Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: (alt) (alt)Obsydia: (Graduated)Iluna: (Graduated) schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.NijiEN song playlist: loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.Nijisanji chat log: archive: Minecraft Server:ninisani.moeOur watchalong fangame VN: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Previous thread: >>48584258
Ike love!
I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I love my bird wife Enna! Comfy zatsu, I could sleep to this...
Mysta love
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!
>>48591589I love this bud like you wouldn't believe!
Enna wants to collab with Nina more in the future!
Fuck you Enna Vampire survivors is the perfect game for you with your shitty game sense.
has anybody played dead island 2? do we even have perms?
Feesh soon
>>48591707it's fun with friends. Kinda bad alone. Just like the first one and Riptide. I don't think anybody asked for perms.
>Someone in chat shitting on MacBooksStill living in the pre ARM era huh.
wuca wuca!
Dumb girl appreciation!
>>48591617>>48591662I love you too! With our current streams, it's quite dreamy. You could say it's almost Ethyrial!
>>48591745yeah I was playing it and it seemed like a great game for a collab, just silly zombie smashing
I love da Wose!
cocksleeve material
DJ love!I wish yugo asuma all the happiness and success in the world!
I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>48591777Ironically there was basically none of picrel otherwise it would be impossible to progress.
Yeah nothing too worth it in the patreon, but there is Mika tits
>>48591777This could be (You) and me babygirl.
>>48591861oh shit thanks>mika titsdont mind if i do
Rosemi-samaaaa ToT
>>48591861I need to titfuck Mika.
>>48591861>webpwhy the fuck am I seeing more of this shit lately?
N-No comments on my pun... O-Okay
>>48592136i'm half awake ueeeeueueee
>>48592136I liked it bud! It gave me a good chuckle, I just didn't say anything since it wasn't directed towards me!
>>48592136its ok bud, not every post can be a smash hit
>>48592088>latelyyou're a boomer. webp has always been superior.
>Gamer wave this Gamer wave that. Mah Brotuber Todd. Shut your mouths. THIS is your true brotuber. Vox please make this your nepo hire I beg!
When will Townsends be part of Nijisanji EN?
>>48592136I hate puns
>>48592159It's all good! Thread got quiet so I kinda wanted to stir it up a little, hehe.>>48592185Thanks, bud! I hope your day is growing great!>>48592195True, some posts just aren't badminton!
>>48592260I like the Nutmeg King but I personally think his good buddy Michael Dragoo would fit better into NijiEN
Sounds like Enna has been doing too much thinking.
I liked this stream a lot.
>>48592466Vox beating up Reimu
I can't stop listening to this pomu/Elira cover. Eliras voice is doing things to me.
I will teach Reimu how boners work
>>48591620sure why not, i don't see what they can do 1on1 outside of a zatsu.
Reimu talking about boners...
Space lmao didn't Enna get the order of the planets wrong in plague tale.
Holy shit Nina lmao
I just want to see Enna watch Dune for once.
What in actual fuck, Nina
What happened with Fulgur?
Oh...Reimu doesn't have a penis... I'm sad now
>>48592687Nina smeared poop on anycolor's walls and blamed it on him
>Nina's father was paraplegic>Fulgur is paraplegicTHEY ARE
>>48592466Reimu and Rosemi are built for ryona and wape
Reimu gives you permission to jerk off while she's streaming
Enner ending... At least the handcam is going to be her own recipe.
>>48592806I decided that myself thank you very much.
Sonny onii-chan Love!Vox Love!
Enna is done for the day, A space zatsu would be nice, but her head would hurt by the end, But please stop with the Millie sexy voice bit getting a migraine from it. Gonna take a nap now.
i will kill all ritual posters in minecraft
Please just save me
>>48592772Tensai bud
Thank you for the yawn Enna.
A day
>>48592687He might be having issues with his spine again
poop monster nina
Reimu WILL pee on your face
Reimu would low key pee on my face.
Wtf there's smartphones in this new gacha game? Thought it was like in the same technological era as like genshin.
Sleepy time... enjoy your streams anons!
>>48592869Have a good nap, peep! I’d enjoy a space talk stream with a lot of the girls, because their reactions would all be so enjoyable to watch!
>>48593008wouldn't you assume its in the same timeline, as i dont know.. honkai impact?why genshin?
Smart bud!
>>48593142I FORGOT TO REPLY >>48592772I'm not as smart as this bud
>>48593124The only other gacha I know from the same company is genshin, don't know anything about the other Honkai games.
Pissbros, we lost…
>>48593008they are literally traveling trough space in a train visiting other planets
Reimu baiting /ringo/fags
Don't open unless you have room for them
Reimu is gone...what do I do now...
I miss oshi
Slow thread today.
There's no Pomu todayThis sucks
>>48593195i mean thats fair i dont know anything about honkai impact cept it came before genshin and has similar combat but its not open world
>>48593365Your mom is slow! GOTTEM!
>>48593265I wasn’t ready
>>48592772umm akchually she's an avid fan of the American animated series Family Guy and made homage to her favorite character Peter Griffin
>>48593407this bud is getting raped
>>48593008They travel in space on a space train, retard-chama
>>48593008bro they got google glass in genshin
>>48593307I'm going to watch latina porn, jack off, and then go to the gym. peace nigga
Some poor honey got his parents pet name for them broadcast on the school PA system...
Is anyone else here afraid of the dark?
>>48592665>one of the best sci-fi books ever written>turned into a shitty D-rank movie for casheverything hollywood produces is shit
>>48593422Wait really? I thought I figured it out...
the desire to post nina always brings me back here eventually no matter how long its been…slav love! hag love! fox love! mom love!
>>48593522It's only when I see specific types of horror, paranormal images then I'm scared of the dark for a day.
>>48593534Well writers are striking now
>>48593189It's okay kindred, mistakes happen! You're still smart, just a little clumsy!
Feesh start!
>>48593582He looks like he doesn't want headpats....>>48593692I will try to think next time!
>>48593715Sounds like someone we know on EN
have an ice day anon
>>48593297Is he going to ritualpost each day on twitter?Would be very awkward if Fulgur actually passes away, Anycolor can't announce it and just leave it at the indefinite hiatus and Doppio drops a tweet each day knowing he's no longer with us...
>>48593714Fuck this bitch and her gachaI love this bratty feesh still though
>>48593791Doppio is the DJ love poster
sex with mari
Pink boy from Oriens makes me sad. He somehow does worse than Aia and Aster...
>>48593478ok vox
Damn, Star Rail actually look really decent. I kind of want to play it, but I have no money to gacha. Is the game gets really bad if you play it purely F2P?
>>48593863this bitch is fucking fluffy weewas and basically you're a FUCKING IDIOT
Remember the days before Finana destroyed her income playing favoritism?
>>48593837She plays Omori today, it isn't gacha
>>48594007Honkai TI, Honkai Star Rail and Genshin can all be played 100% without spending a penny, you eventually gain enough free pulls to try for banners, the only issue is you'll (probably) miss out on a specific banner if you didn't save up in anticipation for it.
>>48593791what, under the announcement tweet? that'd actually be schizo behavior
>>48594058NijiEN has a lot of members that should be used as a case study on what not to do in your vtubing career. It's amazing how many of them have so many fucks up in such a small amount of time.
>>48593791>Anycolor can't announce itThey can and have to do it. One of the girls from Virtual Real passed away and Anycolor had to post an official orbituary.
>>48594058sorry Feesh is a pomudachi now. Turtle too.
>>48593791>Anycolor can't announce it Interesting, list your sources, from Anykara's documents stating this is their practice. Yes, you should be able to find it because PR workings are public information with Japanese companies.
>>48594055Akagi Wen. I also don’t know if to refer to him by his first or last name since nobody ever talks about him
>>48594061>ryuguards are so used finana playing so much gacha they think every game she plays is gacha
>>48594109I can spend like 100$ overall. Anyway, I'll check it out. Might ghacha later when I'll found a proper job.
Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~
>>48594193Holy clickbait ad, Pomudachis don't fuck anyone
>>48594193somebody send this to Pomu and Ewiwa in their memes tags... this is too funny to be ignored
>>48594190Oh, the guy with the huge shoes.
>>48593848wait mari's your big sister? nevermind
Feesh got blinded by the light that Mari went in.
Deron you're killing me girl Deron please...
>>48591800I want them to play Redfall and just rip into it.Its so fucking bad.
Milord better have a sexy villain ASMR this Sunday it would be so fitting if he had a sexy villain ASMR that would be really cool if he had a sexy villain ASMR because Darth Vader is a sexy villain.
>>48594163Yep interesting how oil barons and big spending gachi shifted around.
Finana really does get jumpscared so easily
I love rosemi!
>>48591745I think Reimu has asked for perms, but I can't say for sure
i know tourists know fuck all about him but why do they think fuuchan is sick with something terminal? did something like that happen in the other company? condolences if true
>>48594007>>48594247>I have no money for gacha>Actually I’ll spend $100you are weakf2p isn’t just a choice, it’s a lifestyle
>>48594386Me too- hey WAIT A MINUTE
>>48594406No, they're just heartless bastards making shit up. Ignore them.
The lack of Pomu today is causing me physical pain.Please suggest a vod or stream for me to watch.
Finana's getting stalked by a taxi driver
>>48594406I shitposted too much and they believed me
>>48594503The one where she fucks Selen
>>48594466WRONG ghosts forma de Minta crawled up his butt and gave him ghost hemorrhoids
>>48594406>terminalNo, just chronic. No telling what's going on though, just bad enough for him to vanish for a week + that tweet about"health"
>>48593791They can announce the death of one of their streamers you fucking moron.Stop believing every stupid rrat # vomits out.
>>48594466i want pomu rainpuff to be beat her pipe into my face
>>48594532This nigga is trying to Hurt that pomudachi searching for something that doesn't exist
>>48592772Actually, if you haven't figured it out yet, it's also because "petra" means "rock" in Latin and her design is based on rock-hopper penguins.
>>48594626i want to milk this cowfeesh until there's nothing left
>>48594626hnnggg i wanna spill my icing all over her udders
>>48591707No one cares for that game because Selen stated they had no DI perms.>SelenYes, anything with Guns she asks about.
>>48594626tits too big
>>48594581I've already seen every Pomu stream.I mean non Pomu content.Like an Ike Eveland vod or something.
Pio-chan's schedule! miss boar like you wouldn't believe
Finana doesn't want the gooman's milk...
>>48594406During his last big hiatus he was getting injections jammed into his spine, he's talked about it before, its why he cant travel to Japan for 3D, his spine is simply to fucked up.This break was meant for catching up on work so its hard to say what could have happened, whatever you see in the catalog is just stupid rrat posting from underage faggots.
>>48594738Yay Touken Ranbu
>>48593791Do you actually think his post is literal anonchama?
Nina lolicon arc
>>48594736it's time
I'm scared
>>48594736Milord's Star Wars stream this morning was great! He was gaming pretty well, had a few funny malding moments, and got really into the story. I can't wait to see him play it again! I would recommend this stream even to people who don't watch him.
Feesh jumping into a spooky pool!
Why are they so obsessed with numbers recently?I love them both!
>>48594892elira is a whore.... she's cheating on pomu
>>48594892Ewiwa at least ERP on your alt... also of course Uki inserts himself like a creep
>>48594935all me
>>48594935Is 100k in less than a day good?
>>48594919I'm already watching Selen's Star Wars playthrough..
>>48594726canon size now
>>48594935you want an honest answer or a shitpost answer?
>>48594993tits too big
>>48594993not fat enough. I need some BBW art of Feesh Uno Makoto style
>>48594892>Tfw I will never ERP with Pomu on twitterThis sucks so much.I've actually been considering making an alt account and pretending I'm a girl since Pomu's more likely to do that kind of stuff with me if she thinks I'm a cute girl.
>>48594935hitting 6 digits is a nice milestone, but I don't like thinking about numbers and rates
>>48594935there isnt even anything unusual about this? its like a basic vtuber convention to tweet when covers hit number milestones
>>48594993Big sis Finana....
>>48594993>Alternate timeline where feesh gets all of the chocolate cake
>>48594574>>48594791i know all that since i watch him but thanks for the sincere answers! i was wondering where the rrat came from because health hiatus = dead is quite a leap to make without precedence
Pomies you are all kings and deserve the best this world has to offer.Here's your crown.King.
>>48594935>Work hard on something>Noomber go up thus showing fan interest>This makes tuber happy
>>48595051Pomu is an expert at being a cute girl online. she'd sniff out other stinky ojisans immediately
>>48594935>Never celebrate anything everIts telling how many anons have literally never made anything for themselves
Finana finally found her own kind
Feesh please don't go to Las Vegas I'm scared for your bank acccount
>>48595211When you consider how much of this board are SEAfags that will never amount to anything, it's not really surprising.
watching Fish play Omori while Deron is losing her marbles over Q is an experience
Is fish gonna finish today
>>48595262She just wants to go become a prostitute
>>48595272She's gonna finish alright, finish in my mouth
>>48595262she's going purely to meet her idol, the Amogus SUSGuy
>>48594978Oh, have fun watching! I'll link random streams that were some of my favorites then.Sonny, Alban, and Suha Apex: freaks out playing Pien:'t go wrong with a Vox FNAF stream: mega top secret video not seen anywhere else of Ike and Vox's sex tape. People will call it just a funny scuff stream but it's definitely them having sex trust me:!
>>48594736If you're a faggot or more importantly have autism watch any of this the mengen final destinations and mix breakdowns if you ever end up membered
Well Enna somehow got through an ENTIRE stream without shitting on anyone, or mocking her family members, or flirting with her coworkers.I'll admit I'm surprised. She actually managed to do that.She did arrogantly brag about her audience size though. Imagine bragging about a 2k audience while you're at a massive corporation. The fact that she thinks this is brag-worthy goes to show the absolute state of NijiEN. 5:04:00 Enna wants to "be more parasocial" wtf? -- about 5:06:00, brags about her audience-- Enna talks about Kyo a lot, because she can't go one fucking stream without talking about him. -- 5:12:00 Talking about her taxes AGAIN wow Enna. Paying her taxes is so difficult that she turns it into big drama-- 5:18:00 Enna's really stupid and bizarre space talk. You're out of your depth here Enna. I'll admit I didn't watch all that shit, just the zatsu at the end.
Finana is playing gachaFinana lost 1000 DOLLARS't watch this video
>>48595348>I'll admit I didn't watch all that shit, just the zatsu at the end.You’re getting lazy Ennaschizo...
>>48595330I was tempted to watch Blue Rescue since I really liked Red Rescue as a kid but I was unsure if it was good stream material.Did you enjoy it Quilldren?Also are you single? You know I'm something of an Ike fan myself. And I have a penis. It's pretty nice too.
Seriously she gets jumpscared so easily her controller even got disconnected
finana getting jumpscared by every enemy is the funniest thing many times do you think Pomu has failed to triforce /here/?
>>48595456I know she sucks at games, it's not news to anyone
>>48595466I don't think quildren like dicks.
>>48594993this but on her OG outfit please
I hate fucking visual novels bro they'll be so good for like 15 hours and then suddenly the worst shit ever
>>48591816Im going to fucking kms
Drama niggers really don't take any days off huh
finana asking for the definition of words makes me realize i only know what they mean from experience and that i can't easily explain their meaning
>>48595348>Ennaschizo is slowly moving on from EnnaDid you take your meds already?
>>48595713Welcome to natural language acquisition anon
>>48595466I liked it, he's obsessed with pokemon and freaked out and sperged the whole time and voice acted the whole thing. It was 3 streams in total I think but I'm too lazy to go grab the rest of them>spoilerI will never cheat on Ike
>>48595726If he is, good for him
>>48595506You a phony ain’t you
>>48595625reactivating the suicide pact in 3... 2...
>>48595704Fine I'll go report him for fake news
>>48595726I've been watching the green woman's Dreadge streams, her voice is like sex for your ears so it's very nice. Unlike Enna's voice.
>>48595713Anonymous discovers how languages work
>>48595704This guy actually has a low IQ
>>48595804It's been less than a day and I'm already going to have an episode
Would Kotoka be good to learn Japanese from? Since she’s translating all the time what the fuck is wrong with her?
Kel's way too fragile
I was pretty confused last time she mentioned “Herbo” on stream
>>48595272No. Underwater highway is the biggest area in the game with two big bosses. After that she still has day 3, keys collecting, blackspace and endgame. Besides that, she still wanted to visit orange oasis, which might take her a whole stream to clear. So expect at least 3 - 4 more streams.
>>48595890yeah fulgur is dying
>>48595890Come on this is just weird. I think Millie is actually losing it
>>48595899Behold the bimbo himbo alignment chart
>>48595745>>48595826stop making fun of me
>>48595890his handwriting is not that legible, millie should know that
>>48595321Don't think I see that little bit at the end there, vox. You're not slick.
>>48595947Is Sonny a himbim
I like Mysta
>>48595947Herbos sounds so ugly imo
>>48595704I wish Khyo slow and painful death
>>48595886I think so, you can always just ask shit in her chat too, I think she'd like it especially after replying to that chart everyone's obsessed with now also her chat sucks and you'd be doing her a favor to type in it at all
Dammit Kel go to the bathroom some other time!
>>48595890I think this is cope because Fuuchan isn't coming back for a long time. I expect it will be months. Nijisanji doesn't bother with Announcements unless it's for a long while.
>>48595947Which NijiEN is which
>>48595886>Would an EN liver be good to learn Japanese fromI just don't get it
>>48595890>Millie has been milgurschizo all alongI actually beleive this now
finana contracting my nuts...
>>48596063nobody is lucy lawless
>>48596024hos does her chat suck? It's your typical JP chat with wwws, emotes etc. Nothing different from any other girl.
>>48596063Petra's definitely a bimbo
>>48595862i think the button is broken... i'm going to go schizo once i run out of vods to watch...
>>48596119When she's talking in japanese it's usually fine, she just has a lot of blogposting retards who speak each sentence in like 3 separate messages. Honestly they could be gone by now though, I blocked a few of them a couple months ago
Kel didn't wash his hands what a nasty guy
>>48596007Sonny is a himbo, his avatar is muscular
>>48595704Can anycolor slap this guy with a copyright strike again? I know it wouldn't do anything but he's kind of a dick and it would be funny
>>48596063Mysta is a himbim
I love Pomu, she's my shining star!
grrr bratty Feesh making fun of the stinky poopoo gator guys
>>48594193I'll do you one better.
>>48596158I can't even watch vods without tearing up....I really am going crazy
>>48596281sometimes the shittier it is the better but good job
>>48596259But he really isn't a pretty boy...
haha elira you're just joking around with pomu rightyou don't actually love her right hahaeven after I confided with you, my biggest secretno my sister would never do that hahahahashe wouldn't cuck me hahahaha
Finana can't use the girl's bathroom...
>>48596336This face isn’t pretty to you?
>>48596232They're such fucking assholes opportunist, I bet him and falseyed is going to have a video out by tonight or tomorrow, fucking leeches. Their audience is also fucking horrid, just a bunch of retards going nijiBAD you guys are so parasocial HAHAHA I'm sooo much better than you
>>48595890Millie is actually fulgar's flipinio nurse
>>48596370finana cock
Why does the feesh have lower CCV than other girls with similar sub counts? Not trying to bait, genuinely curious as a newer nijibrother
>>48595936>Come>I think Millie is actually losing it
>>48596281now who will release this abomination on Twitter?
>>48596386He's cute but it's still masculine, to my a pretty boy is like Mysta or Aster
wiwa is being drunk on main again
>>48596474maybe elira and selen are so different after all...
>>48595890What the fuck Millie
>>48596473You can be a masculine pretty boy, just have to have feminine “beautiful” features
>>48596445not japanese
>>48596292i'm not ready to watch vods right now either, but eventually i'll run out... it's so fucking unfair, just as he was about to spend all his time with us playing totk non-stop... why...
>>48596433Imagine Finana frotting with Selen...
>>48595947>himbimshould be "twink">herboshould be "gymbo"
>>48596521Okay my phrasings was bad, his face is too masculine to me to be a pretty boy, I need a more feminine looking face
>>48596406Never ask again
>>48596539Please no, I was happy that the thread escaped the fanfic arc we were in for like 4 days
>>48596406I have hands, you want that?
>NijiEN dating show : Luca, Uki, Ren, Kyo>Golf w/ Friends : Ironmouse, Rosemi, Nina, Mika, Scarra, Sykkunowhich one will you watch??
>>48596587nice foot bro how big is your PP
>>48596587Nigga you really inherited those flat foot monkey genes
how's /nenmen/ taking it? I don't dare to look
Male PomuTori
Feesh is trying to go higher and higher...
>>48596622both look gay and they aint playing yugioh
>>48596622Well one has Rosemi in it so that one
>>48596530I miss him so much, even typing about him here is making me tear up.....I hope he comes back healthy and happy
Hello /SocEN/!! How cringe and unwanted are you today?
>>48596622>Starts in 3 hours (8:00 AM)My nigga why are you awake? I won't watch either though, mayyybe I'll drop by golf but I dunno
>>48596700ok but horses are kind of erotic even the greek and the romans were like REALLY into horses
>>48596724wake up early.
Remind me to keep Feesh away from the slot machines
>>48596622purple dragon
>>48596657it's real sad nigga hours over there
>>48596750They do have nice cocks
>>48596730it works out, wiwas said she didn't want to be the host for the baby
>>48596622i was willing to watch the dating show but kyo is an instant no
sexo con rosemi
Sex with Finana while she sits on my lap playing the slot machines
summary on the Day 1 Valo tournament?prediction on what will happen on Day 2??
>>48596445numerous reasons. Let's just say she fucked up
>>48596622Any stream with Kyo or Luca is an instant X
>>48596474YEEEEEEES the robofuckers grow stronger everyday!Incidentally I stumbled upon a mecha thread on /v/ this morning and got reminded of how fucking sex ZOE's mechs are.
>>48596750You guys say shit like this and I remember the shock videos that used to be shared on Facebook years ago about women fucking horses.
>>48596622>1 has males>the other has ecelebsNeither
>>48596951no I don't mean in like sexual degen way. Horses just have this Giger thing where they have this eroticism physique like xenomorphs
>>48596818I wouldn't say "nice" necessarily but they're long and the weight/size difference makes it hot
Feesh I think you might have a problem...
>>48596711me too.. me too... i don't need huge projects, or outfits, or 3D... i just want to see him happy and healthy on screen again...... i don't think i'll be okay until he tweets again.
>>48596673What is their ship name? Mysttel?
>>48596951I remember 2 girls one cupI remember lemonpartyI remember BME pain olympicsI remember the isis beheading videosI remember the video of a family driving where a truck driver throws a brick out his window and kills the motherThe world is an ugly place
>>48596951Mr Hands was a dude getting killed by a horse, not a woman
>>48596750I can't take it anymore
>>48597046>family driving whereI hate that one
Finana's going for the 10000 multiplier...
>>48597060Said fucking, not getting killed. There was alot of Brazilian women getting fucked by horses being shared on Facebook and other places.
>>48597046>I remember the video of a family driving where a truck driver throws a brick out his window and kills the motherThis is why I avoid driving behind trucks, specially those carrying sugarcane.
>>48597021I think when he tweets I will actually burst into tears....I don't even care about any events too I just want to see him play his stupid fishing game and be autistic
>>48596730There's been a uptick on futa Elira art lately (I don't think there was any until recently) and Selen always had a number of them, I feel like people are manifesting something.
Wose soon
Sonny’s probably gonna be the only one in Noctyx not to retweet Fulgur’s statement or anything and look awkward huh Sometimes I wish he used twitter more in situations like this
>>48597231t-minus 5 minutes
>>48597046I remember all of these. Also these are just the things that have been recorded. There's more fucked up things happening all the time we just don't know about.
>>48596622Neither, I'm gonna play the new Oregon Trail DLC that just dropped
Any buds here gonna archive the stream? you know its just dance stream and how it usually is
>>48597312not a bud but sure, I'll archive
I bet Finana wouldn't notice a dick going inside her while she plays the slot machine.
whatever happened to 3dpd
>>48596605NTA but yes
May is fucking crazy
Why are people posting feet? I don’t get why people even like them, I find them to be the weirdest part of the body especially mine.
>>48597329>>48597393Thank you!
>>48597226Has there? I've only seen some from SleepyPudding
tropical mermaid found dead in las vegas alley with both kidneys removed
>>48596622I would watch the dating show if it weren't for Uki, I'd watch Golf w/ Friends if it weren't for Scarra
>>48597460That dick? Mine.
>>48596673Didn't holofags try to push a narrative that this guy hates Niji because he's "Zaion's friend"?
>>48597219his dredge streams have been so comfy... i'm going to sink an unhealthy amount of hours into that game coping until he shows signs of life
>>48597460of course not after she put BD's XL Stan in her cooch
>>48597471>Chris Chanwhat did this fucker do this time. do i want to know
NO....................... I came to talk about Rosemi-sama and just foudn out about Fuuchan.......
How do you stop yourself from schizo when your oshi hasn't streamed or been active on twitter for more than a few minutes?
>>48597365Who is this boy
>>48597046>I remember the video of a family driving where a truck driver throws a brick out his window and kills the motherNever saw this one source?
>Yugone>Uki is on so many breaks he's who people think Petra is in terms of activity >Fulgur is on indefinite hiatus>Alban has pretty much stopped interacting with EN except for birthdays and Noctyx shitS-Sonny....
>>48597587He was spotted in walmart. That's pretty much it. He still has a sonichu necklace
Finana almost had five slimes
>>48597587got bailed out of Jail And is now free to rape dementia riddled women once again
>>48597684kek, he's like a fucking bigfoot sighting now
>>48596622This is probably the reason Aia is streaming earlier than usual. I'll probably watch golf for Rosemi and Scarra
>>48597202Mr Hands WAS fucking the horse anon. That's how he died.
I love Lord Donfather Rosemi-sama! I will marry her and make her the happiest woman!
>>48597484I find it funny that right after he finished that first Elira futa drawing, he drew an indie with an even fatter horsecock.
>>48597684>>48597730>People actually thought that the government will put him into asylumKek, they have too much faith in glowies. Chris-chan saga won't end untill Chris himself dies
>>48597684Oh I’m strangely glad he’s not in jail
>>48597825He raped his grandmother why are you glad he's out of jail
Feesh is a blackjack expert!
finana is a slot slut
>open stream>Finana is spamming slot machinesSince things never change
>>48597665Anon why would you actively seek that out? It doesn’t even sound interesting just sad
>>48597776And I’m saying that wasn’t the only video I remember being spread around, the Brazilians did so much bestiality videos that it was government sponsored at one point.
>>48597744Wow you put on gloves and everything, thanks anon
dear god I hate the sun it's so hot and bright and it reveals how dirty and dusty everything in my room is and it brings out all of the normies and it gives me energy that I don't spend so I just end up sitting around being destroyed by my own anxiety
>>48597929Just play computer games idiot
>>48597861Look I don’t even know if he actually did that or was just convinced into falsely admitting he did you never know
Sexual intercourse with Finana for as long as it takes her to get five slimes.
>>48597929Close the window and the door
>>48597900That's right, her email is obaasankosaka!
>>48597929do squats
>>48597226there has always been that one of futa elira and selen spitroasting finana
>>48597882Morbid curiosity, I guess. The description just makes me wonder how the fuck did it even happen
Watch Selen or play Persona 4...maybe both.
>>48597927I was bored and wanted to pretend to be a vtuber kek
Finana says the darndest of things sometimes
>>48597929clean your room
grrr bratty Feesh isn't going to Vegas without my supervision!
Finana gonna go broke in Vegas and will have to beg Pomu to pick her up won't she?
>>48598183Finana will have to sell her body to loan sharks...
>>48598183she will become pomu's sex slave for life
>>48598203Pomu is the loan shark...
>>48598203That loan shark? Me.
>>48598203Who’s the most groom able women in EN? Finana could probably start there
I actually HOPE Pomu goes with Fish on her Vegas trip. Fish needs supervision and Pomu could decompress for real.
Well there goes that Nina vod.I understand shit like this happens but man, you're an experienced streamer.
When is Elira coming back?
sonny is streaming today...its a good day. i hope people dont ask him about fulgur
>>48598042You can actually just search it on youtube, the truck driver doesn’t throw it at her it falls from the truck, it’s just dashcam and some depressing audio of the man and baby crying in the car
oh god it's restarting
>>48598313>When is elira coming MillieAttention.jpg
>>48598279if Aia isn't 100% kayfabe how some people here say then Aia. You could groom Aster in 10 minutes if you're a woman. I think that's what Azura is doing damn hag.
>Almost runs out of money>Gets five watermelonsI swear the luck of this Feesh.
>>48598313when her vacation is over
>>48598313Probably tomorrow if she feels better. Monday and today for sure weren't happening because of Shu's birthday.
Finana you're getting sweaty because I'm having sex with you while you play slots
Nina is really stupid sometimes
>Wastes 2.5 hours fighting bears over and over because a tiny amount of loot was on the other side>Parking her ass in front of a slot machine for thirty literal minutesThese streams are kino
>>48598307Nina said that she won't edit shit. It was censored and people already saw it, so there's no point to spend 3 days editing the VOD.
>>48598342I wouldn’t say Aia’s 100% act, most of the things she says is in line with a person with image issues and can’t speak up for themselves but she’s been pretty responsible with her money. I doubt she’d shell out cash for stupid shit.
>>48598307what happened?busy watching yorumi.
>>48598574I'm not trying to start anything, but I feel like this is the common feeling I get with every woman. Men are often stupid too in a different way, but with women it's like there's always that one thing... I kinda dig it personally, because there's always something that they won't compromise on, even if it's silly... It's really cute I feel
>>48598678Accidentally showed her paypal.
Nina is killing animeman and gigguk right now
There's no way Finana is finishing Omori until next week...
>>48598707was is doxx or just work email
Page 10 confession I get horny when I post feet because I image anons jerking off to it
>>48598753actual account
>>485970462 girls one cup wasnt that bad
>>48598753Seeing as this was a work stream, most likely company email.
>>48598802Finana uses her actual paypal and so does Nina it seems...
>>48598778>t. scat kyomie
>>48598753It was censored out like s**kd*** because they don't show your whole email.
Mysta has probably seen the most anime out of anyone in NijiEN but 99% of it is total trash, I kind of admire that he stays true to his tastes though
>>48598753Her home e-male, but it was censored. She said that it isn't a big deal and she won't edit it
>>48598778It was horrific with people dying or anything it's just gross
Pomu... Selen... I'm sorry I ever called either of you stupid. You may be a little dumb, but listening to one or both of you has never made my brain feel like it's melting!
>>48598829Why is nina a sick duck?
I wish Nina wasn't playing in English. Most of the voices are tolerable, but Clara sounds so fucking bad.
>>48598925Pomu and Selen are among the top 5 largest brains in NijiEN, unironically
>>48598857but has he seen.....
>>48598857>Mysta has probably seen the most anime out of anyone in NijiENI do not believe that even for a second
>>48598857Pomu and Sonny definitely watched more. Mysta just watched a bunch of garbage romcoms and harems from the past 10 years
>>48598966That would require him to have decent taste unfortunately
>>48598965you can tell their brains are big by how long it takes them to fully process a thought
>>48598989Mysta's just like me...
Pomu should go to las vegas with Finana not only to protect her but also to return the fucking sand
>>48598827hey that anon is right it wasn't bad it was SEXY
"I got some good sleep and because of that I feel unproductive."Holy shit dragoons why is she like this?
>>48598902It was just a lesbian scat porn of 2 girls shitting in a cup and eating shit
>>48599035omg you're right. Mybe take Ewiwa with them to meet her idol Jerma. She did buy Grotto Beasts after all.
>>48599091I meant to type *wasn't my bad, it wasn't horrible just gross
Why did Sonny even have a hair in his mouse. Doesn’t that only happen when you have a dog or cat
>>48599194its my hair
>>48599194happens to me
Finana says she won't be naughty anymore if she wins...
>>48599077>overworking>0 sleep>your sister is dating your crush
>>48599231Are you a man? Does your hair just fall off?
>>48598989Do Pomu and Sonny still watch anime? They struck me as the types to be nostalgiafags who don't watch modern stuff. Their taste is certainly better though, that much is certain.
so why ARE vr trackers so finicky?
Rosemi is hated by technology…
>>48599326yeah and sure
>>48599326bro my desk got hairs for days