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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 903 KB, 2190x2560, uruka lia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48605860 No.48605860 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links
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Official Schedule:
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Official Character References:
Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:


▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou
▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasa
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa
▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIori
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika
▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka
▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiru
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui
▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TenmaMaemi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenma
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw
▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippa
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa


▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumikaneko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@lumikaneko
▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]
Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists


▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_Nephys
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RemiliaNephys
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilianephys
▼ Airi Chisaka 千坂 アイリ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChisakaAiri
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairi
Twitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx7aPMHI_kK1CP6zSvilHSA
▼Shiina Amanogawa 天ノ川 しいな (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AmanogawaShiina
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiina
Twitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkDfBt3R64R2rRIrAQwldeQ
▼ Rie Himemiya 姫宮りえ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRie
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimemiyaRie
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarie
Twitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3-Rfh_Ek-s6EUWS4fT5VPw
▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ErinaMakina
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina
▼Panko Komachi 小町ぱんこ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipanko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KomachiPanko
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipanko
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_EIfw5I5uDlwsK6sc-83Q

▼Phase Friends
AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Idol Corp >>>/vt/jidf/
Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/
Aoi Moi - https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moi
Maple Alcesia - https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Haruna Swift - https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber - https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Previous thread >>48598773

>> No.48605960
File: 1.20 MB, 960x960, wheat fields.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia makes me so happy

>> No.48605970

I like Lia! Only Lia! Always Lia!

>> No.48605983
Quoted by: >>48606007

this one

>> No.48606004

Yes, this is the correct thread.

>> No.48606005

real thread

>> No.48606007
File: 660 KB, 1024x625, Pipalian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.48606017

jesus christ lia what did you just mean by that

>> No.48606027
File: 93 KB, 811x1200, 1656661179477634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48606030

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.48606053

What Lia fetish was that Lia?

>> No.48606064
File: 618 KB, 826x1024, Jong me up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48606074
File: 505 KB, 715x500, chibi angy Lia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP changing faggot, I WILL find you and rape you. this is a threat

>> No.48606120
Quoted by: >>48606164

I'm still trying to look for Tenma's art account. Any hints?

>> No.48606119


>> No.48606156
File: 892 KB, 526x733, 1682647782540063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48606200

Lia wants to feel me inside of her mouth!

>> No.48606161
File: 304 KB, 608x632, 1682539436329474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48606221


>> No.48606164
Quoted by: >>48606314

She draws a lot of BL.

>> No.48606181

>vandalized thread is full of Pippa ritual posts
more proof that Harines are retarded tourists

>> No.48606200
File: 1.53 MB, 1269x713, horny as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feel Lias futa cock in my mouth

>> No.48606207
File: 273 KB, 680x658, PippepTalk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqul8ao.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48606214
File: 1.04 MB, 1125x1577, 1668937771998434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48606616

Airi sex...

>> No.48606221
Quoted by: >>48606299

Did the other one die?

>> No.48606236
File: 1.33 MB, 800x1002, 1682753207088980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48606243

Looks like Page 8 baking is gonna be on the table from now on. Just the way it has to be.

>> No.48606240


>> No.48606282

>Not the first post from this IP.
I wonder who made this post

>> No.48606298
File: 2.39 MB, 1654x2339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 5 baking coming soon. All because people are so upset about Maple not being in the OP.

>> No.48606299

yeah the squib died, soon that one will die too

>> No.48606301

Lia living the grind life

>> No.48606302
File: 1.02 MB, 1315x887, 1663630955313095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep deprived!
Never parties!
Self loathing!
No appeal!

>> No.48606305
File: 211 KB, 1600x900, 1673598886188895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48606457

I dedicate this post to a very special dragon

>> No.48606307
Quoted by: >>48606366

The only thing more boring than playing Genshin is watching someone else play it

>> No.48606314

Kek. Like full on or is it tame?

>> No.48606346

the obvious discordtroon group which decrees that the heccin precious op can't be updated are cancer

>> No.48606361

remember Lia:
>hustle beats talent when talent doesn't hustle
- Sam Hyde

>> No.48606366

This. I hope Lia has a good stream but there's no way in hell I'm watching that.

>> No.48606372
File: 655 KB, 1125x752, pippaexperienceidolsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa love~!

Some of you should really consider suicide.
Stream for tonight is on Aois channel.

>> No.48606374

Is Miia going to dock your pay if people don't use your thread on her birthday?

>> No.48606380
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x769, 1658000291280211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa LOVE

>> No.48606382

She doesn't. That was a joke. She mentioned earlier in the stream that she never corrected people who thought that she draws BL because she wanted them to spend hours looking at BL trying to find her art account.

>> No.48606397
File: 36 KB, 400x400, Peepa Think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48606561

is the phase friend shill just trying to piss off the jannies so they hate us more than they already do?

>> No.48606429

Nice new angle schizo. How many weeks did it take you to come up with that?
You absolute fucking disgrace

>> No.48606457
Quoted by: >>48607129

where's the schedule Nasa, you can't just post this and disappear again

>> No.48606496
File: 228 KB, 800x800, Pippa plush hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48606500
File: 27 KB, 604x338, 1353089363404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuse your opponents of what you're doing
You're the cunts that don't belong here. If you love your phase friends so fucking much then make threads just for them. You don't get to change the OP for /pcg/ just because your shitty oshi isn't popular enough to get her own thread.

>> No.48606507

i never even heard of genshin until i started watching lia last year

>> No.48606512
File: 723 KB, 765x995, wuvwemi🖤❤.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lubububububububububu Wemi! I'm so glad she's back. Please take care of yourself better so you get sick less often...

>> No.48606525
File: 271 KB, 526x654, 1668194268621969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has lia even redeemed all the event primos? the exclamation mark's still on the icon...

>> No.48606561

Nano popping up made an opening for trolls and antis.
It'll die down and then start up again when she starts streaming so look forward to it I guess.

>> No.48606566
File: 1.36 MB, 1093x1499, phase invaders 3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirsche: https://twitter.com/KirscheVerstahl
Nyaru: https://twitter.com/nyaruchuuu
Sleepy: https://twitter.com/Sleepy_Project
Miia: https://twitter.com/matoimiia
Mieko: https://twitter.com/mino_mieko
Chinchilla: https://twitter.com/natumi_hana
and (You)

Phase Friend Miia's birthday stream is on https://www.twitch.tv/matoimiia
Phase Friend Nyaru is still doing her footcam Stepmania with her dog: https://www.twitch.tv/nyaruchuuu
Phase Friend Mino Mieko joined a corpo: https://twitter.com/mino_mieko/status/1653519742114893824

>> No.48606576

>phase "friends"
>most don't know who they are
>nobody ever posts when they are streaming
>they barely stream anyway
>all are pippa related ancient orbiters
>can't change outdated information because uhhh change is heccin bad!

>> No.48606585

Bratty fox hag...

>> No.48606616

wolf gets some good art both sfw and nsfw

>> No.48606630

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.48606640

Lia better not roll again

>> No.48606687
File: 307 KB, 855x614, 1665032022526401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Panko.
I will always love Panko.
Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much I love Panko.

>> No.48606688

>all are pippa related ancient orbiters
Except for Aoi they're all Lia's actually.

>> No.48606698
Quoted by: >>48606771

Both the new phase friends faction and the old have a point
I think we should just delete the whole section

>> No.48606699

>>nobody ever posts when they are streaming
Gee, I wonder if it has to do with the fact that they get BTFO'd every time they do post when someone is streaming

>> No.48606706
Quoted by: >>48606882

wasn't there bl and some other cringe on her old deviantart?

>> No.48606730

it's a pretty tame account, not that hard to find since all the ominis fans repost each other endlessly

>> No.48606732
Quoted by: >>48607176

Remove Kirsche and I'll use them. We need a blood sacrifice. Please compromise for the good of the thread.

>> No.48606745
File: 49 KB, 768x617, you should kill yourself, now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48606771
Quoted by: >>48606873

honor the poll

>> No.48606783

I actually fucking love Maple
she activated all my checkboxes Freud said people look for in a partner
Would give her children/10

>> No.48606832

I love you

>> No.48606848
Quoted by: >>48606969

Does Aoi speak english well enough to collab or is this going to be a Pippa google translating stream?

>> No.48606861
Quoted by: >>48606918

>jannies deleted the right thread

>> No.48606873

both factions have a poll

>> No.48606875

>nitter doesn’t show adult content anymore so idk what the fuck nasa was retweeting
so what was it?

>> No.48606882

No idea honestly. I don't dig into that sort of stuff.

>> No.48606886
File: 3.34 MB, 1418x1188, Screen Shot 2023-04-28 at 12.02.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few things
1. Nyaru is already repped in the OP with /aa+/
2. Mieko is now gonna be repped in the OP with /aa+/
3. Miia has never even collabed with Phase
4. Chichilla has never even collabed with Phase
5. Kirsche is a fat cow
6. Sleepy is cool

>> No.48606907
File: 492 KB, 653x633, 1681211449597444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you faggots stop making multiple threads already?

>> No.48606918

they had to get it right eventually with all the attempts they've had

>> No.48606924

Stop pruning the real threads. We will just post earlier and earlier until you give in. I can guarentee we have more patience than you

>> No.48606933

shut up buttercuckie

>> No.48606938
File: 182 KB, 566x363, panko manko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48606946

You're supposed to be able to recognize when someone makes a fucking trolling thread, idiot.

>> No.48606955

I never know which is the right thread fuck you guys.

>> No.48606969
File: 790 KB, 1220x592, aoi bussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607035

Lia taught him all the words he needs to know. he'll be fine

>> No.48606982

thankfully the other one seems to have been eliminated

>> No.48606987
Quoted by: >>48607050

Which discord does this threat come from?

>> No.48606991

just make a phase orbiters thread ffs

>> No.48606996

Go cry to your discord.

>> No.48606997

The right one is the one without the vandalized OP

>> No.48607035

Pippa will rape Aoi, she loves incest and is a dom.

>> No.48607045

/orbit/ - Phase Friends General

>> No.48607048

my autism is stronger than yours. you don't stand a chance

>> No.48607050

Fuck off niggers it's the general we. Stop projecting

>> No.48607055
Quoted by: >>48607107

look in the phase friends section, if you see people you dont recognize and never get posted about, then you're in the wrong thread

>> No.48607062
Quoted by: >>48607113

Here's how to fix the Phase General Forced Drama:
1. delete phase friends from op
2. put phase friends in the first post instead
3. fuck you

>> No.48607071
File: 6 KB, 180x65, 1675515397949973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Nyaru is already repped in the OP with /aa+/
>2. Mieko is now gonna be repped in the OP with /aa+/
eh fair
>3. Miia has never even collabed with Phase
Yuri, getting raided by phase friends many times is also a friend qualification too
>4. Chichilla has never even collabed with Phase
Actually this is fair
>5. Kirsche is a fat cow
Rude. Kirsche is easily the best candidate for phase friend.
>6. Sleepy is cool
That she hasn't been added yet is insane

>> No.48607107

wrong, if you see people that have been recently posted about aside from Aoi you're in the wrong thread.

>> No.48607113
Quoted by: >>48607248

>compromise with a griefer

>> No.48607129
Quoted by: >>48607177

She fell asleep before she could make it

>> No.48607146

I agree with this

>> No.48607153
File: 18 KB, 385x374, 1681200433965753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48607176
File: 312 KB, 493x713, 1653229718148952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607256

It's funny how this gets always ignored

>> No.48607177

maybe next month then

>> No.48607185

so you admit the phase friends section consists of literal whos that never get posted about?

>> No.48607187
Quoted by: >>48607278

>Yuri, getting raided by phase friends many times is also a friend qualification too
She is dead nigger. It is time to move on. She is not getting added. E V E R.
> Kirsche is easily the best candidate for phase friend.
She's not. Sleepy is. Only one of them can be added, and it should be Sleepy.

>> No.48607225
Quoted by: >>48607409

>the current OP council discord is afraid of a rival discord
/pcg/ is just a war between discord factions, few know this

>> No.48607233

The only reason they keep changing the phase friends section is because it causes the thread to have a melt down amd goves them attention. Just ignore the fags.

>> No.48607248

Feel free to keep fighting against him and wasting your time on shitposting then, I don't give a shit
I'll even start using all threads I see at the same time

>> No.48607254

[Lia News] Lia is laughing and cumming on stream

>> No.48607258
Quoted by: >>48607316

Pippa stream tonight?

>> No.48607256

He's a Kirschefag. If we're both hurting I can deal with it.

>> No.48607272
Quoted by: >>48607316

is Pippa streaming

>> No.48607278

why are pipnigs like this?

>> No.48607281
File: 31 KB, 400x400, nyaruchuu_squibby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607350

>1. Nyaru is already repped in the OP with /aa+/
Only AkioAIR Is included in the OP, nyaru is in the charlotte bear thread /choc/ though
>2. Mieko is now gonna be repped in the OP with /aa+/
Same as above but no /choc/
>3. Miia has never even collabed with Phase
Constant phase raid target however. A collab with happened eventually. Plus she is groomed by Xalamon.
>5. Kirsche is a fat cow
Still entertaining regardless.
>6. Sleepy is cool
That she is, that is why she should be in the OP.

>> No.48607316
Quoted by: >>48607354

Collab on Aoi's channel.

>> No.48607341

If the OP is less useful and less relevant that is the correct thread according to the discord OP council

>> No.48607350

>phase friend niggers doesn't even know what the AkioAir thread is
of course

>> No.48607354

good thing I can scroll up to the handy dandy Phase Friends section to get a link to Aoi's channel

>> No.48607355

Why the fuck would pippa go back to collab with them again?
Last time was worse than a european counter strike match
Absolutely 0 communication

>> No.48607374
Quoted by: >>48607410

We should keep all the legacy friends and add sleepy.

>> No.48607392

Lias bantz with her chat are so kino

>> No.48607399

You don't take away from Phase Friends. You add to it.

There is only room for 1 addition. Pick between Sleepy and Sleepy. It is fucking simple.

>> No.48607409
Quoted by: >>48607472

>Admits to being a discord user
>Obvious discordfag
Gee I wonder which faction is being forced by discord?

>> No.48607410

>we can only add pippa's friends
nah, add all of the ones or none

>> No.48607436

>word cloud anon: DEAD.
>drawanon and coloranon: DEAD.
>all squibby technicians: DEAD.
Guinea bee poster is this general's only hope against reaching critical mass for schizo autism.

>> No.48607437
Quoted by: >>48607466

Kirsche is more of a Phase Friend than her

>> No.48607453
File: 510 KB, 724x803, seggs with.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48608128

There is room for two if you condense Yuri into one line.
>▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated] - Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists

>> No.48607456

There's actually room for 3 additions, we gained 3 lines with yuri's termination.

>> No.48607457
File: 225 KB, 443x434, Lia Pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607478

we're going to do this every day for a week aren't we

>> No.48607464

I want to hug the Pippa.

>> No.48607465

of course drawanon is dead, she left Phase

>> No.48607466

Nah, she's not. Sleepy does off collabs.

>> No.48607471
Quoted by: >>48607490

I think Lisa should be added as a permanent phase friend, as long as she promises to let chat feed her live on stream every day.

>> No.48607472
Quoted by: >>48607521

classic deflection, there is no good explanation for the way suddenly a swarm of posts "saves" these shitty outdated OP threads asides from discord action

>> No.48607474
File: 140 KB, 1300x870, 24992875-box-trap_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going hunting anons, wish me luck.

>> No.48607478

>a week
rookie noombas

>> No.48607490
Quoted by: >>48607606

Lisa isn't even friends with Pippa anymore

>> No.48607492

I miss them uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.48607508
File: 611 KB, 2001x2002, 1682631626611002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48607511

Hmmm do i really wanna listen to pippa struggle with Japanese for an hour or two?

>> No.48607513

i lost the will to squib

>> No.48607520

Use the correct thread next time. We've already updated the Phase Friends list with the relevant people.

>> No.48607521
Quoted by: >>48607571

>sudden phase friend raid
>no u

>> No.48607537
Quoted by: >>48607577

>all squibby technicians: DEAD.
what about pankophiles

>> No.48607540

Aoi collabs are usually cute background noise

>> No.48607549
Quoted by: >>48607652

It's better to think of it as watching Aoi struggle with english for an hour or two.

>> No.48607554
File: 62 KB, 1000x584, I know what you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48607555
File: 14 KB, 442x669, ol_pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were a couple coloranons, but there's nothing to color without drawanon

>> No.48607562

Either leave Phase Friends as is or remove it completely.
Either way that fat Donkeylips looking fuck Kirsche isn't getting in.

>> No.48607567


>> No.48607571

this has been happening for several months now

>> No.48607577
File: 121 KB, 577x577, 1682488822904472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering suicide from lack of streams

>> No.48607579
File: 72 KB, 1024x1016, my honest reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607610

niggers I dont give two shits about the OP I just want to talk about the current streams in peace so go fight in discord or go hang yourselves from the nearest tree

>> No.48607580

Squibbing feels illegal now

>> No.48607606

>>48607490 (me)
My source by the way? The angry feelings I get when it’s my time of the month of course.

>> No.48607607

Why do you even do this? Everyone always goes to the correct thread. This is completely pointless.

>> No.48607610

so true bro lets discuss uhh Lia playing Genshin! dude thats so cool I love how she uhh rolled gacha

>> No.48607640
File: 186 KB, 498x626, 1679287242092654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider me a criminal then

>> No.48607642

Please don't stop anon, it's all we have left

>> No.48607649

...but anon we have been discussing Lia playing Genshin for the last 2 hours. have already gone thru a thread

>> No.48607652

Ok that is a better way of looking at it, thanks anon

>> No.48607655
File: 71 KB, 591x1000, 1677492519465254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump your squibbies.

>> No.48607658

>phase friend shill
>phase connect anti
every. fucking. time.

>> No.48607663

Miia is still using squibby emotes, and Pippa used hers as the twitch icon now that it supports GIFs

>> No.48607668

The correct thread has the updated Phase Friends list. It was already polled.

>> No.48607690

He wants control but I'm happy to make him seethe.

>> No.48607694
File: 2.10 MB, 577x577, 1680417924599145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to stop me nigger

>> No.48607695
Quoted by: >>48607714

you argued about gacha

>> No.48607714
Quoted by: >>48607762

and what is Lia playing?

>> No.48607713
File: 82 KB, 577x577, 1673653477724207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48607721
Quoted by: >>48607759

No they don't. There's plenty of people that don't know the difference and bump the dogshit thread.

>> No.48607726
Quoted by: >>48607745


>> No.48607745

it's ok she's a shota too

>> No.48607747

just do a second post after op with phase friends /chug/ does something similar

>> No.48607749

you want a poll mother fucker? here you go

>> No.48607753
File: 56 KB, 800x459, 1671127480267725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48607755

she's going pretty in depth on the game mechanics, pretty interesting ngl

>> No.48607758

honor your first poll and kill yourself

>> No.48607759
Quoted by: >>48607836

But fortunately your discord group saves the "correct" thread, gotcha

>> No.48607762
Quoted by: >>48607820

arguing about the game is not discussing a stream

>> No.48607764
File: 808 KB, 577x577, ECBE6D7F-21DF-4DAF-ADA2-B10ABF2FB788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48607766
File: 333 KB, 980x1491, 1681368081890922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607869


Pippa is spending time with her little brother tonight


>> No.48607770
File: 235 KB, 1087x723, 1680439376179387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48607799

Polls dont matter, /pcg/ is a fascist state

>> No.48607811

I tried that for a while but they didn't like it.

>> No.48607819
File: 1.24 MB, 1600x899, 1681792378696830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607859


>> No.48607822

Why tho? This is the non vandalized thread.

>> No.48607820

it is 100%. You've lost.

>> No.48607826
File: 307 KB, 1200x848, 1657443624019744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48607836
Quoted by: >>48607873

Shut the fuck up you cock smoker. People who belong here aren't clamoring to shill non-phase people. Don't reply to me again, cunt.

>> No.48607840
File: 378 KB, 1000x1000, 1655109513026408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it saying?

>> No.48607859
File: 907 KB, 1600x899, 1681787962653109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48607995


>> No.48607862
File: 369 KB, 1200x475, 1682903226564584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48607865

hehe fellow chuggers

>> No.48607869
File: 106 KB, 500x500, 1665267941077807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I can't wait for them to fail to communicate for an hour plus again without bringing Tenma or Iori to translate

>> No.48607873
Quoted by: >>48607898

Hit a bit too close to home huh.

>> No.48607898

>heh you disagree with me?
>that means I'm right
Replying to me without being able to make a point speaks volumes about you, retard.

>> No.48607899

>Shiina retard probably

>> No.48607901

Lia cute and smug

>> No.48607918

can we keep phase friends as is but add "and (You)" I think that parts pretty cute

>> No.48607922
File: 228 KB, 128x96, 1683075511874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ううううううううううう ルミが見えなくて寂しいよ

>> No.48607924
Quoted by: >>48608051

Imagine having Pippa as a big sister...

>> No.48607948
File: 75 KB, 554x554, 1654928749671925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 minute warning
Get your shit together!

>> No.48607950
File: 40 KB, 377x319, D7D02E96-E06F-447D-8B80-74AE00A30856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uruka in diapers.

>> No.48607958

>f2p real friend lia

>> No.48607964

Jerk yourself off in the mirror. The OP isn't about you.

>> No.48607987

that's super gay. it's one of the more offensive things they added.

>> No.48607996
File: 46 KB, 577x577, 1669590497129383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all squibby technicians: DEAD.
Not dead, just silently refining our craft.

>> No.48607995

Squibby cat...

>> No.48607998

I didnt say me retard I clearly said (You)

>> No.48608008

>Aoi is late too

>> No.48608012

English x Japanese language barrier collabs are cringe

>> No.48608015
Quoted by: >>48608071

This. Its about us, the deciders of the OP. And we decide that nothing changes, ever.

>> No.48608020
Quoted by: >>48608063

I hate you tho. You're a nigger.

>> No.48608029
File: 1.06 MB, 1006x804, LLENN_checkem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice gets bro!

>> No.48608051
File: 268 KB, 401x401, 1677992730813311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48608327

Being forced to cum over and over by big sis Pippa

>> No.48608063
Quoted by: >>48612603

what about (You)

>> No.48608070

>>word cloud anon: DEAD
That's a good thing. They promote dogshit posting habits.

>> No.48608071

It changes when it deserves to change. Not when some faggot and his faggot friends want to shill people that aren't in Phase Connect.

>> No.48608085
Quoted by: >>48608119

[Lia News] hot mic. chance for a burp or brap or slur.

>> No.48608092
Quoted by: >>48608135

>Not when some faggot and his faggot friends want to shill people that aren't in Phase Connect.
but thats literally what the current OP is retard

>> No.48608113

Utterly commendable levels of autism.

>> No.48608119

Lia says faggot, this is known

>> No.48608128

Idk why you're hung up about this. Removing the extra lines before and after the ------ makes far more sense.

>> No.48608135
Quoted by: >>48608203

Don't ignore the first part of my fucking post you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.48608137

they spent dozens of dollars on a ship model that they never use?

>> No.48608144
Quoted by: >>48608321

If there's going to be a Phase Friends section of the OP, it should actually include the relevant Phase Friends. I don't know why you people are so autistic against fixing this.

>> No.48608160
Quoted by: >>48608321

Exactly, when you decide it should change.

>> No.48608169

>Lia asking for soundposts of her farting

>> No.48608172

[Lia News] She wants a soundpost of brapping

>> No.48608191
Quoted by: >>48608249

Lia's "creaky chair"...

>> No.48608198
File: 63 KB, 1242x744, ShipkinShippaArmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were multiple coloranons, including myself. There's nothing to color, so they've mostly disappeared. I've been trying to practice drawing, and was getting okay at drawing Yuri in her doodle artstyle, but the sudden switch to Nano has kinda stopped my momentum. Still trying to get a formula down for drawing her in the same style.

>> No.48608203

It deserves to change because no one discusses most of the current Phase Friends, now dont ignore my previous post and calm down a bit junior

>> No.48608248

Imagine Lia braps

>> No.48608249

you don't think she actually just lets it rip do you?

>> No.48608260

>4 minutes later
Pippa is a bad influence

>> No.48608289
File: 92 KB, 465x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be nail biting.

>> No.48608301
Quoted by: >>48608351

Please compromise and remove Kirsche. Both sides will seethe and everyone will be happy.

>> No.48608321

And you arrogantly think you get to be the one person that decides who belongs.

When we decide it should change. We already had a big poll. The poll told the faggot asking to kill himself because it shouldn't be changed. You don't get infinite tries or get to make changes anyway despite the fact that you're getting so much resistance.

The overwhelming majority of the people that come here disagree with you so shut the fuck up. You don't get to try to appeal to the population and then ignore the population. The OP stays the way it fucking is until ENOUGH PEOPLE decide it should change. You're not the fucking boss of /pcg/ so keep your fucking mouth shut.

>> No.48608323

Either put everything in pastes or split the OP into a part 2 post.

>> No.48608325

Nobody cares discord fag

>> No.48608327
Quoted by: >>48608382

Pippa already said that incest is disgusting and immoral and it should be forbidden

>> No.48608338
Quoted by: >>48608470

>Lia in last term before she can transfer to university
fug it could be over if she gets accepted and can't commute.

>> No.48608351
Quoted by: >>48608739

Ok thats fine, we can have an open discussion about who to include and who to remove instead of being stubborn and seething at anyone who wants a slight change

>> No.48608362

pipnigs are really shitting up Aoi's chat already

>> No.48608370

Phase friends get their own thread.
Imagine the salt as it actually manages to generate discussion and stay up.

>> No.48608373

>mieko friend lia
>miia cute
Wordcloud is a fucking phase friend poster and should kys.

>> No.48608378

I botted one of these

>> No.48608382
File: 33 KB, 128x128, 1662689711940793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded

>> No.48608390
Quoted by: >>48608478

What, PRAY TELL, brought on this Pippa collab?

>> No.48608396

>The overwhelming majority of the people that come here disagree with you so shut the fuck up. You don't get to try to appeal to the population and then ignore the population. The OP stays the way it fucking is until ENOUGH PEOPLE decide it should change. You're not the fucking boss of /pcg/ so keep your fucking mouth shut.
But the poll is literally about 50/50 so enough people do want it to change

>> No.48608398
File: 7 KB, 366x57, 1674701298746448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[aoi news]

>> No.48608401

As is tradition

>> No.48608405

>half of the posters dont give a shit
yea this is really important, important enough to make multiple side thread and delete the ones one discord server doesnt like

>> No.48608413
Quoted by: >>48608468

I voted to change idc, phase friends is ridiculous, doesn't provide useful info to newfags

>> No.48608419


>> No.48608435
File: 579 KB, 3000x3000, 17172C09-7497-4AD5-887C-383D3B84FC0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48608510

… Pippa’s going to molest Aoi live on stream… huh…

>> No.48608432

>candid Lia zatsu
it was worth it to stick around the 2 hours of Genshit to get here

>> No.48608433

Aoi is hitting big numbers at 3view status. This his him(her) shook and the chat zooming in Eigo is daunting.

>> No.48608462

Follow the poll and kys, then.

>> No.48608469


>> No.48608468
Quoted by: >>48608612

>doesn't provide useful info to newfags
best argument to not change it I've heard yet

>> No.48608470
File: 285 KB, 692x1175, Yippie BASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no doomposting

>> No.48608474
Quoted by: >>48608618

You don't get to make as many polls as you want over and over again until you get a result you want by spamming it by yourself and then use it as justification for putting the shit you want to shill in /pcg/. /pcg/ is not your fucking ad space.

>> No.48608476
Quoted by: >>48608527

You should also go to a therapist because you have some kind of mental disorder.

>> No.48608478
File: 1.92 MB, 1024x1536, 1680919572956917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa needs no justification to satisfy her twink urges

>> No.48608479
File: 400 KB, 582x589, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whilst people vote for the phase friends, please say happy birthday to Phase Friend Miia. https://pastebin.com/Auq8Zr23

>> No.48608496
File: 18 KB, 604x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48608561

[Blue bears news] Uruka almost died. Why are talents almost dying all the sudden?

>> No.48608508

[Lia News] Lia is taking singing lessons now!!

>> No.48608510
File: 23 KB, 690x728, 1680588266390442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Rie's job

>> No.48608517
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, 20230216_092719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Jewpa was still around...

>> No.48608527
Quoted by: >>48608565

>meds response
Expected from someone who doesn't know what to do when they lose a fucking argument.

>> No.48608533

And HariPipis don't seem to care. I'd say 80% of her chat has never seen Aoi.

>> No.48608541

I'm coming for your Xalabussy.

>> No.48608543

im gonna rape you miia
(after i skin xalamon alive)

>> No.48608545
Quoted by: >>48608711

I like miia but its a bad time to post because pippa is streaming and pipnigs get ornery about anyone other than their precious yabbit

>> No.48608557
File: 1.02 MB, 1067x1003, 1669684546212609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48608732

Phase Friend Mino Mieko is streaming
also she'll talk about why she joined that particular kawa corpo

>> No.48608561

50/50 on it being Lumi on purpose, or just Airi driving normally

>> No.48608565

You don't have an argument. You're just insane.

>> No.48608601

If I don't have an argument then it should be easy for you to explain why I'm wrong. But you're such a stupid pussy you can't even do what you would claim is easy.

>> No.48608606

I just now realized Pippa calls Aoi her brother because they have the same artist, don't know how I never noticed any similarities before.

>> No.48608612

Phase Friend schizos used to say that it should be changed because newfags wanted it changed.

>> No.48608618
Quoted by: >>48608703

Its simply democracy, calm down
>/pcg/ is not your fucking ad space
but for some reason it is for the current phase friends? Its not about shilling, its about accurate reflection of the modern thread

>> No.48608623
File: 99 KB, 227x297, 1660541201440673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48608706


>> No.48608625
File: 783 KB, 1060x1080, Confused 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get a quick run down on Aoi?
I watched part of the Payday 2 stream with pippa and it seems like they can't speak english or play fps well. I also went through some of the recent valorant streams and they play like shit and barely talk so what's up?

how does he know pippa?

>> No.48608653

stop feeding (you)s to the mentally unsound without a license.

>> No.48608676
File: 360 KB, 530x479, 1660218781441578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48608678

is aoi a girl playing a boy or a real boy?

>> No.48608682

Lia is a humble girl. She just needs to stay focused and she can keep going places.

>> No.48608686

Same artist as Pippa collabed with a bunch of phase girls.

>> No.48608703
Quoted by: >>48608761

>Its simply democracy, calm down
Democracy isn't creating a poll and then ignoring the results you fucking clown. Democracy isn't creating multiple polls in an attempt to finally get one that swings in your favor you fucking clown.

>but for some reason it is for the current phase friends? I
They're grandfathered in.
>Its not about shilling, its about accurate reflection of the modern thread
THE PEOPLE IN THIS GENERAL DISAGREE. Drop this shit you autistic fucking faggot.

>> No.48608706

Pippa already groomed him, you're too late.

>> No.48608709


>> No.48608711

Nah I'm going to anti Miia because she got posted last night during an especially cringy xalamon interaction.
He should really start his own stream since he likes the attention so much.

>> No.48608719


>> No.48608732
File: 34 KB, 582x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also she replied to Lia

>> No.48608736

Is the collab not happening or what?

>> No.48608739

If you do it in the next vandal thread you make I'll use it.

>> No.48608743
Quoted by: >>48608790

Aoi is a femboy male character voiced by a woman. Reverse babiniku.

>> No.48608748

What happened bros?

>> No.48608754

Aoi is an average Japanese male in the year 2023

>> No.48608761

But the previous poll said to change it anyway, by your logic we need to abide by that
>THE PEOPLE IN THIS GENERAL DISAGREE. Drop this shit you autistic fucking faggot.
no they dont, look at the current poll results, its 50/50, you're the only one whos seething about it, I think you might be the autist here due to how much you fear a basic change

>> No.48608784
Quoted by: >>48608818

Aoi got molested

>> No.48608788

it's a tamaki situation if you ever watched her

>> No.48608790
Quoted by: >>48608897

>voiced by a woman
Where is the evidence of this?

>> No.48608801

[Lia News] If you have a secretary DO NOT fuck her. It will ruin your life.

>> No.48608814
File: 156 KB, 595x455, pippatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Pippa News] The foot patches are ready

>> No.48608818

yeah, by me

>> No.48608820

All the polls previously have said for you to kill yourself. Democracy is dead.

>> No.48608834

Picnic attack.

>> No.48608841
File: 70 KB, 626x973, 1681104464114735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48608845
Quoted by: >>48608874

how is this account in Lias chat verified? it has 100 subs

>> No.48608847
Quoted by: >>48609397

>bear and rabbit collab
>A bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. The bear turns to the rabbit and asks “when you take a shit, does it stick to your fur?” The rabbit looks up and replies “no.” The bear picks up the rabbit and uses it to wipe his ass.

>> No.48608863

still waiting for you to livestream your suicide, faggot

>> No.48608867

stop posting this troll poll as if its an own

>> No.48608870

Last poll I remember was 90% kys. If it's democracy, do it.

>> No.48608874

its me, her husband

>> No.48608884
Quoted by: >>48608929

ah yes phase friend sneed

>> No.48608897

my boner

>> No.48608919

>look at the current poll results
Did you not read what I just wrote? You don't get to keep making poll after poll after poll because you keep losing them. That's what losers do. You lost. You don't get to keep doing this shit. This isn't a "2 out of 3" or "3 out of 5" situation. People in this thread told you to fucking kill yourself because you were trying to add a bunch of shilled shit in the OP, and they were perfectly justified in doing so because you exposed how much of a petty cunt you are by trying to change the OP anyway.

You say I'm seething but all I'm doing is using harsh language. You're the one deliberately sabotaging the fucking threads and you never shut the fuck up about how you wish other people that have nothing to do with Phase Connect deserve to be in the OP of a thread about Phase Connect.

Respect the poll results and kill yourself.

>> No.48608929

Kys and sneed are phase friends and they should be added to the op.

>> No.48608945


>> No.48608946

who is this yellow girl

>> No.48608963
Quoted by: >>48609028

/pcg/ is not a democracy, it is an autismo-schizocracy in which the most autistic schizo inevitably decides what happens through sheer persistence.

>> No.48608973

Pippa grooming her little bro live, will get spicy pics in dms after stream

>> No.48608977

>Lia saying don't sleep with your coworkers
yurichads..... it's over

>> No.48608987

Phase friend bullshit is xalabussy's deflection tactic of choice. Stop falling for it, report and move on.

>> No.48608990

the poll is who to add to phase friends, kys is not a phase friend, there were dozens of votes for other chuubas like sleepy, chinchilla, and kirsche, those genuine votes dont get ignored just because some people wanted to post sneed, kys, and other stupid memes

>> No.48608992

>that voice
I don't believe it.

>> No.48608997
File: 1.38 MB, 1152x1024, 1680754815638655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48609010
Quoted by: >>48609133

There are 5x as many meme answers as there are votes for yuri's new persona.

>> No.48609013
Quoted by: >>48609107

Yuri is no longer a coworker, so sex with her is okay.

>> No.48609021


Iori's side account.

>> No.48609025

does Lia know who the Phase office whore is?

>> No.48609026
File: 966 KB, 1735x986, 1658150533944722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no they're retarded

>> No.48609027

>didn't say don't sleep with fans
We're so back bros

>> No.48609028
Quoted by: >>48609089

If that was true, Henri would be king of this shithole.

>> No.48609030
Quoted by: >>48609075

kys won, that's democracy faggot
now honor the poll

>> No.48609041

Pippa said MAGA!

>> No.48609046
File: 1.46 MB, 946x684, 1682869387442482.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pcg/ is obviously a theocracy. You fags need to start liking Lia more.

>> No.48609047

I believe it.

>> No.48609052

>people hate your shitty poll so much the fuck with it
>hurr durr invalid poll

>> No.48609066

I'll give you a hint. Nitrogen gas is painless, because it doesn't trigger the suffocating feeling. You just feel loopy for a bit and you're dead without realizing. Get on it

>> No.48609070
Quoted by: >>48609126

that's what the vaccines do to you

>> No.48609072
Quoted by: >>48609193

its not as unified as your discord group tries to make it seem

>> No.48609075
Quoted by: >>48609112

again, kys is not a phase friend, thats a troll result

>> No.48609081
File: 271 KB, 640x360, the comandments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frfr tho

>> No.48609089

You forget, Henri did get his way for quite a long time until Pippa shut him down.

>> No.48609091

thank god Lia's zatsu picked up. I have something to watch now

>> No.48609095

You truly are fucking autistic. Telling you to kill yourself is to express that nothing should change because the poll itself was predicated on the idea that something MUST change and the poll was simply to determine what the necessary changes will be. That premise was always false and everyone called you out on it you dumb fuck. Nothing deserves to be changed right now. It will in the future. But it doesn't change just because you and a couple of your faggot discord friends want it to. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.48609098

Democracy the god that failed

>> No.48609105

all of /vt/ is a polytheistic theocracy

>> No.48609107

And that is why she wasn't completely devastated, they immediately went to have passionate sex

>> No.48609112 [SPOILER] 

Honor. The. Poll.

>> No.48609119

It's not meme. It was my genuine request to add your suicide stream to the list of Phase friends. And majority agreed, so do it.

>> No.48609126

mna, am I glad I didn't take it

>> No.48609133

it was choose as many options as you want, it's entirely possible every single vote for yuri voted for every meme answer too

>> No.48609139

>Technical difficulties successfully filtered ~600 viewers
>chat still too fast
though the moment I typed this out it slowed down a lot

>> No.48609142

>audio issues
The collab is off to a great start

>> No.48609148

It could happen
with puberty blockers

>> No.48609162

Pippa don't mean

>> No.48609165
Quoted by: >>48609191

Who's idea was it to have 2 ESL stream together in English?

>> No.48609168
File: 1.42 MB, 1233x869, yuri witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48609274

>casts a spell to make anon shit hit pants

>> No.48609169

/pcg/ is kratocracy

>> No.48609172 [SPOILER] 
File: 796 KB, 1511x2015, 1653511184068175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real Iori...

>> No.48609181

She will never know your name. Give up.

>> No.48609183

>600 fake fans

>> No.48609191


>> No.48609193

Make your own thread about just your friends. Leave /pcg/ out of it. Then you won't need to worry about us nasty discord users that want to talk about Phase Connect in Phase Connect General.

>> No.48609194
File: 106 KB, 296x346, 66242342-9E94-4CA9-A8A1-C094271CA0FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48609236

>Pink Rabbit and little boy technical difficulties and language barriers

>> No.48609205

Holy shit Aoi's rigging is shit he keeps going back to default. Maybe they have the same artist but Moi's rigger cut some corners.

>> No.48609206

5 years in the future newfags will belive panko inveted the squibs, an that lumi was always in gen 18

>> No.48609232

>muh poll
It's already been established that any result will be disregarded until it reflects what the slimy schizo wants.

>> No.48609236 [SPOILER] 

Its Pippa trying to explain memes to Michiru all over again...

>> No.48609255
Quoted by: >>48609381

[Lia News] Lia is anti union.

>> No.48609274
Quoted by: >>48609371

I was eating expired hot sauce with no preservatives that I leave out of the fridge earlier so its entirely possible. I'll let you know.

>> No.48609300

He's probably wandering out of the tracker view constantly

>> No.48609306

Manliest japanese male

>> No.48609309

Aoi's glitchy model is basically a key part of him now.

>> No.48609312

i want to cheat on my little sister with this tomboy

>> No.48609319
File: 41 KB, 430x430, C3H8 Yamaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gen 18
Think of how much coffee we-er-Phase will have sold by then!

>> No.48609344

>the verified account in chat is just a business bro
why the fuck is he watching Lia play genshin. I wish I was him

>> No.48609345
Quoted by: >>48609417

Pippa can read?

>> No.48609371
Quoted by: >>48609439

It's difficult for bacteria to live in an environment with a lot of capsaicin. It's naturally antibacterial.

>> No.48609381


>> No.48609380

[Lia news] She wants coffee.

>> No.48609390
File: 540 KB, 1050x1032, 1681609444311233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48609532

i cant understand half of whats going on but i hope my little sister is having fun

>> No.48609397

Uruka would do this.

>> No.48609408

Think about how much coffee will have shipped by then.

>> No.48609417

She has a book club. Yes she can read.

>> No.48609421
File: 532 KB, 1023x634, 1674278274692432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuri coffee no longer available in the phase connect store
She really got terminated didn't she? It's actually over...

>> No.48609422

We still dont have GEN 2 flavors you lazy fish

>> No.48609423

Fuck Minecraft, this is the real filter stream.

>> No.48609434

>some verified business bro talking business in lia's chat
based kinda ngl

>> No.48609439

I ate a lot of it so that benefit may be the risk in itself.

>> No.48609451
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 1679173064264604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48609494

Of course she does. Phase Connect Coffee.

>> No.48609456

yea did you think it was just a joke? retarded bito

>> No.48609460
File: 152 KB, 1080x1080, 1583018513957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you drink coffee filtered through Lia's panties?

>> No.48609463

this female femboy is pretty silly

>> No.48609468

I want to marry Pippa and visit Japan with her as my translator

>> No.48609476
File: 154 KB, 869x1024, 1673059634212548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48609480

i love aoi's rigging there's so much sovl when he polymorphs

>> No.48609485

no I bought all of it

>> No.48609492

How is that even a question

>> No.48609494

Well if they talk so much about it I guess it only makes sense to order some...

>> No.48609496

[Lia News] Lia likes her girls with FLAT chests and wants a real Cunny Castle (as mentioned yesterday)

>> No.48609497
File: 57 KB, 500x510, 99d01257bc811d13e8134abf53790294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't know about link cables

I feel old.

>> No.48609503

This has to be some kind of trick.

>> No.48609505

Cow tit bros... Lia hates us...

>> No.48609508

Why does Aoi look like super femboy twink Colress?

>> No.48609511

Is Aoi really a woman?

>> No.48609516

We love straight shota here

>> No.48609518

Can I pay money to experience this?

>> No.48609517

I hear if you work for Phase in person, you get free Yuri coffee on site. Also fishman was still hawking the yubi acrylics a few days ago, dunno if he was selling them or just giving them away to anyone who bought merch.

>> No.48609528
File: 105 KB, 900x900, 48578682392192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never pilot Pippa
Why even live?

>> No.48609532

Pay attention to the stream, Aoi!

>> No.48609545
File: 26 KB, 280x420, 1653952337843278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48609555
File: 348 KB, 445x486, bendy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48609674

is that even a question? if you say no your just an omega fag

>> No.48609557

Are we getting cucked by a femboy?

>> No.48609572
Quoted by: >>48609681

bros I am so fucking confused

>> No.48609573

I would pay $100 for a cup

>> No.48609577
File: 134 KB, 261x369, 1603431428584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this even a collab? They literally can't understand one another.

>> No.48609581

Mean to say GEN1 but im stupid

>> No.48609586
File: 277 KB, 600x500, 1666991755650253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you'd think this is their first collab

>> No.48609590

Why do you guys keep calling this cute girl a boy? Think about how she would feel if she saw your comments

>> No.48609594

Lia and the fucking primo gems

>> No.48609595
File: 280 KB, 1536x863, 1677212806225349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48609646

how can we get cucked when shes out little sister, you sick fuck

>> No.48609597
Quoted by: >>48609660

Do you think Lia ever gets upset with our jokes about her being "special?"

>> No.48609599
Quoted by: >>48609666

The fact that Lia hasn't been playing Genshin for 3 weeks when two of her favorite characters were about to come out shows how hard shes been working lately

>> No.48609604
File: 1.67 MB, 2200x3800, FtCYjYiaIAUbPIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Lia have to farm for primos, don't you fucks give her money?

>> No.48609614

No, Pippa is getting cooked by a femboy. Aoi is cuter.

>> No.48609620

Aoi new member of Phase Invaders?

>> No.48609630

Alright bros I am out, this is unwatchable

>> No.48609632

shes rolling for a 4star which is entirely luck, spending money is retarded because its a literal slot machine

>> No.48609637

Not for this shit, no.

>> No.48609640

for the same reason i don't give money to heroin addicts,i'll whale for the chair in a couple of streams

>> No.48609646
Quoted by: >>48609712

He is Pippas little brother which makes him our little brother. I will fuck them both.

>> No.48609655

Do the JP speakers think Aoi and Natsume would get along?

>> No.48609656
File: 1014 KB, 4096x2926, FuqNfgaWAAga-IH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48609959

I'd need a comparison with the armpit coffee

>> No.48609660

No, she's self aware.

>> No.48609663

I'm getting cucked by pippa

>> No.48609666

Lia has never streamed more than she has in the last 6 weeks. She has literally been the best she has ever been the last 6 weeks.

>> No.48609669
File: 148 KB, 960x1280, 1675229218633424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Phase a member of Connect?

>> No.48609674

While I agree, you underestimate coffee autists.

>> No.48609681

The boy knows like 10 words of english. Why didn't they pick a dual speaker, there are tons of them.

>> No.48609685
Quoted by: >>48609783

How much would you frens pay if Lia put her computer chair up for sale?

>> No.48609701
Quoted by: >>48609764

What game even is this? Does it stay this text-heavy? Apparently not the best choice lol.

>> No.48609712

Based panincest chad

>> No.48609729

cute boy streamer

>> No.48609735
Quoted by: >>48609777

Lia is precious and must be protected

>> No.48609746

Oh no the sponsors aren't going to like this...

>> No.48609752


>> No.48609764
Quoted by: >>48609903

It might be neat if they were reading their respective parts.

>> No.48609767

Someone got that soundpost with Lia saying she's Chinese and laughing?

>> No.48609765

They are dumb anon

>> No.48609775

Or get someone like Tenma involved as an intermediary.

>> No.48609777

I would give my life for Lia at a moments notice

>> No.48609783

I'll live out of my car just so I can give that seat a good smack and breathe in the years worth of braps its stored within the fabric

>> No.48609784

>Pippa doesn't like doing collabs
>Always has fun doing them though

>> No.48609792


>> No.48609800
Quoted by: >>48609841

Why is Lia making npc’s make lewd noises?

>> No.48609808

More importantly, which Phase's panties proved the best taste of coffee?

>> No.48609816

He said nigger? what the fuck

>> No.48609818

Yes, sodomizing him is the only way to reclaim your dignity now.

>> No.48609823

pippa speaking japanese is too hot

>> No.48609825

Pippa said Gen2 collabs are punishment.

>> No.48609826

Because after the stream the high goes down and she becomes even more depressed.

>> No.48609827

she's autistic

>> No.48609831

Phase has 2 cunnies already and a lot of cunnychuubas are Friends of Phase. They could do a dating show stream with Lia as the prize. I can think of at 10 girls that would be down for it.

>> No.48609838
Quoted by: >>48610045

you ever dread doing a chore and then when youre doing it its far easier than you remember it?

>> No.48609841

hes jerking off thinking about his boyfriend kaveh

>> No.48609850

Results inconclusive because of Wemi's sweat diluting the coffee too much for an accurate comparison.

>> No.48609879
Quoted by: >>48609957

She's nervous that she's going to do something that makes the othr person hate her.

>> No.48609885

Setting up is work
Work is hard
Collabing is play
Playing is fun

>> No.48609884

i love little this nigga he's so cute

>> No.48609883

pippas aged panties

>> No.48609891


>> No.48609899 [SPOILER] 
File: 103 KB, 683x1024, 5E439B01-33A8-42D6-BB5E-0ACEAF8E0B4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48611413

>Pippa is HEAVY

>> No.48609902

Sounds like normal introvert behavior -- fun in the moment, but exhausting before and afterwards.

>> No.48609903

That doesn't seem like something anyone could reasonably have expected to happen.
I don't think "they" picked anyone, Pippa mentioned earlier she's just trying to do more collabs at the moment.

>> No.48609909

Am I the only one longing to pass away peacefully of a drenched dick in Gilf Grotto?

>> No.48609926

Lia being rowdy with chat tonight

>> No.48609928
Quoted by: >>48610016

this is like watching 2 cavemen attempting to communicate

>> No.48609930

wait is Lia /here/?!

>> No.48609957
File: 313 KB, 1063x1388, 1679801286549628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48609959
File: 630 KB, 1800x2400, 1681007174822136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like im going to go feral every time i see this fucking image and i dont know if the rational part screaming "cringe" is going to win or if its the lizard brain part screaming "sex" will
either way have another that elicits the same response from me

>> No.48609988

>thinking a phase talent would ever come here
Not a chance.

>> No.48610016

>shortly after finishing construction on the Tower of Babel

>> No.48610021

Your little sister Pippa parts her friend Aoi's asscheeks and invites you to partake. Do you?

>> No.48610022
File: 651 KB, 1320x4000, FvJ7hgfagAAU1fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted this as a reply to Pippa on Twitter

>> No.48610026

did lia just say mde?

>> No.48610027

So this is a PVP game?

>> No.48610039

>asks for soundposts of her farting
>tweets greentext with nigger in it
>is literally /here/
>wait is Lia /here/?!
of course not, take your meds

>> No.48610045

Me with yardwork. I never want to start but once I do I can't stop.

>> No.48610046

This is so cute bros..
I wanna fuck them both at the same time

>> No.48610052

wew Lia

>> No.48610066

greentexts are all over twitter and reddit this doesnt mean shes /here/

>> No.48610086


>> No.48610112

I'm not reading all that shit, Lia.

>> No.48610119

It's called social anxiety.

>> No.48610126

god this is so hot

>> No.48610141
File: 23 KB, 600x623, GIWTWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48610159

>niggerword on it
lmao can't wait for the shitstorm

>> No.48610167

gay sex with ojisan Lia

>> No.48610205

the real question is will iori see it?

>> No.48610235

>implying Pippa and Lia haven't forced Iori to read this a dozen times by now

>> No.48610263

Implying that deer wasn't Iori.

>> No.48610272
File: 67 KB, 554x554, 1653728597781218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48610413

can't resist

>> No.48610283

>Lia complains about my hobbies GFE

>> No.48610285
Quoted by: >>48610322

>Aoi knows like 20 words of English and their audio keeps cutting weirdly
>Pippa keeps shouting phrases she learned from watching anime

I can't tell if this stream is cute or cursed.

>> No.48610296
Quoted by: >>48610400

>implying Pippa and Lia haven't forced Iori to
>read this a dozen times by now

>> No.48610301

this is vile and I hope it wasn't real
ofc lia reading this is self-inserting as the deer

>> No.48610311
Quoted by: >>48610389

[Lia News] She got Kaveh!

>> No.48610322

Cute. Aoi's a vtuber. He gets it.

>> No.48610325
File: 49 KB, 954x657, lia pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48610335

Pippa and Aoi should sing sweet home alabama together

>> No.48610338


>> No.48610360

>Pippa literally mwah'd a "male" on stream and everyone is ok with it because Aoi is the most non-threatening being in existence

>> No.48610389
File: 1.31 MB, 960x652, gabe itches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48610416

yeah i'd fuck him really hard tbdesu.

>> No.48610399
File: 425 KB, 2048x2048, 1677123339306653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48612213

>Does the american tourist thing of repeating the exact same words, except louder
Okay this is come cringe kino

>> No.48610400
File: 214 KB, 412x382, 1610258177583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48610412
File: 262 KB, 478x595, lia taught aoi bussy zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48610413

I don't know if I'd be able to handle it if Iori said fuck

>> No.48610416

hes literally built for anal sex, Alhaitham pounds his ass 24/7

>> No.48610417

Pippa and Aoi should have sibling sex

>> No.48610428

I'm glad Lia got it. Great cap to a good stream.

>> No.48610433

It's OK because I want to mwah him too.

>> No.48610443

He's either a woman RPing a shots or he's my little nigga. It's cool.

>> No.48610446

everyone wants to fuck Aoi

>> No.48610452

pippa baka

>> No.48610473
File: 287 KB, 1131x1600, 1658537265947199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48610574


>> No.48610498
File: 992 KB, 841x527, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likers, which one you fucking

>> No.48610500
Quoted by: >>48610663

im gonna kill myself if I have to edit this

>> No.48610530

i'm a sucker for banana blondes

>> No.48610531

The one on the far right.

>> No.48610537
File: 110 KB, 301x301, liaaaaoiaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Alhaitham hes an annoying piece of shit so I will go with him to fuck me

>> No.48610542

Neither, I'd rather just use my bito onahole.

>> No.48610547

Who was the autistic fuck that thought that it was a good idea to have this collab despite the obvious language barrier?

>> No.48610561

shut up newfag

>> No.48610563

Those Aoi streams are boring as fuck.
Why is pippa punishing us?

>> No.48610574

If only you knew how baka things really are.

>> No.48610576
File: 560 KB, 871x873, 1661038783737642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time?

>> No.48610582

what happened to star rail?

>> No.48610587

[Lia News] She beat Genshin Impact.

>> No.48610588
Quoted by: >>48610648

The new managers Sakana hired.

>> No.48610594

>BAKA (means stupid)
Man Japanese is so easy

>> No.48610600
Quoted by: >>48610772

They don't really care. This was something Pippa and Aoi wanted to do.

>> No.48610607
File: 446 KB, 618x805, pippa ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am greatly amused at all the newfags who are unfamiliar with Aoi and that Pippa has collabed with him before.

>Verification not required.

>> No.48610611
File: 59 KB, 852x803, in good spirits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48610670

>3 hour stream
>think Lia is gonna end
>keeps going

>> No.48610623
Quoted by: >>48610657

It's because straight shota is good

>> No.48610633

I like it when pippa bullies the femboi.

>> No.48610641

fack yau

>> No.48610643

>this thread is filled with harines

>> No.48610648

Pippa admitted to setting up these collabs.

>> No.48610649

>Pippa, I'm fuck you

>> No.48610657

It's a win win. That south park episode was right.

>> No.48610663
Quoted by: >>48610752

The hell are you editing?

>> No.48610666
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1652143915941120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably don't even know who Lisa is or why everyone is so fond of her, its been that long...

>> No.48610670
File: 1.01 MB, 492x500, become.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lias been streaming a lot longer the past month. i'm proud of her

>> No.48610672
File: 364 KB, 889x560, aoipippacollab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

Its incredibly concerning since its only been like 5 months since the sibling collab.

>> No.48610680

reps newfag

>> No.48610699

I know her from the burping clip that gets posted

>> No.48610714

God I miss LisPa. I really hope it's just poor timing between the two and not some sort of falling out.

>> No.48610752


>> No.48610759 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 124x72, bito-hop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48610788

>> No.48610763
Quoted by: >>48610818


>> No.48610765

Lia is a THIEF

>> No.48610766
File: 377 KB, 539x534, Liaogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ that Lia valley girl accent when she just said "evERR" hit so fucking good ahhh fuck

>> No.48610772

>Pippa an aoi want to do
Is this some kind of cuck shit?

>> No.48610775

These bad girls are corrupting little bro bros...

>> No.48610780

I'm proud of Pippa for trying to speak JP even though she's not good at it. Most people would shy away from that.

>> No.48610788
File: 304 KB, 609x493, bitosex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48610802

The blond is built for dick, too easy. I'll take the silver.

>> No.48610806
Quoted by: >>48610863

image sauce please?

>> No.48610811

The hear is it was Lisa not wanting anything to do with any edge. The hope is that it's some contract stipulation after tsunderia.

>> No.48610815
Quoted by: >>48610993

Do you think Pippa is your girlfriend and she's having sex with this anime boy?

>> No.48610817

Creepy post

>> No.48610818

it was kinda hot ngl

>> No.48610827

anon Aoi collabs are mandated. every girl in phase worth a shit has done them

>> No.48610846

pippa, and not the first one, she collabed with him more than with the funny Kirsche or Sleepy by this point
and they suck every time
also the guy isnt spergy enough to be interesting

>> No.48610849

What brown country are you from that you're this ESL?

>> No.48610854


>> No.48610863

Father's day

>> No.48610875

If you feel cucked by Aoi you should just kill yourself now anon your ngmi in the real world

>> No.48610876

>while everybody thought Lia was mourning Yuri getting fired, she was just grinding for Welt in Honkai for 40 hours straight

>> No.48610885

the things I'd do to tenmama...

>> No.48610889

schizo's at it again

>> No.48610899 [DELETED] 

New Thread


>> No.48610916


>> No.48610936

Not the first Aoi collab, they are always like this.

>> No.48610939

real new thread

>> No.48610958
Quoted by: >>48611016

>God I miss LisPa. I really hope it's just poor timing between the two and not some sort of falling out.
They were never really that close, seems its a mix of pippa being busy and her autism of not wanting to bother her.
But yeah, been a while.

>> No.48610959

[Lia News] Lia is a bad influence on bussy boy, says local rabbit.
Fuck off.

>> No.48610974

we unironically need a mod to babysit

>> No.48610973

Correct thread

>> No.48610993
Quoted by: >>48611122

If she joined a company to be an Idol, the bare minimum that she has to do is to control her lust for male cock, I really thought that this whore was different

>> No.48611008

Fuck off you piece of shit autist. You have the nerve to say other people are seething but you do this petty shit constantly.

>> No.48611016

Before I fully understood what vtubers were I assumed they were the same group.

>> No.48611018

how long will the op war continue?
who will tap out first

>> No.48611019

thank you for the correct bake

>> No.48611030

>ywn do this to Iori

>> No.48611046

I'm gonna be honest bros, I just open both and use both until one gets purged

>> No.48611054

Kill yourself

>> No.48611082

>OP has a very cute Lumi image
>but a vandalized OP
I'm conflicted.

>> No.48611122

>If she joined a company to be an Idol
When did she ever say she wanted to be an idol? Do you have trouble telling the difference between a vtuber and an idol?

>> No.48611130

[Aoi News]
Pippa Cunny

>> No.48611149

dont get the fight over phase friends
none of them outside of maybe kirsche have contact with more than 1 PC member

>> No.48611253

>the friend schizos didn't even notice i took out kirsche
i guess they don't even read it.

>> No.48611327

you have to be a schizo to read the thing each time if you know what is there

>> No.48611347

theyre doing it for attention, people will use the correct thread as long as the jannies dont interfere like they did earlier

>> No.48611361

I petition to be phase friend

>> No.48611413

I wish. She a big lanky lass with long fingers and toes. Might have that Marfan condition.

>> No.48611416

make like your thread and die

>> No.48611724

wtf is this collab pippa

>> No.48612141
Quoted by: >>48612290

oh man, not even watching right now
but I can tell newfags are experiencing their first Aoi collab. Beautiful.

>> No.48612213

It makes no sense. Pippa, pls memorize more Nihongo.

>> No.48612228

>still the vandalized OP
the actual state of pcg

>> No.48612290
File: 428 KB, 1450x2250, pippa ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48612391

It's glorious.

>> No.48612391
Quoted by: >>48612507

got some work to do, but I knew the newfags where going to sperg out
the best one was the one where they tried to disarm bombs together imo

>> No.48612507

This stream has just turned into that.

>> No.48612603

I like this
