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48820482 No.48820482 [Reply] [Original]

Mfw my face when I see deez nuts

>> No.48820644
Quoted by: >>48828273

I've only just heard about this whore and her sexual assault joke made me laugh

>> No.48821418
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>> No.48823227

Mfw Ubisoft’s UNO is not user friendly

>> No.48823637
File: 54 KB, 400x400, IvW3C-qt_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48836131

>deez nuts
no its dee's nuts

>> No.48823861

>Believing the Nijinigger version of Rushia

>> No.48823951

mfw playing your genmates cover is copyright infringement despite them being a part OF THE SAME FUCKING COMPANY

>> No.48824733

Zaion no you'll get suspended

>> No.48827983

oh no

>> No.48828048
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>nijisanji execs when you DM the wrong manager

>> No.48828273

She was so funny, but we live in a world full of pansies.

>> No.48828354

Epic thread

>> No.48828721
File: 1.23 MB, 1010x1135, 1676583258139144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that dumb bitch pissed off Dee's Nuts and now their hired yakuza are kicking down my door and demanding unauthorized sponsorship payments

>> No.48829754

Why are his eyelids halfway to his ears?

>> No.48829823

Iguana looking motherfucker

>> No.48829867
Quoted by: >>48832970

lmao what, the two aren't even comparable

>> No.48831629


>> No.48831867

First person to get fired over them nuts

>> No.48832970
Quoted by: >>48834460

Let's check...

One started drama with colleagues because she's menhera and was constantly worried about her position....
...then tried to use her numbers to gaslight her oshi into dating her, explicitly in front of her simps, going down in a blaze of ignomy and possibly not getting the required psychiatric help to date.

The other was found to be '''unable to adapt to company culture'''

That's totally the same right?

>> No.48834460
Quoted by: >>48835477

>ctrl + f "gaslight"
>system detects one instance of that word
>alright computer, categorize as a woman variant and ignore the post

>> No.48835477

funny thing about words, right, is that people can understand them yeah, and they can be used by anybody, to convey related types of information, to anybody.

Just something to take note of when you're applying for your real-human-being licence, AI

>> No.48835609

It is his Chinese blood.

>> No.48836131

They should sponsor Sayu for real now. Probably best exposure they've had in a while.

>> No.48839435
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>> No.48839447

Their only similarity are their dusty womb that hasn't received semen since their partner drop them.

>> No.48839472

