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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.48502890

I really want Saruei to have a "redemption arc" or whatever but she's been a nasty French bitch for so long, even as a regular streamer.

Her model is pure sex though.

>> No.48502930

None of those whores are getting in.

>> No.48502956

Do any of these speak japanese?

>> No.48502966
Quoted by: >>48503485

Am I supposed to know who any of these are?

>> No.48502988

I would have sex with all of them at the same time.

>> No.48502993

I send them all to rebuild Vshojo in excess of what they lost.

>> No.48502999


>> No.48503012

>homo collaborator 1
>homo collaborator 2
>homo collaborator 3
>homo collaborator 4
>homo collaborator 5
>homo collaborator 6
>homo collaborator 7

>> No.48503083
Quoted by: >>48506508

forsen is already in hololive retardedbaj
trips confirm

>> No.48503105

Your mom should have had a girl.

>> No.48503107

Viena, Saruei, Filian would be locks for me. I don't care who else comes as long as it's not Veibae.

>> No.48503187
Quoted by: >>48507222

I pick
The whore
The sperm bank whale
The trash panda
And the and may Allah forgive me for uttering this
The French

>> No.48503315
File: 50 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.3998986458_sbr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48503485
Quoted by: >>48503541

they're the most followed twitch vtubers if you count out the vshojo thots

>> No.48503541

What about pokimane?

>> No.48503627
Quoted by: >>48504532

Didn't she get on her meds and start flirting with her chat because she realized she's been an unbearable trollop? I think honestly if she could control her utter degeneracy, she would not be the worst option. She's a big Mori fan too, could potentially be redeemed by keeping on her menhera meds.

>> No.48503661
Quoted by: >>48503712

Lumi, Shilly, who is that one in upper left corner with cute model. Rest can go to meat grinder but remember to throw Saruei leg-first there so she will be suffering the most.

>> No.48503700

Filian to support her 3D shenanigans
Finnish Lumi because she's very good and family friendly + finally EU representation
Vienna because she seems sort of cool
Numi could be the Hoshikawa Sara of Hololive and I'm okay with this
I can't decide on the last one desu

>> No.48503712
Quoted by: >>48503767


>> No.48503767

Thanks. I heard that name hundreds of times but never really saw anything from her so I guess I sound like idiot that got caught on cute model. Either way an unknown with cute model is better than rest of them so lol.

>> No.48503779

Snuffy has the perfect body

>> No.48503814
Quoted by: >>48503937

Do any of these play fucking video games?

>> No.48503816
File: 3.37 MB, 2157x2441, 1615516611112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely not to all

>> No.48503856
File: 885 KB, 836x1172, 1665217449083339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO, I'd rather die & not have en3

>> No.48503874

half of those hate hololive and only 1 likes hololive

>> No.48503908


>> No.48503937
Quoted by: >>48504564

5/9 of them regularly play games

>> No.48504064

None, they are better off as indies

>> No.48504437

Bao can actually sing and would be able to expand on that, I don't know about the others. EN could use more musically inclined holos.

>> No.48504532
Quoted by: >>48517396

You'd be surprised how often meds change everything. The degenerate horny shit is one of the reasons I like Saruei but she really needs to slow her roll and stop being a schizo so often.

>> No.48504564
Quoted by: >>48504634

Good video games though

>> No.48504634
File: 676 KB, 480x360, 1609871677885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48504769

>permissions to play good games

>> No.48504686

>9 whores

>> No.48504769

They're not in hololive

>> No.48504921
File: 1.50 MB, 1145x1142, 1682944306387193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why it's getting delayed

>> No.48505100
Quoted by: >>48506028

it's not like HoloEN isn't full of whores
at least these bitches stream

>> No.48505968

Lily already does better than the majority of HoloEN so I don't see what she gains from joining a dying branch

>> No.48506028

HoloEN girls are whores in the sense that they're not unicorn friendly
These twitch thots are whoring themselves out on main as their vtuber persona with no attempt to hide it
Only Mori does that in HoloEN and she should be graduated for it

>> No.48506208

> whores because unicorns can't scizo out

I really have to remember words have different meanings here and that everyone is some flavor of retarded

>> No.48506323

You might have to go back to r/vtubers and never come back actually

>> No.48506372
Quoted by: >>48506598

>7 whores, a hoe and a who
Do you really want that for EN3?

>> No.48506508
Quoted by: >>48509595

lsffags deserve nothing but a blood eagle

>> No.48506598
Quoted by: >>48507222

Most Holos were whos or whores before joining Hololive. Pekora was a titty streamer in the most literal sense of the word.

>> No.48506629

The left column and the bottom row. The other 4 are trashy.

>> No.48506637

None of them would be a good fit except maybe Vienna

>> No.48506759
File: 490 KB, 1000x707, 95194228_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beholden to my dick here. I need the horny bitchy Frog.

>> No.48506865

Easy. Fillian and shylily are great streamers and would be massive catches. saruei can be good when she's in the right mindset. I guess the last two would be snuffy and bao.

>> No.48506946

they're all too good to be left rotting in that EN branch

>> No.48507222

Unicorns on /vt/ are all muslims, I swear. They sound like the same faggots on /pol/ calling for white Sharia.

>> No.48507501

Trips of gay

>> No.48507616

>They sound like the same faggots on /pol/ calling for white Sharia.
I don't browse /pol/ but that sounds unironically based
Women need to be tard-wrangled but joining the sandniggers for their sharia isn't worth all the tradeoffs

>> No.48508011

Checked. /vt/ is a board for islamic shtposters.

>> No.48509595


>> No.48509831

>10+ years plus history of being a bitch toward everyone
>is still a lying and ungrateful cunt
yes sure

>> No.48510029
Quoted by: >>48514550

Anyone but Filian. Confing her to the 2Dlive straightjacket would be a nerf

>> No.48510619
Quoted by: >>48511818

Holy shit. Hiring these women would be peak mental retardation. And most of these women have built such a brand that they wouldn't go corpo. Shylily, Saruei, Bao, Fillian and Numi are definitely off the table.

>> No.48511237

Why no Buffpup?

>> No.48511479

>non-binary, trans, furry, pansexual, LGBTQWTFBBQ
Hololive has enough to deal with Altare and his bullshit. Buff isn't obnoxious about it at all but it's still best to be avoided.

>> No.48511635

didn't make the cut

>> No.48511696

Bao just to show chumkeks and irystokeks what a good singer is

>> No.48511818

Filian is toying with the idea of joining a corpo
she wants to do idolshit but i doubt Cover could pay her salary

>> No.48511844

vienna would do better in vspo EN

>> No.48511927


>> No.48511966
Quoted by: >>48512529

I can't speak for other girls but Vienna is an absolute red flag. She would continuously ramble about her ex and she can't sing well.

>> No.48512219

Filian for 3D interaction
Giri for very unique cooking stream
Shxtou to buff homos

>> No.48512529

I don't know why I get this vibe from her but Vienna seem like the type that's not good under management.

>> No.48512975
File: 101 KB, 1380x794, E_nIEyUVIAEIuT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saruei and ShyLily could be nice picks for our European brothers

Filian could improve cover's 3D activities.

Idk the other two

>> No.48513285

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fillian = ok
Nah, I rather get EN3 next year

>> No.48514057

What a horrendous lineup.

>> No.48514487

Can I get an order of these from the least degenerate to the most degenerate? I don't know much about whores

>> No.48514550

Many indies would have worse content in Hololive since they rely on 3D, yeah.

>> No.48515071

Lumi (not degenerate at all)
Shylily, Rainhoe, Numi
Snuffy (trashy furry)

>> No.48515234
Quoted by: >>48516181

The only ones I know on the image are Shylily, Nihumune, Bao, and Filian.
The first three are your standard ewhores turned vtubers. I don't really watch Filian, but from what I've seen, she has a decent sense of humor and significantly less offensive than the other three.

>> No.48516181
Quoted by: >>48517474

Filian is the edgiest out of all of them lol, her entire brand is pandering to irony poisoned children on tiktok

>> No.48516690

8 is literally a mod for connor/cdawg

>> No.48517396

Why are menhera`s so hot

>> No.48517474

When I say "less offensive" I mean less annoying, and sexually cringe than the others. I don't mean it in the plebbit sense of the word.

>> No.48517972

Filian, Shylily, and Saruei are easy picks
You have your cringe memer, your shit-obsessed coombaiter, and your artist
Idk who else to pick, get 1 singer and 1 gamer

>> No.48518303

In that order. I haven't seen much of Rainhoe, so she's the only one I can't judge. If she's alright, then I'd replace Shylily with her.

>> No.48518508
Quoted by: >>48519303

I pick no one and skip to HoloEN4

>> No.48519303

enjoy your homoEN3
