted by: >>469684

How much do you think you spent on all the shining white knight gear you're wearing?

>> No.469684
File: 205 KB, 886x1079, 1612447498714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't cost a dime :)
plus everything I said was true

>> No.469702
Quoted by: >>469802 >>491382

I wonder how many of her simps in this thread are even old enough to know she used to hang out on /v/ and shitpost before running off to Tumblr because she was desperate to be one of the cool, trendy kids, so she constantly started shittalking anons and 4chan to impress her woke Tumblr friends.

>> No.469759
Quoted by: >>469810 >>469870

How do we excise nyannerfags off our board?

>> No.469802 [DELETED] 

Shhh, don't spill out she's nearly past her reproductive age.

>> No.469810
File: 109 KB, 756x960, 4135be3bf6246a260a4499c164459f49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astroturf illegal operations in their name, gain notoriety until they become as notorious as Qanon. I think Qyanners would ring well.

>> No.469852

how do we get nyannersantis off of our board?

>> No.469870

Maybe you can try making a discord where you can ban topics that hurt your feelings

>> No.469938
Quoted by: >>470008

Nyanners should be treated the same as the orange

>> No.470008

constantly brought up in random threads and taking up several threads of it's own at any one time?

>> No.470210

>extremely immature, bro

The mature thing to do is to keep on enjoying something, even if it attracts retards. You pussy bitch.

>> No.470285

>she had to fucking cancel a doctor's appointment because she let it slip that the doctor was a male


>> No.470324 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>470878 >>472270

I once had a job, I fucked up and they didn't bring me back. If you're married and it doesn't work, you divorce and don't come back. This the natural process of life. Nyanners left and should stay where she was, not come back. You don't take someone back after they've left, this is pure weakness. Get to know the fucking rules and don't be a wimp.

>> No.470878
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking BASED. This is some true chad level shit. This is some real, heavy, hanging nutsack shit. Anything else is literally oozing virginity.

>> No.472270

She's back bitches!

>> No.475565

I don't want that treacherous cunt flooding my recommendations and showing up in the clipper channels alongside real vtubers

>> No.475666
File: 1.19 MB, 850x782, chrome_ldezEZtkUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyanners hates you

>> No.475721
Quoted by: >>476155

>she follows Pikamee


>> No.475723

Light of Tsukimi Manor, for one thing.

>> No.476155
File: 85 KB, 720x720, UohhhhhhhhhPIKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>486214

hopefully pikamee doesn't get cancelled by her posse once she finds out

>> No.477512

>666 (devil's trips)
So she's a hypocrite? Cultivating a loli persona, with a loli virtual avatar, and always using a high pitched loli voice, and somehow she condems lolicons? I posted earlier how I liked her, but I guess I don't now. Also
>chasing clout on tumblr or whatever

>> No.478512
File: 63 KB, 500x427, 1612894072322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>491175


>> No.478529

Yes, that's exactly why people don't like her, and it doesn't help that her fans are in denial about it.

>> No.478851

fuck off faggot, this is VOMS territory, the rest of you are just tolerated

>> No.478858

Nice b8 m8.

>> No.478883

I'll take a dozen Nyanners threads over one fucking Artemis thread tbqfhfam.

>> No.478901

who gives a shit about tumblr drama from 5 years ago
use your scroll wheel retard

>> No.478927

me think the anon doth protest too much

>> No.478959

Never watched nyanners but you sound like a mega faggot, get irl friends and stop craving online shit

>> No.479685

The fucking drama was 8 years ago. She is a completely different person now.
Also how boring are you guys if you haven't changed in 8 years? She talked about changing as a person in her VR stream just yesterday:


I'm not saying you have to like her, but going out of your way to shit up threads that are on-topic makes you no better than orangefags.

>> No.479908

you forgot to add

>> No.479930

Seethe harder

>> No.479935

there's a reason why western women are fucking disgusting because loser like this retard >>469590
are normalizing those fucking disgusting whores.

>> No.479987
Quoted by: >>480045

>be an sjw
>do some disgusting shit as sjw
J-just forget about it guys.. I'm a changed person!! I swear!.
Fuck off

>> No.480035

You're either underage or still have the mental age of an underage person. Mature people can think for themselves and don't need to check the fanbase of something to find out if they are allowed to enjoy it.

>> No.480045
Quoted by: >>480213

We're here to stay, anon. She's a big vtuber.

>> No.480213
Quoted by: >>480336

you can stay while I can point out her hypocrisy. I'm not the one who wants her to be gone from this board anyway. SJW deserves a rope. She can get 2nd chances if and only if she denounced all the disgusting shit her peers has done to this world

>> No.480336
Quoted by: >>484159

>I'm not the one who wants her to be gone from this board anyway.
That is fine then. There's definitely a place for criticism, but some people literally try to shitpost her threads off the board while simultaneously complaining about orangefags without seeing the hypocrisy.

>only if she denounced
She's not going to adress any of that shit, because she's not retarded. She can only lose viewers by making a statement like that and she has nothing to gain. She's hanging out with lewdtubers and a literal porn star now while pandering to lolicons by wearing school swimsuits with her petite VRchat avatar. That's not something the sjw crowd would approve of so I choose to believe that it was a phase and that it's over. You're free to believe something else.

>> No.480518
File: 146 KB, 625x626, 804256123450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
Just let it die. Use the field

>> No.480660

>Cultivating a loli persona, with a loli virtual avatar
she does not have a loli persona
she does not have a loli avatar
she is not a loli

>> No.480677

Literally ancient history for crusty wannabe oldfags

>> No.480934 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 353x445, 1612427893381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.481133
Quoted by: >>481706

When will you morons stop responding? There is a Nyanners shitpost thread at least 4 times a day here.

>> No.481706

As long as we don't bump

>> No.481726
File: 170 KB, 636x863, 1612988156183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>482205

>Acusses people that consume the content of being pedophiles
She isn't wrong though.

>> No.481819

Are you truly a fucking degenerate? Has the spermotoxicosis from jerking off to nyanners consumed your brain so much that it doesn't receive the signal that your eyes and ears send to it? Even in the video you have sent, that's a Loli model, with Loli sized japanese school swimsuit, and she speaks in that fake, hard-forced loli voice too. Jesus christ, you people are fucking dumb. Stop jerking off in general, but especially stop jerking off to hypocritical, toxic Vtubers.

>> No.481876
File: 5 KB, 56x39, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never liked it
Yet, she spent hours upon hours making, editing and recording it at the time.
>i made it when i was 16 and arrogant
No one is so retarded at 16 that they cannot fathom that much.
>I've grown and realized that it was really gross video

Truth translation: I realized that people will catch onto my liking and condoning of Lolicon culture, and to avoid any future issues and criticism, i have deleted it and pretend to have "grown up mentally".

The rest of the post doesn't need no truth translations as anyone with IQ higher than a single digit will realize that it is just hot air and her trying to make a better image of herself.


>dislikes lolicon culture/lolis
>has loli avatar, forced loli voice and loli manneurisms.

Keep coping and deceiving yourself, fucking pedos.

>> No.482205

>Chumbuds are pedos
In another news water is wet.

>> No.484159
Quoted by: >>485746 >>485981

She hasn't changed and shows no signs that she ever has. Once a liar, always a liar. Show me the video where she says "I'm not part of the sjw/cancel crowd anymore" or "I regret taking the patreon money when I hopped over to tumblr to shit on my fans" which is ACTUALLY something an ex-sjw would say, don't try to handwave this and pretend like it isn't, because it unironically is.

>That's not something the sjw crowd would approve of
Sjws don't approve of anything. Nothing is ever enough for them. All of them relish in filth and degeneracy while simultaneously trying to find dirt on their peers. There is no ruleset for sjws apart from vague appeals to moral purity, and there never has been. What's okay today will be a cardinal sin tomorrow. At least half of sjws are pedophiles in denial. Nyanners is a grifter. She sees a market she has some experience in, she capitalizes on it. She knows her fans are too retarded to know what kind of a person she actually is, so it works out for her in the end and she gets off scott-free.

>> No.484330
File: 289 KB, 476x580, 1598036256281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses guilt by association as an arguement
>on 4channel

>> No.484373 [DELETED] 

But of course, when she needs money she's ok with everything again and want to be received back with open arms like the typical cheating thot.

Simp acceptance in the western scene is fucking killing vtubers I tell you.

>> No.484572 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485179

>The fucking drama was 8 years ago. She is a completely different person now.
...And those were his last words before reaching that divorce court!

>> No.484646
Quoted by: >>484760

reminder that this bitch was shilling for trans kids charities as late as 2019 complete with pronouns in her twitter bio: she's 100% an sjw and reddit newfags are in denial

>> No.484760
Quoted by: >>484849 >>484862

How's that a bad thing?

>> No.484849 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>484981

Absolutely nothing. She should just go back to her SJW job and stop pretending she's a vtuber just because she's broke and alone.

>> No.484862

>trans kids
>How's that a bad thing?
C'mon man, I'm not a /pol/tard and even I can see what's wrong here.

>> No.484981
Quoted by: >>485031

>She should just go back to her SJW job and stop pretending she's a vtuber
Mori and Kiara also did this and I don't see people bringing that shit up that often. As long as it's not affecting their main content there's nothing wrong about it.

>> No.485031 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485207

>Mori and Kiara also did this and I don't see people bringing that shit up that often.
You must be blind then.

>> No.485179

It never got as far as divorce court. anon's relationship with Nyanners simply ended on sour terms years ago, and now he vindictively poisons the well with every newfag who he suspects to be dating her.

>> No.485207

No seriously, people don't shit on them as often as Nyanners despite all the proof that they're extremely liberal.

>> No.485327

It's obviously nothing to do with SJW since that's most internet personalities. Anons hate her because she did the most unforgivable thing of all, being a woman on 4chan who did something they disagreed with.

>> No.485336 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485514

You must be a tourist then because Kiara is globally the most hated personality both on /vt/ and /jp/ with Mori in a close second. Nyanners never received 10% of their shitting around here.

>> No.485409 [DELETED] 

>uhhh they hate her coz she's a wimminz
I guess you're also a girl right? Playing the victim like this. Now let me see you being lovely to that ex-bf of yours after he cheats on you. Show me your true face, honey.

>> No.485514
Quoted by: >>485639

>Kiara is globally the most hated personality both on /vt/ and /jp/
I don't think you read what I said. I said people don't shit on them AS OFTEN AS Nyanners. I know Kiara is hated on these boards but it's nothing close to the hate that nyanners receive.

>> No.485541
Quoted by: >>489654

How new are you? They're hated in here too, but at least we don't see trans kids and BLM shit on their content. Kiara was even on /cgl/ for a while.
The talent may be a sjw but not the character, that's the main difference between Hololive and any other western company or indie.

>> No.485639 [DELETED] 

That's because Mori and Kiara, despite being terrible human beings, actually work a lot and provide a lot of content, thus the bitching is scattered among people mentioning their works. Since Nyanners don't provide anything, all we get is people shitting on her because there's nothing else to comment.

>> No.485654

>posted this shit in the Nyanners threads
>didn't get the anti answers he wanted
>decides to make an entire thread for his post
Why are you like this

>> No.485702


>> No.485716

>If you're involved in a medium you can choose to be associated with the people that consume that medium and how they behave.

>> No.485746

>Sjws don't approve of anything. Nothing is ever enough for them. All of them relish in filth and degeneracy while simultaneously trying to find dirt on their peers. There is no ruleset for sjws apart from vague appeals to moral purity, and there never has been.
So they're exactly like /vt/, then. Gotcha.

>> No.485931

Reading this made me realize Nyanners herself is most likely damage controlling here, the linguistic features are exactly the same as many post on this thread and we already know from her streams she still lurks.

>> No.485949
Quoted by: >>486011 >>486212

>being a woman on 4chan
Not even. She was fucking underageb& and really shouldn't have even been here in the first place, but then she made the huge mistake of seeking validation through anonymous weebs before committing the unpardonable sin of breaking away from their hivemind and then sht talking it.

>> No.485981

>She knows her fans are too retarded to know what kind of a person she actually is
You're right, I was a fan of her before I heard about the tumblr post.
Then I loved her even more.

>> No.486011 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>486086 >>486212

>She was fucking underageb&
She was already an adult when she lurked here wtf. How old you think this woman is?

>> No.486086

The Nyanners Defense Force likes to pretend her goddess was too young to understand what she was doing. In reality Nyanners is almost 30 already, at worst she was 17 when she started streaming, at that was before the loli drama.

>> No.486141
Quoted by: >>486157 >>486363

I'm entirely convinced that her entire fanbase consists of 14 year olds that weren't around for her older stuff, hypocritical 180, and now her even more hypocritical 360. that and/or twitter-tier ironic weebs.

>> No.486157

we know, we don't care, and nothing you can say will make us ever care.

>> No.486212
File: 41 KB, 499x43, chrome_vhap1whzV7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This.These disingenuous fucks. Sjws always show their true colors eventually, don't they? They're too fucking arrogant not to.

she LITERALLY said she was 16 when she made pomfpomfpomf. Y'know. When she was still here? Fucking retard, gtfo and neck yourself.

>> No.486213
File: 132 KB, 884x1200, Eg4dRMlVgAAZu6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pee pee poo poo funny monkey fart catgirl is a SJW hitman because of a video she made 10 years back and deleted 8 years back, making a "harsh" post which hurt some feevees

jesus, normally we have a problem with too many damn newfags, but nyanners somehow condensates 10+ year 4chan veterancy WE WUZ LEEGUN oldfags around her who hold grudges for waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too fucking long for extremely stupid reasons. Holy shit, she was 16-18 give her a fucking break. She still makes 4chan-lite content.

>> No.486214

Pika has said in English she likes lolis and hasn't been cancelled. The Japanese filter is amazing.

>> No.486254

>also she's not an e-thot
>even still there's nothing wrong with e-thots
Vshojo hands wrote this.

>> No.486308
Quoted by: >>486955 >>486984

A lot of them aren't even oldfags. I've seen a lot of posts from actual oldfags who don't give a shit anymore. People hate nyanners because it's the cool thing to do, they want to feel like they fit in.

>> No.486336

>idolfags bad
>lewdfags bad

>> No.486363

Most of them are unaware and just watch casually what Youtube recommends. The most vocal ones here are from the usual lost SJWs that feel obligated to protect their own, and Nyanners herself.

>> No.486448
Quoted by: >>487205

She's lying on that post anon, compare her real age with it and you'll realize it doesn't check up.

>> No.486500


>> No.486548

Hey Nyanners, don't you have something better to do than post the exact same debunked arguments non-stop?

>> No.486716
File: 535 KB, 1109x720, Thorgrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>486753

>letting go of grudges
It says here you're an elf and a pussy.

>> No.486753

Silence, manlet.

>> No.486788 [DELETED] 

>she LITERALLY said she was 16 when she made pomfpomfpomf.
pfffhahaha. She's bordering her 40's by now dude.

>> No.486871

Dude you are way out of the loop she's in her mid 50s now

>> No.486915
File: 42 KB, 500x300, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>486988

She's actually a dying grandmother.
Have some respect.

>> No.486955

>I've seen a lot of posts from actual oldfags
How? Did you check their accounts?

>> No.486984

Hi, I want to tell you I've despised her since her redebut for being a two-faced bitch but thankfully didn't have to see her face when I browsed this site. That's changed now, just like you defend her for no reason I'll continue to remind everyone the cunt she is until I don't see her anymore. Thanks for your attention.

>> No.486988
Quoted by: >>487179 >>487445

clearly she's 800 years old like the lolis she flicks her bean to and makes money off of while telling her sjw posse it's immoral and wrong.

>> No.487179
Quoted by: >>487517

Nice falseflag, she's almost 30 now and was around 19 during that time. Not like it matters since 16yo aren't children anyways, she knew exactly what she was doing and had no problems profiting from it.

>> No.487205
File: 291 KB, 2239x879, I'm not really sure what this changes tbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.487231

What baffles me is that all of her other imageboard-related videos, which are some of her most ancient, are still intact and viewable on her channel. Only Pomf got the axe because it attracted a lolicon creepshow, but it's not like she's made a massive effort to completely divorce herself from 4chan.

>> No.487346

so she was 19 around the time she made pomfpomfpomf, but was 16 the moment she made it, got it. In other news, lying whores are lying whores.

>> No.487366

The absolute state of Nyanners Defense Force

>> No.487445
File: 189 KB, 845x1197, 1612892344125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>487488

where is this 'her sjw posse' I keep hearing about? Where are her latest sjw tirades? You people talk mad shit with nothing to really back it up.

>> No.487488

sjws don't have real friends. You'd know this personally, wouldn't you, Nyanners?

>> No.487517
Quoted by: >>487853 >>487930

>profiting from it.
Absolutely rolling in that 2011 era Youtube Google AdSense dosh. How could those pedos have been so blind to such a diabolical scheme?

>> No.487519 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>488017

Everything about this woman is false. Jesus Christ is like reading a profile of some psycho chick.

>> No.487853
Quoted by: >>487916

You mean attention? Yeah she profited plenty from "pedos", still does in fact, even if she's in denial about her character not being a loli.

>> No.487916
File: 272 KB, 700x1050, EtpPU5zXMAIAKWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>488130

cf. loli >>432938

>> No.487930
Quoted by: >>490005

>he doesn't know about the Patreon loli ASMR

>> No.488017
Quoted by: >>488179

when was the last time that you shared personal information with anonymous internet strangers without fibbing, anon? will you tell us your age if we asked?

>> No.488124
Quoted by: >>488248

I can't believe there are actual niggers on this website who want to cancel Nyanners because of old social media posts while also screeching about how a cartoon character is somehow a child. Some people are too fucking retarded to see the irony. Keep fighting those decade old 4chan fights you fucking losers

>> No.488130
Quoted by: >>488301

Funny that you mention her, since her voice isn't high pitched enough to be a proper loli. But some random fanart is suppossed to be proof Nyanners doesn't sounds and looks like a loli?

>> No.488179

the "I was young and stupid" narrative was in the same post, nigh the same sentence as "I was 16", she literally says "I was 16 and ignorant". It's more than just lying about age, it's deflection, hollow self-absolution at best, malicious intent at worst.

>> No.488184
File: 119 KB, 1796x611, just how and why are people this rectally annihilated for so fucking long over one thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>488421

Surely there's more to this shit theatre than one deleted video and one post? Right?

>> No.488248
Quoted by: >>488326

Now that's a funny word, tell us more about how to correctly behave fellow 4channeler.

>> No.488301
Quoted by: >>488485

Nyanners model floats between B and C cup titties, but wait, let me guess, she can still be a loli even then because you decide arbitrarily which drawings are children and which aren't.

>> No.488326
Quoted by: >>488420 >>488494

Explain to me how you're any better than some faggot on Twitter screenshotting old tweets to get people in trouble

>> No.488377
Quoted by: >>488595 >>488778

Falseflag thread, but the sentiment is true
She's lucky to be a western whore because in japan she'd be blacklisted

>> No.488420
Quoted by: >>488489 >>488494

because we don't destroy careers over jokes like twitter fags do, we expose hypocrites and laugh at faggots

>> No.488421
Quoted by: >>488512 >>488609

>kept making loli ASMR on Patreon after denouncing "pedos"
>still using a loli model and faking a childish voice after denouncing anything loli related
>insta bans any mention of the word loli on her Discord
>dogpiled on Pewdiepie after he said Nigger
>tweets about white privilege and other sjw shit
>donates to trans kids and BLM charities
That's the basic gist of it, pretty sure there's more but I didn't dig deep enough. Basically your typical sjw hypocrite.

>> No.488485
Quoted by: >>488623 >>488650

>what is the oppai loli tag
Cope harder newfag. Also nice job ignoring her faking an high pitched voice.

>> No.488488

How about you just ignore her and move on with your life instead of obsessing over some chick who you are never going to meet and has never attacked you personally

>> No.488489
Quoted by: >>488587 >>489040

As I laugh at you for being a snowflake 4chan warrior who is still licking 7 year old wounds like a cuck

>> No.488494
Quoted by: >>488560 >>488665

Because there's a difference between changing as a person and "change" by going back to how you were. I'm not against calling people out for their shit if there's evidence they're doing it out of interest.
Condemning everyone digging up the past is as retarded as saying everyone changes and what they did a few years ago doesn't matter anymore. There's different variables in every case. Also like >>488420 says I don't care enough to go shit up her channel, just don't want to see her face here.

>> No.488512
File: 6 KB, 419x126, go check for yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>488592

>insta bans any mention of the word loli on her Discord
Cool fanfic
>dogpiled on Pewdiepie after he said Nigger
>tweets about white privilege and other sjw shit
>donates to trans kids and BLM charities
First time I hear any of this brought up. Sources?

>> No.488560

Straight up mental gymnastics, you're a fucking retard

>> No.488587
Quoted by: >>488675 >>488734

>4chan warrior
you can pretend to be one of us for as long as you want, but you'll always slip up and expose yourself, either by accident or through arrogance.

>> No.488592
Quoted by: >>488682 >>488779

She bans people that call her a loli, not the word "loli"

>> No.488595
Quoted by: >>488778 >>489000

At least in the west we don't care about fake idol shit. Women can openly discuss their sex lives on stream.

>> No.488609 [DELETED] 

Psycho cheating cunt has bipolar disorder when money is needed, huh? Why people support this trash anyway?

>> No.488623
File: 42 KB, 225x225, 1607286492496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>488881 >>489381

>She's an oppai loli
>All squeeky voices are lolis
>drawings are children

>> No.488650

Not the guy but did you see the ass on that model? She probably needs a beeper walking backwards

>> No.488665

Because there's no change as you imply, she's still doing the exact same shit she was hated for back in the days.

>> No.488675
Quoted by: >>489040 >>489217

Pontificate harder you stupid nigger, ive been here for too long to lap up your tribal gamergate retardation. Grow the fuck up, shut the fuck up, or deal with the fact that there will always be threads on this website you don't personally like. it's not your personal responsibility to show up in each one just to disagree with people like a fucking faggot

>> No.488682

Based Nyanners

>> No.488734
Quoted by: >>489040

>one of us

>> No.488750

the white knights are trying to group us into the "drawings are children" crowd to dismiss what we say because they can't win against anything related to Nyanners being a hypocrite.

>> No.488755 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1599638571469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She changed I'm telling you!!
Jesus, you people will end up paying child support for someone else's kid. I can feel it.

>> No.488757
File: 997 KB, 1486x932, 1613011817878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters stay mad

>> No.488778
Quoted by: >>489033

That's why western "Vidols" are failing compared to HololiveEN, also why so many jp indies never catch up, even if there's an audience for sluts, it's not very big.

>> No.488779

pay-for-game-say-word-money-stolenfags on suicide watch.

>> No.488854
Quoted by: >>488935 >>489040

>not even attempting to defend yourself

>> No.488881

>this level of denial
She's short, has a petite bodytype and babyface as well as faking the loli voice. Keep coping.

>> No.488912
Quoted by: >>489065

I really don't think it's unreasonable for someone looking to have a career on YouTube to remove and disavow controversial content from their past. Pewdiepie removed and apologized for his super edgy stuff. I Don't think it's too weird for Nyanners to do the same.

I'm not going to read through all the posts in this thread, so someone might've brought this up already.

>> No.488935
Quoted by: >>489040 >>489255

Nyanners is a drawing. you're trying to discredit her for acting like a child when shraight up doesn't even talk like that. High pitch doesn't equal loli.
I see this means a lot to you but Im not going to sit here and spoon-feed you on why you're a faggot all day

>> No.489000 [DELETED] 

>Women can openly discuss their sex lives on stream
Wow. Vagina monologues starring anime avatars? Jesus Christ, how liberating! I can already feel my CIS karma being burnt already.
This has to be a fucking joke.

>> No.489033
Quoted by: >>489159

I'm assuming this is a joke, since Nyanners' numbers have only gone up since July and HoloEN's keep falling. She already shits on Kiara's numbers and isn't that far behind everyone else not named Gura. Give it several months and Nyanners will probably be the 2nd most popular english vtuber.

>> No.489040

you're not from 4chan and it's obvious you aren't, don't play dumb like this is some kind of collectivism argument. You're not from here. You're pretending like you are. You can't hide it, and you're too stupid to understand why.

Drawings aren't children. You're trying to group us into the crowd that believes they are. The purpose of brining up the loli shit is to put Nyanners' hypocrisy on display, this has fuck-all to do what me or anybody here thinks of loli shit, and you know this.

>Nyanners is a drawing
I can't tell if this is bait or not.

>> No.489065
Quoted by: >>489208

There's a difference between disavowing and a virtue signaling dogpile, she didn't even need to disavow since the two are unrelated.

>> No.489115
Quoted by: >>489255

Watch a stream of hers instead of being a faggot and you'd understand how fucking retarded you are trying to accuse her of acting like a child. You're just desperate to go on this retarded crusade. Sorry not everyone agrees with you on your favorite website, maybe a few more paragraphs will make you feel better big guy

>> No.489145
Quoted by: >>489255 >>489872

You guys know her "out of character" voice is easy to find.
And shock and awe it's just a more chilled out version of the one we've been hearing this whole time.

>> No.489156
File: 354 KB, 2048x2048, 1612224874691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thread

>> No.489159

I was talking about slut streamers, don't care about Nyanners numbers since the audiences are different, most western vtubers outside of Holo can't keep up compared to them or even jp in similar situation.

>> No.489188

>you're not from 4chan
The absolute irrefutable proof you are newfag and a massiv faggot
lurk more

>> No.489197

>you're not from 4chan and it's obvious you aren't
you're really snitching on yourself kid.

>> No.489203

You need to relax, dude. Nyanners is blatant about it because she knows it stirs up controversy and she ends up getting more popular that way. Some end up subscribing to her because she's actually not a bad streamer. Remember, she started here of all places. There's no way she's changed that much.

>> No.489208
Quoted by: >>489352

Not sure what you mean by "virtue signaling dogpile", or why you think she she shouldn't disavow. I would 100% disavow the video in that position if not doing so meant risking my career and livelihood.

>> No.489217

It's been almost 7 years you fucking retard.

>> No.489218
Quoted by: >>489412

>because they can't win against anything related to Nyanners being a hypocrite.
sure I can, just watch: the hypocrisy of some frivolous animu catgirl doesn't rape you in the ass, burn your house down or make you destitute. hypocrisy isn't a deal breaker. we are all capable of being hypocritical. who the fuck cares about hypocrisy unless you're on the spectrum?

>> No.489255
Quoted by: >>489355

See here >>489145 her real voice sounds like an adult, if Nyanners wasn't trying to sound like a loli why the fuck would she purposely make herself sound like a child?

>> No.489261
Quoted by: >>489316 >>489367

i dont give a flying fuck. i like her streams and will continue to watch them until they don't entertain me

>> No.489264
Quoted by: >>489451

>does the thing
>gets a fanbase for the thing
>decides the thing is bad and wrong, calls anyone who enjoyed it subhuman scum
>comes back a few years later and does the thing again

>> No.489316
File: 375 KB, 734x670, point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay based.

>> No.489352
Quoted by: >>489439 >>489487

>she didn't even need to disavow since the two are unrelated
Learn to read
>I would 100% disavow the video in that position if not doing so meant risking my career and livelihood
Oh wait, your retarded

>> No.489355

It literally sounds like a calmer version of this

>> No.489367
Quoted by: >>489418

Good for you, now please refrain for mentioning her in this board and you're good to go.

>> No.489381
File: 391 KB, 617x500, 1613061407333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no i don't pander to lolis
>oh gosh oh no how did I get into this school swimsuit

>> No.489412
Quoted by: >>489469 >>489483

A knowing treacherer is the worst thing a human being can be; a treacherer with no regrets being the worst among them.

>> No.489418
Quoted by: >>489494

>Please refrain from mentioning a v-tuber on the v-tuber board

>> No.489439
Quoted by: >>489509

>your retarded
nigga please

>> No.489451

>comes back a few years later and does the thing again
>while pretending to not do the thing because it's wrong now
>except there's high demand for thing and I want attention too

>> No.489452


>> No.489469
Quoted by: >>489543 >>489689

oh my fucking god this site sometimes

>> No.489483
Quoted by: >>489776

Thank goodness I am but only a humble rapist and serial murderer and not a hypocrite!

>> No.489487

Listen anon, if you want people to be able to read your messages, you have got to be more clear what you mean. You didn't explain what the two unrelated things are, nor what you mean by a "virtue signaling dogpile".

As I said, I didn't read the full thread. So I have no idea if you're maybe responding to some other argument someone else made.

>> No.489494

Because hypocritical bitches don't deserve a space here.

>> No.489509

>heh I was almost forced to face the fact that my argument was bad, but I see here that you made a typo, hahaha tough luck, pal

>> No.489512

It's obvious the anti-lolicon bullshit she spouts is a facade or projection. It's common as fuck with people like her; she's clearly a lolicon herself and she is trying to hide it by pretending. If she wasnt a pedo she wouldn't have chosen a fucking loli avatar, wouldn't have done fuck loads of loli bullshit before and definitely wouldn't have had a fucking school swimsuit model made

>> No.489519
Quoted by: >>489626

So you're telling me anime tropes influence v-tubers? Earth shaking commentary right here

>> No.489543

you know what you've signed up for sticking around here

>> No.489555
Quoted by: >>489655

lmao a literal sukumizu, and her defense force pretends she's not pandering to lolicons while using pedo as an insult. Pure unadulterated hypocrisy.

>> No.489560
Quoted by: >>489698

Are you by chance a Chinese chunni?

>> No.489577
Quoted by: >>489698

I don''t see that anywhere in the rules.

>> No.489626

>anime tropes
That's a literal elementary school swimsuit, stop being retarded and cut the denial.

>> No.489637 [DELETED] 

This thread proves that Twitch dwellers are simps by nature. You're not vtuber fans, give up.

>> No.489641
Quoted by: >>489698

everyone is a hypocrite at some point of their lives

>> No.489654

>The talent may be a sjw but not the character, that's the main difference between Hololive and any other western company or indie.
This. The idol veneer keeps that political and social bullshit out of sight.

>> No.489655
Quoted by: >>489738 >>489810

I fap to adult women in school swimsuits am I a lolicon now

>> No.489689

Why are you even here? Don't you get triggered every time somebody calls you a nigger or faggot? I'm sure there are less "toxic" websites for you to be browsing

>> No.489698

I hate chinks and hypocrites thanks for asking I guess.
Just like "this board is for the discussion of virtual youtubers" means you can have a 6 hours long discussion of a random e-celeb and transsexuality, source: yesterday. But glad you agree she's a cunt.
True, making profit off it while retards come here to defend her makes me mad.

>> No.489738

Why don't you visit Australia and find out?

>> No.489776
Quoted by: >>490021

Rape is a betrayal of sanctity. It can also be a betrayal of trust if it's done to a family member, which it often is. Murder isn't inherently bad or good. If it's done to an innocent person, that's treacherous as well. The worst of any given group is the treacherer. One who murders innocents is bad. One who murders someone who trusted him is worse. Therefore the worst someone can be is treacherous.

>> No.489810

If you are fapping to petite, baby faced women with an high pitched voice while they wear a ELEMENTARY school swimsuit, then yes, you're a lolicon.

>> No.489872
File: 491 KB, 500x384, dvgh346454574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to cosplay in frilly dresses with wigs for streams
>now probably wears a baggy t-shirt and adidas sweat-pants

>> No.489897

This kind of thread is exactly what I expect from 4chan.
way2go boys

>> No.489955

Thanks Dad.

>> No.489972
Quoted by: >>490061

If you don't like it why not browsing Reddit instead?

>> No.489994

>going out of your way to shit up threads that are on-topic makes you no better than orangefags.
Orangefags are based though so ????

>> No.489996
Quoted by: >>490033

I am shocked, SHOCKED, that an offshoot of /v/ is angry.

>> No.490005
Quoted by: >>490087

The what?

>> No.490021
Quoted by: >>490113

That was something called a "joke", anon. Now, I know that this crazy humor stuff might escape you, what with you being a faggot with severe autism, but please understand that I wasn't really being serious. I'm not actually a murderer.

>> No.490033
File: 89 KB, 640x427, 1462196034058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>490055 >>490059

isn't this more of an /a/ offshoot?

>> No.490055

/jp/ if you want to get technical.

>> No.490059

I don't see anything similar to DBZ posting

>> No.490061
Quoted by: >>490113

You're >>489040 aren't you?

>> No.490083
File: 1.04 MB, 1155x1785, 1613064510855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think she read this thread?

>> No.490087
Quoted by: >>490199 >>490270

She recorded herself doing lewd shit like saying oniichan and sucking watermelons after Patreon requests. With the loli voice of course.

>> No.490113
File: 5 KB, 339x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're joking, I also know you're trying to discredit my point about treachery being the worst humanity has to offer, that was the point of the response, you know it, too, that's why you're trying to deflect.

>> No.490114


>> No.490124

Of course, I'm sure she's posting too

>> No.490131

fuck no

>> No.490170

Unlikely but not impossible.

>> No.490199

Dis bitch,

>> No.490217 [DELETED] 

I certainly hope so. Not only her but all Twitch thots pretending to be vtubers. I hope they realize how miserable they are.

>> No.490239

Honestly probably.

>> No.490249

Miles better than a hundred "drop dead" posts like 2ch. Even japanese antis live a very sheltered life.

>> No.490270

Any record of this?

>> No.490282
File: 70 KB, 599x600, 1475950209950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's too busy with writing lists of jokes to make next streams, I find it too hard believe she says all that shit on the fly. If she does, then damn, I'm impressed.

>> No.490300
Quoted by: >>490377

I'm sure she's seen posts about her being a hypocrite plenty of times already, I doubt she'd feel like reading this thread even if she saw it.

>> No.490377

she's already got a history here, and bitches are petty and self-centered anyway. It would feed her ego to be here, especially since she can post anonymously. It's not a certainty, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. She's petty enough to do it.

>> No.490382

OKAY so I'm a crossboarder and don't really have a stake in this but for the sake of argument if Nyanners were to actually have apologized for her pisstaking would people still be this hostile to her?

>> No.490516

Some maybe, but anyone reasonable would have let go as long as she addressed her mistake directly. That is if she apologized which I don't see ever happening.

>> No.490520
File: 84 KB, 217x289, ThatsABigBox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.490533

Probably, I don't get the impression that most who are still mad are willing to forgive and forget with just an apology, they've all made up their minds she's a lying hypocrite.

>> No.490557

Not nearly as much. She'd have a few haters but there wouldn't be the overwhelmingly shitshow of anger about her if she 1) said sorry I had to say that shit at the time or 2) say I was only pretending to like that stuff and have milked you incels for years haha.
She took the position of SJW moral authority even though she was down in the gutter among the degenerates. That's why it's not only hypocrisy but also betrayal.

>> No.490564
Quoted by: >>490606

It'd definitely have had a better effect for it to happen years ago, but not much can be done about that. You can't just instantly make up for 10 years of bad faith in one small action, however a lot more people would trust her if she did do it, and that would build up trust gradually over time. There would still be hostility, but nowhere near as much as there is now. It can't be vague though, or it's just going to come off as more damage control. She has to be open and clear about the fact that she doesn't believe in the shit she posted on those tumblr blogs anymore, in order for people to even consider trusting her again. She has to have a clear stance on the loli shit too. Mentioning the patreon shit and her past mistakes certainly wouldn't hurt, either.

>> No.490606

This is pretty much what we're looking for. The only thing left to do is to verify this statement, which I've failed to do. Granted it was made months before being posted on 4chan for the first time, there are chances of it being legitimate but nothing concrete.

>> No.490627

I'll take this with a very tiny microscopic grain of salt until it can be verified that it's her who made this wall of text.

>> No.490695
Quoted by: >>490739 >>490782

Actually, upon reading this, this isn't an apology at all, and if it's actually from her, this will only fuel the flames because she's being wishy-washy with important shit and doubling down on the dumb shit.

>> No.490717

Still mad after all these years damn

>> No.490739 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>490758

It would pretty much kill the rrat that her initial statement was some huge accusation that all lolicons are pedophiles, which is what most of the hypocrisy criticisms come from.

>> No.490741
Quoted by: >>490782

Where is this from?
Also the "I didn't mean all my fanbase just some stalkers" part seems to contradict what my memory of the original message was. I'll see if I can post it here to make a comparison.

>> No.490758
Quoted by: >>490782

It would pretty much kill the rrat that her initial statement was some huge accusation that all lolicons are pedophiles, which is where most of the hypocrisy criticisms comes from.

>> No.490782
Quoted by: >>490947

Meant for >>490695, double fuckup

That's precisely what I'm trying to figure out. I haven't looked as deep into it as I'd like to though. Any help is appreciated.

>> No.490828
Quoted by: >>490889 >>492729

Just stop talking to people like that and report them. There's no reason to make some kind of statement about it. She should change her avatar to look older if she doesn't want to enable that kind of behavior. Really she does it because she knows pedos will give her money and she doesn't really even give a shit about people hurt by groomers and cp

>> No.490836
File: 33 KB, 960x532, 1484242571964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>490986

Am I the only one amazed she still has 303 patreons, with her last update oct 16, 2020
that's still at the VERY least 606 -10% patreon tax = 545 USD without doing ANYTHING for nearly half a year now. That's still comparable to monthly salary in 2nd world shitholes, with this thing she does literally NOTHING on.

>> No.490873
Quoted by: >>490998

y'know, actually, the easiest and most basic way for her to demonstrate good faith is a very, simple action. All she has to do is repost pomfpomfpomf again. That would instantly regain the trust of at least 1/4th of her detractors.

>> No.490889

I don't watch, say, Vinny from Vinesauce because I fap to it. I watch it because it's entertaining or interesting. Same for most of hololive, actually. I've yet to see any proof that Nyanner's current fanbase is into lolicon (or that a significant proportion is), just conjecture.

>> No.490947
Quoted by: >>491043

Found it.
On one hand, she does refer on one part that it's "some" of her fans that acted weird towards her, on the other completely demonizes the original video and the kind of people that enjoy it. Also says fictional children's rights but that mostly comes from immaturity from not being able to separate reality from fiction.

>> No.490986
Quoted by: >>491143

you shouldn't be amazed anon, back in 2014 she used to get a lot of hate for raking in $5000 a month and that whole year i don't think she ever made more than a few vids.

r9k used to make fun of her back then for grifting, so nyanners and her tumblr gang used to go on raids there. all of this is in the archives btw.

>> No.490998
Quoted by: >>491123

>Nyanners drops PomfPomfPomf 2

>> No.491001

how old is she? seems like she's been around forever.
thought she'd have a real job by now, and given her distaste for her fans I'm really surprised she's still in this game.

>> No.491043
Quoted by: >>491386 >>491417

Yeah, and let's be honest: the video was pretty crass. This isn't your lolicon doujin where "the child is into it", it pretty clearly talks about a girl so young and innocent that she doesn't even understand what cum is or what she's doing.
Any luck finding the pastebin?

>> No.491123

>Pomf Pomf I'm sorry

>> No.491143
File: 908 KB, 314x240, 1797388_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>491360

I guess her twitch/tube income is so much better now it makes it inconsequential... no wonder she plans to retire in 5 years.
God, I wish I was nyanners. retiring @ 31.. whoooo

>> No.491175


>> No.491360

Now imagine the young zoomers at hololive (haachama, shion, etc.). We're in the golden age of vtubing, even I considered getting into it.

>> No.491382

I do. I even remember the /v/gas

>> No.491386

>Yeah, and let's be honest: the video was pretty crass. This isn't your lolicon doujin where "the child is into it", it pretty clearly talks about a girl so young and innocent that she doesn't even understand what cum is or what she's doing.
what's the relevance of your personal opinion of this shit, nigger?
>arguing morality over drawings
get the fuck out, it's fiction, you could make it about children getting brutally raped to death and it wouldn't make a difference in how stupid it is to make a big moral ordeal over it, because it's not real. She makes moralistic arguments against her own fans for her own content over shit that isn't fucking real.
>to anybody defending Nyanners saying "she's changed since then"
if she's really changed, why hasn't she reposted the video? Surely it wouldn't be a big deal if she doesn't care anymore, to repost one of her most popular meme videos, if she doesn't think like an sjw anymore, right? Surely that wouldn't be a problem at all, if anything it'd be a generous display of good faith, like a video version of "hey guys I don't hate you, I'm sorry for saying that I did" and people would instantly get the message, lots of newfag subscribers would find it funny too, given what kind of content she already makes.
In reality, she's not going to repost it, she's never even going to acknowledge what she did, never directly and clearly, at most you're going to get vague and meaningless "I'm a different person than I was x years ago" shit, and that should be more of an indicator than anything of what she truly thinks of you. I'll be pleasantly shocked and eat my own words if she does, but she won't, because she hates you. I think, deep down, you know she does, and that's why you all keep white knighting her so much. You're barely trying to convince us of anything, you're trying to convince yourself more than anybody else, it's pathetic to watch.

>> No.491417

>it pretty clearly talks about a girl so young and innocent that she doesn't even understand what cum is or what she's doing.
Thank god it's a fictional piece of media that has no effects on the real world then.
I didn't find anything on the surface internet and I'm not doing investigative periodism better than 99% of news writers, so for now I'm not taking the pastebin as real, she's still a bitch.

>> No.491776

Who fucking cares about hypocrisy? I'm only mad I'll never find a way to make at least six figures, if not a full million net worth by now, just by "entertaining" retards like she can. Imagine if there was a Vtuber with even lower dignity than her constantly spamming out shitty /tv/ memes like Sneed for donations. You could have enough of Daddy's credit cards to own a small nation in under a year.

>> No.491821
Quoted by: >>492005

She is really fucking annoying and I wish she would stop showing up in my reccommended.

>> No.492005
Quoted by: >>492045

Click the "Do Not Recommend" option. It's pretty effective.

>> No.492045
Quoted by: >>492096

Done that, still get the clip channels.

>> No.492096
Quoted by: >>492109

Do it a few more times for the algorithm to understand.
It's weird since I watch both the pink cat and Hololive, and my recommendations are always just Hololive.

>> No.492109
Quoted by: >>492140

You don't understand, I've been doing it for weeks.

>> No.492140
File: 80 KB, 602x595, 1491852077039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>492173

something tells me you keep clicking on them

>> No.492173

I watch on mobile so maybe the preview thing that happens when a video is on screen for 2 seconds counts as watching them, but i never click on any of them.

>> No.492198

cat cute

>> No.492729
Quoted by: >>493048

>She should change her avatar to look older if she doesn't want to enable that kind of behavior. Really she does it because she knows pedos will give her money and she doesn't really even give a shit about people hurt by groomers and cp
My thoughts exactly

>> No.493048

I thought pedos and lolis were two different things, how is Nyanners appealing to pedos with a loli design

>> No.493113

Pedophilia is when we don't like it, and lolicon is when we do. You should know this by now.

>> No.493147

just going by her own wording

>> No.493156

You should ask her then, she doesn't seem to know the difference either.

>> No.493178

so you admit loli isn't pedoshit then, why can't she?

>> No.493204

You heard it here first folks:
One of Jerma's catboy streams is going to be a Nyanner collab.

>> No.493918
Quoted by: >>494192 >>494542

Its some weirdo weeb mental gymnastics going on to say her model isn't a little girl. The vast majority of people outside of that niche of weirdos are going to take one look at her model, hear her voice and obviously associate it with a little girl. She fucking knows it and on some level so does everyone else. Whats gay is all the pretending and dancing around this and getting all moralfag about it.

>> No.494192
Quoted by: >>494346 >>494542

yeah. It's a fake little girl. an ultra sexualized one, too. This is something that she condemns and calls people pedos over, yet she herself is still producing this type of content. And people somehow don't think this makes her a disingenuous cunt. apparently she CAN tell the difference between fiction and reality, except when she can use it to grandstand and flaunt her moral superiority for "condemning pedos".

>> No.494346
Quoted by: >>494468 >>494542

oh and to everybody who wants to fire back with
>muh x years ago
timespan is irrelevant when the person hasn't changed one fucking bit. Nyanners is the same slimy cunt she was a decade ago, and now that she's grifting off the success of vtubers, it's a better time than any for her fans to see what she REALLY thinks of them.

>> No.494468
Quoted by: >>494542

Go ahead. Show Nyanners' fanbase the Tumblr post.
I'm sure you'll get great results.

>> No.494542
Quoted by: >>494568

who are you even talking to? it’s like your having a debate with no one

>> No.494568
File: 9 KB, 484x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494714


>> No.494714

my point was that no one is even disagreeing, its just you fags jacking each other off about how right you are

>> No.494717
File: 26 KB, 600x375, 1585507056535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>494761

>313 posts
>76 ips

>> No.494761
Quoted by: >>495097 >>495966

I wish every board on this fucking site had /pol/ trips so that low-quality "hurr hurr samefag samefag" posts would be near-nonexistent.

>> No.495097
Quoted by: >>495928

maybe if people came up with something new to say about nyanners instead of just screaming about the same three things over and over and over it would be easier to tell the difference

>> No.495928
Quoted by: >>496074 >>496083

it almost sounds like you're agreeing with us that Nyanners threads are a complete waste of time and don't need to be here

>> No.495966

No faggot, you may as well go make a god damn tumblr. I don't think you understand the point of this site. If I couldn't pretend to be all 5 sides of a retarded argument I wouldn't come here.

>> No.496074
Quoted by: >>496383

anti-nyanners threads are a waste of time yes

>> No.496083

Nyanners and the Vshojo crowd weren't otaku culture related, but now we have to deal with this shitshow board drawing in a bunch of normalfags

>> No.496383

so we're agreed, Nyanners threads are a waste of time.

>> No.497148
File: 325 KB, 1566x2047, EnWzsgqWEAEtfcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>497235

I don't like Nyanners either and will never watch any content that has her, but dedicating a thread to this is petty at this point. She's found an audience of people that don't care and you should move on. I don't like that she's affiliated with my favorite dying demon, but what can you do?

Nothing, just ignore and do something else

>> No.497235
Quoted by: >>497325

You think we're gonna stop giving her white knight simps an unpleasant experience every time they disgrace this board with one of her garbage threads just because you think it's petty? How long have you been on this website?

>> No.497325


>> No.497742

>Separate question, I guess, but how does this not bother any of you?
Retards use the internet. Does that bother you whenever you use it?
Then why should retarded vtubefags bother you?

>> No.499304

Nyanners is fairly awful, so I don't watch her, nor should anyone else; that's as far as things should go.
Just let here fade into obscurity.

>> No.499358
Quoted by: >>500930

Threads dying, please move all discussion over to the new thread

>> No.500930
Quoted by: >>500977

>Anti thread couldn't survive compared to pro Nyanners thread
Looks like you guys really are just a vocal minority.

>> No.500977
Quoted by: >>501049

>what's a bump limit

>> No.501049
Quoted by: >>501219

Something this thread hasn't reached.

>> No.501219
File: 395 B, 26x27, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>501385


>> No.501270

You could try not making Vtubers your identity?

> Your mindset is extremely immature, bro. It's fucking retarded.

Oh, the irony.

>> No.501385

I thought it was higher on this board for some reason, never mind.
